Disinfoads voter fraud conspiracies militia recruitment


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GDI Google ads with commercial brands appearing next to Voter fraud conspiracies, Militia recruitment, Incitement to violence.


GDI has studied a selection of popular brand ads appearing on disinformation sites.

Disinformation narratives tracked in this deck include:

● Elites are rigging the election● Militia Recruitment● Incitement to Violence● Domestic Terror towards U.S. elected officials


Ad tech serving these ads & funding these stories:


Popular brands funding these stories:

ele Brandi

9:34 AM Today

Replaced logo, it's actually alzheimer's


Progressive & TD Ameritrade ad delivered by Google

Wegmans ad delivered by Google

Similarweb ad delivered by Google

Long Island Federation of Labor ad delivered by Google

Tesco, Whole foods (Meatless farm) ad delivered by Google

Ocado, ASDA (Meatless farm) ad delivered by Google

Harry’s Razors ad delivered by Google

Harry’s Ad delivered by Google

Thomson Reuters delivered by Google

Wegmans and Lendingtree ad delivered by Google

Warby Parker ad delivered by Google


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