Dissertation project final 11


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Contents:- Contents:- Page No.Page No.

Introduction 04

Aims & objectives 05-06

Hypothesis 07

Research Methodology 08

Content Analysis 09-15

Survey 16-20

Pie DiaGram 21-31

Expert Interviews 32-34

Conclusion 35

Acknowledgement 36

List of Sources 37


Introduction:Introduction:Good food is a basic need of every human body. It is of prime importance in the attainment of normal growth and development. The role of food nutrition can’t be neglected. The health hazards from over nutrition are on increase in mortality and higher incidence of many diseases. So the nutrition of people throughout the world is one of the greatest international problems of the present day. Food is something which everyone loves to have. Without food no one can survive. Food is something which every media wants to cover.

People consume food for nutritional benefits. Food gives us strength, nutrition, such as fats, proteins, vitamins or minerals. Historically, people secured food through two methods: hunting and gathering and agriculture. Today, the majority of the food energy required by the ever increasing population of the world is supplied by the food industry. Food safety and food security are monitored by agencies like the International Association for Food Protection, World Resources Institute,

World Food Program, Food and Agriculture Organization, and International Food Information Council.

Today, food stalls, restaurants, cafes are more than the consumers. Different types of cuisines are available right now in Kolkata and it’s really tough for everyone to know about all the restaurants at the same time. Print media give the platform to know about many restaurants, any specific food of any specific restaurants, chef’s special menu etc, which no other media helps in details. In this century, in the world of social media apps, like zomato, food panda, etc., which all are given the knowledge of restaurants details, print media are still doing better than the applications. From newspapers and magazines we can get to know about food, food, art, restaurant details, food festival, recipes, etc. the different food bloggers are also using this medium to share their experiences apart from blog writing.


Aims and objectives-Aims and objectives-The basic aim of the Restaurant Joints in giving advertisement in print media is to reach to the mass regards any introduction of any new food items or opening of new branches of any food outlets in an nearby the city. The emphasis is on reaching to all classes of the society and to access the people of various earning grades, cause still in these eras of smartphone and monopoly of Facebook, Whatsapp, still a vast majority of the people are still very much addicted to the essence of an early morning tea accompanied by the Newspaper in hand, before embarking on the grinds of daily life. So for those people and for those classes of people still not having access to smartphone for their primary source of news and keeping abreast of the latest happenings in the world is via going through the Newspaper and magazines in local languages is the most convenient way.

So the prospective hotels, Restaurants, by giving add in the newspaper they have wide access to the mass, including class, and in the preferred language of their choice, so they get a wide publicity and amongst them for foodies like we all Kolkatans are getting to know the news of happenings of Ellis Utsab, or Alphonso Festival to name a few, and can give our taste buds

a treat of a lifetime. So it’s a win win situation for both the parties involved, the interested parties get their pockets filled in by welcoming new clients and for the foodies its like another war own by tasting another set of foods.


Apart from the special menu or any seasonal recipes the restaurants are also working on the ambience of that restaurant. In the restaurants there are different ages of people can go, so the ambiance should be maintained neutrality by the owner or the staffs of the restaurants. Decoration is also a thing which helps the ambience to stand carefully.

Quality is also an important element of this section. If I have everything in my restaurant's decor, chef, good ambience, but if my food quality is bad or not up to the mark then my customers will not be happy at all. So I have to work on every section if I own a restaurant. And I also have to mention everything with good photographs so readers can get a complete idea before coming. A customer always wants good service, care, help, support, taste etc.



The major aim of any Business House of today is at first creating a distinguishing mark in the mind of its clients so that it is able to leave a lasting impression in their mind so that at any given time those people will give priority to those concerns which have successfully imprinted a brand image of theirs in the minds of the people.

The major aim of any Business House of today is at first creating a distinguishing mark in the mind of its clients so that it is able to leave a lasting impression in their mind so that at any given time those people will give priority to those concerns which have successfully imprinted a brand image of theirs in the minds of the people.

Secondary motive is commercial aspects once the customers start preferring for example, company A from company B then it is obvious with more addition of customers in their profile company A will generate more revenue than B, so company A hereby enjoys better popularity score amongst public both in terms of quality and profitability.

But given the rate at which new set of eating out places is coming up every now and then though they are not left out any stones unturned in terms of promotion and advertisement, but they are falling short of benchmarks in terms of the quality of the food served. So though some age old and renowned Restaurants are falling behind the rat race of today’s,

promotional and advertising campaign, cause nowadays more emphasis is being given on packaging and branding rather than the Intrinsic value, but despite the odds on any given day Print media will win my comfortable margin given its competition with Social media , cause still Social media is accessible to only 10% while other 90% of the population still for them the Print media is still the staple source of news.


Research methodology:-Research methodology:-The study of conducting research is research methodology. “Research” is composed of two syllables of ‘re’ and ‘search’. ‘Re’ is a prefix meaning ‘again’ or ‘over again’ or a ‘new’ and ‘search’ is the latter meaning to examine closely and carefully or to ‘taste and try’.

Methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study. It comprises the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a branch of knowledge. Typically, it encompasses concepts such as philosophical or theoretical frameworks, theoretical model, phases and quantitative or qualitative techniques.

A methodology does not set out to provide solutions - it is, therefore, not the same as a method. Instead, a methodology offers the theoretical underpinning for understanding which method, set of methods, or best practices can be applied to a specific case, for example, to calculate a specific result.It has also been defined as follows:

1. "The analysis of the principles of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline.

2. "The systematic study of methods that are, can, be, or have been applied within a discipline".

3. "The study or description of methods"

Here as per the topic research methodology has been done in three steps following the content analysis, survey work and the expert interview.


A. ContentA. Content AnalysisAnalysis


Content analysis of the topic is being based on daily newspaper supplements and magazines of Kolkata, cover different articles on various foods and restaurants. Calcutta Tims, T2, Graphity Saptahik Bartaman, Hangla Hensel helped me to build my project much more informative. These newspaper supplements and magazines helped me to take the reference ideas for my topic “print media coverage on food”.CALCUTTA TIMES (THE TIMES OF INDIA):-

The research work for this project on Calcutta Times from April 2016 to August 2016.

From the April edition,dated 5th April there was a story about Ice Cream written by Sristhti.Dasgupta@timesgroup.com. Different kinds of Ice cream TUTTY FRUTTY, NOLEN GUR ICE CREAM, FRESH ALPHONSO SUNDAE,

FRUIT FUSION etc from the various ice cream joints had been published by the writer.

On 22nd June, there was a story about different kinds of Mocaktails written by SHREESHA GHOSH. The stories gave various information of Mocktails to beat the summer sun. Famous restaurants like Hopipolla, The Great Booze story, Vault etc. published their best mocktails to the readers eye.


On 8th June, STRAWBERRIES hit the food story. Various recipes about strawberries was written by Ismat.Tahseen@timesgroup.com. The nutritional benefits of strawberries, dessert bites, fun ways with strawberries, were there.

In August I found stories on wafers, Janmastami special food stories and many other different kinds of stories.


In the July edition dated 23th July Food writer of The Telegraph Deborima Ganguly wrote a story on Black rice. The goos and bad benefits of black rice, the nutritional benefits, how to cook etc.


In the August edition dated 10th Aug there was a story about seafood. The beneficial nature of seafood, the taste, where to go, the pocket pinch etc.

Onnyo Samay (Ei Samay):-

In the July edition there was a article about how to bake. The proportional figure, techniques were there in the story which would help to the readers about the baking process.


Apart from that in the August editions there were many recipes in the paper.

07.09.2016 recipe on Kebabs

09.09.2016 recipe on Egg


11.09.2016 recipe of Wraproll

Hangla Hensel:-

Hangla Hensel is a magazine featured on food. It’s a monthly magazine, its comes once in a month. Different types of articles on food, recipes are featured in this magazine.


Audiences can send their recipes though mail, letter and the best recipes are published in this magazine.

Graphiti (The Telegraph):-

Graphiti is a weekly magazine of The Telegraph. It comes on Sunday. Different kinds of food stories are being covered in this magazine. Famous chefs write their

experiments,experience and give recipes. Food value, Nutritonal value are given sometimes. The time period which I research on Graphiti is between June-August.

Saptahik Bartaman:-

Research Time :- July




Survey Questions:-

1. Does print media help you to find restaurants or food?

Yes No

2. There are several articles on food on different occasions or season. Do you follow the utility, usefulness, and recipes?

Yes No

3. There are few supplements like CT, T2 and magazines like Hangla Hansel, Grihini who frequently give the different articles on food. Is it helpful to know about or it needed to cover by the print media more?

Yes ( )

No ( )

4. What kind/ type of food you want to be covered?

Chinese/ Continental/ Indian/ Muglai/Thai

5. Would you like to prefer to try a new recipe/to visit a new restaurant after it comes on newspaper or magazine?

Yes, Of course Not necessary

6. Which medium is helpful for a new try on food?

News papers Magazines


7. Select 5 types of the qualities that you would most like to see in a supplement/magazines, as per your area.

Great taste Organic menu Charging menu Known brand Affordable food Fast service Celebrity chef Friendly ambience Decorations Location

8. Which supplement you follow?

Calcutta Times (TOI) T2 (The Telegraph)

Onnyo Samay (Ei Samay) Any other

9. Which magazine you follow?

Hangla Hansel Grihini Any Other

10. Today, this time social media has taken up the level of promotion of many new restaurants on the social sites. But as traditional media news paper/magazine still hold their position for promoting. Do you agree or not?

Yes No


Percentage of the Survey Questionnaire:- 1. Does print media help you to find restaurants or food?

Yes (76.66%) No (23.33%)

2. There are several articles on food on different occasions or season. Do you follow the utility, usefulness, and recipes?

Yes (83.33%) No (16.66%)

3. There are few supplements like CT, T2 and magazines like Hangla Hansel, Grihini who frequently give the different articles on food. Is it helpful to know about or it needed to cover by the print media more?

Yes (80%) No (20%)

4. What kind/ type of food you want to be covered?

Chinese (36.66%) Continental (13.33%) Indian (40%) Muglai (23.33%) Thai (6.66%)

5. Would you like to prefer to try a new recipe/to visit a new restaurant after it comes on newspaper or magazine?

Yes, Of course (90%) Not necessary (10%)


6. Which medium is helpful for a new try on food?

Newspapers (33.33%) Magazines (66.66%)

7. Select 5 types of the qualities that you would most like to see in a supplement/magazines, as per your area.

Great taste (96.66%) Organic menu (20%) Charging menu (40%)

Known brand (35%) Affordable food (53.33%) Fast service (66.66%) Celebrity chef (20%) Friendly ambience (35%) Decorations (26.66%) Location (56.66%)

8. Which supplement, you follow?

Calcutta Times (TOI) (13.33%) T2 (The Telegraph) (63.33%) Onnyo Samay (Ei Samay) (16.66%) Any other (13.33%)

9. Which magazine you follow?

Hangla Hansel (50%) Grihini (3.03%) Any Other (46.66%)

10. Today, this time social media has taken up the level of promotion of many new restaurants on the social sites. But as traditional media news paper/magazine still hold their position for promoting. Do you agree or not?

Yes (90%) No (10%)


pie pie Diagrams Diagrams


1. Does print media help you to find restaurants or food?

Yes (76.66%) No (23.33%)

According to the survey Print media help 76.66% of readers to find restaurants and food and 23.33% of readers don’t get benefit from print media to find any restaurants and food.


2. There are several articles on food on different occasions or season. Do you follow the utility, usefulness, and recipes?

Yes (83.33%) No (16.66%)

According to the survey, 83.33% of readers said they follow the occasionally and seasonal recipes, its usefulness and utility. 16.66% readers said they didn’t follow the seasonal recipes.


3. There are few supplements like CT, T2 and magazines like Hangla Hansel, Grihini who frequently give the different articles on food. Is it helpful to know about or it needed to cover by the print media more?

Yes (80%) No (20%)

80% of readers said that the food stories which come in the newspaper supplements like CT, T2 and magazines like Hangla Hensel, Grihini, it is helpful to know about the recipes, food stories. 20% of the reader said that the print media need to get improve about the recipes, stories, etc. As per their opinion, there are various types of food which everyone should know. If the print media don’t provide those stories its not possible to know for everyone.


4. What kind/ type of food you want to be covered?

Chinese (36.66%) Continental (13.33%) Indian (40%) Muglai (23.33%) Thai (6.66%)

40% of readers want Indian food to be covered in the print media. 36.66% of readers want Chinese food to be covered in the print media. In the 36.66% readers the youth specially want the Chinese foods in the print media. 23.33% readers want Muglai items to be covered. 13.33% readers want continental food to be covered in print media. and lastly 6.66% people want Thai food to be covered in print media.


5. Would you like to prefer to try a new recipe/to visit a new restaurant after it comes on newspaper or magazine?

Yes, Of course (90%) Not necessary (10%)

According to the survey 90% of people follow the story of opening a new restaurant in city or when a recipe comes in the print media. 10% readers don’t follow the story of this particular matter. They follow the Social sites.


6. Which medium is helpful for a new try on food?

Newspapers (33.33%) Magazines (66.66%)

As per 33.33% readers follow the stories which come in the newspaper.The maximum people 66.66% follow magazines. As per them, the picture quality of a magazine paper is much more visually attractive than a newspaper page. So readers love to have magazines

than newspapers. They said magazines information are much more informative than the newspapers.


7. Select 5 types of the qualities that you would most like to see in a supplement/magazines, as per your area.

Great taste (96.66%) Organic menu (20%) Charging menu (40%) Known brand (35%) Affordable food (53.33%) Fast service (66.66%) Celebrity chef (20%) Friendly ambience (35%) Decorations (26.66%) Location (56.66%)

Taste is a main important of of any food. So when someone is going to any restaurants they prefer the taste than anything else. So 96.66% of readers have preferred the taste. Service is a another important element so 66.66% readers have preferred fast service. A good service can also build a good image of a restaurant. After service the third important element is location. 56.66% people said the location of any restaurant really matters. 53.33% readers want affordable food. 40% of readers want charging menu. 35% of readers want friendly ambience. 26.66% readers want decoration, how well the restaurants are decorated. 20% of readers want celebrity chef and 20% of readers want organic menu


8. Which supplement, you follow?

Calcutta Times (TOI) (13.33%) T2 (The Telegraph) (63.33%) Onnyo Samay (Ei Samay) (16.66%) Any other (13.33%)

According to the survey 63.33% of readers read t2 from The telegraph, 16.66% readers read Onnyo Samay, a supplement of Ei Samay,13.33% readers read Calcutta Times from The Times of India and another 13.33% readers read other newspaper or their supplements.


9. Which magazine you follow?

Hangla Hansel (50%) Grihini (3.03%) Any Other (46.66%)

According to the 50% readers, they follow Hangla Hansel which is a complete magazine on food. 3.03% readers follow Grihini and 46.66% readers follow other magazines.


10. Today, this time social media has taken up the level of promotion of many new restaurants on the social sites. But as traditional media news paper/magazine still hold their position for promoting. Do you agree or not?

Yes (90%) No (10%)

90% readers said Social media has taken up the level of promotion of any new restaurants on the social sites. As per the readers they follow Facebook, Zomato, etcs. So they get to know about many things about the restaurants from the social sites. Apart from that there are many cookery pages which give the recipes, items, different kind of food. So they get benefitted by that. 10% people said they don’t get benefits from social sites.





1. Do you think traditional mass media have still beaten any other media?

Yes. We are still in the transition phase where not everybody has accepted the social networking media etc. Thus traditional mass media is something which people still look up to for relating with the outer world.

2. What is the potentiality of print media covering food stories in this audio-visual age?

Although social media is a strong competition to print media, but its existing popularity among the general mass cannot be denied. Thus print media still holds immense potential to cover food stories and make them popular. The most relatable examples would be the Telegraph T2 and the Calcutta Times. Their coverage and review still holds much more gravity than any other media.

3. Give your opinion on how print media help on cover food stories?

Print media basically helps the food joints reach out to the mass encashing its own popularity. And since they are aware of the mass of population following them it becomes easier for them to reach out with their stories to the general mass. Thus although social media

holds a strong foot in regards to publicity people still want a print media review on their food story to build their image.

4. Can you suggest that there is any other chemistry on this topic?

No such suggestions.

5. What is the future of print media?

Like mentioned earlier it is a known fact that social media is a tough competition to print media for sure, but the years of reliability and trust that the print media has


gained is not to be denied. People have been and will still be blindly following the print media and thus the future is nowhere dark for them.

6. ‘Any particular style for this story’- What is your opinion?

Yes. We target the young audiences through swiggy. Not all young,another audiences within 50 are also font of different types of apps and social network. So its helpful to catch them also.

7. In this era of social media what is the target audiences who follow the food stories in Print media?

Target audiences could be the segment of the age group of 40 and above, who are not too well accustomed to social media yet. Target market could also be the population mass in the sub-urban/rural parts of the country for whom informations from the print media are the most authentic and genuine.

8. How do print media give impact to the youth of this generation?

Print media is an indispensable tool of the society and it helps the youth as well to follow information, advertisements, marketing campaigns etc like their previous generations as well. But many a times the youth might even gather a wrong and misleading picture of the society and self as mostly the pictures and advertisements shown in the newspapers showcase things or people to the optimum level of

perfection which is not the case in reality. Thus along with doing good to the society they might equally harm it as well.

9. ‘Newspaper vs. Magazine’- Which medium is heavier?

Newspaper according to my opinion as I think it reaches out to more people on a regular basis than magazine does.. They are a source of daily information and worldwide news to the world, whereas although magazines provide an indepth knowledge about many a things but the information is not too regular. Thus I think newspaper is a print media which people relate to much more than magazines. Because as they say- ‘ Magazine is a luxury whereas is a necessasity.


Conclusion:-Conclusion:-Everyone, generally follow food stories very much. Food is something which everyone loves to follow or if they don’t like them, atleast they overview what type of food the articles are talking about. One should follow all the food stories from different cuisines and if possible would to try all. Food is something what we would love to experience. A simple food can be made deliciously with creativity. I myself called a foodie and food is something which everyone loves to pay attention. Today print media are more advanced and they try to give all the food stories from different origin. Food is an experimental thing. Nowadays social media have taken up the promotional level to a high point. But from that point as a traditional media, print media too gives a huge competition to the other media. Print media has the detailing information of any food stories are much informative than the social media.

The project tries to showcase the utility of food stories on print media. Newspaper supplements and magazines are giving the information so

informative.Apart from than 2when a food story comes in print media or a recipe comes in print media or there is a story of any new restaurant opening or special menu, the maximum people especially the housewives would love to try the new recipes or would love to visit the restaurents. Seasonal food stories like Ilish-utsav or Aam-utsav are being covered by the print media. Apart from the housewives young readers are very food of Page-3 stories. And generally food stories come in the page-3 Supplements.So they pay their attention too in these stories. All type of age group love to read food stories and they love to try for once.

Bengalis love food. It’s our heritage since the emerge. Bengalis are famous for their ‘Macher Jhol’,’Mishti Doi’ and the heritage ‘Rosogolla’. Seeing such a mindset of people it’s gives us immence pleasure and joy.


Acknowledgement:-Acknowledgement:-Thanks to my Project guide Mr. Santwan Chattapadyay for helping me in the project. Thanks to all the people who helped me in the survey work. Thanks to the experts for the valuable time and for giving the interview.


List of Sources:-All the information used in the project are taken from various sources which include:-

1. Wikipedia.com2. Youtube.com3. foodmania.com

4. thetelegraph.com5. thetimesofindia.com6. sanjeevkapoor’s blog7. Facebook page of tasty8. Zomato.com9. Foodpanda.com10. eisamay.in

Newspapers and magazines used for the collection of articles and research work includes:-

1. T2 (The Telegraph)2. Calcutta Times (The Times of India)3. Onnyo Samay (Ei Samay)4. Grihini5. Hangla hensel6. Saptahik Bartaman7. Graphiti
