Divorce Attorney of Denver


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Johnson Márquez Legal Group Says Women’s’ Health at Risk throughout Divorce

Johnson Márquez Legal Group, a team of Colorado lawyers, has handled many divorce cases

throughout the years, and understands that a divorce can be especially challenging for women.

According to a recent study published in the journal of Health and Social Behavior, the stress

involved with moving through with divorce can wear down many aspects of a woman’s life. The

study was composed of interviews from over 400 mothers of adolescents, including 80 of them

who had just experienced a divorce. The study, which began in the early part of the 90s, was

repeated ten years later.

Ten years after the initial studies were done; the divorced women reported significantly more

health problems than the women who were married. The divorced women who took part in the

study experienced such health conditions as hypertension, diabetes, depression, nausea and other

conditions that the married women said to have not experienced.

Part of the challenge is also due to women having to adjust their lifestyle, learning to be single

again, and progressing through the emotional and financial challenges that are ahead. Women

can either choose to believe the studies, or not. However, if women refuse to be the victim in a

divorce, they can feel free to contact a divorce attorney of Denver by calling Johnson Márquez

Legal Group at 303-394-3030.

Johnson Márquez Legal Group can inform women of ways to improve their chances of moving

on with positive lives, while facing the challenges ahead. From highly-complex asset cases, to

bitterly-contested custody battles, the divorce law firm has seen all forms of divorce and is

available to lend legal help.

About Johnson Márquez Legal Group

Johnson Márquez Legal group is a national team of divorce attorneys who are committed to

providing assistance for any type of family law case. The attorneys have provided nationwide

assistance, collaborating on a variety of cases. To ensure efficient productivity, the legal group

has invested heavily in technology, continuing to push the limit and ensuring the attorneys are

providing maximum assistance for their clients. The law firm is located on Denver, Colorado.

For more information, please visit http://www.johnsonmarquez.com/.
