Disability Studies – Research & Dissemination



Disability Studies – Research & Dissemination. A summary from Hungary European Research Agendas for Disability Equality (EuRADE), Leeds , July 2008 Gyorgy Konczei. Contents. Introducing Hungarian “school” of DS www.disabilityknowledge.org (D-1) Research since 1984 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Disability Studies – Research & Dissemination

A summary from HungaryEuropean Research Agendas for Disability Equality (EuRADE), Leeds, July 2008Gyorgy Konczei

Contents Introducing Hungarian “school” of DS www.disabilityknowledge.org (D-1) Research since 1984 Open University on DS 2006- (D-2) Disability History Touring Exhibit (D-3) Working with people with disabilities (Act No. XXVI/1998;

FESZT – COPwD) Working for CRPD Academic Network of European Disability Experts (ANED) New Hungarian DS Quarterly: Disability & Society (D-4) Topics for research – to be decided by the Summer

School in Leeds

1 Introducing Hungarian school of DS Eotvos Lorand University BGFSE

VRRG – members and partners Roland Keszi, Ph.D. sociology of

organizations Ilona Hernadi, doctoral student - FDS Peter Horvath, doctoral student – political

aspects of disability Revita Foundation Foundation for Disability Knowledge Base

2 www.disabilityknowledge.org (D-1) Books and journals on disability issues are difficult to

access in newly developing democracies. The mission of disAbilityknowledge.org is to change the current situation. We support the development of the open society via promoting the dissemination of relevant disability related knowledge and providing E-Learning Access Point to Disability Studies.

The creation, transfer, and dissemination of modern views, values and knowledge efficiently support the movements of people with disabilities, the policy making processes and professional development. We believe that relevant knowledge created by the movement of people with disabilities or researchers should be available not just to goals of the academic world, but to everyone.

Disability research 1984-2004 World history of disability Hungarian disability history Psychology and social psychology of

disability Disability Economics (and employment) Disability Politics Social Policy Legal aspects & AD (+ESCh) (Complex) Rehabilitation Top 200

Open University on DS 2006- (D-2) Last Thursdays Video presentations (with sign language

interpretation) and rich additional research papers, documents are available on the website – in Hungarian

2006 on disability and employment (Barbara Murray, Tina Minkowitz, Gabor Gombos etc.)

2007 on equal opportunity (Amita Dhanda, Rosi Braidotti etc.)

2008 on the CRPD (Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, Lex Grandia etc.)

Disability History Touring Exhibit (D-3) The Disability History Touring Exhibit is a truly

outstanding international undertaking in the field of disability studies. It is an example of multidisciplinary teamwork.

The exhibit consists of twenty-nine panels (digital prints approx. 45” x 110” mounted on PVC backing and arranged as three-sided standing roll-up structures), describing, with illustrations, the milestones of the history of disability.

An easy-to-read version of the material for persons with intellectual disabilities is available at the site of the show. People living with blindness have access to the material both on site and on the website via an MP3 player that converts visual material into audio descriptions.

ACT 21 + VRRG 8 + ? 10-13 largest cities & CoE

Working with people with disabilities Act No. XXVI/1998 FESZT – COPwD – discussion on DS as

a ”theoretical tool of the disability movement”

DHTE (pictures, Project Team) TOP200 research SDM research Open University, etc.

Working for CRPD and Academic Network of European

Disability Experts (ANED) as well

New DS Quarterly: Disability & Society (D-4) headings: Research Documents Discussion Resources Review Illustrations

Suggested topics for research SDM1, SDM2 - + Paternalism vs.

Partnership ICF vs. complex rehabilitation The critic of ICF Comparison of disability plans of large

cities What does disability issues mean on the

level of self-governments? European Open University on DS?

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