Dispatches March 2003




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Page 1 March 2003

On December 23, 2002 the six (6) health care unions (HSAS, SUN, RWDSU, SGEU, CUPE and SEIU) and SAHO signed an Agreement and Declaration of Trust. The Agreement and Declaration of Trust sets out the terms under which the plan will be jointly trusteed effective December 31, 2002. The following is a summary of the main provisions of the Agreement: Name Change The plan is renamed the Saskatchewan Healthcare Employees’ Pension Plan (SHEPP). Governance The plan is now governed by an independent board of eight (8) trustees. Four are appointed by SAHO and four are appointed by the healthcare unions. The SAHO appointed trustees are: • Jim Tomkins – Vice-Chair – (university administrator and professor) • Len Posyniak – (human resources vice-president) • Kay Robertson – (lawyer) • Blake Walker – (investment director). The union appointed trustees are: • Marg Romanow – Chair – (SUN union representative) • Andrew Huculak – (CUPE representative) • Muriel Morhart – (SEIU union representative) • Tim Slattery – (HSAS union representative). The trustees are responsible for all aspects of the plan and pension fund. They have met on January 9 and February 26 and will continue to meet to provide strategic and policy direction for the plan and fund. The next meeting is scheduled for March 31. The change in governance will not affect pension benefits or services. The

SAHO Pension Plan Jointly Trusteed

March 2003

Benefit Update 2

Thank You 3

Executive Council Meeting Highlights


Members Required for Committees


Follow-Up to Negotiations 5

Canadian Health Professionals Secretariat


Upcoming Events 6

Special Dues Assessment 6

District Councils 7

HSAS’s 30th Anniversary 8

Minutes from 2002 Annual Convention


Grievance Corner 12

Meet the Health Support Practitioners


Executive Council 15

Executive Officers, Board of Governors & Committees


HSAS - Saskatoon 17

HSAS - Regina 18

Retirements 19

Change of Information 19

Inside this issue:

Health Sciences Assoc iation of Saskatchewan

See SAHO on Page 2

A survey is enclosed on the issue of private health care services. Please complete and return as soon as you can.

Page 2 March 2003

operations of SHEPP will continue to be conducted by the same staff located in the Regina and Saskatoon SAHO offices. Funding For several years, plan members and participating employers have made contributions to the plan at a ratio of 1 to 1.12 (for every $1.00 contributed by plan members p a r t i c i p a t i n g e m p l o y e r s contributed $1.12). Before joint trusteeship, this ratio was always subject to change. Under the new

T r u s t A g r e e m e n t t h a t contribution ratio is fixed. Additionally, effective January 1, 2003 , co ntr ib ut io n ra t es increased .5% for plan members and .56% for employers. This increase will help ensure our plan has adequate funding to pay pension benefits in the future. Keep Informed Pension plan members can expect to receive information on the changes in the weeks and month

to come. If you have any questions or concerns regarding pension issues feel free to contact the following: Tim Slattery – HSAS In Saskatoon: 955-3399 Outside of Saskatoon: (toll-free) 1-888-565-3399 Garry Tramer – SAHO In Regina: 347-5500 Outside of Regina: (toll-free) 1-866-394-4440

SAHO (cont.)

Along with the cards, members will receive a form called a Personal Data Information and Update Form which you must complete and return to Canada Life. The form will ensure Canada Life has the information it needs to process the member’s claims with the card. You will also receive an information insert that explains the card, the form and the difference between the $10 and $9 deductible. Only active plan members will receive a card. Employees will not receive a card if, as of March 31, 2003, their coverage ended due to:

• An approved disability that extended beyond the two year and four m o n t h m a x i m u m coverage period, or

• An approved leave of

absence that extended beyond the twelve m o n t h m a x i m u m coverage period.

These employees can order a card if they later return to active employment and qualify for coverage.

B. Retiree Benefits

The six (6) health care unions and SAHO have entered into d i s c u s s i o n s o v e r t h e possibility of providing health care employees health coverage subsequent to retirement. With the assistance of a consultant, the group learned that a benefit plan for retired members can provide benefits such as:

• Up to $1,700 dollars p e r y e a r f o r prescription drugs covered under the Saskatchewan Drug P l a n F o r m u l a r y (subject to a $10 dollar dispensing fee for each prescription).

A. Extended Health Plan 1. Family Coverage in the

Event of Member’s Death Effective April 1, 2002 – extended health coverage will be provided to a member’s eligible spouse and dependent children for the rest of the plan year in which the member’s death occurs, and the following plan year. A plan year is April 1 to the following March 31. Prior to this change, extended coverage ended on the member’s death. Please note – This change does not apply to the SAHO dental plans. All dental coverage ends on a member’s death.

2. Prescription Drug Card

Prescription drug cards are scheduled to be mailed to plan members during the week of March 17.

Benefit Update

Page 3 March 2003

- Saskatchewan Government and General Employees Union - Ontario Public Service Employees Union - Manitoba Government and General Employees Union - Newfoundland/Labrador Association of Public Employees

― U of S Faculty Association ― Teamsters Union - Regina ― Saskatoon Ambulance Employee Association ― Retail Wholesale Department Store Union Local 544 ― United Steelworkers of America Local 7552 ― CSU Saskatchewan Action Fund ― Humboldt and District Labour Council ― Canadian Union of Postal Workers – Saskatoon ― Communication Energy and Paperworkers Union - Saskatoon ― Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers ― Regina Police Service ― Office and Professional Employees International Union Local 397

• The following organizations: ― Wascana Rehabilitation Centre School - Regina ― Saskatoon Kinsmen Children’s Centre – management ― Regina General Hospital – paediatric unit ― Saskatoon Calder Centre – administration ― St. Paul’s Hospital – Sharon Sullivan, CEO ― St. Michael’s School - Saskatoon- staff ― Saskatoon Royal University Hospital - administration staff

Executive Council and the Job Action Steering Committee thank the following for their support during our strike. Your assistance played a key role in the success of our job action and is so greatly appreciated. • HSAS members and their families • Individual friends of HSAS • The following companies:

― Smitty’s Restaurant – Melfort ― Boston Pizza – Saskatoon ― Medi-Chair - Regina ―Regina Press Club ― Dr. Brian Clapson & Associates – Saskatoon ― Costco Wholesale – Saskatoon ― Medi―Gas – Saskatoon ― Vital Aire – Saskatoon ― Provincial Home Oxygen – Saskatoon ― Weyburn Co-op Association ― IGA – Yorkton ― Harvest Meats – Yorkton

• The following unions: ― Sheet Metal Workers International - Regina ― CUPE Locals 3967 (Regina), 1949 (Melfort), 3970 (Humboldt) and 1975 (Saskatoon) ― SUN provincial office and Locals 107 & 75 (Saskatoon); District Council (Saskatoon); Yorkton local ― Health Sciences Association of Alberta ― National Union of Public and General Employees and their affiliates:

- Health Sciences Association of British Columbia

Thank You

after April 1, 2000 and health care workers who are eligible for retirement in the next three years.

Those mailed a survey have been requested to send in their

c o m p l e t e d surveys by March 14 , 2003. More updates o n t h i s initiative will be coming in

future editions of Dispatches.

• Up to 100 per cent reimbursement for covered dental care.

• The premiums for this kind of a plan are about $60 dollars per month for a single member and $110 dollars per month for a member with a spouse.

However, before such a plan

can be implemented we need to determine the approximate number of retirees who would enroll in the plan and if they are interested in dental coverage. As a result, a short survey has been mailed to those who retired on or

• Up to 100 per cent reimbursement for medical services and supplies such as private duty nursing, hospital charges, and a m b u l a n c e c o s t s (subject to certain annual and lifetime maximums).

• Up to $200 dollars per

year for paramedical services.

• Up to $150 dollars

every three years for vision care.

Page 4 March 2003

December 10, 2002 As a result of Laura Carney, Executive Council Member representing Speech Language Patho log is ts , Orth op t is ts , A u d i o l o g i s t s a n d M u s i c Therapists, resigning her position, Council directed an election be held to fill her vacant seat. The Fall 2002 Election to fill the vacant seat on Executive Council representing Dietitians, Health Educators, Nutritionists and Dental Therapists/Hygienists produced a tie between Victoria Jurgens, Dietitian and Darren Berg, Health Educator. As a result, Council directed a run-off election between Darren and Victoria be held. Council elected the following Executive Officers to a one (1) year term: First Vice-President – Monica Lawrence Second Vice-President/Secretary – Mary Wilson Treasurer – JoAnn Walker Executive Council approved the following two District Council amalgamations:

1. Moose Mountain, South East

and South Central Health Districts will be amalgamated into the Sun Country District Council.

2. East Central, Assiniboine

Valley and North Valley Health Districts will be amalgamated into the Sunrise District Council.

Executive Council directed HSAS Labour Relations Officers to continue the process of clarifying classification levels for Mental Health Therapists, Health Educators and Addictions Counsellors under the following terms: 1. No current member will be

demoted. 2. Labour Relations Officers in

consultation with Executive Council Members will work together to establish focus groups.

3. Recommendations will be

brought to Executive Council for discussion and approval.

4. Subsequent to negotiating

guidelines with SAHO, the

u n i o n w i l l w o r k o n compliance.

February 5 and 6, 2003 Meetings Council received the following results of the elections to fill two vacant Executive Council Seats: • Dianne Lieffers elected to

represent Speech Language Pathologists, Audiologists, Orthoptitsts and Music Therapists.

• Victoria Jurgens elected to

r e p r e s e n t D i e t i t i a n s , N u t r i t i o n i s t s , H e a l t h Educators and Dental Therapists/Hygienists.

Executive Council received the following resignations and directed elections be called to fill the resulting vacancies: • Stan Dimnik – President • Brenda Pasloski – Executive

Council Member representing Assessor Coordinators.

The next Executive Council Meeting is April 9 & 10, 2003 in Saskatoon.

Members Required to Sit on HSAS Committees

Executive Council Meeting Highlights

representatives in initiatives around Aboriginal representation in the healthcare workforce. Please contact Greg Deren in our Regina office at: 585-7753 1-877-889-4727 (toll-free) if you are interested.

- Grievance - District Council Development. If you are interested, please contact Tim Slattery in the Saskatoon office. Additionally, we are looking for volunteers to serve as HSAS

At its December 10, 2002 meeting, Executive Council Members filled vacancies on various committees; however, there are member-at-large vacancies on the following committees: - Finance - Communication

Page 5 March 2003

decision on Assessor Coordinators would not be appealed until such time we can present a stronger case. Negotiations to establish a rate for Psychologist PhD, Infection Control Practitioner and Public Health Inspector are underway. (ii) Speech Language Pathologists The SAHO Provincial Market Supplement Committee issued a report on August 6, 2002 r e c o m m e n d i n g a m a r k et supplement for Speech Language Pathologists. Since no market supplement was provided SLPs in the October 16, 2002 Memorandum of Settlement, HSAS requested SAHO to rectify the situation. Unfortunately, SAHO refused. As a result, the decision was made to forward the issue to the Market Supplement Adjudicator, Beth Bilson, for a final and binding decision. HSAS and SAHO presented their positions to the adjudicator on January 22, 2003. HSAS recommended that Staff SLPs be moved to 35.896/hour and SAHO suggested SLPs not be provided a market supplement. In her February 2, 2003 written decision, Adjudicator Bilson agreed with SAHO’s position stating that it would not be appropriate to award a market supplement until there is an opportunity to gauge the effect of the sizeable increase which they achieved in the current collective agreement. Under the terms of the Letter of Understanding B “Provincial Market Supplement Program” the SLPs can be reviewed again in

February 2004. C. Off Schedule Rates

Including Old Letters of U n d e r s t a n d i n g # 1 3 [Former CUPE 59/SPH C on tr a ct ] an d #1 4 [Former CUPE 600, SGEU/PSC and SGEU/SAHO Wascana Contracts]

Subsequent to ratification of the Memorandum of Settlement on November 21, 2002, HSAS and SAHO have been negotiating placement on the main HSAS wage scales for HSAS members covered by local agreements and Letters of Understanding #13 and #14. Of the 300 or so individuals affected, approximately 75 remain outstanding. In the event no agreement can be reached with SAHO over their placement, HSAS will refer the matter to a third party whose decision will be binding on both parties. D. Copies of the New

Collective Agreement The plan is to have a copy of the new HSAS Collective Agreement mailed to each HSAS member by mid-April 2003. E. Classification Definitions During our several tours around the province during bargaining, the union was requested to facilitate meetings of particular professions regarding concerns around their classification definitions. The goal of these meetings is to establish clear criteria for each classification within each profession. At their December 10, 2002 meeting Executive Council

A. Definition of Senior in Article 21.01 Article 21.01 delineates three (3) general criteria that, if present, would result in an HSAS position being reclassified to a senior. These criteria are: • responsibility for resources • supervision of employees and/

or • work in specialized programs. HSAS and SAHO have met to define what each criterion means; unfortunately, no agreement has been reached to date. Both parties are in agreement, however, that this task is much more difficult that either of us expected. At its February 6, 2003 meeting, Executive Council struck a committee to examine this issue and report back to Council. B. P r o v i n c i a l M a r k e t

Supplement (i) Psychologist PhD., Assessor Coordinator, Infection Control Practitioner and Public Health Inspector P u r s u a n t t o L e t t e r o f Understanding G in the new Collect ive Agreement the following four (4) professions were submitted to the SAHO Provincial Market Supplement Committee for review. On December 19, 2002 the Committee released its results r e c o m m e n d i n g a m a r k et supplement for Public Health Inspectors, Infection Control Practitioners and Psychologist PhDs. Unfortunately, labour market review criteria did not support a market supplement for Assessor Coordinators. At its February 5, 2003 meeting Executive Council decided the

Follow-Up to Negotiations

Page 6 March 2003

focus groups. 3. Recommendations emanating

from this process will be brought to Executive Council for discussion and approval.

4. Once Council approves

classification definitions for a profession the union will negotiate same with SAHO and once established the u n i o n w i l l w o r k o n compliance.

5. HSAS Labour Relations staff have been assigned as follows:

Addictions Counsellors – Al Shalansky & Mari Kijkowski Mental Health Therapists – Greg Deren & Kevin Glass Health Educators – Greg Deren & Kevin Glass

directed the HSAS labour relations staff to work with HSAS Mental Health Therapists, Health Educators and Addictions Counsellors under the following terms: 1. No current HSAS member will

be demoted. 2. HSAS Labour Relations

Officers in consultation with Executive Council members will work together to establish

Canadian Health Professionals Secretariat At its February 5 & 6 meeting, Executive Council decided to send the Acting President, Monica Lawrence and Executive Director, Tim Slattery to Ottawa for an April 25/26 meeting of unions who represent paramedic professionals. The purpose of the meeting is to determine interest among participants to form a secretariat/coalition of unions representing paramedical professionals under the auspices of NUPGE. Why a federation? Three reasons:

1. To raise the profile of health professionals across Canada.

2. To deal with public policy

issues with one voice. 3. Enhance gains in collective

bargaining by sharing information and developing common strategies and tactics.

Specifics on how the secretariat w i l l m a k e d e c i s i o n s , spokesperson, relationship with NUPGE and available resources etc. have yet to be worked out.

HSAS can choose to be involved via direct membership in NUPGE a t a n a n n u a l c o s t o f approximately $20,000.00 or by participating as an independent union at a yearly cost of approximately $10,000.00. The HSAS representatives have been requested to report back to Executive Council with a recommendation on membership. We will keep you informed of any developments.

Up-Coming Events Executive Council Meeting April 9 & 10, 2003 Saskatoon

Special Dues Assessment The special dues assessment that HSAS members have been paying will be lifted in June 2003. Of the $700,000 in loans incurred during our job action, approximately $400,000 has been paid back.

Annual Convention Hosted by the Sunrise District Council in Yorkton November 22, 2003 Location to be announced

Page 7 March 2003

District Councils

On Wednesday, February 12, 2003 members of the former East Central, Assiniboine Valley and North Valley Health Districts held their inaugural meeting. During this meeting they voted unanimously in favour of establishing an amalgamated District Council referred to as Sunrise Health Sciences Association of Saskatchewan District Council. Elected were: Chair Gayleen Robertson Vice-Chair Sandy Vaughan-Hastie Secretary Tamara Dobmeier Members-at-Large Verna Law Debbie Coleman Congratulations to all! Meetings of this District Council will be held the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. The location of the next meeting is Room B in the basement of the Mental Health Building in Yorkton. All members of this health region are encouraged to participate.

Regina District Council Inaugural Meeting

Sunrise District Council

On Wednesday, August 28, 2002, during the inaugural meeting, attending HSAS members voted unanimously in favour of establishing a Regina District Council. Those in attendance represented quite a diversified group of professions. Special congratulations go to elected members of the executive of Regina District Council: Chair Gail Andrew Psychologist Vice-Chair Debra Wiszniak Social Worker Treasurer Gail Beggs-LaRiviere Physical Therapist Secretary Debbie Matties Assessor/Coordinator Members-at-Large Jenny Okroj Nutritionist Peggy Forsberg Physical Therapist Mary Wilson Occupational Therapist

Congratulations to all!

It was decided, at the inaugural meeting, that the Regina District Council would meet every third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Wascana Rehabilitation Centre Auditorium. All members of the Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region are encouraged to participate in their new District Council.

Saskatoon District Council

All HSAS members in Saskatoon are invited to attend regular meetings of the Saskatoon HSAS District Council held the second Thursday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in the 2nd Floor Boardroom at Saskatoon City Hospital

Page 8 March 2003

Our Annual Convention was held Saturday, November 23, 2002 in Saskatoon at the Delta Bessborough Hotel. The day commenced at 10:00 a.m. with educational sessions on Conflict Resolution, Stress Management and Implications of the Dorsey Thaw. Many thanks to our presenters Barbara Makeechak, Dawn Phillips and Neil McLeod. The Business Meeting began after lunch and was chaired by President Stan Dinmik. Eighty-five (85) members from throughout the province were in attendance. Following presentation of the President’s, Executive Director’s and various committee reports, the results of the Executive Council elections were announced. Similar to the 2001 Annual Convention, the member resolutions agenda item provided some great debate and discussion. Upon adjournment a draw was made for two $100.00 door prizes. The winners were Krista Whittard, Social Worker and Sharon Murza, Physical Therapist. After the draw a social was held to welcome new members to HSAS. That evening, our 30th Anniversary was celebrated with a banquet and tribute to our past presidents and long-time legal counsel Tom Molloy. A huge thank you to the following who organized the shin-dig, namely JoAnn Walker, Laura Carney and Warren Chykowski.

HSAS’s 30th Anniversary

ADOPTION OF AGENDA Motion: To adopt the agenda. Moved By: Candi Thompson Seconded By: Barry Ward Carried PRESIDEN T’S ANNUAL REPORT The President’s report was made available to members prior to the commencement of the meeting. Stan read and briefly highlighted his report. Motion: To accept the President’s Annual Report as presented. Moved By: Stan Dimnik Seconded By: Terry Gibson Carried

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S ANNUAL REPORT The Executive Director’s Annual Report was made available to m e m b e r s p r i o r t o t h e commencement of the meeting. The Executive Director, Tim Slattery, welcomed everyone, especially members who came from afar. He thanked the President and each individual member of the bargaining team for their work over the past several months. He thanked the membership for their support. He briefly highlighted his report with special attention to the conclusion and opened the floor to questions. Motion: To accept the Executive Director’s Annual Report as presented. Moved By: Dawn Phillips Seconded By: Barry Ward Carried

At 1:15 p.m., the President, Stan Dimnik, informed the members that there were not enough members present to constitute quorum. The Constitution and By-Laws states that there must be a lapse of ½ hour prior to the meeting proceeding, after which time a motion must be passed to proceed without 10% of the total membership present. At 1:45 p.m., the President opened the meeting by welcoming everyone to the Annual Convention and Celebration of our 30th Anniversary. Motion: To proceed without 10% of the membership present and that the members present constitute quorum. Moved By: Stan Dimnik Seconded By: JoAnn Walker Carried

Minutes from 2002 Annual Convention

Page 9 March 2003

efforts in dealing with the strike pay. She briefly explained the budget for the last fiscal year (October 1, 2001 – September 30, 2002), as well as revenue and expenditures. Expenditures arising from the strike were discussed, as well as the loans and repayment schedule. The strike levy was implemented to repay the loans and it is estimated that they will be paid off by June, 2003. Members who would like an audited statement/summary are asked to contact the Saskatoon HSAS office. The suggestion was made that this information be included in the next edition of Dispatches and on the website. The issue of confidentiality was raised. A list of businesses who supported the strike will be put into the next edition of Dispatches as well as on the website. Motion: To accept the Finance Committee report as presented. Moved By: JoAnn Walker Seconded By: Barry Ward Carried Motion: To continue to use Glen Dean as our auditor for the 2002/2003 fiscal year. Moved By: JoAnn Walker Seconded By: Krista Whittard Motion: To lay the previous motion on the table and defer that motion to Executive Council at their December 10, 2002 meeting. Moved By: Gayleen Robertson Seconded By: Tamara Dobmeier The rationale for this motion is addressing the previous motion may interfere with member’s

motions coming up later in the agenda. Defeated RESULTS OF MAIL-IN BALLOTS FOR EXECUTIVE COUNCIL SEATS ► Dietitians, Nutritionists,

D e n t a l H y g i e n i s t s /T h e r a p i s t s , H e a l t h Educators – There was a tie between Darren Berg, Health Educator, Battlefords Health District (RHA #10) and Victoria Jurgens, Dietitian, Parkland Health District (RHA #9) in this group. Another vote will be held by mail-in ballot to determine a successful candidate. The President announced the decision to bring about a run-off election between the two (2) tied candidates. The President asked the Annual Convention if there was any objection to this course of action. No objection made. Note: the decision will be reaffirmed at the December 10, 2002 Executive Council meeting.

► Mental Health Therapists,

Recreation Therapists – Anne Robins, Recreation Therapist, Saskatoon District Health (RHA #6)

► Occupational Therapists –

Mary Wilson, Regina Health District (RHA #4) – Acclaimed

► Physical Therapists ,

Prosthetists, Orthotists, Exercise /Condit ioning Therapists – JoAnn Walker, Physical Therapist, Saskatoon District Health (RHA #6) – Acclaimed

► P s y c h o l o g i s t s ,

Psychometricians – Dawn P h i l l i p s , P s y c h o l o g i s t ,

COMMITTEE REPORTS Negotiating Committee The President gave a brief update on bargaining, in particular the vote to ratify the tentative agreement. Ninety percent (90%) of members voting, voted in favour of ratifying, with approximately 50% of the total membership voting. HSAS and SAHO signed the Collective Agreement Thursday, November 21, 2002 in the Saskatoon HSAS office. Motion: To accept the Negotiating Committee’s report as presented. Moved By: Stan Dimnik Seconded By: Krista Whittard Carried Education Fund Committee, Communication Committee, Emergency Fund Committee and Grievance Committee____ T h e E d u c a t i o n F u n d , Communication, Emergency Fund and Grievance Committees Report were made available to members prior to the start of the meeting. The Executive Director, Tim Slattery, briefly highlighted these reports. Finance Committee Due to the recent negotiations and strike action, the financial report or audited statements were not ready for the Annual Convention. However, JoAnn Walker, T r e a s u r e r , p r e p a r e d a presentation and summary for the meeting. JoAnn began by thanking all staff members for their assistance throughout bargaining and the strike. Additionally she thanked Laura Carney for all her work and

Page 10 March 2003

takes effect January 2003, thereby resulting in potential union membership movement h a p p e n i n g w i t h i n Saskatchewan Health Care unions and… Whereas all three (3) above matters will require the undivided attention of the President and…

Whereas the pos it ion of “President” is the only officer of HSAS that is elected from the full membership and accountable to the total membership… Motion: Effective immediately, the office of President be a full time position with the pay of no less than what that individual would be receiving as compensation from their Health District/Regional Health Authority employer, to be reviewed at the 2003 Annual General Meeting of HSAS. Moved By: Terry Dodds Seconded By: Gayleen Robertson The motion was amended to read as follows: Whereas HSAS will be going into another round of contract negotiations with SAHO in the winter of 2004 and… Whereas Executive Council has voted in favour o f the development of District Councils (soon to be know as Regional Councils) and the development of a “stewardship system: within the memberships worksites, and… Whereas both above matters will require the undivided attent ion of the President and… Whereas the pos it ion of “President” is the only officer of HSAS that is elected from the full membership and accountable to the total membership… Motion:

Effective immediately, the office of President be a full time position with the pay of no less than what that individual would be receiving as compensation from their Health District/Regional Health Authority employer, to be reviewed at the 2003 Annual General Meeting of HSAS. Discussion surrounded the financial aspect of having a full time paid President. Defeated 2). Motion: All committees who have not yet established their terms of reference provide Executive Council with a completion date for this task. Moved By: Gayleen Robertson Seconded By: Brent McKee The rationale for the previous motion is that the motion to have terms of reference for all committees was passed at the last Annual Convention and to date it does not appear that this task has been accomplished. Having committees establish a completion date would serve to provide motivation to have this task accomplished. Carried 3). Motion: All committee’s terms of reference be made available to HSAS members through publication on the HSAS website and in an upcoming Dispatches. Moved By: Gayleen Robertson Seconded By: Gwen Moyse

The rationale for this motion is so committees have guidelines and parameters within to function which are available to all

Saskatoon District Health (RHA #6)

► Public Health Inspectors,

I n f e c t i o n C o n t r o l Practitioners – Roger Piatt, Battlefords Health District

(RHA #10) ► Social Workers – Brenda

Andreas, Saskatoon District Health (RHA #6)

► S p e e c h L a n g u a g e Pathologists, Orthoptists, A u d i o l o g i s t s , M u s i c Therapists – Laura Carney, Speech Language Pathologist, Saskatoon District Health (RHA #6) – Acclaimed

The next Executive Council meeting will be held in Davidson on December 10, 2002. Motion: To destroy the ballots from the Executive Council elections as well as the ratification vote held. Moved By: Mary Wilson Seconded By: Katherine Brisbin Carried MEMBER RESOLUTIONS The President deferred chairing of the meeting to First Vice-President, Laura Carney, for the first motion. 1). Whereas HSAS will be going

into another round of contract negotiations with SAHO in the winter of 2004 and… Whereas Executive Council has voted in favour of the development of District Councils (soon to be know as Regional Councils) and the development of a “stewardship s y s t e m : w i t h i n t h e memberships’ worksites, and… Whereas the “Dorsey Thaw”

Page 11 March 2003

avoid any real or perceived conflict with regard to the business of HSAS and its Executive, Board of Governors and HSAS staff. Carried 7). Motion: A special committee be struck that includes members from more than the two largest cities in Saskatchewan to review and draw up equitable guidelines for travel, lodging and sustenance as it related to HSAS business to be presented to Executive Council for approval. Moved By: Gayleen Robertson Seconded By: Brent McKee The rationale for this is that it will allow for a knowledgeable discussion of the topic in a venue that will not deter from the regular business of Executive Council meetings. As well, it will allow for some discussion of the legal ramifications of the content o f the current proposed guidelines. The most recent draft of the expense guidelines leaves open the possibility of legal ramifications, particularly as it relates to privacy issues and safety issues (such as sharing hotel rooms with essential strangers, traveling in unsafe conditions and having different expense rules apply to members from different locations). Defeated 8). Whereas HSAS is a provincial

union, with representation on Executive Council, elected by professions, or groups of professions…

Motion: Executive Council seats that have two (2) representatives of a specific profession or group of

p r o f e s s i o n s , h a v e o n e representative from rural and one from urban. * Rural – anything outside of Regina or Saskatoon * Urban – Saskatoon or Regina Moved By: Heather Brinsky Seconded By: Ian Holton The rationale for this motion is that due to geographics of our HSAS members and the dynamics of urban and rural services, there is a need for both rural and urban representation on Executive Council. The Board of Governors and President met briefly and decided t h i s m o t i o n r e q u i r e d a constitutional change that could not be made at this time. The motion was withdrawn. Motion: Direct Executive Council to investigate rural versus urban representation where there may be more than one seat representing the professional or composite group. Moved By: Heather Brinsky Seconded By: Terry Gibson Carried 9). Motion: A $10 pro-rated levy per pay cheque be collected on an ongoing basis on the retirement of the strike debt and its levy. This motion is moved in principle only. Moved By: Rod Watson Seconded By: Mary Wilson Defeated 10). Motion: Members who do not attend the Annual Convention be permitted

members. Defeated 4). Motion: All committees have a restriction of one Labour Relations Officer or paid HSAS staff member on committees. Moved By: Gayleen Robertson Seconded By: Tamara Dobmeier

The rationale for this motion is that committee members make decisions and vote on issues that affect the membership. Whatever expertise the LRO’s or paid HSAS staff have, can certainly be expressed by one representative. Finally, having more than one paid staff person on a committee usurps voting power from the hands of the membership. Defeated 5). Motion: All external hirings (such as consultants) be done through a tendering process. Moved By: Gayleen Robertson Seconded By: Chris Driol The rationale for this is that through tendering, HSAS can be sure to get the most qualified individual(s) for the most reasonable fee. Defeated 6). Motion: Executive Council establish and publish guidelines with regard to “conflict of interest” as it relates to HSAS activities. Moved By: Gayleen Robertson Seconded By: Tamara Dobmeier The rationale for this motion is to

Page 12 March 2003

accountability/transparency to the membership. Not concerned about the $25, rather, providing needed information to members regarding transparency with our financial situation due to the strike. Promote understanding and transparency about the union’s financial status, thus preventing rumors. The motion was amended to read: Motion: The membership directs the Finance Committee to provide all f inancial information and accounting regarding the “strike action levy” to all members. This data will be provided through the Dispatches. Carried


NEW BUSINESS Motion: Membership approve all actions

undertaken by Executive Council up to July 31, 2002. Moved By: JoAnn Walker Seconded By: Roberta Ekberg Carried

ADJOURNMENT Motion: To adjourn the 30th Annual Convention. Moved By: Terry Gibson Seconded By: Gwen Moyse Carried Upon conclusion of the meeting, a draw for two $100 cash prizes was held. The winners were: Krista Whittard, Social Worker, Saskatoon District Health (RHA #6) S h a r o n M u r z a , P h y s i c a l Therapist, Saskatoon District Health (RHA #6)

to send proxy votes with members who attend. Moved By: Roger Piatt Th i s mo t i on r eq u i r es a constitutional change that cannot be made at this time. 11). Motion: The $25 union levy be stopped and not be revisited for one (1) year, by either the Executive Council and/or the Annual Convention. Moved By: Tamara Dobmeier Seconded By: Gayleen Robertson Defeated 12). Motion: The membership directs the Finance Committee to provide all f inancial information and accounting regarding the “strike action levy” to all members. This data will be provided through the Dispatches, e-mail and website. Moved By: Brent McKee Seconded By: Gayleen Robertson Rationale is to provide financial

Grievance Corner This spot in our newsletter is used to make members aware of what articles in our Collective Agreement are subject to current grievances or arbitrations. To protect confidentiality, we will not disclose the Health Region nor the name of the individual member involved. Article 25.06(b)(iii) Footwear for EMS Members Employers have, from time to time, brought in policies limiting the amount they are required to reimburse for EMS Members’ footwear. The Article does not set out any limit in this regard. We encourage members to be vigilant and to contact their HSAS Labour Relations Officer if they become aware of this type of policy or if they are not reimbursed the full amount for footwear.

Page 13 March 2003

Sick Leave Attendance Policies Some Health Regions have implemented Attendance Policies to regulate and reduce sick leave. One Health Region brought in a policy which set arbitrary amounts of sick leave a person could take before being investigated. HSAS filed a grievance in this regard and was successful in having the policy struck down. Article 14.03 Public Holidays on a Day Off/Vacation This policy grievance, impacting full-time EMS employees, was finally resolved, just a few days before the scheduled arbitration hearing. The Health Region involved in this dispute agreed with the union’s position that where a Public Holidays falls on a full-time employee’s regular day off that employee will not only receive pay in lieu thereof but also will be given an additional day off. Article 20.01 Professional/Licensing Fees One of the Health Regions refuses to reimburse a member for all of her costs associated with professional fees for the 2002 year. All these costs were incurred after April 1, 2002. Instead, the employer only reimbursed her $150 which was the former maximum reimbursement. The union is taking the position that since this member paid all her 2002 professional fees after April 1, 2002, she should then be reimbursed for all other relevant professional fees paid after April 1, 2002. As for the 2003 year, this employer has already reimbursed her for all her costs associated with 2003 professional fees. This issue of her 2002 reimbursement is still in the early stages of the grievance process. Article 5 No Discrimination An employer failed to renew the temporary appointment of an Aboriginal employee. Although this employee was in a temporary position and had not yet passed her probationary period, a grievance has been filed alleging that the action may well have been discriminatory on the basis of her race, colour and ancestry. Arbitrators and courts have usually held that rights to a workplace free from discrimination are so important as to supercede any limitation on rights spelled out or implied in a collective agreement. As well, in the last round of bargaining the collective agreement was amended to preclude discharge of a probationary employee if the discharge is discriminatory.

We have invited Bev Shivak, a Dental Therapist and Michelle Wandler, an Exercise/Conditioning Therapist to provide us some insights into their respective professions. Here are the results. Dental Therapists Bev Shivak Dental Therapists are primary oral health care professionals who are trained to perform basic clinical dental treatment and preventive services within a variety of practice settings. As members of a multidisciplinary team, Dental Therapists provide

restorative dental treatment services, disease prevention and oral health promotion programs to maintain and improve health. Dental Therapists also advocate for the needs of clients, assist them in accessing care and refer them to other health professionals for services beyond the scope of the Dental Therapist’s practice. Dental Therapist’s are graduates of a two-year, post-secondary diploma program that is designed to provide a level of knowledge, experience and skills to deliver effective and appropriate oral health services, within their defined scope of practice. Dental Therapists practice in both private and public health settings within a consultative/referral

Meet the Health Support Practitioners

Page 14 March 2003

with the insurance industry, the Exercise Therapist must obtain the designation of Professional Fitness and Lifestyle Consultant (PFLC) a PFLC is sanctioned to: • Administer and interpret appraisal protocols

for the evaluation of physical fitness. This would include body composition (percentage of body fat), aerobic fitness, anaerobic fitness, flexibility, muscle strength and muscle endurance.

• Develop a specific exercise program including

mode, intensity, frequency, and duration of exercise.

• May act as a personal trainer. • Suggest healthy dietary food practices (based

on Canada’s Food Guide), to work in conjunction with exercise programs, to normalize body composition.

An Exercise Therapist is required to maintain their memberships by attending education days, courses, in-services and workshops. Exercise Therapists may be found working in hospitals, private clinics, fitness facilities, and other programs such as Cardiac Rehab and First Step. In our facility, The Exercise Therapist is part of a transdisciplinary team. Along with the normal duties of the PFLC, we teach education classes such as anatomy, body mechanics, tissue healing, fitness, and sleep hygiene. An Exercise Therapist also leads exercise classes such as stretching, aquatherapy, and core strengthening. We play an integral role in returning clients to their pre-accident level of function such as employment and leisure pursuits, following a motor vehicle or work related accident. Motivating clients and promotion of a healthy lifestyle is a major component of our work. Personally, I receive an extreme amount of job satisfaction. I love my role within the interdisciplinary team and with our clients. It can be very challenging as well as very rewarding. We can make significant differences in our client’s lives by being positive role models and encouraging others that a health and positive lifestyle is attainable, important and fun!

relationship with a dentist. Dental Therapists practice in private dental clinics, government health programs, public health agencies, training institutions, First Nations organizations and other practice settings, in the varying capacities as clinicians, educators, health promoters, administrators or dental consultants Dental Therapists are competent to provide the full range of professional services within their scope of practice. However, their practice may vary, depending upon health care legislation or employment policy that may exist within different settings or jurisdictions in Canada. Upon graduation from a school of dental therapy in Canada, Dental Therapists will demonstrate competency and provide the full range of professional care in the following four broad categories: 1. Diagnostic Dentistry Dental Therapists are trained to evaluate patients of all ages, diagnose dental caries and dental abscesses, recognize abnormal pathological conditions through clinical and radiographic examination, chart their dental status, develop a treatment plan and present the treatment plan to the patient to obtain informed consent. 2. Operative Dentistry Dental Therapists are trained to restore teeth to proper form, function and aesthetics, perform uncomplicated extractions, recognize and manage dental/medical emergencies, post-extraction complications, and provide local anaesthetics to manage pain to restore and maintain the health of the dental patient. 3. Community and Preventive Dentistry Dental Therapist are prepared to initiate appropriate oral health disease prevention strategies at all individual, community and societal level. As a member of the multidisciplinary health team, Dental Therapists work with other professionals to maintain and improve health. 4. Practice Management, Principles of

Professionalism and Ethics Dental Therapists are prepared to manage their practice and provide care using contemporary professional knowledge, judgment and skills to conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner. Exercise/Conditioning Therapists Michelle Wandler Exercise Therapists are health care professionals, with a degree in Kinesiology, Physical Education, Physical Activity Studies or the equivalent. In our place of employment, or with any place of employment dealing

Page 15 March 2003

Executive Council is the governing body that conducts the business of the union between Annual Conventions.

Representing Seats Elected Address Term Ends Addiction Counsellors/Therapists


Chris Driol Saskatoon Health Region

Calder Centre, 2001 Arlington Ave. Saskatoon, SK S7J 2H6

Nov. 2003

Social Workers 2

Brent McKee, Sunrise Health Region Brenda Andreas Saskatoon Health Region

Sign Building 83 North Street. Yorkton, SK S3N 0G9 Parkridge Centre, 110 Gropper Cres. Saskatoon, SK S7M 5N9

Nov. 2003 Nov. 2004

Assessor/Coordinators 2

Kathleen Malin Sun Country Health Region Vacant

Redvers Health Centre Box 321 Redvers, SK S0C 2H0

Nov. 2003

Speech Language Pathologists, Audiologists, Orthoptists, Music Therapists


Dianne Lieffers Saskatoon Health Region (Speech Language Pathologist)

Saskatoon City Hospital Rehabilitation Program 7th Floor, 701 Queen St. Saskatoon, SK S7K 0M7

Nov. 2003

Respiratory Therapists, Perfusionists


Warren Chykowski Saskatoon Health Region (Respiratory Therapist)

Royal University Hospital Respiratory Therapy Dept. Box 50, 103 Hospital Dr. Saskatoon, SK S7N 0W8

Nov. 2003

Emergency Medical Technicians, Dispatchers, Paramedics


Dale Backlin Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region (Paramedic) Jason Williams. Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region (Paramedic)

Emergency Medical Services Box 3930 Regina, SK S4P 3R8 Emergency Medical Services Box 3930 Regina, SK S4P 3R8

Nov. 2003 Nov. 2003

Physical Therapists, Prosthetists, Orthotists, Exercise/Conditioning Therapists


JoAnn Walker Saskatoon Health Region (Physical Therapist) Bonnie Yake Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region (Physical Therapist)

Community Services Royal University Hospital Box 50, 103 Hospital Dr. Saskatoon, SK S7N 0W8 Wascana Rehab Centre 2180 – 23rd Avenue Regina, SK S4S 0A5

Nov. 2004 Nov. 2003

Public Health Inspectors, Infection Control Practitioners


Roger Piatt Prairie North Health Region (Public Health Inspector)

Community Health Services #204 – 1146 – 102nd Street North Battleford, SK S9A 1E9

Nov. 2004

Pharmacists 1

Monica Lawrence Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region

Pharmacy Department Regina General Hospital 1440 – 14th Ave. Regina, SK S4P 0W5

Nov. 2003

Occupational Therapists 1

Mary Wilson Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region

Occupational Therapy Dept. Pasqua Hospital 4101 Dewdney Avenue Regina, SK S4T 1A5

Nov. 2004

Recreation Therapists, Mental Health Therapists


Anne Robins Saskatoon Health Region (Recreation Therapist)

McKerracher Centre 2302 Arlington Ave. Saskatoon, SK S7J 3L3

Nov. 2004

Psychologists, Psychometritians


Dawn Phillips Saskatoon Health Region (Psychologist)

Ellis Hall Royal University Hospital Box 50, 103 Hospital Dr. Saskatoon, SK S7N 0W8

Nov. 2004

Dietitians, Nutritionists, Dental Hygienists/Therapists, Health Educators


Victoria Jurgens Prince Albert Parkland Health Region (Dietitian)

Community Dietitian Shellbrook Hospital Box 70, 211 – 2nd Ave. West Shellbrook, SK S0J 2E0

Nov. 2004

Executive Council

Page 16 March 2003

The Executive Officers are elected from and by Executive Council for a one (1) year term except the President, who is elected for a two (2) year term by the general membership. President Treasurer Vacant JoAnn Walker Physical Therapist First Vice-President Second Vice- President/Secretary Monica Lawrence Mary Wilson Pharmacist Occupational Therapist

The Board of Governors provide guidance and counsel to Executive Council on all matters regarding administration of the Union. Any member having served at least four (4) years on Executive Council, at least two (2) of which as an officer, shall be eligible for election to the Board of Governors for a seven year term. The current Governors are: Ted Makeechak Natalie Horejda Physical Therapist Physical Therapist

“Senior” Definition Greg Deren Victoria Jurgens Monica Lawrence Dianne Lieffers Dawn Phillips Anne Robins Tim Slattery Jason Williams Bonnie Yake Loss of Recreation Therapist Positions Mario Kijkowski Anne Robins (Chair)

Market Supplement Rates Greg Deren Dawn Phillips Roger Piatt Tim Slattery Research into Privatization Issue Brenda Andreas Warren Chykowski Greg Deren Dawn Phillips (Chair)

2003 Annual Convention Brent McKee (Chair) Member from Finance Committee Archives Kevin Glass Mary Wilson Charitable Donations Monica Lawrence Dawn Phillips Communications Chris Driol Natalie Horejda Conflict of Interest Dianne Lieffers Brent McKee Constitutional Dale Backlin Natalie Horejda Brent McKee JoAnn Walker (Chair) Mary Wilson District Council Development Brent McKee

Education Fund Ted Makeechak Emergency Fund Chris Driol Roger Piatt Finance JoAnn Walker (Chair) Warren Chykowski Grievance Dianne Lieffers Anne Robins Bonnie Yake (Chair) Alternates: Monica Lawrence Ted Makeechak Negotiating Warren Chykowski Roberta Ekberg Al Shalansky Tim Slattery JoAnn Walker Bill Wright Rural vs Urban Representation Natalie Horejda Brent McKee Dawn Phillips Roger Piatt


Executive Officers Board of Governors

Standing Committees Ad Hoc Committees

Page 17 March 2003

Saskatoon HSAS Staff

Tim Slattery slatteryt.hsas@sasktel.net Executive Director Kevin Glass glassk.hsas@sasktel.net Labour Relations Officer Al Shalansky shalanskyal.hsas@sasktel.net Labour Relations Officer

Saskatoon Labour Relations Officers’ Assignments

Kevin Glass Phone: 955-5712 E-mail Address: glassk.hsas@sasktel.net Toll-Free: 1-888-565-3399 Greenhead Keewatin Yatthé La Ronge EMS Lloydminster Mamawetan Churchill River Midwest Northwest Prairie West Rolling Hills Saskatoon · Idylwyld Health Centre - Public Health Services · Kinsmen Centre · McKerracher · Parkridge · Royal University Hospital · Sherbrooke · Stensrud Lodge · Youth Services South West Swift Current Twin Rivers

Al Shalansky Phone: 955-3454 E-mail Address: shalanskyal.hsas@sasktel.net Toll-Free: 1-888-565-3399

Battlefords Central Plains · St. Elizabeth’s Hospital Gabriel Springs North Central North East Parkland Pasquia Prince Albert Saskatoon · Calder Centre · Idylwyld Health Centre - Client/Patient Access

Services · Nurses Alumnae Wing · Saskatoon City Hospital · St. Paul’s Hospital · Sturdy Stone

We encourage member’s concerns and questions be directed to the staff person assigned to their Regional Health Authority/Worksite.

Lynn Regier regierl.hsas@sasktel.net Administrator Crystal Larson larsonc.hsas@sasktel.net Secretary/Receptionist Janet Foreman * hsasstoon@sasktel.net Secretary/Receptionist *Replacing Colette Duffee who is on a leave of absence

#42 - 1736 Quebec Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7K 1V9 Phone: (306) 955-3399 Toll-Free: 1-888-565-3399 Fax: (306) 955-3396 E-mail: hsasstoon@sasktel.net

Although our e-mail addresses changed approximately one year ago, we still occasionally receive a call from a member who has difficulty sending an email to one of our staff. Please check to ensure that you are using the correct address.

Page 18 March 2003

Greg Deren Phone: 585-7753 E-mail Address: dereng.hsas@sasktel.net Toll-Free: 1-877-889-4727 Moose Mountain Pipestone Regina · Alcohol and Drug Services · Community Health Centres · Hearing Aid Plan · Mental Health Clinics · Public Health Services · Wascana Rehabilitation Centre South Central South East Touchwood Qu’Appelle

Mario Kijkowski Phone: 585-7754 E-mail Address: mario.hsas@sasktel.net Toll-Free: 1-877-889-4727 Assiniboine Valley East Central Living Sky Moose Jaw/Thunder Creek North Valley Regina · Cupar and District Nursing Home · Emergency Medical Services · Extendicare · Home Care/SWADD · Lumsden and District Heritage Home · Pasqua Hospital · Regina General Hospital · Regina Lutheran Home · Regina Pioneer Village · Santa Maria Senior Citizens Home South Country

Regina HSAS Staff

Greg Deren dereng.hsas@sasktel.net Senior Labour Relations Officer Mario Kijkowski mario.hsas@sasktel.net Labour Relations Officer Charlene Hebert hsasregina@sasktel.net Secretary/Receptionist

Regina Labour Relations Officers’ Assignments

We encourage member’s concerns and questions be directed to the staff person assigned to their Regional Health Authority/Worksite.

Although our e-mail addresses changed approximately one year ago, we still occasionally receive a call from a member who has difficulty sending an email to one of our staff. Please check to ensure that you are using the correct address.

#202 - 4401 Albert Street Regina, SK S4S 6B6 Phone: (306) 585-7751 Toll-Free: 1-877-889-4727 Fax: (306) 585-7750 E-mail: hsasregina@sasktel.net

Page 19 March 2003

HSAS is not informed of upcoming retirements, so we need your help in gathering this information.

If you or anyone you know are retiring, please let Charlene in the Regina office know. A certificate of

appreciation will be presented.

You can contact Charlene: Toll-free: 1-877-889-4727 In Regina: 585-7751. Via email: hsas.regina@sasktel.net

Please keep us informed so we can keep YOU informed !


If you change your name, address, telephone number, work site, etc. please share this information with us so that we can keep our database current. Please complete the Change of Information Form below and forward it to the Saskatoon HSAS office. The address is: Health Sciences Association of Saskatchewan #42 - 1736 Quebec Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7K 1V9 Please call the Saskatoon office, toll-free at 1-888-565-3399 if you have any questions.

Change on Information Form Name of Regional Health Authority and Previous Health District Name ____________________________________ / ____________________________________________ Example: Heartland Health Region / Midwest Health District Member Name __________________________________________________________________ Previous Name (if changed) _____________________________________________________ Home Address ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Home Phone ____________________ Home E-mail ________________________________ Place of Employment ____________________________________________________________ Work Phone _____________________ Work Fax _________________________________ Work E-mail _____________________________ Status ______________________________ Classification ____________________________ Job Group _________________________ Date Changes in Effect __________________________________________________________

Note: If any of your colleagues express concern about not receiving their

newsletter, please have them

call the Saskatoon Office.

#42 - 1736 Q

uebec Avenue

Saskatoon, SK

S7K 1V


Dispatches is published for the inform

ation of mem

bers of the Health Sciences A

ssociation of Saskatchewan.

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eb Site ! w

