“Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.”


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  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.



    Distribution Network of Pepsi vis a vis OtherSoft Drinks in Guwahati City!

    North East Pure Drinks "Pvt# $t%


    D&SSERTAT&ON S'()&TED TO &)T CD$ "Gha*iaba%#&N PART&A$ +'$$+&$)ENT O+ T,E RE-'&RE)ENT +OR T,E

    D&P$O)A O+PGD) ")arkin.#

    Prepare% by /

    )D GO$A) )'STA+APGD)0 (at1h2344523464

    'n%er the .ui%an1e of2


    &nfosys (PO

    P'NE 2766489Au. 2 3464


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.



    This is to certify that the work incorporated in the dissertation entitled

    Distribution Network of Pepsi vis a vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati

    City subitted to !"T CD# $Gha%iabad& by "d' Gola "ustafa for the

    award of (Post Graduate Diploa in "ana)eent carried out by hi

    under y supervision fro "ay *+,+ to -u)ust *+,+' Such aterial as

    obtained fro the other sources has been duly acknowled)ed in the thesis'

    Sagar Hasabnis

    (Research guide)

    Place: Pune

    Infosys BPO

    Date: 2thSe!" 21"


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.



    ! declare that y Dissertation on the topic entitled Distribution

    Network of Pepsi vis a vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City is

    subitted to !"T CD# $Gha%iabad& for the award of Post Graduate

    Diploa in "ana)eent .'

    This dissertation has not been subitted by e elsewhere for the

    award of y de)ree or diploa/part or full' The inforation )athered by

    e fro elsewhere for the dissertation is ori)inal. true and factual' Such

    aterial as obtained fro other sources has been duly acknowled)ed in

    the dissertation'

    Place: Pune #d" $ola% #ustafa

    Infosys BPO

    Date: 2thSe!" 21"



  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    ! consider it y duty to e0press sincere thanks to all those

    who were instruental in the successful copletion of this study'

    ! )ratefully acknowled)e the insi)htful and enrichin)

    )uidance )iven by y esteeed )uide Sa)ar 1asabnis' 1is

    cooperation and supervision in every aspect of y research was

    useful in providin) confidence and encoura)eent to coplete

    the research work in tie'

    ! t is y duty to e0press y sincere thanks to Great Or)ani%ation

    !nfosys for providin) the opportunities to do such a diploa fro

    a )reat institution like !"T CD# $Gha%iabad& ' ! would like to

    e0press y sincere thanks to y Center 1ead -it 2aesh

    Parab and ana)er Terence 3ob for providin) the opportunities

    to do such diploa fro this cooperation' ! a also very

    )rateful to y 312 -rveend "ana)es. Tahina Delvi. 12

    provide e 'different kinds of help durin) the course'

    ! a indebted to y parents. especially y father late' !drish

    -li -hed 3'-' 3T' who helped e all the way $financially.

    econoically. physically. entally etc'& and all of y faily ebers


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    who supported and encoura)ed e durin) the pro4ect work' 5ithout

    their help this work would not been have been copleted'

    ! a very )rateful to the North 6ast Pure Drinks $Pvt'& #td'

    5ho provided e the different kinds of data relatin) to the soft

    drink arket in the Guwahati city'

    !t is also y duty to e0press y sincere )ratitude to all of y

    friends. tea leads. seniors and colle)es who support and

    encoura)e duration the dissertation'

    Place: Pune #d" $ola% #ustafa

    Infosys BPO

    Date: 2thSe!" 21"


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    ha!ter *o" Particulars Page *o"

    1" Introduction +,1+

    i" -.ecuti/e Su%%ery '

    ii" Rural 0reas in and around Haryana

    iii" itrary Re/ie +

    i/" 3raining and De/elo!%ent 4

    /" 3he *eed of 3raining and De/elo!%ent 1'

    /i" #ethodology 1/ii" Sco!e of the study 15

    /iii" i%itation 16

    2" o%!any Profile

    i" *orth -ast Pure Drin7s P83" 3D" 14,&&ii" o%!any Profile" 2

    iii" Pe!si Head 9uarters" 22i/" Honors 26" 2&/" Honors 2+ 2'/i" #ilestone 24 26

    &" 3heoretical ra%eor7 &',&+

    i" ;hat is distribution *etor7" &'ii" Distribution *etor7" &'iii" 3he Significance of Distribution *etor7" &i/" #ar7eting Research" &5

    '" Research #ethodology &4,''

    i" Research Design" 'ii" #ethod of data collection" '2iii" Instru%ents used for data collection" '&


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    i/" Pri%ary Data ollection" ''/" Secondary Data ollection" ''

    " Data 0nalysis and Inter!retations" ',51

    i" 0nalysis and Inter!retation of retailers !oint of /ie


    5" indings" 52

    6" Reco%%endations 5'

    +" onclusion" 55

    4" 9uestionnaire" 54

    1" Bibliogra!hy 61


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.




    3he title of the !ro

  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    distribution channels" 3he duration of the !roune ? &1st >uly) under the organi@ational guidance Raash!""

    Goswam#$M.D.C.%and M!. G&an"sh Awasth#$A.D.C.%

    *orth -ast Pure Drin7s P/t" td is a franchise of Pe!sioA India o!erating

    for the entire northeast "3he co%!any has its bottling !lant at Rani

    PatgaonA $uahati" *-PD is a !art of RR> grou! o!erating for Pe!si in

    other !arts of the country" 3he unit %anager is #r" "D" Shar%a" 3here are

    four 3erritory De/elo!%ent #anager ho loo7 into the total o!erations of

    *orth -ast Pure Drin7s for the entire north east" 0!art fro% this %ar7eting

    acti/ities are loo7ed into by a se!arate %ar7eting tea%" In the city of

    $uahatiA there are to distributors ? Bhaani Distributors and

    a%a7hya -nter!rises" 0!art fro% this the *-PD de!otA Coo Road also

    functions as a distributors in certain areas of $uahati"

    3he basic Ob

  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    a%ong the P-PSI !roduct in the %ar7et of $uahati city" On the other

    hand SliceA a !roduct of P-PSI has !oorest a/ailability in the %ar7et

    although the Pe!si !roducts are co/ering the %ar7et ra!idly at !resent ti%e

    (In the %onth of >une and >uly)"

    It is also found fro% the analysis that in the city there are only & (three)

    distributors of Pe!siA in co%!arison o7e has (fi/e) distributors"

    In order to i%!ro/e the %ar7et !enetration allotting %ore of distributors

    can be done to gain location ad/antages and also %ore intensi/e

    distribution consu%ing less %oney and ti%e" 0gain the co%!any should

    alays infor% the retailers about the ne sche%es so that the !roduct can

    be sold in large uantity"


    $uahati (0ssa%ese: A !re/iously s!elled $auhati) is a


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    by the co%!any to collect infor%ation about current ha!!ening in the

    %ar7et" It ill hel! the% to %a7es i%!ro/e%ents in ser/ice and uality of

    the !roductA for their long ti%e e.istence in the %ar7et and getting !rofit"

    Basically this research is /ery hel!ful for the organi@ation to understandthe custo%erGs needsA their %ar7et !ositionA de%and for their !roductsA

    custo%erGs e.!ectations and the !rocess to increase the de%and for their


    0gain as a student of P$D#A it also /ery i%!ortant to understand

    the custo%erGs beha/iorA cultureA e.!ectations and ho to handle the

    custo%ers !ro!erly" HenceA it is also hel!ful for %e to learn the consu%erbeha/ior and obser/e their attitude toards de%and of !articular !roducts



    Th" O-"t#/"s a!" 0#/#0"0 #nto two 1a!ts )

    1" Pri%ary Ob

  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    Th" 1!#ma!& o-"t#/"s o2 th" 1!o"t a!" as 2o33ows*

    1" 3he %ain ob

  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    3 Other bran% :ike $it1hi0 +rooti whi1h are a:so foun% to

    have a stron. ;arket presen1e

  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    Pri;ary %ata

    Se1on%ary Data

    Pri;ary %ata2

    Pri;ary %ata are those whi1h are 1o::e1te% a fresh or fast

    ti;e0 an% thus happens to be ori.ina::y in 1hara1ter The

    pri;ary %ata 1an be 1o::e1te% throu.h the fo::owin.


    6 -uestionnaire ;etho%s

    3 Persona: interview ;etho%s

    ear:y )a.a*ines0 Newspapers et1


    3he %ain sco!e of this research is ascertaining the /arious %ethods

    to increase the sales /olu%e and distribution acti/ity of the concern" 3he

    %ethods include regular %easures to %a7e the brand !osition in the


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    %ar7et and ta7ing %easures to confir% the brand in !osition" One of the

    %ost i%!ortant as!ects of this study is also to increase the %ar7et

    seg%ent for the !roducts"

    Man& mo!" so1"s o2 th#s to1# ma& -" as 2o33ows)

    o 3arget %ar7et seg%ent"

    o -/aluating aareness about Pe!si o%!any"

    o o%!arison of Pe!si !roduct to co%!etitors"


    Identification of %ar7et !otential"o -/aluating custo%erGs need ith co%!any !roduct

    o ollecting suggestions for !roduct i%!ro/e%ent etc"


    1" Data of co%!eting brands as difficult to obtain as %ost of the

    data 7e!t confidential by co%!anies"


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    &" na/oidable res!onse error"

    '" ac7 of docu%ented data by retailers"

    " ac7 of !ro!er res!onse fro% consu%erretailers"

    5" ac7 of co%%unication beteen res!ondents and researcher due to

    Illiteracy and lac7 of 7noledge"

    6" #ore ti%e and %oney consu%ing"


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.




    Pe!sio has to %odes of o!erations" 3hey are OBO and OBO"


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    OBO,o%!any oned business o!erations"

    OBO,ranchise oned business o!erations"

    *orth -ast Pure Drin7s (P/t") td" is a franchise of Pe!sioA India

    o!erating for the entire north east" 3he co%!any has its bottling !lant at

    Rani Patgaon" $uahati" *-PD is a !art of the R> grou! o!erating for

    Pe!si in other !arts of the country" 3he unit %anager is #r" "D" Shar%a"

    3here are four 3erritory De/elo!%ent #anagers ho loo7 into the total

    o!erations of *orth -ast Pure Drin7s for the entire north east" 0!art fro%

    this %ar7eting acti/ities are loo7ed into by a se!arate %ar7eting tea%" In

    the city of $uahatiA there are to distributors , Bahrain Disributors and

    a%a7hya -nter!rises" 0!art fro% this the *-PD de!otA Coo Road also

    functions as a distributor in certain areas of $uahati"



  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    ("1s#Co #s a wo!30 3"a0"! #n on/"n#"nt sna4s5 2oo0s an0-"/"!a6"s5 w#th !"/"n7"s o2 mo!" than 89: -#33#on an0 o/"! ;>>


    Pe!sioA Inc" is founded by Donald #" endallA President and hief

    -.ecuti/e Officer of Pe!si, ola and Her%an ;" ayA hair%an and hief

    -.ecuti/e Officer of rito,ayA through the %erger of the to co%!anies"

    Pe!si,ola as created in the late 1+4s by aleb Bradha%A a *e BernA

    *"" !har%acist" rito,ayA Inc" as for%ed by the 1451 %erger of the

    rito o%!anyA founded by -l%er Doolin in 14&2A and the H" ;" ay

    o%!anyA founded by Her%an ;" ayA also in 14&2"

    3he co%!any consists of Pe!sio 0%ericas oods $(AF%5Pe!sio

    0%ericas Be/erages $(A+%and Pe!sio International $(I%.

    (AF includes rito,ay *orth 0%ericaA 9ua7er oods *orth

    0%erica and all atin 0%erica food and snac7 businessesA including

    Sabritas and $a%esa businesses in #e.ico" (A+ includes Pe!sio

    Be/erages *orth 0%erica and all atin 0%erican be/erage businesses" (I

    includes all Pe!sio businesses in the nited ingdo%A

    -uro!eA 0siaA #iddle -ast and 0frica" Pe!sio brands are a/ailable in

    nearly 2 countries and generate sales at the retail le/el of %ore than J4+



  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    So%e of Pe!sioEs brand na%es are %ore than 1,years,oldA but

    the cor!oration is relati/ely young" Pe!sio as founded in 145 through

    the %erger of Pe!si,ola and rito,ay" 3ro!icana as acuired in 144+

    and Pe!sio %erged ith 3he 9ua7er Oats o%!anyA including $atoradeA

    in 21"

    Pe!sio offers !roduct choices to %eet a broad /ariety of needs and

    !reference ,, fro% fun,for,you ite%s to !roduct choices that contribute to

    healthier lifestyles"

    Pe!sioGs %ission is =3o be the orldGs !re%ier consu%er !roductGs

    co%!any focused on con/enient foods and be/erages" ;e see7 to !roduce

    healthy financial reards to in/estors as e !ro/ide o!!ortunities for

    groth and enrich%ent to our e%!loyeesA our business !artners and the

    co%%unities in hich e o!erate" 0nd in e/erything e doA e stri/e for

    honestyA fairness and integrityK

    PepsiCo Headquarters


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    Pe!sio ;orld Headuarters is located in PurchaseA *e Lor7A

    a!!ro.i%ately ' %inutes fro% *e Lor7 ity" 3he se/en,building

    headuarters co%!le. as designed by -dard Durrell StoneA one of

    0%ericaEs fore%ost architects" 3he building occu!ies 1 acres of a 1'',

    acre co%!le. that includes the Donald #" endall Scul!ture $ardensA a

    orld, acclai%ed scul!ture collection in a garden setting"

    3he collection of or7s is focused on %a

  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    Doritos =rash the Su!er BolK !rogra% on the ?>>@ Cann"s Go30

    M"0a3 L#ons Awa!0in the =ast #o/ing onsu%er $oodsK category"

    3he ayGs =1N Pure >oyK co%%ercial on the (7-3# R"3at#ons

    So#"t& o2 Am"!#as S#3/"! An/#3 Awa!0"DoritosGs =rash the Su!er BolK ca%!aign on a (3at#n7m '"!m"s

    C!"at#/" Awa!0 fro% the 0ssociation of #ar7eting and

    o%%unication Professionals in the Publicity a%!aign category"

    Pe!sio as gi/en the title of ?>>@ O7tstan0#n6 Em13o&"! o2 Ch#na

    in Shanghai Region >@by Business -thics #aga@ine

    Di/ersity Business na%es Pe!sio as one of Am"!#as To1

    O!6an#Bat#ons 2o! M73t#73t7!a3 +7s#n"ss O11o!t7n#t#"s

    atalyst honors Pe!sio ith the ?>>@ Cata3&st Awa!0 for its

    strategic business initiati/es in the ad/ance%ent of o%en in business

    Pe!sio na%ed a%ong Most In237"nt#a3 M73t#nat#ona3s #n Ch#na

    for the third consecuti/e year

    Hu%an Rights a%!aign na%es Pe!sio as one of the +"st (3a"s to

    Wo!4 2o! GL+T E7a3#t&

    Pe!sio hina as aarded a ?>> +"st Co!1o!at" (7-3# Ima6"

    Awa!0for its brand i%age of /itality and youthfulness

    Pe!sio recogni@ed a%ong the ?>>@ ;>> +"st Co!1o!at" C#t#B"ns #n

    th" USby RO %aga@ine


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    Pe!sio na%ed to ist of Am"!#as To1 Co!1o!at#ons 2o!

    Wom"ns +7s#n"ss Ent"!1!#s"s

    Sa%Gs lub A7a2#na R"t7!n th" Wa!mth 1!o6!am has on the

    /ery to! en/iron%ental honor fro% the ause %ar7eting oru% ortune #aga@ine ran7s Pe!sio once again to the To1 ;> o2

    Am"!#as Most A0m#!"0 Com1an#"s #n th" Wo!30

    Institutional In/estor %aga@ine has identified Pe!sio as one of

    Am"!#as Most Sha!"ho30"!*F!#"n03& Com1an#"s

    Pe!sio %a7es ;> #n th" LO'AS In0"Hfor the its cor!orate social

    res!onsibility !rogra% and co%%unications

    Pe!sio is na%ed -P0Gs En"!6& Sta! (a!tn"! o2 th" Y"a!

    Business ;ee7 na%es Pe!sio in its ?>>@ +"st ("!2o!m"!s L#st

    Pe!sio recei/es ?>>@ Cata3&st Awa!0

    Pe!sio in 3o! 1 of Di/ersityIncGs To1 => Com1an#"s 2o! D#/"!s#t&


    Indra *ooyi recei/es In0#a A-!oa0 awa!0

    'ONORS ?>>>< En"!6& Sta! (a!tn"! o2 th" Y"a!


    Pe!sio *a%ed 0%ongDi$ersit%In&'sist of To1 => Com1an#"s 2o!

    D#/"!s#t& Pe!sio *a%ed in the To1 ;> om1an#"s 2o! LG+T (esbianA $ayA

    Bise.ual and 3ransgender) Em13o&""sbyDi$ersit% In&"

    ?>>: M#3"ston"s


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    Pe!sio is na%ed to the EBest o%!anies for #ulti ultural ;o%enE list by

    5orkin) "other %aga@ine

    Pe!sio uice beco%es the first nationally distributed brand to use 1N

    recycled !lastic bottles ith the *a7ed re*eabottle

    Pe!sio Russia celebrates th 0nni/ersary

    $atorade introduces li%ited,edition >ordan series bottles

    Pe!sio !airs ith BS to launch first,e/er /ideo !layer !ac7aged in a !rint ad

    Pe!sio !roducts %a7e EBest oods for ;o%enE list in 5oen7s 1ealth


    -P0 aards Pe!sioEs hicago office ith -nergy Star certification

    Pe!si 7ic7s off its 24 !artnershi! ith the *

    S%artfood adds Peanut Butter 0!!le fla/or to its lineu!

    #ountain De introduces Eltra8ioletAE DeEs first diet line e.tension

    Pe!sio s!onsors *ational rban eague onference

    Pe!sio reaches %erger agree%ents ith Pe!si Bottling $rou! and


    Pe!sio agrees to acuire 0%acocoA Bra@ilEs largest coconut ater co%!any


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    Pe!sio launches its first lightly carbonated fruit,based be/erage in Bra@ilA


    0unt >e%i%a brand celebrates 12 years

    Pe!sio is aarded se/eral 24 be/erage inno/ation honors during Drin7tec

    trade sho

    Sabritas and Pe!sio #e.ico Be/erages recei/e three -ffie E3o! #ar7eting

    a%!aignE aards

    3rue*orth e.!ands offerings ith three ne nutfruit co%binations0!!le

    inna%onA itrus Burst and 0l%ond ranberry

    ICC- S!ar7ling >uice launches at Panda -.!ress restaurants across the country

    Pe!sio Bra@il signs !ledge to change %ar7eting ca%!aigns to children

    Pe!sio says it ill for% ne bottling unitQ -ric ossA 26,year industry

    /eteranA ill be -O

    Pe!sio ones Sustainability ;orld Inde. and Do >ones

    Sustainability *orth 0%erica Inde.

    Pro!el su!!orts Breast ancer 0areness ith its =ho!e"no!ro!elledK

    ebsiteA s!ecial !ac7aging and !in7 ca!s

    Consuer 2eports %aga@ine na%es 9ua7er hey 4 alorie $ranola Bar

    a%ong best during a taste test on loer,fat snac7 o!tions

    nited *ations 0ssociation of *e Lor7 honors rito,ay for its

    en/iron%ental efforts


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    Pe!sio ran7s a%ong to! co%!anies on or!orate Social Res!onsibility Inde.

    by the Boston ollege enter for or!orate iti@enshi!

    Pe!sio signs as !artner of ne #eadolands Stadiu%A the future ho%e of the

    *e Lor7 >ets and *e Lor7 $iants

    Pe!si Bra@il ins the to! s!ot for E3he #ost 0d%ired in Bra@ilE by Bra@ilian

    business %aga@ine Carta Capital

    Pe!sio na%ed Eor!oration of the LearE by Southern lorida #inority

    Su!!lier De/elo!%ent ouncil for its diligenceA co%%it%ent and legacy of


    3he -uro!ean nion a!!ro/ed the !ro!osed %ergers of Pe!sioA Pe!si

    Bottling $rou! and Pe!si0%ericas

    Pe!sio Ho!e deli/ers %ore than A freeA healthier snac7s and brea7fasts

    to Dallas children

    rito,ay recei/es the nited *ations 0ssociation of *e Lor7Es 24 0nnual

    Hu%anitarian 0ard in recognition of rito,ayEs acco%!lish%ents in

    en/iron%ental cor!orate social res!onsibility

    Pe!sio Russia signs the Russian 0d/ertisers 0ssociationEs !ledge to eli%inate

    ad/ertising to children under 12

    Pe!si ins Eootball Pro%oter of the LearE aard in *igeria for its in/ol/e%ent

    ith the de/elo!%ent of grassroots football

    Pe!sio and albee oods o%!any announce strategic alliance to %a7e and

    sell a ide range of food !roducts in >a!an

    $a%esa,9ua7erEs Stila brand na%ed EBrand of the LearE in #e.ico at the 5th

    0nahuac0I Ries #ar7eting 0ards

    ICC- brand launches ne fla/or of s!ar7ling

  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    Pe!si >ordan ins the ing 0bdullah -.cellence 0ardA >ordanEs %ost

    !restigious aard on a country le/el

    Pe!sio recei/es Eor!oration of LearE aard fro% nited erebral Palsy in

    recognition of its -n0ble !rogra%A hich cha%!ions inclusion for !eo!le ith

    different abilities in the or7!lace

    Pe!sioEs ;orld Headuarters in PurchaseA *LA as na%ed as the inner of

    the 24 and%ar7 0ard by the 0%erican Society of andsca!e 0rchitects

    and the *ational trust for Historic Preser/ation

    rito,ay *orth 0%erica announces ne !artnershi! ith 3erra ycleA a

    co%!any that ill re!ur!ose rito,ay snac7 !ac7aging into %erchandise

    Pe!sio na%ed to -this!hereEs E#ost -thical o%!aniesE for 24

    9ua7er is honored ith 2+,24 Brand aureate Heritage 0ard for the

    EBest Brands,onsu%ersE by the 0sia Pacific Brand oundation in #alaysia

    Pe!sio hicago is recogni@ed by Business;ee7 %aga@ine as one of the to!

    EgreenE headuarter locations in the "S"

    Pe!sio is listed in the to! 2 EIdeal -%!loyer #B0 Ran7ingE in8ortune


    Pe!sio hina be/erage grou! na%ed ESu!!lier of the LearE by ;al,#art


    *0 and Oberto Sausage o" hagree to end !artnershi! for distribution and

    sales of OhBoy Oberto brand %eat snac7 !roducts in the "S" and anada

    3ro!icana beco%es the first *orth 0%erican brand to be inde!endently

    certified by the arton 3rustA an organi@ation established to address cli%ate


    Sierra #ist launches ne fla/orSierra #ist Ruby S!lash

    Pe!si beco%es official be/erage of *oregian ruise ines

    Pe!sio acuires arinto snac7 business in Peru

    rito,ay Sunhi!s announces !lans to begin using the first fully co%!ostable

    snac7 chi! bag %ade fro% !lant,based %aterials to significantly i%!ro/e the

    en/iron%ental i%!act

    Pe!sioEs #e.ico di/isionsA $a%esa,9ua7erA Sabritas and $atoradeA recei/e

    the distincti/e or!orate Social Res!onsibility aard fro% e%efiA the

    #e.ican enter for Philanthro!A for their 3alent Sustainability efforts


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    ;al,#art #e.ico na%es Pe!sio Be/erages #e.ico as the ESu!!lier of the


    0uafinaA Diet Pe!siA Pe!si and #ountain De to! the 24 Brand eys

    usto%er oyalty -ngage%ent Inde.

    i!ton launches ne S!ar7ling $reen 3eathe first,e/er s!ar7ling be/erage

    fro% the i!ton trade%ar7

    Consuer 2eports na%es 9ua7er !roducts a%ong its to! choices at

    su!er%ar7ets in their E$reat -/ery Day ProductsE article

    3he "S" -n/iron%ental Protection 0gency aards Pe!sio a 24 -nergy

    Start Sustained -.cellence 0ard for its energy efficiency !rogra%

    Pe!sio announces intention to acuire its to largest anchor bottlersA 3he

    Pe!si Bottling $rou! and Pe!si0%ericas

    Pe!sioEs 3or3ri. brand recei/es the EHall of a%e of $uate%alan BrandsE

    aard fro% the 0%erican #ar7eting 0ssociation

    Pe!sio introduces three ne !roductsPe!si *aturalA Pe!si 3hrobac7 and

    #ountain De 3hrobac7A all seetened ith natural sugar

    Pe!sio Ireland is recogni@ed as one of the E Best ;or7!lacesE by 3he $reat

    Places to ;or7 Institute

    Pe!sio hicago Sustainability enter achie/es --D Platinu% certification

    fro% the "S" $reen Building ouncilA %a7ing it the fist in the onsu%er

    Products sector to recei/e the !restigious Platinu% distinction

    rito,ay launches J2 line for consu%ers see7ing /alue

    Pe!sio India launches *i%boo@ by 6!A a be/erage ins!ired by IndiaEs

    fa/orite le%onade drin7

    3ro!icana introduces 3ro!A the first orange

  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    Doritos Su!erBol TIII ad ran7ed nu%ber one by 9S- Today7s 0d #eter

    0#P -nergy un/eils three ne line e.tensions0#P -nergy ightningA 0#P

    -nergy ith Blac7 3ea and 0#P -nergy ith $reen 3ea

    Pe!sio scores %auice beco%es a/ailable at Sa%Es lub

    rito ay 3ur7ey launches its second better,for,you snac7A heetos Rings

    -le/en Pe!sio hina bottling !lants are honored as E2+ -nter!rise of

    -.cellence in ;ater Sa/ingE facilities at the 2+ hinese Be/erages Industry

    0ssociation annual %eeting


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.



    What is +istri,ution net-ork/


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    =hannel of distribution or trade channel for a !roduct is the route ta7en by

    the title of the goods as they co%e fro% the !roducer to the ulti%ate

    consu%er or industrial userK

    , , ;illa% Standton

    =hannel of distribution is a tea% of %erchants and agentsA business

    institutions that co%bine !hysical %o/e%ent and title %o/e%ent of

    !roducts in order to create useful assort%ents for s!ecific %ar7ets"K

    , Prof" " $lenn ;alters

    D#st!#-7t#on n"two!4

    3he distribution netor7 is an i%!ortant Part of the %ar7eting"

    lti%ate !ur!ose of %anufacturing any goods and ser/ices is to hand o/er

    sa%e to the end users or custo%ers for its utili@ation" the entire function of

    getting goods into the hands of custo%ers is called as distribution " the

    channel of distribution %eans the inter%ediaries engaged in %o/ing goods

    fro% the !lace of !roduction to the !lace of consu%!tion "In other ordsA

    the route by hich the goods %o/e fro% the !lace of !roduction to the

    !lace of !roduction is called as the channel of distribution"

    3he channel of distribution is an i%!ortant !art of =#ar7eting #i.K in anybusiness organi@ation" It is the !ath ay for the flo of onershi!

    !ossession of goods and ser/ices" 3he transfer of onershi! and !hysical

    !ossession are to i%!ortant as!ects"

    3ransfer of onershi! is an e.change !rocess hich includes channels of


    Th" s#6n#2#an" o2 0#st!#-7t#on n"two!4


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    Distribution netor7 is a /ery !oerful ele%ent in the %ar7eting %i."

    #ar7eting channel is a set of interde!endent organi@ation in/ol/e in the

    !rocess of %ar7eting !roduct or ser/ice a/ailable to the custo%er or end

    user for consu%!tion" the goods and ser/ices %anufactured at one !lace

    are %ade a/ailable to the custo%er through the !ath ay called channels of

    distribution " hannels of distribution satisfy the de%and of the custo%ers

    by su!!lying goods and ser/ices at the right !laceA at right !riceA and in the

    right uality and uantity"

    3husA %ar7eting channels !ro/ides ti%e and !lace utility for goods"

    #ar7eting channels !lay significant role for the !roducers ho lac7s

    financial resources for underta7ing the direct %ar7eting" #oreo/erA there

    are %any !roducers ho are interested in underta7ing !roduction

  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    3he %ar7eting research as the syste%atic design collectionA analysisA

    and re!orting of data and findings rele/ant to a s!ecific %ar7eting situation

    facing the co%!any"

    Th" Ma!4"t#n6 R"s"a!h (!o"ss

    -ffecti/e %ar7eting research in/ol/es the si. ste!sQ to of the% are

    discussed belo:

    ;. D"2#n" th" 1!o-3"m an0 th" R"s"a!h O-"t#/"s)

    3he !roble%s should not be defined either too broadly or too

    narroly" 3o define the research !roble%A e should 7no the

    contentsA the sco!e and decisions to be %ade" 3hat %eans or7ing

    bac7ards fro% the decisions can be a good ay of defining

    !roble%s because the !ur!ose of research is to generate %eaningful

    infor%ation" 3his ill hel! in ta7ing effecti/e decisions"

    ?. D"/"3o1 th" R"s"a!h (3an)

    3he second stage of %ar7eting research reuires de/elo!ing the

    %ost efficient !lan for gathering the needed infor%ation" 3his

    in/ol/es decisions on the data sourcesA research a!!roachesA

    research instru%entsA sa%!ling !lanA and contact %ethods"

    i) Data So7!"s)3he researcher can gather secondary dataA !ri%ary dataA

    or both" Secondary data are data that ere collected for another

    !ur!ose and already e.ist so%ehere"Priary dataare data freshly

    gathered for a s!ecific !ur!ose or for a s!ecific research !ro

  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    ii) R"s"a!h A11!oah"s)Pri%ary data can be collected in fi/e ays:

    through obser/ationA focus grou!sA sur/eysA beha/ioral data and


    3he research is done through Sur$e% Resear&h etho+. Sur/eys

    are best suited for descri!ti/e research" o%!anies underta7e

    sur/eys to learn about !eo!leGs 7noledgeA beliefsA !references and

    satisfaction" It reuires de/elo!%ent of a sur/ey instru%entA usually

    a uestionnaireA hich the res!ondents are as7ed to fill u!"

    iii)R"s"a!h Inst!7m"nts)#ar7eting researchers ha/e a choice of three

    %ain research instru%ent in collecting !ri%ary data: uestionnaireA

    ualitati/e %easuresA and %echanical de/ices"

    3he research is actually or7ed through /uestionnaire. 0

    uestionnaire consists of a set of uestions resented to res!ondent"

    Because of its fle.ibilityA the uestionnaire is by far the %ost

    co%%on instru%ent use to collect !ri%ary dataA uestionnaires need

    to be carefully de/elo!edA testedA and debugged before they are

    ad%inistered on a large scale" In !re!aring a uestionnaireA the

    researcher carefully chooses the uestions and their for%A ordingA

    and seuenceA the for% of the uestion can influence the res!onse"

    i/) Sam13#n6 13an) 0fter deciding on the research a!!roach and

    instru%entsA the %ar7eting researcher %ust design a sa%!ling !lan"

    3his calls for three decisions"


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    a) Sa"pling unit0 3he %ar7eting researcher %ust define the target

    !o!ulation that ill be sa%!led"

    b) Sa"ple Si!e)arge sa%!les gi/e %ore reliable results than s%all

    sa%!les" Hoe/erA it is not necessary to sa%!le the entire target!o!ulation or e/en a substantial !ortion to achie/e reliable results"

    Sa%!les of less than 1 !ercent of a !o!ulation can often !ro/ide

    good reliabilityA ith a credible sa%!ling !rocedure"

    c) Sa"pling pro&e+ure) 3o obtain a re!resentati/e sa%!leA a

    !robability sa%!le of the !o!ulation should be dran" Probability

    sa%!ling allos the calculation of confidence li%its for sa%!ling


    /) Contat M"tho0s) Once the sa%!ling has been deter%inedA the

    %ar7eting researcher %ust decide ho the sub

  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    Resear&h etho+olog%



  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    0 co%!any can obtain %ar7eting research in a nu%ber of ays"

    #ost large co%!anies ha/e their on %ar7et research de!art%ent" 3he%ar7eting research %anager nor%ally re!orts to the %ar7eting /oice

    !resident and act as a study directorA ad%inistratorA co%!any consultant

    and ad/ocate"

    Research can be defined as a scientific and syste%ic search for

    !ertinent infor%ation on a !articular sub

  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    0 sur/ey underta7en to assess of retailers distribution netor7 of

    Pe!si /is a /is o7e and others" 0n e.!lanatory research design asado!ted to conduct the sur/ey to !ro/ide a better understanding of Retailer

    and usto%erGs needsA has been able to satisfy their needs and e.!ectation"

    In the absence of adeuate and rele/ant secondary dataA Pri%ary data had

    to collect" 3his as acco%!lished through the for%ulation of a schedule of

    uestions and data as collected by %eeting the res!ondents !ersonally"

    3y!e of Research: Descri!ti/e

    *ature of Research: 9uantitati/e Research

    3y!e of 9uestionnaire: Straight orard

    3y!e of 9uestionnaire: Structured and or%ali@ed

    3y!e of 0nalysis: Statistical

    M"tho0 o2 0ata o33"t#on:


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    1) 9uestionnaire

    2) Personal inter/ie


    0 uestionnaire consists of a set of uestions !resented to a

    res!ondent for% for their ansers" Because of its fle.ibility the

    uestionnaire is by for the %ost co%%on instru%ent used to collect

    the !ri%ary data" 0 good uestionnaire should be si%!leA directA

    unbiased ording"

    I ha/e used general ty!e of uestionnaire hich is

    instructed and non , distinguished in nature "Instructed and non ?

    distinguished uestionnaire %eans that the uestions are !reser/ed

    ith e.actly ith the sa%e ording and in the sa%e order ith

    identification of all res!ondents"

    ("!sona3 Int"!/#"w,

    3his %ethod has been used in order to 7no the uality of

    ser/ice by the distributor to the retailers at the end custo%ers in

    ter%s of deli/ery of !roductsA ta7ing ti%ely orderA attitude of sales

    %an etc" the %ethod of collecting of data for the infor%ation

    through !ersonal inter/ie as carried out in a instructed ay"

    1ri"ar% +ata &olle&tion,


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    3he !ri%ary data are collected by using the folloing


    R"s"a!h T"hn#7",

    Sur/ey %ethod techniue as used to collect the data"

    Contat M"tho0*

    Inter/ies ith res!ondent"

    Sam13#n6 (3an*

    a" Sa%!le Si@e,22

    b" Sa%!le -le%ent ? Distributors and Retailers

    c" Sa%!le -.tent ? ;hole $uahati ityd" Sa%!le Duration,1st>une ? 2th0ugust

    e" Research Instru%ent ? Self designed uestionnaire

    Se&on+ar% +ata &olle&tion0

    Secondary data are collected fro% the different sources li7e

    different nes!a!erA %aga@ine and internal"


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    Data na!ysis and


    Sam13" S#B") ??=


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    na!ysis and Interpretation of retai!ers

    point of "ie#$

    1U 3he different brands of soft drin7s 7e!t in /arious retail store"

    Pe!si o7e Others

    2 '5 126


    3he sur/ey as conducted a%ong 22 retailers" Out of 22 retailersA

    2&N retailers sales only Pe!si"2N retailers sales o7e and rest of the

    6N retailers sales all the brands"


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    2" Order of P-PSI and O- stoc7 by the retailers"

    Distributor ;holesaler Other



    Out of 22 outletsA 1N retailers i"e" both P-PSI O- outlets

    are used to order their stoc7 to distributor"


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    '" 3he stoc7 order is deli/ered at right ti%e to the retailer"

    Les 24

    *o 15


    Out of 22 outlet 24 retailer get stoc7 ordered at ti%e and rest ofthe 15 retailer do not get stoc7 ordered at right ti%e"


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    " Period of deli/ery to retailer"

    Daily +6

    ;ee7ly +

    ;hen *eeded 1&


    Out of 22 res!ondent 6N ha/e re/ealed that their deli/ery !eriod

    is hen need the stoc7A &4N said that their deli/ery !eriod is daily and +Nre/ealed their deli/ery !eriod once in a ee7"


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    5" Daily selling of P-PSI or O- by the retailers"


    2 %l & %l %l 1 liter V 1 liter 3otal

    W 5 &4 15 5 121

    ,1 14 1& 5 & '1

    V1 4 2 1 16

    3otal ++ 6 2' 1 164


    0ccording the abo/e diagra% 2 %l !roduct is not a/ailable in the %ar7et and

    121 retailers sale less than bottles (2 %lA &%lA A 1 literA V1 liter)A

    '1 retailers sale to 1 bottlesA 16 retailers sale %ore than 1 bottles

    of P-PSI !roducts in a day"


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    2 %l & %l %l 1 liter V 1 liter 3otal

    W 51 && 1+ 5 11+,1 1 1& 2 &

    V1 4 ' & 2 1+

    3otal + 25 1 161

    Interpretation )*

    0ccording the abo/e diagra% 2 %l !roduct is not a/ailable in the %ar7et and

    11+ retailers sale less than bottles (2 %lA &%lA A 1 literA V1 liter)A

    & retailers sale to 1 bottlesA 1+ retailers sale %ore than 1 bottles

    of O- !roducts in a day"

    6" RetailerGs satisfaction ith the distribution of P-PSI"


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.



    Out of 216 outlets ho sales Pe!si in their retail storeA156 outlets

    said that they are satisfied ith the distribution of Pe!si and rest of the

    outlets said that they are not satisfied ith the distribution of Pe!si"

    +" RetailerGs satisfaction ith the distribution of O-"


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.



    Out of 22& outlets ho sales O- in their retail storeA 22 outlets said

    that they are satisfied ith the distribution of O- and rest of the 21

    outlets said that they are not satisfied ith the distribution of O-"

    4" 3he %ode of !ay%ent %ade by the retailers"

    ash 21&


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    heue 4

    Both &


    Sur/ey as conducted a%ong 22 retailers" Out of this 4N retailers

    ha/e said that their %ode of !ay%ent is cashA 'N retailers said that their

    %ode of !ay%ent is cheue and rest 1N used to !ay by both cash and


    1" 3he largest selling !roduct of P-PSI"

    P-PSI 256 ! 26


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    #IRI*D0 114

    SI- &

    #O*30I* D-; 6


    0ccording to the diagra% 5N retailers ran7ed #irinda as the

    highest sellingA 1N ha/e ran7ed 6! as the highest sellingA 1'N ha/e

    ran7ed Pe!si as the highest sellingA'N retailers ha/e ran7ed #ountain De

    as the highest selling and 2N ha/e ran7ed Slice as the highest selling

    !roduct of P-PSI in their retail store"

    11"3he largest selling !roduct of O-"

    oca ola +

    S!rite &

    enta 5i%ca 1

  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    #a@a 6


    0ccording to the diagra% &6N retailers ran7ed #a@a as the

    highest sellingA &N ha/e ran7ed enta as the second highest sellingA 15N

    ha/e ran7ed S!rite as the third highest sellingA +N retailers ha/e ran7ed

    i%ca as the forth highest selling and 'N ha/e ran7ed oca ola as the

    loest selling !roduct of P-PSI in their retail store"

    12" 3he %ode of trade !ro%otional offers gi/en by Pe!si"

    SH-#- 1++

    $I3 12

    #O*-L B0 DISO*3 21


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    O3H-RS '


    Diagra% shos that +'N retailers got sche%es on glass bottlesA N

    retailers got giftA 4N retailers got discount and rest of the 2N retailers got

    other ty!e of !ro%otional offers"

    1&" 3he retailerGs satisfaction regarding o/erall distribution"

    P-PSI +5

    O- 6'

    BO3H 5


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.



    3he abo/e diagra% shos that out of total 22 retailersA &+N ha/e

    ran7ed Pe!si as highestA &&N retailers ha/e ran7ed o7e as the highest and

    24N retailers ha/e ran7ed both Pe!si and o7e together as the highest on

    !art of o/erall satisfaction of brands"

    S%OT &LYSIS:$

    S X Strengths

    ; X ;ea7ness

    O X O!!ortunities

    3 X 3hreats

    SoA no e define these ter%s for *orth -ast Pure Drin7s P/t" td"


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.



    Brand *a%e:, 8ery %uch 7non in the %ar7et"

    Brand 8alue"

    $ood Re!utation in the %ar7et"

    #ar7eting Dri/en o%!any"


    ess nu%ber of distributors"

    ess S"""


    #ar7et si@e is hugeA so /olu%e sales can be generated"

    O!!ortunities in targeting bul7 users and loer seg%ent"


    3he !erce!tion of consu%ers"


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    ;illingness of consu%er sitching fro% one brand to



  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.




    1" In the soft drin7A oca ola has an o/erall lead in all the %ar7et"

    Other brand li7e itchiA rooti hich are also found to ha/e a strong

    %ar7et !resence" 0nd Pe!si hoe/er see% to lagging behind but during

    this to %onth ie >une and >uly it is found that Pe!si is ca!turing its

    %ar7et area /ery ra!idly"


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    2" Slice has !oor a/ailability in the %ar7et %ainly because of the

    stoc7 shortage and also because Slice R$B has not been launched in

    $uahati" 3he nely launched 3ro!icana tister is relati/ely in a better

    !osition but launch of its R$B S could hel! in better distribution"

    &" In the city distribution netor7A there are only & (three)

    distributors of Pe!si" Su!!ly to the entire city therefore beco%es

    cu%berso%e and leads to distribution la!ses" In co%!arison o7e has

    (fi/e) distributors in strategic locations hich conduct %ore of locali@ed

    o!erationsA thus gaining %ore of a locational ad/antageA also %ore

    intensi/e distribution"

    '" 0bout +'N retailers got sche%es on glass bottles but the gifts for

    s!ace club are yet not !ro/ided by the co%!any" 3he co%!any is going to

    !ro/ide the gift for s!ace club /ery soon after the co%!letion of audit"

    " 3hrough the analysis it is found that the sale of #IRI*D0 is

    highest a%ong the P-PSI !roduct and #0C0 co/ers the highest %ar7et

    a%ong the O- !roduct in the %ar7et of $uahati city"

    5" ro% the total outletA 2&N retailers sales only Pe!si"2N

    retailers sales o7e and rest of the 6N retailers sales all the brands"

    6" ro% the total outletA 1N retailers i"e" both P-PSI O-

    outlets are used to order their stoc7 to distributor"

    +" ro% the total outletA 6N ha/e re/ealed that their deli/ery !eriod

    is hen need the stoc7A &4N said that their deli/ery !eriod is daily and +N

    re/ealed their deli/ery !eriod once in a ee7"


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    4" Out of 22& outlets ho sales O- in their retail storeA 22 outlets said

    that they are satisfied ith the distribution of O- and rest of the 21

    outlets said that they are not satisfied ith the distribution of O-

    1" Out of 216 outlets ho sales Pe!si in their retail storeA 156

    outlets said that they are satisfied ith the distribution of Pe!si and rest of

    the outlets said that they are not satisfied ith the distribution of Pe!si"

    11" ro% the total Sa%!leA &+N ha/e ran7ed Pe!si as highestA &&N

    retailers ha/e ran7ed o7e as the highest and 24N retailers ha/e ran7ed

    both Pe!si and o7e together as the highest on !art of o/erall satisfaction

    of brands"


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.




    1" In order to i%!ro/e the %ar7et !enetration allotting %ore of

    distributions can be done to gain locational ad/antages and also %ore

    intensi/e distribution"

    2" 0!!ointing Pre Sale Re!resentati/es to 7ee! trac7 of retail outlets

    instead of su!!ly in ready sto7e can hel! organi@e distribution and also

    sa/e ti%e and %oney"


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    &" or the a/ailability of the Slice in the %ar7et %ore sto7e of Slice to be

    %aintain by the co%!any"

    '" 3o increase the sale of Pe!si !roductA the co%!any should alays infor%

    the retailers about the ne sche%es"

    " Pe!si has S$0 s li7e /isicoolersA so by ensuring !urity of /isicoolers

    through effecti/e %erchandising it can !ush the !roduct and also i%!ro/e

    the /isibility of the !roduct"


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.




    3he future of Pe!si is bright" Pe!si at this crucial

  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.



  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.




    Nam" o2 th" !"ta#3 sto!")Nam" o2 th" (!o1!#"to!)


    1" ;hat are the different brands of soft drin7s you ha/e 7e!t in your retail


    (a) P-PSI (b) O- (c) Others

    2" ;ho% do you order your P-PSI stoc7 toY


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    (a) Distributor (b) ;holesaler (c) Other

    &" ;ho% do you order for your O- and other stoc7 toY

    (a) Distributor (b) ;holesaler (c) Other

    '" Do you get the stoc7 ordered at the ti%eY

    (a) Les (b) *o

    " ;hat is your deli/ery !eriodY

    (a)Daily (b) ;ee7ly (c) Once in ten days (d) ;hen needed

    5" Ho %uch P-PSI or O- you sale in a dayY


    (a) 2%l ( ) (b) & %l( ) (c) %l ( )(d) 1 liter( ) (e)V1 liter ( )


    (a) 2%l ( ) (b) & %l( ) (c) %l ( )(d) 1 liter( ) (e)V1 liter ( )

    *B: indly !ut the *o" of bottles sold in a day in the brac7et"

    6" 0re you satisfied ith the distribution of P-PSIY

    (a) Les (b) *o

    +" 0re you satisfied ith the distribution of O-Y

    (a) Les (b) *o

    4" ;hat is your %ode of !ay%entY

    (a) ash (b) heue (c) De%and draft (d) 0ll

    1" ;hich is the largest selling !roduct of P-PSI a%ong the folloingY


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    (a) Pe!si (b) 6 ! (c) #irinda (d) #ountain De (e) Slice (f) 3ro!icana


    11" ;hich is the largest selling !roduct of O- a%ong the folloingY(a) oca,cola (b) S!rite (c) anta (d) i%ca (e) #a@a

    12" Do you recei/e any trade !ro%otional offers fro% Pe!siY

    (a)Sche%e (b) $ift (c) #oney bac7 (d) Discount (e) Others

    1&" ;hose o/erall distribution is %uch %ore satisfactory to youY

    (a) P-PSI (b) O- (c) O3H-R (d) Both P-PSI


    1'" 0ny co%!lain against the !roduct"






    +oo4s R"omm"n0"0)*


  • 7/25/2019 Distribution Network of Pepsi Vis a Vis Other Soft Drinks in Guwahati City.


    #ar7eting %anage%ent Phili! otler

    Research #ethodology,#ethods and 3echniues

    "R othari"Int"!n"t)*

