Do you think it is important for a country to defend its borders?


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Do you think it is important for a country to defend its


1 644-1911 Qing 1279-1368 Yuan 1368-1644 Ming

The Forbidden City was the innermost square of the imperial city. It was surrounded by a moat and a high wall. The Forbidden City contained palaces for members of the imperial family, and the Hall of Supreme Harmony, where the emperor held court.

Zheng He brought back giraffes, zebras, tigers and ostriches. When people saw the giraffe, people told the emperor Zheng He had brought back the mythical creature which appeared when the wisest emperor began his rule, a qilin. The emperor replied, “That is no qilin, and I am no wise man”.

After defeating the Mongols in 1368, the Ming emperors tried to rid China of all Mongol influences.

Kicked out everything Mongol!!!!

After defeating the Mongols in 1368, the Ming emperors tried to rid China of all Mongol influences.

The goal was to bring back old traditions from previous Chinese dynasties.

Four Confucian social classes- 1 scholar gentry 2 peasants 3 artisans 4 merchants

Saw themselves as self-sufficient unlike Europeans who had to trade.

Received money through taxes and tribute from Japan, Korea and Tibet.

Kicked out everything Mongol!!!!

Made money from taxes and tribute from Korea and


Revival of Chinese culture

Scholar Gentry




To protect the northern frontier of China, the Ming government encouraged soldiers to move with their families to the frontier zone, offering them land in exchange for protection. The Ming also decided to move their capital city north as well to Beijing. The Ming made relationships with other various nomadic tribes

giving them titles and honors in exchange for loyalty and tribute.


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Macau and its position in Portuguese and Spanish global trade routes

• 1390- the first imperial edict aimed at limiting overseas commerce is issued.

• The Ming war fleet declined dramatically. Strict limits were placed on the ships size, number of masts and the quality of supplies used.

• The Chinese shut themselves in while the rest of the world was exploring. The Europeans were fascinated with imperial China.

Increased security at the Great

Wall to protects against invasion

Limited exploratio

ns to other

areas and grounded their fleet

Limited the amount of trade that

existed with European contacts

Increased emphasis placed on all things Chinese

Do you think this made China

stronger/safer or weaker/vulnerable


• In the 1600s a new nomadic threat emerged- the Manchus.

• The Manchu people were a nomadic tribe located to the north of both China and Korea.

• Once a united fighting force under Abahai, the Manchus took over Korea, inner-Mongolia and eventually overthrew the Ming dynasty.

There are many books written lately about the role of the Chinese in world history. They had superior weaponry and technology than the Europeans, but unlike the Europeans they did not look to build a world empire. What do you think would have happened if the Chinese had chosen to increase their power? How would the world be different today?
