Dividing Audacity


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8/8/2019 Dividing Audacity

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Dividing audacity1(Make your recording

2(Open menu "Project" and select "New Label Track". Under the first

squiggly sound line, (the audio track), you will have a new blank grey area

called "Label Track ."

3(push the green arrow button to playback. Whenever you want to begin a new track, pause the recording (the button with 2 parallel blue lines) and then "click" ON the squiggly sound line where the recording is paused - (you will see a little green arrow above the place where you stopped.) Then do

"Project" and choose "Add label at selection". (you can also just do Cntr-b). On the new label track, a red line will appear. Click on the line and type in a name. Now press pause again and the recording will pick up where you left off. Each time you want a new track to begin, do the same thing - pause, click on the squiggly line just where you paused, hit Cntr-b,

and then type in a name.

4(You can change a label name by backspacing and retyping. You can remove a label by backspacing until there are no letters left and then hitting "enter ."

5(Don't forget to give a name to the very first part of the recording.

You can do that by clicking on the squiggly sound line at the very beginning, adding a label with Cntr-b, and giving it a name.

6(Now - save the file by doing "file, Save multiple". (If it's grayed

out, press the pause button again and wait till the file plays to the end.For some reason, you can't save until the little green cursor gets to the end and disappears, and the pause button is grayed out) A menu will open up.

7(On the menu, choose where you want to save the file. Choose whether

to save it as .wav (for CDs) or mp3 (for mp3). Choose "split files based on labels" and "using label or track name". Then press "export". Your one recording will now be split into separate files - one file for each label you gave. The label names will become the file names.

8(You can skip the part of giving each label a name and choose to have the program give consecutive numbers. However, for students, I think it's better to give labels.

9(I suggest opening a different folder for each recording session-

and putting the multiple files in that folder .

10(If you want to cut out parts of your recording, make sure to select the audio track and the label track together. You do that by clicking on the audio, holding down your mouse button and dragging down to the label track and only then moving sideways to mark both tracks together. If you cut from

the audio without cutting the label track, all the labels will be in the

8/8/2019 Dividing Audacity

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wrong place (been there, done that!) It's better to do any cutting before you do the labels.