DJ Mag Double Page Spread, October 2014 Analysis




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On both pages the text is separated into two main columns. (Channels moving vertically up the page usually consisting of text). However, it is unconventional for them not to a Large Letter at the start of the Article. The width of the columns are equal with the top of the left hand text and the bottom of the right hand text connecting so that the text will flow more easily. On both pages there are relatively large images one with a caption (brief description) and one without. The image is used to give the reader more information about the style of music that Magda creates/plays. The use of space (is there a lot of negative space or has the whole page been filled). Following conventions of a normal double page spread some of the space has been used up by text with one main image inserted on both pages.

There are a number of features which allow me to connote (hidden meaning of a feature) the target audience (to whom the magazine is aimed at). Firstly, we can analyse the language/mode address (the words that are used formal/informal). The majority of the language used unless in a quote (words from a text or speech written or spoken by another person) is relatively formal for the style of magazine that it is. This would usually appeal more to the older generation, however this is contradicted by the fact that Magda is a DJ and the article context would appeal more to the younger generation due to the style of music that she creates. We can aslo identify the target gender by the use of colours which seem to be neutral and will appeal to both Male and Female readers.
