Distributed Data with ACID Transactions · 2005. 2. 24. · CS530 S05 Distributed Data with ACID...


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CS530 S05

Distributed Data with ACID Transactions

• 3-tier application with data distributed across multiple DBMSs

• Not replicating the data (yet)






CS530 S05

Why Do This?

• Legacy systems using separate DBMSs

• have no choice ...

•• Performance improvement for certain


• mostly read-only transactions confined to a single site

•• Transactional messaging systems

• later

CS530 S05

Why Not Do This?

• Every DBMS / resource manager is a single point of failure

• So this never improves availability

CS530 S05

The Difficult Issue

• Want ACID transaction properties for data distributed across multiple DBMSs

• The DBMSs cannot just commit sequentially

• failure during commit sequence would lead to consistency violation

• Two-Phase Commit protocol (2PC)

• [BN97] Ch 9

• There is a Three-Phase protocol (3PC)

• slightly more reliable but more complex

• rarely used

CS530 S05

Overview of 2PC

• A coordinator is in charge of the transaction

• DBMSs (participants) follow coordinator’s instructions

• Two phases (!):

• Participants vote to commit or abort

• Coordinator counts the votes

• Commit only if every participant votes yes!

CS530 S05

2-Phase Commit

• Phase 1:

• Coordinator sends PREPARE to all participants and waits for responses

• Participants reply YES or NO, or fail to reply

CS530 S05

2-Phase Commit

• Phase 2:

• Coordinator decides YES iff received YES votes from all participants

• Coordinator sends decision to all participants

• Participants reply DONE

• Coordinator frees resources after receiving DONE from all participants

CS530 S05

2-Phase Commit - Blocking

• Correctness:

• After voting NO participant may abort

• After voting YES participant may not commit or abort until receiving the coordinator decision -- in doubt

• After voting YES participant must be able to commit even after failure and recovery

• What if coordinator fails while some participants are in doubt? Blocked!

CS530 S05

2-Phase Commit - Theorems

• For every possible distributed commit protocol, a communication failure can cause a participant to become blocked.

• proof related to the famous “FLP” (Fisher, Lynch, Patterson)impossibility proof.

CS530 S05

2-Phase Commit - Theorems

• No distributed commit protocol can guarantee independent recovery (recovery without cooperation from coordinator or other participants) of a failed participant.

CS530 S05

Logging in 2PC

• Coordinator and participants must log enough information to enable recovery if a failure occurs during execution of the 2PC protocol

• Durable log: assume after a failure every logged record will be recoverable

CS530 S05

Logging in 2PC (YES)

Log a START record

Log a COMMIT record

Log a DONE record

Log a PREPARED record

Log a COMMITTED record





CS530 S05

Logging in 2PC (NO)

Log a START record

Log an ABORT record

Log a DONE record

Log a NO record

Log an ABORTED record





CS530 S05

Error Handling - Coordinator

• Broadcast PREPARE

• No error possible

• Receive replies from all participants

• Any replies timeout => assume NO

• Decide to commit or abort

• No error possible

• Broadcast decision (COMMIT or ABORT)

• No error possible

CS530 S05

Error Handling - Coordinator

• Receive DONE from all participants

• Timeout => re-solicit DONE messages from all participants (infinite loop)

• Free all resources associated with transaction

• No error possible

CS530 S05

Error Handling - Participant

• Receive PREPARE from coordinator

• Timeout without PREPARE request => abort the transaction unilaterally

• Txn mentioned in PREPARE does not exist => just ignore the request

• Prepare the transaction for commit

• No error possible

• Result is commit vote (YES or NO)

CS530 S05

Error Handling - Participant

• Send vote (YES or NO)

• No error possible

• Receive decision

• Timeout => blocked!

• Implement the decision (commit or abort) and send DONE

• No error possible

• Note this is a key property of 2PC!

CS530 S05


Log a START record

Log a COMMIT record

Log a DONE record

Log a PREPARED record

Log a COMMITTED record





CS530 S05


Log a START record

Log an ABORT record

Log a DONE record

Log a NO record

Log an ABORTED record





CS530 S05

Recovery - Coordinator

• No START in log

• No action required

• participants eventually abort

• No COMMIT/ABORT in log

• Send NO

• participants abort even if decision was YES

• No DONE in log

• Send decision from log

• may be a resend

• DONE in log

• No action required

CS530 S05

Recovery - Participant

• No PREPARED record in log

• Abort unilaterally

• could not have voted YES with no PREPARED log record


• Execute “Termination Protocol”

• this is the hard case


• Send DONE

• may be resend

CS530 S05

A Simple Termination Protocol

• Reestablish communication with coordinator (wait indefinitely for this)

• Resend vote

• Coordinator will eventually resend decision

• cannot have forgotten the txn as it has not received a DONE message!

CS530 S05

“XA” Resource Interfaces

• Vendor-independent 2PC protocol specification

• Supported by many RDBMS systems, JMS, ...

• distributed commit of data on DBMSs from multiple vendors!

• Important part of J2EE
