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Section I. VA Portfolio Loans2.01 Types of VA Portfolio Loans 2-12.02 Records and Reports 2-22.03 Property Inspections 2-22.04 Repair or Restoration of Property 2-32.05 Advances to Protect or Preserve the Security 2-42.06 T and I (Tax and Insurance) Deposit Account 2-52.07 Taxes and Assessments 2-102.08 Hazard Insurance 2-142.09 Hazard Insurance Losses 2-222.10 Disaster and Areas of Default Concentration 2-252.11 Release or Substitution of Security 2-252.12 Prior Lienholder Agreement With Farmers Home Administration (Portfolio Loans) 2-292.13 Mineral Rights Including Gas and Oil 2-302.14 Release from Personal Liability 2-312.14.1 Assumption Approvals Under 38 U.S.C. 3714 2-332.15 Easements, Rights-of-Way, Zoning Restrictions 2-34g2.16 Issuance of Deed to Purchaser Under Installment Contract 2-34g2.17 Approval of Assignment of Installment Contract 2-34g2.18 Remittances Received Under Special Conditions 2-34h2.19 Disclosure of Information 2-362.20 Loan Servicing 2-372.21 Outregion Servicing 2-472.22 Loan Service Representative--Approach 2-472.23 Notice to Original Borrower and Subsequent Obligors of Transferee's Default 2-542.24 Resumed Service Cases (VA Portfolio Loans). 2-572.25 Setoff Against Other Benefit Payments to Veteran 2-60a2.26 Change of Ownership and Payment in Full 2-60b2.27 Liquidation Indicated 2-62a2.28 Final Effort for Reinstatement 2-652.29 Termination of VA Portfolio Loan. 2-662.30 Disposition of Records in Closed Cases 2-70

Section II. Guaranteed and Insured Loans2.31 Responsibility of Holders 2-712.32 Advice to Holders 2-712.33 Notice of Default 2-812.34 Supplemental Servicing by VA 2-822.35 Acceptability of Payments on Loans in Default 2-88b2.36 Outregion Servicing 2-892.37 Resumed Service Cases (Loans Guaranteed by VA) 2-89


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Section II. Guaranteed and Insured Loans --- Continued

2.38 Refunding Under 38 CFR 36.4318 2-932.39 Release of Personal Liability 2-982.40 Emergency or Other Unusual Conditions 2-1002.41 Disasters Involving the Death of Active Service Members and Veterans Who Die Due to Service-Connected Disability 2-1062.42 Military Base Cutbacks or Closing and Homeowners Assistance,

Department of Defense 2-106

Section III. Sale of Portfolio Loans and Repurchase of Vendee Accounts

2.43 Sale Policy 2-1102.44 Loan Sale Offerings 2-110a2.45 Sales and Settlement Procedure 2-1112.46 Supplemental Loan Servicing 2-1212.47 Repurchase of Vendee Accounts Under 38 CFR 36.4600 2-124

Section IV. Release of Liability Pursuant to 38 CFR 36.4285(e), 36.4323(f) and 36.4508(b)

2.48 Policy and Criteria 2-126a2.49 Procedure in States Where Grantee Can Assume Personal

Liability to Mortgage Holder and Indemnity Liability to VA by Clause in Conveyance-Deed 2-128

2.50 Procedure in States Where Assumption Clause in Conveyance Deed Does Not Accrue to the Benefit of Third Parties 2-132

2.51 Distribution of Executed Instruments of Assumption and Release 2-136

2.52 Direct Loan Procedure 2-1362.53 Divorce Cases 2-1372.54 Joint Loans 2-1372.55 Deviation From Standard Procedure 2-1372.56 Internal Records and Followup 2-1382.57 Dissemination of Information About Release from

Personal Liability 2-139

[Section V. Retroactive Release of Liability

2.58 Policy and Criteria 2-1392.59 Procedure 2-1412.60 Internal Records 2-147]


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This and the following chapter is directed to the management and servicing of VA portfolio loans and guaranteed or insured loans.



The term "VA portfolio loans" as referred to in this manual is intended to include only those loans which are held and serviced by VA as described in this section. Loans which were acquired or refunded by VA for purely salvage purposes (i.e., as a step in the process to recover all or part of a claim payment) are not included in the term "VA portfolio loans."

a. Direct Loans. Loans made pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 1811. For the establishment of records for the management and servicing of direct loans, see paragraph 3.01a.

b. Vendee Accounts. These loans arise from two sources: (1) the sale o properties which are acquired by VA in connection with, or as a result of , the guaranteed or insured loan program; and (2) the sale of properties which are acquired by VA under the direct loan program. Direct loans which are sold and guaranteed by VA will be subject to the regulations for guaranteed and insured loans, and the security for any such loan which may be subsequently acquired and sold by VA will be treated accordingly under the regulations and procedures for guaranteed loans. However, if the security for a vendee account was formerly the security for a direct loan which had been continuously held by VA until 1 the direct loan was terminated, such vendee account must be considered as having arisen under the direct loan program. This is necessary in order to account properly for funds received in connection with the d-direct loan program. Whether secured by note and mortgage or installment contract, no distinction is made in respect to the servicing of vendee accounts.

c. Examination of Loan Documents. When the sale of a property owned by VA is closed, the Property Management Section will submit VA Form 26-6714, Sales Closing Statement (par. 3.21), together with all legal documents and related papers, including credit information on the purchasers and the latest appraisal report on the property. In connection with the establishment of vendee account records (par. 3.01b) a careful review and check for accuracy will be made of the loan papers with respect to:

(1) Date of sale;

(2) Sales price;

(3) Downpayment;

(4) Amount of loan;


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(5) Term of loan and interest rate;

(6) Payments for principal and interest;

(7) Deposits for taxes and insurance;

(8) Proration of taxes;

(9) Whether note is fully described in other instruments;

(10) Signature;

(11) Recordation of mortgage instruments; and

(12) Insurance policies (coverage, endorsements, loss payable provisions).

d. Acquired Loans. (See par. 3.02d for identifying loan numbers.) These loans will be established and maintained under two categories, as shown below. In connection with the processing of acquired loan records (par. 3.01c), care will be exercised to see that appropriate documents are recorded and that all loan papers are examined for accuracy as shown in subparagraph c above for vendee accounts.

(1) Loans made under 38 U.S.C. 1810 or 1815 which are refunded under 38 CFR 36.4318 to avoid liquidation. (See par. 2.38.)

(2) Other loans acquired by VA.


The details and description of all required records and reports on loan management activities will be found in chapter 3 with respect to the establishment of loan folders, the numbering system, the visible index system, vouchering procedure, etc., and references will be made to other parts of this manual for the details of related records, reports, and procedures.


a. Frequency and Scope of Inspections

(1) Inspections. Generally, it will not be necessary to inspect properties securing portfolio loans except when station management determines that a property inspection will be in the best interests of the Government. A property inspection would be warranted when the VA learns that a property is vacant, or that some loss has occurred to the security; i.e., damage by fire, windstorm, flood, or when a loan is seriously delinquent. When a VA representative travels in an area where properties securing portfolio loans are located, he or she should observe, inspect, and report on the


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condition of any Property that is in need of repairs, or is vacant and not properly secured, whenever it is feasible to do so.

(2) Inspection Reports. When a property is inspected, a property inspection report will usually be completed. VA Form 26-6808, Loan Service Report, or VA Form 26-8463, Property Inspection Report, may be used for this purpose.

b. Necessary Repairs. The "Inspection Report" is Primarily for VA's information, but any repairs necessary and any fire or other hazards which should be removed for the Proper protection of the property will be promptly called to the owner's attention by letter. If the repairs or hazards are of sufficiently urgent nature, a followup will be maintained until the borrower reports their accomplishment; otherwise, another inspection and cost estimate will be made in order to determine whether an advance will be necessary to protect the security.


a. Procedure. If, as a result of a property inspection, necessary protective repairs to a security property appear to be needed, the borrower will be urged to make them at his/her own expense. However, if he/she is unable to do so, VA may make an advance for such purposes. (See par. 2.05.) In the event an advance is considered necessary and the estimated cost of such repairs exceeds $1,500, the borrower will be instructed to obtain and submit three competitive bids to VA for the performance of the necessary work. Competitive bids will also be obtained for repairs of less than $1,500 if, in the opinion of station management, the procedure appears to be in the best interest of VA. Competitive bids may be waived because of the urgency of the situation or if, after diligent efforts, contractors willing to bid cannot be found. Bids submitted shall adequately describe the nature and extent of the work to be performed and provide for payment by the contractor of necessary licenses, permits and worker's compensation or liability insurance, if required. It may be advisable to prepare VA Form 26-6724, Invitation, Bid, and/or Acceptance or Authorization, for the purpose of obtaining bids, especially when serious repairs are involved. Upon determining that a bid is acceptable as to scope and amount, the borrower shall be notified to permit the contractor to proceed with the work. When advisable, and in any case if the cost of the proposed repairs is to exceed $1,500, or the competitive bid procedure is not used, the advice of a staff construction analyst will be obtained before approving a bid. To the extent practicable, the same procedure is applicable to repairs or restoration of the property in the event of damage by fire or other insured hazards, in accordance with paragraph 2.09d.

b. Completion of Repairs. Upon completion of the repairs and prior to Payment (subpar. d. below), the borrower shall certify to VA that the work has been completed to his/her satisfaction and shall also obtain from the contractor and submit to VA a certification


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that all repairs provided for in the contract have been fully completed, all materials have been fully paid for, and no mechanics or other liens arising from such work have been filed or can come into existence. The contractor's bill for material and services should be submitted in duplicate with these certifications.

c. Inspections. If one or more inspections of the property are required-while the work is in progress or after the completion, they will be made, whenever possible, by salaried personnel. If it is not practicable to assign the inspection to a salaried employee, a fee inspector may be used and his/her fee charged to the borrower's loan account as part of the advance. An inspection will be made in every case in which the repairs exceeds $1,500 and in other cases when it is deemed to be necessary (par. 2.09c).

d. Payment for Repairs. When the work has been accepted following its completion and inspection, as above, vouchers or statements (par. 3.10) will be forwarded, together with the advice to Finance activity on VA Form 26-6820, Advice of Changes in Terms or Status of Portfolio Loan (par. 3.29).


a. Limitations. Advances on direct loans, vendee accounts, and acquired loans will be limited to necessary repairs for preservation of the security, essential repairs or replacement of household equipment such as deficient plumbing, heating, or wiring and tax assessments or insurance coverage when necessary.

b. Authorization. Within the limitations described above, advances or taxes, assessments, and insurance premiums may be made pursuant to paragraph 2.06d, or for necessary repairs or replacements provided:

(1) The debtor fails or refuses to pay the required amount or to make such repairs after reasonable demand.

(2) The amount advanced in any consecutive 12-month period for repairs without the prior approval of Central Office does not exceed $3,000.

(3) By operation of law or by appropriate provisions in the security instruments, or by current assignment when proper (or otherwise), such "advance" is secured on a parity with the obligation originally secured by such instruments. The best evidence of the indebtedness created by the advance shall be obtained.

An advance in excess of $3,000 will not be made unless Central Office shall have approved the proposal before any commitment has been made, and submission of the loan folder for this purpose shall include all pertinent information, together with a recent appraisal of the property if necessary or advisable; but otherwise a reliable indication of the "as is" and "as repaired" value will suffice. The


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amount of such advances will be charged to the borrower's account, and, when appropriate, a written agreement will be obtained stipulating the repayment plan for the amount so advanced. Interest will be charged from the date of disbursement at the same rate as that charged on the loan currently held by the VA, in the case of any advance not requiring prior approval of Central Office. However, in the case of an advance requiring Central Office approval, for normal repairs ordinarily financed without VA assistance or for repair or damage caused by the owner's neglect, Central Office will probably require that interest shall be charged at the current rate for new loans. Amortized advances in excess of $3,000 at lower than current interest rates will generally not be approved by Central Office unless the repairs are made necessary by circumstances for which the property owner is not responsible and over which he/she had no control. Subparagraphs (1) and (3) above are inapplicable to "abandoned" property. No funds for repairs will be disbursed, except in accordance with the limitations prescribed in paragraph 2.04b. The amount and disposition of any advance will be reported to Finance by the use of VA Form 26-6820 (bar. 3.29).


The prompt and proper payment of taxes, special assessments, and hazard insurance premiums are necessary actions which must be performed in connection with the servicing of VA portfolio loan accounts. Thus, VA insists upon the establishment of a tax and insurance. deposit account by every borrower on a primary direct loan, vendee account, and acquired loan, and has assumed the burden of estimating and collecting sufficient amounts, as provided by the security instruments, to make payments when they become due. In the case of an acquired loan, any lump-sum payment which may be required to bring the account to date may be waived upon the acquisition of such loan if the borrower is unable to make the deposit at that time and, if necessary, an advance may be made when the payment is due. This account may also be utilized for the accumulation of funds for the payment of ground rents, installment improvement assessments, or similar fixed charges against the property, if determined to be desirable. An exception to the requirement for the establishment of a T and I account may be made in vendee account cases when the vendee prefers to Day his/her own taxes and insurance premiums after having made a downpayment of at least 25 percent of the purchase price and if, in the judgment of the Loan Guaranty Officer, it is in the best interests of the Government to do so.

a. Requirements and Maintenance. The utmost vigilance must be exercised for the proper handling of the T and I account, since the protection of the Government's interest is involved, as well as the timely disbursement of accumulated funds. After tax and insurance data segments have been properly established in PLS (Portfolio Loan System) on existing or newly established loans (M26-11, ch. 3), a technician will review RPO (record printout) reason code 79 to assure that all such data is complete and accurate, making any corrections that may be required. Thereafter, in order to provide


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controls and to assure prompt payment of tax and insurance items as they become due, PLS will produce tax account listings and insurance printouts (disposed of in accordance with RCS VB-1, pt. I, item No. 12-114.400) together with disbursement turnabout cards (disposed of in accordance with RCS VB-1, pt. I, item No. 12-204.000) at callup dates specified by Loan Guaranty Division. If payments are not made when due, additional followup messages will be provided by the system. Every active, primary loan account must have at least one insurance segment established in the PLS master record, even if the security property is uninsured or uninsurable (also see par. 2.08c(4)).

(1) Additional Coverage . The amount which is required to be deposited in a T and I account may be voluntarily increased by a borrower in order to provide sufficient funds for the periodic renewal of a "combination policy" (par. 2.08c(1)) or other insurance coverage in excess of VA requirements as set forth in paragraph 2.08c.

(2) Purpose of Accumulation. The sums accumulated in a T and I account relate to the property which is security for the loan. They are not held for the benefit of the obligor who makes the payments, except insofar as he or she benefits by having the taxes and insurance paid when due. The principal purpose is for the protection of VA as mortgagee. If the property is sold, the amount in the T and I account remains available for payment of the items for which it was created. It is the responsibility of the purchaser and the seller at the time of settlement to agree upon any necessary adjustments incident to the sale.

(3) Waiver of Insurance Escrow . The maintenance of an escrow account for payment of hazard insurance renewal premiums on a vendee loan may be waived when the value of the land as indicated by the assessment or the tax bill is sufficient to protect VA's interest as mortgagee or contract vendor and it is in the best interests of the Government to do so. Following a determination that the insurance escrow may be waived and the loan is current, the insurance folder will be documented with a memorandum setting forth the reasons for the decision. When the next insurance premium on the account is paid, the policy will be returned to the borrower with FL 26-642. One copy of FL 26-642 will be sent to the billing agent and one copy will be filed in the loan folder. The remaining contents of the insurance folder) including the memorandum documenting the reasons for the decision to allow the borrower to take responsibility for maintenance of hazard insurance coverage, will also be filed in the loan folder. Appropriate PLS coding action will be taken to adjust the monthly installment amount (TT (transaction type) 160) and to revise the insurance segment to indicate it is in direct-pay status with no VA followup (payment mode "7" with carrier code "77777"). (See M26-11, par. 3.19b(4).) If more than one hazard insurance segment is to be converted to direct-pay status, conversion of each segment should be performed at the time the corresponding renewal premium is paid. Should the borrower insist that VA retain


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responsibility for hazard insurance renewal, VA will comply with the borrower's request. In such cases, the installment amount and insurance segment must be revised accordingly.

[(4) Initial Escrow Account Statement. Loan service representatives must notify borrowers, no later than 45 days after the establishment of the escrow account, of the amount and dates of the estimated taxes, insurance premiums, and other charges that are expected to be paid during the first 12 months after the establishment of the account. Form Letter 26-185a is used to notify new portfolio loan borrowers of these escrow payments, and transferee borrowers are notified by Form Letter 26-185b. Form Letter 26-185a should be prepared and mailed only if the loan folder indicates that it was not given to new borrowers at loan closing. Form Letter 26-185b will always be sent to the transferee when a loan assumption has been completed.

(5) Annual Escrow Account Statements. An annual escrow account statement must be sent to borrowers no later than January 30th of each year. VA Form 6495a, Borrower's Statement of Loan Account, which is sent out from the Austin Automation Center, contains the following information on the borrower's escrow account: the portion of the monthly mortgage payments credited to taxes and insurance, the total amount paid into the escrow account, the amount paid out of the escrow account itemized by expenditure, and the balance in the escrow account at the end of each year.]

b. Adjustment by VA. Generally and if feasible, the amount required for anticipated payments of taxes, assessments, ground rents, hazard insurance, or other such items, should be on deposit 2 months prior to the date when they become due and payable, but in no event less than 1 month prior to the due date. To this end, the adequacy of monthly payments to the T and I account and the anticipated balance in that account are considerations deserving continuous attention. A specific review of each T and T account will be accomplished not less frequently than once in each 12 months. The T and I analysis available from PLS will be used by Loan Guaranty in meeting this responsibility.

c. Analysis and Review

(1) For accounts that require changes and for those that could not be analyzed, PLS T and I analysis will produce individual RPO's. [Stations will effect proposed installment changes using CSE/CCSE (code sheet elimination/centralized code sheet elimination) screen TPL 09. All RPO's] will be systematically and promptly reviewed, with appropriate action taken, by designated Loan Guaranty personnel and the RPO's filed in the loan folders.


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(2) Two kinds of adjustments will be made automatically by PLS based upon the T and I analysis. In such cases, RPO's will be produced for review and documentation. (These changes will only be proposed, rather than made automatically, if the loan is less than 1 year old, if a reportable default, or if paid by deduction from benefits or military allotment.)

(a) Small installment increases of $2 to $10 per month will be made automatically, effective with the next installment that is billed. The borrower will be informed of the change by a printed legend on his or her next VA Form 26-0530, Mortgage Loan Payment Notice. RPO reason code 56 will be produced.

(b) Surplus T and I balances over $50 will be transferred automatically (in even $50 multiples) as a credit to the unpaid principal balance of the loan, without notifying the borrower. RPO reason code 50 will be produced. If at a later date, the borrower insists on obtaining such surplus, and if the account is current and otherwise satisfactory, the transferred surplus may be refunded. A voucher will be prepared by Loan Guaranty to authorize Finance activity to make the appropriate adjustments.

(3) Four kinds of adjustments in T and I accounts will be proposed for review, determination and action following T and I analysis from PLS.

(a) Proposed installment increases over $10 per month (or from $2 to $10 per month if an automatic increase could not be made) will be reported for action by RPO reason code 57.

(b) Proposed installment decreases over $1 per month will be reported for action by RPO reason code 52.

(c) Proposed excess balances over $50 will be reported for action by RPO reason code 51 on cases in which an automatic transfer of T and I surplus to principal could not be made. Upon review, any desired transfer of funds will be initiated by memorandum to the Finance activity.

(d) Anticipated cash shortages for future payments will be reported for action by RPO reason code 58, showing up to three future due dates and predicted shortage amounts. Appropriate action will be taken to collect a lump sum payment for T and I or to prorate the shortage over a specific period by increasing the T and I installment.

1. A lump sum T and I deposit may be required from the borrower by sending a letter of explanation with one or more manually prepared VA Form 4-5218, Mortgage Loan Collection Card (PLACE), and PRPS (Philadelphia Remittance Processing Site) return envelopes. Such cards will contain complete loan identification and will be


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clearly marked "T and I Deposit Only - TT 404." It will be necessary to establish a followup on these cases to determine from history lists whether the lump sum payment was actually received and properly applied.

2. An increase in the monthly T and I installment to make up the anticipated "shortage" in the T and I account may be coded into PLS. Usually it will be necessary also to write a letter to the borrower explaining the purpose for this installment increase and the expected term for which it will be effective. A diary may also be established to assure review at the end of that period.

(4) PLS will not analyze accounts that are frozen or have certain data missing. Such cases will be reported for review and action by RPO reason code 76. A manual analysis will be performed, if necessary, and appropriate adjustments made.

(5) Manual T and I analysis for the insurance segment must be performed at the time one or more insurance segments of an account are converted to direct-pay status. No PLS output will be produced specifically for this purpose. In some cases, an RPO reason code 67 will be available and may be used for the analysis. If it is not available, a current RPO may be requested in accordance with M26-11 paragraph 3.31a. [The same information is available through RAS (Rapid Access System)].

d. Advances by VA

(1) When disbursements for taxes, special assessments and insurance premiums are processed in PLS, an advance will be made automatically to the extent there are insufficient funds in the T and I account to cover the disbursement. The amount of the advance will be immediately added to the outstanding principal balance, included in the delinquent segment and recorded in the advance segment with the amount, date and reason. Interest will be calculated on the advance to the next installment due date.

(2) When the advance is made, the next installment due date will (if necessary) be down dated automatically by the system to properly reflect the total unpaid amount. As a matter of policy, a reportable default cannot be created solely by failure to repay an advance promptly. Therefore, the amount of the advance will be excluded from any other delinquent amounts for 100 days in determining reportable default status within the system.

(3) [The borrower must be notified at least annually of any shortage of funds in the escrow account. The borrower will be notified by a special legend printed on the next VA Form 26-0530 of an advance due to insufficient funds. The form is generated by the Austin Automation Center. In addition, the taxes and insurance


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"Ending Balance" item of VA Form 6495a which is also system-generated, annually notifies borrowers of any shortage of funds in the escrow account.]

(4) If the advance has not been repaid within 100 days, the amount of advance will be considered along with any other past due amounts in determining reportable default status in PLS. Loan Guaranty will be notified of a new default by RPO reason code 60. Upon receipt, Loan Guaranty will, in most cases, take appropriate servicing action to temporarily modify the monthly installment payment to recoup the amount advanced. (Refer to M26-11, par. 3.31e(4) and fig. 14, for coding instructions for Modification Type 4.) Such increase in the installment payment will be based on the borrower's ability to pay depending on the individual circumstances in each case. In no event, however, will the repayment of the amounts advanced be spread over a period exceeding 8 months. In unusual cases, unpaid advances may be permanently capitalized and the total indebtedness, including advances, reamortized (Modification Type 1) within the existing life of the loan.

(5) In instances in which unpaid advances are less than the installment payment, the loan account will be classified in PLS as delinquent. Loan Guaranty will be notified by RPO reason code 65 of such continuous delinquency when the number of consecutive months the loan has been delinquent is equal to the Delinquent Service Code. Borrowers should be contacted and arrangements made to liquidate such delinquencies within the borrower's ability to pay.

(6) If an advance is made on an account in which the installment is fully covered by a deduction from benefits or a military allotment (how paid code 2 or 3), an RPO reason code 94 will be produced for Loan Guaranty. Upon receipt, prompt action will be taken to contact the borrower, explain the advance and arrange for its repayment as follows:

(a) One or more manually prepared VA Forms 4-5218 and return envelopes may be provided. Such cards should contain complete loan identification and be clearly marked "Repayment of Advance - TT 400."

(b) The account may be changed to how paid code 4 or 5, so as to have the system generate and mail payment notices for any delinquent or unpaid amounts.

(c) If an increase in the monthly installment is also necessary, arrangements will be made to change the deduction or allotment, if possible, or to collect the additional payments through supplemental direct billing by the system and how paid code 4 or 5.


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(7) When efforts to collect amounts advanced are unsuccessful and it is determined that further efforts are not warranted, arrearages of $10 or less may be eliminated as a delinquent item by notifying the Finance activity. This procedure may also be applied to any other arrearage of $10 or less irrespective of its origin.


(NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, references to taxes, tax bills and tax listings are meant to apply equally to special assessments.)

a. Obtaining Bills. As an aid in procurement of tax bills, PLS will produce tax account listings (and control cards if desired) for each particular taxing authority by the callup date established in the tax segment or upon demand at any time. Supplemental listings will be produced for accounts established in the system after the regular callup is made. These listings may be in loan identification sequence or in special sorted sequences required by the tax collector, as indicated by the tax service code established in each PLS tax segment. Examples of special sorted sequences are: parcel numbers, owner names, tract, block, lot numbers, etc. (Refer to M26-11, ch. 3, sec. X, for taxing description coding instructions.) It is important to maintain contact with local taxing authorities to assure that their current requirements are known and understood and that opportunities for improved service are explored.

(1) PLS tax account listings [I are commonly presented to taxing authorities to obtain individual tax bills. In some areas, tax collectors will post the assessed values, tax amounts and allowable discounts, if any, on VA's listings in lieu of providing individual tax bills. Such completed lists, properly certified by the tax collector or other duly authorized official, will satisfy VA requirements for bills rendered.

(2) In areas where original tax bills are required to be mailed directly to property owners, it is often possible for VA to obtain copies of bills for payment. It may also be possible to arrange for the tax bills to be addressed to the owner in care of the VA. if such arrangements cannot be made, the borrowers will be advised at the proper time to forward tax bills to the VA office promptly upon


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receipt to avoid possible penalties or interest charges. Upon request to Austin DPC (Data Processing Center), arrangements may be made for such notices to borrowers to be included with regular billing notices mailed to all accounts for a particular office of jurisdiction or State.

(3) Receipted tax bills or other satisfactory evidence of payments will be obtained from borrowers who are permitted to pay their own taxes. In some instances, the tax records may have to be searched. When the evidence is obtained, the appropriate tax segment in PLS will be updated to record the payment. (See M26-11, par. 3.17a.)

(4) Properties Owned by VA. The PMS (Property Management System) will provide the same tax service and output for VA-owned properties as PLS provides for portfolio loans. Since procedures for tax segment coding, procurement of tax bills, and control of tax vouchering and payment are the same for portfolio loans and VA-owned properties, it is recommended that station management establish a single tax unit under the jurisdiction of the Loan Service and Claims Section. In the event station management assigns responsibility for taxes and assessments on VA-owned properties to the Property Management Section, the responsibility of the Loan Service and Claims Section will be limited to obtaining necessary tax bills or equivalent. The Loan Service and Claims Section will forward all such bills or equivalent to the Property Management Section promptly upon receipt.

b. Examination of Bills. Upon receipt of the bills or certified lists, each tax will be checked carefully with the related account on the PLS tax account listing to make sure it covers the right property and includes all the property embraced in the security instrument. If the current amount of the tax is considerably higher than the last amount paid as shown on the tax listing, and appears out of line with increases for other properties in the same locality, it may be desirable to bring this to the attention of the borrower.

c. Veteran's Exemption. A number of States or municipalities extend forms of partial or total exemption to veterans from the payment of real estate taxes. If such an exemption is available and the bill or certified listing of a particular tax does not indicate that it has been used, the borrower will be advised of this privilege and every reasonable assistance given to him or her to obtain the benefits to which he or she is entitled. This also applies to homestead exemptions which may exist in some jurisdictions.

d. Payment of Taxes

(1) After Loan Guaranty has verified that the tax bill is correct, the amount of each tax payment (considering discounts, etc.) will be posted to the tax account listing. If a special


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assessment payment includes an identifiable interest portion, such interest amount will also be identified and posted on the listing next to the total disbursement amount, in order that it may be properly recorded in the borrower's account. When completed, the tax account listing will be totaled by each fund (36X4025 or 36X4024, as appropriate), administratively certified and forwarded to the Finance activity for payment together with the tax bills. An additional copy of the tax account listing for the payee will normally be required. Preparation of input media (turnabout cards or code sheets) to record individual tax disbursements in PLS will be the responsibility of the Finance activity based upon the certified tax account listings or other voucher documents received from Loan Guaranty.

(2) Exception cases will be identified on the tax account listings as follows:

(a) If an account is not to be paid on this listing, mark an "XI" in the left margin beside the account number.

(b) If the loan has been paid in full or otherwise terminated, add the word "term" in the left margin.

(c) If the tax must be paid on a loan already frozen for sale, mark "Sale-Purchaser XXXX" in the left margin, using the four-digit purchaser code shown on the statement of settlement list. This will alert the Finance activity to give special handling for reimbursement by procedures detailed in MP-4, part V, chapter 9, paragraph 9N.14.

(d) If a tax bill is to be paid for an account that does not appear on the regular tax account listing or any supplemental listing at hand, add the account at the bottom of the list.

(e) If all copies of the tax listing have been used to process payments to a given collector (except for the control copy), use SF 1034, Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal, or equivalent, to voucher the payment.

(3) To help assure timely payment of all taxes and to take advantage of any discounts for early payment, PLS contains an indicated due date in each tax segment. If the tax payment is not recorded in the system by the indicated due date, an RPO reason code 71 will be produced for Loan Guaranty on that date and every 30 days thereafter until paid. The indicated due date should be carefully selected; early enough to allow all payments to be made with discounts, and in any event before the penalty date: and yet late enough to avoid receipt of unnecessary RPO's 71.

(4) If there is a penalty incurred by failure to pay any taxes when due, VA will pay the penalty, provided:


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(a) There was a sufficient sum in the borrower's T and I account to pay the taxes when actually due;

(b) The failure to day was due to fault on the part of VA; and

(c) The debtor was free from fault.

Otherwise, the penalty will be charged to the borrower's T and I account. Whenever VA days such penalty, a memorandum setting forth the circumstances causing the delay in payment will be attached to the voucher submitted to the Finance activity.

e. Control. Control of receipt of tax bills and of tax payments will be facilitated by the proper use of the PLS tax account listings and/or control cards.

(1) A control copy of each tax listing or a control deck of the cards will be established and maintained for each tax collector. Supplemental listings and control cards received for newly established accounts will promptly be added to the control. Upon receipt, the control list will immediately be marked for all payoffs and other terminations occurring since its production, and for any other accounts on which taxes will not be paid. If a control deck is being utilized, the cards should be moved to a "do not day" section. Such updating of the control list or deck must be done continuously and at least daily to assure that taxes are not paid on all such accounts.

(2) When each tax account listing is ready to be certified for payment, the accounts that are to be paid will be so marked on the control list or the control card moved to a "paid" section of the control deck. The tax account listing will be corrected for any accounts that should not be paid as indicated by the control. Subsequent payments to the same collector will be processed in the same manner.

(3) After all tax bills for a given tax collector have been processed, appropriate followup will be made to obtain tax bills or paid receipt for all accounts remaining open in the control.

f. Disposition of Receipts. Tax receipts, including receipted tax lists, receipts for payment of special assessments, around rents, etc., will be filed by tax year and disposed of in accordance with RCS (Records Control Schedule), VB-1, part I, item No. 12-114.400; except that tax receipts, etc., may be forwarded to the property owner if requested. Tax receipts, etc., for any previous year which have not been disposed of as authorized above may, upon request, be delivered to the purchaser of a direct loan or vendee account.


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a. Acceptability of Carrier. Any insurance company (stock, mutual, or reciprocal) will be acceptable to VA if it is properly licensed to do business in the area where the property is located. However, an insurance company will be unacceptable if the VA would be liable for payment of an assessment as beneficiary under the mortgagee clause, or as owner, or if an assessment could be levied as a lien against the property which would take priority over VA's mortgage. A carrier likewise would be unacceptable if the condition of the company is such that there are reasonable grounds to conclude that it will not effect prompt settlement of losses.

b. Borrower's Selection and Term of Policy . So long as the carrier is acceptable, the borrower shall have the right to select any agent and carrier in connection with the renewal or placing of any insurance. One-year insurance policies are acceptable, however, 3- or 5-year policies are preferred.

c. Requirements . The insurance required by VA is generally such as is customarily required by other lenders in a given community. Adequate fire insurance coverage will be obtained in any event, and the station management will keep informed as to the requirements of local lenders with respect to extended coverage, to include windstorm, hail, falling aircraft or trees, and flood insurance,, and obtain the same when available and appropriate. Insurance coverage shall be equal at least to the unpaid balance of the loan or the insurable value of the improvements (depreciated replacement value), whichever is less; but the amount will not be restricted to the protection of VA's interest, if the borrower desires greater protection (see also subpar. (1) below) and arranges to pay the increased premium, which may be handled through the T and I account (par. 2.06). However, all policies relating to a given risk will be alike in their description of the property, the name of the insured, and any mortgagee clause or other endorsements. FL 26-644 and/or FL 26-645 will be used to obtain the required endorsements and other data relating to hazard insurance policies. A deductible clause will be permissible in an amount customary or required in the locality. When coinsurance is required for multifamily dwellings or in those areas where coinsurance provisions are applicable, coverage shall be obtained in an amount no less than that equal to the percentage specified in the coinsurance provision, so that VA's interest will be protected to the extent possible in the event of a total or partial loss. Unless there is compliance with these coinsurance requirements, the insured becomes a coinsurer with the insurance company and the amount of any loss will be reduced proportionately.

(1) Additional Coverage. In addition to the usual coverage referred to in subparagraph c above, some insurance companies provide protection in the same policy (generally referred to as a "Homeowners" policy) against damage to contents, theft, personal


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liability, and other hazards, at a single indivisible premium, which is substantially less than the cost of these coverages if purchased separately. Except when the property is sold under an installment contract (subpar. d(2)(a) below) the mortgagee clause is the same as in a standard fire policy, but it does not extend to such additional insurance. No objection will be raised to the use of such a policy, but no part of the premium cost due to such additional coverage may be included in the loan, either initially or as an advance. Accordingly, there would be no objection to a voluntary increase in the amount otherwise properly payable into the borrower's T and I account sufficient to effect periodic renewals of the combination policy.

(2) Personal Property. In those cases in which the loan is secured partially or in full by a lien on personal property, the same general requirements with respect to insurance coverage are applicable. If household appliances are included in the lien obtained in connection with a dwelling unit, the insurance policies shall make specific reference to such appliances, and they will be fully identified if necessary in order to maintain insurance coverage.

(3) Payment of Premiums. The premiums for the first year shall be paid in full. VA will not object to the extension of credit to the borrower for premiums covering future years by the insurance carrier,, insurance agent, or others, provided that VA does not assume responsibility for the payment of such future installments of premiums as they accrue, although such premium payments may be made from the T and I account, if any. If policies in existence for more than I year are assigned to the borrower by a former owner, all past due premiums and any installments falling due within 60 days after closing the loan shall be paid in full. In all instances evidence of premium payment shall be delivered to VA.

(4) Continuous Protection. If a policy is canceled before expiration and cannot be replaced promptly, or if an expiring policy cannot be renewed under the procedures described in subparagraph f(2) and (3) below, the obligor will be assisted in applying for insurance to the State "pool" or facility, if any, organized by insurance companies under the HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development) program of reinsurance against losses resulting from riots or civil disorders. If a replacement or renewal policy proves to be unobtainable, or is obtainable only at prohibitive cost, the obligor is in default for failure to comply with the hazard insurance provision of the portfolio loan agreement, whether or not he/she discontinues payments on the debt because of his/her exposure to uninsured damage by fire or other peril. It is then the VA field station's responsibility to determine whether to forbear to foreclose or to terminate the loan for protection of the Government's interests. This determination will depend upon an estimate of the Administrator's risk of loss by partial or total destruction of the security, in the light of all facts and circumstances of the case. The following are some of the factors


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which will have to be considered for the adequately documented determination by station management which must be made part of the file in every instance of inability to maintain continuous hazard insurance protection:

(a) The Reason for Cancellation or for the Refusal to Renew Insurance. Insurance may be unobtainable only because of the high risk location of the property, or because of its unsatisfactory maintenance or poor condition, or because its use, occupancy, or ownership constitutes a risk unacceptable to insurers. It is necessary to consider whether or not insurance would be obtainable if the property were repaired or put in another owner's hands.

(b) The Loan Balance and Amortization Terms . A loan with a high balance repayable over a long amortization term may have to be terminated for protection of the Government's interests, whereas a low loan balance which is being rapidly reduced, or which can be amortized on short terms by agreement with the obligor, may be considered an acceptable risk without hazard insurance.

(c) The Value of the Lot or Acreage. A high ratio of land value to debt balance reduces the risk or loss to the Government. In the case of farm acreage, the land value may equal or exceed the debt balance, and the Government's interest may not be jeopardized by cancellation of hazard insurance.

(d) The Condition and Value of the Buildings and the Cost of Any Repairs Necessary to Obtain Insurance. Whether or not the land value secures all of the debt, if the buildings have little or no value, it would not be in the Government's interests to foreclose so long as payments are being made regularly on the debt.

(e) The Distance From Fire Protection and Fire Hydrants to the Property. This is a factor in estimating the probability and amount of partial loss, as opposed to total loss, in the event of fire.

(f) The Amount of Any Immediate Loss to be Anticipated From Foreclosure. It would not serve the Government's interests to foreclose unless the potential loss from partial or total uninsured damage to the security is high in relation to the loss, if any, which can be expected from immediate liquidation. The fully documented file may be submitted to Central Office (261) review and advice if there is doubt as to whether or not foreclosure is necessary for protection of VA's interests in any case of failure to maintain continuous hazard insurance protection. If , based on any of the foregoing factors, it is determined that the security property is to be carried uninsured or is uninsurable, appropriate coding action will be taken to establish and maintain an "uninsured" segment in the PLS master record to provide identification and control as specified in M26-11, paragraph 3.19g.


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[(5) HOA (Homeowners Association) Blanket Insurance Policies. Special attention should be given to condominiums and PUDs (planned unit developments) covered by an HOA blanket policy. These policies occasionally are "studs out" policies, and do not cover such items as drywall, plumbing fixtures, flooring, paint or appliances. The limits of the HOA's responsibility should be listed on the policy itself or states in the organizational documents of the association. The organizational documents and policies should be carefully screened. When the coverage is found to be inadequate, additional coverage to adequately protect the security should be required.]


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d. Examination of Policies. Immediately upon receipt of an original or any renewal policy, it will be examined carefully as to type and amount, description of property insured, unusual conditions inserted or attached, and proper evidence of the VA's interest.

(1) Debt Secured by Mortgage. All policies must include or have attached the standard mortgage clause customarily used in the area where the property is located. The interests of the VA as first mortgagee must appear as follows:

"The Administrator of Veterans Affairs, an Officer of the United States of America, successors or assigns, c/o Director at (regional office or center address)."

EXCEPTION. The above description of the VA's interest as first mortgagee may be abbreviated to read: "The Administrator of Veterans Affairs at (regional office or center address)."

(2) Debt Secured by Installment Contract . Since legal title to the property remains with the VA, the standard mortgage clause is inappropriate, and the relationship of the parties insured must appear as follows:

"(Vendee's name), Contract Purchaser, and the Administrator of Veterans Affairs, an Officer of the United States of America, successors or assigns, c/o VA Director, at (regional office or center address), Contract Vendor."

(a) EXCEPTION. In some areas a special form of endorsement has been devised by carriers for use in connection with a homeowners-type policy to show the Administrator's interest in the coverage on a property sold by VA under an installment contract. Generally, this form is titled "Additional Insured--Non-Occupant." This form of endorsement is acceptable under these circumstances, provided it is completed to show the "Additional Insured" as:

"The Administrator of Veterans Affairs, an Officer of the United States of America, successors or assigns Contract Vendor c/o VA Director at (regional office or center address)."

(b) EXCEPTION . The above description of the VA's interest as contract vendor may be abbreviated to read: "The Administrator of Veterans Affairs at (regional office or center address)."

e. Advice to Carrier--Vacant or Abandoned Property . Some policies allow the property to be vacant or unoccupied without limit of time, while others provide for a specified period of vacancy or unoccupancy without loss of coverage. For compliance with the requirements of subparagraph c(4) above on "Continuous Protection," it may be necessary, therefore, to obtain a full vacancy permit and subsequent renewals. A followup will be established in appropriate cases to assure timely renewals. If, for any reason, a vacancy


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permit or its renewal is refused by the agent or carrier and such refusal is justified by the terms of the policy, consideration will be given promptly to termination of the loan,, unless the required coverage can be obtained elsewhere (but see also subpar. c(4) above). The cost of vacancy permits (if any) shall be charged to the borrower's loan account, and, if necessary, an advance by VA will be made to pay the additional premium (but see also subpar. f(5) below). In any event, in cases of extended vacancy or abandonment, the file will be documented to show whether a vacancy permit is required and, if so, what action was taken.

f. Insurance Processing

(1) On a twice-monthly schedule approximately 60 to 75 days prior to the insurance premium due date, PLS will produce VA Form 26-8607, Portfolio Loan Insurance Printout (PLS), together with VA Form 4-8570, T&I Disbursement Input Card (PLACE), (also referred to as turnabout cards) for use by Loan Guaranty in processing insurance policies and payments.

(2) The IPO's (insurance printouts) and turnabout cards (TT 028) are sorted by the system into due date sequence within five major classes that require distinct processing actions prior to vouchering as described in subparagraph (4) below. The following table lists these classes and defines the required processing actions, as well as subsequent control actions discussed in subparagraph g below.

Class Description Processing Action Control Action

A State Pool Make reapplication for Verify if renewal(Type 8) pool or regular coverage. policy has been

Obtain renewal policy received; if not,and invoice. followup with State

pool, agent or carrier.

B Term Policy Voucher the payment as Verify if paid; if not,with Install- described in subparagraph voucher parts 2 and 3ment Due (4) below. Invoice is of IPO for payment.

not required.

C Expiring Obtain renewal policy Verify if renewalPolicy and invoice. policy has been

received; if not,followup with agentor carrier.

Continuous Obtain invoice for Verify if invoice hasPolicy current premium. been received; if not,(Policy followup with agentperiod 9) or carrier.


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Class Description Processing Action Control Action

Unlevel Obtain invoice for Verify if invoice hasPremium (Pay current premium. been received; if not,mode 8) followup with agent or


D Direct Pay Obtain paid receipt from Followup with borrower(Payment borrower. Update PLS for paid (or for a-mode 7) with insurance segment by certificate of insur-carrier code coding TT 158 on VA Form ance covering theother than 26-8455, Portfolio Loan borrowers' unit and77777 Insurance Code Sheet listing the Admini-(including PLS-ARS). (No disburse- strator as mortgageecondominium ment turnabout card is for condominium loans).loans) provided.)

E Uninsured or Update PLS insurance Make detailed reviewUninsurable segment (see M26-11, par. to determine if

3.19g) to show that uninsured status iscoverage was obtained; still necessary andor that application was acceptable. Obtainmade for State pool; or insurance coveragethe date for next review if available.of uninsured property,but not to exceed 12months. (No disburse-ment turnabout card isprovided.)

Processing is facilitated if the IPO's and turnabout cards are maintained in the sorted class and due date sequence until disbursement can be authorized or the paid receipt obtained from the borrower (if classes D and E). Most of the cases will belong to class B or C. These cards should be maintained in separate control decks, and the IPO's in separate control files until payment can be vouchered. There will be no PLS output produced for direct-pay (payment mode 7) segments designated by carrier code "77777" because such segments are not to be updated and no followup or processing is required.

(3) When a renewal policy or invoice is received for payment, the proper loan identification will be noted on such policy or invoice, if necessary. The related turnabout card and IPO will then be associated with the renewal policy or invoice for technical review to assure conformity with the data in part 1 of the IPO. (If there is more than one policy on the same loan, particular care must be exercised to select and use the proper turnabout card.) Discrepancies must be reconciled and the PLS records changed as necessary. See M26-11, chapter 3, section VII, for coding instructions. Insurance premiums on loans in foreclosure (record condition X4)will be processed as described in subparagraph (5) below.


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(4) Following technical review and reconciliation, the IPO is then processed to effect payment as follows:

(a) Part 1 of the IPO is annotated for necessary changes and corrections to PLS records. All such changes may be effected by coding on the disbursement turnabout card, except for payee name and address which requires use of VA Form 26-8455.

(b) Part 2 of the IPO is completed (or corrected) as necessary for use as payee notification. In the event Loan Guaranty determines that the payee needs only the policy number to identify the account in order to credit the premium payment, part 2 of VA Form 26-8607 will not be forwarded to the Finance activity. In lieu, Finance activity will be requested to insert the policy number and loan number on SF 1166 OCR, Voucher and Schedule of Payments.

(c) Part 3 is completed (or corrected) and certified in items 39A and 39B of the voucher. (Items 32 and 38 are always left blank for Finance activity use.)

(d) Parts 2 and 3 are released with the completed turnabout card (TT 028) and any required code sheet to the Voucher Audit activity. Coding instructions are detailed in M26-11, chapter 3, section VII, and figure 8. (Invoices will not be certified or attached to part 3.)

(e) Part 1 is then completed in items 22 through 24 and filed in the related insurance policy folder kept in loan identification sequence. (Supporting invoices for classes A and C policies will in every case be retained and attached. Invoices for class B cases may be discarded.)

(f) Generally, the IPO and the turnabout card are processed to authorize and record the premium payment. In their absence (e.g., new or additional coverage) the invoice will be certified as a voucher; VA Form 4-8472, T and I Disbursement Code Sheet (PLACE-ARS), used to record the disbursement; and VA Form 26-8455 coded if necessary to change insurance segment data.

(5) When loans are in foreclosure (record condition X4), insurance premiums will not be vouchered unless sufficient funds are available in the borrower's T and I escrow account. Advances will not be made by VA on such cases.

(a) If there are adequate T and I funds, the processing will be the same as described in subparagraph (4) above.

(b) If there are not sufficient T and I funds to pay the premium, a letter will be sent to the borrower with the invoice, advising that the VA will no longer pay the insurance premium from escrow funds, and that it is his or her responsibility to pay for such insurance from his or her own funds. A copy of the letter will be sent to the insurance carrier or agent, along with the renewal


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Policy, if any. (The insurance carrier or agent will be requested to notify VA if the Premium is paid by the borrower.) Part 1 of the IPO will be annotated to show that the premium will not be paid by VA, and that a letter has been sent to the borrower (copy to agent or carrier). It will then be filed in the insurance policy folder (with Parts 2 and 3 still attached).

(6) If it is determined that an insurance Premium must be paid on a loan frozen for sale (see par. 2.45d), mark "Sale-Purchaser XXXX" on parts 1 and 3 of the IPO used to voucher the payment. The four-digit purchaser code is shown on the statement of settlement list. This legend will alert the Finance activity to give special handling for reimbursement by procedures detailed in MP-4, part V, chapter 9, paragraph 9N.14.

g. Control

(1) The proper use of PLS output for daily processing as outlined in subparagraph f above, provides the basic control for the receipt of renewal policies and timely payment of premiums.

(2) In addition, PLS generates an RPO reason code 67, if the premiums have not been recorded as paid by 15 days prior to the due date or expiration date. Upon receipt of RPO 67, regional offices will take the necessary control actions described in the Processing and control table contained in subparagraph f(2) above. If for any reason, renewal policies or invoices for classes A and C are not received, the required coverage will be obtained elsewhere in time to assure continued protection. On loans referred for foreclosure or acceptance of deeds in lieu of foreclosure, if there are insufficient funds in T and I account to pay premiums, RPO 67 will be produced with a special legend which reads: "Insufficient Funds in T & I Loan in Termination. Notify Borrower VA Cannot Renew Insurance."

(3) If, on the due date or expiration date, the insurance segment in PLS has not been updated to reflect premiums paid, regional offices will receive an RPO reason code 68 as notice of nonpayment or expiration. In all such cases, if vouchering action has not yet been taken or adequate coverage effected, the RPO 68 will be forwarded to the Loan Guaranty Officer or designee for appropriate action to assure that adequate coverage is immediately obtained. If there are insufficient funds in T and I to pay premiums on loans referred for foreclosure or acceptance of deeds in lieu of foreclosure, RPO 68 will be produced one time only under these conditions with the same legend described in subparagraph (2) above.


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h. Disposition of Certain Insurance Policies and Paid Premium Invoices

(1) Expired Insurance Policies. Following the examination of a renewal policy, the expired policy which it replaces will be held by VA until the final settlement of any claim thereunder which may be pending. Thereafter, it may be forwarded to the insured borrower at his or her request. Otherwise, the expired policy will be retained for a period of 6 months and then disposed of as provided in RCS VB-1, part I, item No. 12-115.000.

(2) Paid Premium Invoices . Following payment of the premium, the paid premium invoice, if available, may be forwarded to the insured owner of the property, if requested. At station management's discretion, bills or invoices for insurance premiums paid in previous years may be similarly returned to the owner of the property, or they may be retained in the insurance policy folder.

(3) Policies on Paid-In-Full Loans . Following payment in full of the loan, the hazard insurance policy will be returned to the borrower. VA's interest in the mortgagee clause will be released by proper endorsement or whatever action is required in the locality.

(4) Loans Converted to Direct-Pay Status With No VA Followup (see par. 2.06a(3)). The current policy will be mailed to the borrower with FL 26-642. The paid premium invoice, if available, will be filed in the loan folder unless the borrower requests its return.

i. Latitude. The station management may, if it deems it practicable, exclude from the above insurance requirements outbuildings or personal property including appliances of nominal value.


a. Settlement of Claims. The station management shall see that the interests of the VA, as mortgagee, are properly protected in connection with proposed settlements for insured losses on properties securing portfolio loans. When major damage is involved, or in any case in which it is deemed advisable, a VA inspection of the property will be made in order to determine the extent of the damage and the sufficiency of the proposed settlement. In any case when the full property damage does not exceed $400, it is not required that the Administrator be named in the loss draft as a payee.

b. Loss Proceeds . Before releasing any insurance loss check, the status of the loan account will be ascertained, and, if any delinquency exists, arrangements will be made to restore the account to a current status, if possible. Due consideration will be given to the necessity for certain protective repairs (see subpar. d below), even though the loan account may not be current. In any event, the main object is to avoid a dissipation of the loss proceeds. The amount of the borrower's equity will also be considered,


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especially in case of a vendee account installment contract when title remains in the Administrator and the downpayment and curtailment represent a very small proportion of the value of the property. Special handling will be required when part or all of the insurance loss proceeds relate to coverage which is not required; depending on the nature of the loss damage and other circumstances of the individual case when the loan is delinquent, an effort will be made to obtain consent of the obligors to apply a portion or all of such loss proceeds in reduction of the arrears. (See subpars. c(5) and (6) below.)

c. Disposition of Checks

(1) VA Record . Before depositing any insurance loss check received, Finance will furnish the Loan Guaranty Division with VA Form 4-6481, Notice of Mortgage Loan Remittance, in duplicate. Depending on the circumstances described in this subparagraph and in subparagraph d below, this form will be completed and signed in duplicate to show proper disposition of the check. The completed original will be returned promptly to Finance, and the duplicate will be filed in the loan folder. Unless the disposition instructions shown on this form are final, appropriate action will be taken without delay and, if necessary, a followup will be established so that final disposition instructions may be issued timely. VA Form 26-6820 may be used for such subsequent instructions if the circumstances require it, but signed copies of pertinent correspondence forwarded promptly to Finance may be used, if desired, and when appropriate to serve the purpose intended.

(2) $400 or Less. If the loss proceeds are $400 or less and the loan is current, the check may be endorsed by the VA without recourse and released to the insured for the purpose of making whatever repairs may be deemed advisable.

(3) $400 to $3,000 . If the loss proceeds are over $400 but not more than and the loan is current, the check may be endorsed by VA without recourse and released to the insured, provided the station management has determined to its satisfaction that the repairs have been completed or that the property is of sufficient value to warrant a conclusion that there is no reasonable likelihood of VA incurring a loss on the loan if the repairs are not completed; otherwise, the insured's endorsement shall be obtained and the proceeds deposited in the appropriate fund for disbursement after the necessary restoration or repairs have been completed to the satisfaction of both the insured and VA and after bills are submitted in proper form. Inspections will De completed as required in subparagraph (4) below.

(4) Over $3,000 . If the loss proceeds are over $3,000 and a determination has been made that it is in the interests of the VA as well as the borrower to repair or restore the property (see subpar. d below), regardless of the nature of the repairs or the indicated equity, the check must be endorsed first by the borrowers, then


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deposited to the appropriate fund and held for disbursement until the restoration or repairs have been completed to the satisfaction of the insured and VA. Except that if the check is received after the repairs have been completed to the satisfaction of the insured and VA, and the check is made payable to the contractor, the borrower, and the VA, the check may be endorsed by VA without recourse and released to the insured. The determination as to the necessity of VA inspections to establish satisfactory completion of repairs will be made by station management. If an inspection is deemed necessary and repairs are of a minor nature, an inspection after completion of repairs may be all that is required. When major repairs are needed to restore the security, an inspection or inspections during the course of repairs may be advisable, as well as after completion. However, in any case in which damage is equivalent to a total loss of the dwelling, and it is in the best interests of VA to restore the property, inspections will be made as required by M26-2, paragraph 5.06.

(5) Coverage Not Required . Certain losses will be sustained on personal property theft, personal liability and other hazards included in a so-called "Homeowner's" or "Comprehensive Dwelling" type of policy such as that described under "Additional Coverage'' in paragraph 2.08c(l). The VA does not require such additional coverage but maintains the insurance with the borrower's funds at his or her request. (See par. 2.06a(1).) In any case in which the Administrator is named as a payee in the settlement check received for such losses, it will be endorsed and released to the borrower, if the loan payments are current. (See subpar. b above.)

(6) Combined Loss Drafts. Some checks will include an amount in settlement of loss damage to the realty as well as that on the coverage not required. In such cases, that portion of the payment allocated to personal property and other such insured hazards will be released to the borrower if the loan payments are current (see subpar. b above); the remainder will be processed as may be applicable under the provisions of this paragraph. In the event an allocation is not determinable when such a combined loss draft is received, it may be endorsed and released to the insured borrower provided the amount is $1,000 or less and provided further the station management has reason to believe restoration cost of the damage to the realty will not exceed $400. Otherwise, an allocation should be obtained as promptly as possible from the insurance agent or carrier prior to final disposition of the loss proceeds.

d. Repair or Restoration of the Security. The interests of the VA, as well as those of the borrower, ordinarily would be best served by the prompt repair or restoration of the property. However, situations may arise in which repair or restoration of the property would not be in the best interests of the VA, and in such cases the loss proceeds will be credited to the loan account. (See subpar. (1) below.) In determining whether the property should be repaired or restored, the best interests of the VA are to be considered, together with the preferences indicated by the owner, as


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well as such other factors as the cost involved, availability of funds, unpaid balance of the indebtedness, necessity of repair or restoration, and the estimated value of the security before and after the work is accomplished. If a determination is made that the property will be repaired or restored, the procedures set forth in paragraph 2.04 shall be followed insofar as practicable to assure proper completion of the work and payment, as well as timely notice to the Finance activity on VA Form 26-6820.

(1) Application of Excess Loss Proceeds. In the event that any excess loss proceeds remain after payment is made for the repair or restoration of the property, including inspection fees, such excess will be applied to the loan account in the manner agreed upon between the borrower and the VA, provided the loan is current. If the loan is in default, such excess shall be applied, first, to any deficiency in the T and I account; next, to accrued and unpaid interest; and the balance in reduction of principal. Final disposition of the loss proceeds in such cases must be reported to the Finance activity on VA Form 26-6820.

(2) Exception. At the borrower's request in cases when the loan current, if the value of is in such excess may be paid to the borrower the security, as repaired or restored, is sufficiently in excess of the indebtedness so that it is reasonable to conclude there is no likelihood of loss to the Government resulting from such payment.

e. Reinstatement of Coverage . Following restoration of the property in any case when the insurance has been diminished by the amount of any loss claim paid, coverage shall be reinstated if necessary to comply with the requirements of paragraph 2.08.


Paragraph 2.40 sets forth the requirements for advice to Central Office concerning emergencies or other unusual conditions affecting an area in which VA is interested as guarantor, insurer, mortgagee, or owner. This includes damage resulting from flood, earthquake, tornado, hurricane, or other such disasters, as well as serious increases in default resulting from general strikes, industrial shutdowns, or other causes.


a. Requirements. The borrower's request for the partial release of real property should be submitted in triplicate to the VA office having jurisdiction over the area in which the property is located. The request shall be accompanied by at least a rough sketch of the entire property (but a land survey will be required, if necessary) with a clear indication of the parcel to be released. The dimensions of both parcels shall be shown, as well as the approximate location of any buildings. The original of the request shall be signed by all obligors on the loan. If any person secondarily liable on the loan does not join in the request for the


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partial release of security, a satisfactory explanation must accompany the request, since a release of part of the security without joinder in the request of persons secondarily liable may operate to release such obligors. A request for partial release of security will not be approved in the event that the personal liability of one or more persons would also be released, unless it is determined that such approval is in the best interest of the Government. Evidence of any such determination will De placed in the related loan folder. Information reasonably necessary to the proper disposition of a request for release or substitution of security will be obtained and also placed in the loan folder. In all cases in which the original appraisal, the consideration to be paid for the release of the property, enhancement of value by reason of previous improvements, etc., or other available information indicates that the property to be released involves a material decrease in the value of the security, an appraisal of the property to be released and a separate appraisal of the remaining security should be made. In every such case, the appraisal will be made by a staff appraiser, if possible and practicable; otherwise the appraisal will be assigned to a designated appraiser. In either event, the appraisal assignment will be accompanied by a copy of the request for release or substitution and such other data as are reasonably necessary in making such appraisal. The owner of the property will be required to reimburse the VA for any actual expenses paid to a staff appraiser, or for the entire cost of the fee payable to a fee appraiser or surveyor, whether or not the request for partial release or substitution of security is approved.

b. Procedure . The determination as to whether the request is approved or denied will be indicated on or attached to the original request and copy. The copy of the request, together with the determination, will be transmitted to the borrower with appropriate instructions when further action on his or her part is necessary. When the release and/or substitution of security is approved, the loan folder will be referred to the office of District Counsel for preparation and recording or delivery of the appropriate instruments. In connection with the processing of a partial release, proper steps will be taken to effect a separation on the tax records. Promptly after the execution of the release, the tax authorities will be provided with all necessary information and requested to change the tax records accordingly. In this regard, consideration also will be given to the apportionment of any improvement assessments then in existence, or which may be levied before the separation can be made on the official records.

c. Determination. Among other things, the following factors will be carefully considered in determining whether a request for release will be approved or disapproved

(1) The current reasonable value of the property to be released.

(2) The value of the remaining security.


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(3) The proper application to the indebtedness of the cash consideration for the release. (See subpars. d and e below.)

(4) The adequacy of the remaining property to provide sufficient security for the unpaid indebtedness after application of the cash consideration for the release.

(5) In the event of a substitution of security, that the title to the security to be substituted is of at least equal quantity and quality and the lien thereon of equal dignity with the security and lien to be released.

(6) Any other facts and circumstances pertinent to the transaction, including the status of the loan account, the avoidance of encroachments, loss of accessibility to remaining buildings, the retention of easements or rights to the use of certain utility installations and, in appropriate cases, retention of the liability of guarantors, sureties, former owners, or other obligors, by obtaining their written consent to the proposed transaction.

d. Amount of Consideration . Regardless of the fact that the borrower may be willing to accept a lesser amount, the VA will require that the amount available for credit to the loan account will be equal at least to the current reasonable value of the property to be released, unless it is clearly determined that the interests of the Government will not be prejudiced by the crediting of a lesser amount.

e. Net Cash Consideration . Gross proceeds of the partial sale, as above, may be reduced by appropriate and reasonable charges such as those for appraisal or brokerage fees. However, no deduction will be made for an attorney's fee or other charge for obtaining a release, unless condemnation proceedings are involved and the amount of the award is fixed by the court, with a definite amount allocated for such fee.

f Application of Proceeds . In general, the net cash consideration will be applied led in reduction of principal when the account is current; when the account is delinquent, the amount will be applied by horizontal application as set forth in paragraph 2.20j to satisfy the delinquency, including late charges and advances, and any amount remaining after the delinquency has been completely satisfied will be applied to the reduction of principal. However, if fully justified by the circumstances of an individual case, all or a portion of the net cash consideration may be used to pay for such repair or restoration as is necessary for the preservation of the security.

(1) Exceptions. At the borrower's request, all or a portion of the proceeds may be applied as set forth below, provided the current reasonable value of the remaining security is equal at least to the unpaid principal balance of the loan without the benefit of the amount requested for such other application.


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(a) Improvements. With respect to current loans only, improvements which are determined to be desirable may be paid for out of the net cash consideration, provided the value of the property will be enhanced by an amount at least equal to the total cost of such improvements; and, if the amount involved exceeds $100, the procedure for repair or restoration in paragraph 2.04 will be followed.

(b) Other Debts. A portion of the net cash consideration may be used to pay the outstanding balance of any special assessments levied against the security.

(c) Ample Security Remaining.. With respect to current loans only, it will be proper to authorize a partial release of security without requiring the consideration to be credited to the loan or applied as otherwise provided for herein, if the ratio of the loan balance to the value of the security remaining after the partial release is such that it is reasonable to conclude there is no likelihood of a loss to the Government in the event of a liquidation of the security at a later date.

(2) Finance will be notified of the application of the proceeds on VA Form 26-6820 (par. 3.29).

g. Household Appliances . Proposals for the release of liens on certain household equipment will be presented frequently in connection with the so-called "package mortgage" home loan, which includes such items as washing machines, dryers, refrigerators, etc. Property owners may request authority to trade in used or obsolete equipment and, provided a first lien is obtained on the new items, no problem is presented. However, there will be cases in which it is not possible to obtain a first lien on the new appliance (e.g., purchase is made under an installment contract), in which event the fair market value of the property released, as determined by statements from dealers or other qualified sources, shall be credited on the debt, unless it is clearly determined that the interests of the Government will not be prejudiced by the crediting of a lesser amount. This procedure would be applicable also in the case of an outright sale of such appliances.

h. Refiling Lien on Obsolete Appliances . In many States a retention of the lien requires that it be refiled periodically. Because of ordinary wear and tear or obsolescence, however, the economic life of such equipment is considerably shorter than the term of the mortgage. Therefore, it would be proper to discontinue refiling the lien after it has been determined that the value of the property has diminished to a point in which it is no longer financially advisable to retain the lien. In any event, it will not be necessary to refile a lien on household appliances after 5 years.


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The Farmers Home Administration, Department of Agriculture, under authority of title V of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, continued in 48 U.S.C. 1471 through 1485, and the Consolidated Farmers Home Administration Act of 1961, 7 U. S.C. 1921 through 1991, makes or insures loans to acquire real estate in rural areas and/or to construct, improve, alter repair or replace dwellings and other farm buildings on real estate in rural areas. In some cases such loans may be secured by second mortgages or deeds of trust. Certain preferences are given to veterans. Prior to approving a loan to be secured by a second mortgage or deed of trust, the FmHA (Farmers Home Administration) will usually request the first mortgage holder to sign an "Agreement with Prior Lienholder." By such agreement the prior lienholder agrees: (a) not to exercise any privilege to disburse sums under the security of its mortgage for purposes other than advances to protect the security and for paying taxes, assessments, hazard insurance, ground rents, etc., and (b) not to foreclose without giving prior notice to the FmHA, in those States in which a junior lien may be extinguished by foreclosure of a prior lien without the junior lienholder being a party defendant or being given actual notice. In some cases the prior lienholder may also be requested not to declare a default or accelerate payments for an agreed period.

a. Procedure . Upon receipt of request to execute an "Agreement with Prior Lienholder" or "Foreclosure Notice Agreement" or other comparable form of agreement from the FmHA, regional offices will exercise extreme care before executing such agreements to assure that the interests of the VA as primary lienholder are not impaired. Determinations as to whether or not the VA should execute or consent to the execution of an FmHA agreement will be made by the VA regional office having jurisdiction over the area in which the property is located.

b. Determination . FmHA agreements will not be executed unless it is in the best interests of the VA. It would be in the best interests of the VA to execute or consent to the execution of the FmHA agreement only if the obligor is able to make the required payments on both the VA and FmHA loan and only if the purpose for which the loan is made would enhance the value of the security for the VA loan. Further, it is of the utmost importance that the requirements set forth in the agreement be limited to provide only that VA will:

(1) Notify FmHA when foreclosure is imminent; and,

(2) Limit advances without the consent of the FmHA to making repairs required to protect or preserve the security for the VA loan (see par. 2.05), and for the paying of taxes, assessments, hazard insurance, ground rents, etc. (See par. 2.06c(3).)


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c. Execution and/or Disposition of Agreement

(1) Agreement Executed. After completion of the review and determination is made to execute the agreement; it will be executed by the Director or such other of the officials listed in 38 CFR 36.4342 as the station management may designate. A copy of the executed agreement will be filed in the loan folder and the case will be appropriately flagged to insure that FmHA is notified immediately of VA's intention to foreclosure when such determination is made.

(2) Agreement-Not Executed. If it is determined not to execute the agreement, the VA will advise the FmHA of the reason(s) and in connection therewith, also inform the FmHA that, as a matter of courtesy to another Government agency, the VA will flag the file when notice is received that FmHA has a second lien on the property and will notify them should foreclosure become imminent.

NOTE: Regional offices may, if it is deemed necessary, ask the FmHA for additional data; e.g., copy of financial statement on the obligor, or copy of development plan or copy of farm and home plan, etc., in order to make a determination.

d. Submissions to Central Office . If for any reason, the proper course of action to be followed is not clearly indicated, the entire loan folder, together with the conclusions and recommendations of the station management, may be referred to Central Office (261) for final determination.


Royalty checks on account of minerals, including gas and oil, extracted from the property are customarily made payable jointly to the mortgagor and mortgagee. Before depositing any royalty check received, the Finance activity will notify the Loan Guaranty Division, showing the date, number, amount, by whom issued, bank on which drawn, payees, and endorsers (if any). This notification will be filed in the loan folder after promptly advising the Finance activity as to the proper disposition of the check pursuant to subparagraphs a and b below. Subsequently as may be appropriate, the Finance activity will be notified as to the disposition of the proceeds on VA Form 26-6820 (par. 3.29).

a. Loan in Default. The borrower-payee will be required to endorse the check to VA, and the full amount will be applied by horizontal application as set forth in paragraph 2.20j to satisfy the delinquency, including late charges and advances, and any amount remaining after the delinquency has been completely satisfied will be applied to the reduction of principal.

b. Loan Current . Upon request of the borrower-payee and in the absence of any valid reason to the contrary, the check may be


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endorsed by VA to the borrower if the amount is less than the succeeding payment of principal on the loan. Otherwise, the borrower payee will be required to endorse the check to VA and the amount will be credited to the unpaid principal balance of the loan. In the event that the check received is in an amount greater than the succeeding payment or payments of principal on the loan, the borrower-payee will be required to endorse the check to VA and the amount will be applied as a credit to the extent of the succeeding payment or payments of principal on the loan. Thereafter, any to the borrower, credited to unpaid remaining excess may be returned to the borrower, credited to unpaid principal, deposited in the, related tax and insurance account or otherwise disposed of as may be agreed upon with the borrower.


NOTE. The provisions of this paragraph do not apply to a veteran's request for a release of his or her personal liability an a direct loan pursuant to 38 U.S.C. [3713 (former 1813)], and 38 CFR 36.4508(b) in which full liability for repayment of the loan is to be assumed by a transferee. However, these provisions do apply to the transferee. (See sec. IV of this chapter.) [Furthermore, this paragraph does not apply to loans which are subject to the provisions of 38 U.S.C. 3714 (formerly 1814). (See par. 2.14.1.)]

a. Authorization. Under the provisions of 38 U.S.C. [3720 (formerly 1820)], the [Secretary] has the authority to release obligors on portfolio loans from personal liability to the Government, including the personal liability of original vendees and all assuming grantees. This authority may be exercised by those employees designated in 38 CFR 36.4342 and 36.4520 when such a release is in the interest of the Government. [When a portfolio loan has been sold without recourse, VA no longer has a right to release any obligor from liability. Any requester for this type of release should be directed to his or her present loan holder.]

b. Requirements. The personal liability of an obligor on a VA portfolio loan is an asset of the Government, and a release requires full consideration of the effect upon the interest of the Government. There will, therefore, be obtained from the obligor requesting a release, a written statement of all the facts relative to the proposed substitution of obligors, including an agreement to pay for a credit report and any other expenses connected with the proposed release. A statement of the loan account and such other data as may be reasonably necessary for the proper consideration of the request will also be obtained. Generally, it will be required that the account be brought current by the assumer; however, an exception may be made when it is appropriate to extend or reamortize the loan.


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c. Conditions . A release of an obligor from personal liability on a VA portfolio loan should not be granted under 38 ,U.S.C. 3720, unless, under all of the facts in the case, it is in the best interest of the Government to do so. Except in unusual cases, however, when the facts clearly dictate otherwise, it will usually be in the best interest of the Government to release a vendee or an assuming grantee from personal liability to the Government, Incident or even subsequent to the sale of a property securing a VA portfolio home loan, if the following conditions are met:

(1) The related loan is current or is brought current incident to the conveyance; and

(2) The purchaser is a good credit risk and has the financial ability to continue. payments on the loan; and

(3) The, purchaser will assume all of the original obligors liability to the Government for the repayment of the loan.

Unlike releases under [38 U.S.C. 3713], a release under 38 U.S.C. [3720] should not be approved if the obligor's proposed purchaser is. a marginal credit risk or has marginal income. The release of personal liability under these conditions will afford VA the opportunity to consider the credit standing and the paying ability of prospective purchasers of properties securing VA portfolio loans and reduce future delinquencies.

d. Procedures . If, after a review of all of the facts in a case including financial statements, credit reports, etc., it is determined that the release would not be In the interest of the Government, the requester and the purchaser or proposed purchaser will be informed accordingly. If the application is disapproved for credit reasons, the purchaser or proposed purchaser will be informed of the basis on which the adverse decision was reached; i.e., data contained in a consumer credit report and the name and address of the credit reporting firm or information obtained from a source other than a consumer credit report or both, as applicable. In the event an inquiry is subsequently received from the purchaser or proposed purchaser as to specific reasons for the denial and the determination was made for credit reasons, VA will furnish the requester with the information as required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (Title IV of Pub. L. 91-508). In this connection, if the determination was made from information contained in a consumer credit report, the purchaser or proposed purchaser will again be informed that the decision to disapprove the application was based on data contained in a consumer credit report and will be furnished the name and address of the credit reporting firm. On the other hand, if the information was obtained from a source other than a consumer credit report, the purchaser or proposed purchaser will be informed of the nature of the information relied upon in making the adverse determination, but not the source. If it is determined that the release


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is in the interest of the Government, the loan instruments and data necessary to complete the related legal instruments should be referred to the office of the District Counsel for the preparation of the release and instrument of assumption. The instrument of assumption of personal liability should be specific as to the extent of the personal liability assumed by the purchaser. In those States where it is determined that recording of the instruments of release and assumption of personal liability is necessary, the cost involved will be paid by the requester. The procedures for processing an application for release from liability of a joint obligor will be substantially the same as set forth in this subparagraph and in paragraphs 2.53 and 2.54, as appropriate.

e. Release by Operation of Law. When an extension of the term of a loan, or reinstatement following acceleration of the debt occurs, a release from personal liability may result, in most jurisdictions, whether or not a former obligor consents. Therefore, it becomes important to consider carefully whether the best interest of the Government will be protected in connection with the extension and reamortization of a loan for the benefit of a transferee. In any case in which it is desirable to rearrange the payment schedule but the personal liability of former obligors should be preserved and their consent to the revision cannot be obtained, it is possible to accomplish essentially the same result by means of a forbearance arrangement. For example, without extending or modifying the terms of the loan, it can be agreed with the subsequent purchaser that so long as payments in a reduced amount are made for a specified period, the debt will not be accelerated and foreclosure action will not be instituted. This arrangement would not affect the liability of other obligors. In addition, there are some States in which the obligors may consent to the terms of a modification to the loan agreement, and when this is true, an extension would not result in the release of any obligors who have so consented.


a. Direct loans for which commitments were made on or after March 1, 1988, [ ] vendee loans which were closed on or after January 16, 1989, [and guaranteed loans refunded under 38 CFR 36.4318 after November 1, 1995,] require approval of the Secretary prior to the transfer of property securing such a loan. (If a vendee borrower questions whether his or her loan is subject to 38 U.S.C. 3714, and the loan closed on or shortly after January 16, 1989, then the instruments in the loan folder and/or safekeeping file should be checked, as some stations may have delayed inclusion of the clauses required to implement 38 U.S.C. 3714.) The following provisions are applicable to loans subject to 38 U.S.C. 3714:

(1) Warning. Each mortgage or deed of trust and the mortgage note, bond, or deed of trust note (or installment contract) [or any modification agreement drafted for the purpose of, in whole or part, modifying an existing loan agreement to restrict the assumability of the loan,] will bear in a conspicuous position in capital letters on the first page of the document in type at least 2 and 1/2 times larger than the


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(2) Acceleration. The security instrument for each loan subject to 38 U.S.C. 3714 must include a clause allowing acceleration in the event of the mortgagor's failure to obtain prior approval of an assumption.

(3) Funding Fee. A funding fee of one-half of 1 percent of the loan balance is payable at the time of transfer by a person assuming a loan subject to 38 U.S.C. 3714. This fee may be advanced against the loan account if not paid at the time of transfer. The fee is automatically waived if the assumer is exempt under the provisions of 38 U.S.C. 3729(b) (formerly 1829(b)); i.e., the person is disabled as a result of active military, naval, or air service, or is the surviving spouse of a person who died from a service-connected disability. Also, an assumer is not obligated to pay this fee if VA has sold the loan without recourse. A clause containing these provisions must be included in the security instrument for each loan subject to 38 U.S.C. 3714.

(4) Processing Charge. The law authorizes collection of a charge for processing a request for approval of an assumption and a clause authorizing this charge must be included in the security instrument for the loan. VA has determined that $300 is reasonable as the maximum charge for processing an application and changing account records following completion of a transfer. No additional charge will be made for the cost of the credit report obtained during the review of the assumer's creditworthiness.

b. Upon receipt of a request for assumption information on a portfolio loan subject to 38 U.S.C. 3714, the station will notify the requester that the property securing the loan may not be transferred unless the loan will be paid-in-full or the assumption of the loan is approved in advance by VA. Such notice will be accompanied by an assumption approval application which must be returned with the $300 processing charge. The package will consist of:

(1) An instruction letter. Until such time as a separate instruction letter is devised for portfolio loans, FL 26-557 or 26-557a will be used. However, the amount for a credit report will not be completed and the following must be typed, stamped, or overprinted on the reverse, or attached to the form letter:

"CAUTION: The transfer of the property securing this loan must not be completed until the Department of Veterans Affairs has approved in advance the assumption of this loan. (In other words, do not follow the "alternate procedure" previously described.) If the sale is completed without prior approval, then the loan may be


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declared immediately due and payable. This could result in foreclosure of the loan and an indebtedness owed to the Government. If approval is granted for the assumption of this loan, then a funding fee of one-half of 1 percent of the loan balance must be paid to the Department of Veterans Affairs. IN ORDER FOR VA TO REVIEW A REQUEST FOR ASSUMPTION APPROVAL UNDER SECTION-3714 OF TITLE 38, UNITED STATES CODE, THERE IS A PROCESSING CHARGE OF $300 WHICH MUST BE RETURNED TO THIS OFFICE ALONG WITH THE OTHER ITEMS DESCRIBED IN THIS LETTER. THIS FEE ALSO COVERS THE COST OF THE CREDIT REPORT REQUIRED IN MAKING A DECISION. ON LOAN ASSUMPTION."

(2) VA Form 26-6381, Application for Release From Personal Liability to the Government on a Home Loan;

(3) VA Form 26-6382, Statement of Purchaser or Owner Assuming Seller's Loan;

(4) VA Form 26-8893, Instructions for Purchaser Assuming a GI Loan or Substituting GI Loan Entitlement;

(5) VA Form(s) 26-8497, Request for Verification of Employment;

(6) VA Form 26-8497a, Request for Verification of Deposit;

(7) VA Form 26-6807, Financial Statement;

(8) A copy of the approved assumption clause or three copies of the assumption agreement, whichever is applicable; and

(9) VA Pamphlet 26-5, Revised.

c. When a completed package for assumption approval is received, the station will verify the purchaser's income and credit history and make a determination as to the acceptability of the prospective purchaser in accordance with the procedures for release of liability on GI loans as contained in Section IV of this chapter. Subject to delays documented as beyond the control of VA; i.e., employers or depositories not responding to requests for verifications or timely followups on those requests, 45 days will be allowed from the receipt of a completed application to the date when VA's decision is released to the seller and purchaser. Internal records and followup will be maintained in accordance with paragraph 2.56.

d. If the assumer is acceptable in accordance with the guidelines provided in M26-1, paragraph 5.13, the conditional approval letter to the seller will advise that the purchaser is an -acceptable credit risk, the transfer of the property may be completed, and either the assumption clause must be included in the deed or the assumption agreement must be completed. The letter must state that final approval of the assumption and release of the


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seller's personal liability will :not be granted until receipt of either a copy of the recorded transfer deed containing the acceptable assumption clause, or a deed and the properly completed assumption agreement, as applicable. This letter should be accompanied by a completed FL 26-580, Statement of Account, which will include the amount of funding fee due and the right to request waiver due to service-connected disability or loss of spouse due to a service-connected disability.

e. Upon receipt of copies of the recorded deed and/or assumption agreement, as applicable, they will be reviewed to establish the liability of the transferee. If all requirements of 38 U.S.C. 3714 have been satisfied, then a letter will be sent to the seller over the signature of an official named in 38 CFR 36.4520 advising the seller that he or she has been released from personal liability to the Government on account of the loan, and that liability has been assumed by the purchaser. A copy of the letter will be sent to the assumer, and the other actions described in paragraph 2.26a will be accomplished, as appropriate.

f. If an application for assumption is disapproved, the seller will be notified by means of FL 26-558 (which is being revised), and FL 26-558a will be sent to the prospective purchaser. Until stations receive distribution of the revised form letter, the following applies:

(1) Cross out or type over "a credit report" in item 3 and replace with "the assumption processing charge."

(2) Item 3b will be checked.

(3) If the disapproval is due only to delinquency on the account, provision has been made in item lb to notify the seller that processing may resume if advice is received that the default will be cured before or incident to sales closing.

(4) The following clause must be added to FL 26-558, as either an attachment or by means of typing, overprinting, or stamping:

"The law governing the VA home loan program provides that you may appeal this decision to this office within 30 days of receipt of this letter. An appeal should reference the numbers shown above (or on the attached letter, as the case may be) and you should provide any additional information which you believe has a bearing on this decision. Upon receipt of an appeal, an independent review of the facts in the case will be conducted by a VA employee who was not involved in the original decision."


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g. When an appeal of a disapproval decision is received, an employee, other than the one recommending the original disapproval decision, will review the facts in the case. If tentative approval is issued, then processing will follow the procedures described in subparagraphs d and e above. If the case remains disapproved after appeal, the following applies:

(1) The seller will be notified of this decision by means of FL 26-558, with the appropriate reason(s) checked. In addition, the following clause will be added as an attachment or typed, overprinted, or stamped on the form letter:

"The law governing the VA home loan program gives you the right to request special approval for the transfer of the property securing this loan. In order for VA to grant this special approval, you must agree to remain secondarily liable on the loan following assumption. In addition, we must determine that (a) you are unable to otherwise continue payments on the loan, and (b) you have made reasonable efforts to find a creditworthy buyer for the property. If you wish to apply for special approval, you must do so within 15 days of receipt of this letter. Write to us and describe your efforts to sell the home, as well as your present financial condition. Be sure to include the numbers referenced on the attached letter and copies of documents which verify your efforts to find a creditworthy borrower. REMEMBER: Special approval will not completely release you from liability in the event your purchaser later defaults on the loan; however, it may be an option which prevents the immediate foreclosure of your loan."

(2) Form Letter 26-558a will be sent to the prospective purchaser and in addition to the appropriate items, the "Other" item will be checked. After "Other" will be typed: "This decision follows appeal for review of a previous disapproval."

h. If a request for special approval of the assumption is received, it may be granted only if it is determined that (a) the transferor is unable to otherwise continue payments on the loan, (b) reasonable efforts have been made to find a creditworthy buyer for the property, and (c) the seller agrees to remain secondarily liable to VA in the event of subsequent default on the loan.

(1) When special approval is granted, the tentative approval letter must clearly state that the seller will not be released from liability upon completion of the sale. It will be necessary that the purchaser assume liability either through a clause in the deed or by means of an assumption agreement. Upon receipt of copies of the recorded deed and/or assumption agreement, VA may notify the seller that our review indicates the purchaser is primarily liable on the loan. However, in no event should the seller be advised that he or she has been released of liability.


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(2) For disapproval of a request for special approval of a transfer, it will be necessary that the station prepare an individual letter to explain the reason(s) why the request was not granted; e.g., it appears the seller could continue payments until a creditworthy borrower could be found, the property has only been on the market for a very short time. In such a case, it will not be necessary to dispatch FL's 26-558 or 26-558a, since the disapproval in this instance is not a denial of the extension of credit, but rather a denial of a special feature of the VA home loan program. However, if transfer of the property has been completed, a copy of the letter denying special approval of the transfer must also be sent to the current owner(s) so that he or she is aware that the loan may be declared immediately due and payable.

i. VA will not, as a matter of practice, refund any part of the $300 processing charge if an application is disapproved. This is slightly different from the procedure for guaranteed loans which requires refund of $50 on a disapproved application. However, since those applications also require payment for the estimated credit report cost and VA does not, the amount not refunded may be considered in liquidation of VA's cost of the credit report on a request for assumption approval on a portfolio loan.

j. [Except in cases of refunding under 38 CFR 36.4318 after November 1, 1995, when] VA learns of an unapproved transfer, acceleration will be delayed in order to explore the possibility of a retroactive approval of the transfer. First, a demand for payment of the funding fee will be made to the purchaser, and a copy of the instrument of transfer will be obtained to determine the liability of the purchaser. If the purchaser pays the funding fee and has assumed all of the seller's obligations in the transfer deed (and if the assumption language is legally binding), then it would appear that the purchaser intends to satisfy those obligations and an opportunity for retroactive approval of the transfer should be afforded, in which case the processing will be completed as if an application had been made prior to the transfer.

k. If prior approval of a transfer was not obtained and the title transferred "subject to" the mortgage or deed of trust, then the purchaser usually has no liability with respect to the loan. The purchaser may have no incentive and little intention of maintaining the payments. In such a case it would still be advisable to extend the opportunity to apply for retroactive approval of the transfer, with the expectation that during that process the purchaser will assume liability for repayment of the loan.

1. Should a purchaser fail to cooperate in the retroactive approval process, then acceleration of the loan may be advisable to protect the interest of VA. Approval for acceleration must be obtained from the regional office Director or Loan Guaranty Officer (or Assistant Loan Guaranty Officer) and the loan folder documented


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by memorandum to this effect. A payoff amount will be calculated in accordance with paragraph 2.26 and transmitted to the purchaser with a demand for payment within 10 days, or such longer period as required by local law. If payment is not received, then it will be necessary to follow the procedures for loan termination in paragraphs 2.27 through 2.30.

m. Although 38 U.S.C. 3714 does not specifically grant the right of appeal to a purchaser, it would be appropriate for VA to reconsider an application when asked to do so by a purchaser who is participating in a request for retroactive approval of an assumption. Even though an application may not be approved upon appeal, it may still be in VA's best interest not to accelerate a loan if the purchaser has assumed liability for repayment, the monthly installments are current, and the funding fee has been paid. Any such case should be documented with a memorandum from the regional office Director or Loan Guaranty Officer (or Assistant Loan Guaranty Officer) stating the basis for such a decision.

n. There are also certain situations involving transfers of property when it would not be appropriate to accelerate the loan. VA will not accelerate a loan upon:

(1) The creation of a lien or other encumbrance subordinate to VA's security instrument which does not relate to a transfer of rights of occupancy in the property (e.g., when a second mortgage is placed against the -property);

(2) The creation of a purchase money security interest for household appliances (often called lien for household goods);

(3) A transfer by devise,, descent, or operation of law on the death of a joint tenant or tenant by the entirety;

(4) The granting of a leasehold interest of 3 years or less not containing an option to purchase;

(5) A transfer to a relative resulting from the death of a borrower;

(6) A transfer when the spouse or children of the borrower become a joint owner of the property with the borrower;

(7) A transfer resulting from a decree of a dissolution of marriage, legal separation agreement, or from an incidental property settlement agreement by which the spouse of the borrower becomes the sole owner of the property. In such a case the borrower shall have the option of applying directly to the VA regional office of jurisdiction for a release of liability under 38 U.S.C. 3713 or 3720; or


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(8) A transfer into an inter vivos trust in which the borrower is and remains a beneficiary and which does not relate to a transfer of rights of occupancy in the property.

o. There may be a case in which the loan is current, the requirements with respect to credit qualification and liability of the transferee are satisfied, but no funding fee has been paid to VA. In such a case, a release of liability must be granted to the teller pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 3714. If the transferee is unwilling to pay the funding fee, then this will be processed as an advance against the loan account. should stations be aware that under the wording of the law, only assumers must pay the funding fee. Therefore, if a transferee takes title to the property securing a portfolio loan "subject to" the mortgage, VA is not entitled to receive a funding fee in connection with the transfer of the loan. However, since an unapproved transfer constitutes a default, the loan may be accelerated or terminated, as determined appropriate by station management.

p. If VA transferred title at the time of sale and received a mortgage or deed of trust, and the vendee or direct loan borrower plans to sell on an installment contract, contract for deed, or similar arrangement in which title is not transferred from the seller to the buyer, then this Is not considered a disposition of property subject to 38 U.S.C. 3714 and does not require prior approval of VA. In such a case the seller remains liable on the loan and should be made fully aware of this liability. VA's records will not be changed to remove the seller's name from the account.

q. When VA has sold a property on an installment sales contract, any transfer of the vendee's interest in the contract will constitute a disposition subject to the prior approval by VA under 38 U.S.C. 3714. The approval procedures previously discussed in this paragraph will be followed, a $300 assumption approval processing charge will be collected, and the purchaser will be required to pay the one-half of 1 percent funding fee upon completion of the transfer.

r. Rare situations may arise when it appears to be in the best interest of the Government to waive collection of part or all of the $300 assumption approval processing charge. An example may be when the sales contract calls for payment of the charge by the seller, one or more previous applicants have been disapproved, the property is in a declining market area where buyers are scarce, and the seller is unable even to maintain the regular monthly installments on a timely basis. Any waiver of this type must be documented with a memorandum in the loan folder signed by the Loan Guaranty Officer, or Assistant Loan Guaranty Officer.]


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[s. When loans are refunded under 38 CFR 36.4318 after November 1, 1995, it will not be considered in the best interest of the Secretary to consider a retroactive approval of a transfer, and the loan will be accelerated when VA learns of the unapproved transfer, except in those circumstances outlined in subparagraph n above.]


a. In a majority of States, the consent of the holder of a mortgage must be obtained in writing before any easement affecting the property can be granted by the owner. The usual type of easement involved will be for construction and maintenance of pipelines, sewers, powerlines, etc., and occasionally an easement will be sought for a joint driveway. Generally, no consideration will be involved and the concurrence of VA will depend upon the desirability of consenting to such an agreement with respect to the effect it may have on the value of the security property. If, after proper investigation, it is determined that consent will be given to the proposed easement, the necessary agreement may be executed with the advice of the office of the District Counsel.

b. Some properties upon which VA holds mortgages may be affected by certain zoning restrictions or regulations. VA will endeavor to keep informed of any proposed changes in restrictions, and, if a change might adversely affect a particular property, the borrower will be advised to take the necessary steps to protect his or her interests. Only under the most unusual conditions will VA become a party to any protest, since it would be a matter of local concern and one in which the Federal Government should not become involved.


Many installment contracts provide that a deed will be executed and delivered to the purchaser when a stipulated amount is paid on the loan and upon the request of the purchaser. If such a request is made by the purchaser and the required amount has been paid, the case shall be referred to the office of the District Counsel with the request that a deed be issued to the vendee, and a note and mortgage or deed of trust obtained for the balance owing on the obligation. The loan number will remain the same, but advice of any difference in the terms of the mortgage instrument as compared to the installment contract must be reported to the Finance activity on VA Form 26-6820 (par. 3.29).


a. VA Form 26-1830, Installment Contract for Sale of Real Estate, bearing a revision date prior to June 1974, or containing the acceleration clause applicable under 38 U.S.C. 3714 gives the contract seller a right to accelerate the contract balance, when all or part of the contract buyer's interest in the contract or in the related property is assigned without the written consent of the contract seller. Other VA-approved installment contracts carry a similar provision. For this reason, an informed assignee will usually require the contract seller's consent. VA Form 26-1857, Assignment of Installment Contract for Sale of Real Estate, has been issued for this purpose.


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b. If the contract is subject to the provisions of 38 U.S.C. 3714, then it will be necessary that the assumption approval procedures in paragraph 2.14.1 be followed. However, the extent of the investigation of the credit history and income of a proposed assignee on an older loan will vary, depending upon the facts of the individual case and the discretion of station management.

c. When the contract buyer fails to obtain approval of his or her assignee on a loan subject to 38 U.S.C. 3714, then the parties will be given the opportunity to apply for retroactive approval (see par. 2.14.1), and the one-half of 1 percent funding fee will be charged as an advance against the account. Acceleration in such a case, or in the event of an unapproved transfer of an older contract, will be exercised only in those cases when such an action is necessary for the protection of VA's interest; e.g., the assignee of a loan subject to 38 U.S.C. 3714 fails to cooperate in a retroactive application for approval and fails to pay the advanced funding fee, or an assignee on an older loan fails to make the required monthly payments.


a. Uncollectible Remittances

(1) Redeposit, Accounting and Notice to Regional Office. The Federal depository will automatically redeposit a check previously returned as uncollectible due to NSF (insufficient funds). If payment is denied a second time or in any case when a check is uncollectible for reasons other than NSF, the uncollectible item will be forwarded to the Finance activity at Austin DPC. The loan account will then be down dated to charge it with the uncollectible item. Loan Guaranty at office of jurisdiction will be notified of such down dating by an RPO 47. If the down dating causes a reportable default, Loan Guaranty will be notified by an RPO 47-60.

(2) Disposition of Uncollectible Remittances

(a) Action by Finance Activity, Austin DPC. A VA Form 26-0530 will be released to notify the borrower of an uncollectible item, to request a replacement check or money order, and to advise that the uncollectible check will be retained by the VA office of jurisdiction. The uncollectible check will be sent to Loan Guaranty at the office of jurisdiction.


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(b) Action by Loan Guaranty at Regional Office. The uncollectible check will be filed in the loan folder. It may be returned to the borrower upon specific request provided that an acceptable replacement check has been received and processed after 30 days have elapsed and the loan account is current.

b. Servicing Loans Incident to Uncollectible Remittances. Borrowers should be contacted immediately upon receipt of RPO 47 or RPO 47-60 to assure that acceptable payments will be mailed to replace the uncollectible remittance. Appropriate followups should be established depending on the results of contact. Contacting borrowers is particularly important in those cases in which the loan is in default or the uncollectible check represents two or more installment payments. If a borrower shows a pattern of repeatedly issuing uncollectible remittances, Loan Guaranty may insist on payment by certified funds as described below.

c. Certified Funds

(1) Record Condition X2. When Loan Guaranty determines that it is necessary to refuse to accept any remittance other than postal money orders, certified checks, cashier's checks, or other certified funds, it will notify the borrower accordingly and, at the same time, establish an X2 Record Condition in the master record by appropriate coding as provided by M26-11, paragraph 3.3le(6) and figure 14. Thereafter, when uncertified funds are received at PRPS for a loan account with an X2 Record Condition, the unacceptable remittance will be forwarded to the Finance activity, Austin DPC, which will return the remittance to the borrower by means of FL 4-324 and send a copy of this letter to Loan Guaranty at the office of jurisdiction for appropriate action. Record Condition X2 should be used sparingly and for a limited period of time. It is appropriate only for accounts that have a recent pattern of remitting bad checks and the record condition should be removed after a reasonable time if regular payments have been made timely.

(2) Removal of Record Condition X2. When it is no longer necessary to require certified funds, the borrower will be notified accordingly and the Record Condition X2 may be removed by appropriate coding in accordance with M26-11, paragraph 3.3le(6). Additionally, when Record Condition X2 is established in a loan record, the system will automatically set diary reason code 388 for plus 120 days, at which time Record Condition X2 will be removed automatically and RPO 88 will be produced for regional office review. If it is determined that Record Condition X2 is still required, it must be recoded manually.

d. Accounts in Foreclosure (Record Condition X4). The Loan Service and Claims Section will keep a close followup on the progress of all cases which are involved in foreclosure or other legal action, including cases awaiting the expiration of a redemption period. Depending upon the status of each such case, a determination can be made as to whether the interests of the


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Government would be best served by the acceptance or by the rejection of any remittance received on such accounts. [If funds are received at Austin DPC for application to a loan account in foreclosure (X4 Record Condition), the Finance Division at the Austin DPC will send an electronic message to the regional office to request instructions on what to do with the funds.] Loan Guaranty Division, with advice of the office of District Counsel, will determine whether, under the facts in the case, it is in the best interests of VA to accept the remittance or to return it to the borrower. One of the following actions will then be taken.

(1) Remittance Unacceptable. If the remittance is unacceptable and the foreclosure is to continue, Finance activity, Austin DPC, should be advised by teletype to return the remittance to the borrower. This will be accomplished by use of FL 4-324 with a copy sent to Loan Guaranty at office of jurisdiction for filing in the loan folder. At the same time, it may be appropriate for Loan Guaranty to write a detailed personal letter to the borrower.

(2) Remittance Acceptance. If the remittance is acceptable, Finance activity, Austin DPC, will be advised by teletype to override the freeze (Record Condition X4) and to apply the funds to the loan account. If the foreclosure action is to be canceled, such action will be coded in accordance with M26-11, paragraph 3.31b. With the concurrence of the office of District Counsel, there may be cases in which the acceptance of the remittance would be in the interests of VA without canceling the foreclosure action. In this event, no coding action is required as the X4 Record Condition will be retained and the account updated to reflect the application of funds.

e. Remittances Received at Regional Office or by Employees in Travel Status. All remittances received in the Loan Guaranty Division will be hand delivered to the agent cashier and disposition instructions given in accordance with VA Manual MP-4, part I, paragraph 2B.04. Remittances other than cash received by field representatives may be mailed directly to the PRPS (see par. 2.22a for address) with a hand prepared VA Form 4-5218 if the regular billing notice mailed to the borrower is not available. Cash received in the field will be handled as provided in paragraph 2.22a.


a. Regardless of whether the loan is current or in default, but with the exceptions shown in subparagraph b below, information regarding the status of the loan account shall not be revealed to any person, firm, or company that is not a party at interest in the mortgage contract. Those requesting the information will be referred to the obligors.

b. Exceptions. The details of a VA portfolio loan account may be made available to:


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(1) Such persons or organizations seeking the information incident to an extension of credit to the borrower, or rendering services or other benefits to the borrower or the borrower's family, including but not limited to a proposed lender, a recognized credit reporting agency, an established welfare organization, borrower's employer or prospective employer, attorneys or title companies representing the obligor or the purchaser of the property, etc. The release of information to anyone other than the obligor will be left to the discretion of the station management. It should be borne in mind that information will be released only to parties who have a legitimate reason for having the information; or

(2) A prospective purchaser (or accredited representative) of one or more VA portfolio loans.

(3) The supervisor or the employer of the individual primarily responsible for the payments due on VA portfolio loans may be contacted and assistance requested in collecting past due amounts, provided (a) the loan has been adequately and properly serviced; (b) it has been determined the obligor has the ability to pay but either refuses or neglects to pay and (c) he or she is first warned that his or her supervisor will be contacted if the obligor does not maintain the loan in accordance with the terms of the loan contract, and is given a reasonable period of time to comply. This will apply also to military employees. It is anticipated that this means of servicing loans will be used only when all other loan servicing efforts have failed to produce the desired result.


[a. Duty to Respond to Written Borrower Inquiries

(1) Twenty Business Days to Acknowledge. A written request from a borrower, or an agent of the borrower, relating to the servicing of his/her loan must be acknowledged in writing within 20 business days of receipt, unless the action requested is taken within 20 business days. A written request excludes notices on payment coupons or any other payment medium supplied by the servicer. The request must enable an LSR (loan service representative) to identify the name and account of the borrower, and provide sufficient detail regarding why the account is in error or other information requested by the borrower.

(2) Sixty Business Days to Resolve . Within 60 business days of receipt of a written request (as defined in subpar. (1) above) from a borrower, or agent of the borrower, relating to the servicing of his/her loan, the LSR must complete an investigation and notify the homeowner of the results. The findings from this investigation should be used to determine which of the following three courses of action should be taken: correct the borrower's account and notify the borrower in writing of these corrections; provide written


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explanation to the borrower of why the account is correct; or write the borrower with an explanation of why the requested information is unavailable. The name and telephone number of the LSR to contact must be provided in the written notification of the results of this investigation.

(3) Prohibition Against Reporting to Credit Agencies. During the 60 day investigation period (as defined in subpar. (2) above), information indicating a late mortgage payment on the account under investigation may not be reported to credit agencies.

(4) Guaranteed and Sold Vendee Loans. These requirements also apply to servicers of guaranteed loans and to vendee loans sold with recourse.]

[b.] Objectives of Defaulted Loan Servicing

(1) To cure minor delinquencies (an amount less than the total of two monthly installments) before they become serious defaults.

(2) To restore seriously defaulted loans (two or more monthly installments) to a current basis before the defaults become insoluble; and

(3) To terminate loans expeditiously by the method most advantageous to the Government when, in the best judgment of station management, the defaults are insoluble.

[c.] PLS Output Used in Servicing Loans

(1) PLS generates VA Form 20-235A, Portfolio Loan Record Printout, to notify Loan Guaranty of certain delinquencies, reportable defaults, receipt of certain remittances and the current status of loan accounts. MP-6, part XI, supplement No. 5.3 (TEST), contains a complete list and description of RPO reason codes. The basic RPO's designed to assist in servicing delinquent loans are summarized below:

(a) RPO 04--Accrual has been made on a loan in foreclosure with Record Condition X4.

(b) RPO 47--Delinquency on a loan account was altered by coded input (for bad check or other reason).

(c) RPO 60--Loan became a reportable default or accrual has been made on a loan in default.

(d) RPO 63--Accrual cannot be made because of record condition or other reason.


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(e) RPO 65--First payment on a new loan is 5 days past due; or number of consecutive months loan has been delinquent is equal to the Delinquent Service Code (see M26-11, par. 2.02); or there is an arrearage on a loan that is paid other than monthly.

(f) RPO 66--Payment has been received on a loan in default or on a new loan that was at least 5 days delinquent.

(g) RPO 72--Modification type 4, 5 or 7 has matured or will mature in 30 days.

(h) RPO 82--Collection (TT 400 series) or suspended credit (TT 032) was applied to account with modification type 4, 5, or 7, but transaction payment amount does not equal modification amount. Both amounts are shown in the RPO Remarks area.

(i) RPO 88--120 days have expired since Record Condition X2 was set and such record condition has been deleted automatically. Record Condition X2 must be recoded if it is still needed. (See par. 2.18c(2).)

(j) RPO 96--Collection has not been received on a modified loan (modification type 4, 5 or 7) by the next billing date (15 to 18 days after due date).

(2) PLS generates additional output described below which is to be used as a management tool and to effectively service loans:

(a) A daily teletype of remittances received on loans in default.

(b) Suspended Credits List (monthly) showing amount and date of suspense.

[(c) COIN PLS 03-01, Loans in Default by Months Delinquent, provides the county code and months delinquent for every portfolio loan in default.

(d) COIN PLS 03-02, Loans in Default by Months Delinquent, provides a summary of station and nationwide data on the total number of portfolio loans in default by months delinquent.]

[(e)] COIN PLS 04-01, Portfolio Loan Foreclosure Report, produced monthly showing the number of loans and number of months such loans have been in termination status. A detailed listing (COIN PLS 29-01, Portfolio Loans in Foreclosure) identifying the individual cases by loan number and referral date is printed quarterly (as of April 30, July 31, October 31, and January 31).

(3) Record Maintenance. It is contemplated that in most cases delinquencies and reportable defaults may be serviced from RPO's without reference to the related loan folder. In some cases,


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pertinent information in the loan folder should be extracted or annotated on RPO 60 for effectively servicing the loan. The loan folder may then be filed. The initial default RPO 60, most recent RPO 60 or 66 and material of record will be retained by the LSR in a servicing binder until the delinquency or default is cured. This will provide in brief a complete summary of the servicing history. When all arrearages have been paid in full, the foregoing RPO's and record documentation will be filed in the portfolio loan folder. [If RAS is used, the note screens may be printed and retained in the loan folder.]

[d.] Procedures. Preferable procedures for defaulted loan servicing are set forth in this paragraph. It is recognized, however, that strict compliance with these procedures may be impracticable or even impossible under certain conditions. For example, the remote location of a property may be such that because of the time and expense involved, a personal face-to-face contact with the defaulted borrower may not be feasible. In lieu of a personal contact, a telephone call, a telegram, mailgram, or a personal letter based upon the facts in the case would be appropriate. Other conditions which might require a variation from these procedures include cases in which the property is or may be abandoned or when the borrower has informed the regional office that he or she does not intend to make further payments on the loan. No defaulted loan, however, will be neglected and the servicing undertaken shall be well calculated to produce the best results obtainable under the facts in the case.

[e.] Delinquencies Less Than Two Installments

(1) Delinquent Initial Installment. When a borrower fails to make the first payment on the loan within 5 days after the due date, an RPO 65 will be received by the regional office and the borrower will be automatically advised by a system-generated special notice that the new account is delinquent. Upon receipt of RPO 65, a LSR or other qualified Loan Guaranty employee will make every possible effort to contact the borrower promptly by telephone and inform the borrower that the first installment on the loan has not been received. The purpose of this contact is to impress upon the new borrower that the payments on the loan are payable on or before the installment due date and that there is no contractual provision for a grace period. This contact is an important part of defaulted loan servicing and frequently prevents future serious default, if it is timely and courteous, but firm. If the borrower cannot be contacted by telephone, a telegram or mailgram should be sent to the person as promptly as possible. A copy of the telegram, mailgram, or a synopsis of the telephone contact recorded on the RPO, VA Form 26-6808 or VA Form 26-6715, Record of Telephone Conversation, will be filed in the servicing binder. When the payment is received, Loan Guaranty will be advised via RPO 66. The RPO's, material of record and correspondence will then be filed in the portfolio loan folder as provided in subparagraph [c] above.


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(2) Chronic Late Payers. RPO reason code 65 will be received by Loan Guaranty when a borrower has failed to pal his or her monthly installment before the next billing date (15- 8 days late) for 6 consecutive months, or if the loan account had any unpaid accrued amount in the delinquent segment for a period of 6 consecutive months without becoming a reportable default. This 6-month interval can be changed if desired (i.e., 3 or 4 months) by coding in accordance with M26-11, paragraph 3.31e. When this RPO reason code 65 is received in Loan Guaranty, an effort will be made to contact the borrower by telephone to correct this payment pattern. Condoning this method of payment, which often leads to serious default, is not in the best interest of the borrower or the VA. If the borrower cannot be reached by telephone, a personal letter based upon the facts in the particular case should be sent.

[f.] Delinquencies Equal to Two or More Installments

(1) PLS Output. When an amount equal to at least one full installment is past due for a full calendar month or more, a loan becomes a reportable default and Loan Guaranty will receive RPO reason code 60. The borrower will have been previously advised that the account was past due by a computer-generated message on the regular monthly billing notice. On the accrual date, when the loan becomes a reportable default, PLS will also automatically generate and send to the borrower VA Form 26-8875, Delinquency Notice -Initial Default. VA Form 26-8875 will be generated for all loans except under the following conditions:

(a) How paid is 2-5.

(b) When paid is 2-6.

(c) Modification type is 1-3 and date of modification is less than 6 months prior to default date.

(d) Modification type is 4-7.

(e) Number of suspended credits is greater than 0.

(f) Record condition is other than 00 or 02.

(g) The same form was generated earlier during the default episode.

(h) The loan was coded into PLS in a delinquent status following repurchase under 38 CFR 36.4600 or other acquisition (types 5-8) and the initial default episode has not been cured.

(2) Servicing Actions

(a) Upon receipt of RPO 60, PLS history screen will be reviewed and, if no payment has yet been received, the borrower should be contacted personally by telephone. This is necessary since the


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borrower has been advised on two separate occasions by computer-generated messages that the payment was past due and that the loan is in default. If a personal contact cannot be made, a letter, telegram or mailgram (VA loan number will be placed in the address field) will be sent to the borrower. These actions must be accomplished before three installments are due and payable. Moreover, holders of subordinate mortgages on VA portfolio loans often request notification from VA in the event of a default in loan payments. Once notified, these mortgage holders evaluate alternatives (advance funds to cure delinquency, pay off VA mortgage, foreclose, etc.) and may engage in supplemental servicing of the loan default. Borrowers are often responsive when additional servicing efforts are encountered. Therefore, the holder's written request for notification will be complied with when evidence of the subordinate mortgage is documented in the loan file and office of District Counsel has determined that the notice does not violate State law.

(b) The substance of telephone conversations will be recorded on VA Form 26-6715 or VA Form 26-6808 which will be filed in the loan folder after pertinent information has been extracted and annotated on RPO 60. [If RAS is used, the note screens may be printed and retained in the loan folder.) Unless a repayment program is being maintained as arranged, a delinquent loan will be followed up periodically as the circumstances require; ordinarily this will be not less than once each month.

(c) If personal contact cannot be made, the borrower does not respond to VA servicing efforts, the telephone has been disconnected, and/or mail is returned to the regional office, the property condition (open, secure, vandalized, etc.) and occupancy status must be determined. If possible, Loan Service and Claims personnel will determine the condition and occupancy status of the property through routine field servicing. However, in making the determination, assistance may be requested from other sections within Loan Guaranty (Construction and Valuation, Property Management) as well as from the Veteran's Services Division by asking that they drive by the property when they are in the area. If the property is vacant, the instructions in paragraph 2.22m will be followed and preassignment of a management broker is recommended. In addition, the default should be considered insoluble and the loan should be expeditiously terminated. (See par. 2.27.)

(3) Bankruptcy Cases . When VA receives notice that a borrower has filed for relief under the Bankruptcy Code, all direct servicing contact with the borrower will cease, as well as any liquidation action. Coding action will be taken in accordance with Manual M26-11, paragraph 3.3le(4) and figure 14.


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(a) Chapter 7

1 . Obtaining Clear Title or Relief from the Automatic Stay. If the bankruptcy was filed under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code, the Loan Guaranty Division will forward a copy of the notice to the office of District Counsel for appropriate action and contact the borrower's attorney to determine if the borrower intends to retain the property. The notice to the office of District Counsel will advise whether or not there is any equity in the property. If the borrower does not intend to retain the property and there is no equity in it, District Counsel should be requested to contact the Bankruptcy Trustee in an effort to obtain clear title or relief from the automatic stay. A reasonable fee to cover administrative expenses may be paid to the Trustee for clear title, if this will result in a reduction in the cost of terminating the loan. If title cannot be obtained in this way, the case will be monitored and coordination with the office of District Counsel maintained at appropriate intervals to ensure that the bankruptcy discharge or relief from the automatic stay is obtained promptly. Servicing or liquidation actions may then resume or proceed after consultation with the office of District Counsel. If the borrower intends to continue making payments on the loan, an attempt should be made through the office of District Counsel to obtain a reaffirmation agreement from the borrower.

2. Sale by Trustee. If the Trustee proposes a sale of the property securing VA's loan, the office of District Counsel should be requested to contact the Bankruptcy Trustee in an effort to obtain clear title. This would avoid excessive administrative costs incurred by the Trustee in effecting a private sale. If such efforts are unsuccessful, a bid should be entered on behalf of the Secretary for either the net value or total debt, whichever is less.

(b) Chapter 13. If the bankruptcy was filed under Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code, the payments made both inside and outside of the plan should be closely monitored. If payments are not made promptly, the office of District Counsel should be requested to take action to have the automatic stay lifted. Servicing or liquidation action may then proceed. When the bankruptcy court permits a bifurcation of VA's secured claim into two separate claims, one secured and one unsecured (commonly referred to as a "cram-down" of the indebtedness), the office of the District Counsel will be requested to appeal the decision of the bankruptcy court except in those cases when there are clear precedents supporting the court's cram-down decision, or little or no probability that a debt established following termination of the loan could be recovered from the obligor. The Office of the District Counsel should also be requested to determine whether the effect of the cram-down is voided when the Chapter 13 plan is dismissed in its entirety or relief from the automatic stay is granted on the VA loan.


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[g.] Field Servicing. Whenever a loan account becomes 3 or more installments past due or is otherwise identified as a potentially serious default, a determination will be made whether or not to perform field servicing. A personal field interview is essential to develop information to permit a determination as to granting forbearance or extending or reamortizing the loan. Likewise, a personal field interview will better enable the LSR to promptly decide if the loan is insoluble. Generally, face-to-face servicing must be performed when the default results from serious financial troubles, domestic problems or economic dislocations. Field servicing will enable the LSR to ascertain if the borrower has a sincere desire to retain the home, and to obtain a financial statement for determining the borrower's ability to pay his or her loan obligation. Further, an inspection of the property can be made and observations recorded as to its general condition. In each instance of field servicing, VA Form 26-6808 will be prepared to summarize the interview and record relevant information about the security. If the borrower is not at home at the time of the field visit, VA Form 26-6807, Financial Statement, may be left at the residence as an attachment to FL 26-566, with instructions for the borrower to complete VA Form 26-6807 and return it to the regional office. In connection with the servicing of loans which become 3 months past due, PLS will automatically generate and send to the borrower either VA Forms 26-8985, Delinquency Notice - Continued Default, or 26-8985a, Delinquency Notice - Continued Default-English/Spanish, as appropriate, 5 days after the total amount due equals or exceeds 3 full installments. These forms will be generated for all loans except under the conditions described in subparagraph [f(l)] above.

[h.] Periodic Review of Seriously Delinquent Loans and Loans Approved for Termination

[(1) Delinquent Loans. The Chief, Loan Service and Claims Section, will review, at least monthly, all loans which are four or more installments past due or are otherwise seriously delinquent. COIN PLS 03-02, Loans in Default by Months Delinquent, can be used to compare and evaluate a station's delinquent loans to national statistics. COIN PLS 03-01, Loans in Default by Months Delinquent, should be used to review all delinquent loans. This review will be conducted at intervals sufficiently frequent to assure that serious defaults are being serviced properly. Portfolio loans that are 6 or more months delinquent may be insoluble and should 'be terminated promptly. For example, if a seriously delinquent borrower is not maintaining a repayment schedule satisfactorily, it is essential that the LSR, at the time of review, have current documented information pertaining to the default (e.g., a completed VA Form 26-6808 or VA Form 26-6807), to support a decision to extend further indulgence or a recommendation to terminate the loan. In connection with the servicing of seriously delinquent loans, PLS will also


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automatically generate and send to the borrower VA Form 26-8876, Delinquency Notice - Serious Default, 5 days after the total amount due equals or exceeds 4 full installments. This form will be generated for all loans except under the conditions described in subparagraph f(l) above.]

(2) Loans in Termination Status. The Chief, Loan Service and Claims Section, will also review all loans in a termination status. COIN PLS 04-01, Portfolio Loan Foreclosure Report, produced monthly and the detailed listing, COIN PLS 29-01, Portfolio Loans in Foreclosure, produced quarterly, should be used as a control to assure that all loans in a termination status are followed up to effect prompt termination.

[i.] Loan service procedures for extending indulgence, handling chronic delinquents, granting extensions and reamortizations, together with other policies concerning delinquent loan servicing, are outlined in paragraph 2.22. Termination procedures are set forth in paragraph 2.29.

[j.] Late Charges

(1) General. The security instruments for portfolio loans provide that the mortgagor will pay a late charge not exceeding 4 percent of any installment when paid more than 15 days after the due date. A late charge of 4 percent will be imposed on all installments for direct pay accounts due on and after August 1, 1974, if not paid timely. The date of receipt of the payment by VA is the determining factor. To allow for payments in transit and deposits in process, VA will not actually assess a charge unless the installment payment is received more than 18 days after the due date (e.g. , an installment due date of the first of the month plus 18 days establishes the 19th of the month as the last day for receipt of an installment payment on which a late charge will not be assessed; the 20th of the month as the first day for receipt of an installment payment on which the late charge will be assessed). Late charges on installments due other than monthly will similarly be assessed if payment is received later than 18 days after the due date. NOTE: The extra 3 days allowed for receipt of payments before assessment of a late charge is an internal VA administrative policy of accommodation and is not for publication. All written and verbal communications with borrowers should refer to the 15-day period as defined in the first sentence of this subparagraph.

(2) Policies. The following policies are established for implementation of late payment charges:

(a) The 4 percent late charge is based on the total installment amount (i.e., principal and interest constant plus tax and insurance deposit).


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(b) On partial installment payments, the late charge will be assessed only on that portion that is not paid timely. A late charge that is less than $1 will not be assessed.

(c) Advances for T and I disbursements are not subject to late charges.

(d) Direct pay accounts (how paid code 1) only will be subject to late payment penalties. Accounts paid by deduction from benefits or military allotments (how paid codes 2-5) will be excluded. Loans with modification type 4, 5 or 7, and cases with unusual arrangements for payment (when paid codes 5 and 6) will also be excluded.

(e) No remittance will be returned because of the noninclusion of an accrued late charge.

(f) An installment payment or even multiples of the installment payment will not be "shorted" to satisfy accrued late charges.

(g) A late charge already accrued will be automatically reversed and canceled by the system, if the particular installment payment is subsequently processed with a collection receipt date that is equal to or less than the due date plus 18 days. The same reversal of an accrued late charge will occur automatically if the installment payment is applied from suspended credits with a "timely" collection receipt date.

(h) Unpaid accrued late charges will not cause a loan to become a reportable default.

(i) Unpaid and billed late charges on most loan accounts will be automatically capitalized (added to principal balance of indebtedness) by the system when the oldest late charge remains unpaid for 6 consecutive months. (See subpar. (3)(c) below.)

(j) Accrued late charges will be collected when a loan is paid in full and added to the indebtedness when a loan is terminated by foreclosure or deed in lieu.

(k) Accrued late charges will be canceled when portfolio loans are sold. Such charges are not transferred to the purchaser.

(1) On repurchased loans, the delinquent installments will be subject to late charge accrual after the account is established in the same manner as subsequent unpaid installments.

(m) Late charges will not accrue on acquired loans after establishment in PLS until a "Date of Cure" is in the master record. A "Date of Cure" will be generated when (1) a delinquent loan is brought current by application of installment payments; (2) the date interest begins is within 30 days of the date the acquired


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loan is established in PLS; (3) an established acquired loan is brought current by modification agreement; or (4) when directly coded by Finance.

(3) Billing

(a) Accrued late charges will appear in a separate block on VA Form 26-0530 and will be included in the amount shown as Total Due. The definition of late charge is printed on all payment coupons.

(b) The borrower will be billed a late charge on the next bill produced after the accrual of the late charge. EXAMPLE: Monthly payment due August 1 was not received until August 20, after the late charge was accrued and after the September bill was prepared. The next bill, produced on September 17 for the October 1 payment, will show the late charge assessed on the August installment. Note that up until September 17, the accrued late charge for August may be reversed before it is billed. Accrued late charges on accounts paid other than monthly will be billed each month with any other past due amounts.

(c) Unpaid accrued and billed late charges on a monthly account (when paid 1) will be capitalized automatically if unpaid after 6 months. All such unpaid and billed late charges will be cleared and added to the outstanding principal balance immediately before preparation of the next billing notice, on which a special message will be printed to notify the borrower of the action. Quarterly accounts (when paid 2) will be capitalized when the second quarterly bill following the late charge accrual is produced. On semiannual accounts (when paid 3), such action will occur when the next semiannual bill is prepared following accrual of the late charge. Annual accounts (when paid 4) will be capitalized by Finance activity coding upon instructions from Loan Guaranty.

(4) Adjustment. A late charge may be adjusted by Loan Guaranty in an appropriate case after payment of the particular installment has been made. For example, an adjustment would be required if a timely remittance is accepted at the regional office, but the later date of receipt at [Austin Automation Center) was erroneously used as the collection receipt date, thus causing an improper assessment of a late charge. All unusual cases should be reviewed and necessary adjustments made to assure proper assessment of late charges. A memorandum documenting the requested action will be forwarded to the Finance activity for necessary coding action(s), and a copy filed in the loan folder.

[k.] "Horizontal" Application of Remittances

(1) Policy. Collections will be applied to one installment after another. An installment payment received on a current account will be applied first to T and I, next to accrued interest, and the


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balance, if any, to principal. On a delinquent account, a remittance will be applied in the same horizontal manner to satisfy the oldest delinquent installment before the remainder, if any, is applied to the next oldest installment. Installment payments of even installment multiples will not be "shorted" to repay T and I advances or to satisfy late charges. Generally, a remittance will be applied toward advances and accrued late charges if the collection is equal to the total amount due or exceeds one or more even installment payments. A remittance less than the total amount due but not in an even installment multiple will be applied horizontally to whole installments with any fractional portion applied first to repay any advance and then to accrued late charges.

(2) Installment Segments . To control the horizontal application of remittances to the oldest unpaid installments in sequence and with the proper priorities, the PLS master record maintains an accrual-distribution segment for each individual installment (maximum 12 segments). The accrual portion identifies each installment accrual as to T and I, interest and principal. The late charge is also reflected in the accrual, when and if it is accrued. Advances made for T and I disbursements appear in the accrual portion of the next installment segment following the date of advance. The distribution portion of each segment displays the aggregate application of collections and adjustments against the accrued amounts for the particular installment. In addition, the system maintains installment history segments that record a maximum of 12 individual collection transactions or distribution adjustments related to particular installments. The accrual-distribution segments and the history segments appear on the PLS master record writeout available upon coded teletype request in accordance with M26-11, paragraph 3.31a.

(3) History. As a convenient aid to facilitate loan servicing decisions and actions, [the Rapid Access System screen, PL4, and] RPO's will carry up to 12 history segments on the individual account, showing the applicable segment installment date and the detailed distribution of each remittance including transaction type and collection receipt date. Individual history segments also record accounting adjustments affecting installment collections, including application of suspended credits, down dating for uncollectible checks and capitalization of late charges. Note that disbursements are not shown in the history segments and that several separate history segments may relate to an individual installment. All transactions including disbursements are reflected on the Daily Transaction List and the Cumulative History List.


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(See par. 2.36 for guaranteed and insured loans.)

In the event of default, if the borrower has moved from the jurisdiction of the office which then holds the VA portfolio loan (hereafter referred to as the originating office), outregion servicing may be requested of another VA regional office (hereafter referred to as the servicing office). Outregion servicing will be performed by all VA regional offices on a reciprocal basis, but the originating office will retain the loan folder and will include the case in its records and reports.

a. The Originating Office. When default has occurred and it is found that the borrower has moved to the jurisdiction of another regional office, the originating office will:

(1) Write to the VA regional office within whose jurisdiction the obligor presently resides, requesting that office either to initiate or continue loan servicing.

(2) Include in the letter a summary and the results of the servicing thus far accomplished; all pertinent information concerning the history of the defaulted loan which is available from the loan folder, the accounting records, or otherwise; and other information pertinent to the case, which may have been obtained from any source, concerning the loan or the borrower.

b. The Servicing Office. Upon receipt of a letter requesting loan servicing, the servicing office will:

(1) Acknowledge receipt of the letter and proceed with servicing the defaulted loan in accordance with VA policy and procedure, as set forth in this manual.

(2) As soon as practicable, provide the originating office with an interim or a final report, as the case may be, concerning the servicing which was accomplished and the results obtained, together with any recommendations or suggestions which are thought suitable in the circumstances.

c. Records and Reports. Based upon reports received from the servicing office and other pertinent information at hand, the defaulted loan records and reports shall be kept current by the originating office.


The LSR assigned to a case will be given all pertinent data regarding the loan and will be informed of any developments during the period of default. He or she will be advised of the


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present loan balance, and the date, nature, and amount of the delinquency. Neither the folder nor the loan instruments will be removed from the Loan Guaranty Division at this time but, whenever possible, they will be made available for study by the LSR before proceeding to the field. While the approach to the borrower should be firm, the LSR will not adopt a belligerent or antagonistic attitude; on the contrary, at this time, he or she should express a willingness to offer advice and suggestions in a frank discussion of the borrower's difficulty. It is very important that a complete understanding of the circumstances which brought about the delinquency is obtained.

a. Field Collections. Borrowers who attempt to remit payments during a field service call will be advised that such payments must be forwarded to the Department of Veterans Affairs, P.O. Box 13136, Philadelphia, PA [19162-0002], in the preaddressed envelopes provided with VA Form 26-0530, in time to arrive by their due date.

b. Loan Service Report. VA Form 26-6808 will be completed, dated and signed after each call by the LSR. The report will reveal a complete story of the interview, including, but not limited to, the following:

(1) Date and place of interview.

(2) Persons interviewed.

(3) Reasons for default.

(4) Borrower's attitude and worthiness.

(5) Borrower's circumstances.

(a) Employment--salary or other income.

(b) Spouse's income.

(c) Financial condition and prospects.

(d) Other obligations.

(e) Relatives who may assist.

(f) Domestic situation and number in family.

(6) General condition of the property.

(7) Rental possibilities.

(8) Sales possibilities.


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(9) Proposals by borrower.

(10) Suggestions and advice to borrower.

(11) Amount collected from borrower (if any).

(12) Recommended action.

[c.] Subsequent Loan Service Reports. Subsequent VA Forms 26-6808 resulting from additional calls or letters need not include the above detail, except to the extent that it was either previously omitted or has materially changed. Since these reports will be filed for reference in the related loan folder, it is imperative that the LSR enter on each report by date, and in chronological order, all pertinent information obtained in order that a complete record of the progress of the servicing may be available at all times. As soon as the LSR's report is completed, including recommendations, it will be delivered or mailed to the Loan Service and Claims Section, together with the latest RPO attached.

[d.] Property Inspections. See paragraph 2.03 for details.

[e.] Financial Counseling. Financial counseling may, in some cases, best serve VA's objective to provide delinquent borrowers with the maximum assistance possible to retain ownership of their


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homes during periods of temporary financial difficulty. When financial counseling is conducted incident to an office or field servicing interview, VA Form 26-8844, Financial Counseling Statement, should be completed and action taken to implement any recommendations made. (See par. 3.40.)

[f]. Office Review. Upon receipt of the loan service report, it will be reviewed by personnel of the Loan Service and Claims Section for any necessary action based upon the recommendations made by the LSR.. If no action is to be taken at that time, the report with the latest RPO attached will be initialed. by the reviewer and shall be filed in the related loan folder. The duplicate of the report, if any, will be removed from the loan folder and disposed of in accordance with RCS VB-1, part I, item No. 12-050.100.

[g]. Forbearance. After the reasons for default have been determined, indulgence may be extended for a reasonable time to a worthy borrower who is unable immediately to begin the liquidation of the arrearage. The period of forbearance will not ordinarily be allowed to run over 3 or 4 months without positive action leading to liquidation of the arrearage or an extension and reamortization of the loan. However, indulgence of a longer duration would be in order in connection with certain 'Resumed Service' cases (see par. 2.24) and when emergencies cause general unemployment or other unusual conditions in the area (see par. 2.40), or in cases of default resulting from prolonged illness in the borrower's family.

[h]. Repayment of Arrears. Borrowers in default are inclined to make promises in respect to the repayment of arrears which they cannot possibly fulfill, only to find themselves later in a worse, and sometime hopeless, financial condition. If it appears during an interview, or from correspondence with the borrower, that the promises will be difficult if not impossible to keep, they should not be too readily accepted without first making an effort to arrive at a realistic understanding. An estimate of the delinquent borrower's anticipated ability to pay may be made from VA Form 26-6808 or 26-6807 (par. 3.25), completed as fully and accurately as possible by the borrower, with VA assistance if necessary or advisable, and a repayment schedule arranged accordingly. No repayment schedule should be arranged unless it is within the borrower's anticipated ability to pay, despite the fact that the repayment of lesser amounts may prolong the default status of the case, so long as progress will be shown with respect to the liquidation of the arrears. Demands on the delinquent borrower for repayment of a substantial sum of arrears in full shall be avoided unless there is ample justification from a legal standpoint, or otherwise. The pressure of other installment obligations is one of the principal causes of default. Therefore, it is inadvisable to encourage a delinquent to borrow funds for payment of the arrearage. The additional burden of installment payments on such a loan is likely to worsen the already difficult financial position and thus increase the possibility of future default on the mortgage loan.


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[i]. Chronic Delinquents. There are habitual late payers who make remittances only as a result of persistent loan servicing. The fact that some cases require an unusual amount of loan servicing activity is not ordinarily a valid reason for recommending termination of the loan. Should the amount in default reach serious proportions, however, appropriate and timely action should be taken to protect the Government's interest. Chronic delinquency will be found in every sizable mortgage portfolio. Some delinquents are impressed by making a serious issue of the matter in a prearranged meeting with the borrower and spouse. At that time, the anticipated family income and expenses should be fully discussed; VA Form 26-6808 should be prepared; the importance of meeting required payments on time explained as a first call on income; and consideration given to weekly or biweekly payments or other curative possibilities indicated by the circumstances. Any such arrangement should. be written in simple language dated, and signed by the borrowers, who should be given a' copy-for their record This formality often is effective, but such characteristics as an improper regard for the obligation, poor financial management, indolence and even indignation or resentment, are typical of chronic delinquents and, unless more drastic action is indicated by the circumstances in these cases, there is no alternative but persistent and aggressive servicing.

[j]. Attorney and Trustee Fees for Collection of Past Due Installments. Regardless of the terms of the security instruments, but with the exceptions noted in subparagraph (2) below, VA will make no charge to a delinquent obligor on a portfolio loan for attorney fees or trustee fees for the collection of past due installments, whether or not any collections are made or the Account is reinstated to a current condition through such legal services.

(1) Referral to Office of the District Counsel. If the Loan Service and Claims Section has exhausted all efforts to collect past due installments without success and it is believed that a letter or a visit by an attorney to the delinquent obligor would produce the desired result, the office of the District Counsel may be requested to perform this service. The services of a fee attorney will not be engaged for this purpose.

(2) Expenses Incurred or Paid by VA. Certain charges to the borrower may be made on account of "out of pocket" expenses (e.g., advertising, foreclosure costs, travel, and per diem allowances) incurred or paid by VA for legal services actually performed. In the event that a delinquent account is reinstated through the collection efforts of a fee attorney after the case was submitted for foreclosure, a reasonable fee for such service actually performed may be charged to the borrower. However, no such charge will be made without the advice and concurrence of the office of District Counsel as to the amount and the propriety of the service performed by the fee attorney. Also, in the event of reinstatement any expense incurred or paid by VA for an appraisal of the property in connection with possible termination of the loan will be collected from the borrower, or in lieu, added to the indebtedness.


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[k]. Extensions and Reamortizations. If justified by the circumstances in any case, a recasting of the loan may cure an existing default or prevent imminent default. (For recasting direct loans, see 38 CFR 36.4506.) Any such revision, including an extension and reamortization of the loan, may include the total amount delinquent (if any) but shall be consistent with sound lending practice and the borrower's ability to pay. If the present owner of the property for whom the terms of the mortgage are to be revised is a transferee, care shall be exercised to insure that no previous obligor is released from liability by the operation of law or otherwise, by failure to obtain consent to the proposed revision, unless under all the facts in a particular case the revision is in the interest of VA notwithstanding the fact that nonconsenting obligors will be released from personal liability. However, an arrangement which is made with the transferee to accept reduced payments for a specified period without extending or modifying the terms of the loan will not affect the liability of other obligors. (See par. 2.14e.) Any formal extension agreement must be approved and executed for the Secretary by an employee named in 38 CFR 36.4342 or 36.4520, with such legal advice and assistance of the District Counsel in the preparation and approval of the instrument as station management may direct. Any such change, including an arrangement to accept reduced payments without recasting the loan, must be reported to the Finance activity on VA Form 26-6820 (par. 3.29). If a loan is reamortized, extended or otherwise modified, appropriate coding action to reflect the type of modification should be taken in PLS as provided in M26-11. (NOTE: Modification type 7 is to be used for cases in which borrowers have filed bankruptcy.)

(1) Advance to Tax and Insurance Account. It will be permissible when extending portfolio loans by means or a formal written extension agreement to advance funds to the related tax and insurance account to bring the account up to the level it would have been had the installment payments been made, and to incorporate the amount so advanced in the indebtedness extended. However, this procedure should be used judiciously and generally be restricted to cases in default for reasons beyond the borrower's control; e.g., serious illness, prolonged strikes, unemployment, etc. VA Form 26-6820 should clearly indicate the amount to be advanced to the T and I account that has been included in the indebtedness extended.

(2) In those cases in which an analysis of the borrower's income and obligations indicates he or she could maintain the loan obligation if the loan terms were revised to reduce the interest rate, the borrower should be encouraged to refinance with a private lender. If the borrower is unable to obtain such financing, and the extent of the default is such that liquidation is indicated, field stations should consider modifying the loan instruments to reduce the interest rate and to extend and/or reamortize the loan. This procedure may be used when necessary to bring the monthly installment amount within the borrower's ability to pay, provided the borrower desires to retain and occupy the property, has shown an ability to care for and maintain the property, and has the ability to resume regular installment payments. Additional consideration should be given as to whether it


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would be in the best interest of the Government to refinance the loan as opposed to proceeding with termination of the account and reacquisition and resale of the property. The minimum interest rate on the modified loan will be the same as the maximum rate in effect for new portfolio loans at the time the modification is completed. The modified interest rate may not be reduced below 4 percent. Regional offices may contact Central Office (261) for advice concerning any case which appears to be appropriate for interest rate reduction but does not precisely meet the aforementioned criteria.

(3) Care should be taken to ensure that modification and reamortization of a loan to reduce the interest rate will not affect the dignity of VA's lien. Assistance should be obtained from the office of District Counsel in preparation of the modification to the terms of the loan instruments. Any such modification should be made effective as of the first day of the month. Finance activity must be provided VA Form 26-6820 and VA Form 26-8383a, Portfolio Loan Code Sheet (PLS-VADATS), with TT 150, field -FD, and TT 160, field -GC, -GD, -GE and -GQ, completed by Loan Guaranty for an interest rate and installment change without extension or reamortization. (See M26-11, par. 3.3le(l).) If the loan is to be modified by extension and/or reamortization at the same time, appropriate additional fields should be coded as indicated in M26-11, figure 14. VA Forms 26-6820 and 26-8383a must be forwarded to Finance activity after the first day of the month in which the modification is effective, and early enough so that the coding will be effective in PLS before billings are generated for the next due installment; i.e., PLS should be updated no later than the 12th of the month. PLS will generate RPO 78,62 for Loan Guaranty to verify all changes. After review, this RPO should be filed in the loan folder.

[l]. Vacant or Rented Property. When it is learned that a property has been abandoned or otherwise vacated by the owner or tenant, prompt action will be taken to protect the security from vandalism and the elements. Also, timely notice will be given to the hazard insurance carrier as set forth in paragraph 2.08e. If tenants occupy the property but the rentals are not received directly or indirectly by the VA and the account continues in default, consideration will be given to obtaining a rental assignment or otherwise securing the payments to the VA for application to the account in accordance with any provision in the loan instrument, and with the advice and assistance of the office of District Counsel.


When the original borrower is not the present owner of the property, he or she will be timely notified of any serious default so that he or she may take whatever action is available to protect his or her interests. FL 26-265 (par. 3.49) has been devised for


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this purpose. This letter will be mailed to the original borrower at the last known address when a loan first becomes seriously delinquent but in no event later than 30 days before foreclosure is actually commenced. If it is necessary to verify an address, VA Form 70-3443, Address Information Request, will be used. Although this form letter need not be dispatched until the loan is seriously delinquent, action will be taken early in servicing the delinquent loan to obtain the current address of the original borrower. The following sources will be used:

a. Employers, landlords, creditors and others listed in the credit report or among the credit references.

b. The obligor's postmaster, local police, school authorities, State motor vehicle, or license bureaus. Upon request, IRS (Internal Revenue Service) will furnish VA the current address of obligors as reflected in its files. Requests will be processed through the Austin DPC on VA Form 26-8839, Loan Guaranty-IRS Locator Code Sheet, and must include the obligor's SSN (Social Security number) and IRS Name Control. IRS address locator data will be provided to regional offices by Austin DPC and will be used for purposes of this paragraph only. The information may not be divulged to other parties. The IRS is providing VA with taxpayer address locator information from its files on a contract basis. These data are provided strictly for Loan Guaranty use. Precautions must be taken to prevent unauthorized disclosure and to prevent situations which might create the appearance of unauthorized disclosures. See paragraph 3.39 for instructions for completing VA Form 26-8839.

c. Telephone directories and city directories. Sometimes telephone companies give locator service by means of combined or universal telephone directories.

d. Other VA Records, in the Case of an Obligor Who is a Veteran. Data in Target should be reviewed through use of the BINQ (BIRLS Inquiry Command) to determine if the veteran has an active insurance, education or compensation and pension record. All active records may then be checked for the current mailing address through use of the appropriate inquiry command (IINQ or MINQ).

e. Credit Bureau Nationwide Skip-Trace Service. If a credit report terminal is available on station which has access to a credit bureau with national skip-trace coverage, the original obligor's Social Security number may be utilized to obtain the most recent address contained in the agency's files.

f. Military service departments in the case of an obligor known to be on active or reserve military status can be consulted as a last resort by use of VA Form 21-3101, Request for Information, addressed to the particular service department in accordance with


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MP-1, part II, chapter 12. If, after exhausting every reasonable effort as stated above, the address of the original borrower cannot be located, the portfolio loan folder will so reflect.

g. It is especially important that obligors on active military duty be notified as soon as possible of serious defaults by title holders, so that they may have ample time before the foreclosure sale to take whatever action they find available to protect their interests. For this reason efforts should be commenced early in the life of a default to locate the original borrower and any assuming grantees when the loan folder indicates they may be on active military duty. When efforts to locate such obligors through the sources listed above have failed, FL 26-265 addressed to the service member should be placed in an envelope with the full name, rank or rating and service number on it. The envelope should be sealed and forwarded to the obligor's branch of service with FL 26-598, at the appropriate address listed below. These letters should not be sent to the obligor's branch of service, however, unless there is reason to conclude that the obligor is on active duty and service number (serial number) is known to VA. The service number of the original veteran-borrower on a guaranteed or direct loan is on the VA Form 26-1807, Docket Progress. It is usually on the employment verification also. On vendee accounts, the vendee's service number is usually on the employment verification if the vendee was on active duty when he or she purchased the VA-owned property. It is recognized, however, that the service number of an assuming grantee will seldom be available from the information in the loan folder. It is also recognized that the service number on VA Form 26-1807 may in some cases differ from the service member's current service number. Care must be exercised to assure that the obligor's name is spelled correctly, the service number is correct, and that the letter is dispatched to the proper branch of the service. Although the Social Security number is desirable, it is not required that this number be furnished on FL 26-598 when it is not readily available. Since, in many cases, the present rank or rating of the service member may not be known, it will be necessary to put the most recent rank or rating disclosed in the loan folder on the envelope containing the FL 26-265. The FL 26-598 should be dispatched well in advance of the anticipated foreclosure sale date so that the service member will have ample time to take any action he or she finds appropriate to protect his or her interests. A self-addressed envelope should be enclosed with the FL 26-598. The following are the addresses at the various branches of service where FL 26-598 should be sent:

(1) Navy: (Both Officers and Enlisted Personnel)CommanderNaval Military Personnel Command (NMPC-03) Washington, D.C. 20370

(2) Navy: (Enlisted Personnel)Chief of Naval Personnel (Pers 38)Bureau of Naval PersonnelArlington Annex, Washington, D.C. 20370


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(3) Army: (Both Officers and Enlisted Personnel)Department of the ArmyArmy Active LocatorFort Benjamin Harrison, IN 46249

(4) Air Force: (Both officers and Enlisted Personnel)ir Force Worldwide LocatorAFMPC/DPMDOPRandolph Air Force Base, TX 78148

(5) Marine Corps: (Both officers and Enlisted Personnel)Commandant of the Marine Corps (MSRB - 10)Headquarters, Marine CorpsArlington Annex, Washington, D.C. 20380

(6) Coast Guard: (Officers)Commandant (G - PO/72)U.S. Coast GuardWashington, D.C. 20590

(7) Coast Guard: (Enlisted Personnel)Commandant (G - PE/72)U.S. Coast GuardWashington, D.C. 20590

h. Care must be exercised in making use of the FL 26-265 to ascertain that personal liability has not been specifically released. Further,, it will not be necessary to notify the original obligor of a default when it is conclusive that the value of the property securing the loan is in excess of the debt plus the estimated foreclosure costs and the credit to the indebtedness on account of the foreclosure sale will satisfy the debt. (See par. 2.29d.) Such advice will also be sent to any other persons who may be liable for payments of the debt.


The servicing of loans held by VA will be such as to show full cooperation with the spirit and intent of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940, as amended, when a borrower has entered military service, especially when the borrower is in temporary financial distress through no fault of his or her own. In each such case the borrower will be supplied with pertinent information on the mortgage obligation. Figure 3 in the appendix is a "Suggested Letter for Resumed Service Cases." When such a borrower's income will be or has been reduced to the extent that he or she is unable to maintain the schedule of payments required by the security instruments, a loan modification agreement in a form approved by the office of District Counsel may be entered into with the borrower for a period not exceeding 36 months. The agreement will be prepared and signed in duplicate, one copy for the borrower and the original for the related loan folder. (See par. 2.37 for definition and further detail.)


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a. Default Status

(1) Notwithstanding the fact that no curative servicing is required so long as the terms of a modification agreement are met, the case nevertheless will be carried as a delinquent loan. Accordingly, it will be reported as a "default pending" until such time as the account is brought current. (See par. 2.37g.)

(2) Notice of Forbearance. When a modification agreement is executed, or when the terms of the loan are extended or otherwise changed, notice will be given to the Finance activity on VA Form 26-6820, section IV. However, so that the loan will be reported in default each month as above, the Finance activity will be advised under "Remarks" to make no change in the accruals required under the existing contract.

b. Extended Forbearance. Some modification agreements may expire before the military service ends, and in proper cases further forbearance may be granted by renewal of the agreement for an additional period, not to exceed 36 months. When the borrower has returned to civilian life, the facts and circumstances surrounding the case must be studied to determine whether the borrower may immediately restore the account to a current condition, an additional period of temporary forbearance is advisable, or an extension and reamortization is necessary pursuant to paragraph 2.221.

c. Allotment of Military Service Pay. Regulations of the ,several military establishments provide that upon proper registration by a member of the Armed Forces an allotment of military service pay will be forwarded directly to mortgagees, including VA, for application to the account of a borrower in connection with the repayment of loans obtained for the purchase of a home. This does not include allotments for additions or improvement. Unless an allotment already has been arranged for, borrowers indebted to VA on portfolio home loans, who now receive or expect to receive military service pay as officers or enlisted persons, will be urged to take advantage of this provision in cases of default, or to prevent imminent default.

(1) Delinquent Loans. If necessary or advisable, an arrangement will be made to accept allotments in an amount less than the payments required by the mortgage contract or any existing modification agreement. In that event the amount accepted will be credited to the extent possible for the amounts due, first to the tax and insurance account; next to accrued and unpaid interest; and the balance to principal.

(2) Current Loans. Unless the purpose of the allotment is to prevent imminent default, allotments to pay installments on a current loan account will not be acceptable in an amount less than sufficient to comply with the terms of the mortgage contract, or any existing modification agreement.


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d. Requests to reduce the interest rate in accordance with section 206 of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940, as amended, [will be reviewed and approved within the Loan Service and Claims Section. A loan service technician will review the request and supporting documentation and forward his or her recommendation with the loan folder for the Chief's review and authorization. The review and decision with respect to interest rate reduction (to 6 percent) will be documented by memoranda which, along with the initial request and all supporting documents received, will be filed in the loan folder.

(1) A request or inquiry for interest rate reduction under the provisions of the Act may be considered only if submitted by: the service member; spouse of the service member; a co-borrower of the service member; the service member's attorney; or an authorized representative of the service member.

(2) In order for a homeowner to qualify for protection under the Act, his or her obligation must have originated prior to the current period of active military service (while a civilian or. during a period of break in active service) and the property must still be owned by him or her during the current period of active service. Therefore, prior to considering reducing the interest rate on the loan, it is necessary to obtain a copy of the service member's active duty military orders. The active duty military orders must be carefully reviewed to verify the individual service member's commencement date of active service for qualification. Since active duty military orders may be individual or group (activating a unit), the technician must also ensure that the service member's name either appears on the order or on an attached list.

(3) After the interest rate reduction has been approved, VA Form 26-8383a, Portfolio Loan Code Sheet (PLS-VADATS), will be completed as follows:

TT@150, field -FD (Interest Rate) will be coded "06000";

TT@160, fields -GC (When Paid), -GD (Total Installment Amount), -GE (T&I Installment Amount), -GJ (Payment Record) will be coded "4";

-GK (Modification) Type "6", Months Effective "003"; and

-GL (Effective Date of Modification).

Section IV of VA Form 26-6820, Advice of Changes in Terms or Status of Portfolio Loan, will also be completed. In item 30 (Remarks), Finance activity will be furnished the date the homeowner was ordered to active duty and asked to ensure the 6 percent interest rate be established to begin the first day of that month. Finance activity will also be advised to ensure late charges are removed, since late charges should not accrue on the account during the


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homeowner's period of active duty service. The system will not accrue late charges on loan accounts as of the modification's effective date. A copy of the completed VA Form 26-8383a will accompany the advice to Finance.

(4) To calculate the total payment: multiply the unpaid principal balance by the interest factor of .005 (.06/12) which will result in the interest portion of the new payment; multiply the unpaid principal balance by the principal payment factor (found in the Monthly Payment Direct Reduction Loan Amortization Schedules published by Financial Publishing Company, commonly referred to as the "Red Book"). To calculate the principal portion of the payment: locate the next payment number (which will be the initial payment for the reduced rate) under the original interest rate in the "Red Book." That factor, multiplied by the unpaid principal balance will be the principal portion of the new payment. The monthly tax and insurance impound amount is then added to the sum of the principal and interest payment which becomes the total installment amount.

Example: A homeowner (U.S. Army Reservist) is ordered to active duty 1 year after purchasing a home as a civilian. This service member qualifies for protection under the Act and requests interest rate reduction. The original terms of the loan are $60,000.00 at 10 percent for 30 years. The initial loan was established with a total payment of $630.54; principal and interest payment of $526.54; and the tax and insurance payment of $104.00. The reduced rate will begin on the 13th payment.

The current unpaid principal balance, $59,666.25, multiplied by the 6 percent interest factor results in the interest portion of the new payment, $298.33 ($59,666.25 X .005). Calculate the principal portion of the payment by multiplying the principal payment factor (found on page 1058 of the "Red Book," 1 year 1 month, .49 per $1,000) which is $29.24 (.49 X 59.66625). Therefore, the principal and interest portion of the reduced installment payment is $327.57. The new total installment payment would be $431.57 ($327.57 + $104.00), for a reduction of $198.97.

If the homeowner was on active duty for 4 months, the modification would be terminated after the 4th payment. The loan must again be established under the original (previous) terms beginning with payment number 17. VA Form 26-8383a will be completed as follows: TT@150, field -FD (Interest Rate) code the original interest rate (10 percent in the example); TT@160, fields -GC (When Paid), -GD (Total Installment Amount) use the previous installment amount, unless the tax and insurance amount has changed ($630.54 in the example), -GE (T&I Installment Amount), -GK (Modification: Type, Months Eff.) will be zeroed out. The principal balance will continue to amortize properly and field -GJ (Payment Record) can be zeroed out, if the loan is current.


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(5) A letter will be sent to the homeowner advising of the approval of the interest rate reduction. The letter will serve as notification of the new payment amount and will further advise the homeowner that VA will require an update with respect to the service member's active duty status (a statement that he/she is still on active duty and a date, if known, of termination from such duty) every 90 days. A RPO (record printout) 72 will be produced 30 days before the modification is due to expire and again on the expiration date. The loan service technician will contact the service member or the service member's authorized representative in an attempt to determine if he or she remains on active duty. If the technician is unable to contact the service member, a letter will be sent to the property address and to the service member's mailing address requesting an active duty status update. If it can be determined from the information received, or any other way (e.g., news release) that his or her active duty service has ended, the technician will terminate the modification. If the service member remains on active duty and no determination can be made that the duty status has changed, the modification will be extended another 3 months.

(6) It may be possible to restore the original interest rate on the note during an obligor's period of military service if, after review of the facts of the case, it is determined that the obligor's ability to repay the obligation has not been materially affected by military service. However, prior to restoring the interest rate, it will be necessary to petition a court of competent jurisdiction. The court may allow the restoration or issue an opinion it considers just with respect to the interest rate.

(7) If it is determined that the homeowner's delinquency is a result of being ordered to active military service, in addition to modifying the interest rate, collection of the delinquent amount will be postponed until the veteran is discharged from active duty. At that time, an agreement will be entered into with the veteran to repay the postponed amount.]


Without the written consent of veteran-obligors, no setoffs may be made against current benefit payments for application to delinquent portfolio loans (38 U.S.C. 1826). A setoff, however, against current benefit payments with the written consent of the veteran-obligor is not only permissible but often affords an appropriate and acceptable means of preventing or curing defaults on portfolio loans. Also, frequently veteran-obligors whose loans are not in default ask that their current benefit payments be offset to take care of the payments on their portfolio loans. Incident to any arrangement to set off a veteran-obligor's current benefit payment for application to a portfolio loan, it will be necessary to obtain a written request in duplicate from the veteran-obligor authorizing VA to deduct periodically a specific amount from his or her current


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benefit payment for application to a portfolio loan in the manner prescribed under the terms of the loan agreement. This written request is required regardless of the status of the loan. It should be understood that the setoff so authorized will be discontinued with appropriate notice to the borrower upon receipt of notice that title to the property has been transferred to another owner or when discontinuance of the arrangement is necessary or advisable, or for other sufficient reasons. Any such setoff arrangement is revokable by the veteran-obligor and will be discontinued upon his or her request. When any setoff arrangement is made with respect to a portfolio loan, the Finance activity will be furnished (1) the loan number; (2) the amount to be withheld each month by offset; (3) the date such withholding shall begin; (4) the date the withholding shall cease; (5) the veteran's file number, if one; and (6) a copy of the veteran's request. In determining the date on which withholding will commence, it should be borne in mind that withholdings are usually made at the month's end and will have a direct relationship on the date of the installment payments. Further advice will be furnished to the Finance activity when any change is made in the arrangement. With respect to current portfolio loans, a setoff should be permitted only in those cases in which the benefit payment is in an amount sufficient to meet the installment payments in full as required by the mortgage contract or installment contract for the sale of real estate or any existing agreement in modification, unless offset in a lesser amount is in the best interest of the Government. In the event a veteran's benefits are temporarily or permanently suspended, Loan Guaranty will be advised of such action by VA Form 20-6560, Notice of Benefit Payment Transaction, generated by Hines DPC. Appropriate action will be taken to have the veteran make direct payments until benefits are restored.


When a request for the status of a loan account is received from the borrower, closing attorney, or other interested party incident to a change of ownership or paying the loan off in full, the current status of the loan account will ordinarily be obtained from PLS through use of LGY/Rapid Access. [Special attention should be paid to the date of loan to determine if prior approval of VA is required for assumption of a loan subject to 38 U.S.C. 1814. The requestor should be advised if this is the case.] The PL 1 screen may be used to calculate a payoff amount; however, due dates for taxes, insurance, and special assessments should be reviewed in order to ensure that any pending disbursements which would cause advances to the account are considered in the information provided to the borrower. In the case of a change of ownership, other PLS screens may also be reviewed for the necessary account data. If rapid access is unavailable, the information may be obtained by taking the coding actions outlined in M26-11, paragraph 3.31. Upon receipt of TPR (teleprocessing response), the Finance activity will annotate


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proper payoff amount, in case of a payoff; or review the status of the account, in case of a change in ownership; and deliver to Loan Guaranty Division. In a case of an emergency or when the foregoing procedures cannot be used, a conditional status of the loan account will be obtained from the Finance activity as provided in MP-4, part V, chapter 9, paragraph 9N.27. The following processing steps will then be taken:

a. Change in Ownership

(1) Notification. Requester will be advised of current status of loan account by completing FL 26-580. [Until such time as the form letter is revised to include preprinted information for a loan subject to 38 U.S.C. 1814, item from the reverse of the form letter will include a warning that the loan may not be transferred without the prior approval of VA, and that a funding fee of one half of 1 percent of the loan balance must be paid to VA after closing.]

(2) Records Transfer Fee. A $25 records transfer fee will be collected for processing a change of ownership. [This fee will not be collected on a loan subject to 38 U.S.C. 1814 when an assumption funding fee is collected, and FL 26-580 will be completed accordingly.]

(3) Receipt of Evidence. Upon receipt of acceptable evidence (i.e., copy of recorded deed) of a change in ownership, the new owner will be notified by FL 26-185b that VA has changed its records to reflect the change in ownership. A hand-prepared VA Form 4-5218, Mortgage Loan Collection Card (PLACE), with PRPS return envelope will be enclosed. The card will be completed to show the unpaid installment due date and (in blocks 1 through 26) the full loan identification (with new name code), TT "400" and the total amount due (par. 3.49). A copy of VA Form 26-0524, Important Information on Lead Paint Poisoning; VA Form 26-8792, Transfer of Ownership Data - Portfolio Loan, unless information requested on form was previously obtained; and VA Form 26-8880, Some Points to Remember on Hazard Insurance, Taxes and Assessments on Your Property, will be enclosed. A duplicate of FL 26-185b will be filed in the loan folder. The $25 records transfer fee will be deposited to 36X4024 or 36X4025, as appropriate. However, in no event will a regional office decline to change its records to reflect the change of ownership because the $25 records transfer fee is not received by VA.

(4) Coding. Code name of new owner into PLS as provided in M26-11, chapter 3, section XII. Change of ownership must be coded


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promptly to assure PLS records have been changed to reflect the new owner before installment payments are received at the PRPS.

(5) Advice to Former Owner. Based on Loan Guaranty coding, the taxes Finance activity will take action when applicable to adjust and/or interest paid from January 1 to date in the system. A VA Form 4-6495a, Borrower's Statement of Loan Account, will also be prepared by the Finance activity and sent to the former owner.

b. Loan Account Paid in Full

(1) Notifying Borrower. FL 26-563 will be used to advise a borrower of the amount required to pay his or her loan in full. However, in the event the loan is in a termination status (Record Condition 04), the borrower will be requested to-mail funds directly to the office of jurisdiction so that prompt action may be taken to cancel the foreclosure sale if such determination is made. A hand-prepared VA Form 4-5218 will be enclosed. The card will be completed to show the full loan identification, blocks 1 through 16, and TT "410, " blocks 17 through 19. A copy of FL 26-563 will be filed in the loan folder [and another copy (or other advice which conveys the fact that a possible payoff is pending) given to the T&I (tax and insurance) clerk in order to maintain appropriate controls to avoid improper future escrow disbursements which may deplete the escrow account and create an account receivable against the borrower. Similar advice will be given to the T & I clerk upon receipt of any notice that a payoff is pending, including advice from the borrower, Philadelphia Payment Information Center, Austin Data Processing. Center, .Finance Division, or RPO's 43, 49, or 85. FL 26-563 must be annotated with a warning not to use the statement for assumption purposes, as prior -approval of an assumption may be required under 38 U.S.C. 3714.]

(2) Processing Payments Received. Interest will be charged on accounts paid in full to the date the remittance first comes under VA control. However, if the remittance is mailed, the receipt date will be no later than 3 calendar days after postmark date. In view of the importance of the postmark date in determining the receipt date of paid-in-full remittances, envelopes containing paid-in-full remittances will be forwarded by DPC to the office of jurisdiction for filing in the loan folder.

(3) Application of Payoff Remittances. When a payoff collection (TT 410) is within $25 over/under the total amount due, the collection will be applied to the loan account and the regional office notified by RPO 43 that the master record has been terminated. If the amount collected exceeds the amount due by more than $25, but not more than $3,000, the system will apply the collection, terminate the account and produce an RPO 43 for regional office use with the 'Remarks" section imprinted "PIF. Excess Funds $XXX." The excess funds will be automatically transferred to the regional


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office for disposition upon advice of Loan Guaranty. If the collection is short more than $25, or over the amount due by more than $3 000, the entire collection Will be suspended as a type 3 suspended credit. Regional office will be notified by RPO 85 that collection which was intended to pay an account in full was placed in suspended credits. In case of a shortage, Loan Guaranty Division will advise the borrower of the amount due by an appropriate letter enclosing a hand-prepared VA Form 4-5218, and instructing the borrower to mail the enclosed payment card and remittance to: [Department of Veterans Affairs] (200/363), Data Processing Center, 1615 East Woodward Street, Austin, TX 78772. The card will be completed to show the full loan identification, blocks 1 through 16, TT "403," blocks 17 through 19, and the total amount due, blocks 20 through 26. A copy of the letter to the borrower will be forwarded. to the Finance activity to alert that office of a pending satisfaction remittance so that the loan can be promptly terminated upon receipt of .the shortage by the DPC. In case of an over-age Loan Guaranty Division Will approve action to dispose of the overage. Any check which is issued as a result of an overage will be made payable to all titleholders; e.g., if both husband and wife are titleholders, the check will be made payable to both (i.e., John Doe and Jane Doe).

(4) Referral to the Office of the District Counsel. Upon receipt of RPO 43, the loan instruments will be forwarded to the office of the District Counsel with the request that appropriate releases or satisfaction pieces by prepared. If the property was purchased under an installment contract and the purchaser was not previously given a deed to the property, the case will likewise be or referred to the office of the District Counsel for preparation and delivery of a deed.

(5) Release of Loan Instrument and Lien . The DPC will notify the regional office of the type or payoff remittance received (e.g., certified or personal check) by means of an overprinted Optional Form 41, Routing and Transmittal Slip, as provided in MP-4, part I-, chapter 6, figure 33. The loan instruments and lien may be released immediately upon payment in full by cash, money order, cashier's or certified check, or check issued by a well-known reputable organization such as a bank, savings and loan association, or insurance company. FL 26-643 will be used to transmit the loan instruments, satisfaction, and other documents to the owner(s). If an uncertified check of an individual, or of an organization other than one mentioned in the preceding sentence, is tendered in full payment of a loan, the borrower will be notified immediately that the loan instruments and lien will not be released for a period of 60 days [(or lesser period if set by State law)], unless satisfactory evidence is furnished to show that the check has been cleared by the bank on which it was drawn. [Evidence of satisfaction should not be released when an escrow advance has created an account receivable which cannot be readily recouped from the payoff proceeds, the payee, or other interested party.]


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(6) Advice to Former Borrower. At the end of the month in which the loan account is paid in full, the owner will be automatically furnished by the Austin DPC with VA Form 4-6495a, as provided in MP-4, part V, chapter 9, paragraph 9N.27.


a. Incurable Defaults. When all reasonable efforts to cure a default have failed, consideration will be given to the most expeditious method of liquidation consistent with the best interest of the Government, including the possibility and propriety of effecting a voluntary transfer of the property if the loan is secured by mortgage or deed of trust. Except in the case of a vendee account. to be terminated by forfeiture of an installment contract, an appraisal will be obtained prior to loan termination to reflect the current fair market value of the property, This figure becomes one of the important factors in determining (1) the amount


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to be bid at foreclosure; (2) proof of value in the event a deficiency judgment is sought; (3) the propriety of accepting a deed in lieu of foreclosure; and (4) the sales price of the property, if acquired by VA. Whenever practicable, this appraisal will be accomplished by a staff member of the Appraisal Section; otherwise, it may be assigned to an approved appraiser who has not previously appraised the same property. Charges for liquidation appraisals will be considered as advances to the borrower's account and will be included in the computation of the total loan indebtedness. Should the borrower attempt to pay the full arrears after an appraisal is obtained, the cost of the appraisal will be included in the computation of the total amount delinquent for reinstatement purposes. Exception to the requirement that liquidation appraisal be obtained in each case, as provided in M26-4, paragraph 2.08a.1, is applicable to the liquidation of security in all portfolio loan cases.

b. Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure . (See also M26-4, par. 2.18.) It will be the policy of the VA to encourage deeds in lieu of foreclosing direct loans, vendee accounts, and acquired loans, in cases in which it is legally proper and appropriate to do so. Ordinarily, the consideration for such a deed will be the release of the borrower's personal liability. Otherwise, the borrower will probably decline to execute the deed and, in addition, the title may be rendered unacceptable for lack of consideration. By giving a deed in lieu of foreclosure, the borrower will be relieved of the stigma of a public sale of his or her property and the resulting damage to his or her credit standing. In determining whether a deed in lieu of foreclosure should be accepted, the following factors will be considered:

(1) The value of the property as related to the unpaid balance of the indebtedness; i.e., if the value of the property is substantially in excess of the debt, the laws of certain States might sustain a claim by other creditors that the conveyance of VA constitutes a preferential transfer.

(2) The saving of time and foreclosure expenses which would result from legal action.

(3) The avoidance of a redemption right, when such rights exist, and the consequent possibility of effecting an expeditious sale.

(4) The possibility of effecting collection on a deficiency judgment in the immediate or forseeable future.

c. Internal Revenue Liens. The Federal Tax Lien Act of 1966 (Pub. L. 89-719) removes any claim to priority of a Federal tax lien over real estate tax liens and liens for advances to protect the security including advances for taxes, insurance premiums and repair costs. Federal tax liens will therefore not be taken into account in determining liquidation procedure or in computing the maximum bid at a public sale. In any judicial foreclosure, the U.S. Attorney


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will join all Federal Government liens in the proceedings. In other than judicial foreclosure cases, releases of valid tax liens will be applied for, under an arrangement in effect with the IRS, after VA acquires the properties.

d. Termination of Portfolio Loans. Termination of portfolio loans must be authorized personally by the Director or Loan Guaranty Officer, or by the employee acting for and in the absence of the Director or Loan Guaranty Officer.

e. Submission of Loan Folder to Director or Loan Guaranty Officer. The folder for any loan submitted to the Director or Loan Guaranty Officer for termination approval must include the following:

(1) A summary of the pertinent facts supporting a conclusion that the loan should be terminated. The signed approval of the Director or Loan Guaranty Officer as to the action to be taken will be entered upon this summary. (VA Form 26-8901, Recommendation to Terminate Portfolio Loan, will be used for this purpose.)

[(2) A copy of the current record printout or the PL4 screen printout from PLS showing the last 12-month payment history.]

[(3)] A recent appraisal showing the current reasonable value of the property or a determination of value as provided in subparagraph a above. However, an appraisal will not ordinarily be required in the case of a vendee account to be terminated by forfeiture of an installment contract. In those States where there is a considerable time lapse between the date foreclosure is instituted and the date of the foreclosure sale, this requirement may be considered satisfied as long as the loan folder is documented as to the approximate value of the property and its general condition in a manner satisfactory to station management, provided that, before termination of the loan,, there is compliance with the requirements of subparagraph a above.

[(4)] VA Form 26-6713, Summary of Basis for Liquidation Procedure.

f. Factors for Consideration . In the majority of cases, the decision which should be made will be reasonably clear if all material facts in the case have been developed to the extent practicable and these facts are properly evaluated. These will include the cause of default, the condition and value of the security, the borrower's ability to pay, the real estate market in the locality, the estimated amount of any loss to the VA as a consequence of termination, etc. Of prime importance in any case, however, is the necessity for establishing that all reasonable solutions for effecting a cure have been exhausted and that there is no reasonable likelihood that the borrower will be able to resume regular payments on the loan. Each case must be considered and


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evaluated on the basis of all the material facts, and VA must be in a position to support the decision made. While care must be exercised against taking precipitous action when the facts of the case do not warrant liquidation of the security, it is equally important that the termination of the loan not be delayed unduly if


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all the circumstances justify liquidation of the security in order to protect the interest of the Government. It should be borne in mind in defaulted loan cases that it is the policy of VA to cooperate with a worthy home buyer who is in temporary difficulty, if by so doing there is any reasonable likelihood that the loan can be brought to good standing and acquisition of the property by VA avoided. From time to time, cases may arise which involve factors capable of producing an adverse public reaction to termination of the loan. In these cases, exceptional care must be exercised when reviewing and evaluating the facts prior to deciding whether or not to authorize termination of the loan.

g. Security Has No Value . In a few cases in which station management determines that the security property has no salvageable value, it may be in the best interest of VA to allow title to the property to remain in the name of the obligors rather than proceed with foreclosure. A case of this type should be submitted to Central Office (261) with a memorandum outlining all relevant facts including station management's recommendation to abandon the security and terminate the loan without foreclosure.

h. Indicated Equity in Excess of $5,000. In those cases in which there is an indicated equity in excess of $5,000 and foreclosure is imminent, the Loan Guaranty Officer, or acting designee, will review the loan folder to assure that the borrower has been afforded every reasonable opportunity to dispose of the property and protect the equity. If it is determined that the ,-borrower has not been given ample time to dispose of the property and further indulgence appears warranted, the Loan Guaranty Officer, or acting designee, will arrange -for additional forbearance. The borrower will be appropriately notified and encouraged to attempt to sell the property within the allotted time. A memorandum with appropriate comments will be prepared by the Loan Guaranty Officer, or acting designee, and filed in the loan folder. If junior liens absorb the indicated equity, the memorandum should so state.

i. Consideration by Central Office. Any loan which is considered by the station management to involve special or exceptional factors which it desires to have considered by Central Office may be submitted for Central Office (261) review prior to taking action to terminate the loan.


Just prior to referring a loan folder to the office of the District Counsel for legal action, it may prove effective in many cases to address a letter by registered mail to the borrower (return receipt requested), in a further and final effort to arrange for the liquidation of arrears and to avoid foreclosure. The borrower will be advised that foreclosure proceedings have been authorized but will be postponed for a period not exceeding 10 days, to afford the


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borrower a final opportunity to save the property and avoid additional expense. The letter will be firm in tone, and neither will delaying tactics on the part of the borrower be countenanced, nor will small or token payments be accepted during this period. A substantial cash payment shall be required, and a satisfactory payment schedule arranged for the future; otherwise, the contemplated legal action will be instituted immediately following the expiration of the 10-day period. In the event of reinstatement, any expense incurred or paid by VA for an appraisal of the property in connection with possible termination of the loan will be collected from the borrower, or In lieu, provided the obligor will be legally liable, the expense may be -added. to the indebtedness.


a. Referral to the Office of District Counsel. When a case is submitted to the Office of District Counsel for legal 'action, it will be forwarded by means of a covering memorandum, together with the complete loan management docket, the original loan instruments, the approval of the Director or the Loan Guaranty Officer for the termination (VA Form 26-8901), and all other pertinent data. When possible and appropriate, the memorandum of transmittal will set forth the maximum amount to be bid at the sale, and any other information necessary in the proper liquidation procedure. A copy of this covering memorandum will be forwarded to the Property Management Section, together with a copy of VA Form 26-8901 (par. 3.45). (See subpar. c below.) Those regional offices referring cases to the Department of Justice for foreclosure will include with all referrals. a completed VA Form. 26-8389 Summary of Collection Activity. When a case 'is referred for foreclosure or contract termination, appropriate coding action will be taken in PLS (TT 070), indicating referral to the office of District Counsel or to the Department of Justice. This action will generate Record Condition X4 which freezes the account (see M26-11, par. 3.31b). In addition, TT 035 will be coded with the correct property address including ZIP code, if the address in the record is not accurate and complete. (Note that such TT 035 coding may also be processed in PLS at any time to correct the property address in the PMS record, even if the portfolio loan is terminated and is no longer on the PLS active file.)

(1) Maximum Bid. The maximum bid will be an amount equal to the net value of the property to VA or an amount equal to the total indebtedness plus foreclosure costs, whichever is less. The fair market value of the property will be determined by an appraisal as set forth in paragraph 2.27a. VA Form 26-6713 will then be prepared in accordance with the applicable provisions of Manual M26-4, paragraphs 2.13c [(except that taxes and liquidation expenses normally chargeable to the borrower's account may be included in the


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computation of the indebtedness regardless of whether they are disbursed prior to liquidation)] and 2.16a, b and d, in order to determine the net value of the property to VA. The maximum bid amount will be the lesser of item 13 or item 21 on VA Form 26-6713.

(2) Additional Information . Legal action in many cases will be expedited, if certain pertinent data is supplied when the case is submitted to the office of District Counsel, unless such information was previously obtained and is in the loan folder; for example, the


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names and addresses of all parties essential to liquidation of the loan; if the premises are tenant occupied, the names of tenants, terms and duration of rental or lease, amount of rental, date to which rental is paid, where and to whom rental is paid, data with respect to special assessments, etc. The reliability of this type of information is important and will be useful not only in connection with termination of the loan but also with respect to matters concerning the Property Management Section.

(3) Responsibility. All legal phases of terminating a loan by cancellation of a land contract, acceptance of a voluntary deed foreclosure, or otherwise, will be the responsibility of the office of District Counsel, but with the full cooperation of the Loan Service and Claims Section in determining such matters as the appointment of a receiver in proper cases or whether a deficiency judgment should be sought, the law permitting, when there may be reasonable likelihood of collections thereon. Undue delays will be avoided whenever possible, and an adequate followup on the progress of legal actions will be made until final disposition is made of the case. For this purpose a listing, COIN PLS 29-01, Portfolio Loans in Foreclosure, will be generated quarterly for each regional office, showing the date of referral to the office of District Counsel or the Department of Justice. [The listing may be destroyed upon receipt of the subsequent quarterly list.] To monitor the termination of portfolio loans, regional offices will establish standards for completion of termination actions by Loan Guaranty. If Loan Guaranty is responsible for all phases of termination, the standard will be the number of days from approval to completion of the action. If termination is the responsibility of the office of District Counsel, the United States Attorney or a fee attorney, the standard will be the number of days from approval of the action to referral of the file to District Counsel. The standards will reflect the average time needed from the date termination is approved until the action is completed.

[(4) To facilitate monitoring these loan terminations, Loan Guaranty activities may define and use the 400 series of miscellaneous Diary Reason Codes contained in the Portfolio Loan System (PLS) to meet local requirements. (See MP-6, Part XI, Supplement No. 5.3 (TEST), Chapter 405.00). The Chief, Loan Service and Claims Section is responsible for maintenance of the station's definitions for these codes.]

[(5)] Deficiency Judgments. VA will not obtain a deficiency judgment incident to or in connection with the termination of a portfolio loan unless the obligor's ability to respond to personal judgment will justify the time and expenses involved. In the judicial foreclosure of VA mortgages by the Department of Justice, it is necessary that the VA furnish current credit data in those cases in which the obligor has the ability to respond to personal judgment and a deficiency judgment is desired. This requirement can be satisfied by use of the Current Asset and Income Credit Report.


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[(6)] Compromise. If , at any time while the case is under his or her supervision, the office of District Counsel receives an offer of settlement or compromise from the borrower, the proposal will be referred promptly to the Loan Guaranty Division for acceptance or rejection. It is not the function of the office of District Counsel to be burdened with the responsibility of making such determination. Any such proposal may be accepted if the best interests of the Government will be served. In the event an acceptance of the compromise offer involves any change in the terms of the loan agreement, Finance activity will be given notice on VA Form 26-6820 (par. 3.29).

b. Voluntary Conveyance Being Considered. If, after giving due consideration to all factors, a deed in lieu of foreclosure seems desirable and feasible, the case will be submitted to the off ice of District Counsel for title search and preparation of the deed. When such referral is made appropriate coding action will be taken in PLS (TT 070) indicating a deed in lieu of foreclosure is being considered. This action will generate Record Condition X4 which freezes the account (see M26-11, par. 3.31b). However, if an acceptable title cannot be obtained within a reasonable period of time or if undue delays are occasioned by the borrower's procrastination or refusal to conclude the transfer, the office of District Counsel will be requested to institute foreclosure immediately or take other appropriate action to terminate the loan.

c. Advice to Property Management Section

(1) Disposition of VA Form 26-8901. When a case is to be referred to the office of District Counsel for termination of the loan, VA Form 26-8901 (par. 3.45) will be prepared in triplicate by the Loan Service and claims Section. The original will be forwarded to the office of District Counsel, one copy will be forwarded to the Property Management Section, and one copy will be placed in the loan folder. Thereafter, the responsibility for custody, care and maintenance of the property will be assumed by the Property Management Section, but the Loan Service and Claims Section, in cooperation with the office of District Counsel, will continue to be responsible for the conclusion of foreclosure or other termination of the loan. In those installment contract cases in which station management has determined that referral to the office of District Counsel is unnecessary, the original VA Form 26-8901 will be forwarded to the Property Management Section when termination is initiated following approval of the regional office Director or the Loan Guaranty Officer.

(2) Legal Action Withdrawn. In the event legal action to terminate the loan by foreclosure or otherwise is discontinued or withdrawn, the copy of VA Form 26-8901 in the loan folder will be suitably marked or stamped to show the action and the date of such action. The Property Management Section will be notified promptly in writing and requested to mark the original and one copy of VA Form 26-8901 accordingly. In


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addition, appropriate coding action will be taken in PLS (TT 170) to cancel the previously coded referral for termination action, except in cases set forth in paragraph 2.27g in which authorization was granted to abandon the security and terminate the loan without foreclosure (see M26-11, par. 3.3lb(5)).

d. Advice to the Finance Activity. Information will be furnished by the Loan Service and Claims Section to enable the Finance activity to make the necessary entries for closing out a VA portfolio loan account upon its liquidation. This information will be reported on VA Form 26-6822, Advice of Termination and Indebtedness on Portfolio Loans, (par. 3.30) and will be determined as follows:


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(1) Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure. The credit to the mortgagor's loan account shall be the full amount of the indebtedness if the borrower's personal liability is to be fully released as the consideration when a deed in lieu of foreclosure is accepted. In the event of a partial release of personal liability, the credit shall not exceed the amount of the personal liability released.

(2) Foreclosure of Primary Lien . The amount to be credited to the mortgagor's loan account in the event of the foreclosure sale of a primary loan shall be the greater of:

(a) The net proceeds of sale; or

(b) The estimated net value of the property to VA, less allowable costs and expenses of foreclosure; provided that the amount of the credit so computed is neither in excess of the total indebtedness nor less than the amount legally required to be credited to the indebtedness under local law.

When VA holds more than one mortgage on the same security, the credit under subparagraph (a) or (b) above shall be applied to the combined total indebtedness of all such mortgages.

(3) Foreclosure of Secondary Lien. In the event an acquired junior lien is foreclosed by VA subject to the outstanding primary lien, the credit to the mortgagor's acquired loan account shall be:

(a) The total acquired loan indebtedness, provided that the estimated net value of the property to VA, less allowable costs and expenses of foreclosure, equals or exceeds the combined total indebtedness of both loans; or

(b) The net proceeds of the foreclosure sale (i.e., the sales proceeds less allowable costs and expenses of foreclosure).

e. Indebtedness of Obligors Following Termination of Portfolio Loans. The computation of the indebtedness of the obligors to VA following termination of a portfolio loan will vary depending on the type of loan (i.e., direct, vendee or acquired), the terms of the instruments, method of liquidation and local law. As indicated in subparagraph d above, the Loan Guaranty Division will complete and forward to the Finance activity VA Form 26-6822 which contains information relative to the method of termination, the amount to be credited to the loan account by reason of the liquidation of the security and advice as to the persons liable on the indebtedness, if any, the amount and the basis of such liability. (See par. 3.30.) In preparing VA Form 26-6822, consideration should be given Opinion of the General Counsel 35-58. In the case of a direct loan the amount of the indebtedness will be reduced by a credit up to the amount of the funding fee, if any, collected under 38 CFR 36.4504(B)(1) prior to October 23, 1970, whether the fee was included in the loan or paid in cash. If the property securing a direct loan at the time of loan termination was not owned by the


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original veteran-borrower and such veteran is indebted to the Government as a result of loan termination, the case will be reviewed prior to completing VA Form 26-6822 to determine whether or not the original veteran-borrower is eligible for release from liability pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 1817(b) and 38 CFR 36.4508(c). The applicable provisions of section V of this manual will be considered in making such determination. In connection with the liquidation of the security in some cases, a deficiency judgment will be obtained which is in excess of the indebtedness established pursuant to subparagraph d above. No attempt will be made to collect through such judgment any sum in excess of the indebtedness established pursuant to that subparagraph.

(1) Direct Loans. As defined in 38 CFR 36.4501 pertaining to direct loans, "indebtedness" consists of "the unpaid principal and interest plus any other sums a borrower is obligated to pay VA under the terms of the loan instruments or of the regulations concerning direct loans to veterans." Any advances made after loan closing in accordance with the provisions of 38 CFR 36.4511(A) and (B) will be included in such indebtedness. The costs and expenses of liquidation to be deducted (a) from gross foreclosure sales price (to arrive at the net proceeds), or (b) from the estimated net value of the property to VA (from item 20, VA Form 26-6713), will be those costs and expenses which may be charged to the indebtedness or deducted from the sales proceeds pursuant to 38 CFR 36.4511(C), regardless of any State law which purports to limit or prohibit the recovery of such items. (In this connection see Op. Sol. 416-51.) However, it is legally improper in direct loan cases to charge the veteran-borrower with an attorney's fee or trustee's commission unless such fee or commission is actually paid to the attorney or trustee (Op. G.C. 40-55). Therefore, in any case in which legal or trustee's services are performed by a salaried VA employee, no charge may be made to the indebtedness for such services.

(2) Portfolio Loans Other Than Direct Loans. In determining the allowable costs and expenses for, use, in arriving at the credit to the account pursuant to subparagraph d above, the provisions of the loan instruments and local law will govern. In case of doubt, the advice of the office of District Counsel will be obtained.

(3) Voluntary Conveyances. Pursuant to paragraph 2.27b, the consideration for a voluntary conveyance ordinarily will be a release in full of the borrower's personal liability. The consideration in cases of partial release of liability will depend on the terms of the agreement.


Upon completion of the termination or sale of a VA portfolio loan,, all related papers will be filed in the loan folder and will be disposed of in accordance with RCS VB-1, part I, item Nos. 12-110.350 and 12-110.360 respectively.


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It is required by 38 U.S.C. 3704(d) (formerly 1804(d)) and in the regulations promulgated thereunder that adequate and proper servicing of guaranteed and insured loans be accomplished by the holder. In recognition of this responsibility, ample provisions have been made in the regulations for servicing activities of holders without affecting VA liability as guarantor or insurer. (See par. 2.32c.)

a. Holder's Failure to Perform. Pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 3704(d), the Secretary is authorized to " ... refuse either temporarily or permanently to guarantee or insure any loans made by such lender or holder and may bar such lender or holder from acquiring loans guaranteed or insured under this chapter; ... " when such lender or holder " ... has failed to maintain adequate loan accounting records, or to demonstrate proper ability to service loans adequately or to exercise proper credit judgment or has willfully or negligently engaged in practices otherwise detrimental to the interest of veterans or of the Government.." Title 38 CFR 36.4331 was amended accordingly and, if station management is of the opinion from available facts and evidence that any lender or holder should be suspended from further participation in the loan guaranty program, the matter will be submitted to Central Office with recommendations, in accordance with M26-1, paragraph 7.02. In order to ensure that servicing deficiencies are properly documented, the Loan Service and Claims Section will establish and maintain a file on each GI and 38 CFR 36.4600 servicer with loans in its area of jurisdiction. Copies of all correspondence and records of telephone or personal contacts reflecting servicing and termination deficiencies; e.g., late reporting, lack of personal servicing, 36.4319(f) cutoffs, late elections, will be placed in these files.

b. Possible Avoidance of Action to Suspend. If station management is of the opinion that inadequate or improper loan servicing or other faulty operations locally on the part of nationwide lenders or holders may be corrected and possible suspension avoided through the intervention of Central Office with officials of the institution involved, the matter will be reported to Central Office. The reports should be supported by one or more cases in point which will form the basis of an approach to the lender or holder, accompanied by a concise summary (in duplicate) of the servicing history of each such case. If necessary to a complete understanding of the circumstances, the related loan folders should also be submitted.


Despite the fact that the holders of a majority of the guaranteed or insured loans throughout the country have placed in operation a comprehensive loan service program in recognition of its value and of their responsibility in this regard, there will be many holders,


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particularly among the smaller institutions, with no loan service program or one which is wholly inadequate, and there will be others whose loan servicing is sporadic or ineffectual. It is not, and cannot become, VA policy to undertake the loan servicing responsibilities of holders, although a certain amount of VA servicing, supplemental to that of the holder, will be proper and advisable in some cases (see par. 2.34). The interests of the Government will be best served, under these circumstances, through the education of holders on adequate loan service procedures and this, as a matter of practical necessity, will be VA policy. This may be accomplished through correspondence, personal interviews and conferences with holders, or by attendance at group meetings of officials representing several holders. When it appears that a holder is not performing its responsibilities, and meetings or high-level contacts (LGO or ALGO) with the holder have not resulted in any improvement in such performance, the field station experiencing the problems with the holder should contact the field station which has jurisdiction over the holder's place of business to determine whether any audits of the holder have been recently performed and if so, whether the problems at hand are reflected in the audit. if not, the field station experiencing the problems should document their concerns and write the field station of jurisdiction to request a field audit of the holder's servicing operations under 38 CFR 36.4215 or 36.4330. The request letter and any other information concerning the holder's servicing deficiencies will be kept in the appropriate servicer file until the audit can be performed. Questions concerning guidelines for such audits may be referred to Central Office (261). Copies of all servicing audits, together with a cover letter summarizing the noteworthy findings of the audit and any recommended administrative actions, as well as audit request letters, should be sent to Central Office (261).

a. Servicing Actions. Specific [collection] actions which holders [are required] to perform are as follows:

(1) Provide a written notice to the borrowers requesting immediate payment if a loan installment has not been received within 17 days after the due date. This notice should be mailed no later than the 20th day of the delinquency and should state the amount of the late charges due.

(2) Concurrent with the written delinquency notice, efforts should be initiated to contact the borrowers by telephone to determine the reason why payment has not been made and to emphasize the importance of remitting loan installments on the due date.

(3) Send a personally worded letter to the borrowers if payment has not been received within 30 days after it is due and telephone contact could not be made. This letter should emphasize the seriousness of the delinquency and the importance of taking prompt action to resolve the default. (It must also provide specific notice that the loan is in default, state the total amount due and advise the borrowers how to contact the holder to make arrangements to cure the default.]


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(4) Attempt to arrange a face-to-face interview with the borrowers) if repayment arrangements cannot be made. This effort should be made before foreclosure proceedings are instituted.

[(5) Provide a summary of collection efforts, the information obtained through such efforts, and an evaluation of the reason for the default and prospects for its resolution, or provide an explanation for failure to perform required collection actions, when reporting loan defaults to VA.

(6) Within 30 days after filing VA Form 26-6851, Notice of Intention to Foreclose, similar notice must be provided by certified mail to the original veteran-borrower (if the property has been sold and the veteran remains liable) and any other liable obligors, with copies to VA. In attempting to locate the obligors, the holder is expected to review its loan records and, if necessary, perform a routine trace inquiry through a major consumer credit bureau using an in-house credit reporting terminal.

b. Servicing Interviews and Record Maintenance. When personal contact is made, the holder should obtain sufficient information to adequately evaluate the default. At a minimum, the holder must make a reasonable effort to establish the following:

(1) The reason for default and whether the reason is a temporary or permanent condition;

(2) The present income and employment of the borrowers);

(3) The current monthly expenses of the borrowers) including household and debt obligations;

(4) The current mailing address and telephone number of the borrowers); and

(5) A realistic and mutually satisfactory arrangement for curing the default.

The holder is required to maintain an individual file record of collection activity on each delinquent loan including the date and content of collection letters mailed, date and summary of each personal servicing contact, the indicated reason(s) for default and the date and result of each property inspection. These records must be made available to VA upon request.]

c. Application of Regulation. Some holders may not understand or appreciate the several provisions in the regulations which enable them to effect servicing without jeopardizing their rights under the guaranty or insurance. This is particularly true in connection with mortgage obligations which are subject to the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief


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Act of 1940, as amended, because of the military service of the obligor. (See par. 2.37.) Whenever necessary, the holder's attention will be directed to applicable regulations, among which, depending upon the circumstances, are the following:

(1) Title 38 CFR 36.4308. Transfer of title by the borrower, especially when he or she can realize an equity in the property, and ,the loan may be placed in stronger hands. (See also M26-4, par. 2.10.)

(2) Title 38 CFR 36.4310. Prepayments, including the gratuity payment, which, under certain circumstances, may be reapplied for the purpose of curing the default or preventing subsequent default.

(3) Title 38 CFR 36.4313. Advances which may be made if reasonably necessary for maintenance, protective repairs, taxes, assessments, or hazard insurance.

(4) Title 38 CFR 36.4314. Extensions and reamortizations, including modification agreements (see par. 2.37g), which may be employed as a means of extending indulgence in case of default or to prevent imminent default.

(5) Title 38 CFR 36.4315. In the event of emergency, a default may be reported at any time, but in order to allow ample opportunity for adequate loan servicing, it is not required to be reported until 105 days from the date of the first uncured default (longer periods provided for defaults occurring other than by reason of nonpayment of any installment).

(6) Title 38 CFR 36.4324. Release of the security is provided for under certain conditions which, in many cases, may materially assist in curing a default or preventing imminent default through application to the indebtedness of the proceeds of partial sales. (See subpar. i below.)

(7) Title 38 CFR 36.4319 (b). A copy of a notice of a liquidation sale must be delivered to VA at least 30 days prior to the scheduled -sale date or within 5 days after the notice is first published, whichever is later. The notice must be accompanied by FL 26-567, Status of Loan Account - Foreclosure or Other Liquidation, and VA Form 26-1805, VA Request for Determination of Reasonable Value (if not previously submitted).

d. Attorney and Trustee Fees Charged for Collection of Past Due Installments

(1) The regulations do not contemplate payment by the borrower of fees for the collection of an installment referred to an attorney (or trustee) immediately or shortly after default. Holders must realize that the assumption of liability by VA as guarantor or insurer is predicated upon an understanding that the holder's obligation to render


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adequate and proper loan servicing will be conscientiously and competently fulfilled. (See par. 2.31.) This intent is evidenced by allowance of a late charge under 38 CFR 36.4311(d), and the prohibition against service charges otherwise in 38 CFR 36.4312(a). The referral of a newly defaulted loan to an attorney for the collection of a past due installment (or installments) is not a substitute for adequate and proper loan servicing, and a repetition of such practice may be considered as a basis for suspension by invoking 38 CFR 36.4331.

(2) Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the default has continued for a sufficient period to permit the holder to file claim for the guaranty or insurance, or to submit notice of intention to foreclose, or take other action pursuant to applicable regulation, a reasonable fee collected by an attorney or a trustee upon payment of the arrears (or a part of the arrears) by a borrower and a reinstatement of the loan will be allowed without the prior approval of the VA. Otherwise, the imposition of an attorney's fee or a trustee's fee for the collection of past due installments, except with the prior approval of the VA, will require deduction of the amount by which such fee exceeds the maximum allowable under 38 CFR 36.4313(b) in respect to a claim filed with VA for the guaranty or insurance, or in the final accounting.

e. Required Hazard Insurance Coverage. (Also see par. 2.08c.) Under 38 CFR 36.4326, insurance protection on property securing a VA guaranteed or insured loan is the holder's responsibility.

(1) If the hazard insurance is canceled or renewal refused and coverage cannot be obtained through a State pool or otherwise, except at prohibitive cost, the holder should promptly notify the VA. It is possible that the holder may be willing to continue to loan with the security uninsured if VA will give assurance that a future claim under loan guaranty will be not adjusted under 38 CFR 36.4325(b)(3). It then becomes the responsibility of station management to decide, considering all of the facts in the case, whether or not it would be in the Secretary's interest to continue the guaranty and accept the risk of a claim payment resulting from uninsured damage to the security. Some of the factors which will have to be considered in estimating the risk and determining whether or not it is in VA's interest to continue the guaranty without hazard insurance in such cases are:

(a) The reason for the cancellation or for the refusal to renew insurance.

(b) The condition and value of the uninsured buildings, and the cost of any repairs necessary in order to obtain insurance.,

(c) The proximity of fire protection and fire hydrants.

(d) The value of the lot or acreage.

(e) The loan balance and amortization terms.


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(f) The amount of VA's maximum claim liability.

(g) The loss, if any, anticipated from immediate foreclosure.

If, after documenting the file with respect to all relevant factors, there is any doubt as to whether or not it is in VA' s interest to continue the guaranty without hazard insurance, the folder may be submitted to Central Office (261) for consideration and advice.

(2) In those cases in which the loan is insolubly delinquent and in the process of being terminated, if the holder is unable to obtain hazard insurance coverage except at prohibitive cost, upon request, the VA may give assurance that a future claim under guaranty will not be adjusted under 38 CFR 36.4325(b)(3). However, the holder must promptly notify VA of the reasons why hazard insurance coverage is either not obtainable or obtainable only at prohibitive cost. The holder will also be required to evidence the efforts made


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to obtain insurance coverage and if obtainable, the lowest cost for such coverage. In considering the request, it will be the responsibility of station management to assure: (a) that reasonable efforts were made by the holder to obtain hazard insurance coverage and (b) that such coverage. is either not obtainable or obtainable only at prohibitive cost.

(3) In certain cases when a loan is in the process of being terminated and existing coverage has been canceled or renewal has been refused, and the holder is unable to obtain hazard insurance coverage except at prohibitive cost, a holder may nevertheless desire to obtain such insurance coverage in lieu of receiving VA's assurance that a future claim under guaranty will not be adjusted under 38 CFR 36.4325(b)(3) (see subpars. (1) and (2) above). In such event, the holder will remain subject to all applicable provisions of 38 CFR 36.4326, including the amount of insurance required. For purposes of establishing eligibility for some reimbursement from VA, this election may be made only when high cost coverage is the only available coverage and when the premium paid for such coverage is that which is customary in the locality. The premium(s) actually paid by the holder for such high cost coverage, as evidenced by copies of premium notices and paid receipts, will be reimbursable, in part, in an accounting with the Administrator. The reimbursable portion of the premium will be determined as follows:

(a) Calculation of the portion of the total premium paid which is attributable to coverage from the beginning date of coverage to the date of loan termination, or, alternatively, to the date termination should reasonably have been effected, whichever is earlier; and

(b) Application of VA's percentage of guaranty to the amount determined in subparagraph (a) above. Example:

"The holder obtains a high cost policy for 6 months' coverage. The premium is $600. The foreclosure is completed at the end of 4 months or should have been completed by that time. The cost of coverage attributable to the 4-month period is $400. If VA's percentage of guaranty is 60 percent, then the portion of the premium which may be allowed in an accounting with VA is $240 ($400 x 60 percent)."

(4) It should be recognized that holders may not be able to obtain individual policies evidencing insurance coverage under these circumstances. Accordingly, there will be no objection to any legally effective evidence of coverage, including binders or blanket policies similar to builder's risk policies.

f. Insured Loss Settlement . Holders must be regularly informed concerning their responsibility under 38 CFR 36.4326 and the possible reduction of a claim payment by operation of 38 CFR 36.4325(b)(3). Holders should also be advised to consult VA, in a total or near total loss case before consenting to an insurance


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adjustment if it appears that the settlement proceeds will not be sufficient to pay off the loan balance or restore the security. Upon receipt of any notice that a substantial loss has occurred, an inspection of the security property will be made promptly by qualified loan guaranty staff personnel in order to prepare a detailed report of the loss and the estimated cost of repairs required to restore the property. Thereafter, VA would be in position to determine whether the amount of loss settlement is adequate in the event the holder requests such advice, or whether an adjustment should be made of the holder's claim if the loss settlement obtained was inadequate. VA will assist holders in obtaining the services of compliance inspectors, at the holder's or borrower's expense, to assure satisfactory restoration of the security if the settlement proceeds are not to be applied to the loan balance. (See M26-4, par. 2.01f(2).) Generally, it would not be in the best interests of VA to restore the property when the loan is considered insolubly delinquent and in the process of liquidation.

g. Additional Hazard Insurance Coverage. The insurable value of the property securing a guaranteed or insured loan, as compared to the unpaid balance of the loan, may be such that the borrower wishes to carry an additional amount of coverage over and above the requirements of 38 CFR 36.4326, for his or her own protection. Also, some borrowers may wish to obtain the benefit of certain policies now available in many areas which, in addition to the required coverage on the security property, afford protection in the same policy against damage to contents, theft, personal liability, and other hazards, at a single indivisible premium substantially lower than the cost of these insurances if purchased separately. The mortgage clause is the same as in a standard fire policy except that it does not extend to such additional insurance. No objection will be raised to coverage on the security property in an amount in excess of VA requirements or to a combination policy, provided:

(1) That furnishing coverage in the additional amount or furnishing a combination policy is purely voluntary on the part of the borrower;

(2) That the mortgage or deed of trust form does not require these additional coverages or provide for default in the event of failure to furnish and maintain them; and

(3) That no part of the premium is included in the loan, either initially or as an advance.

Accordingly, there would be no objection to a voluntary increase in the amount otherwise properly payable into the borrower's tax and insurance account sufficient to effect periodic renewals of policies for insurance protection greater than that required by VA regulations for the usual hazards or in combination with other benefits, as above.


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h. Excessive Hazard Insurance Coverage. If it comes to VA's attention that any lender, as a habitual practice, insists on over insurance, proper reduction should be requested. The request for such reduction should, if appropriate, be supported by 38 CFR 36.4331 which provides for suspension of lenders indulging in practices detrimental to the interests of the veteran or of the Government. A determination that the lender's insurance requirements are such as to warrant some action by VA would require a careful analysis of the facts in the particular case, including consideration of the following points:

(1) There are fluctuations in the value of housing and an adjustment of insurance coverage normally does not take place until the expiration of existing policies.

(2) Replacement costs of properties destroyed by fire or other hazard could readily exceed the purchase price.

(3) Informed opinions of reasonable value for a property at any given time may vary.

(4) Because of a downpayment or curtailment of principal, the value of a property may be substantially in excess of the loan balance and insurance coverage above minimum requirements may be desirable for protection of the borrower's equity.

(5) The existence of a coinsurance clause in the policy may require additional coverage for adequate protection.

Since the holder is responsible for maintaining adequate hazard insurance and the amount payable on the guaranty would be reduced as a result of any loss due to a failure to do so, the VA does not object to the coverage unless the amount is clearly excessive. Otherwise, VA may find itself in the position of having caused the holder to suffer a loss because the amount of the insurance had to be reduced. However, if a holder regularly insists upon coverage that is clearly excessive, VA should advise the holder to make proper reductions and discontinue this practice, or suspension under 38 CFR 36.4331 will be considered.

i. Release or Substitution of Security. (See also par. 2.11.) Title 38 CFR 36.4324 authorizes a holder to release from its lien any personal property, and real property which does not involve a decrease in the value of the security in excess of $2,500. There is a further requirement that, unless the prior approval of VA is obtained, the holder must credit to the indebtedness the fair market value of the property released.

(1) Real Property. For a determination as to whether the VA should approve the request for release or substitution of security, the provisions of paragraph 2.11a, b, and c will be considered. The principles set forth in paragraph 2.11d and e will be applicable in regard to the amount and disposition of the consideration to be received.


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(2) Personal Property. In order to support a conclusion that fair market value is received for personal property, it would be advisable for the holder to obtain statements from dealers handling similar equipment, indicating their opinion as to the value of the property to be released. Such statements should be obtained in duplicate and a copy forwarded by the holder to VA for inclusion in the loan folder in order to avoid, to the extent possible, the raising of a question at some future date concerning the adequacy of the consideration :received. This problem will be presented quite often in cases of the so-called "package mortgage" home loan, which includes refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, etc., and in which the cost of the appliances was not covered by a downpayment. As such items wear out or become obsolete and the property owner requests authority to trade them in on new items of equipment, holders will be called upon to release the lien on the appliances. If a first lien will be obtained on the new items there would, of course, be no problem presented, since this would be a proper substitution of security. There will be, however, cases in which it will not be possible to obtain a first lien (e.g., a new appliance may be purchased on an installment contract), in which event the foregoing procedure will be applicable.

(3) Refiling Lien on Obsolete Appliances. In many States the retention of a lien on such household appliances requires that the holder refile its lien periodically. The holder would be chargeable with any loss which might be subsequently sustained because of such failure to refile, unless the prior approval of VA was obtained. Since such appliances would have an economic life considerably shorter than the term of the mortgage, it would be proper for VA to authorize a holder, upon request, to discontinue refiling its lien after it is determined that the value of the property has diminished to the point in which it is no longer financially advisable to retain the lien. It is not possible to set forth any specific formula relating to the matter, and each case necessarily must be considered on the basis of the facts presented. In any event, holders will not be required to refile their liens on household appliances after 5 years. Furthermore, there will be no adjustment in a claim under loan guaranty under 38 CFR 36.4325(b) (1) solely because a holder failed to refile its lien on the household appliances after 5 years.

[j. Excess Balance in Tax and Insurance Accounts. Under the provisions of some loan instruments, including older standard form mortgages and deeds of trust approved by VA for use in making guaranteed and insured loans, the holder is effectively required to perform a periodic audit of the escrow account and, if a surplus is found, to retain the surplus funds for application to future tax and insurance payments and to reduce the monthly escrow payment requirement accordingly. These provisions were superseded by the Real Estate Settlement and Procedures Act of 1974 and the Cranston-Gonzales National Affordable Housing Act of 1990, and holders are required to comply with the more recent legislation in maintaining escrow accounts.


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(1) Authorized Disposition of Excess. When an annual audit of an escrow account discloses an excess, the holder may provide the borrower with notice of possible means of disposing of the excess. The holder may suggest:

(a) A lump sum refund of the excess to the borrower;

(b) Application of the excess to reduce the loan balance;

(c) Application of the excess to reduce or pay the next monthly installment (s) ;

(d) Application of the excess to reduce installment payments over the next 12 months;

(d) Application to unpaid late charges or other outstanding advances; or,

(e) Any combination of the above.

(2) Disposition of Excess Without Authorization. If the borrower has not indicated a preference for disposition of an escrow surplus, the holder may automatically remit a lump sum refund of the excess to the borrower. The refund may be accompanied by notice that the borrower can endorse the check and return it to the holder with specific instructions for application.)

k. Servicing Fees and Charges. The charging of a fee by holders, or by the servicing agent when authorized to do so by holders, for performing various services in connection with events not within the realm or scope of servicing involved in the usual mortgage transaction depends on the terms of the loan agreement and is for determination by the parties involved. Such charges are not precluded by 38 U.S.C. chapter 37, nor by existing VA regulations. However, the VA expects that such charges will be reasonable in amount. In determining the reasonableness of any such charge, consideration should be given to the work involved in the services performed and the amount customarily charged in the locality. The charges listed below, while not approved by VA, will not be considered improper provided they are agreed to by the parties or are permissible under the loan agreement and are reasonable in amount:

(1) Recording a change of ownership of the mortgaged property on the books of the [servicer). VA will consider a charge in excess of [$50] for such service to be unreasonable, regardless of whether or not there is also a substitution of liability on the mortgage.

(2) Processing and reprocessing checks of mortgagor which are returned to the [servicer] for insufficiency of the mortgagor's funds.


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(3) Substitution of hazard insurance policies during the life of a previously furnished policy (at a time other than the normal renewal period), when substitution is made at the request of the mortgagor. A charge in excess of $10 for such service will be considered unreasonable. Any charge for policy renewal or replacement at the normal renewal period will be considered inappropriate.

(4) Processing partial releases of the mortgaged property.

(5) Processing subordination agreements.

(6) Modification of the mortgage (i.e., a postponement of amortization by a formal written extension and/or reamortization agreement).

(7) Marking the mortgage satisfied if either authorized or not prohibited by local law.

1. Prior Lienholder Agreement- With Farmers Home Administration Involving GI (Guaranteed or Insured) Loans. The FmHA may request the holder of a GI loan to execute an "Agreement with Prior Lienholder" before approval of a loan which will be secured by a second lien on property securing a GI loan. Upon receipt of such an agreement the holder may submit the agreement to the VA office of jurisdiction for the prior approval of the Secretary, together with advice as to the status of the loan, amount of principal balance and holder's recommendation. The criteria in paragraph 2.12 will apply in the decision as to whether or not the Secretary should give prior approval to the holder executing the agreement.

m. Property Preservation by Holder. During the course of loan servicing it is expected that GI loan holders will occasionally discover vacant and abandoned properties. Provision has been made in 38 CFR 36.4313 for holders to advance any amounts reasonably necessary and proper for the maintenance or repair of such a property, and to include such charges in the final accounting with VA. [Title 38 CFR 36.4346(i) requires holders to make arrangements to protect abandoned properties from vandalism and the elements to the extent feasible under local law. The holder must perform an inspection whenever it becomes aware that there may be a risk of damage. Unless a repayment plan is in effect, the first inspection must be performed before the loan is 60 days delinquent or before foreclosure is started, whichever is earlier. Subsequent inspections must be performed at least monthly ,after foreclosure has been initiated unless servicing information shows the property remains owner-occupied.] In order to keep holders informed of VA requirements concerning the services expected to be provided for securing and maintaining properties prior to conveyance of custody to VA, and the maximum fees to be reimbursed for these services without the need for prior approval by VA, each station will prepare an annual release addressing these items.


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(1) To establish consistency in broad geographical areas, and especially within States under the jurisdiction of two or more stations, prices for services must be discussed with adjoining VA offices. Several stations within a particular area may wish to issue a joint release describing services and fees, with no more than a few exceptions for each station. Included in these exceptions will be any differences between urban and rural allowances, along with guidelines for servicers to follow in determining which areas are urban and which are rural. A review of allowable fees and services as determined by local HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development) offices may also be helpful.

(2) Field station releases will include descriptions of common circumstances which necessitate certain services, explanations of the extent of services to be provided without prior VA approval, and the maximum charges to be allowed for, those services. In most cases, releases should address:

(a) Entry door lock changes, including appropriate information on delivery of keys to VA or management brokers, and any requirements for master keys;

(b) Winterization of plumbing and possibly heating systems, and the times during the year when these services must be performed;

(c) Installation of security boards or framed wire mesh on windows, doors, and swimming pools, indicating whether all or only certain types or locations of openings must be secured (e.g., only ground floor windows on a two story home). Details must be provided stating the acceptable methods to minimize damage to opening frames, specifying materials (e.g., thickness of plywood or boards and type of fasteners, such as screws or nails) to withstand elements of weather and vandalism, and listing the maximum allowances by size of opening to be secured;

(d) Exterior debris removal to eliminate health or safety hazards; and

(e) Utility account transfers or terminations depending upon the particular requirements of the region and the home, such as sump pumps which must remain operational, and/or special requirements for steam or other heating systems when other winterization methods do not appear feasible.

[(f) The frequency of required property inspections and the maximum charge allowable for each inspection.]

(3) Another item to be included in most releases will be the allowable times and reasonable fees for grass cutting. Keeping the grass mowed regularly should help avoid vandalism or action by local authorities, and is therefore considered a reimbursable advance for maintenance of the property. Stations will consider usual growing seasons and the time period required for completion of loan termination


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in establishing mowing schedules, as it may not be necessary for a holder to perform lawn care after a certain date each year, or if a foreclosure should be completed within a very short time frame and custody of the property conveyed to VA.

(4) Loan Guaranty activities with separate Property Management and Loan Service and Claims sections will coordinate the preparation of releases between these two sections. This will ensure that general instructions given to holders will provide for adequate property protection prior to conveyance of properties to VA. At the same time the releases will refrain from requesting the performance of less critical services which may be completed more economically following property acquisition by VA. However,. station releases should not imply that holders should delay action in most cases involving potential or actual health hazards, such as unsanitary conditions due to the presence of kitchen or other biodegradable waste, or open swimming pools.

(5) Station releases will also describe any other services which may be required on a regular basis in the particular jurisdiction. The releases must advise holders to contact VA to request prior approval for unusual expenses, in order to avoid incurring costs which may be disallowed on guaranty claims. The name and telephone number of an appropriate individual will be provided for this purpose.

(6) Claim processing technicians will routinely monitor the services provided and amounts charged for property preservation activities. If allowable charges are routinely exceeded by certain servicers, this should be brought to the attention of supervisors so that contact may be made to discuss the reason(s) and possible solutions. This may require only clarification of procedures required by VA, or it may be necessary to increase certain allowable charges in the next station release.

(7) Copies of field station releases will be submitted to Central Office (261) on or before the 15th workday of May of each year.


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a. Form. Some holders insist upon using their own form or other medium of reporting defaults pursuant to 38 CFR 36.4315. In that event, and provided the requirements of 38 CFR 36.4332 are met, the report will be accepted and acknowledged. This may require additional correspondence if the information is not sufficiently complete to show, for example, the extent and results of the loan servicing performed. Unless the holder has previously insisted upon the use of such medium, receipt of any other form of notice will be acknowledged with the request that VA Form 26-6850, Notice of Default, or VA Form 26-6850a, Notice of Default and Intention to Foreclose (if the default is already insoluble when initially reportable) (par. 3.31 or 3.32), be completed in connection with the case in question, as well as future defaults. This procedure will serve a threefold purpose: (1) holders will be impressed with the desirability of using the VA form in reporting future defaults; (2) a complete history of the case and necessary information regarding the default will be obtained; and (3) proper completion of the form will, of itself, necessitate servicing of the loan, and will further the program of educating holders in adequate and proper loan service procedure.

b. Default Pending. Upon the receipt VA Form 26-6850 or 26-6850a, such notice must be coded into LCS (Liquidation and Claims System) which is maintained at Austin DPC within 10 days of the receipt date. (See par. 3.06.)

c. Followup to Holder for Status of Pending Defaults. It will be the responsibility of station management to assure that a followup is maintained on each pending defaulted loan, so that no case is overlooked or neglected and timely action may be taken as appropriate. A followup to the holder will be made during periods of forbearance and scheduled liquidations of arrears. This will also apply to those loans determined to be insolubly delinquent. VA Form 26-8778, Request to Lender for Status of Loan Account - LCS, will be system-generated by LCS to servicers for follow-up purposes when the diary date established in the system is reached (see par. 3.06h). When in the discretion of station management it is necessary to acknowledge advice that a default has been cured, FL 26-195 will be used for that purpose. The circumstances of each case will dictate when followup is necessary to learn the status of the case from the holder. A followup shall be made to the holder within a reasonable interval after it is likely that the default may have been cured. This is most important in cases in which repayment schedules are involved or when the period of forbearance has expired, to insure that such schedules of payments are being adhered to. (For example: A loan is 3 months in arrears and schedule is made for veteran to pay one and one-half installment payments over the next 6 months to bring the account current. Followup should be made after the first 30-day


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period following such schedule and within 60-day intervals thereafter as necessary.) When the delinquency in a case reaches six installments and termination action has not been instituted by the holder, the case will be referred to the Chief, Loan Service and Claims Section, for review to determine what action, if any, is necessary. [Unless there is evidence to support a different classification, these loans should be deemed insoluble and LCS must be updated to enter this classification. A cutoff under 38 CFR 36.4319(f) should be considered (see M26-4, par. 2.12d). When a cutoff is not deemed appropriate, the loan -record must be documented to explain this decision. The default then should be reviewed by the Chief, Loan Service and Claims, at least every 30 days to assure that liquidation is not being unduly delayed.]


No guaranteed or insured loan should be foreclosed or otherwise terminated unless such action is justified following the performance of adequate and proper loan servicing as reflected in the loan folder. The failure or inability of the holder in a particular case to accomplish the desired result through its loan service activities may result in undue depreciation of the security or an increased loss to the Government, and, therefore, a certain amount of loan servicing by VA, supplemental to that of the holder, may be necessary or advisable. Such activities by VA may include letter servicing and office interviews, but personal servicing in the field will be undertaken in relatively few cases. Any supplemental servicing undertaken by VA is not intended to relieve the holder of responsibility for servicing the loan properly, but rather for the purpose of protecting the interests of the veteran and the Government in those cases in which the holder has exhausted all reasonable possibilities to reinstate the loan to a current


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condition or to avoid foreclosure. After a default is determined insoluble, VA will continue to monitor the default and perform personal supplemental servicing to ensure the interests of the Government are protected during loan termination. Well documented personal supplemental servicing records are essential so that alternatives to foreclosure and preforeclosure waiver or compromise of VA's debt collection rights can be considered. (See M26-4, pars. 2.06d , 2.09 and 2.17.)

a. Preservation of Debtor-Creditor Relationship. Although every consideration will be extended to worthy veterans as warranted by the facts, it must be recognized that the holder's rights may not thus be impaired, nor responsibilities minimized. The debtor-creditor relationship which exists between the veteran and the holder must be preserved. In addition, the rights of VA shall not be unduly prejudiced. The holder will be kept advised of whatever supplemental servicing may be undertaken by VA, and if the holder's servicing has been inadequate, attention shall be called to the deficiency. If a default is cured as the result of VA servicing, and it is believed that the holder, through the exercise of proper techniques, could likewise have cured the default, the matter, whenever possible, will be called to the holder's attention in such manner as to further the program of educating lenders in adequate loan servicing procedure. (See par. 2.32.)

b. Elements of Supplemental Servicing

(1) Reasons for Default . It will be determined whether the conditions which caused the default are to be considered temporary or permanent. If the default appears to be temporary and not willful and the borrower desires to retain the property, VA will render such assistance as may be possible, consistent with VA regulations and policy. This may include consideration of refunding the loan pursuant to 38 CFR 36.4318 (see par. 2.38), but due regard will be given to the effect of any contemplated action upon the interests of the Government and those of the delinquent borrower.

(2) Telephone and Telegraph. More effective results may be obtained by the use of the telephone or telegraph when it is feasible and practicable, or if satisfactory progress is not made by correspondence. VA Form 26-6715, VA Form 26-6808, or VA Form 26-8753, Supplemental Servicing Code Sheet (LCS-VADATS), will be placed in the loan folder to record all such telephone conversations unless the contact has been documented in another location and/or in another form under folderless servicing procedures (e.g., documented in LCS using the "LMOD" command or maintained in a separate servicing history binder). The obligor's liability to the loan holder and VA should be determined and discussed, together with possibilities for reinstatement of the account. If it becomes apparent that the default is insoluble, and an expeditious termination of the loan would be in the Government's best interest,


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alternatives to foreclosure should be reviewed with the obligor and necessary information for consideration of preforeclosure waiver or compromise of VA's collection rights should be obtained.

(3) Office Interviews. Arrangements may be made by letter or telephone encouraging the borrower to visit the VA office at his or her convenience. This tends to place more of the responsibility on the borrower and results in a substantial saving of time and expense to VA. The interview will be conducted in a friendly and understanding manner, with every effort being made to arrive at a basis for curing the default or arranging a plan to liquidate the arrearage which will be acceptable to the holder. VA Form 26-6808 (par. 3.27) will be completed insofar as possible to provide a history of the case in the loan folder. It may also be useful to complete VA Form 26-6807, Financial Statement (par. 3.25), VA Form 4-5655, Financial Status Report, or VA Form 26-8844, Financial Counseling Statement (par. 3.40) to obtain more detailed information in cases where such information may be useful, adequate time is available to develop it with the borrower, and the borrower is cooperative. This loan service report may minimize the necessity for a subsequent personal visit to the borrower at his or her home or place of business. In difficult cases the interview, whenever practicable, should be conducted by designated personnel of the Loan Service and Claims Section.

(4) Supplemental Letter Servicing

[(a) Advance Servicing Letter. An advance servicing letter, accompanied by a Loan Guaranty Division telephone directory and an assistance request (see M26-1, figs. 4.01 and 4.02), will be issued approximately 30 days after the veteran is notified that the loan has been guaranteed (M26-1, par. 4.13h). The letter will inform the veteran that VA's Loan Service and Claims Section will try to help if problems occur with their lenders or if they have financial difficulties.

(b) Timely and Appropriately Worded Letters.] When the holder's notice of default is received and thereafter, depending upon the circumstances of each case, timely and appropriately worded letters may be written to the borrower. It is generally preferable and frequently necessary that personally written letters, adapted to the particular circumstances, be used in lieu of form letters. However, it may be expeditious in many cases to use form letters, and LCS provides for computer-generated form letters to be sent to delinquent borrowers. The appropriate letter is determined by the form letter indicator coded by the regional office in TT 500 (Notice of Default) and TT 510 (Notice of Intention to Foreclose). The envelopes used for mailing the letters are of the double-window type, with the name and address of the appropriate regional office appearing in the upper left window so that undeliverable mail can be returned to the proper regional office.


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(c) Computer-Generated Letter

[1.] If the form letter indicator field is left blank, the system will generate VA Form 26-8761, Notification to Borrower of Default, for TT 500; and VA Form 26-8762, Notice to Borrower Regarding Foreclosure of Mortgage, for TT 510. If indicator "1" is coded, the same respective forms will be generated along with a stuffer, VA Pamphlet 26-5 (Revised), EXTRACT. The effectiveness of these forms is materially reduced when they are repeatedly produced in connection with subsequent defaults of the same borrower. In such cases, indicator "2" may be coded, and no letter will be generated by the system. However, the regional office must then assure that locally prepared letters, appropriate to the facts in the individual case, are originated to fulfill the requirements for supplemental letter servicing. Should ordinary mailing of forms from the DPC elicit no response, better results may be obtained by using locally prepared letters sent by registered mail or special delivery. With the exception of form letters, copies of letters or the substance of any correspondence with the borrower will be sent to the holder or its servicing agent in the interest of cooperation and effectiveness.

NOTE: Change in Name, Address or Telephone Number on Computer-Generated Letters. When there is a change in name for the Chief, Loan Service and Claims Section, and/or address and telephone number, regional offices will notify the Director (00/343), VA Data Processing Center, 1615 E. Woodward Street, Austin, Texas 78772, in writing, with a copy sent to Central Office (261).

[2. VA Form 26-8763, Notice to Borrower Regarding Date of Foreclosure Sale, is used to notify the current owner of the property of an impending foreclosure sale. Comparable notice to original veterans and intermediate transferees whose liability is to be maintained is given by means of a manually prepared letter (see subpar. b(5) below). VA Form 26-8763 gives notice of the scheduled sale date and indicates that the sale could occur during the 2 weeks following that date. It will be sent in all cases and must be sent if the current owner will be held liable by VA under subrogation or indemnity following completion of foreclosure and payment of a claim. TT 520, action 7, must be coded to allow LCS to generate the letter at least 20 days but not more than 60 days before the scheduled foreclosure sale. Upon completion of the coding, LCS will automatically generate VA Form 26-8763 and mail it to the current owner at the mailing address which is in the system. The remaining action 7 fields may be left blank and coded at a later date using TT 521 when complete sale data is available. If the coding is input more than 60 days before the sale date, LCS will not generate the letter until the 60 day mark is reached. If a scheduled sale is postponed more than 2 weeks, the borrower must be re-notified in the same manner with the same time requirements by using TT 521 to recode action 7 and change the sale date. If notice of a rescheduled sale is received less than 3 weeks before the new sale date, a further postponement will be necessary to satisfy the 20 day minimum notification requirement. In jurisdictions where notice of a sale, or a rescheduled sale, is normally received less than 3 weeks before the sale date (e.g., where a sale can be


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postponed from week-to-week or where it takes place immediately following 3 weekly published notices), field stations must use local releases to impress upon holders the importance of advance notice. When, for some reason, action 7 is not or cannot be coded, a letter must be prepared using the suggested format found in figure 14 of the appendix.

3. Pending notice that LCS has been modified to generate VA Form 26-8763, field stations must manually provide notice of a pending sale to the current owner of the property. A suggested format for the letter is provided in figure 14. The requirements in subparagraph 2 above with respect to including the sale date, giving the notice between 20 and 60 days before the scheduled sale, and repeating the notice if the sale does not take place within 2 weeks of the date cited in the letter, are also applicable to manually prepared letters. If the current owner is not liable under subrogation or indemnity, or has been granted a preforeclosure release of VA's collection rights, no notice is necessary. Normally, notice will be required on all GIF (guaranteed and indemnity fund) loans for which the current property owner is a transferee and on all guaranteed loans originated prior to January 1, 1990 for which the current property owner is the original veteran or a liable transferee.

4. Postponement of a foreclosure sale by VA for the purpose of providing timely notice to the property owner will generally require an adjustment of any cutoff date by a period of time corresponding to the delay. If, however, the holder is responsible for the sale postponement (e.g., the holder failed to provide timely notice of the scheduled sale date or had to postpone the sale due to an error in publication), the original sale date or an earlier cutoff date established under 38 CFR 36.4319(f) or 36.4321(b) will remain the applicable cutoff date unless the holder provides an acceptable reason for the postponement. If a postponement results in VA being unable to specify an amount for credit to the indebtedness, adjustment of the cutoff date under 36.4321(b)(1) may be necessary.

5. Before postponing a foreclosure sale for the sole purpose of providing the required notice, consideration should be given to the likelihood of collection of any indebtedness which would be established against the homeowner following foreclosure. If it appears that the liability account will be uncollectable (e.g., an elderly veteran with minimal assets who is unemployed and whose sole income is social security would likely have a debt waiver request approved because collection could be found to create undue hardship), it would be in VA's best interest to grant a preforeclosure release of collection rights rather than to increase the claim payable by postponing the foreclosure. (See M26-4, par. 2.06d.)]

(5) Notification of Transferee's Default to Original Borrower and Other Obligors. VA must make a reasonable effort to ensure notice of a transferee's default and the holder's intention to foreclose is provided to each former owner in transferee default cases. If a preforeclosure release of VA's collection rights is granted, notice of the release will be


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sufficient. Because the loan folder will not usually be available when notice is sent, notice of the transferee's default and notice of a preforeclosure release may be provided to former owners who have already been released from liability on the loan. If a prior obligor has already obtained a release of liability, he or she should have a copy of the actual release letter from VA (not the tentative approval letter) or the formal assumption and release agreement joined in by VA, or executed by the loan holder on behalf of VA for loans which are subject to the provisions of 38 U.S.C. 3714. If a letter sent to a veteran in accordance with this paragraph is not delivered, servicing records should be annotated and additional efforts made to ensure the veteran is located and given proper notice.

(a) Preforeclosure Release of Collection Rights. Notice must be sent to the original veteran-borrower and any other obligors for whom a preforeclosure release of collection rights has been approved in every case involving a transferee's default. A suggested dictated letter format is provided in figure 13. It will normally be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the last known address of the original veteran no more than 30 days after receipt of VA Form 26-6851 and to any other obligor no later than 45 days after receipt of the notice; i.e., following receipt of the obligor's name and address from the holder (see subpar. (c)1. below). If the holder provides an updated address for the original veteran, it will be remailed to that address unless it is known that the first notice was received by the veteran. Return receipts should be filed in the loan folder to verify that the letter was received. Since a preforeclosure release may affect the procedure used by the holder to terminate the loan, and may reduce foreclosure costs and time, stations should notify the holder promptly by means of an appropriate letter when the release is granted.

(b) Cases Not Qualifying for a Preforeclosure Release. Manual M26-4, paragraph 2.06d, discusses the procedures for granting preforeclosure release of collection rights. A preforeclosure release may not be granted to an obligor who has demonstrated fraud, misrepresentation or bad faith. If this exists, VA must document a willful intent on the part of the debtor. This is usually not the case in transferee default situations. There may also be cases in which a decision to grant a preforeclosure release should be suspended pending the development of additional information. Form Letter 26-251, Notification of Transferee's Default, must be sent to each obligor within 45 days after receipt of VA Form 26-6851 unless notice of a preforeclosure debt waiver has already been sent. [After receipt of notice that a foreclosure sale has been scheduled, notice of the pending sale will be sent to the original veteran and any liable intermediate transferees using FL 26-253, Notice to Former Owner Regarding Date of Foreclosure Sale. Until this form letter is revised, field stations will use a locally prepared letter for this purpose. Figure 15 contains suggested language which may be used for this purpose.] This letter must be sent via certified mail, return receipt requested, to the last known address of each obligor. Return receipts should be filed in the loan folder to verify that the letter was received. [Timing for the release of letters notifying former owners of a transferee's default is the same as for the release of the notice letters to current owners (see subpar. (4)(c)2 above). In


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jurisdictions where foreclosure is completed so quickly that notice of the sale date would follow release of FL 26-251 by less than 3 weeks, it will not be necessary to use FL 26-251.]

(c) Obtaining Obligors' Current Mailing Addresses

1. Holder's Responsibility to Provide VA with Name/Mailing Addresses of All Obligors. When VA receives VA Form 26-6850, Notice of Default, or 26-6851 the report should contain the original veteran's name and mailing address. Although holders may not have this information readily available at the time notice is provided, 38 CFR 36.4317 (c) requires them to send the original veteran-borrower and all other obligors, by certified mail, notice of their intention to foreclose within 30 days after such notice is provided to VA. They must concurrently send VA the names and addresses of all obligors to whom they have sent the notice. If VA is not provided with this information, the holder should be contacted to determine if a good faith effort has been made to locate the names and addresses of all obligors. A good faith effort by the holder includes taking the following actions: reviewing loan documentation, including transfer deeds, to ascertain which former owners are liable obligors; searching the loan records to locate the names and last known addresses of all obligors; searching the loan records to locate information (e.g., Social Security number or taxpayer identification number) needed to perform a skip-trace inquiry through a major consumer credit bureau; and, finally, conducting the skip-trace inquiry using an in-house credit reporting terminal. If a good faith effort has not been made, the holder should be encouraged to obtain the information and forward it to VA. The loan folder should be documented with a summary of the conversation with the holder and a determination made as to whether the holder has acted in good faith. In cases of non-compliance, a copy of the conversation will be placed in the servicer's performance file (see par. 3.06e).

2. Holder's Non-Compliance. A persistent and continual failure by the holder to make a good faith effort to locate the addresses and notify all obligors may demonstrate an inability to service loans adequately. This inadequacy my result in debarment or other sanctions. If a station suspects that a holder is consistently failing to make a good faith effort to obtain and forward the names and addresses of all obligors to VA, documentation substantiating this negligence should be sent to Central Office, Loan Management staff (261) for review.

3. VA's Responsibility to Locate Name/Mailing Addresses of All Obligors. If the holder does not provide the name and address of all obligors within 45 days after receipt of VA Form 26-6851, VA will take immediate action to obtain the current addresses of the obligors. This can usually be obtained from the-sources listed in paragraph 2.23. Paragraph 2.23(d) may be of particular assistance at stations using folderless processing of defaults, since it describes the search procedures in VA's system of records. If a current address is not found, then the original veteran's Social Security number will be obtained from GIL records so that a national skip-trace service can be accessed through a credit


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report terminal on station. The procedure set forth in paragraph 2.23g should be employed to deliver notice of a preforeclosure debt waiver when the information in the folder indicates the obligor may be on active military duty.

(6) Mortgage Relief for Certain Homeowners. Section 1012, Public Law 89-754 (12 U.S.C. 1735g) authorizes VA to provide mortgage relief to a "distressed mortgagor," as defined in that statute, through the issuance of a certificate of moratorium to the mortgage holder, if it is determined that such action is necessary to avoid foreclosure. This statute defines distressed mortgagor as "an individual who - (A) was employed by the Federal Government at, or was assigned as a serviceman to, a military base or other Federal installation and whose employment or service at such base or installation was terminated subsequent to November 1, 1964, as the result of the closing (in whole or in part) of such base or installation; and (B) is the owner-occupant of a dwelling situated at or near such base or installation and upon which there is a mortgage securing a loan which is in default because of the inability of the individual to make payments due under the mortgage." Considering the limited number of GI loan homeowner-occupants who qualify as "distressed mortgagors" under the statute and because VA, under its present regulations and procedures, is able to provide the equivalent of the mortgage relief contemplated in the statue, it will not be necessary to issue a certificate of moratorium. Instead, when an owner-occupant of a property securing a VA guaranteed or insured home loan is eligible for such mortgage relief, station management will do everything possible to have the mortgage holder forego foreclosure and extend forbearance until the property owner is no longer a "distressed mortgagor" as defined in the statute. Should the holder refuse such indulgence, station management should have the holder withhold foreclosure action until Central Office has had an opportunity to review the case and consider refunding under 38 CFR 36.4318. The case should be sent to Central Office (261) with a report of all the facts, a statement of


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the value of the property and the recommendation of station management as to refunding and thereafter extending the indulgence intended in section 1012, Public Law 89-754 (12 U.S.C. 1735g).

[(7)] Supplemental Personal Servicing. VA supplemental servicing should be performed directly after receipt of VA Form 26-6850 in every case in which no satisfactory arrangements have been made to cure the delinquency. An attempt should be made to personally contact the delinquent borrower, either at home or at the place of employment. VA Form 26-8753 should be documented to show what attempts have been made in this regard, whether successful or not. If the effort to effect personal contact is not successful, a mailgram or a personally worded letter should be sent. Personal supplemental servicing should be performed as early as possible, since the loan is already 3 to 4 months past due when VA receives VA Form 26-6850. It is at this stage that VA can be most effective in assisting the borrower to cure the delinquency. VA Form 26-6808 can be used as a guide for the servicing interview. During the course of the interview, the LSR should obtain sufficient information to complete all items on the form. The LSR, after comparing income with an estimate of the borrower's monthly expenses, can make appropriate recommendations to the borrower for either curing the default or terminating the loan.

(a) Repayment Agreement. In most instances when a personal interview indicates that a delinquent borrower has the financial means to keep up payments on a repayment plan, the borrower should be advised to call the holder and negotiate a plan that will be acceptable to both parties. Most often the holder will grant the request and place the delinquent borrower on a repayment agreement. However, if the borrower advises VA that no agreement with the holder could be reached, the LSR may intervene and call the holder personally in the borrower's behalf. Successful intervention in such circumstances will provide delinquent borrowers with an opportunity, which might otherwise be unobtainable, to avoid the loss of their homes.

(b) Refunding/Refinancing. When a holder is not agreeable to further forbearance but the borrower has the ability to make payments, consideration should be given to refunding the loan as a means of avoiding a foreclosure. (See par. 2.38.) In cases when a veteran has a high interest loan and is still employed but has suffered a reduction in income, consideration may be given to refinancing at current interest rates if this will result in a lower monthly payment affordable to the veteran.

(c) Equity Cases. When a review of the file indicates that the loan is insoluble, and there appears to be a substantial equity, the homeowners should be contacted and advised to sell the property to protect their equity. Efforts should be made to obtain reasonable time for borrowers to sell before foreclosure is completed. If necessary, holders may be requested to delay foreclosure sale dates


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to accomplish this. In addition, holders should be asked to postpone foreclosure sales when borrowers show evidence of a firm contract of sale with a definite closing date.

(d) Compromise Agreement. In cases when a default is insoluble and resolution of the default through a private sale is unlikely because there is little or no equity, VA may facilitate such a sale and help prevent loan termination by means of a compromise agreement (see M26-4, par. 2.10). When appropriate, borrowers should be advised of this possibility and encouraged to pursue a private sale.

(e) Voluntary Conveyance. In cases when a default is insoluble, and there is little or no likelihood of a private sale, consideration should be given to accepting a deed in lieu of foreclosure. Acceptance of a voluntary deed will save on foreclosure costs, cut down on possible decreases in the value of the security, avoid having a foreclosure on the borrower's credit record, and reduce or eliminate the amount of the veteran's indebtedness.

(f) Preforeclosure Waiver . When a default is insoluble, every effort should be made to obtain the borrower's cooperation in pursuing an alternative to foreclosure which would reduce the costs incurred by the Government as a result of the loan default. The ability to offer a preforeclosure waiver or compromise of VA's collection rights (see M26-4, par. 2.06d) may facilitate cooperation and should be considered in every case.

(g) Foreclosure Procedures. Many jurisdictions offer a choice of foreclosure procedures which may be selected when a default is insoluble and there is no alternative to foreclosure. Some of these procedures, such as election of a non-judicial process over a judicial process or election of a shorter redemption period when a choice is available under the judicial process, will effectively release VA's right to establish and/or collect an indebtedness against one or more of the obligors after the loan is terminated. Each LSR should be familiar with foreclosure procedures available in the jurisdiction and the consequences of the various procedures with respect to obligor liability, time and costs involved in the termination process and timing and duration of any redemption periods. When foreclosure is necessary, the LSR must determine whether (a) it is better to require the loan holder to maintain the personal liability of all obligors (see 38 CFR 36.4324(f)), or (b) the savings resulting from reduction in costs and/or time under a procedure which would release one or more obligors from liability would justify authorizing the loan holder to elect such a procedure. Part of this decision involves an assessment of the likelihood of collection of an indebtedness established after foreclosure, since there is no benefit to VA in establishing debts with only remote collection possibilities. The authority for authorizing a procedure which entails a release of liability is found in 38 CFR 36.4323(e). (See M26-4, par. 2.06).


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[(8)] Field Report. VA Form 26-6808 (par. 3.27), which will be submitted by the LSR, will not be a stereotyped repetition of information which is already in the loan folder, but it will be a logical and comprehensive report of the salient facts, together with conclusions based upon a thorough understanding of the regulations and the facts developed. It will be a word picture of the situation as it was found to exist and not merely a recital of the borrower's or the holder's views concerning the default. The facts developed, as those already in the folder, should be verified and every possibility explored for curing the default. The report will be completed as promptly as possible and forwarded to designated personnel of the Loan Service and Claims Section, together with the recommendations of the LSR, including his or her views on the propriety of refunding by VA under the provisions of 38 CFR 36.4318. (See par. 2.38.) If the borrower is not at home at the time of the field visit, VA Form 26-6807 may be left at the residence as an attachment to FL 26-566 with instructions for the borrower to complete VA Form 26-6807 and return it to the regional office.

[(9)] Review of Field Report. Promptly upon receipt of the LSR's report, it will be reviewed by designated personnel of the Loan Service and Claims Section. It will be understood that no final arrangements can be made between VA and the borrower without the holder's concurrence.

[(a)] When Default May Be Cured. If it appears that the default may be cured, the possibilities and recommendations will be called to the holder's attention. (See M26-4, par. 2.08.) Possibilities may already have been discussed with the holder by the LSR in the process of preparing his or her report, and in that event, if necessary, the matter will be followed up to learn the results. (See par. 2.33c.) Should there be no plan proposed which is acceptable to the holder, due consideration will be given before foreclosure to the propriety of VA refunding the loan pursuant to 38 CFR 36.4318. Such consideration will be reflected in the loan folder, whether or not the loan is so refunded.

[(b)] When Default May Not Be Cured. If it appears that the default may not be cured, the information developed from all sources, including the loan service report, will be placed in the loan folder, together with conclusions of the review. Station management will determine when, prior to termination of the loan, the loan folder will be made available for the purpose of filing this documentation based on the recordkeeping system in use at the regional office. VA's participation in the case will be documented, including efforts to resolve the default and consideration of the most expeditious means of termination of the loan. It is not necessary to document an evaluation of all alternatives to foreclosure, but an approved alternative (compromise claim, deed in lieu of foreclosure, election of foreclosure procedure which


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releases obligors from liability, preforeclosure waiver of debt collection rights or refunding), should be supported in the loan folder. When a loan is insolubly delinquent or the security is to be liquidated, provisions of 38 CFR 36.4319(f) should be applied to establish a cutoff date for computation of the eligible indebtedness (see M26-4, par. 2.12d). A followup, at intervals of not less than once a month, will be made in all pending insoluble defaults for which no cutoff date has been established. (See par. 2.33c.)

[(10)] Financial Counseling. In VA's supplemental servicing effort, it is expected that financial counseling will be performed in appropriate cases to afford veteran-borrowers the maximum assistance possible to retain their homes during periods of temporary financial difficulty. When financial counseling is conducted incident to office interviews and field servicing contacts, VA Form 26-8844 should be completed and action taken to implement any recommendations made. (See par. 3.40.)

[(11)] Successful Intervention by VA. In many cases the counseling provided to veterans by VA will help them find an effective course of action to achieve loan reinstatement. Occasionally a veteran may request the direct assistance of VA in establishing a repayment plan with the loan holder, or VA may determine that intervention with the holder is appropriate in order to ensure that satisfactory arrangements are made. Since such intervention represents a significant supplemental servicing effort, it is important that its accomplishment be recorded. LCS contains a field for recording intervention by VA to establish a repayment plan, to arrange a period of forbearance, or to postpone a foreclosure sale to allow a private sale of the home or accumulation of reinstatement funds. (See par. 3.06f.) This field must be coded in all instances in which a holder agrees to VA's proposal for forbearance or a repayment plan.


Although VA recognizes that the debtor-creditor relationship which exists between the borrower and the holder must be preserved, there are circumstances in which applicable regulations limit the holder's discretion involving the acceptability of payments tendered by borrowers on loans in default.

a. Title 38 CFR 36. 430 (g). If sufficient funds are tendered to bring a delinquency current at any time prior to a judicial or statutory sale or other public sale under power of sale provisions contained in the loan instruments to liquidate any security for a guaranteed loan, the holder is normally required to accept the funds in payment of the delinquency. (See M26-4, par. 2.08.)


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b. Title 38 CFR [36.4315(b)]. Holders shall accept a borrower's tender of a partial payment on a loan in default unless one or more of the specific conditions; i.e., exceptions, defined in this regulation apply. In cases in which there appears to be a legitimate reason to refuse to accept a borrower's tender of a partial payment, and none of the conditions authorizing return of the payment pertain, the holder may submit a request for the approval of the [Secretary] to waive the payment acceptance requirement of this regulation. Regional offices will give careful consideration to the facts and circumstances of each case in which such a request is made and respond to the holder within 5 workdays from the date of receipt of the request by VA. The loan folder will be fully documented by memorandum outlining the basis for approving or disapproving the holder's request for waiver.

c. Title 38 CFR 36.4308(g) and [36.4315(b)]. These regulations are applicable to all VA home loans, whether or not such loans were originated prior to the dates these regulations became effective, to the extent that no legal rights vested thereunder are impaired. Accordingly, VA expects lenders to apply these provisions to all VA guaranteed loans equally rather than distinguish between loans based upon the dates that the instruments were executed. If any lender or servicer persists in not complying with these provisions, the situation will be brought to the attention of Central Office (261).


With the exception of the differences set forth below, outregion servicing on guaranteed or insured loans which have been reported in default by the holder will follow the procedure shown in paragraph 2.21 for VA portfolio loans.

a. Holder's Responsibility. Outregion servicing will be confined to those cases in which the propriety of supplemental servicing by VA has been determined in accordance with paragraph 2.34. In this connection, VA will not ordinarily undertake the expense of such supplemental servicing unless and until the holder has tried and failed to cure the default through his or her own representative or correspondent, and then only in appropriate and proper cases.

b .Records and Reports. The originating office will not only keep current all records and reports on such defaulted loans, but any resultant claim will be processed and paid by that office.


a. Definition. A "resumed service" case is one in which the borrower is, or soon will be, in active military service and, (1) as a result of inability to maintain regular amortization payments according to the mortgage contract, the loan is in actual or potential default, or (2) a modification agreement has been entered


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into for the purpose of curing the default or preventing an imminent default. [ ]

b. Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940 (as Amended). It is the policy of VA to extend indulgence in all proper cases when the borrower is entitled to the benefits of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940, as amended, particularly when failure to maintain regular installment payments as required by the mortgage contract is due to a reduction of income because of military service. No distinction is made as to whether the borrower is the original veteran or a subsequent transferee, or whether the present owner assumed the indebtedness or purchased the property subject to the mortgage. [The veteran qualifies for protection under the provisions of the Act if he or she assumed or originated the loan prior to the current period of active military service (while a civilian or during a period of break in active service) and the property is still owned by him or her during the current period of active service. In accordance with section 206 of the Act, the servicer/holder will, upon notice or request from the service member, or authorized representative of the service member, reduce the interest rate to 6 percent per annum until the period of active duty has ended. If the loan is being held in a pool (GNMA, FNMA), the servicer will have to follow guidelines established by the holder for verifying the veteran's request and duty status, as well as the accounting procedure for the reduction.] All holders should be alert concerning the provisions of this act and its limitations with respect to the foreclosure or other liquidation of financial obligations which were incurred by the borrower prior to the commencement of, or recall to, active military service. [ ]

c. Default Notice Received. When the report of a new default or information received on a pending default discloses that the borrower has entered the active military service, the loan folder will be marked accordingly (see pars. 3.06 and 3.07). If the information received is not conclusive as the holder's intended action for curing the default, such information will be obtained. If the holder's efforts to contact the borrower have not been successful, appropriate supplemental servicing, including outregion servicing, if necessary, will be initiated by VA. (See pars. 2.34 and 2.36a.)

d. Forbearance. In many cases the default will be only temporary. The unusually heavy expenditures incident to the transition from civilian life and the delay in the initial receipt of military pay often cause a borrower to become delinquent with his or her obligations. When the adjustment has been made, it is not unusual for the borrower to reinstate the existing loan agreement after a reasonable period of temporary forbearance.


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e. Allotment of Military Pay. Upon proper registration by a member of the Armed Forces, an allotment of military service pay will be forwarded directly to mortgagees (including VA - see par. 2.24c) for application to the account of a borrower in connection with the repayment of loans obtained for the purchase of a home. This does not include allotments for additions or improvements. Holders should be alert to this possibility and urge borrowers to take advantage of the provision in cases of default or to prevent imminent default.


September 26, 1988 M26-3

f. Advice to the Borrower. A letter of advice has been prepared for veterans who have been recalled to military service and attached as figure 3. (No standardized or local form letter will be provided for this purpose.) This suggested letter may be used as necessary, or its contents may be adapted to the circumstances of an individual case, and typewritten accordingly.

g. Modification Agreement

(1) When the advisability of extending indulgence is indicated by the facts, a loan modification agreement may be executed by holders without the prior approval of VA. Notice of any such arrangement shall be given promptly to VA by the holder, and a conformed copy of the agreement would best serve this requirement. it is the holder's privilege pursuant to 38 CFR 36.4314 to use any form for this purpose, or to request prior VA approval of a proposed arrangement. So long as the terms of a modification agreement are met, the loan will not be considered in default as a basis for legal action. The holder may wish to consider the loan in technical default because the payments are not being met in accordance with the loan instruments, but no notice of default will be required by VA under 38 CFR 36.4315 if the terms of the deferment agreement are filed with VA and are being complied with. The fact that the modification agreement provides for a complete or partial postponement of the amortization payments will not result in a violation of the provisions of 38 CFR 36.4309 which require approximately equal periodic payments. It must be recognized that the modification agreement is employed in order to cure an existing default or to avoid a potential default in the loan and, as such, comes within the provisions of 38 CFR 36.4314. However, the final maturity of the loan is not being extended and, therefore, there is no question with respect to the amortization of "at least 80 percent of the loan balance" within the maximum maturity prescribed for loans of its class. If at some future time, the loan is extended, this provision may be applicable. (See subpar. (2) below.)

(2) Justification. Resumed service cases, generally, are entitled to special handling because of the unusual circumstances involved, including the provisions of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940, as amended, with which it is VA policy to cooperate fully. It will be presumed, therefore, that each such borrower is worthy of the extension of indulgence by means of a modification agreement or otherwise, unless it can be shown beyond reasonable doubt that:

(a) The default was willful; or

(b) The borrower does not wish to retain the property; or

(c) The borrower's ability to comply with the terms of the obligation is not materially affected by reason of military service.


M26-3 September 26, 1988

h. Military Status Unknown. Upon receipt of any notice of intention to foreclose from the holder of a guaranteed or insured loan, VA Form 26-8762 or other appropriate letter will be mailed promptly to the borrower. If the borrower affirmatively replies to the last paragraph of the letter regarding military service, the information will be conveyed to the holder with appropriate suggestions for discontinuance of the foreclosure action. There may be cases in which contemplated foreclosure proceedings may not be continued until the court or the trustee is satisfied that the borrower is not in military service. Ordinarily this requirement can be met by means of an affidavit from the borrower or from the holder if the borrower is not available for personal interview. However, it may not be possible for the holder to so certify because the whereabouts of the borrower is unknown, or for other reasons. In such cases, any qualified attorney may obtain information as to whether an individual is on active military duty upon request from the various branches of the services at Washington, D.C. Accordingly, letters should be addressed by the attorney for the holder to:

(1) The Adjutant General, Department of the Army ATTN: Personnel Records Branch.

(2) The Air Adjutant General, Headquarters, U.S. Air Force ATTN: Military Records Personnel Division.

(3) The Bureau of Naval Personnel, Department of the Navy.

(4) Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Department of the Navy ATTN: Record Services Section, Records Branch.

(5) Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters ATTN: Administration Section Enlisted Personnel Division.

(6) Surgeon General of the Public Health Service Department of Health and Human Services ATTN: Examining and Transactions Branch Division of Personnel.

The request should show the borrower's full name, last known address, service number, and date of birth. The information is furnished without cost upon proper request from any qualified attorney by the military services listed above, but in order to assure the avoidance of a fee or service charge for the certificate it is important that the request include the following statement or words of similar import: "This request is made in connection with a loan guaranteed (or insured) under Title 38, United States Code, formerly Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, as amended. Any fee imposed and paid for-this service will ultimately be charged to the VA, an agency of the Federal Government." However, if other means are used, such as the employment of private investigators in connection with the filing of affidavits, reasonable expenses incurred may


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be allowed in the holder's final accounting, pursuant to 38 CFR 36.4313(b)(3), provided that such charges were reasonably necessary, incident to the liquidation of the security. In order to avoid any misunderstandings, holders will be advised to request the prior approval of the VA pursuant to 38 CFR 36.4313(b)(6) before incurring an expense of this nature.

i. Refunding Resumed Service Cases by VA. Despite the fact that all efforts to cure a defaulted resumed service case by appropriate loan service methods are unsuccessful, the courts may stay foreclosure or other liquidation of the loan. On the other hand, when, as, and if the courts allow continuation of foreclosure or other liquidation proceedings, consideration will be given to the circumstances involved and a determination made as to whether the case should be recommended for refunding under 38 CFR 36.4318 pursuant to paragraph 2.38.

j. Repayment of the Amount Deferred . Holders will be encouraged to continue the extension of forbearance if, following the 3-months' period after the borrower's separation from service, he/she cannot repay in a lump sum the amount which was deferred, or if to do so would create an undue hardship. An extension and reamortization of the loan may be accomplished without the prior approval of VA pursuant to 38 CFR 36.4314, and holders may be assured that VA liability under the guaranty will not be vitiated, provided:

(1) The extension agreement entered into does not involve a rate of amortization less than that sufficient to amortize at least 80 percent of the loan balance within the maximum maturity prescribed for loans of its class; and

(2) No obligor on the loan will be released from liability as a result of the agreement made with the borrower; or, if the liability of any obligor is released through operation of law so that the required lien is maintained, the present owner of the property remains liable for payment of the debt; and, if the liability of the veteran-borrower is so released, the delinquency including all costs and expenses is paid in full; and

(3) An advice of the terms of the agreement (preferably a conformed copy) is promptly forwarded to the VA.

2.38 REFUNDING UNDER 38 CFR 36.4318

a. Review of Cases Destined for Foreclosure. When efforts to cure the default have failed, the holder has refused to extend further forbearance, and foreclosure is imminent, the provisions of 38 CFR 36.4318 may be applied to refund the loan. Refunding may be utilized; (1) when the loan can be liquidated by VA at a minimum of expense or, (2) to avoid the liquidation of the loan and by doing so will assist a veteran in retaining the property. Every guaranteed loan must be individually reviewed for possible refunding prior to liquidation, and the decision documented in the loan folder. VA Form 26-8922, Refunding/Equity Review Worksheet, may be used to document the computation of this review.


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b. Prompt Action Required. According to the provisions of 38 CFR 36.4318 the holder must be notified of any decision to refund the loan within 30 days of the receipt of VA Form 26-6850, VA Form 26-1874, Claim Under Loan Guaranty, or VA Form 26-6851. Otherwise the holder may proceed as intended, and prompt action is therefore required by VA. However, it is usually possible to arrange with the holder for a postponement of legal action pending VA consideration of refunding, and this will be done whenever necessary or advisable. The decision to refund a guaranteed loan in order to accomplish any of the objectives listed in subparagraph a above may be made without Central Office approval (except in those cases when refunding is contemplated to afford the borrower relief as a "distressed mortgagor" as defined in section 1012 of Public Law 89-754 (12 U.S.C. 1735g)). (See subpar. i below and par. 2.34d(5).)

c. Refunding for Liquidation . The provisions of 38 CFR 36.4318 may be used in any case when it appears that a substantial saving of foreclosure costs may be effected, or that other substantial advantage may accrue to the Government. Ordinarily this action will be taken only in the extremely rare case when, because of circumstances beyond the control of VA, no reasonable limitation could be imposed on the expense of liquidation. This action would be in the nature of a "salvage'' operation in order to realize maximum advantage for the Government--financial or otherwise.

d. Refunding to Avoid Liquidation. A decision to refund will require due consideration of all pertinent factors, including those developed through personal servicing by the holder and VA. A loan will be considered eligible for refunding when it is determined that:

(1) The holder is unwilling to grant further forbearance;

(2) The veteran desires to retain and occupy the property;

(3) The veteran has shown an ability to care for and maintain the property;

(4) The veteran has a present or potential ability to satisfactorily resume regular payments within a reasonable time, and to repay the loan; [ ]

(5) The estimated net value of the property exceeds the unguaranteed portion of the loan[; and

(6) The veteran is willing to accept modification to the loan making the loan nontransferable without prior approval of the Secretary. The refunding of the loan will require that the owner sign a modification to the loan documents calling the loan due on sale. VA will not approve a transfer unless:

(a) The owner is unable to maintain payments on the loan, and default and foreclosure would be otherwise unavoidable; and


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(b) The owner, after a reasonable and sincere attempt, is unable to locate a buyer willing to use new financing to pay-off the existing mortgage; and

(c) The proposed transferee is determined to be creditworthy; and

(d) The proposed transferee has agreed, in writing, to assume the liability of the current owner; and

(e) If the interest on the loan was lowered as a part of the original refunding, the proposed transferee has agreed, in writing, to a modification of the loan back to the original rate of interest. If the original rate is higher than the rate in effect for new portfolio loans at the time the assumption is completed, the loan may be modified to the lower rate. In no circumstances will the interest rate be lowered as part of an assumption approval; or

(f) When the above criteria has not been met, but it appears to otherwise be in the best interest of the Secretary to approve the transfer, the approval of Central Office (261) has been obtained.]

e. Equity Cases. When it is determined that there is substantial equity in the property, refunding should be considered to allow the veteran a further opportunity to reinstate the loan, or to sell the property and realize the equity.

f. Special Cases. There will be cases that do not meet all the criteria specified above, but which should be refunded because it would be in the best interests of the Government to avoid acquisition of the properties. These would include cases in projects or areas where VA already owns a number of properties and the sales market is inactive, or it is anticipated that the particular property, whether located in a project or not, would be difficult to sell or would be salable only for an amount substantially below VA's investment. In these cases, even though the payment record of the owner would not warrant indulgence, it may be in the interests of the Government to refund the loan provided there is some likelihood that the loan payments will be made by the borrower. In this connection an extension and reamortization of the loan may be warranted. (See subpar. k(2) below.)

[g. Refunding for Transferees. When the current property owner is neither the original veteran or a veteran transferee who has substituted his or her entitlement, certain equitable considerations in retaining the property for the veteran no longer exist. Therefore, refunding will only be approved under these circumstances when it has been demonstrated to be in the best interest of the Government minimizing, or altogether avoiding, an indicated loss which might otherwise be suffered by the Government.]


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h. Refunding of Adjustable Rate Mortgages. ARMs may be refunded, however, the loan must be modified to permanently fix the interest at an appropriate rate. No loan will be refunded and an adjustable interest rate retained. (See M26-4, par. 5.07.)

i. Interest Rate Reduction. In those cases in which an analysis of the original veteran's income and obligations indicates that he or she could maintain the mortgage obligation if the loan were refinanced with a reduction in the interest rate pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 3710(a)(8), but the veteran has been unable to obtain such refinancing and the holder intends to foreclose, consideration should be given to refunding the loan and modifying the loan instruments to reduce the interest rate and to extend and/or reamortize the loan. This procedure will be used when necessary to bring the monthly installment amount within the veteran's ability to pay, provided the loan otherwise qualifies for refunding. Unless prior approval of Central Office (261) has been obtained for use of a lesser rate, the minimum interest rate on the modified loan will be either 3 percent below the maximum allowable rate in effect for new guaranteed loans (during periods of administered interest rates); or, 3 percent below the interest rate in effect for new portfolio loans at the time the refunding is completed (during periods of non-administered interest rates). The minimum interest rate on refunded loans may not be reduced below 4 percent. The provisions of subparagraph k(2) below pertaining to preparation of modified instruments by the office of District Counsel will also apply when the interest rate on a refunded loan is to be reduced.

j. Refunding to Finance Repairs

(1) Recent Purchases. After moving into a previously occupied home, a veteran may discover defects which were not noticed before the loan closed. In some cases these defects may be severe enough to seriously affect the habitability of the property (e.g., a defective septic system or structural damage to floor joists caused by termites) and costly to repair. Often, after undertaking the increased financial obligation of paying for a home, the veteran will not be in a financial position to pay for or finance such repairs. VA may be able to avoid a foreclosure by refunding the loan, advancing funds to pay for repairs, and amortizing the advance over the life of the loan.

(a) Complaints. Complaints about the condition of a previously occupied property are reviewed by the Construction and Valuation Section to determine if the fee appraiser's performance was deficient. The Loan Service and Claims Section will be notified when the complaint relates to a defect existing prior to loan origination.

(b) Construction & Valuation Documentation. Notice provided along with the loan file will consist of a copy of FL 26-268, a copy of the determination made by Construction and Valuation, including any indication of deficient performance by fee personnel, and an itemized list of the repairs necessary to make the property meet VA's minimum property requirements.


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(c) LS&C Review. Upon receipt of notice from Construction and Valuation, the case will be assigned to a Loan Service Representative (LSR) for review. The LSR will obtain as much information as necessary, from whatever sources, to make a decision. If review of the veteran's complaint indicates that he or she is unwilling to expend resources to correct deficiencies while maintaining payments, it may be appropriate for the LSR to advise the veteran of his/her responsibilities for the loan, and that deliberate failure to maintain the obligation may be considered a willful default. Interviewing the veteran and obtaining a current financial statement will only be necessary if it is not clear from available information that the veteran has sufficient assets to pay for the repairs needed to make the property habitable or sufficient income to support borrowing the money to do so. If refunding is not recommended, a memorandum will be placed in the file explaining the reason for the decision. No further action is necessary.

(d) Cost Estimates. The LSR must consult with Property Management and/or Construction and Valuation, and a staff or fee site visit must be made, to verify the condition of the property and to establish a cost estimate to repair the property. If an outside party must be hired (such as an engineer), the veteran will be expected to pay for any report. In hardship cases, however, if the loan is subsequently refunded the veteran may be reimbursed for any fee paid through an advance on the account.

(2) Older Loans. There may also be cases when it appears to be appropriate to refund an existing loan because the veteran does not have the financial ability to correct property defects which have arisen due to deferred maintenance. Although refunding these loans is discouraged by the criterion of subparagraph d(3), above, they may be refunded provided such action appears to be in the best interest of the Government as well as that of the veteran.

k. Central Office Advice. Regional offices may contact Central Office (261) concerning any case which appears to be a candidate for refunding but does not precisely meet the aforementioned criteria. If Central Office requests the loan folder, it should be forwarded to (261) and documented with the following:

(1) A detailed summary of the history of the case;

(2) The delinquency and total indebtedness figures;

(3) An appraisal of the property;

(4) The veteran's financial status including a detailed estimate of expenses and income including, if appropriate, a statement regarding the veteran's potential for regaining employment or increasing income within a reasonable time; and

(5) Any other information that appears to be pertinent.


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l. Acquisition Procedure

(1) Notification of Holder. Upon arriving at a decision to refund, the holder will be given formal notice that VA is exercising its option to refund the loan under 38 CFR 36.43l8. VA will request that the holder supply, within 30 days, a payoff statement through a date 60 days in the future. The notice will advise that this date will act as a settlement date after which no interest will be paid.

(2) Establishment of New PLS Account. Upon receipt of the payoff statement, the amount of the principal balance at the completion of the refunding will be estimated and a new account established in PLS based on this amount [in accordance with subparagraph m below.]

(3) Notification of Servicing Transfer. Upon establishment of the account in PLS, the borrower will be notified of the servicing transfer. The borrower must also be reminded that the refunding will modify the loan so as to make it non-assumable and he or she will be instructed to submit VA Form 26-6807a, Supplemental Certification for Financial Statement (par. 3.26), executed by both the veteran and the co-borrower, if the property is held jointly. The borrower should also be given advice regarding the closing procedures.

(4) Holder's Statement of Account. The holder will be requested to submit VA Form 26-1874, Claim Under Loan Guaranty, as a statement of account, the original loan guaranty certificate, a copy of the loan history, documentation of any expenses or advances charged to the account, an unrecorded assignment, the original note carrying an endorsement to the Secretary, the original deed, copies of all assignments and other title documents previously executed on the loan, and any other material deemed necessary to the regional office to complete the assignment or analysis of account. If taxes or insurance are due within 30 days of the date of settlement, the holder will be requested to pay the bill and include it as an advance on the statement.

(5) Acceptance of Title. When the assignment is received, it will be forwarded to the Office of District Counsel with a request that a determination as the to the acceptability of the assignment be provided. If the assignment is determined to be acceptable, it will be recorded. If it is not acceptable, it should be returned to the holder along with a written explanation of acceptable remedies, and it will not be recorded until District Counsel deems it acceptable.

(6) Payment of Claim. Upon acceptance of title, the claim will be analyzed and sent to Finance for payment. The holder may not include any charges in its accounting which are not allowable under 38 CFR 36.4313. Advances for reasonable insurance and taxes will be paid, even if they are made by the holder after the settlement date, as they would have been paid by VA had the settlement taken place in a timely manner.


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(7) Notification to the Borrower and Modification of the Loan. A detailed explanation of the loan settlement will be sent to the borrower upon completion of the acquisition, along with the modification agreement. The borrower will be instructed to sign the modification before a notary and return it within 10 days. An opinion will be obtained from the office of District Counsel as to the advisability of recording modification agreements.

(8) Adjustment of PLS Account. Any adjustments to the PLS account arising from differences between the estimated and actual claim payments will be made. All costs of the acquisition not reamortized into the new loan balance will be charged to the borrowers account as advances unless paid by him/her upon acquisition of the loan by VA.

m. Establishment of Acquired Loan Account. [ ] The provisions of paragraph 3.01c will be followed to establish VA records. See paragraph 3.05 for the proper maintenance of loan instruments.

(1) Tax and Insurance Account. Regardless of any previous arrangements for the payment of taxes, assessments, ground rents, hazard insurance premiums, etc., it is the policy of VA to require a tax and insurance account in connection with all portfolio loans other than those shown as exceptions in paragraph 2.06. With respect to loans refunded under 38 CFR 36.4318 or loans purchased under 38 U.S.C. 3720, the amount so held in escrow or otherwise by the holder and which amount was set off against the total amount due the holder (subpar. j(2) above) will be retained by VA in a tax and insurance account for the borrower. However, any lump-sum payment necessary to adjust the account to the date of assignment may be waived if the borrower is unable to supply the funds at that time. An advance may be made if there is a deficiency in the account when the tax or insurance item becomes due and payable and the borrower is unable to remit the necessary amount. (See par. 2.06.)

(2) Extensions and Reamortizations. Since most refunded loans are in serious default and since it is much easier to reamortize and/or extend the loan outside PLS, the total paid the holder will be the new principal balance when the loan is established in PLS (i.e., accrued unpaid interest, advances, and foreclosure costs, if any, will be capitalized). Thus, the new acquired loan in PLS will have no delinquency. In some cases borrowers will temporarily be financially unable to maintain the monthly mortgage payments based on the new reamortization schedule. In such an event the loan should temporarily be modified as provided by Manual M26-11, paragraph 3.31e(4), to provide for a period of partial or zero payment amounts. If a refunded loan is to be extended and/or reamortized, care will be exercised to see that no other obligor will be released, whose personal liability for the indebtedness should be retained. (See par. 2.14e.) The case will be submitted to the office of District Counsel, with the request that an appropriate extension agreement be prepared for execution by the borrower. (See par. 2.22l.)


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(3) Late Charges During Servicing Transfer Period. Since late charges are not disbursed to the holder at the time of assignment, it will not be considered equitable to collect them on past-due installments previously owed the holder. Therefore, such late charges will be waived by issuing appropriate instructions to Finance at the time the account is established in PLS. In addition, during the initial 60-day period when VA refunds and assumes servicing of a loan, a late fee may not be imposed on the borrower if payment is received by the previous servicer, rather than by VA, before the due date.


NOTE: The provisions of this paragraph do not apply to an original veteran's request for a release of personal liability on a VA guaranteed or insured loan pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 3717 and 38 CFR 36.4323(f) in which full liability for repayment of the loan is to be assumed by a transferee. However, these provisions do apply to such transferee. (See sec. IV of this chapter.)

Pursuant to 38 CFR 36.4324(f), but with certain exceptions noted in the regulations, the Government's obligation as guarantor or insurer will be invalidated upon the release of the personal liability of any obligor on a guaranteed or insured loan without the prior approval of VA.

a. Authorization. Under the provisions of 38 U.S.C. 3720, the Secretary has the authority to release obligors from personal liability to the Government on account of a GI loan including the personal liability of an assuming grantee. This authority may be exercised by employees designated in 38 CFR 36.4342 when such a release is in the best interest of the Government.


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b. Conditions. The conditions for a release of an assuming grantee from personal liability to the Government on account of a GI loan under the authority of 38 U.S.C. [3720], will be substantially the same as those set forth in paragraph 2.14c with respect to portfolio loans. In guaranteed loan cases, however, the assuming grantee's purchaser must assume all liability for the repayment of the loan, including the assumption of the indemnity obligations of the original veteran-borrower. The release of an assuming grantee from personal liability to the Government on account of a GI loan will release all prior obligors in the chain of title, including the original veteran-borrower. This is a fact that should be considered in determining whether or not in a particular case an assuming grantee should be released.

c. Procedures. If after a review of all facts in the case including financial statements, credit reports, etc., it is determined that the release would not be in the interest of the Government, the requester and the purchaser or prospective purchaser will be informed accordingly. If the application is disapproved for credit reasons the purchaser or proposed purchaser will be informed of the basis on which the adverse decision was reached; i.e., data contained in a consumer credit report and the name and address of the credit reporting firm or information obtained from a source other than a consumer credit report or both, as applicable.


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In the event an inquiry is subsequently received from the purchaser or proposed purchaser as to specific reasons for the denial and such determination was made for credit reasons, the VA will furnish the requester with the information as required by the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (Title VI of Pub. L. 91-508). In this connection,, if the determination was made from information contained in a consumer credit report, the purchaser or proposed purchaser will again be informed that the decision to disapprove the application was based on data contained in a consumer credit report and will be furnished the name and address of the credit reporting firm. On the other hand, if the information was obtained from a source other than a consumer credit report, the purchaser or proposed purchaser will be informed of the nature of the information relied upon in making the adverse determination but not the source. If it is determined that release is in the interest of the Government, necessary information to complete the related legal instruments should be furnished to the office of District Counsel for the preparation of the release and instrument of assumption. The instrument of assumption of personal liability to the Government on account of the related GI loan should be specific as to the extent of the personal liability assumed by the purchasers. In those States where it is determined that the recording of the instrument of release and the assumption of personal liability is necessary, the cost involved will be paid by the requester. it should be understood that a release of liability to the Government on account of a GI loan does not release the obligors from their personal liability to the mortgage holder. The release of an obligor from personal liability to the Administrator on account of the related GI loan, however, will constitute the Administrator's prior approval to a release of the obligor from liability on the loan by the holder thereof. The procedures for processing an application for release from liability of a joint obligor will be substantially the same as set forth in this subparagraph and in paragraphs 2.53 and 2.54, as appropriate.

d. Release by Operation of Law. Pursuant to 38 CFR 36.4314 as amended, an extension and reamortization of the loan may be accomplished by a holder without the prior approval of VA, even though such recasting may release the personal liability of an obligor through operation of law, provided:

(1) That the required lien is maintained.

(2) That the present owner of the property remains liable for the debt.

(3) That the delinquency, including all costs and expenses, is paid in full in any case in which the liability of the veteran-borrower is so released.


M26-3 September 26, 1988


Central Office shall be advised of any event or series of events which adversely affect the normal economy, or which cause a substantial increase in the number of defaults, in an area where VA is interested as guarantor, insurer, or mortgagee, or as the titleholder of properties. This advice may be submitted by letter and in final form, or periodically as important developments occur. In addition to the data requested below in subparagraph a concerning disasters and in subparagraph b for concentration of defaults, comment will be made relative to any local relief or rehabilitation program; the probable effect on such problems as employment; new or continuing defaults; foreclosures; and other pertinent matters, as a basis for determining any necessary changes in VA policy or procedures for the duration of emergency, and the extent thereof.

a. Major Disasters. In the event that a major disaster is declare by the President, a Loan Guaranty employee will contact the Federal Coordinating Officer operating under FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) and any State coordinating officer at the scene of the disaster so that the full cooperation of the VA may be made available. VA representatives will inspect damages to properties securing portfolio loans and counsel owners of these properties as to the assistance available to them under the appropriate legislation. Owners of properties securing guaranteed loans will also be counseled when it is feasible to do so. If losses are covered by insurance, owners will be assisted, as necessary, in filing claims and effecting insurance settlements. Regional offices should also prepare a bulletin similar to the one shown in the appendix as figure 5. The information contained in the bulletin will be dependent upon the situation at the individual regional office; however,, it is imperative that this information be disseminated quickly. When published, a copy of the bulletin should be submitted to Central Office (265B1).

(1) VA Portfolio Loan Servicing. The policy with respect to VA portfolio loans is to extend every possible forbearance to borrowers in distress through no fault of their own, during the emergency and for such period thereafter as may be necessary or advisable to assist them in the retention of their properties. If the loan is not covered by insurance and, under the facts in a particular case, a disaster loan through Small Business Administration or an emergency loan through Farmers Home Administration is not available at the low interest rates provided in the applicable statute, consideration may be given to an advance in accordance with paragraph 2.05. Pursuant to the direct loan regulations and the applicable provisions of M26-6, direct loans may be made in appropriate cases for the repair or rehabilitation of damaged property. PLS output that may be of assistance to regional offices in identifying properties securing active portfolio loans, vendee loans sold under 38 CFR 36.4600, direct loan applications pending, and in contacting borrowers, are:


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(a) Active Portfolio Loans

1. RPO's for all cases in specific counties.

2. Gummed labels or mailing cards (borrower's name and mailing address) for above cases.

3. Listing of above cases.

(b) Vendee Loans Sold Under 38 CFR 36.4600. Listing of outstanding sold vendee accounts in specific counties, showing loan identification, State and county codes, termination code "2" and vendee code "1."

(c) Direct Loan Applications. RPO's and/or listing of direct .loan application at various stages of processing in specific counties. These should include LSCC's (Loan Status Control Characters) 1 through 4 in PLS.

Station management should contact the DPC directly by FTS (Federal Telecommunications System) to arrange for the particular disaster assistance service from PLS that is desired, confirming the request by letter or teletype. Requests should state precisely what is needed by location (State and county codes), types of loan (1 through 8) and LSCC (0 through 9) and the reason for the request (i.e., disaster, base closing). Refer to M26-11, paragraph 2.02, for definition of the above codes.

(2) Guaranteed and Insured Loan Servicing . The holders of .guaranteed and. insured loans will be encouraged to adopt a policy similar to that expressed in subparagraph (1) above, and VA will agree to any reasonable proposal to indulge the borrower with respect to the terms of a mortgage contract during a like period. Holders will be fully informed of the assistance available to borrowers through the Small Business Administration and the Farmers Home Administration. Holders' attention will also be called to title 38 of the Code of Federal Regulations which may be of assistance in appropriate cases, including:

Regulation Purpose

36.4310 Reapplication of Prepayments.36.4313 Advances.36.4314 Extensions and Reamortizations.36.4355 Supplemental Loans.

Holders will be advised that it is their responsibility to inspect damages to properties, counsel borrowers as to the assistance which may be available to them under the applicable law, and to submit a report of their findings to the appropriate regional office. After


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the holders' reports have been reviewed by VA, staff personnel will supplement the holders' actions when necessary. In an effort to assist holders in appraising the extent of damage to the securities for their loans, and to inform borrowers in regard-to available assistance, VA should notify borrowers via press releases and spot announcements on radio or television to contact their lenders and advise the lenders as to the extent of damage to their property and whether the property is still habitable. Except for abandoned properties and cases in which the titleholder cannot be found to make application for assistance Under the governing law, legal proceedings on defaulted loans may be held in abeyance when feasible until a reasonable estimate of the damages, if any, can be made and the titleholder can apply for and receive funds to restore the security. Appropriate assistance will be given to obligors with loans in -default to effect insurance settlements and disaster relief under the provisions of the governing law.

[(a) Scheduled Foreclosure Sales. Any foreclosure sales which were already scheduled should be the product of insoluble defaults which occurred prior to the disaster. Delays in completing these foreclosures could increase costs to the Government and the amount of indebtedness eventually established against the obligors, without offering any increased likelihood of account reinstatements. Accordingly, these foreclosures should not be delayed except to the extent necessary to determine whether the liquidation appraisal remains accurate, and for such time as it may take the loan holders to obtain acceptable hazard insurance loss settlements for purposes of 38 CFR 36.4326. Stations should determine whether insurance coverage for the damage caused by the particular disaster is customarily obtained in the area, :.and whether it is reasonable to expect that a settlement may be obtained.

(b) Forbearance on New Defaults and Foreclosures. The disaster may be responsible for a number of new loan defaults and may increase the severity of existing defaults which have not yet gone into foreclosure and might otherwise have been cured. VA desires to avoid any unnecessary foreclosures resulting from the disaster. Although the loan holder is ultimately responsible for determining when to initiate foreclosure and for completing termination action, stations should request holders to cooperate in extending a 90 day moratorium (from the date of the disaster) on initiation of new foreclosures. Since VA is requesting such action, holders should be advised that provisions of 38 CFR 36.4319(f) will not be applied by VA during the moratorium to loans secured by properties in the affected areas. An exception will be appropriate when a default is clearly insoluble and there is no likelihood of reinstatement, and a holder may obtain VA prior approval to initiate foreclosure in the case during the period of the moratorium. Further, holders should be advised that the period of the moratorium will be considered "VA-requested forbearance" for purposes of the no-bid avoidance provisions of 38 CFR 36.4321.]


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(3) Reports to Central Office

(a) The station management will cause a survey of the affected areas to be conducted as soon as practicable, and furnish Central Office, Loan Guaranty Service (261), a preliminary report, by teletype, including but not necessarily limited to the following:

1. Number of employees assigned to assess damage and number available for counseling borrowers.

2. Method of determining the number of GI and portfolio loans affected by the disaster.

3. Statement as to whether the damage is covered by insurance.

4. Met hod of notifying lenders as to their responsibilities and expected forbearance. (RCS 20-0347 (formerly RCS 26-84) is assigned.)

(b) When sufficiently reliable information has been obtained, Central Office (261) shall be notified under RCS 20-0205, Disaster and Concentration of Defaults Report, with respect to:

1. Type of disaster.

2. Geographical area in which disaster occurred.

3. Number of properties affected, expressed by home, farm and business. classifications for guaranteed and insured loans, direct loans, vendee accounts, acquired loans, vendee accounts sold under 38 CFR 36.4600 and properties owned by VA.

4. Initial amount of guaranty or insurance for guaranteed and insured loans and the outstanding principal balances of active portfolio loans.

5. Extent to which hazard insurance generally maintained in the area covers damage by such a disaster.

6. General attitude of holders toward indulgence.

7. Rehabilitation assistance expected through the agencies listed in subparagraph a above.

8. Extent to which VA may be called upon to pay claims for guaranty or insurance as a direct result of the disaster and the probable impact on portfolio loan advances and/or liquidations.


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(4) Property Management Section. VA will make available to FEMA habitable vacant properties or properties that can be made habitable at minimum cost, for use as temporary housing for individuals and families who are the victims of major disasters. (See M26-5, par. 4.07a(2), for detailed instructions.)

(5) Loan Processing and Construction and Valuation. Upon the occurrence of a major disaster, a determination of the affected areas will be made as soon as possible. Reports of damage obtained from city and county building departments and other agencies having such information will assist in :defining the area. In identifying the boundaries of the disaster area, regional offices should include properties suffering minor damage as well as total loss. Thus, the disaster area will include all properties in which the damage may reasonably be expected to affect value and livability of properties. All lenders, escrow companies, title companies and other loan closers should be notified in the most expeditious manner, with subsequent confirmation in writing, that the following types of Loan Guaranty cases are immediately suspended:

(a) VA Form 26-1805 received, but the CRV (VA Form 26-1843, Certificate of Reasonable Value) not issued.

(b) CRV issued, but no loan application has been received by VA.

(c) Loan application received, but commitment not issued.

(d) Commitment issued by VA, but loan not closed by lender[, as well as loans being processed on an automatic basis which have not been closed]. The foregoing cases will remain suspended and no further processing action taken until a determination has been made by reinspections that properties concerned in the particular cases have not suffered damage or, if damaged, that firm arrangements have been made in each case to restore the property before processing is resumed. [No reinspection will be required for closed loans in which guaranty has not yet been issued; guaranty in such cases will be released upon receipt of a proper loan report.

1. The required reinspections (i.e., for those cases when the CRV is issued based on an appraisal dated on or before the date of the disaster) may be performed by VA staff (using] VA Form 26-1858, Report of Loan Guaranty Field Review. The staff must adequately describe the observed condition of the property in the remarks section and indicate damage(s), if any. In section 7, the staff reviewer is to make recommendations based upon the conditions observed and the Chief, Construction and Valuation will complete section 14 and the remainder of the form. Copies 1 and 2 will be retained by VA in accordance with RCS VB-1, part I, item No. 12-155.200 and copies 3 and 4 will be furnished to the lender. If VA staff cannot perform the inspections, stations may [use] fee


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personnel as described in M26-2, paragraph 2.70, which provides that the fees involved in such instances will be paid by VA from funds allotted for miscellaneous contractual services. The fees will be the same as the station's established inspection fees. Subparagraph 2 below describes the use of fee personnel in these cases. For cases involving apparent structural damage, stations should rely to the extent possible on local building code inspections to establish the acceptable condition of the property. If a structural engineer's report is required, stations are authorized to expend up to $300 from miscellaneous contractual funds for each report. Costs in excess of this limitation must be authorized through consultation with Central Office (262).

2. If VA staff will not perform the reinspection in existing construction cases, stations should advise the lender to contact the original appraiser to request a reinspection. The fee appraiser who performed the appraisal should reinspect the property and report its observed condition. That report may be made on VA Form 26-1839, Compliance Inspection Report, or the appraiser's letterhead. The original report will be forwarded to VA and copies furnished to the lender. VA Form 26-1839 will be disposed of in accordance with RCS VB-1, part I, item No. 12-144.000. If the original appraiser is not available, VA should be contacted to request a substitute. Stations may alternatively assign a compliance inspector in existing cases, in lieu of an appraiser, if determined appropriate based upon the case involved. In cases processed as proposed construction, the required inspection will be made by the compliance inspector.

3. The following applies based upon the reported observed condition of the property by staff or fee personnel:

a. If the reinspection report indicates there is no observed structural damage or other conditions requiring repairs, the lender may proceed to loan closing and must include a copy of the reinspection report with the request for guaranty.

b. If damages are reported, the lender shall not close the loan until the damages are properly repaired. The property must be reinspected by VA staff, the fee appraiser, or compliance inspector, to ensure the proper completion of repairs. Stations may consider escrows for completion of repairs if determined to be appropriate. Under local law or regulations, if the property must be reinspected and approved by the building inspection authorities, a copy of the appropriate reports must be obtained by the lender.]

(e) Data on direct loan applications in various processing stages can be obtained from PLS. (See subpar. (1)(a) above.)

b. Concentration of Defaults . In the event of a serious increase in the incidence or default resulting from general strikes, industrial shutdowns, or other unusual events or circumstances which


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adversely affect mortgage payments, it is VA policy to see that everything permissible is done for borrowers who are in temporary financial distress through no fault of their own.

(1) VA Portfolio Loans. This policy with respect to direct loans, vendee accounts and acquired loans held by VA will affect the extension of indulgence in all worthy cases during the emergency and for such period thereafter as may be necessary or advisable to assist the borrowers in the retention of their property. Advances for necessary repairs, taxes, insurance, etc., will be made in appropriate cases pursuant to paragraph 2.05 or 2.06d.

(2) Guaranteed and Insured-Loans. The holders of guaranteed and insured loans will be encouraged to adopt a policy. similar to that expressed in subparagraph (1) immediately above, and VA will agree to any reasonable proposal to indulge the borrower with respect to the terms of the mortgage contract during a like period. The holder's attention will be called to title 38 of the Code of Federal Regulations which may be of assistance in appropriate cases, including:

Regulation Purpose

36.4310 Reapplication of Prepayments36.4313 Advances36.4314 Extensions and Reamortizations

Holders doubtless will realize the temporary nature of the situation and the advisability of avoiding the liquidation of a substantial number of normally profitable mortgage investments. Therefore, most holders should be agreeable to a waiver of principal payments, or otherwise extending indulgence for a reasonable period of time. However, if liquidation is indicated, subparagraph (3) will be reviewed for the best solution.

(3) Liquidation Indicated. If the holder refuses to forbear, a determination will be made, by personal interview if necessary, whether the borrower is worthy of indulgence; he or she is interested in retaining the property; the default was due to conditions beyond his or her control (i.e., loss of income or employment because of the emergency); or the default was willful.

(a) Borrower Does Not Wish to Retain Property. As alternatives to foreclosure, an effort will be made to induce and assist the borrower to rent the property and obtain the holder's agreement to apply the rental income to the indebtedness, or effect a private sale of the property, (because of existing economic conditions this may result in a compromise claim payment pursuant to M26-4, par. 2.10). If liquidation cannot be avoided, a voluntary transfer will be encouraged in appropriate cases.


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(b) Borrower Wishes to Retain Property. As an inducement to an otherwise reluctant holder to extend forbearance in proper cases for a period of, for example, 6 months (or such shorter time as may be appropriate because of improved conditions), an "upset price" may be established in an amount not less than the unguaranteed portion of the loan balance, provided the holder agrees to withhold foreclosure action for that period unless unforeseen circumstances subsequently indicate the advisability of proceeding with foreclosure, in which case VA will be given 30 days' prior notice. This will provide VA with an opportunity to examine the circumstances then presented and to allow the foreclosure to proceed, or consider a recommendation to refund the indebtedness pursuant to paragraph 2.38. Meanwhile, the holder-will have the -protection afforded by reason of the already established "upset price" and the privilege of transferring the property to VA pursuant to 38 CFR 36.4320.

NOTE: The special arrangements set forth in subparagraph b(3) are for use only in the event of emergency economic conditions. They will not be made the subject of a regional office letter for general distribution, or otherwise given unnecessary publicity.

(4) Report to Central Office. Adverse economic conditions which result in an unusual volume of defaults will require a report to Central Office under RCS 20-0205 with the following information, as may be appropriate:

(a) Nature of the condition;

(b) Place, area, or subdivision involved;

(c) Total number of properties;

(d) Number (by type) of:

1. Loans guaranteed, insured, and VA portfolio,

2. Defaults pending,

3. Liquidations in process,

4. Liquidations completed, and

5. Claims paid;

(e) Number of properties (by type):

1. Acquired by VA, and

2. Resold by VA;

(f) Attitude of holders;


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(g) Curative measures undertaken; and

(h) Comments and recommendations.


In accordance with [ ] Manual M21-1, the Adjudication Division will notify the Loan Guaranty Division: (1) on DD Form 1300, Report of Casualty, of service personnel who die in active service (see par. 31.06) and (2) on Optional Form 41 of veterans who die due to a service-connected disability, and who have surviving spouses (or next of kin) residing in the area serviced by the regional office. The Loan Service and Claims Section will then screen such notices against loan indexes for outstanding (current or defaulted) guaranteed, portfolio and 38 CFR 36.4600 loans. When it is found that a deceased veteran owned a property on which a VA guaranteed, portfolio, or 38 CFR 36.4600 loan is outstanding, immediate steps should be taken to flag VA's records, if a portfolio loan, or to alert the loan holder or servicer if a guaranteed or 38 CFR 36.4600 loan, to assure that any servicing of the loan will be done in the most sympathetic and understanding manner, and that liquidation action will be effected only as a last resort. When such cases are or become reportable defaults, the surviving owners, or next of kin, should be personally contacted and counseled regarding the delinquency. In transferee-owner cases in which a deceased veteran was the original borrower, notice of the transferee's default should be addressed to the estate, surviving spouse or other survivor (next .of kin), and should be prepared with special care to express proper sympathy and to avoid causing any undue alarm.


a. HAP (Homeowners Assistance Program); i.e., section 1013, Public Law 89-754, authorizes the [Secretary] of the Department of Defense to provide assistance to eligible military and civilian homeowners by reducing their losses incident to the disposal of their homes when the military installation at which they were employed or serving is (subsequent to November 1, 1964) ordered to close in whole or in part. Under this Act the Secretary of Defense is, among other things, authorized to acquire title to, hold, manage and dispose of, or in lieu thereof, to reimburse eligible homeowners for certain losses sustained upon private sale of, or foreclosure (including the payment of debts incident to foreclosure) against, any property improved with a one- or two-family dwelling. The DOD (Department of Defense) has the sole responsibility for determining the eligibility of homeowners under HAP.

b. Loan Guaranty personnel, especially those who service loans, should familiarize themselves with the details of HAP. Although this program is administered by DOD for their employees or service personnel who lose their jobs or are transferred incident to the


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closing, in whole or in part, of military installations, loan service personnel should be familiar with this program and able to advise GI and portfolio loan homeowners of any assistance available to them under this statute. Loan Guaranty personnel should also establish proper liaison with the District Office of the U.S. Army Engineers that administers HAP in their respective areas of jurisdiction. Cases involving HAP assistance, which is the primary responsibility of DOD, should be clearly differentiated from the relatively fewer cases when it is VA's responsibility to provide mortgage relief available under section 1012, Public Law 89-754 (12 U.S.C. 1735g). (See par. 2.34d(5).)

c. In the event that the DOD announces actions to consolidate, reduce, realign, or close military installations and activities, members of the Loan Guaranty staff of the office having jurisdiction in the area of the installation affected should visit such installations, contact the commanding officers or the appropriate staff officers or civilian personnel officials and establish proper liaison to assist those homeowners purchasing homes with VA guaranteed or portfolio loans who will either lose their jobs or will be transferred. An ample supply of VA Pamphlet 26-5, Revised, "Pointers for the Veteran Homeowner," and VA Pamphlet 26-68-1, Revised, "Selling Your GI Home?,," should be made available at these installations for distribution to homeowners with GI loans. A member of the Loan Guaranty staff will contact the coordinating officer with the District Office of the U.S. Army Engineers so that the full cooperation of the VA may be made available and to obtain information that may be available to make an assessment of the possible impact that the DOD-announced actions will have on the Loan Guaranty program in order to formulate a report for station management and Central Office.

d. Report to Central Office. Station management will furnish Central Office, Loan Guaranty Service (261), with a report, as soon as practicable after the DOD announcement, of the best possible assessment of the probable impact that the actions announced by DOD will have on liquidations of security for guaranteed, insured and portfolio loans, as well as any resultant increase in property acquisitions and curtailment of the sale of VA-owned properties in the areas affected. This report may be in narrative form following, but not limited to,, the format below for each affected community (a community may be one or several contiguous counties with a common economy). RCS 20-0350 for Report about Department of Defense Action to Consolidate, Reduce, Realign or Close Military Installations and Activities, applies.

(1) Name of installation and number of military and/or civilian employees affected by announcement.

(2) What counties are part of the affected community?

(3) What is the estimated number of outstanding (a) guaranteed, (b) direct and (c) vendee loans in each affected community?


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(4) How many claims and foreclosures are likely to result from the closing or cutback?

(5) To what extent can the local economy provide employment for displaced workers?

(6) To what extent is the local real estate market dependent on the installation to be closed or cutback?

(7) What is the general condition of the residential real estate market at this time and what is the short- and long-term outlook?

(8) What is the present vacancy rate and the trend for owner-occupied housing units and renter-occupied housing units?

(9) Are any actions underway or contemplated by the business community or State or local Government to minimize the impact on the community or assist those who have been displaced as a result of the closing or cutback? If so, describe.

(10) What is the general assessment of the situation at this time?

e. Determining Whether Purchaser is "Satisfactory" Under HAP. it is a requirement of section 1013(c) that a cash payment as compensation for loss sustained in a private sale shall not be made in any case in which the property is encumbered by a mortgage loan guaranteed, insured or held by the VA which is not paid or otherwise satisfied at or prior to the time such cash payment is made, unless the loan is assumed by a purchaser satisfactory to the VA. Because of the time lapse between the sale date and the eligible homeowner's application to DOD for the compensation provided in the statute, the titleholder is not always the homeowner's immediate grantee. However, for the purpose of section 1013(c), Public Law 89-754 (42 U.S.C. 3374(c)), VA will consider the present 'titleholder to be the "purchaser," if the eligible homeowner sold the property before applying for DOD compensation and the property has been resold to a remote grantee.

(1) VA regional offices will be requested by DOD, usually through the District Office of the U.S. Army Engineers, to determine whether or not the purchasers of certain homes are "satisfactory" as contemplated in section 1013(c), Public Law 89-754 (42 U.S.C. 3374(c)). The homes in question may secure GI loans, direct loans, acquired loans, or vendee mortgage loan accounts and may have been purchased or will be purchased from the original obligors or from grantees of such obligors, immediate or remote.

(2) Upon receipt of a request for a determination that a purchaser of a property securing a GI or portfolio mortgage loan is satisfactory, VA regional offices will require evidence that the purchaser has assumed personal liability to the mortgageholder for repayment of the debt by a clause in the deed of conveyance or otherwise, in accordance with applicable State laws.


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(3) The purchaser will be considered as satisfactory within the purview of section 1013(c), Public Law 89-754 (42 U.S.C. 3374(c)), if the repayment terms of the loan which he or she has or will assume bear a proper relation to present and anticipated income and expenses, provided he or she is also a satisfactory credit risk. This determination will be made on the basis of the usual employment verifications, VA Form 26-6807, the status of the related mortgage loan, debt verifications, credit reports, etc. The cost of the credit report may be paid by the seller or the purchaser of the property. In no event will the cost of the credit report be borne by VA. Sometimes the titleholder (the purchaser) may decline to complete the VA Form 26-6807, or otherwise cooperate in providing information upon which [ ] VA can make a proper credit determination. It will, nevertheless, be the policy of [ ] VA to assist those eligible homeowners whom the DOD has determined to be eligible for such compensation in obtaining the assistance contemplated in the statute. Therefore, in those cases in which the titleholder [(the purchaser)] will not cooperate in furnishing the necessary financial information, regional offices will have to exercise ingenuity and initiative to develop information on the titleholder sufficient to order a credit report; i.e., name, address, place of employment, etc. If sufficient information to order a credit report cannot be obtained, the loan folder, documented with the pertinent facts, should be sent to Central Office (261).

(4) There is no direct connection between determining whether or not the eligible homeowner's purchaser (the titleholder) is "satisfactory" within the purview of section 1013(c), Public Law 89-754 (42 U.S.C. 3374(c)), and a release from personal liability under 38 U.S.C. [3713 (formerly 1813)] or [3720 (formerly 1820)]. Nevertheless, if an original veteran-borrower requests a release of personal liability incident to a determination that the purchaser is satisfactory, such release may be granted provided the requirements of 38 U.S.C. [3713 (formerly 1813)], 38 CFR 36.4285(e) or 36.4323(f) or 36.4508(b) are met. Likewise, if a vendee or transferee on a portfolio or GI loan requests a release from personal liability, paragraphs 2.14 and 2.39 will apply. However, an obligor on a vendee mortgage loan should not be released from personal liability if the assumption of liability to the Government by the titleholder preceded the obligor's request to VA for a release from personal liability.

[f. Eligibility under HAP is restricted to those applicants who are or have been assigned to or employed at or in connection with the installation at the time of public announcement, or transferred from such installation or terminated as employees as a result of a reduction-in-force within 6 months prior to public announcement. Also, at the time of public announcement or transfer, such personnel must have been the owner-occupant of the dwelling or have vacated the owned dwelling as a result of being ordered into on-post housing during a 6-month period prior to the announcement. It is further required that the applicant relocate beyond a normal commuting


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distance from the dwelling, or be unemployed involuntarily with such financial hardship as to be unable to maintain the mortgage payments and related expenses.

g. Assistance under HAP may be offered to veterans and other Federal employees in the following three ways:

(1) Cash Payment. If the value of the property has decreased as a result of the base closing, the difference between 95 percent of the full pre-announcement value and the actual sale price may be paid to the applicant. Prior to or at the time the payment is made, the loan must be paid-in-full or assumed by a purchaser acceptable to VA. The veteran's application for such benefits should specify that he or she is applying for "reimbursement for loss on private sale."

(2) Selling to the Government . After a reasonable effort to sell the property privately, the applicant may choose to sell the property to DOD. The price cannot exceed 85 percent of the pre-announcement value of the property less the amount of the outstanding indebtedness (which DOD will pay off or assume). If the outstanding indebtedness exceeds 85 percent of the prior value, DOD will take over the property and pay off or assume the indebtedness but will make no cash payment to the applicant. DD Form 1607, Application for Homeowners Assistance, should specify that he or she is requesting information on "sale of home to the Government."

(3) Foreclosure. If the loan has been foreclosed, payment may be requested for any direct costs of the foreclosure and expenses and liabilities enforceable under the terms of the loan agreement, or debts established against the applicant by VA. If such debts have not been paid, DOD may pay them on the applicant's behalf. The obligor's application for this benefit should specify that he or she is applying for "foreclosure relief.". If a debt is established in a case which appears to qualify under HAP, VA Form 26-1833 will be annotated to the effect that no collection action will be taken for one year.

h. When DOD accepts a conveyance and assumes, but does not pay off the indebtedness thereon, VA will remain liable as guarantor.]



a. Control of Sales. There is a long-standing Government policy of substituting private for public credit to the greatest extent possible. In accordance with this policy, sales of direct loans and vendee accounts to private investors will be made from time to time as directed by Central Office (26). Various marketing techniques may be utilized to achieve the most advantageous sale prices and


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terms with maximum participation and competition among offerors. The standard instructions in this section may be modified for individual sales as directed by Central Office.

b. Eligibility to Purchase . Prospective purchasers must possess the ability to service loans in a proper manner. They must be financially responsible and possess operating facilities adequate to carry out the terms of sale agreements, the provisions of loan Instruments, including tax and insurance account provisions and the applicable loan guaranty regulations. If a broker or other individual is acting as agent for a principal, the relationship and name of the principal must be disclosed and such sale must be to the principal and not to the agent.

c. Exclusion. No sale of portfolio loans may be made to a Member of Congress or Delegate to Congress, or to a VA employee, except under an early prepayment program as authorized by Central Office. No obligor will be permitted to purchase his or her own loan at less than par or to pay off his or her loan for less than the total amount due VA.

d. Guarantee on Defaulted Loans. Direct loans when sold may be guaranteed by VA as to repayment up to Du percent of the loan amount in most cases. Vendee accounts when sold may be guaranteed by VA as to repayment under the repurchase contract in 38 CFR 36.4600, or may be sold without recourse.


a. Announcements. Central Office from time to time will disseminate loan sale offerings directly to eligible prospective purchasers, with a copy to each regional office. Such announcements serve to alert regional offices several weeks in advance of their possible participation in a loan sale. Steps should be taken at that time to assure timely processing of the tax bills and insurance invoices to minimize the workload at the time of the sale.

b. Mailing List. Central Office will maintain a mailing list of prospective loan purchasers for distribution of loan sale announcements. The list is not to be restrictive. Anyone who wishes to receive offering announcements may be included. Regional offices receiving inquiries or requests to be placed on the mailing list should direct these inquiries to Central Office (265C).

c. Screening. PLS sales availability listings identify individual loans which meet certain standard criteria (e.g., type, interest rate, minimum balance, term, age) for inclusion in loan sales. The availability listings by county will generally be distributed about 2 weeks in advance of the sale date to those regional offices with loans included in the offering. RPO's will also be provided on each selected loan. Regional offices will review all cases to screen out loans secured by uninsured properties


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and other cases with serious problems affecting salability. When any such case is identified, it will be reported promptly to Central Office (265C) by FTS or electronic mail, as directed. NOTE: Pending tax and insurance payments on accounts selected for sale


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should be accelerated or expedited in the time interval remaining prior to the date bids are to be received by VA. Loans on which the borrowers are responsible for maintaining hazard insurance coverage with no VA followup (payment mode 7 with carrier code 77777) will be included in the sale.

d Sales Freeze . Loans are "frozen" for sale to a specific purchaser by TT 080 with diary reason code 110. The appropriate input will be prepared at Austin DPC under instructions from Central Office immediately following acceptance of an offer to buy particular loans. To allow for contingencies, the diary date will be set to expire several days after the scheduled date of sale closing. Regional offices will neither initiate such diary transactions nor attempt to reinput rejects of such transactions, unless specifically directed by Central Office. NOTE: Once individual loan accounts are frozen for sale and sales output is produced by PLS, there shall not be T and I disbursements transacted against the frozen accounts or accounting adjustments made to them, unless specifically authorized by Central Office (265C). Any T and I -disbursement turnabout cards that are on hand for such frozen accounts shall De removed from the input control decks maintained in the Loan Guaranty divisions and Finance activities in order to prevent erroneous processing of disbursement transactions.

e. Deletion. PLS sales settlement lists identify loans which are "frozen" for inclusion in a particular scheduled loan sale closing. If a serious problem, error or condition affecting salability is encountered in any such loan prior to settlement, Central Office will be contacted immediately by FTS for instructions. (Some examples are: Defect in title; wrong interest rate; error in principal and interest constant; principal balance greater than original loan amount; discrepancies in dates or amounts in the various loan instruments.) If Central Office authorizes removal of a particular loan from the sale, Loan Guaranty will immediately delete the sales diary freeze by coding per M26-11, paragraph 3.31c, advise the Finance activity of the change, and promptly notify the purchaser. The Finance activity in turn will take actions specified in MP-4, part V, paragraph 9N.14e(2), to adjust or destroy sales output and to advise Austin DPC Finance activity by FTS and follow with confirming teletype.


a. Notice to Regional Offices. As soon as practicable the deadline or receipt of offers, Central Office will prepare a file containing the results of the loan sale offering. This file will be available to all regional offices through electronic mail and will provide information on any loans not sold, as well as instructions for settlement on all loans sold.

b. Loan Sale Schedule and Instructions . The file mentioned in subparagraph a above will contain a subfile entitled Loan Sale Schedule and Instructions for all loans sold to each individual purchaser. This will include any special instructions and all pertinent details such as name and address of purchaser and


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servicing agent (if any), description and price of each lot of loans sold, date of freeze, scheduled date of settlement and the requirements for shipment of specific documents to purchaser, servicing agent and to closing station for arrival by specified dates. Regional offices will provide copies to accounting, loan guaranty and other personnel responsible for executing various aspects of the sale and settlement. It is imperative that the loan sale schedule and instructions be followed precisely and with scrupulous care by each regional office.

c. PLS - Sales Output . The Austin DPC will be instructed by Central Office to freeze the selected loans, to schedule PLS loan sale runs and to distribute the following outputs to regional offices and others. (Any inconsistency with the loan sale schedule and instructions or any other question about the sales output should be referred immediately to Central Office (265C) by FTS.)

(1) VA Form 20-235a on each loan frozen for sale.

(2) VA Form 26-8543, Portfolio Loan Statement of Settlement, for each loan to be sold.

(3) Portfolio Loan - Statement of Settlement List, showing settlement details with totals for each lot of loans included in the sale.

(4) VA Form 4-8574, Accounting Input Card - Loans Sold, for transaction types 003, 034 and 070. These are used by Austin DPC Finance activity to terminate accounts after sale.

d. Documentation. Following are instructions pertaining to various documents prepared in connection with portfolio loan sales. Conformity to these general directions is essential, unless otherwise authorized or directed by Central Office.

(1) Standard Package. Loan documents delivered to purchasers and servicing agents incident to loan sales must be complete, consistent and free of error. Packages of documents for each loan will be assembled in an orderly manner to facilitate review and processing by the recipient upon receipt. The loan sale schedule and instructions for each sale will specify which documents are to be delivered to each party and by what date. Generally, the following documents are provided on each loan:

(a) Note or other evidence of the debt.

(b) Mortgage or installment contract.

(c) VA Form 26-8543.

(d) VA Form 26-1899, Loan Guaranty Certificate (if direct loan).

(e) Available title evidence held by VA.

(f) Hazard insurance policies or binders.


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(g) VA Form 26-8607.

(h) Tax description printout or equivalent.

(i) VA Form 20-235a (RPO).

(j) Instruments of assignment and transfer (generally in blanket form as specified in subparagraphs (4) and (5) below).

(k) Statement of Settlement List.

If any other document is requested of a regional office by a purchaser or the servicing agent, contact Central Office (265C) by FTS for instructions.

(2) VA Form 26-8543 . This form will be produced automatically by PLS. Items 25 and 26 will be completed by Loan Guaranty, utilizing a signature stamp if desired. The original will be delivered to the purchaser at settlement, and the copy filed in the loan folder.

(3) VA Form 26-1899 . For each guaranteed direct loan sold, this form will be delivered to the purchaser at settlement to evidence the guaranty of the loan as though it were a loan guaranteed under 38 U.S.C. 1810. The blank items will be completed in the following manner:

(a) VA Loan Number : Insert "LHD" plus PLS identification number consisting of office of jurisdiction, office of origin, type of loan and loan number (e.g., LHD 49-61-1-0001245).

(b) Name of Veteran: Insert name of original veteran-borrower.

(c) Social Security/Service Serial Number : Insert SSN of original veteran-borrower, if known; otherwise, leave blank.

(d) Amount of Loan : Enter "On Date of Settlement" after "Loan" and insert the sum of unpaid principal balance plus accrued interest to date of settlement. (This sum is shown on the Statement of Settlement List. Disregard any premium or discount.)

(e) Date of Loan: Insert original date of direct loan.

(f) Issued To: Insert name of purchaser, city, and State (e.g., ABC Mortgage Co., Norwalk, CT).

(g) Percent: Insert "50" in all cases when amount of loan on date of settlement (as defined above) does not exceed $45,000. If the amount of loan at settlement exceeds $45,000, contact Central Office (265C) by FTS for advice.

(h) Signature of Authorized Agent: By Loan Guaranty Officer or other authorized agent.

(i) Issuing Office: Insert location name of VA regional office (e.g., VA Regional Office, New York, NY).


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(j) Date Issued : Insert scheduled date of settlement for the particular sale (not date of preparation).

(4) Assignment of Installment Contracts

(a) In the sale of vendee account installment contracts, VA will usually retain title to the underlying security and assign the contract to the purchaser with repayment guaranteed under 38 CFR 36.4600. Any title evidence held by VA will also be retained in regional office files. If the office of District Counsel deems it necessary under State law, a simple trust agreement or statement may be executed incident to the retention of title by VA.

(b) Blanket instruments of assignments and transfer of sold vendee account installment contracts will be prepared on a consolidated basis by State (or by county if preferred) in such form as the office of District Counsel advises is proper. (Loans of only one interest rate will be included in any one assignment.) The purchaser's name and address as given on the loan sale schedule and instructions will be utilized for assignments unless other instructions are provided. Such assignments will specifically include the statement "Payment guaranteed under 38 CFR 36.4600," if applicable, and no other words will be used to express the liability of the Administrator in respect to the sale and transfer of such loans. The assignment instruments will be executed by the Director, Loan Guaranty Officer, or Assistant Loan Guaranty Officer (or other person formally designated to act in one of the foregoing positions). NOTE: Prior to shipment, all executed assignments should be carefully reviewed by a knowledgeable technician to assure each one is correct and valid.

(c) If it is determined that blanket instruments of assignment of installment contracts are not valid under State law, each individual installment contract will be assigned and transferred by endorsement thereon to order of the purchaser. Each endorsement will include the statement, "Payment guaranteed under 38 CFR 36.4600," it if applicable, and will be signed by the Director, Loan Guaranty Officer, or Assistant Loan Guaranty Officer (or other person formally designated to act in one of the foregoing positions). When such endorsements are made, separate assignment instruments will not be executed. A statement of explanation for the procedure used will be included with the package of documents delivered to the purchaser.

(5) Assignment of Mortgages

(a) Blanket instruments of assignment and transfer of direct loan and vendee account mortgages that are sold will be prepared on a consolidated basis by county in such form as the office of District Counsel advises is proper. (Loans of only one interest rate will be included in any one assignment.) The purchaser's name and address as given on the loan sale schedule will be utilized for assignments unless other instructions are provided. The assignment


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instruments will be executed by the Director, Loan Guaranty Officer, or Assistant Loan Guaranty Officer (or other person formally designated to act in one of the foregoing positions). NOTE: Prior to shipment, all executed assignments should be carefully reviewed by a knowledgeable technician to assure each one is correct and valid.

(b) Assignments for guaranteed vendee account mortgages will specifically include the statement, "Payment guaranteed under 38 CFR 36.4600," and no other words will be used to express the liability of the [Secretary] in respect to the sale and transfer of such loans.

(c) If it is determined that blanket instruments of assignment of mortgages are not recordable in a given State or county, individual assignments will be prepared. A statement of explanation will be included with the package of documents delivered to the purchaser.

(6) Endorsement of Notes. Mortgage notes and deed of trust notes will be endorsed to order of the purchaser in such form as the office of District Counsel advises is proper. The endorsement for direct loans will be "Without Recourse." In the case of guaranteed vendee accounts, the endorsement on each note will include the statement, "Payment guaranteed under 38 CFR 36.4600." Each endorsement will be signed by the Director, Loan Guaranty Officer, or Assistant Loan Guaranty Officer (or other person formally designated to act in one of the foregoing positions).

(7) Direct Loans Sold. Each direct loan sold under guaranty becomes a guaranteed loan identified with the prefix "LHD." However, the case is not counted as an application for guaranty. The following forms will be prepared and processed promptly after settlement:

(a) VA Form 26-1813, Guaranty or Insurance Code Sheet, should be completely filled out in accordance with M26-7, paragraphs 1.21 and 1.42 (transaction 21) in order to establish the record in the GIL (Guaranteed/Insured Loan) system. (NOTE: All coding actions should use current values contained in M26-7, which may be different from the original PLS coding (e.g., purpose, military status, state/county codes).)

(b) After the transaction 21 has been accepted into the system, VA Form 26-1807, DPC Copy 2 (or VA Form 26-1804, Utility Code Sheet) should be submitted to retain the veteran's identification data. See M26-7, paragraphs 1.11 and 1.39 (transaction 05). Only items 1 through 6 and item 12 are required. Item 12, Action Code, should be coded with a "3." Central Office will provide regional offices with the proper six-digit lender's identification code (item 6) for all purchasers.


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(8) [Notification of Servicing Transfer. Borrowers must be given written notification of the transfer in servicing at least 15 days in advance of a VA loan sale. Austin Automation Center will generate VA Form 26-0173, Servicing Transfer, to notify borrowers of the date of servicing transfer and the address of the new servicer. (See fig. 12.)]

(9) Insurance Policies . All hazard insurance policies on hand or subsequently received will be forwarded to the purchaser or servicing agent as specified in the loan sale schedule and instructions. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to notify the insurance carriers and obtain appropriate loss payee endorsements promptly after settlement. This task will not be undertaken by VA unless in a local sale involving a single regional office, it is considered beneficial to VA to do so. If VA does not maintain the insurance coverage (accounts with payment mode 7 and carrier code 77777), no policy will be available. In such cases, a letter will be written and enclosed in the document package provided the purchaser listing all such loans and assuring the purchaser that the requirements of 38 CFR 36.4600(c)(3) are waived in connection with these loans. The letter will also state that there will be no reduction in the repurchase price under 38 CFR 36.4600(e)(1) for failure to maintain insurance in the event repurchase by VA becomes necessary. This letter will be signed by the Loan Guaranty Officer, Assistant Loan Guaranty Officer, or other person formally designated to act in one of the foregoing positions. A copy of FL 26-642 for each case will be attached.

(10) T and I Disbursements

(a) General . Loan accounts that have been frozen for sale will not be updated or adjusted for T and I disbursement transactions (TT's 027, 028 and 029), unless an exception is specifically authorized or directed by Central Office for a specific sale to a specific purchaser. (If such an exception is authorized, the sales output documents must be manually adjusted by the Finance activity for any postfreeze disbursements and all parties informed of the detailed changes in accordance with procedures detailed in MP-4, part V, paragraph 9N.14e(3).) In the absence of such authorized exception, standard procedures, as outlined below, provide for recoupment by VA of any actual T and I disbursements not reflected in the sales settlement figures based upon the records frozen for sale.

(b) Pending Disbursement . Transactions for taxes, insurance, or special assessment disbursements that were in transit when the loans are frozen for sale will be rejected in update processing. These rejects on frozen loans will not be reinput and no adjustments to the sales output will be made.


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(c) Postfreeze Disbursements. After the accounts are frozen for sale, a disbursement for taxes, insurance or assessments may be authorized by Loan Guaranty, but only if tax penalties would accrue or insurance coverage would expire :if not paid with 30 days after the scheduled date of sale. Loan accounts frozen for sale will not be updated for such approved disbursements, nor will the sales output be adjusted. When authorizing such postfreeze disbursements on loans frozen for sale, the voucher documents will be clearly marked, "SALE -- PURCHASER XXXX," using the four-digit purchaser code shown on the statement of settlement list. This legend will be placed in the left margin of the certified tax account listing, or on parts 1 and 3 of the IPO used to voucher the insurance premium.

(d) Reimbursement. A request for reimbursement for both pending and postfreeze T and I disbursements not reflected in the sales settlement output will be prepared by the Finance activity for presentation to the purchaser at the time of sales closing. The request will be supported by a detailed listing and copies of each tax bill or insurance voucher (IPO) that was paid. If the reimbursement funds are not received from the purchaser within 30 days after settlement, Loan Guaranty will take followup action with the purchaser, notifying Central Office (265C) at the same time. The detailed Finance procedures are specified in MP-4, part V, paragraph 9N.14e.

(e) Unpaid Invoice . All unpaid tax bills and insurance premium notices (applicable to the sold loans) that are not to be paid by VA will be clearly identified, listed and promptly transmitted to the purchaser (or servicing agent) during the sales closing or immediately thereafter.

(11) Statement of Settlement List . The original of this listing will be delivered to the purchaser at settlement. In a multiple station sale, the closing station's Finance activity will retain a copy of each participating station's settlement list. Additionally, both the Loan Guaranty divisions and Finance activities at the participating stations will retain copies of their individual settlement lists (disposed of in accordance with RCS VB-1, part I, item No. 12-117.000). No adjustments will be made to the Statement of Settlement List, except for deletion of loans from the sale as authorized by Central Office.

e. Shipment of Documents

(1) To Closing Station . Specified documents will be shipped from each participating station to the VA closing station (Attn: 00) by the most economical means that will assure arrival on or before the date specified in the loan sale schedule and instructions. A government contract carrier with next day delivery to the addressee will be utilized, if it is available between the two particular cities and such service is required to meet the delivery due date. Otherwise, "FIRST-CLASS MAIL" service will be employed. It is important to note that all packages or envelopes weighing over 11


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ounces must be marked "PRIORITY MAIL," or they will be treated as 4th class mail by the postal service. If the government contract carrier is not available and documents are shipped to the closing station within 2 calendar days of the delivery due date, "PRIORITY," will be specified. For each shipment, VA Form 4-5223, Portfolio Loan Sales Transmittal-Financial Data Recapitulation, will be prepared by the Finance activity in accordance with MP-4, part V, paragraph 9N.14h(2). The transmittal includes a summary of the financial data for the sale, the count and description of the items shipped and a convenient receipt form to be signed and returned to the shipping station.

(2) To Purchasers and Servicers

(a) All shipments of loan sale documents made directly to purchasers and servicers will be made on a collect basis using "AIR EXPRESS" through a commercial express or courier service that assures routing control and direct delivery from the destination airport to the addressee. Do not use general air freight which is uncontrolled and is not delivered to addressee. No insurance or declaration of value is needed. At least 1 additional workday should be allowed, within the schedule, for delivery to the addressee. Other arrangements may occasionally be made by Central Office. In all cases specific shipping instructions will be included in the loan sale schedule and instructions.

(b) The use of an alternative to air express is authorized if the shipment involves a small packet of loans or a short distance, or if there is no scheduled airline service to the addressee's city or town. In these situations, an alternative controlled and assured delivery service to the addressee, such as collect package service on a scheduled busline, may be utilized. The U.S. Postal Service's overnight express service is not intended to ensure prompt followup in the event documents are not received and therefore this method of shipment should not be used. An acceptable alternative is for purchasers and servicers to arrange for pickup of loan documents at each participating station, at no cost to VA. In any event, specific shipping instructions will be included in the loan sale schedule and instructions and it is imperative that the specified delivery date be met in all cases.

(c) A transmittal will accompany each shipment to purchaser or servicer, specifying the count and general description of the included items and requesting the addressee to return a signed copy as a receipt. An explanation will be given for any missing item (e.g., mortgage document in process of being recorded) or unusual circumstance. Each addressee will be promptly notified by teletype of the details of each shipment, such as means and time of shipment, air express shipment numbers, flight numbers, times and places of arrival.


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f. Settlement

(1) The settlement shall be conducted by the VA representative in strict adherence to the terms of the accepted offer and instructions from Central Office. Settlement will be made on a net proceeds basis allowing credit to the purchaser against the sale amount due for the amount of T and I balances due the purchaser. A postponement or adjournment of settlement may be authorized by Central Office (265C), in which case a new settlement date shall be stipulated.

(2) Unless other funding arrangements are specifically authorized by Central Office in advance of settlement, the purchaser will be required to pay sales proceeds directly to the U.S. Treasury by wire transfer via TFCS (Treasury Financial Communications System) through the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The Finance activity at the VA office handling settlement will furnish detailed information for the required telegraphic format as specified in MP-4, part V, paragraph 9N.14h(2)(i). Upon notification by Treasury that the transfer of funds was completed, the loan instruments of transfer and assignment and all other documents may be released to the purchaser. Normally a telecopy notification from Treasury should be received by the closing station within minutes after the wire transmission is initiated by the purchaser's bank. Should such telecopy notification be delayed, documents may be released upon receipt by VA of an information copy of the wire transfer of funds showing date, time, addressee and amount of funds, or upon verification of the deposit by Treasury via telephone (i.e., FTS). The settlement should be scheduled as early in the forenoon as possible to facilitate completion of settlement and termination of the loan accounts on the same day.

(3) The purchaser shall pay for all State stamps, transfer taxes, recording fees and all other expenses, except the cost of recording the power of attorney, if any, executed by the Administrator and the cost of converting installment contracts to mortgages.

(4) Confirmation of the sale closing and summary. data on number of accounts, principal balances and premium/discount for each lot of loans in the sale will be reported by the closing station's Loan Guaranty Division to Central Office (265C) by FTS on the day of .closing or on the morning of the next workday at the latest.

(5) Upon completion of the sale, the sold loan accounts will be promptly terminated in PLS by Finance activity actions as specified in MP-4, part V, paragraph 9N.15.

g. Loan Folders . All residual papers and documents of record, including the retained copy of the statement of settlement and termination RPO reason code 43 on loans sold under guaranty, will be filed in the individual loan folder and disposed of in accordance with RCS VB-1, part I, item No. 12-110.360. Folders will be clearly identified as sold cases (38 CFR 36.4600 or LHD) and filed with other active vendee account or guaranteed loan folders.


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h. Priority Handling. The vital work involved in connection with portfolio loan sales carries a high priority and a rigid time schedule. It is expected that workload adjustments, including use of overtime, will be made as necessary to accommodate sales procedures and deadlines.

i. Change of Installment Due Date . The VA will not object if any purchaser, in a proper manner, c changes the installment due date of a purchased portfolio loan to the first of each month. Any such change will not invalidate or otherwise affect the guaranty or repurchase contract. This is so notwithstanding the possibility that, under local law, a nonconsenting obligor on the note or bond may be released from liability as a consequence of the change in the due date. When the due date of the installment is changed, the new date will be controlling for the purpose of determining the eligibility of the loan for repurchase pursuant to 38 CFR 36.4600(d). However, if for example, the installment due date is changed from the due date in the loan instrument to the first of the month and the interest resulting from such change is not collected from an obligor, but is capitalized instead, the amount of the interest thus capitalized will not be eligible for inclusion in any claim for repurchase under 38 CFR 36.4600(e).

j. Instructions for Repurchase Under 38 CFR 36.4600

(1) The station closing a sale of vendee accounts will provide the purchaser with a supply of VA Forms 26-8084, Claim for Repurchase of Loan, as may be necessary along with general guidance as to procedure for submitting claims to the proper office of jurisdiction.

(2) Regional offices participating in sales may additionally provide the purchaser with any appropriate local instructions to be observed by the holder in effecting reassignments of loans to VA.

k. Remittances on Sold Loans . The proper and timely handling of remittances received by VA on sold loans, as outlined below, is an important aspect of purchaser relations. Detailed instructions for Finance activity are contained in MP-4, part V, paragraph 9N.15h.

(1) Collections received by VA on loans "frozen" for sale are deposited and placed into suspended credits. When the loan is terminated in PLS such funds are automatically transferred to the regional office. Finance activity will immediately identify and disburse the funds to the new holder with a detailed listing. (This transmittal will not be reduced by uncollectible checks or other disbursed amounts owed VA.)

(2) Remittances received by VA on loans that have been terminated will not be deposited. DPC will promptly endorse such remittances, "Without Recourse," and forward them to the new holder of the loan.


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(3) Uncollectible remittances pertaining to sold loans will be forwarded upon receipt by DPC to regional offices for handling. Finance activity will identify, transmit the uncollectible item to the new holder with a written explanatory demand letter for reimbursement, and followup as necessary to assure timely response and recoupment.


a. Under 38 CFR 36.4600, the holder of a delinquent vendee account sold by VA with recourse is legally entitled to repurchase of the loan by VA when the loan has been continuously in default for 3 months and the amount of the delinquency equals or exceeds the sum of 2 monthly installments. It is important the regional offices minimize requests for the repurchase of delinquent accounts by commencing the supplemental servicing of such accounts immediately upon receiving the first VA Form 26-6850. The objective of the supplemental servicing is protection of the interests of the Government and restoration of the maximum number of defaulted accounts to a current basis. However, unless it is apparent that the loan is ineligible for repurchase, the holder's request for repurchase will be complied with as promptly as practicable.

b. A holder who reports inability to maintain the insurance required by 38 CFR 36.4600(c)(3) will be given appropriate assurance that, as long as it remains unobtainable, there will be no deduction from the repurchase price under 38 CFR 36.4600(e)(1) for the failure to maintain insurance in the event repurchase by VA becomes necessary. This assurance will be given the holder as promptly as possible in order to forestall the filing of a claim for repurchase under 38 CFR 36.4600(d)(3). Immediately thereafter, station management will determine, in the light of all the facts in the case, whether or not protection of the Government's interests requires repurchase and termination of the loan, applying the guidelines provided in paragraph 2.08c(4)(b). If the loan is not repurchased and terminated, care will be taken, in view of the Administrator's continuing full repurchase liability, to maintain a followup and keep the vendee reminded of the exposure to uninsured loss and of the obligation to obtain coverage for the mortgagee's interest if and when insurance is obtainable.

c. In many instances, there will be little time to perform adequate supplemental servicing. In some cases, there will be little or no interval between the receipt of the notice of default as required in 38 CFR 36.4600(c)(1) and the date a holder is permitted to request repurchase under 38 CFR 36.4600(d). Therefore, servicing of these cases will be undertaken promptly. As minimal supplemental servicing, LCS will automatically produce a computergenerated mailgram to the borrower, as soon as the reported default has been coded in the system (TT 500) with the form letter indicator field left blank. However, this mailgram servicing is to be considered in addition to, rather than in lieu of, the personal servicing described in subparagraph d below. There may be circumstances in which the automatic production of a mailgram will be


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considered to be inappropriate or of little benefit. Such circumstances might include, for example, when the borrower is a chronic delinquent and repeated standard mailgrams have lost their effectiveness, or when the property has been abandoned and the holder has filed a claim for repurchase simultaneously with VA Form 26-6850, or the equivalent. In such circumstances, the production of the mailgram may be suppressed by coding "2" in the form letter indicator field.

d. The keystone of supplemental servicing, when time is of the essence, is personal contact with the delinquent borrower. Whenever practicable, therefore, personal contact with the delinquent borrower will be made promptly after receipt of notice of default. However, when it is evidence from the notice of default that the loan has not been serviced properly, the holder should be informed and requested to proceed immediately with such servicing as may be indicated. In such cases, personal servicing by the VA will be delayed until a further report is received from the holder. When supplemental servicing is appropriate, the borrower should be interviewed Personally if practicable. (An initial telephone contact with the borrower may obviate the necessity for a personal interview.) During the interview with the borrower the LSR should complete VA Form 26-6808, determine the cause of default and, if possible, make arrangements commensurate with the borrower's financial ability and, subject to the approval of the holder, for the repayment of the delinquency. In those cases in which the holder is not entitled to any unpaid interest when VA repurchases the loan pursuant to 38 CFR 36.4600(d), it will usually be to the holder's advantage to accept partial payments on the delinquency since such payments may be applied to accrued interest before any curtailment of principal. This should be emphasized when requesting a holder to extend temporary forbearance on a delinquent vendee account. Of course, such an arrangement should not be pursued by the LSR if the circumstances establish that temporary forbearance is not in the best interests of the Government. Station management will assure that a followup is maintained on each pending defaulted loan so that no case is overlooked or neglected and timely action may be taken as appropriate.

e. Holders shall accept a borrower's tender of a partial payment on a loan in default unless one or more of the specific conditions; i.e., exceptions, defined in 38 CFR 36.4600(c)(15) apply. Failure to comply with the applicable provisions of this regulation may result in a deduction from the repurchase price in the event a claim for the repurchase of the loan is subsequently filed. These Provisions are applicable to all sold loans, whether or not such loans were originated prior to the date the regulation became effective, to the extent that no legal rights vested thereunder are impaired. Accordingly, VA expects lenders to apply these Provisions to all VA vendee accounts equally rather than distinguish between loans based upon the dates that the instruments were executed. In cases in which there appears to be a legitimate reason to refuse to accept a borrower's tender of a partial Payment, and none of the


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conditions authorizing return of the payment pertains the holder may submit a request for the approval of the Secretary to waive the payment acceptance requirements of this regulation. Regional offices will give careful consideration to the facts and circumstances of each case in which such a request is made and respond to the- holder within 5 workdays from the date of receipt of the request by VA. The loan folder will be fully documented by memorandum outlining the basis for approving or disapproving the holder's request for waiver.

f. At the same time the LSR interviews the borrower and inspects the security, he or she should determine, insofar as practicable, that there has been no violation on the part of the lender of any of the provisions of 38 CFR 36.4600(c) and (f) which might affect the repurchase price of the loan or render the loan ineligible for repurchase. The findings, conclusions and recommendations as to any actions indicated by VA if the loan is repurchased should be clearly and concisely documented. Since generally there will be little or no time for further contact with the delinquent borrower, the LSR should take advantage of every opportunity during the contact to develop and document all material facts. It is also to be borne in mind that these findings will be the basis for a determination by the regional office as to the action to be taken after the repurchase of the loan.

g. As with VA guaranteed or insured loans (see par. 2.33), orders of loans sold and guaranteed under 38 CFR 36.4600 are not required by regulations or otherwise to use any specific form in reporting defaults under 38 CFR 36.4600(c)(1). A holder's notice of default, however, should include substantially the same information reflected in the VA Form 26-6850. When a computer printout is used, the holder should be encouraged to attach the printout to VA Form 26-6850, completed through item 2, to assist in identifying and routing the form properly. Upon receipt of the holder's notice of default, appropriate records will be established in LCS as provided in paragraph 3.06. VA Form 26-8778 will be prepared and mailed directly to servicers by LCS for followup purposes when the diary date established in the system is reached.

h. Pending further instructions, authority to grant the prior approvals mentioned in 38 CFR 36.4600(c)(7) and (e)(3) will not be exercised by regional offices without first submitting the matter, 'with appropriate recommendations, to Central Office (261) for approval. Any extension or recasting of a loan which contemplates the capitalization of interest may increase the Government's liability in the event of subsequent repurchase. Therefore, such submission should show clearly that any extension or recasting recommended is in the best interest of VA.


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a. The holder of a vendee account which has been guaranteed by VA under 38 CFR 36.4600 may request VA to repurchase a loan as 36.4600(d). When requesting repurchase of a provided in 38 CFR loan the holder will use VA Form 26-8084.

b. If a holder requests repurchase under 38 CFR 36.4600(d)(3) because of inability to maintain continuous hazard insurance protection, repurchase will be delayed long enough for the facts of the case to be documented and considered according to the instructions in paragraph 2.46b. Unless protection of the [Secretary's] interest requires termination of the loan, the holder will be advised that. the circumstances do not warrant repurchase. The holder will be assured that as long as insurance remains unobtainable, there will be no deduction from the repurchase price under 38 CFR 36.4600(e)(1) for the failure to maintain continuous hazard insurance protection in the event repurchase by VA becomes necessary.

c. A claim for the repurchase of a loan will be processed [within 10 days of receipt]. Unpaid interest accruing after sale of a loan to an investor may not be included in the holder's claim for repurchase of the loan by VA, unless the loan was sold by VA after July 15, 1970, as prescribed under 38 CFR 36.4600(e)(1). In such cases the holder may claim and payment will be made by VA for unpaid accrued interest from the date of the first uncured default to the date of the claim for repurchase, but not in excess of interest for 120 days. In the event the payments received by the holder are not sufficient to cover its accrued interest payment to VA when the loan was purchased, the holder will be reimbursed by VA for the amount of such deficiency. Otherwise, no payment will be made for any accrued unpaid interest for the period preceding the date of the first uncured default. Care, however, will be exercised in computing accrued unpaid interest due the holder on loans sold after July 15, 1970, particularly when VA sold the holder a loan that was delinquent and when reimbursement of prepaid interest is claimed by the holder, to assure that no portion of prepaid interest is again included in the computation of accrued and unpaid interest due the holder for the period from the date of the first uncured default to the date of claim. EXAMPLE: Holder paid VA interest at settlement for the period November 1, 1987, to December 5, 1987, or 34 days the time VA sold the loan to the holder it was delinquent for the installment due December 1, 1987. No payments were collected from the borrower by the holder and the date of first uncured default was December 1, 1987. The holder in such case may claim and will be reimbursed For the interest paid VA at the settlement, but the computation of interest from the date of the first uncured default to the date of claim (not to exceed 120 days) will be reduced 4 days (Dec. 1 to Dec. 5) interest since no interest will be paid for any period prior to the date the holder acquired the loan. The amount


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payable for the repurchase of the loan under 38 CFR 36.4600(e) will be the sum paid to VA for the purchase of the loan, (exclusive of accrued interest paid by the holder incident to settlement) less repayments received by the holder which are properly applicable to the principal balance of the loan (repayments received by the holder will include any payments remitted to the holder by VA after the account was frozen prior to settlement), less balance in obligor's T and I account, plus any eligible advances and any unpaid accrued interest allowable under 38 CFR 36.4600(e)(1) with respect to loans sold by VA after July 15, 1970. However, in no event will the amount paid exceed the amount claimed by the holder. A review will be made of the copies of the ledger sheets or equivalent (showing amounts of all credits and debits) submitted by the holder with its claim when the installment due date was changed by the holder, to determine if any interest was capitalized on the loan incident to changing the due date. If such interest was capitalized, it will be deducted from the amount of the claim. It will not be necessary to delay the repurchase until the loan has been field serviced. However, if for any reason it is concluded that the holder's claim for repurchase should not be paid or that the amount payable thereunder should be reduced because of the holder's failure to comply with 38 CFR 36.4600(c), the entire file, together with the conclusion and recommendation of the station management, will be forwarded to Central Office (261). Likewise, if after the payment of a holder's claim for repurchase, it is concluded that there has been a violation of 38 CFR 36.4600(c) or (f), and that the claim was paid improperly, the entire file, together with the conclusion and recommendation of the station management, will be sent to Central Office (261) for review prior to making any demand upon the holder for a refund.

d. [VA will accept responsibility for a 38 CFR 36.4600 loan upon receipt of a holder's VA Form 26-8084. The supporting documents will be examined to see that all of the documents required have been submitted and that they are sufficient to complete the repurchase.] Upon receipt of a holder's VA Form 26-8084, the supporting documents will be examined to see that all of the documents required have been submitted and that they are sufficient to complete the repurchase. If the instruments or method of reassignment and/or reconveyance are in the form previously prescribed by the office of the District Counsel it will not be necessary to refer the required documents to the office of District Counsel for review prior to the payment of the claim. It will not be necessary to prepare a complete and detailed analysis of the holder's claim. VA Form 26-8084 will be compared with the settlement sheet prepared when the loan was sold and examined closely to establish that the holder's claim is correct arithmetically and that there are no errors in the holder's methods of computation. Late charges permitted in the security instrument may not be included in the claim for repurchase of a loan. The amount of the late charges must be collected from the debtor in addition to the amount of the installments and may not be deducted from the installments paid. If the holder's claim is found to be correct and otherwise eligible, it will be processed for payment promptly. If the file indicates that the holder received funds from the borrower subsequent to the submission of its request to VA to


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repurchase the loan, such funds must be remitted by the holder to the VA as required by 38 CFR 36.4600(e)(2). In the event of a difference in the arithmetical computation between the repurchase amount claimed by the holder and the amount VA computes as being due the holder under 38 CFR 36.4600(e), regional offices may pay promptly the lesser amount and reconcile the difference later if the holder's claim is in excess of VA's computation.

[(1) If the loan documents are not acceptable or the claim for repurchase is incomplete, the claim package will generally be returned within 2 weeks of receipt, in whole or in part, with an explanation of what is required. Payment of the claim for repurchase will be suspended until the required documents are completed. The holder should be notified that it remains responsible for the loan until a complete claim is resubmitted to VA.

(2) If the claim has a notice of cancelled force-placed insurance coverage it will be considered acceptable. However, return of a package or suspension of payment would be appropriate if a current insurance policy is in effect but not provided. Notice should be sent to the loan servicer requesting the policy endorsement to VA.

(3) If unusual situations occur, such as an untimely notification that a claim is unacceptable, coupled with expired hazard insurance and a hazard loss during this period, VA's repurchase liability, if any, would be determined based on the specific facts and circumstances of a case.

(4) Stations will review the claim package to determine the status of property taxes. If taxes are due and not yet paid, stations should pay the taxes; any penalty due should be offset from the claim payment. In some States taxes are due semiannually; however, stations generally pay portfolio loan taxes on an annual basis. If the repurchased loan has the first half year tax paid and the second half year is not yet due, stations will not return claim packages to the holder for the purpose of paying the second half taxes. The tax will be paid by the station from the borrower's escrow account.]

e. It will not be necessary to prepare a voucher, SF 1034, in connection with the payment of a claim for the repurchase of a vendee account. At the option of station management, the payment of a holder's claim may be supported by only the holder's executed claim for repurchase of vendee account, VA Form 26-8084. Item 8B of VA Form 26-8084 will be executed by an authorized employee of the Loan Guaranty Division. The original VA Form 26-8084 will be forwarded to the Finance activity along with VA Form 26-8085, Notification of Repurchase of Vendee Account. A copy of the VA Form 26-8084 will be filed in the vendee docket. The claim payment will be paid from Loan Guaranty Revolving Fund 36X4025 or Direct Loans to Veterans and Reserves 36X4024, as applicable.


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f. The instruments of reassignment and/or reconveyance will be forwarded to the office of District Counsel for review and recordation, as appropriate. The loan account will be promptly established in PLS in accordance with M26-11, chapter 3, section V, including the special assessments tax and insurance segments as provided in M26-11, chapter 3, sections VI and VII. The vendee account will be serviced and maintained thereafter as prescribed in this manual.

g. Notification of Servicing Transfer. Figure 11, Suggested Borrower Notification for Refunded and Repurchased Loans, will be used by regional offices to notify borrowers whose loans have been repurchased by VA under 38 CFR 36.4600, on the day the claim is received. The letter may be modified to include delinquent servicing information or other pertinent instructions to the borrower.

h. In cases when VA's supplemental servicing indicates that the holder has not submitted its repurchase claim timely, the loan is 6 months delinquent, and there is a potential loss to the Secretary as a result (due to a possible decline in the value of the security), a letter should be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested (showing to whom and when) to the holder, signed by the Loan Guaranty Officer or designee, advising that VA is exercising its rights under 38 CFR 36.4600(c)(14) to demand repurchase of the loan. The letter should advise the holder that an appraisal is being obtained and that another appraisal will be performed when the claim is ultimately received. At that time, the claim may be reduced by the amount of any decline in the value of the security between the time of the two appraisals. The claim will also be adjusted by the cost of the appraisals, unless an acceptable claim is received by VA within 30 days of the letter, in which case only one appraisal will be charged against the claim, and a second will not be performed. Holders will also be reminded that interest on 38 CFR 36.4600 claims is not payable by VA beyond the 120th day following the date of the first uncured default and this period has expired. Stations will need to retain the loan folder in order to pay the claim and promptly reestablish the loan in PLS and provide appropriate notice and servicing to the obligor. Advice concerning the recommended adjustment may be obtained by telephone from Central Office (261).

i. Late Charges During Servicing Transfer Period. During the 60-day period beginning on the date VA repurchases and assumes servicing of a loan, a late fee may not be imposed on the borrower if payment is received by the previous servicer, rather than by VA, before the due date.


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SECTION IV. RELEASE OF LIABILITY PURSUANT TO38 CFR 36.4285(e), 36.4323(f) AND 36.4508(b)


a. In accordance with provisions of 38 U.S.C. 3713(a) and 38 CFR 36.4285(e), 36.4323(f) and 36.4508(b), personnel authorized under 38 CFR 36.4221 and 36.4342 will, upon application therefor, issue a release from liability to the veteran-borrower upon full compliance with the provisions of 38 U.S.C. 3713(a). Release of liability under this section of the code will be granted to an original veteran-borrower regard-less of whether, application for release is made prior or subsequent to the sale of the property securing the GI loan. The fact that a veteran is selling or has sold the property at a profit, will not preclude him or her from obtaining a release from liability to the Government. If, upon receipt of such application, it is found that the related loan folder was retired to a Federal archives and records center, it shall be recalled immediately for review and documentation.

b. Any release granted to a veteran pursuant to the foregoing also will inure to the benefit of the veteran's spouse.

c. For the purpose of complying with the criteria in 38 U.S.C. 3713(a) and determining whether a release for liability will be granted, the following definitions are applicable:

(1) Veteran. Means the original veteran-obligor(s) whose entitlement was used in obtaining the loan or an immediate veterantransferee who assumed the loan obligations and whose entitlement was used and substituted in place of the veteran-transferor under 38 U.S.C. 3702(b)(3). This excludes all other transferees regardless


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of whether they are veterans or nonveterans. However, under the authority contained in 38 U.S.C. 3720 (formerly 1820) the surviving spouse of the original veteran-borrower whose entitlement was used in obtaining the loan, or of the veteran-transferee whose entitlement was used and substituted in place of the veteran-transferor, will be included within the meaning of the word "veteran."

(2) Residential Property. As defined in 38 CFR 36.4202(j) and (m) and 36.4301. (NOTE: All properties securing direct loans fall within this definition.)

(3) Guaranteed, Insured, or Direct Loans . Excludes vendee accounts. (In connection with vendee accounts and loans on properties owned by transferees, see pars. 2.14 and 2.39.)

(4) The Loan is Current. No installment of principal, interest, or taxes is past due.

d. No release will be granted unless the purchaser (present owner, if the property has already been conveyed) assumed full liability for repayment of the indebtedness including assuming the indemnity obligation of the veteran-borrower. In those States where a grantee can assume personal liability to the mortgageholder and the indemnity liability to VA as guarantor, for the balance due on a GI loan through an assumption clause in the conveyance deed, the assumption of liability may be by such an assumption clause, approved by Central Office for use in a particular State. In such cases, the release may be by letter to the veteran-borrower (see par. 2.49h). Otherwise, the assumption of liability and the release of the veteran will be by execution of the "Agreement Creating Liability to Holder and to United States and Joinder by VA, " appearing in Opinion of the General Counsel 17-57 (or as such form may be modified for use in a particular State after obtaining the prior approval of the General Counsel). Unless otherwise authorized by Central Office, only one version of the form will be used in a particular State.

e. The fact that VA consents to release of the veteran upon the assumption of liability by the veteran's immediate or remote transferee, will constitute prior approval for the holder to grant such release. It should be understood, however, that in the vast majority of cases in which the VA grants the veteran a release from liability to the Government, it is not particularly important to a veteran that he or she obtain a release from the mortgagee since in the event of default by the veteran's grantee, immediate or remote, the holder in most instances will be made whole through the claim payment, if any, and the proceeds of liquidation. Hence, the holder would have no claim against the veteran. The action of the VA in releasing the original veteran from any liability to the Government as a consequence of the payment of a claim under loan guaranty or insurance will in no way affect the rights which the holder may have


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to proceed against the original veteran, nor will it have any effect on the contract of guaranty or insurance between the holder and the VA.

f. Releases granted to veterans under this procedure will not be considered as satisfying the requirements of 38 CFR 36.4203 or 36.4302(h) with respect to releasing the Secretary of liability as guarantor or insurer incident to reinstatement of a veteran, s entitlement.

[g. A copy of the notice that a release has been granted under this procedure will be provided to the loan holder. This will put the holder on notice that, in the event of a future default on the loan, it is not required to maintain the liability of the released obligor during the foreclosure process.]


a. Upon receipt of a request for the release of an original veteran-borrower from personal liability, the regional office will send the person making the request a complete package consisting of FL 26-557; VA Form 26-6381, Application for Assumption Approval and/or Release From Personal Liability to the Government on a Home Loan; VA Form 26-6382, Statement of Purchaser or Owner Assuming Seller's Loan; VA Form 26-8893, Instructions for Purchaser Assuming a GI Loan or Substituting GI Loan Entitlement; VA Form(s) 26-8497, Request for Verification of Employment; VA Form(s) 26-8497a, Request for Verification of Deposit; VA Form 26-6807, Financial Statement; a copy of the approved assumption clause designated in FL 26-557 as exhibit A; and VA Pamphlet 26-5, Revised. In those cases when it is clear from the request that the property has already been conveyed, the paragraph in FL 26-557 about the alternate procedure should be deleted and exhibit A, the copy of the approved assumption clause, will not be included in the package.

b. The request may be by letter, telephone, or otherwise. It may come from the original veteran-borrower, his or her attorney, realtor, title company, or other interested party. If the request is received from, or in behalf of, a particular veteran-borrower, a copy of FL 26-557 will be filed in the loan folder.

c. Upon receipt of VA Forms 26-6381, 26-6382, and 26-6807, a review will be conducted to determine whether the information submitted is sufficient for the purpose intended. If not, the incorrect or incomplete form(s) should be returned for completion or correction. Money orders or certified checks received to pay for credit reports ,will be held in the custody of the agent cashier until the preliminary review required by subparagraph d below has been made, at which time, depending on the decision made, the check or money order will be returned to the veteran or deposited to suspended credits accounts for future disbursement.


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d. When it is clearly evident from a review of VA Forms 26-6807 and 26-6382 submitted by the prospective assumer that the income is insufficient to meet the requirements of 38 U.S.C. 3710(b)(2) (formerly 1810(b)(2)) or that the assumer is otherwise unacceptable, the veteran's application will be rejected at that point. In such cases


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the credit report will not be ordered nor will FL 26-559 be sent to the holder. The veteran will be advised of the VA decision by use of FL 26-558 and the money order or certified check forwarded for the credit report will be returned to him or her or a refund made if the money order or certified check has been deposited. The prospective assumer will also be advised of the VA decision by means of FL 26-558a.

e. After a determination that the information supplied by the veteran and the prospective purchaser is sufficient for the purpose intended, the following steps will be taken:

(1) Order a credit report on the prospective assumer and obtain the appropriate credit data; i.e., verifications of employment. The latest year's Federal income tax return and most recent pay stub, however, will be acceptable in lieu of a verification of employment. Further, if a substantial downpayment has been made, no verification of employment or tax return will be required and a credit report will only be obtained if a credit report terminal is available at the regional office. When such substantial downpayments are made, a review of other factors should be emphasized, such as total assets, short- and long-term debt obligations, and employment history, and the file clearly documented as to the reasons the transferee is considered a satisfactory risk. A determination regarding the amount of downpayment which will be considered substantial will be made by the Loan Guaranty Officer and should be an amount sufficient to protect VA in the event of a subsequent default. A guideline, however, of 20 to 30 percent of the total sales price is suggested.

(2) Fill in the appropriate information on both sides of the FL 26-559 in duplicate and forward both copies and a self-addressed, postage free envelope to the holder.

In the letter to the holder, FL 26-559, the holder is requested to furnish VA certain data in order for the VA to make the determination required by the law; i.e., condition of the loan and other data to be used in determining the acceptability of the prospective assumer from the credit standpoint. In addition, the holder is to furnish recordation data necessary for the preparation of the assumption agreement if the property has already been conveyed without an approved assumption clause in the deed, or to verify the mortgage recording information, etc., in the assumption clause in any conveyance deed submitted by the veteran under the alternate procedure set forth in FL 26-557 or, otherwise, when the approved assumption clause calls for recording information. Upon receipt of the credit report, verifications of employment (if obtained), etc., and the data from the holder, a determination will be made as to whether the loan is current, and the prospective purchaser (including spouse, when appropriate) qualifies from a credit and income standpoint to the same extent as would be required if he or she were an eligible veteran applying for a guaranteed, insured or direct loan in an amount equal to the unpaid balance on


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the obligation. As stated in FL 26-559, the loan will be considered current if no installment of principal, interest or taxes and insurance is past due. If the holder states that the loan is current, no further inquiry need be made unless more than two additional installments fall due prior to the time the release is executed. However, if more than two installments on the loan become due prior to the time the release is to be executed, it will be necessary to determine from the holder that the loan is current before executing the release. In determining credit and income acceptability, the procedure set forth in M26-1, paragraph 5.13, will be observed (except as provided in subpar. (1) above with regard to verifications of employment and credit reports) and a written VA Form 26-6393, Loan Analysis, will be prepared.

f. If after receipt of credit report, etc., and reply to FL 26-559 from the holder, it is determined that the veteran's application cannot be approved by reason of the fact that the loan is not current or that the prospective assumer is not an acceptable credit risk, the veteran will be notified by means of FL 26-558 and the prospective purchaser will be notified by use of FL 26-558a. A duplicate of each form letter sent will be filed in the loan folder. It will be noted in FL 26-558 and in FL 26-558a that the reference to rejection on the basis of credit is couched in general terms. If the application is disapproved for credit reasons, the purchaser or proposed purchaser will also be informed of the basis on which the adverse decision was reached; i.e., data contained in a consumer credit report and the name and address of the credit reporting firm or information obtained from a source other than a consumer credit report or both, as applicable. Provision for such advice has been made in FL 26-558a. In the event inquiry is subsequently made as to the specific reasons, extreme care should be taken in the language used in reply to such inquiry in view of the possible legal consequence; i.e., slander or libel. If the inquiry is received from the purchaser or proposed purchaser, and the application was disapproved for credit reasons, the VA will furnish the requester with the information as required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (Title VI of Pub. L. 91-508). In this connection, if the determination was made from information contained in a consumer credit report, the purchaser or proposed purchaser will again be informed that the decision to disapprove the application was based on data contained in a consumer credit report and will be furnished the name and address of the credit reporting firm. On the other hand, if the information was obtained from a source other than a consumer credit report, the purchaser or proposed purchaser will be informed of the nature of the information relied upon in making the adverse determination, but not the source. It is expected in some cases in which the sale has not been closed that the loan may be in default and, as part of the sales agreement, the loan is to be brought current before or incident to sales closing. Provision has been made in FL 26-558, paragraph lb, to inform the veteran that if such an agreement has been made, processing of the application will be resumed upon receipt of a letter signed by both parties to that effect. It also will be necessary for the veteran to submit a


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statement signed by the mortgageholder to the effect that the loan is current before the release is executed. If the sale has already been closed under the alternate procedure of FL 26-557, or otherwise, and the loan is not current as set forth in subparagraph e above, the veteran will be advised accordingly through FL 26-5589 paragraph lc, and the release will not be issued until the mortgageholder notifies VA that the loan is current.

g. If it is determined that the loan is current (see subpars. e and f above), the assumer is an acceptable credit risk, etc., and the loan has been closed; but the veteran has not followed the alternate procedure in FL 26-557, paragraph 2, or otherwise furnished a copy of the recorded conveyance deed containing an approved assumption clause, the "Agreement Creating Liability to Holder and to United States" will be prepared in triplicate on the basis of the recording information contained in FL 26-559 and the legal description of the property, etc., in the loan guaranty' folder. The completed "Agreement Creating Liability to Holder and to United States" in triplicate will then be sent to the veteran together with instructions as to its execution. The veteran will be advised to return to the VA all copies of the executed "Agreement Creating Liability to Holder and to United States," so that the release or joinder portion of the form may be executed by the VA. In those States where recording the assumption and/or the release instrument is necessary, the veteran will be asked to forward funds to pay recording fees. If the VA Form 26-6381 indicates that the property has not yet been conveyed to the purchaser, the veteran will be advised that he or she may complete the transfer and include in the deed conveying the property to the purchaser the VA approved assumption clause. The veteran will be informed of the exact wording of the approved assumption clause. He or she will be instructed further to return a copy of the recorded deed containing this assumption clause and showing the date and place or recordation. No form letter will be specified for forwarding these instruments and instructions to the veteran since the instructions will vary because of local laws and procedures. Any form letter prepared locally for this purpose should make it clear to the veteran that VA has only approved the purchaser or prospective purchaser as . an acceptable credit risk and that he or she will not be released from personal liability to the Government until the "Agreement Creating Liability to Holder and to United States" or the copy of the recorded deed containing the approved assumption clause, as the case may be, is received in proper form, and provided further that the loan is then current. (See subpar. e above.)

h. Upon receipt of the copies of the recorded deed containing the approved assumption clause and recording data, either as a result of the alternate procedure in FL 26-557, paragraph 2, or in response to the procedure in subparagraph g above, or otherwise, the copy of the deed will be examined to establish that it contains the approved assumption clause, the recording data, and that it has the legal effect intended. After it has been established that all of the requirements of 38 U.S.C. 1817(a) have been met, a letter will


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be sent to the veteran over the signature of an official named in 38 CFR 36.4221 and 36.4342, as station management may designate, telling the veteran that he or she has been released from personal liability to the Government on account of his/her GI loan, in accordance with the provisions. of 38 U.S.C. 1817(a). In those cases when personal liability has been assumed under the "Agreement Creating Liability to Holder and to United States," the release or joinder portion of the agreement will be executed by an official listed in 38 CFR 36.4221 and 36.4342 as station management may designate. The release should not be executed until it has been established that the requirements of 38 U.S.C. 1817(a) have been met and that the executed agreement has the legal effect intended. In those States where it is determined that it is necessary to record the assumption agreement and release it may be necessary to have the release executed by one of the persons listed in 38 CFR 36.4221 and 36.4342. Upon execution of the release it should be coded into the GIL System.


a. Upon receipt of a request for the release of an original veteran-borrower from personal liability, the regional office will send the person making the request a complete package consisting of FL 26-557a, VA Forms 26-6381, 26-6382 26-8893, 26-8497, 26-8497a, 26-6807, three copies of the "Agreement Creating Liability to Holder and to United States,," and VA Pamphlet 26-5, Revised. In those cases when it is clear from the request that the property has already been conveyed, FL 26-557a, paragraph 2, about the optional procedure,, should be deleted and the "Agreement Creating Liability to Holder and to United States" will not be included in the package.

b. The request may be by letter, telephone, or otherwise. It may come from the original veteran-borrower, his or her attorney, realtor, title company, or other interested party. If the request is received from, or in behalf of a particular veteran-borrower, a copy of FL 26-557a will be filed in the loan folder.

c. Upon receipt, VA Forms 26-6381,, 26-6382 and 26-6807 will be reviewed to determine whether the information submitted is sufficient for the purpose intended. If not, the incomplete or incorrect form(s) should be returned for completion or correction. Money orders or certified checks received to pay for credit reports will be held in the custody of the agent cashier until the preliminary review required by subparagraph d below has been made, at which time depending on the decision made,, the check or money order will be returned to the veteran or deposited to suspended credits accounts.

d. In cases when it is clearly evident from a review of VA Forms 26-6807 and 26-6382 submitted by the prospective assumer that the income is insufficient to meet the requirements of 38 U.S.C. 1810(b)(2) or that the prospective purchaser is otherwise unacceptable, the veteran's application will be rejected at that


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point. In such cases, the credit report will not be ordered nor will FL 26-559 be sent to the holder. The veteran will be advised of the VA decision by use of FL 26-558 and the money order to certified check forwarded for the credit report will be returned to him or her or a refund made if the money order or certified check has been deposited. The "Agreement Creating Liability to Holder and to United States," will also be returned if the veteran has followed the alternate procedure in FL 26-557a. The release portion of the Agreement will, of course, not be executed. The prospective assumer or prospective purchaser will also be advised of the VA decision by use of FL 26-558a.

e. Following a determination that the information supplied by the veteran and the prospective purchaser is sufficient for the purpose intended, the following steps will be taken:

(1) Order a credit report on the prospective assumer and obtain the appropriate credit data; i.e., verifications of employment. The latest year's Federal income tax return and most recent pay stub, however, will be acceptable in lieu of a verification of employment. Further, if a substantial downpayment has been made, no verification of employment or tax return will be required, and a credit report will only be obtained if a credit report terminal is available at the regional office. When such substantial downpayments are made, a review of other factors should be emphasized, such as total assets, short- and long-term debt obligations, and employment history, and the file clearly documented as to the reasons the transferee is considered a satisfactory risk. A determination regarding the amount of downpayment which will be considered substantial will be made by the Loan Guaranty Officer and should be an amount sufficient to protect VA in the event of a subsequent default. A guideline, however, of 20 to 30 percent of the total sales price is suggested.

(2) Fill in the appropriate information on both sides of FL 26-559 in duplicate and forward both copies and a self-addressed postage free envelope to the holder.

In the letter to the holder, FL 26-559, the holder is requested to furnish VA certain data in order for the VA to make the determination required by the law; i.e., condition of the loan and other data to be used in determining the acceptability of the prospective assumer from a credit standpoint. In addition, the holder is to furnish recording data necessary to the preparation of the assumption agreement, or to verify the information in any assumption agreement prepared by the veteran under the alternate procedure set forth in FL 26-557a. Upon receipt of the credit reports, verifications of employment (if obtained), etc., and the data from the holder, a determination will be made as to whether the loan is current, and the prospective assumer (including spouse, when appropriate) qualified from a credit and income standpoint to the same extent as would be required if he or she were an eligible veteran applying for a guaranteed, insured, or direct loan in an amount equal to the unpaid balance of the obligation. As stated in


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FL 26-559, the loan will be considered current if no installment of principal, interest or taxes and insurance is past due. If the holder states that the loan is current, no further inquiry need be made unless more than two additional installments fall due prior to the time the release is executed. However, if more than two installments on the loan become due prior to the time the release is to be executed, it will be necessary to determine from the holder that the loan is current before executing the release. In determining credit acceptability, the procedure set forth in M26-1, paragraph 5.13, will be observed (except as provided in subpar. (1) above with regard to verifications of employment and credit reports) and a written VA Form 26-6393 will be prepared.

f. If after receipt of the credit report, etc., and reply to FL 26-559, it is determined that the veteran's application cannot be approved by reason of the fact that the loan is not current or that the prospective assumer is not an acceptable credit risk, the veteran will be notified by means of FL 26-558 and the prospective purchaser will be notified by use of FL 26-558a. A duplicate of each form letter sent will be filed in the loan folder. It will be noted in FL 26-558 and in FL 26-558a that the reference to rejection on the basis of credit is couched in general terms. If the application is disapproved for credit reasons, the purchaser or proposed purchaser will also be informed of the basis on which the adverse decision was reached; i.e., data contained in a consumer credit report and the name and address of the credit reporting firm or information obtained from a source other than a consumer credit report or both, as applicable. Provision for such advice has been made in FL 26-558a. In the event inquiry is subsequently made as to the specific reasons, extreme care should be taken in the language used in reply to such inquiry in view of the possible legal consequence; i.e., slander or libel. If the inquiry is received from the purchaser or proposed purchaser, and the application was disapproved for credit reasons, the VA will furnish the requester with the information as required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (Title VI of Pub. L. 91-508). In this connection, if the determination was made from information contained in a consumer credit report, the purchaser or proposed purchaser will again be informed that the decision to disapprove the application was based on data contained in a consumer credit report and will be furnished the name and address of the credit reporting firm. On the other hand, if the information was obtained from a source other than a consumer credit report, the purchaser or proposed purchaser will be informed of the nature of the information relied upon in making the adverse determination, but not the source. It is expected in some cases in which the sale has not been closed that the loan may be in default and, as part of the sales agreement, the loan is to be brought current before or incident to sales closing. Provision has been made in FL 26-558, paragraph 1b, to inform the veteran that if such an agreement has been made, processing of the application will be resumed upon receipt of a letter for signed by both parties to that effect. it also will be necessary for him or her to submit a statement signed by the mortgageholder to the effect that the loan is current before


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the release is executed. If the sale has already been closed under the alternate procedure of FL 26-557a, or otherwise, and the loan is not current as set forth in subparagraph e above, the veteran will be advised accordingly through FL 26-558, paragraph 1c, and the release will not be executed until the mortgageholder notifies VA that the loan is current. In some cases, when the veteran follows the alternate procedure in FL 26-557a and submits an executed "Agreement Creating Liability to Holder and to United States," the grantee may be acceptable and the loan current, but the "Agreement Creating Liability to Holder and to United States" may be incomplete or inaccurate to such an extent that it does not have the legal effect intended. In such cases, it will be necessary to have the "Agreement Creating Liability to Holder and to United States" corrected before the release portion is executed, by VA. It is recognized that in some cases it may be impossible to have the Agreement corrected after the sale is closed for any number of reasons. Nevertheless, the release should not be executed unless the agreement is sufficiently complete and accurate to have the legal effect intended.

g. If it is determined that the loan is current (see subpars. e and f above), the prospective assumer is an acceptable credit risk, and the veteran has not used the alternate procedure in FL 26-557a, the "Agreement Creating Liability to Holder and to United States" will be prepared in triplicate based on the recording information contained in FL 26-559 and the legal description of the property, etc., in the loan guaranty folder. Following the preparation of the "Agreement Creating Liability to Holder and to United States," the veteran will be advised that the prospective purchaser has been approved and at the same time all copies of the "Agreement Creating Liability to Holder and to United States" should be sent to the veteran for execution by the appropriate parties together with instructions as to the manner in which they are to be executed. The veteran will be advised to return to VA all copies of the executed "Agreement Creating Liability to Holder and to United States," in order that the release or joinder portion of the form may be executed. When VA Form 26-6381 indicates that the sale has not been completed and the property already conveyed to the assuming grantee, the veteran will be advised that the veteran may complete the transfer of the property and when he or she returns the executed "Agreement Creating Liability to Holder and to United States," to also furnish VA a positive statement to the effect that the title to the property has been conveyed to the assumer. The statement will be acceptable if made by the veteran, the attorney, or title company involved with the settlement or other parties acceptable to station management under the circumstances in the case. The veteran should also be requested to advise the future mailing address of both himself or herself and the assumer in order that the VA can send the executed copies of the assumption agreement and release forms to them. In those States where recording of the assumption agreement and release form is necessary, the veteran will be requested to forward funds estimated to be necessary for such purpose. No form letter will be specified for forwarding to the veteran the


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"Agreement Creating Liability to Holder and to United States" or for instructions to be given since it is believed that due to local laws and procedures, the instructions will vary considerably. Any form letter prepared locally for this purpose should make it clear to the veteran that the VA has only approved the particular purchaser as an acceptable credit risk and that the veteran will not be released from liability until the "Agreement Creating Liability to Holder and to United States," is properly executed and provided the loan is current (see subpar. e above).

h. Upon receipt of the executed "Agreement Creating Liability to Holder and to United States," either as a result of the alternate procedure of FL 26-557a, or in response to the procedure described in subparagraph g above, these forms will be reviewed to determine that they have been properly completed and executed by the veteran and the assumer. After it has been determined that all requirements of 38 U.S.C. 1817(a) have been met, the release portion of the agreement will be executed by an official listed in 38 CFR 36.4221 and 36.4342 as station management may designate. In those States where it is determined that it is necessary to record the assumption agreement and release, it may be necessary to have the release executed by one of the persons listed in 38 CFR 36.4221 and 36.4342. Upon execution of the release it should be coded into the GIL System.


a. Upon execution of the release or joinder portion of an "Agreement Creating Liability to Holder and to United States," one copy will be sent to the veteran-seller, and one copy to the assumer along with VA Pamphlet 26-5, Revised. The original copy of the executed "Agreement Creating Liability to Holder and to United States" will be retained by VA in the loan guaranty folder. If the assumption of liability was by a clause in the conveyance deed, the copy of the conveyance deed furnished by the veteran-seller will be placed in the loan guaranty folder. VA Pamphlet 26-5, Revised, will be sent to the assumer.

b. If thereafter a claim under loan guaranty is paid, the executed assumption agreement and release, or the copy of the conveyance deed with the assumption clause, as the case may be, will be removed from the loan guaranty folder and placed in safekeeping along with the original note, etc., as required in M26-4, paragraph 3.13d and will be disposed of in accordance with RCS VB-1, part I, item No. 12-100.200.


The foregoing procedure is designed primarily for use in cases involving guaranteed and insured loans. The same general principles, however, apply to direct loans except that there is no indemnity obligation to be assumed and FL 26-559, of course, will not be used. It will also be necessary to provide the assuming


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guarantee with VA Form 26-8513, Federal Truth-in-Lending Statement. the other forms and form letters may be used in direct loan cases.


a. In certain instances, a veteran may seek release from personal liability in favor of his or her former spouse who acquires the property as the outcome of divorce proceedings and who was jointly liable on a loan with the veteran prior to the divorce. The same general release from liability procedures will apply in such cases provided the following requirements are met prior to release:

(1) The divorce is final and absolute and it is determined that no appeal will be taken.

(2) The entire estate encumbered for the VA-guaranteed loan has become vested in the veteran's former spouse;

(3) VA is not aware of any property settlement which would make the veteran liable as between the parties to pay the guaranteed loan.

b. Since in these cases there can be no application of the provision of 38 CFR 36.4323(f) that a release of liability granted to a veteran inures to the veteran's spouse, approved assumption agreements or deed clauses currently in use will have to be amended or specially prepared by the office of the District Counsel to release only the veteran from liability.


If a veteran, who is one of two or more joint owners of property purchased with a joint VA-guaranteed loan, conveys his or her interest in the property to the other obligor(s) and applies for release from personal liability on the loan, such veteran may be released provided the conditions in 38 U.S.C [3713(a)] are adequately met. Amended or specially prepared release forms or deed clause formats will be used to assure that the veteran applicant and spouse, if any, are released from liability and the assuming obligor(s) is not released.


It is recognized that due to various factual situations the procedure set forth in this manual cannot always be followed to the letter; e.g., the first notice of a veteran's desire to obtain a release may be the delivery to the regional office of a conveyance deed containing a VA-approved assumption clause, credit report, financial statement, or copy of sales contract, by the real estate broker handling the sale. Accordingly, regional offices are authorized to deviate from the procedure as may be necessary to


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properly and promptly process an application in those cases in which the factual situation is other than as contemplated by the standard procedure. In addition, regional offices are authorized to deviate from the prescribed procedure to conform to local customs, laws, or practices; e.g., in California, most conveyances are accomplished through escrows handled by title or escrow companies, and it is more practical in that State to forward the assumption agreement and release forms to the title or escrow company with instructions for execution. In Louisiana, it is necessary to record the assumption agreement and release form, and the original is retained by the Clerk of the Court and, therefore, cannot be obtained by VA. When VA Form 26-6851 is received subsequent to VA's release of liability in those States using judicial foreclosure, a holder who has not released the veteran from liability will be notified that VA has no objections to its not seeking personal judgment in the foreclosure action against the original veteran-borrower and spouse inasmuch as -VA has already released these obligors.


a. VA Form 26-6379, Progress Sheet on Application for Release from Liability or Substitution of Entitlement, will be maintained on each application for release received in order that the status of the application can be determined at any time. The progress sheet for each application will be kept in the appropriate loan guaranty folder [unless the loan folders are not retained in the section processing applications for release of liability. In that case the progress sheets may be maintained in a centralized alphabetical file veteran's name, until such time as processing of the case. is completed, when the progress sheet will be placed in the loan folder].

b. In addition, a register will be kept on VA Form 26-6380, Register of Applications for Release from Liability Under Sections [3713(a) and 3720(a)(4)] and Substitution of Entitlement, to provide source data for statistical purposes. The case will not be entered on the VA Form 26-6380, however, until the completed VA Form 26-6381 and the veteran's remittance for the credit report (if applicable) are received. If the VA Form 26-6382 and the assumer's financial statement are not received within 30 days after the receipt of VA Form 26-6381, the case will be followed up. If within 30 days after such followup the VA Form 26-6382 and the assumer's financial statement are still not received, the case will be entered on VA Form 26-6380 as "withdrawn." The veteran will be notified accordingly and the remittance for the credit report will be returned. If thereafter, VA Form 26-6382, the financial statement, and a fee for the credit report are received, the case will be entered on the VA Form 26-6380 as a new application. [In any case involving followup to the assumer, an employer, or some party other than the veteran requesting the release, a copy of the followup letter must be sent to the veteran to keep him or her informed of VA's progress in processing the request.]


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c. If the veteran does not return the executed copy of the assumption agreement, or copy of the conveyance deed with the approved assumption clause, within 30 days after the approval letter (pars. 2.49g and 2.50g), an appropriate followup will be conducted. If no reply to the followup is received within 30 days, the case will be entered on the VA Form 26-6380 as "withdrawn."

d. At the applicant's request, a case will be entered on the VA Form 26-6380 as "withdrawn."


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a . VA Pamphlet 26-68-1, Revised, Selling Your GI Home?, concerns release from personal liability to the Government and is intended primarily for distribution to service personnel prior to their transfer to new duty stations. Directors should make sufficient contacts with mortgage holders and military bases to determine distribution needs. Thereafter, arrangements should be made for the replenishment and distribution of VA Pamphlet 26-68-1, Revised, on a continuing basis. State service officers should also be furnished a supply of VA Pamphlet 26-68-1, Revised, for distribution as appropriate. Furthermore, when a request for payoff information is received from an original direct loan borrower, a copy of VA Pamphlet 26-68-1, Revised, should be sent along with the requested information on the presumption that the borrower intends to sell the property by assumption.

b. In an effort to keep the matter of release from personal liability continually before the real estate industry and other interested parties, each regional office Director should, to the extent deemed practicable, issue a local release, which includes an acceptable assumption clause for inclusion in a conveyance deed, to real estate boards, bar associations, title companies, individual realty brokers and attorneys doing business in the jurisdiction where such clause is applicable. These local releases in format substantially as in figure 4 may be issued without Central Office approval.



a. In accordance with the provisions of 38 U.S.C. 3713(b) and 38 CFR 36.4285(f), 36.4323(g) and 36.4508(c), personnel authorized under 38 CFR 36.4221 and 36.4342 may release the veteran from liability on a guaranteed or direct loan.

b. A retroactive release will be granted to the veteran and spouse, if any, if: the property securing the loan was disposed of by the veteran on or after July 1, 1972, without receiving a release from liability on the loan under 38 U.S.C. 3713(a); the commitment for the loan was made prior to March 1, 1988; the loan has been terminated and VA has paid a claim under guaranty (including those portfolio loans described in subparagraph c(3) below when the original veteran-borrower is liable for a deficiency); and, it is determined that:

(1) The veteran, as defined in subparagraph c(1) below, is liable (if the veteran is not liable, processing a release is redundant) and there is a liable transferee, either immediate or remote, as defined in subparagraph c(5) below; and


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(2) The liable transferee or the immediate transferee was a satisfactory credit risk at the time the property securing the loan was acquired; and

(3) The loan was current as defined in subparagraph c(4) below at the time the liable transferee acquired the property.

NOTE: Subparagraph b(2) above allows VA to grant a release if theveteran sold to a qualified purchaser who did not assume liability, provided any subsequent transferee is liable.

c. For the purpose of determining compliance with 38 U.S.C. 3713(b), the following definitions and interpretations are provided for guidance to section V of this manual:

(1) Veteran. Means the original veteran obligor whose entitlement was used in obtaining the loan, or an immediate veterantransferee who assumed the loan obligations and whose entitlement was substituted in place of the veteran-transferor. This excludes all other transferees regardless of whether they are veterans or nonveterans. However, the surviving spouse of the original veteran-borrower whose entitlement was used in obtaining the loan, or of the veteran-transferee whose entitlement was substituted in place of the veteran-transferor, will be included within the meaning of the word "veteran."

(2) Residential Property. A manufactured home as defined in 38 CFR 36.4202 and a residential property as defined in 38 CFR 36.4301. (NOTE: All properties securing direct loans fall within this definition.)

(3) Guaranteed or Direct Loans . Excludes vendee accounts, but includes VA portfolio loans which were acquired under 38 CFR 36.4318 (refunded loans) or 38 U.S.C. 3720 (direct loans sold with a repurchase agreement). (NOTE: Figs. 6 through 11 must be adapted for use in direct loan cases.

(4) The Loan Was Current. No installment of principal, interest, or taxes was past due at the time of transfer; or, any resolved within 15 days of the transfer. (The 15-day period is intended to allow time for processing funds submitted at the sale closing to cure a delinquency).

(5) Liable Transferee. A liable transferee may or may not be the immediate transferee. For purposes of this section, a liable transferee is defined as: any assumer, immediate or remote, who is legally liable to VA under indemnity and/or subrogation; or, the veteran's immediate transferee if the transferee was potentially liable to VA under either indemnity or subrogation (or otherwise under State law) at the time of transfer, regardless of whether he or she was subsequently legally released of liability. Liability


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may be established by means of an enforceable agreement to indemnify VA, by virtue of a party having assumed and agreed to adhere to the terms of the loan (through a clause in the transfer deed, a separate assumption agreement, or otherwise under State law), or as a result of the foreclosure process. Advice should be obtained from the office of District Counsel as to documentation and procedures necessary to establish liability. In some jurisdictions, it may be necessary for VA to initiate a separate legal action or require the holder to complete a specific form of foreclosure or take specific action (e.g., obtain personal service) in connection with a foreclosure to create or maintain an immediate transferee's liability under subrogation. If such action was not taken, and the transferee did not assume the veteran's indemnity obligation, the transferee will nevertheless be considered potentially liable and will therefore satisfy the requirements of this section.

d. No release will be granted unless it can be determined that one or more liable transferees (as defined in subpar. c(5) above) exist. The document or other evidence as to the liability of the transferee (e.g., copy of recorded deed of conveyance, copy of executed assumption agreement, advice from the office of District Counsel) will be obtained and filed in the related loan folder. If this information is not available in the loan folder or through the lender, an examination of the legal records may be necessary. A transferee need not have assumed the indemnity obligation of the veteran if the transferee is liable to VA under the right of subrogation or it the immediate transferee was potentially liable.

e. The action of VA in releasing the original veteran from any liability to the Government does not affect the rights which the holder may nave to proceed against the veteran.


a. Prior to the preparation of VA Form 26-1833, Advice Regarding Indebtedness of Obligors on Guaranteed or Insured Loans (M26-4, pars. 3.17 and 4.20) or VA Form 26-6822, Advice of Termination and Indebtedness on Portfolio Loans (pars. 2.29 and 3.30) for portfolio loans described in paragraph 2.58c(3), a decision to grant or deny a retroactive release of liability will be made.

b. The veteran will be granted a retroactive release of liability if:

(1) A liable transferee acquired the property; and

(2) The loan was current at the time the transferee acquired the property; and

(3) The liable transferee or the immediate transferee was a satisfactory credit risk from an income and credit standpoint at the Time the property was acquired.


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c. Liable Transferee . As a general rule, processing retroactive releases of liability should begin with a determination as to whether a liable transferee (par. 2.58c(5)) acquired the property. This is normally accomplished by obtaining and reviewing the documents which would evidence the liability and/or reviewing the legal records pertaining to the loan termination. Documentation pertaining to any relevant reported bankruptcy should also be obtained and reviewed. The Chief, Loan Service and Claims, will decide when it is necessary to obtain advice from the office of District Counsel in connection with liability determinations. If there is no liable transferee, the release will be denied and a letter will be sent to the veteran stating the reason for the denial. (See fig. 7.) The denial letter will also provide information pertaining to appeal rights delineated at 38 CFR 1.9.

d. Current Loan . If there is a liable transferee, a determination must be made that the loan was current (par. 2.58c(4)) at the time the liable transferee purchased the property. In most instances, the holder's ledgers supply the necessary information about the status of a guaranteed loan at the time the transferee acquired the property and VA records will show the status of a direct loan. If the status of a guaranteed loan at the time the transferee acquired the property is not available through the holder's records or otherwise, the loan will be considered to have been current at the time of transfer unless a notice of default or other information in the loan folder shows that it was not. If the loan was not current at the time of transfer, the release will be denied and a letter will be sent to the veteran stating the reason for the denial. (See fig. 7.) The denial letter will also provide information pertaining to appeal rights delineated at 38 CFR 1.9.

e. Satisfactory Credit Risk. If there is a liable transferee and the loan was current at the time of transfer, a determination must be made as to whether or not the veteran's immediate transferee or a liable transferee qualified from an income and credit standpoint to assume the obligation to repay the unpaid balance of the loan at the time the property was acquired. This determination will be based on a review of information received by VA prior to receipt of the claim and/or information developed by VA after the claim was received.

(1) The post-transfer payment history of the immediate transferee or of any liable transferee will be used to approve a release in the absence of credit and income information at the time of the transfer (i.e., the credit and income information will not have to be obtained if a release can be approved without it). A release will be granted if the account was maintained current for 12 months after transfer or, if delinquent during that time, the delinquency subsequently cured; or, a default resulting in loan termination which began within 12 months after the transfer was shown (through VA supplemental servicing or the holder's servicing) to have been caused by circumstances beyond the transferee's control which could not have been foreseen at the time of transfer.


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(2) If a release cannot be approved based on the post-transfer payment history, credit and income information on the immediate transferee and on any liable transferees will be reviewed to determine if a release will be approved.

(a) If, based on information available in the loan folder, it appears that either the liable transferee or the immediate .transferee would have qualified from an income and credit standpoint, then this aspect of the release requirement would be considered satisfied. For example, if a release considered under 38 U.S.C. 3713(a) was preliminarily approved but ultimately rejected or withdrawn for a reason unrelated to the immediate transferee's credit and income, such as the absence of a copy of the deed, the evidence in the file may be sufficient to determine that the immediate transferee was a satisfactory credit risk. If the information in the loan folder shows that the liable transferee or immediate transferee was not a satisfactory credit risk at the time the property was acquired, the release will be denied and a letter will be sent to the veteran stating the reason for denial. (See fig. 7.) The denial letter will also provide information pertaining to appeal rights delineated at 38 CFR 1.9.

(b) In the absence of adequate information in the loan folder to determine if the immediate or liable transferee was a satisfactory credit risk at the time the property was acquired, the veteran will be contacted. The veteran's, immediate transferees, and any liable remote transferee's current addresses will be obtained from available VA records or a credit or skip-trace report (if obtainable) from an in-house credit report terminal. The veteran will be informed that VA is considering granting a retroactive release of liability and will be requested to provide VA with any pertinent information regarding the income and credit of the immediate transferee at the time of the transfer. Requests will also be made to the immediate and liable remote transferees for information concerning their income, credit and obligations at the time the property was acquired. The company which serviced the loan at the time of the transfers) will be sent similar requests, as the requested information may be in its files. All of these letters will request a reply within 60 days of the date of the letter. (See figs. 8, 9, and 10.) Upon receipt of any pertinent information, the case will be reviewed immediately to determine whether sufficient information is available to grant the release. A determination that no further information is obtainable may be made 90 days after the latest request for information has been sent.

1. If, based on all available information, it appears that the immediate or liable transferee was a satisfactory credit risk at the time of 'the transfer, then a release will be granted and the veteran will be notified in writing. The approval letter will mention that the reason a retroactive release of liability is being granted is because it appears that the immediate (or a liable remote)


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transferee would have qualified from a credit standpoint at the time of the transfer. The letter will also state that the granting of a retroactive release of liability does not restore the entitlement the veteran used on the loan. The veteran will be informed that any remaining available entitlement may be used to obtain another VA guaranteed home loan and a copy of VA Pamphlet 26-4 will be sent to the veteran. (See fig. 6 for suggested letter.)

2. If, based on all available information, it appears that neither the immediate nor a remote liable transferee was a satisfactory credit risk or sufficient information could not be obtained to determine that such a transferee was creditworthy at the time of the transfer, the release will be denied and a letter will be sent to the veteran stating the reasons for denial. (See fig. 7.) The denial letter will also provide information pertaining to appeal rights delineated at 38 CFR 1.9.

f. Documenting the Loan Folder. In all cases when the security was not owned by the veteran at the time or loan termination and the Government has suffered a monetary loss as a result of the termination, the loan folder will be documented to reflect the basis for the decision to grant or deny a retroactive release of liability. Decisions must be based on the facts of each case, and these facts must be documented. No "checklist" or "worksheet" will be acceptable for this purpose. It will be necessary to prepare a memorandum to file in each case, in addition to indicating on VA Form 26-1833 that release under 38 U.S.C. 3713(b) was considered or completing VA Form 26-6822. VA Form 26-6393, Loan Analysis, will be prepared for the immediate (or liable remote) transferee when credit and income data was used to make the decision and a loan analysis was not previously prepared for the transferee.

g. Completion of VA Form 26-1833 or 26-6822. After a decision has been made to grant or deny a retroactive release of liability, an original or an amended VA Form 26-1833 (M26-4, pars. 3.17 and 4.20) or VA Form 26-6822 (pars. 2.29 and 3.30) will be completed and forwarded to Finance.

h. Denial Letters. (See fig. 7.) Although the liable transferee's payment history is considered to approve a retroactive release, it cannot be a reason for denial or stated as such in any denial letter because this factor may not, under Travelstead v. Derwinski, be used for that purpose. The letter must state that a retroactive release was denied because:

(1) There is no evidence that the immediate transferee assumed liability for repayment of the loan and there are no other liable obligors; and/or,

(2) The loan was not current at the time the property securing the loan was transferred to the liable transferee, and it was not brought current within 15 days of the transfer; and/or,


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(3) The transferee was not a satisfactory credit risk.

(a) Neither the immediate nor any remote liable transferee would have qualified from a credit standpoint at the time of the transfer on the available pre-transfer credit information on the assumer; or,

(b) VA was unable to obtain, after reasonable investigation and inquiry to the veteran (concerning the immediate transferee), the transferees and the loan servicer, sufficient pre-transfer credit information to determine that either the immediate or remote liable transferee would have qualified from a credit and income standpoint at the time of the transfer.

(4) In affirming the COVA decision in Travelstead v. Derwinski, the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit held that post-transfer payment history may give rise to a reasonable inference of creditworthiness at the time of transfer and a retroactive release can be granted based on this inference (see subpar. e(l) above). Therefore, a denial letter based on unacceptable credit/income must also specify the reason why the post-transfer payment history does not give rise to a reasonable inference of creditworthiness. There are two such reasons which may be found upon review of the holder's servicing reports and the findings of VA supplemental servicing efforts:

(a) The default resulted from conditions which existed at the time of transfer (i.e., if a release of liability had been requested at the time of transfer, and VA had been aware of such conditions, the request would have been denied). For example, shortly before the transfer the immediate transferee filed a voluntary bankruptcy or the immediate transferee's employer announced that the plant the transferee worked in was being closed and none of the employees who worked there would be offered continued employment; or,

(b) Sufficient information concerning the reason for default is not available to support an inference that the transferee would have qualified from a credit standpoint at the time of the transfer.

(5) Both of the above reasons (subpars. (4)(a) and (4)(b)) require that the final default episode began less than 12 months after the transfer, and one of these reasons must appear in the denial letter if the transferee has unacceptable credit/income for the reason in subparagraph (3)(b) above. If subparagraph (4)(a) is given, the specific condition or circumstance must be cited. The denial letter will also provide notice that the decision may be appealed within 1 year from the date of the letter.

i. Appeal Procedures. Appeal procedures will be substantially similar to those used in the waiver process.


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(1) Notice of Disagreement. The denial letter will provide notice that the veteran may appeal the decision within 1 year from the date of the denial letter. Any appeal will constitute a notice of disagreement. Upon receipt of the notice of disagreement, a SOC (Form Letter 1-25a, Statement of the Case) will be completed. The SOC will contain the facts in the case and cite the applicable laws and regulations on which the denial was based, as well as the reason(s) for the denial. It will also notify the veteran of his or her right to appeal the denial to BVA (Board of Veterans Appeals) and specify that the appeal must be filed within 60 days of the date of the SDC, or within a 1 year period following the date of the initial denial, whichever period ends later. VA Form 1-9, Appeal to Board of Veterans Appeals, will be attached to the SDC. If the veteran requests a hearing in the notice of disagreement, a hearing will be arranged and held after the SDC is issued.

(2) Representation. The veteran may be represented, without charge, in connection with any appeal action by an accredited representative of a veterans' organization or other service organization recognized by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs. Veterans may also employ a private practice or legal aid attorney at their own expense. If the veteran appeals the decision, desires representation, and wishes to designate a service organization representative, Loan Guaranty will advise the appropriate service organization. The organization will be notified of the hearing arrangements and provided with copies of all pertinent documents (including the SDC, VA Form 1-9, any SSOC (FL 1-28a, Supplemental Statement of the Case), and the letter advising the veteran that the case is being forwarded to the BVA).

(3) Personal Hearing. Although not required, if the veteran wants a personal hearing to present evidence or argue any point of importance in an appeal, it will be arranged at a time and place convenient to VA and the veteran. The veteran may bring representatives or witnesses to the hearing and their testimony will be entered in the record. VA will furnish the hearing room, provide hearing officials, and prepare a transcript of the proceeding at no cost to the veteran. Copies of the transcript will be provided to the veteran and any representatives together with notice of the next pending action in the appeal (the SDC, SSOC, or letter advising that the case is being forwarded to BVA). If the hearing is requested after receipt of a completed VA Form 1-9, it will fall under the control of BVA. Depending on the veteran's preference, the hearing may be held at BVA in Washington, D.C., or by a traveling BVA review board. Requests for hearing by the traveling review board will be scheduled through inclusion in Adjudication Division's "docket" of pending BVA hearings.

(4) Statement of the Case . Form Letter 1-25a will summarize the facts in the case, state the pertinent law/regulations, the decision, and delineate the reasons for the decision. The reasons


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provided should be clear and based firmly on the applicable law (38 U.S.C. 3713(b)) and regulations (38 CFR 36.4285(f), 36.4323(g) or 36.4508(c)). The SDC will be sent to the veteran along with VA Form 1-9.

(5) Supplemental Statement of the Case . If no new material evidence is presented after the SOC is issued then, upon receipt of the veteran's appeal to BVA, VA Form 1-9 and the loan folder will be forwarded to BVA for consideration. However when new evidence is presented in response to the SDC which materially affects the case, the denial will be reconsidered before referral to BVA. The release will be granted if appropriate. If the denial stands, an SSOC will be prepared and sent to the veteran along with another VA Form 1-9. Form Letter 1-28a will be prepared similarly to Form Letter 1-25a, but will also address the new material information/evidence presented by the veteran in his or her response. NOTE: A personal hearing will be handled as if new evidence is being presented which materially affects the case, and an SSOC will be prepared, even if no such evidence is actually presented.

(6) Appeal to the Board of Veterans Appeals. If no new material evidence is presented, then upon receipt of the veteran's appeal to BVA, VA Form 1-9, the notice of disagreement, SDC, any SSOC, the loan folder and any other pertinent information will be forwarded to BVA for consideration. A letter will be sent to the veteran stating that the case is being forwarded to BVA.

(7) Appeal to the Court of Veterans Appeals. A final BVA decision may be appealed to the United States Court of Veterans Appeals (COVA). An appeal must be filed within 120 days from the date of the BVA decision. BVA's decision Should contain information concerning a COVA appeal.

(8) Control of Folders. Loan folders will be maintained separate from other files when in the appeal process. The status of an appeal will be recorded in NDT (Notice of Disagreement Tracking System). Coding instructions are contained in M21-1, part II, chapter 7.


a. VA Form 26-6380a (par. 3.16) will be maintained to record the disposition of each case determined eligible for consideration under 38 U.S.C. 3713(b) and to provide source data for statistical purposes.

b. A case will not be entered on VA Form 26-6380a unless it has been determined that (1) the veteran is indebted to the Government because of a default and loan termination or payment of a claim under Loan Guaranty; (2) the security property was not owned by the veteran at the time of loan termination; (3) the property was disposed of by the veteran on or after July 1, 1972; and, (4) one or more of the


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veteran's transferees, immediate or remote, is legally liable for the debt to the Government or the veteran's immediate transferee was, at the time of transfer, potentially liable to reimburse VA for the amount of any claim paid by the Government, or for any deficiency, in connection with the termination of the loan.]

