DMIT Presentation



This video can help you connect well with your child. The causes & solutions for rising stress level among children, multiple intelligence, dermatoglyphics & many other details are given in this video. Explore hidden talent of your Child with Thumbrule DMIT.

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Every Child Is Unique – HOW ?

Globalisation and it’s impact on your city and on your child

Competition & Increasing Stress Levels in children

Unique Talents and Learning Styles of your child

Success Mantra for Children at an early age

World is getting globalised and Indian Industry is getting stiff competition all around the globe, especially from China . Even in Amritsar , industry is getting set back from Chinese products. This competition is also resulting into negative impact

Stress of better performance

Stress to be on top

Stress to be successful

According to a survey

Children are getting most affected

12,000 students commit suicide in India every year

Few years back, ratio of students below age of 12 yrs who committed suicide was 10% - 12% but in recent years, it has increased to 30% - 35% . About 300% increase

Age group of callers on Govt. helpline for stressed students has reduced from 15 – 16 years to 9 – 10 years

Youngsters below the age of 30 are getting heart problems , brain strokes, hypertension, diabetes etc

According to a survey

Children are facing health problems like Gastric issues, Low Eye sight, Over eating, Irritated behavior, short temper etc, which are normally ignored by parents or associated with bad eating habits or bad behaviour, but are also related to stress.

Parents are imposing their wishes on children and sending them to classes or courses which do not suit their intelligence levels, resulting in more stress and pressure

Do you know that every child has 8 types of Intelligences ?

Do you know that there are 3 types of Learning Styles ?

Do you know every child has different Communication Character ?

Do you know every child has different learning sensitivity ?

Decode – Nurture – Achieve

So D.N.A ( Decode Nurture Achieve) is the mantra of success in today’s world for your child


& &


Webster’s defines it as:

The power of knowing

The ability to understand and/or deal with new situations

The skilled use of reason

Formula used to calculate IQ◦Mental Age (MA)◦Chronological Age (CA)◦MA/CA X 100 = IQ◦Average is 100◦Tests mostly Verbal and Mathematical skills

IQ is thus an incomplete tool to measure intelligence

It was found that most intelligences looked only at problem solving and ignored the

creation of product.

Multiple Intelligence theory challenges the notion of IQ in at least 3 significant way :

Several Intelligences at work, not just one.

Intelligences is expressed in our performances, products & ideas, not through a test score;

How the intelligences are expressed is culturally defined.

This definition locates intelligence in what people

can do and the products they can create in the

real world, in contrast to the implied intelligence

indicated by a pen & paper test.

It suggests a qualitative expression, a

description, of an individualʹs collection of

intelligences, rather than a single quantitative

expression of a set of narrowly defined paper‐

and‐ pencil tasks.

Verbal/Linguistic Logical/Mathematical Visual/Spatial Musical/Rhythmic Bodily/Kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic


WORD SMART ( Linguistic) : Child with this specialty will always enjoy a professions like poet , public speaker , journalist , writers , language teacher , translators , editor , lawyer etc.

NUMBER SMART ( Logical Mathematical ) : Child with this specialty will always enjoy professions like engineers ,doctors, technicians , programmers , auditors , CA , CS etc.



SELF SMART ( Intrapersonal ) : Child with this specialty will always enjoy professions like therapist , psychologists , meditation guide , counselors , philosopher etc .

PEOPLE SMART ( Interpersonal ) : Child with this specialty will always enjoy professions like teacher , administrator , organization leader , talk show host , politician , salesperson , consultants etc.


BODY SMART ( Bodily kinesthetic ) : Child with this specialty will always enjoy professions like sports, athletes , models , actors , choreographers , dancer , exercise instructor etc .

PICTURE SMART ( Visual – Spatial ) : Child with this specialty will always enjoy profession s like interior decorator , interior designer , graphic designer , photographer , architects , sculptors , cinematographer , painter etc .


MUSIC SMART ( Musical ) : Child with this specialty will always enjoy professions like music therapist , music teacher , music studio director , singer , music copyist etc .

NATURE SMART ( Naturalist ) : Child with this specialty will always enjoy profession s like forest ranger , florist , landscape designer, botanist etc

Learning styles are various approaches or ways of learning.

They involve educating methods, particular to an individual that are presumed to allow that individual to learn best. Most people favor some particular method of interacting with, and processing information.

The 3 main learning styles are : 1.Visual 2.Auditory 3.Kinesthetic

Visual Auditory KinestheticTo teach


instructionsExplain verbally Demonstrate

Tend to sayI see what you

meanI hear what you

are sayingI know how you

feelTend to say Show me Tell me Let me try

Learning a new skill

Watch what the teacher is


Talk through with the teacher

Like to give it a try and work it

outFind it easiest to remember

Faces Names Things done

When meeting with an old


Say "it's great to see


Say "it's great to hear your voice!"

Give them a hug

or a handshake

My Child is very Interested in sports, so that is his intelligence ?

A : Not Necessarily, it might be his interest which is based on many external factors like media, peer group etc.

My Child is not interested in music, so is his musical intelligence low?

A : Not Necessarily, he might even love to watch a rhythmic movement like wind shield movement during rain which you as a parents can not related with his intelligence but it actually his musical intelligence

All people enjoy music, so they all have high musical intelligence?

All people enjoy music, so they all have high musical intelligence?

A : All people enjoy music but people with different dominant intelligence enjoy music with different way. For example, linguistic intelligent person will enjoy lyrics of the song, musical intelligent will enjoy music, intrapersonal will listen to same song and got involved with the emotions of the song whereas Visual Spatial will get into some vivid imagination..

We conduct a DMI Test on your child to reveal: Intrinsic Potential Multiple Intelligence Distribution Dominant and Preferred Learning Style Learning Communication Character Psychological & Planning Capability Learning Sensitivity Innate Work – Management Style Allocation of Various Abilities

This test is performed for age group 2–21 years

Reduce time, money, effort wasted over irrelevant course s & classes

Improve relationship between parents and children

Develop children’s confidence

A stress-free childhood for children

Over Stressed ... Can This Happen!


Identify best learning style for him/her

Identify his/her inborn talents and weaknesses

Tailor-make your child’s learning programs

Subject and educational stream selection

Over Stressed ... Can This Happen!

Rekindle your passion for living and revive dreams from the past

Invest wisely in suitable self-development programmes

Assess your EQ, IQ, AQ, CQ

Plan ahead to achieve your goals and live your dreams

Over Stressed ... Can This Happen!


Discover your own abilities and choose right career path.

Identify and develop your core competencies.

Identify the most suitable learning and leadership styles.

Improve your relationship with your loved ones

Over Stressed ... Can This Happen!

Create an all-star workforce

Reorganize your workforce for better performance

HR training and development

Evaluate your managers’ performances and core competencies


Find the right person for the right job.

Pre-employment screening.

Entrust your employee who has the most potential.

Discover employees’ potentials, maximizing efficiency and effectiveness.

Logical – Mathematical:




Musical – Rhythmic:


Music in nature

Rhythmic patterns

Instrument playing

Visual – Spatial:

Map making

Poster designing



Painting & Drawing

Naturalistic :

Knowledge related to flora and fauna

Verbal – Linguistic:


Story telling

Creative writing

Write slogan

Reader’s theatre

Bodily – Kinesthetic:




Action stories


Likes / Dislikes

Setting goals


Pretend you are

Self – introduction


Class discussion

Problem solving

Teaching others

Cross age tutoring

Cooperative activities

Thank You…!Thank You…!

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