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Sacramento, CA 95816

140th Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion (Self-Propelled)

Eldon F. Anderson Papers


Historical Record – Do Not Destroy

- . . . . 1 ·

1 ~ ' \

Ji ~~ <~~, ~~ it 1'. CUQ) jz (-=..f :11 l t <=-.> 1, ,~\, j: ~(1 i(iJ (--.) ;t§ ttf, ;t ,t t., l -¼ i/J, Wf~ ~; t± %- 1:. ~ ~ oo, ~ 11 ~ ifr.. L je_. l 1J 4l · 1 ft: ~00 rtt~ ~ ifll Jru .~-~. jf' ~ 1rr: im. f ~ f 1: ~ ,t( # 1< ~~p ,at~ 1J rl)l itl1P~ · ~ , -..Jl. ~t l -~," ~/-~~,. ri, ~ !l ~ 1t~r ~t ~~ P-t

.+. , rt ~-.a0 .rl ftt ·l. -l<··> , ~ ~, :1~ ~i -l :··, .

·"" }. .. "~ . - ~ - - • ..._. -..i... ~ -.


T~: All persons leaving the Far Command.

1. In view ef the current emergency situation in the Far East Command, persons depart:ing this command will not communicate or transmit to any person except as indicated in Paragraph 2, below, orally er in writing or otherwise any information, data, or rumors concerning or rela~ ting to:

a. Military operations, whether by the United .::5tates or its Allies, or estimates of the military situation in the Far East.

b. Military (nrmy, Navy, and Air Force) units, their location, disp~sition, strength, movements, utilization, mission, commands, or personnel assigned thereto,

c. ~Ii.litary material, supplies, transport, intelligence, com­rrunications, plans, logistics, policies, or tables of organization.

d. Any informati~n of a clas$ified nature which may have be­CQme known to any individual in the course of his employraent or stay in the Far bast Command.

e. Any reports of military action or movements other than th~se theretofore published or broadcast. · f. Civilian compon~nts of military units, civilians assigned to military organization or the nature of their duties.

2. The avove restrictions d0 not apply under the following circumstances:

a. 1ihen a general officer or a military authority authorized to issue special orders issues written authority to divulge information in the conduct of official business.

b. Vvhen a person knows that the information has appeared in a private publication, an official or unofficial government publication or other publications that are not classifi ad as R20TRICT.d:J or higher.

3. I certify that I have advised or will advise all of my depend­ents, who are capable of understanding of the contents and meaning of

these instructions: and further, I acknowledge my responsibility for their unauthorized disclo~mre of such information.

4Q I have read, understand and agree to comply with the fore­going restrictions, a copy of which I have received.

* VVhen applicable

Si' .:c I.iL cro .. ms :Ftn-JL:.:R •.•••• 22

E.Z.ill olu&.1:I' ..;RJ l 4Dth .\._\._·l .\·,; E 1 t tali on 3P

Jar.:1J 'Jook], Jalifornia

.. '

12 1:1r 51

1. Zxi[cnciJs of tho sv ~l'=!,.Vin1 prohibi L~'.. th0 is3uancc of ord in idvanco, fol i::?1i in fr i~dici.t..;;d ;h3.ving __ bc,m aszd t:1in orl':n in cowpliancJ '.I i t:-. p:tr 2 3C 55 aq 40th Inf iJi,( Jar.::_J C_oo:{.::. J1lifurnia is furthor asgd to Eq & nq BtrJ, ll}Oth A.1. ,\. A.I Bn 'sf~ . ~DC~-:R 3 Lar 51.

Q3.rJw.,l1, Ja.iiies C., U355059643, -LGS 4602

2. The f ollowini 311 ( .t'tain'2eo) nld fr::.: ?..Ggwt uni ts inrlic'lted and 1N asgd in &,r to the R·'.:iar/-Jot, -~th Inf Ji v, Liq Batt0ry, 9ol st FA En.

' .:.:DJLR 15 :.arch 1951. Auth: vood- 6th .. ~r~y ?..nJ J{J s' ;;:q 4ot~1 Inf Ji V d td . 8 k .. r 51; :1.s 3.I!JJncl..:;d cy GC 7 ~ Hq 40th Inf Ji v, cl td 3 i.(ar 51. fC 3. :ro tvl in vol vod. ·

Gr:1d0: Na:J0 i

~-lg [_ r..q ;}try, 140th .u .. ·. -~-; 3n 31.:.

.2vt-l :m::brson, .... ldon_ ~.

Pvt-1 Bailey, ·.;i11ia21. :-i. i>vt-1 3crlin, John ..: .• ?vt-1 Boger, E,1rv 0y .: • ?vt-1 3ra::.;c, :.:-.:?.rlo·d D. i'vt-1 3rm1:;,r, B..:,m:.ctt J. 1:ivt-l Bro'.tnin6 , Rog-Jr •'-• ?vt-1 Jard~0ll, Ja~cs J. Pvt-1 ~hri3l0r, Juan~ 'J. tvt-1 Jhristsnsc~, R2ed K. i'vt-1 'Joffoy, .~11,m .:;_. ?vt-2 'J op-3, J s .~. ivt-1 Doarflar, Donal~ L. Pvt-1 D-:mahu3, faul V. fvt-1 franklyn, ~aJri:lond ?vt-1 H1rnl, Jobn .... ~vt-1 ~atch, Richard rt. ?vt-1 .2oiaingt.on, Ja::-,cs ..:. • :2vt-l Irby, JollnT. ?vt-1 Jacobs, ChirlaG s. ?vt-1 Janson, Leonard J. i'vt-1 JorI-. .moon., :--.ob.::r:t .:. i-vt-1 k1.nafiolc1, St.u:irt ,~. rvt-1 :,:artin, . :~.:,l vin L •

. i'vt ... 1 :J.han, john J. :i::>\rt-i MtchJll, John S.

. r'\tt.-1 i~ock, Lc1·ris O. rvt-i 1-:osel .3~-, i):ivid F. i'vt-1 lfar:l :mi, Ray J. ?vt-1 · r-:au::.:an, G;:;org·J J. fvt-1 N'.3t1cll, aob:;rt ~.

R.~i 7314680 -~rt i'Y ? ~"rs F.?!b 54 R.~l 7322001 .'J=i'l'Y 21 ·.;:o s lfov 52

. U.355079912 sRT"i 21, 1:10S ifov 52 P...i.1353T2;2 . ..Rl'Y 21 DOS rov 52 U35603;423 .• RI'Y 21 j:.:.:,s Yov 52 U:3551156.JJ .·.Rn 21 ~OS Evv 52 U.355113195 .'i."i,TY 21 .:.:o;:; jfov 52 Us5305964J iRTY 21 nos Nov 52 035;115532 ·.RTY 21 cos l,·ov _::-2 U..:l561112S4 .• RTY ~l r.:os N'ov 52 U::,55115706 •• in'Y 21 i:}OS t~C>V 52 R.~5411956 . .• R7i 21 ;::o s ifov 52 U3551155ol ,..RTY 21 ::...o s !:o': 52 us2J651466 ~RTY 21 ~OS Nov 52 FLU73:J7196 ,i;;_'IT 3 yrs P0b 54 us55115576 .'1.RTY 21 LlOS l\uv 32 us55115194 .~R1'Y 21 1;.;os Eov 52 ?...1.l 7)14623 •• RTY 3 yrs [i'et 54 r-.. ~17514635 .~?.TY ; yrs F0b 5L} u35507)921 .rnTY 21 :::uJ l~ov 52 us5404o734 ,i\.TY 21 ·,:10s nov 52 UJ;5109751 ~R7I 21 ::oG J.fov 52 U 35511<3676 .• RIT 21 .::00 Kov 32 u.:::55115.536 .·.:;:::rY 21 :::Oti Eov 32 us561112!D .• nTY 21 ,.:o s Fov 52 us54o0:)419 .?,:'Y 21 ,.lOS Eov 52 rl..U 7507143 .".?.TY 5 yrs F::b 54 U~:56111232 .R7Y 21 i.:os !-~ov 52 U.355113193 -~7-'i:Y 21 r.1cs rov 52 U356111294 .Rl'Y 21 :.:os ITov 52 u355115156 .~1.TY 21 wos t~,.:, v 52


4602 4502 4602 46J2 4602 46J2 4602 4602 4602 460 2 4602 460 2 l0n? 46J2 4602 4602 4602 4602 4602 4602 46·)2 45-J2 46J2 4.5'.)2 L}6'.)2:

4602 4602 46J2 4682 4602 4602

Spooi~i C rd -;ro 22, ... ·.q, 140th .. ,

2n s~~' 'Ji·.::) ·J ee,!~ ~' Calif., 12 J:~cr 51 .i,.~-~ ..... ,

Gr:1dc: r::,.,~ ... ., • .3r: :w I:r:TC . .:! :..."'I' .3 : V!C-3: ~. = ---?vt-1 3uc:::, To:.:c ~ :;.UJ5a726'3 .a.RTY 3 yro F0b 54 46C2 .;,.

~.)vt-1 On.rt, !)aniol .,.. U ...,)S03;4;;2 :.P.1Y 21 ::.:0 3 Ke v 52 46-~, .r .. -''-

i'vt-1 0:10.plin, J:1a:rlc::i R. us551i5600 -~f~Y 21 110s :rov 52 4()2 r'vt-1 Ol1rz, Ji;:: ~,

u::i.56111255 '!"')t7'"T 21 ::10'J 1:ov 52 4602 ,.;r. ...~~..L..&-

.:vt-2 Couc h , GHinns:;tt ..

JrU325421394 :..;.l.TY 21 rov 52 l+(J2 .~: .. :.:vs :i:-vt-1 Jcv.Jrt, G-0cr6c

., u 32_5i+15797 .• :c-aY 21 :10s Eov 5'2 l:~)2 . .1ivt-l Qrapc, }:0rLan ., , UJ560J;;l.J ~rT.\.1"

.. 1-.,l ~.i. ~ 21 :::oo i,'ov 52 46n? ..,_ ..:'vt-1 Grics;jan, Jx.:10 0

,., R.~l T;; J7;65 J.

0l,.~TY ~·ro l!.Jb 54 46J2 ".J • , jvt-1 H?.1i!kins, ~)~ul TT U.3;4J4o347 .:..ii.j,)~ 21 :JOO Nov 52 46'.)2 r .. • J.:,Vt-1 Holley, J ol}Il o. U3'.54J4o773 "J.iTY :21 ::~C D Fov 52 l-16Ci2 ..--'vt-1 ii0rak, ~0~0rt L. a:~17514605

... , -,-,'\_:- ~rr3 fi"3 b 54 4<---,·, .u:\l .i. .,I ...) ,J !'.._

?vt-1 I--i...;u·~c;'10na, tb.rolJ -" . ?t.~194D;213 . .r\TY 5 yro Feb 54 40'J2 ... vt-1 ::t1t·~cn, C,ilbcirt 3. U375111263 , --. ; --i•r

••. nJ.l 21 ::;co l!ov 52 46J2 ?vt-1 H:rd3, G.:,orj,:, c. R..U35372':-'7 .:U.11'I ) ~rrs Feb 54 46C2 .;.·vt-1 J2-c l~son~ ~1.::-bert ..

~7322JJ1 ·Drny 3 :rro fi'cb 54 46:,? ...... ...... ~\.!. .... ~-.i.:Vt-1 Jandoro., 2ilbs:;rt .:.• . U::i55115::A5 .~TY 21 ~-}V G l''OV 52 4'.:'_;2 .1.-vt-l Jo ro!~c ., · .. 'illia::: ... . u_::;55115343 .. :.F~ji'Y 21 ::.:!:; a :rc-v 52 Ll(J2 .i:'Vt-1 La ~u0, ::::1 vin G. U~55115;91 -..- .7\1" 21 ~-~ ...... ,.... rc,v 52 4602 .... .r\J. ..L --VO

.c'Vt-1 L 0..,-·1 r.::nc.:;, ¥-tarion 0 • U.:,55115:;:~9 .• :.=tTY 21 :i'..:OG E:.,v 52 4602 rvt-1 i.,n.yton, . J. , ,..,

u.:;54045096 "-"':'Tl"I',.. n :_l(..: J r-:.:..v 52 46J2 .• r , .. 1u r .J• -J..1.-\.i.. l.:

j;'Vt-1 1 00.r, rtcb;::;rt ::) . us5511J::;92 ~~TY 21 ::.ios Nov 52 Ll6J2 :.·vt-1 Lindn.J~·, Alvin

.., UJ550,3490) -~?.TY ?1 :::os Eov ·-? 4SC2 J. -J. )-

~:..vt-1 1-:-:>.rty, Do;.nld .L • u-:_5511J79J . ,·- -.,,. '.21 :·:oei 1:cv 52 46-::,2 .l..i"i..i. .... .

.. :'vt-1 Kull in, Pirr:an ..., J ...,.lT',.,,.,1~1 • ~:-:--:"'.r .) ~;/TO F- 1-. 54 4602 • r •i...,,.\. /'-- ) . .. .t \l .L '-''-'

J.JVt-1 N.Jl::ian, llJhoncc E. .Ll ... l 7; 1459.S ... :..-{i_:y 5 :.'"r~ F ~'-v.., :>4 4602 ~.,vt-1 ~'Uc ,Jhinsky,Li:niLl l .:.::1 .Il. U35}J:i4:374 .. ·w.q;;:y 21 ;:_1(.3 rov 52 46)2 ..-vt-1 i'.O::tl~k, Doiuld R.. U:355111252 :::-.TY '),

-.L c.1C.:G :r-. V 52 4))2 ~_,vt-1 l:\,,,,G.J J J c :m T. U355·11:;73.3 -·l.r .. r_:·r 21 ::.!OO rev 52 lj.5)2 ... ·vt-1 Ruff, Jc, ~m .., u:;55J34911 -~:-~TY 21 ~.:JC i-:ov 3·=2 46,J2 j,\.

... Jvt-1 Sch:.c:r::;r, 1:01 vin ~ .. U355JJ4900 :-;1--l" -~J.;..1- ..t. 21 ~~~e, G r ov CC -:)

,)-- 46J2 .c'vt-1 Schuna, :i,·12..rd ,...,

UJ550349J5 , T"'\r,'1r 21 WC·!J Eov 52 4602 "'" ··'-· .... .l

:i·vt-1 3:rncs, Otic ~i. ::1.u 7307262 . .'.:?~TY :,: ~:-:r:3 ~ ·. ,""' 51~ 4602 .,I '-'-'

i;.vt-:-1 :!illb.::oc; :::::ud -}11 U :::;)04;099 . - .. -;:·r .?.l Ecv r:::: ·? 4602 .~ .. ··~ \.i.. .l.

... : ... .1..., ,/'-

~-vt-1 Zi .J:~s.n, G,:;rdon .. , usx:.111256 .... rr~- 21 lJCC l;C; V r::,? 4602 i, • .. la..t."'...1-l _,, ,_

Btr,L ,., 14::;t:1 -~i.i.

, .. !

.3n 3? J 2 .;.,,

:i:'vt-2 All.Jn, J a::1e s '. us:2:5940010 :1.rtTY 21 r.100 l1Jcv 52 4602 J.•J..

.1.'vt-l Bc;:.:io, I(cnn,:,th , us560C5422 _,. 4-~rtTY :21 ::03 lJ9v 52 4602

~·vt-1 Bcn;:;ck~, G~r~ld J. R:i.17324740 .~?.TY 21 r:os 1·: V 52 Lf.5J2 .1.vt-l Ire.den, ·.;illi?.:-,: H. us55113725 ;,Rl'Y 21 .. . ,.... Kev 52 4S·J 2 -· - · L.J

.. vt-1 Oarlcon, ~l:i.10.o J. UJ550J52;9 .·1.~TY 21 ·:.:vo l c, v !=,'J 4602 .,,. -

.1:'vt-l Oc.rr, :J<.m"llJ L. u_.,56111252 . ~·.,,~ .. -~, .... J. 21 ··· -·, r,

.L-v.:..i F::iv 52 l+SG2 ?vt-,-1 '.J:1.t~1~y, :Cobby D. u~ 25429,,~1+2 .: .. :~TY ·21 ~::0.J Fov 52 4.SC)2 i'vt-1 01.:1.w :;on, Rob.nd C u35Lo45202 ~RTY ·21 :.120 l'!ov 52 4602 :.-vt-1 Jorriv0au, K.Jnn.,th J.R~l7:;;.J501 .~?.'lY 5 yro F\~b 54 4502 .1..:.Vt:-l :>a.hll: lo~ ' , _ Arnold =(. US;,.50J4J-..>l • .......,-, ... r 21 '. :JOG 1,0V 52 46·J2 .l,r\J. .l.

J.'Vt-1 J:ran::clka, L::lvin L. us530J]:~ 24 :~-:IY '). ._1 '.JOG r:ov 52 4602 ~-vt-1 .!:aston, · Jchn ..... li:.')5,6111229 :~-:..1y 21 :ilOJ l:'ov 52 Lf6J2 ..,) . J.'Vt-1 fi'rocb .J r[, L'."L1·1 r cnc o :~.u:;55u9755 4~E.iY 21 ::.100 i1~0V ;:::? 4602 ,)-

Pvt-1 Glodt, f'n.ncic ·- us551J245J _·.?.TY 21 7.l03 Fov 52 4..5 J2 Il •

r'vt-1 :i~0nlor.:;on, .-~i·thur r~ • 'J ..:.551 lJJOl .i.RTY 21 ::JCS l'~OV 52 46)2

.. , ;- .\ .. .. .

. . .. -.; ,

Special Grders 22, Hq, i4otr. A..U. x.: Bn SP, '.J i:L~:pC 'Joo·:;:0, oa:ttf, 12 ' 51 ,· ,· .. :J.r · . .. ' . .. :\ .

Grade: Naw0: SN: Ir.r - Er:Tc._:_:. ::::TS: ::cs; ...

Pvt-1 n cnry, Robert L. us561 ii249 .. 8TY 21 i iJ OS Nov 52 .4602 fvtH :2:uf'f, Gerrald R. ' 7"56111?? -= -::,rri , - "'),

::-.!OG lTov 52 hS02 L; .:J . - .. • ---) .G...i.. ~.L J.. ·- J.

Pvt-1 ~font, ::::.:cold P.•' . . U3;,5085 241 "-.R'I;l- . 21 :·c:os I-To1 .52 L}GC2 .. '... ~· .tvt-1 J•.: ialc, Floyd J -,~c::,;03-?Q? j Jf;'Y 21 iJ: O ::: ,t·.: e,. "lo~ 52 _Lh:5e,2 . U0/.,, );;- -

·Fvt-1 J oans, · :-~ e ::.A;'"w.:tn us54o4:5192 _i3:;::r -21 - ~·os ,.,- 52 L:(:J2 · Fvt-1 Jenaen , L·:Jla:1cl. · r

U.::i55085205 .. ~rt~:): ;-n ·iJ GG ::~0<.r i::'? 4:::J ·2 . , . _,1~

l'vt-1 Jo ::; 3:?h, -Glenn ' L·. ;_;355085206 .·u-q: !:y 2r j)l Q::J' -r ·c,v j?. .~k-02 Pvt-1, 'l'i'i0:0.i '.1 8 J n ~~510;,4i::::=,; -:) ;1""1:l' - 21 1iJ C S · l\!ov ,,'.) . • Ji.._: ) 2 . u~::;, . - .;,, ... t.l , J,. .... .,,-Pvt-1 Xcra.n~ teo J. . . ucc -- o".' 4no,., ;:in" 2 1 -:i'.lOG :-;o--, ~ ') 4-:_ Cl2 u;) ) ,_j ,/ D .. >.i. ~ J . .,,-

U:3_550$4-34i'.;.R-='Y .

?vt.,-1 Lc..rson, .... . , .. . ~

21 ~ . .:Os . 1;·0v- h,? L'.,<)C:2 ..:..t cnn··i\ .• .,, -i-'v1,.:..1 · LeLlc:_r} J-~1(;. st·0 r : L ~. US"'5 03525.2

. ~,.,,~ .. 21 :.JOS Fov ,::: ') /;f::. Ji .H U . 1 .,,·-. ;

Pvt-1 Liddl e , 'Jl~rd3 -· T •• 2iA194.0 4T ~3 .;,::-c..:Y y rc f a j 54- 4:~.;c-2 ·,t:..· . <., J. • ,I .,

Pvt-1 Lut:-ie r, L:i.:rt ;i.n ..,

J S:;,3035207 . ..-, .- ,--.:., . -41,_ \ - .J.

? , _ . .,. :.]_O B F ov 52 4(/j2 Pvt-1 JciO.l l O r~r, ·lil li c.:::a ii.Jru s5508 5205

. "'")~~- -)~ . :nos LOV ::;? li.50 2 .. lJ: l .:..l. _,L ;--

?vt-1 ~:cI:ulL:m, ·:illiam US55lt56Y5 .'~R'i'Y ?1 ·:11os Fov 52 46r• ? _ J. v _

Pvt-1 1-~unt, Jon::il d 1\:- u3550J5204 .;.?.'::Y ·) '; :·Joa Foy C:: ? 1+502 . .i. ·." • _,1. /-

Pvt-1 Polsfo 3s, Ro.~.11~011.0. ..,

us550J5234 .'.P;'l'Y 21 wOD Fov 52 4602 .:., . f-vt-1 Re n:12.k.J r, ..' .. l ~'-D J. R~94J;lr77 _· .. F~~-Y ";/ r G F -'~ 34 -4602 / - ,_

?vt-1 3 cv::.rrw, :J ~;.2roncc J . U .:;;:;:511 ,5672 ·oaTl,r: .... \...1., ......

?, .:_.J.. 3C3 rov 52 46-J2

ivt-1 St3.rnc;:;, ] t1-J 8.l . ., ~ ?.."il 7307405 • T")m--;.~ .·:.. :-r ;:; Feb 54 4602 .u.!\ J.-'- /

?vt-1 'i' s u lc:~.naki ' T_- • .J.. •• ...., 1_.. • i sl l,V i.> .-l · J356 1112J 0 ... RT'I 21 'JOS :tov -;,

)- l.;602 ( l :ongol i ::in) ?vt-1 ·wo.rnsr, F'r .; d.-3 ri c:c L. JJ55115S.J2 .'.?.TY ?' mos :!'.-Tov ~?' 4602 _j_ / ·-

i:'vt-1 Wood, Jo..was ·1 . F:-ll -3;99336 .'.R:'Y - yr s Jo.n i:::,4 45D2 / / .

i:-'vt-1 Zic, :) c: r, JL:.,~:- :J. R~l94'J;474 -~·~ :;y ~ "';l ~-- .J F8 'c .--: lL 4602 ~ ,.,,1 •.

-:,J. - ,;r ~l.,J..J. J, 140th ~~ ••. :i.:

· ·t •'- ·' Bn S:P

Fvt-1 ;..ustin, E::nry s. UJ:;6083521 ·~~RTr 21 ;nos Irov "',2 / . 4602

i-vt-1 Bri J ~1t ., i~:'.u ricc fi'. F..' .. 1J~~4725 .:~RTY ;; ~rrs F' c. b 54 4( 02 ?vt-1 Brown , Floyd J. R: .. 17507415 ~•R·?i ;,: ;,; .. rs Fee ; 4 4602 /

.tvt-1 Caw-t hon , D-w id. . ~·" :1s551 l ':,,T!.7 ~~RrY 21 1:.10:J -"::ov 52 lrS0 2 Pvt-1 '.Jopl e: 0 , :.rt:, ur 3. U.355035253 •• RI'Y 21 illOC l"ov "'.? 4002 .,, -?vt-1 .:.:c:. -;-1.:>..rcl a , 0 ~roll C U :: ,56111302 vr:, ... ,- 21 ,JCS l , OV r:::') 4602 . ••L \..l. .i.. .,,,,. 't...-

:2vt-l ns k i, fi'r::.ncis .:...u 3:;,5102457 ·.RTY 21 ~;.l0 3 Nov c-; ri ./"· 4502

1:,vt-l Grd, Ro:-:. 1·t · r U35~034908 -~rt:Y ?" 2J OS Ecv 52 4'502 . ; . _.L

?vt-1 Gros s , :::uvin F. 005;.11557~ _iR'i'Y 21 "10S Hov 52 L!~S02 ?vt-1 :fof;:;r, · .. ' il bur J . U 355,1024~-7 ."JllY 21 L.lOS lTov 52 4502 Pvt-1 :foll and, : ~ilo ' u s56111239 .:.RTY 21 ,;.;os 1·:0v "~? 4602 ;J . .,,-.Pvt-1 :.unt :; r, Ja.k _-;,.. RAl T);J47-3 .~Vi'J :;; :/ rD Fet 51} li602 i'vt-1 J CTh"li11~G, f:'3.J:-urn L. :1: .. 183J3196 . .2'.::'Y :,; :~rs F .:; ;) 51!. 4602 /

~.:.vt-1 !Coe:im, Vernon -· ~732 21 Lf6 ~F~TY .,.

~:-rs 2 ::: b 54 45~2 .:.., . .)

Pvt-1 Lin~1:::.rt, C-Lm -~ U355·07) 925 .R'i'Y 21 rJ0:3 l'ov 52 l.f6CJ2 __,. r'vt-1 .;,. .. o..nn, }60r ::£ ~ ~ Jr. U3551024;0 -~.TY 21 ;:,JO;:; l.OV 52 4602 .:.., . .i.--'vt-1 - -~ J 13.' :> 8.1 V:.U.C·r J,.)55115653 .:.;~7y 21 E;OLl F0v 52 4502 .r-vt-1 - .. .l. Rcc.:;rt - us360J52~2 .• RTY 21 :J OG Fov ~ -) % 0 2 .. _8 t,Z, __,. )-

rvt-1 :r .:a g:l c~r, :~::irion ~ U.5.530352:::;5 _·2TY 21 :.:'.:03 Eov 52 li-6 02 ,:, . rvt-2 L :tz :: r, John .. . :_:.357115::::,5 .... rtTY 21 ,:JOG r ov s ·;, 460 2 _.,,-j_->yt-1 1Tordquist, J .:::ro;::.o 1- • R..l 7514326 ~.F~TY ) ~rrn ci\: b 51~ 4602 • ·vt-1 Cl eon, :,.x,:;l L • E_j.27561701 .• r-:lY / ~-r l"S i;i\; b ;4 400 2 ?vt-1 R3el, l--:ilton

. r ... :1.1 3336;30 . -., ~- 3 ~-rrs F~t 51~ L:-602 __,. ~..t-u .i.

. / ( 140th Crdoro 22, .. ' Bn SP, 0 -ir.1::, 000:1 O:tlif., 12 ., ~~~~~ ,U, ; 1

G r1d,3: l~'J.:;"'l~: Sl-~: D•r :2 r :To·:: ~·I3: =-.:i. ---

Pvt-1 7.u G chl::o:l;;: r, ::t.:.1b.Jl't ;:;: • U:3.:;-50J519'.5 .·~;j_1y 21 iJCC l '.ov 52 Pvt-1 Sc;"!.r.:.-.m'i.t, Rob ,~rt . u.;;53O33171 _...._cfi'Y 21 :J( ... S ~.c•v :';,2 ·~. .i?vt-1 Sc'.:lui~, ·:! i l ·~ .. :(; r - iE;31O241+3 . .rtTI' 21 : ·JuS l 0 1.'

::-,? .:., _,,-?vt-1 3h'.nr, :Scrn_:,_rd • us550J5:24o _·.,?.TY ~l For :c, ')

•.I. • . _i;...:._;

:C-vt-1 To.nnc. r, Err~ast T'> uS;61122O5 .,.rC'Y 21 :]CO i'.c v ;.:.; •") ;:J. / -

i'vt-1 ~·Te-.ttcon, Gorden ._, u::2732)024 . T").,....,V 21 '.JOO Fcv ;- :>~ ., . - •i\J. ..i.. .-

i'vt-1 . . . :,rthur ~ -; US~·510 ~1+54 ... R:'Y 21 :Jc::, ro,! :::-~ .101.ssro.n, . -"vt-1 1-10rtc, ~ ' J. U3551O24O2 n,-:i°'.:-- 21 :!OG

--C 'T r= ,--.. _..,.., 1,. ,,l j_ • _/ -

i-'vt-1 ~.;ill ~~.rt::!S, :Bill .L·.i.. J:353115717 .• :~T:" ·"'), -.l. :.J(:. 3 ·:·o -r :)'.:.

Pvt-::. ·::illio.:..13, il':l.nG :Jl H. U354o43124 .·~RTY '), :.-JC:3 l~c·r - ·,.

:_ .l. - ., .,,, -:i:vt-1 ~.1i1Eo.::.1:., Vorlin F, R.".13:596071 :..rtTY ) ,-, ..... F(.J r..:· .' '~

J .I. .:..J /

rvt-1 ~-T ,.,ocbrd, Jc..rl R. u.)55113405 :~2TY 21 ~JOO :rov ~:, .., --rvt-1 Yn.c;Icr, Jn, ' - u.3550352::;6 :J\:'Y :21 :.}OS !'~(.. V C::.? ... .,1-

BY CIDER (.)fi' LL:~urZ:NANT :lCLCN.:.:L :3Jl:.,'..:;rn2:1:

OFFI:J L'J.,: n.w:.:orw :·T. 1~-=:ff1c..c:-n J0J0 usa ~csiGt:11:t ,'.djuto.nt


Lf(02 4c02 1f602 4602 4S02 ,~('2

. .f j2 ;J(,)2

1+r~-'~·2 -~S -J2 h.60'2 460'.2 46C2

:11.r 51

S?:S IAL 0:1DERS .~-: rBER ••••• • 13

HEADQUARTERS 140th AAA AW 3attalion SP

Camp Cooke, California


24 Feb 51

1 ~ Fol EM ( Caucasian unless otherwise indic8 ted) · in gr of PVT-1 having been asgd this orgn in coMpliance vr5_ th po.r 24 SO 46 liq 6219th Reception Center, Ft Lewis, Washington dtd 16 Feb 51 are further asgd to units indicated. EDCMH 25 Feb 51.

Hq & Hq Btry, 140th Afit. Ar.· Bn SP _! · ·- · .

Anderson; Eldon·F. -.. :'Brame, Barlow D. iloisingtoni James E. Irby, John T. Jorgenson, Rob~rt E. Volk, Reuben L.

. Btry

Bannister, Leon B. Carr, ·-Daniel R. Crape; Hermn.n A. Hornk, Robert L. Lindner, Alvin c. Nelson, Alphonse r. Pucshinsky, Llywellen Ruff, . John R. SchoMPler_, Melvin II. Schunn., Edwn.rd R,


Ber.tis, Kenneth ~ .. J. Dahlblom~ Arnold rr


Freebcrr;, , 0Lm,rrence n. Koran, ··Leo J.

' . Larson, Glenn ,~ .

1. 1 .


Austin, Henry s. Graf:, Robert w. Hetz,· Robert E, Olson, Axel L,







HA'l7314680 US560f.33,128 !.'Jil 7314623 I;.Al7314G85 US55109731 RA17314666

AAA AI! Bn --- --TJS56083502 US56083,132 US56083518 R/1.17314605 US55084909 HP.17311596 US55084874 US55084911 us 5503,1900 US5508:'.!:905

!u'\..J\. !-Sl Bn -·---~---------US56083122 US5508 •:'.:82'1 US55109733 US5508-:906 US5508'1:fVi:l

110th -~ /I !· .r .... -4" l, A' "T \ : Bn ---·-·--·-

US56083521 US55081908 US56083222 RA27361701




POT ( P) r.:os 4602 4602 4602 4602 4602 4602

4602 .4602 4602 £1602 4602

\ 4602 4602 " 4602 4602 4602

4602 4602 '1602 4602 ·1602

4602 1602 4602 ·1602


Speci nl Ord ors lTo. 13, Hq J.<,Oth Lfu11• f;F 3n SP, d td 2·1 Feb 51.

2. Fol EI.I (Cnucnsinn unless otherwise incHcntod) in er of PVT-1 h2vin6 boon n sc;d this orgn in cmr1plinnce with par 3 SO 118 Hq 6219th reception Center, Ft. Lewis, Dnshington, dtd 18 Feb 51 f.'. re further o.sgd to ·units indicnted. EDCtm 1 r·ro.r 51.

Christenson, Roed·N. Jo.cobs~ Chnrlos s. nen:r1.or, !:..nton · Smith, Donis B.

To.llerico, Albert

Chrz, Jim G.

Carr, Donnld L.

Hunter,·Dnlc H. Lin.~nrt, Glen E.

us 5 61112 6 t} .

TJS55079921 11!.17330,187 USSE-079928

IL:\ l 93,~6023

Btry B,· 140th AAA AW Bn SP


Btry C, 140th A~A AW 7 n SP


Btry D, 1,1oth I\.i\.J'. f'i.W Bn SP

• Rli.17330'.i:78 US55079923

Pot ( P) rms ---4602 11602 '1602 4602




<l:602 ··4502

3. Fol EI'! (Co.u crsinn unless otherwise indicc.tod) in gr of PVT-1 hnving bo e;1 o.sGd this orc;n in conplin.ncc wlth pnr 8 SOs,9 Hq 6219th Tiocoption Cant or, Ft, Le~is, Wnshincton, dtd 19 Fob 51 are further o.sGd t o u .1i_ts 5. ndicf'-tcd. EDCTIH 1 I'in r 51 ~

Hq t: IIq Btr~r, l•!Oth L!.J. f"J'J Bn SP

Donahue~ Paul V. · Moseley, D~vid P; Nnumnn, GoorGO J, White~ Frodoric~ E. White, Lawronco R.

Jordo.n, Steve VJ.


US28651·166 US 56111282 US5611129t.1: US5'6111276 US56111280


'1602 1602 1602 . 11602 t.1602

~602 .

J ,. (

Spocio.l Orders Vo. 13, Hq 110th f' .. !\!. ;\ r_r 3n SP, dtd 2~ Fob 51.

Houtchens, Harold E. Hutton, Gilbort·s. Roark, Donald n. Ziernnn, Gordon~.

Benecke, Gcrnld J. Easton, John<3. · Honr7, Robert L; Huff, Gerrald n.

{:-Tsuknmnki, l:i to shi

Edwnrds; Carroll o. Holland, Hilo D.

~H,1one;ol in.n

Btr-:r _J3,_l,.:COth i-..i,.;\ _ !'..\"! Bn Sl'

TI!i.19403218 US56111268 US56111252 US56111236

Bt ry C, 1-::COth !,AL 1\Xl Bn SP

RLl 732,17,10 TJS5-6111229 US561J.12~9 US56111225 US56111250

US56111302 US56111239

POT ( P) lIOS 4602 Lj:602 •1602 4602

·'1602 '1602 i}602 ,~602 '1602

4602 <1602


OFFICIAL: ---;, / '

_/ . / ' / . / / / __ _ __.,, ~//11(, ! ~Wl./211~, / -( _ / ,1/t:',tli77~tl

- _, I}f.YMO T W. r OR.\'JOOD WOJG US!. Assis t nnt Ldj u t nnt


Ri\.YLIOlTD W. N0RVJO0D WOJG USA Assist ant ~djut n nt


.:. I' ,. I ' ( •'

SPECIAL ORDERS nm.iBER~ ••••• 60

nE A.D0,UARTETIS -'- ~0 th .f.l iL AH Da·ttulion SF


• f

7 August 1951

1. Ha~inc; ~een assiGned this battalion per Par 1, SO 161 Ilq 40th Inf. Div~, dtd 2 AUG 51, and exigencies of·the service ha-v-fnc prevented tho issuance of order·s in advance, VOCO 6 Aug 51, assigninG 1st Lt. lIYROH G. IIUG, 0-~1061739, to Dtry C 140th Ai'J., An DH SP, is now confirmed and :made 2. matter of record.-

2.. VIOJG IIT~NETIY G. SI~BLEY, VJ2144020, is reld fr n.se_;r:1.t Unit Adnini strator · ( 2123) IIq & Hq Btr:r ~.nd as 6d Unit L.dmini strntor (2123) Dtry A. EDCUR 13 Aue 51.

3 .• · Pending receipt of orders of assignment rJOJG Gordo,n A. Johnson, V/2005817 is ntchd to Hq c· Hq B;try 140th AliL Ar! Dn SP for adr1inistrntion.

4.. Follov,inc C in o.sgnt is directed.

lfane Serial No~ Reld Fr Trfd to E_DCUR

Pvt-2 Frederick K. Ehrenberc; 1TG19280714 Hq :Jtry D I3try 7 5

5. So rmch of so /,1:56 this IIq, cs dtd 31 June 51 n.s rends, Special Order 56 is onended to refld Suecj_al _,_ Order 57.

6 .• So nuch of so 1/57 this IIq' cs dtd 1 Aug 51 its rends, Snecial Order 57 is am.ended to rend Snecin.l Order 58,.

7~ Pending asgnt the following nnned Etr, o.tto..ched to Hq & Hq Dtr~,r l t'.:: Oth AA!-.. Ji.'.-,' Dn SP for rl'lti6ns, quarters, und ndninistro.tion.

1T nfle. IIanil ton; Lotan 1~ • CGtpe, _:J.bJ:le s J. ...

_~ nderson1 El den F; :Jc,ile~r~ \/ i; n....-r.i. n; Bron er, Deqnett E. Drownin~ ; Tio ~e f A Derlin; John. E .. · Cr..ristl:lnson, Reed N. Coffey,·Allen E. · Doefler; Donald"L. Donahue,·Paul V. Franklyn, Tic1:ymond Harrel, John T.'I ~ • IIo.t ch, Tiichard II. Hoisinc;ton, Janes·E. Jenson, Leonard J. · JorGenson; Robert E~ Mansfield, Stuart A.

Seri~l Noo ND-3-9292112 Rl\.25411956 RA173ls,680 Rl~l 7322001 · US551:i.5688 US55118195 US55079912 US5 611126 1± US5-Sll5706 US551·15581 US28651466 Pu\17307196 US55115576 .US55115194 RA1731'1623 US540,'.'.0?84 US-55109731 US55118676

Rank TT7sct Pvt-2 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvy-1 Pvt..:.1 Pvt:..:.1 Pvt-1 Pvt:-1 Pvt-1 Pvt:.:.1 Pvt:..:.1 Pvt:..:.1 . Pvt--1 Pvt-1

• I

Par 7, SO 60, Hq, l(Oth Ji.AL. J~rJ Dn SP, dtd 7 51, con't.

Iinrtin, I.'Iel vin L I.'Iihan, John J; Mock, Lewis C. · Nardoni, nay J. Newell, Robert·E. Otto, rieI1Mo.n E. Parish~ Maurice L. Renner, L.nton Sulli vans, Daniel C •. Chrisl~r, Duane

US55115586 US56111213 Th\.17307143 US55118198 US55115156 US55118170 US55115142 RL17330487 US55118722 US55115582

Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1

s. Pending 8.sgmt the following named EU, nre attached to A Dtry 110th I .. AL l\.H 0n SP for r~tions, quo.rters and n.dninistrntic

.,..., 1 J h ,·1 .L>O.xCer, . 0 n \ • Ellison, Bobbie L. Eenderson, !i.rtJ--i.ur · H. lJevm.nn, 'Clifton D. Soverns, Clarence ..

Serial No.

_TG6539971 US51009~80 US55118801 USS<'.':0'1:0732 US55115672


Cpl Pvt~l Pvt:.:.1 Pvt:.:.1 Pvt-1

9. Pending nsg:r1.t the folloVJinG Et!, nttached to B" Btry 110th li..1Vi AV! i3n SP for r[ctions, qu r?.rters ~nd administration.

Dra.rmn, Ho.-rwoocl · E . Grn.y, · RichPrd lJ . D al1m s :, .. i\.11-)ert I. . Domen; Roc;er E. · Gi~,b s, Ernest L. Bannister, Leon D: Dott orf ,· Ge r Gl d L. · B:::->Gdford , D1.dl-cy·E . Drovm , C>_,..,rl e s L. Buck; Ton I: . Carr; Demiel Chr?',, · Jim -G. Couch,· G\7innett n. Covert, George D. Crape, Herman fs,_:

lfo.wkins, Faul TI. Holley, John o. · Horak, Robert L.­IIoutchens, Harold E. Hutton, Gilber t Hyc1e, George o. Jackson, Robert u; .Jerome; \·Jilli o.n P. La Rue, Melvin G. Lawrence;. tiarion o. Lear, Robert D. Lendner, I~ l vj_n C. Marty, Donald L~


Serio.l no.

NG20920158 FG28227397 J.'1G39293925 EG282':>7137 }TG282277 ,: 7 US56083502 US5 5115381 US.55118377 US'.551153 ~3 RJ\.1 8387263 US5G083 ,132 US5Glll235 us <; 5 ,:21r.91 US25111379 US56083518 US5 <, 0 L1 0817 US5 ,:'c010778 Rl\.1'7511605 &1.19103218 US56111268 R/1.1838'7257 Ri~l '7322081 US55115 ;:, 43 US55115391 US S5115:7·39 US55118392 US.55081909 USS5118798



Sgt. Sr.·t l:> •

Cpl. Cpl. Cpl. Pvt.:.1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1

. , ( (

Po..r 9, SO 60 s Eq, 1-:0th L.·.~·- .:J, Dn SP, c1 td 7 J;.uc; 51, con' t ~

tiullin, Ii'0:tT1D.n n. Pucshinsky, Ll:rvrellen n. Tioarlr, Donald R. floss; John T; Ruff, John n. Schommer, T.:el vln ·.H. Schun~, Edward·R. Smith; Denis D. Sy!'les, Otis rr.

r...:\,1?s221s1 US55G8'1874 US.56=!_11252 US55Jl5733 US5 GCf~,:911 US'.:<) C8~900 US ')5C·e'1905 US 55079928 PJ1.l 7307262

Pvt-1 Pvt-I Pvt-1 Pvt-I Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1

10. Pending asgmt th0 following named ELI, attached to c· Btry 140th J.\/, .'. I.VJ i3n SP for rations, quarters and administration.


Leider; Chester L Liddle, Clyde Munt, Donald IT .

Serial No.

US55085232 Ri.19404733 US55085204


Pvt-1 Pvt.:.:.1 Pvt-1

11. Pending nscnt the followi ng n~1ed EU, are attached to D" Dtry 110th Ll'.:. JS! Bn SP for ro.tions ,: quarters and ndmini stra tion.

1J a..r11e

Merrit,·Chnrles·E Bowling, ffohn tr. Remington, Fred Graf, - Robert n. · Hofer, Uilbur J.

Serial No.

lTG28221037 1TG28227846 1TG28130700 US5508,1008 US55102147


M/Sc;t Cpl Pfc Pvt:..1 Pvt-1



--C~r~ Co M. I3ECK'.H TE 1st Lt. , 1.TITY J.d jutant'·


C.H. DECID'!ITII 1st Lt. , I..RTY I .. djutant





. 1 I.PO 6


10 August 1951

l • UP Par 4a .1\.R 60O-ll.5 the following EM B try B 140th AlJ'>. AW Bn SF, are grunted five (5) do.ys Lv eff 13 Aug 51" PFC RAYMOHD P·. BENOIT · US51001750, Address on Lv: Takashima Hotel, Go.magori City, honshu Japan. · - ·

· PFC LLOYD DRISCOLL US51037362, Addrc~ s on Lv: To.lrnshimu H.otel1 Gc.raagori ·City, Honshu Jnpun. ?FC EDHARD -LI.·REGAIT, US51001682, Address on Lv: Tnkeshima Hotel, Gc.magori City, Honshu Jo.pcm.

2. UP ,Par 4n AR 600-115 CPL JOSE?H T. RAVIN0, Ri'..11210967, Btry B, l~Oth AAA AW Bn S? is grc.nted five (5') c).nys·Lv eff' 23 Aug 51. Address on Lv: E/:.mbC1.yshi Hotel, Yuto.rin.ka City, Ho.nshu Japan. ,

3~ UP Po.r ,_;,o_ l\.R 600-115 CPL ROBERT E. COLBY; NG28227739, Btry B, l"-10th AN.~ Ni/ Bn SP is grunted five (5) days L;v eff ~ 23 Aug 51. J...ddress on Lv: Gamn.gori Hotel, Gamagori C·i ty, Honshu Jupc.n.

4. UP ?ar 1n. J,.R 600-115 tho following EH Btry B, )L40th AliliAW Bn SP, nrc grnntod fivo (5) do.ys Lv eff 25 Aug 51. PFC ROGER rJ. LANGLOIS US51038972, Address on Lv: Gn:rno.gori Hotel, Gc.mngori City, Honshu Jo.pnn. · · PFC MELVIlI JACOBS US5L1026308, Address on Lv: Gamo..e;ori Hotel, Gam.'.1£:;ori City, Honshu Japan.

5. UP Par .4n .AR 600-115 tho following ELI Btry B, 140th AAA AW Bn SP, nro granted five (5) days tv off 16 Aug 51. SGT WILLIAM JOHNSTON US550•13140. Address on Lv:· .1\.truni Hotel, Ate.mi City, · Honshu Japan . , CPL GENE WEBER NG28227753. Address on Lv Ato.mi Hotel, Ate.mi City Honshu Jo.pan. •

6. UP Fnr 4n i1R 600-115 the foliowing EM Btry B, 140th AAL AV! Bn SP, is granted five (5) days Lv off 13 .1\.ug 51; CPL HAROLD GOLDFELD US51068864. li.ddress on Lv: Gon,ro. Hotel, Odavvar8. City Honshu Japan •

. 7. The following nru,_,"1.ecl E?:.i gr indicated having been asgd this orgn in comp with para 1 & 2 SO 165 Hq_ 40th Inf' Div .APO 6 7 .Aug 51 are further csgd to units indicated. ZDCMR 12 Aug 51 "" .

Hq &Hq Btry, 140th ;.WAH Bn SP

Name Hamilton,Lotan L. C,'t'):pe ,James A . . Anq_e:rson, Elden F Ba.iley 11\J illiam H Browe:r,Bennett E Brm.vning,Roger A .. John · E. Chr·:istenson/)Reed N

. Goff ey 1 Lllen E Doe! 1 er ,Do~ald L ·

ASN NC}39 29 21],.2 R.t..25411956 RA.17314580 fuU. 7322001. US55115688 US55118195

-US550?~)912 . USf)6lll:::!64

US55115706 U;:;55ll5581

' I:. J

Ranlc 'fl/I' fc•-t J.'IJ. />-:>g .

Pv-t ... 2 Pvt 1 Pvt 1 Pvt l Pvt l Pvt 1 Pvt 1 Pvt 1

'Pvt 1 ·


7 ,so 61,.::.\°:_ , 1 40th ).A.A: kl Bri S? 10 Aug 51 -~-- C? on' t p c--_gc 2 - ,: ,. Donahue,P,' ul V Fr-anklyn ,R a:n:.1ona.

Hurrel ,J"ohn i'I Hatch,Richard E Hoising ton, E Jenson ,Leon.2.rd J Jergens on,Robe~t E Iic.nsf' i01a_,stua:i:-·t i'l. 1i c_rt in ,1,,: e 1 v in L l: :lt hctn Jolin~ J L ock ,LevJis C F c.:rd oni ,Ray J Ne1 rnll,Robert z: Otto,Esrmnn E Parish ',1: au.r ice L Renner ,P...11.ton Sullivans ,Daniel C

. Chrisler ,

If O.Dle

:Ellison ,Bobbie L E0nc:. er son ,1-...:r· tt.ur 1J N 3V1Iil8l1 , C 1 if to 11 D Soverns,Clarence

Bo.ker ,J \I Br2,.L1an ,H&rwood. E GrG.y,Richard 1{ . . Dahr.1s ,,·~1 bort L Don2n ,Roger :8 Gibbs ,=::en es t L Bc.nnistor ,L eon B Bottorf,GGrcld L Br adf ord,DuClcy E Br'own, Cht:.rl es L Buck ,To n:. E Cnrr ;:U 2.nio l Ctrz,Jim G Co~cl1 ,Gwinnett r: Covert ,GGorgG H

Crc:)G ,Eermc::.n ... ·:;. Eawldns ,?cul H

HollG3r ,John 0 · Hors.-1::: ,Rob0rt L

Eoutchcns ,EGI'old E Hutton,Gilbort Eydc,G00:rgc 0 Jc~cks on,Ro"bert 1:i Jcror.:c ; ·1illi2a P Le. Rue ,I :s l vin G L G.WI'Cl1C0 / :arion 0 L c2.r , . Ro bGrt D L end.nor, .i ~l vin G

,., . \ ~ . : ' , -.... ~ ... '-Jilf

us .· 266 51466 . . Ri~l 7307196

' US55115576 US55115194

. RJi.l...,73146 23 ·. ..·:--us 54040784 .UJ55lv0'/31 LJS~~J-1:2-6,7:6 . , .· , US5p:Ll5586'; ', · · us '"55111243 RI..l 730 71·±3 US55118l98 US55115156 U:355112170 US551151LJ: 2 R).17330487 U355118722 Ui355115582

· fvt , l ·pvt 1

, Pvt 1 Pvt·1 Pvt 1 Pvt 1 }'Vt 1 :Pvt l Pvt l. Pvt 1 Pvt 1

.Pvt 1 Pvt 1 F"l.-t 1 Pvt 1 Pvt 1 Pvt 1 Pvt 1

B2.ttGry A 140th LJ.J,. _-;~ .~ Bn SP

JBN 1J S 5"i:0 0942-0 U055118 801 US54O4O732 t]",355115672

Rank Pvt 1 J?vt 1

·Pvt 1 Pvt 1

Battery B 1-4-0th i:J'-..A ,..:-__ :- Bn SP

) - ../

1TG6539971 J>JG20920158 HG28227397 NGJ0 2939 ;~5 NG28227137 1'1G282 2 7747 US56083502 US 5 5115381 US G51182-77 U855115323 R,_ _18387263 Ub 56083~~52 US56111235 TIS 254212-94

.. US254L.bl379 US56083518 . US540408117 U.'354040778 . R.Ll ? ;'.51-s:605. RL.l 9L103218 US56111258

• R,.:.1s so 7 25 7 R.t..1732 ;:;081 US55115345 lJSq5115391 US55115339

. VS55118392 U65.5O549O9

Cpl Sgt Sgt C~,l Cpl Cpl J?vt 1 Pvt - 1 ?vt 1

- T' vt, 1 Pvt 1 );Jyj; 1 Pvt 1 Pvt 1 Pvt 1 Pvt 1 '.Pvt 1 Pvt 1 Pvt 1 Pvt 1 Pvt 1 Pvt 1 ?vt 1

· Pvt 1 Pvt 1

· :Pvt 1 :f'.vt 1 }:'vi- l


\ ,


( (

P c.r 7, SO 61, I-Iq_ 1 110th _,.L-.· .• ~'YJ Bn S? 6. ta. 1 O Lug 51, con' t

J,,Io.rty ,D onclcl. L 11 ~1ulli'n 7'-rm::i·,-, .LV ' .•• ' .!; v :-_-- <-.J.S •

J?ucsninsky 1.Lly,i"ell611 R Roa.:r·k ,Donc lc1 R Ross;Jolln T Ruff ,John R 3 chornmc r ,E c,l v in E S chun,:1 ,:Cc1vnxa. R Syr1cs, Otis H ·

US55118798 R/:.17522151 U;j3b08487~.b U356111252

US55115733 US55084 9ll US5 508°1900 U355084905 R.Ll7307262 ;::; ry C 140th ~JJ-.. LW Bn S:2

Loid~r~C hos t ..) r L T • ' ~ l ,-, 1 :i J..J lC.C, C 'V YCtC

r.=unt ,Don2.ld U

1:er it, Cl:c.rl Gs ..,.!.;

Bowling ,John i.~ R oninc;ton ,li'r Ga. Grc.f, Ro bcrt · : Eofcr, .:ilbur J

1];3 55085232 RLl 9(0.!-.1= 733 0 S55085204

l·TG~2822103 7 NG2822 78L.;; 6 HG22-130'700 U-3 5508:.::00G us 551 o ;z,~s; 7

Bn £I'

8. Follov, i nc C in c. s g~~1t is di:r...;ctcd:

:t?vt 1 ?vt 1 :?vt 1 Pvt 1 }?v-t 1 Fvt 1 Pvt 1 rvt 1 ? vt 1

I'vt 1 J?vt 1 Fvt 1

i=/sc:;t G1il Pfc :i:, vt 1 :2vt 1

· l·T c·sJ.0

Rollend ,J GI11cs L ... .S1J rt Glcl Fr Trf"cl to

S g t

• OFFI CI.:L :

HG2S227(03 Eq_ Btry B Btry

{ ~ \

C .i:. 3~CI:- ..!ITT: 1st Lt .... d.'i.11-_ J)JtJT .i1.TI'

EDGER 13 .. i: .. ug51


SPECIAL OHDT!.IR S 1:u1,,r ":'"")·tt1n 64 ,!.! ! .' 1..J.t J!l • •••••

ID.~ADQUl.:1 T~::HS 1 40th AAA ~1 Battalion SP

.'\PO 6


20 August 1951

-1. In ac ~orda~ce w~t~ SR 615-~5-25 t h e Nilitarv Occun ational

Spe cialt:i. c s li3ted :)V 33:. '. after each nane are desig:1~tec1 as primary for the fol na:1od ELT, Dtry C, l40 th AAA Ar: Bn SP , BDCHR 25 Aue; 51.

( ' TO 0 )


,c)FC SlPC SFC SFC Sgt Sgt Sgt Se;t Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Cpl Cpl Cpl Cpl PFC PFC PFC PFC p:;ic Pvt-2

lbme ._____

~3arhai:n; 11. l bert 13r:Lant, Alden G Cas t:i.llo, Le o:nar·l Jr. Garrett, Eo ~rn r.: Cool::, e,r P J:--:-. Coulon~ f:8.ynonc. Garcia; Joseph ·{ Godwin; Ni chnrd \ Lovell, John :J Osland, l"ie l v in · E Raue , George !~ . Richardson , nobert P Hojas, :lalt az ar Siva, Cnrl V Bunpus; Eugene TI Gaines, John C ,Te ss,' Ilobert ;/ Lopez,' l'C:ar'.'--10 J_ /1.. Ba5.1ey , Lero~r G Cun, P.obert 1-.

Le~r.ett Lut~er G Jr lTcGuin~ ss, T>or'.as F Schil t, · Ralph ~£ Godfrey, Falter ~-·


~TG382 7 9022 ~TG222 2'7J.30 ::rG28227 6 75 l·7G28227 419 j:TG282 27 420 N!J-28227417 IJGc-922'7992 :?G28227 '107 ~m-28 22'7232 i:TG22 2 27 L.i:16 :·T(:}22-22'7 41 4 HC-22227<1:04 l'TGl 924 2f5'"i'5 ~TG22130 '768 ~TG28227752 ITG193312E-'7 jT-2[13Q:095 1TG392~G258 USS1 038~89 USS1070864 0S54O66293 lTE\51 O1 5609 1l."'~16343 41·7 :'G2Gl30 f. 95

! .. 0

1 C2 4 1 602 1 GO2 lGO2 1 ()0 2 1G02 1 602 1602 1 002 1 602 l G0 2 1 5 42 1 602 1 602 3660 4G02 4G02 3 660 -3660 3060 LlGD2 3060 4602 4602

2. The fol :1.n:rned Er-= c; r :!_ndicr.ted h2,vinc; beon asgd this orgn i n co:;:1p wi t ll Par 23 SO 1 70., Ire: · 40th Irif Div, dtd ].4 !':.uft 51 are fut:1.e r 2..scd to units i:1dicBted. :.::DCI!IH 23 August 1951.

HC:~ C: IIC~ Bt r y 140th Ju\A AT! :Jn sr

Name John II Er,rrell James E TToisincton Leonard J J ensen Stuart A Ma~sfield HelviTI L Hartin John J I'riho.n Levii s C Ho c 1.c :1ooert E lTewell

SF US55115576 RA17314623 US54040794 US55118676 US55115586 US56111248 PJ1.l 7507148 US55115156

n~nk Pvt-2 Pvt-2 rvt-g Pvt-2 Pvt-2 Pvt-2 Pvt-2 PviJ-2

.- .....

so -.'!

:'[64-" . - ' 1:q_ 1'10th AA!-.. A1.f :in SP, dtd 20 l~uc; 51 Pc,r 2, con 1 t.

1 ·· ~81llil

\TerliJ1 E. ICiTtg :::;_ o lJert F !f-ansur Eo.rl L ~d.t c~'le l1 Joe C Fe s b:.t t Joh n C T~ovrby ,Jr.

r aul ~:: ==o.w1~in s ;::{obert L ~:ors.1:r G-:'i.l bert :3 ~·ut to n. C-eorge · 0 :::,7de r1· -i1 7 i . . - p T 1· , ------fol.-1'11 _ lJ ero . .1.e Farion- 0 Lawren ce Arthur C Layton

·Alvin C ' Lindhor Firman·W 1:Iullin Jr 1'-lphonse - iT lTelson

Preston R l'Iauldin · Gerrald R T~uff Lelan.d H Jenson Tho2na s .J ·

·-· •Jillian I;ci':ullon =:arold ;:~ IIunt

···Eilo :r~oll2.rid Vern on E i:Oehn ,.., 1 a · ,, · · · 0 a __ v a .. or 1 e J :i.. D.

Robert ;_:; !·etz John W ;Tetze:.."'

::.:n t t e ry t1 A ;r l '10th Al'J.\. LF ::Jn SP

(:1..r .. 0 1.'

TJS54040713 RA18387250 TJ.354043220 US5·4040G9-4 U355115156

U85~0 11c0847 ;~f. 1731-1:605 U3551112G8 ~{\1 8337~57 USS .51153 43 US 55115339 US54043096 U.S55081')09

. n.;,.,1r;322J.s1 HLJ_?314596

J'C-28130770 TY:>56111225 W35502-5205 US55102453 US55115633 US55085241

·---------US-56111239 ?J~l7322ltG US55115 C53 US56083222 US55115685

'. 321 SP


Pvt .-2 i=' vt-2 Pvt-2 Pvt-2 Pvt-~

:·vt-2 ?vt-2 ?vt-2 Pvt.- 2 I'vt -2 Pvt - 2 Pvt -2 Pvt-2 :? vt-2 Pvt-2

PF'C Fvt-2 Pvt-2 Fvt-2 Pvt-2 Pvt-2

?vt-2 r vt-2 t v t:.:. 2 Pvt.,;.2 Pvt-2

3. · So r:-iuch of Par 7 SO 61, dtd 10 l\.11g 51, this IIq, pertc.ining t~ 1 G fol naded EI': units irdic f'. ted . rescinded. ·-Cope James A A~d~rson Elden F :Ja i 1 v ~ ' i 11 l ar1 ~1 ~l"'o v-f~r ·Bennett J_j Ch riste:n. so·'!. Heed F Coff e~r Allen L DonaJ:.u e Paul V Fran1cl~rn :P."i;_~;y,i_on d · r::aTrel John N


l1.A2!'S411956 R!i.17314680 RA17322001 US551J.5688 US56111264 US55115706 US28651466 Hl\.17::~0?l 96 US551J.5576


_I'vt-2 Pvt-1' Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-I Pvt-1


So• .IL~4 ' i f "-) . ,. Hql 40tl( '' AA l-\Y! ··l n S:?, dtd 20 Au~ 51 , Per 3 con 1 t. (

' ~T l" 0.:r118

IIo is :'i_ nr;t on James Jenson Leonard J Mansfield Stuart Partin i: Iel vi 1 L T'lihan John J 1'o ck Lewis C i' G"\Vell Hol-rnrt E Otto T:ermo.n E P a rish 1, ,r ~ u.aurice L TT enner Anton Sulllvans Daniel C'1r 'i_sler

9 Duan e

Soverns Clarence

Do--·10n Roc;er E 7ottorf Gerald L 7 rndford Dudl ey E :lu ck Ton E c1.1.rz J i_:m G Co, Gwinnett T~

Covert George F Hank ins l' o.ul ~I ~Tor:c no "hert L =~ut ton G ~.l bert E:_rd e r-eo:>ge O J e roP e 1Iill5m1 P Lmvronce ParioD. 0 Le'x1ner AJ_ vt:._ G Hu ll:1_n I"ern.2.,1. \'.' R.0 2.rk Don.2,ld Ti. Tiuf :f J ol1:".1 H .S chcJ'Yl:,-·,e r Lel v :1. n. :;:r ,Sc:1.ima }~dvrn r d l? Sy;--rn s Ot j_ s ;J




C'1':' T ,.) J.·

Hf.i.17314623 uss,10,10784 US551186'76 TJSS5115586 US55111243 Ri\17307143 US55llz'il56 US5511Rl'70 TJS55115J-42 Rl.l '733048'7 US5511 8'7S2 US5511558:~

~3o.tterv il.A. 11 11:;0th t.J._l\. I,..V,! B::-1 SP --- . ·-------·· -- - -- -----·-- ·------



ii -.ii j_)


l'10t11. AAA AYJ Dn SP

FG28 22713'7 USS.5115381 u,sss:::_1s377 TIA18 38 '7263 TTS5 6111235 US25-~:2,1894 US2544137g US5 404084'7 PJ"-1751 1 605 uss s :;_112so I'.Al838725'7 US ,55115343 US55115339 US15 5Q8,t009 RA17522151 FS5 SJ_ll2 5 8 US550i'4911 US55084900 TJS55084905 fiA l?Z,07262

Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt·-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 ,Pvt-I Pvt-1 Pvt-1


Cpl Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 P·vt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt:.:.1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1 Pv t-1 Pvt-1 Pvt-1

4. ':Che f ol nr-,y-;_e d :er : gr lnd i cated hr,vi,._g been n s g d t > i s or8 n :'Ln c'.J·-,p 17:l t:1. Far 6 , S0.1'73, IIq 40th Inf Dtv dtd 17 51 is f u t~1er RS Gd to u n i ~ indica ted. EDCITI 21 Au g 51.

:Jnttery :.rane Do n nld F Dom1.elly


,;A' 1 1 10th SlJ

AAA AT' ;-3n SP

Y:G2 8 22'7437


---:") / . i -r:;,;;.~-.) ?;? Jc,__.c/2,t_.-C/Z- U~

C. I: . BECKVJITI~ 1 s t Lt., AD.TY Adjutnn.t

C. r~ . }Jr~CI~. ·_:r TIJ. 1st Lt . , :"i.TIS:.r:'[ ,_d j u tc,nt

R 2. i1.k


. . .,,J,~ .... -- . ~,;

S?~:CILL O~D:TslS 1 :ur ~ Dr;n • • • • • • G 3

( ..:0th

II1":;}. DC:, U.:\ :'.1 TEI.1 '3

AA.r. :r.- :S-i..,J t 2. 7_ i C n .t.-rc ~


l 7 Lt:.cust 1951

1. UP Par 4n. i'.~ 'l)Q , .. J_7. :; Stry D · 1 1.::0th fJ~i\. ;.,_1; ;:::;· : · ,-.;r ., .L :1

!,uc 51. !.ddress 0 ::-1 17; (>)2 ' '.

T · -:--,,·1 : . _;, ...I ~l.:, j . . :-~ 8 t~ J.:. ~

[ ~-;:: _:.l"'""'_ : e:1 :1~.i '. 8 I~ 'J ~ d !l ~T~;

:~\J.L~1:1 E: v Co t ~-:I.,, F " ~ )_ ;; .,

, . . i . ·;' U,3G::i0~311'7,

Lv eff- 1 8 a·.po 27, c/o Ptr.

. 2. Under t i1c ;:>ro"J 8 io n s o::' PE-.r 0ft ( l \, kll 35-320, t 1.1e follovlin~ Officer and \'arro.. i-1.·:: C' ffj_ r o~ o.~c a·,~,oint0c1 Cla~·s ;,;,_,i l\.c;ent Officers to t!rn f:'ino.nce Cf' :,~· -;_c 0.::--, -~Ot 1 1 I:n.J'.:o.~1t.r, -):i_vi::si0n, f\.PO G for t l1e :11 1 rpose of -1·.)tG[·:1 • .i.l c·". -.' .·. -;, ,, . ., .1L.,,..,, ~1.c7 .c:1-, --.~--1· c,11----·1·~:1 i P-- v rn--;J,,, +.,o ,'~,)ersonne -..L ... _ , :.1. •·· (..\. ., . • • • 1..- -. .J... L • •. :....J -1--' .1-' '- - "-· l., _ __ .. L.,._,, - · -- .i....., _

0:f tl-1j_s co 1--;11rl2.n.d_ : c.):·:) t/;_o t~.o~(J:Cl1 of -f1.u f~us -;-~ J_ S<:--.L :


1 -~C;t!,. 1\.!d,. Al"! :3n fkP Ilq t: liq :Jt ry 7t r-J D

CJ,P':1 r'!.Lr::'I~TI .\, S I PPI~L , O-- l0 1:'.:t~95<b 't'!OJG- J G:~l~ i' f:, :_iG C>l?..: , \I - <) OS S98

3. '11 l1e folloi:ri11g 21f'.!"~8 :l r~;I.'I 5r i~,:1_:_cc.t0 ~ ... r:.-v-1_"!_1[~ 1;8 e ~:1;d t~1is orsn in comp ,.-,5_ t h :e nr 1 0 cc l ~~ SO :i. SC:· , ~ -~ <- ·)·.:/:. Jnf · :U:1. v 5 Ii.H) 6 d td 13 !:i.1 ~f~t1st 1 9~1 nrc f1 .... ~2

~ 11- •.:' :.1 c_ '1;;c1. t 8 -:1:1i t 3 ir -1 l_c[_tcc1, F·o~;I.~P. 20 i'~uc 51.


Eldon TI ~nderson ', 'ill i an J~ ">ail ~_r

:Jenn0tt E Jron e <F n eed : 7 Christ 0 r- s e~1. Ll:i_ e n E Coffe~~ Jc,ncs :. Cope Po:ulV Dono.'11.1.e ~10. "'t-Y'!.o ~.-1c1 · l"i1rQhlcl-:_7 !.l

Denis B. :Sni t h ..

·. <:1 - -- -. ~.

7:f.. _ :7 :7 l L', [ 8 ') ~L-__ r;:: 0 zc'-,=.. :-s ~ ~-::.. ·_:_5 £) 8 3 -;.sssi. 1 ~ ~ -1 - -~ES,_:_ ~1rior-~ :.: . .":. ::: ~ /': L ~ -'-· ~ ··; --_-'--:~::.2 :t)]_~:0 ·~ ~,.:-_J_ 7 '3 ()':' ~ S 3 . ~. :=, ');)" ':·c:-. '2d

:1·?.c_ t~ J : .. -- ~· ... 7.--~:C)t~.L J .. / ... f "" _,_\_\ 1.J.:.~ :_-;:-.

ICer~ne~}1. l , \ ~.}. t:: ~~­F11~ e: d :.'I }~ 11 a~_-j_1.-cJ_ :;-:~ . 1.7cJ_ tor [ "' rse!")_n_J "'

:G.of~er· :i.~ I ::)· 11?.

C-0 ~--c. J. -J L ~:J-.~ ··; -:~ r~, r .~ Ul~c"~J. ·.3 ~T ~~ T) 1) __ 1_(:_ fc· ~--- -~ J~· 1 :-:!1 ·1·G . . \-1c 1r-

LT::.~, :} (]~i'~!.:.. z

. ----·-- ·-· - --- - . ____ _ ., ____ -·--- - -------- ··

~ "} t .:~ t :)(~ -. ~ ·- ..:. · ....:.

'( ,· t:, _;) ~} ~~- --._ ~~ ?: ,:. ·i.. T\ 3-~ -:-, __ ~.: .E~ -~ :7· /

9;Y/~ YL.1 ':1 ·u t-- J. .:. ( j Ct·. c ·_i l , -;- lJ" 13 ~ :) .;_~-~ J s J ~ i., 2 :~ -~-) /\ :t c· Yi'·_-:· ~:-, :1.-: _-_ ·1: / z..: ( ,";' 3() =-·

t .• : : 8 ~ Y· :'2~ ("'~ :--,r C } "j" ~ }.!"'j

-~·22~----s:1 ~: ::·---:--_'.! _n: ;~· ;_ a_;_

? -ct.- 2 ~h; t ~2 ? ~ ... -.!....- 2 ~-; .. _,: .... ?

~r'\.,.t ... 2 ?•.r·t. - 2

(' ,·- l

,_; ·--.-.".,,

-- - -: ..:.: , . L, ..- .

__ ,..

SO t 63 Hq 140th , , !'. ·\ f, ': i .I.. ~.I.......... ... .l. ~ J Dn SP; I.PO 6, dtd 17 Au e 51, f'ar 3 Con 1 t.

Battery C l~Oth ~LA ATT Dn SP

Kenneth :C Demi s Gernld J Senec!ce '.':1- ll:L8I1 11 Dro_den ':I aldo J Carlson Donald L Carr :Jo~Jb-:_, D Cc.the7 Tio lQrd O Clauson h rnold K Dnhlblon J oh11 ;:; Ea ston. L m-rrc:1c o IT 7ro ob c re Fro.ncis II Glodt

Henry S t..ustin I''.rturice TI Dricht Dav::_d I. Co.wt:101". Arthur S Copley Cr.roll O Edno.rds

TJS56083,:22 TUd '7 3 ::>~ 7 40 U8!55115)725 TJ.?,5f Od52Z:9 usc:.511=!._232 US25 ·12 'J~12 U85 ,.1:0 1:3202 US55Q8,J:C81 U,356111229 US5510S733 1JS5510f'>±S0

US56083521 TI.f. 1 833.-:725 U35 5115'727 US55085238 TJSE6111302

Pvt-2 Pvt-2 Pvt-2 }Jvt-2 _ rvt-2 ?vt-2 Pvt-2 ?VT-2 Pvt-2 Pvt-2

Pvt-2 Pvt--2 Pvt.-2 J? ·vt .:,2 Pvt-2

1. -The f ol= K.I h2". iric; born: Q S [;C.. t~ 2-S o:r ::__;:1 L "'!. Cc)1-'lI) ·:1ith :?c.r 9 SO l G9 i:Iq ,10th L .r Div~ 15 ;_,__:.G 51, C'.nd ox:"Lc;c!: -:;i cs ~1C'.ViJ,_c; :)roy­ont cc, t~10 · issurmco of r( o rs in. · c-.d 'lc.: :.c c is f1..,rt}l_, r f'.scd to Unit ind i cc.t od . :C.DCI.~ 1 6 _·. ut:;·,_st 1 95 _.

~Jr_-~tor-J C 1L::ot ~ J..J.-IiJ\. J.' l-r.r =3_1 SP I~c l vin L Drc.:.-.solk-c. U.35508522½= Pvt-2

5. T .. o follov in.s :::;n- .=r -indi catod .hc,vL1c b-eon as .c:;d this ·o..,,,.,.n l0 11 c onn ,--~ -'- h p.--,r 2 ·· so 7r:/7 ~Tq '10th r-.,.,.. D4 v : -po 6 ,.:JJ..d 1r:-_· _., ,,,.,. .Lb . -- -'- ~! __ L., __ c..:.. , --, 1.!. . .,;:: ~ .... l .i. J_ _ _... .t .1.~ . ,LLU v.:..1.L..-Lo

51 Ero f urt 11er as c;c. tc: ur..i,..;s indicated . ~DC1J'.1 27 I\. u :::;us t 1951,

Ifornan P Otto llaurico L Parish Daniel(; Sullivan

Dn.n5ol TT Pettz Clarence J Soverns


D0,10.. ld R Renrk J o}:-1.;_-,_ H Hui''f : :el v in !I ,Sc1.10r1I~er

. - ......... ~--U

~1 S0hc.lno. ., S~,rr:.os

,.. "·'\ ~c.d.1'..

US551J.8170 US55115112 US55118'722

I'J 1 3n SP

US5s,0'1:0709· US551156'72

Dattor;r D 110th AM .Lr! 311' SP

US56111252 US5508 1.~911 US~5e3 ~900 U85503-'~ S05 I1I'. ; 7307262

Pvt-2 Pvt-2 Pvt-2

Pvt-2 Pvt-2

Pvt-2 Pvt:..2 Pvt:.:.2 I-'vt-2 ?vt-2

..__. .



lTAIIE FL::r::r~-i_o ncr E Po 1 s fu s s Al8.n D Henn,:1-1ccr Dueal 1,7 St ar:1es

Jero··1_e r ::~or~ c:} ·:_.:;;-. /--,_ x e 1 c., 01 son IL: l t o'.1. ~= :1.0 l-_.;p J~ ~

~ ~

.!.~ 8e __

~l1_ p r.J.,,rnc1· T·3 :1

n. o 1) e r j .1. i 3 r ~-l ~ ~ r ~~ c~ -C \/:tli-r1e x-c B Sc1.11.1.:."c.

::Je 1;');~2. rd 1\. s~j_[l_iu ~ 1~ne st :J J:2.11.T1er

\ -- , ,'~ _ . 1 .t.J_.!. (.',) U ..:.. , ,

3 .. 'I1~1.e ori:sn in c o,r1.p fu rt~1.e T' as r;d

J~ o 1 1 oy_;i :-; 3 nfl.~-:~_ed 175-t J.1 Pa~ 2S:, S ·i t o

Gl enn r. L iru1.2rt

1 s t I1t o 1

.1.\c1 j l_)_ t 8. ~-~-c

. ·, J /

---/ / e--, , ., ,· ·.- -J / / ' 7 ,-J .{_A_ / ''<":.-.._- ( ./ C.

./ _ /

~ r; J _ '

1 ~ ·):. ~-17 :S();? ~LO~, .J J :·:- r:: .J .. -~ ~- _:_; r..:.o

.:J i iJ:.1. SP

~i.''-~:_ '>'.:. l_ 11;-:02 ~- ~ '. /_.· :· ::,31;701 ii.L S3C, .j3GO u:}r: scs:.s1 ss

U.5!:_·.f:· l 024s,3 U:~!_:, := 0E3Sr-:;LiJ U~~bE 2.12 2-;0S

Pf~. -2 F''.f:. ,- 2 :':) _.,. :-.' . " -.. :. .-

~: - _r t_~ - 2 - - ) ~ .,. J_ n

, . . 1 ·- f-,

. -~:- -r7 -:~- 2 p-v·:: - 2 Fvt-2

J.~ 8. ·v -:_ r1c: !) -~~-f~ Tl Et 'J t ·d. .~ ::_1.i, ~, ~ -~-'J l ~1 ~~ ;-~:~ ~i\J (t -;_._~_ =- L;: .A.-:1~: f -1 rtre l_7

[,.~~- ~ -: ~ 2() f'.:. L. [: -iJ. 2t

J. St f_JJC o ,

.fi.d j :.1 t 2 l1. t

,'\ ,-1f[7"=T J. ... .:. l ., __ _

?vt - 2
