DO NOW (while you're waiting!) If you don't have a QR code reader on your phone, go to...


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DO NOW (while you're waiting!)

If you don't have a QR code reader on your phone, go to your apps store and search for a

free one (try just “qr”). Download it now.

Use your new or existing app to scan the code (square barcode-type thingy) on your handout. This will instantly take you to my sample library

mobile website.

The mobile phone has become the favored communication hub for the majority of American teens. __ Pew Internet & American Life Project, April 2010

Teens who have multi-purpose phones are avid users of those extra features.

83% use their phones to take pictures. 64% share pictures with others. 60% play music on their phones. 46% play games on their phones. 32% exchange videos on their phones. 31% exchange instant messages on their phones. 27% go online for general purposes on their

phones. 23% access social network sites on their phones. 21% use email on their phones. 11% purchase things via their phones.__ Pew Internet & American Life Project, April


According to the Library Success Wiki, mostly academic libraries.

Some public libraries:

Some even have iPhone and Android apps!

Shows the bare minimum – simplicity! Few images

Less width – no scrolling Different domain name? Test on different phones Examples:

(click on “gallery”)

We want fast, free and easy!

There are several sites where you can design a mobile site. Unfortunately, most have ads or a monthly charge.


Here’s one that’s free and ad-free (for now) –

Sign up/sign in

Use Dashboard to create/edit site

Make sure you select “disable advertising”!

Add a logo/background; customize colors

Click “Homepage content” to edit

Rename channels/turn channels on or off to customize menu

Be sure to link to your mobile site from your full site:

Or buy a domain name (as low as $2-3 a year for a .info), then do a redirect to your mobile site

Winksite creates a QR code for you. Smartphone users scan this to find your site – see handout.

IDEAS: Put it up on your library door and

around the school Make bookmarks with your QR code What else??

Ideally, your site would automatically detect the iPhone/Blackberry/etc. and send user to the ideal site

However, this requires coding/scripting that’s way beyond me.

But you can try this site:

Library Anywhere! From LibraryThing and Bowker (Beta) Not free -- $150 for school libraries +

$50 for additional locations

Converts an existing Web page

Doesn’t always work, or work very well!


for design tips, testing, icons, apps, and more Examples of great mobile sites
