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DISPENSING DIRECT OBSERVATION OF PROCEDURAL SKILLS (DOPS) This assessment is designed to allow the learner to demonstrate their competence towards the following learning outcomes at the level listed:

Learning outcome Level

18. Take personal responsibility for the health and safety of themselves and others, and following up any concerns about the workplace which might put them, or others, at risk


27. Take personal responsibility for the legal, safe and efficient supply of medicines


34. Receive requests for medicines, including prescriptions, and check for their validity, safety and clarity, taking action to deal with any problems


35. Effectively use systems to support the safe supply of medicines Does

36. Accurately assemble prescribed items Does

40. Carry out an accuracy check of dispensed medicines and products Does

41. Accurately perform pharmaceutical calculations to ensure the safety of people


51. Check their own and others’ work effectively Does

• This assessment should be started after Module 2 learning has been completed • This assessment should be submitted according to your training plan


How to submit this assessment? Log in to your Buttercups Course site now at www.buttercups.co.uk and upload and electronic copy to the e-portfolio.

Recommended resources for this Assessment Workplace SOPs for accuracy checks and handling errors in the dispensing process.

Rules and Regulations for this Assessment

This assessment is a series of DOPS (Direct Observations of Procedural Skills) that are 4 tasks contained in the A15 resources pack and the A15 WTS declaration.

All tasks carried out must be a result of real work activities that have been completed by you in the workplace.

Some tasks require a witness to observe your working practices in your workplace, who may be different to your Workplace Training Supervisor (WTS). For this assessment, it may be suitable for a final accuracy checker to observe you. If the person observing you is not a registered healthcare professional, the observation should be countersigned by your WTS. Your WTS needs to verify with your witnesses that the observed tasks have been completed as described and to a satisfactory level.

You will be granted two submissions to meet the learning outcomes for this assessment.

Your Buttercups tutor will assess your answers against a standardised assessment guidance to determine if you have been successful on this assessment.

If the assessment does not meet the required standard, the tutor will provide guidance on which learning outcomes have not been met and why. You will then be given 2 weeks to resubmit.

If on resubmission you still have not met all the learning outcomes for your assessment, Buttercups will set an alternative assessment to be completed and agree a deadline date with you. You will only have one attempt at the alternative assessment. Should you be unsuccessful this time, you will not be able to complete the course.

Should you believe you have been affected by extenuating circumstances during this assessment then you must complete an extenuating circumstances form to submit to your tutor prior to them assessing your work. This is available in the learner handbook.

Assessment Outline

The aim of this Dispensing DOPS is to check that you are able to dispense prescriptions accurately. This should be carried out under the supervision of your Workplace Training Supervisor (WTS) according to your training plan.

This assessment contains 4 tasks:

1. sessional logs totalling 300 accurately dispensed items along with supplementary records for any errors identified to be submitted. These logs are to be completed over a minimum period of 1 week, for example 60 items per working day.

2. a declaration by your WTS to confirm your work in task 1 and that you are ready to complete task 3.

3. a dispensing log to record 200 items along with supplementary records for any errors

identified to be submitted. These logs are to be completed over a minimum period of 1 week, for example 40 items per working day.

You do not need to record near misses identified by your self-checks and you can proceed with building your record of 200 items. However, if an error is detected by the final accuracy checker, you must complete a Checking Error Log.

For an error within the first 100 items, restart the record of 200 items. For an error made in items 101-200, restart the log at 100 items.

You will need to record at least 5 items out of the 200 that require calculations to be completed as part of the dispensing process, for example, calculating the total quantity to supply. You should include records of a range of different formulations. 4. a declaration by your WTS to confirm your work in task 3.

Remember not to include any sensitive and confidential information that would allow patients to be identified.

Please refer to your course introduction to refresh your memory on how to scan and upload documents onto your e-portfolio. There is a video tutorial on using the CamScanner smartphone app in the introduction module on the b-Hive.
