Disa Itsm V1.3



Slides for the HDI Service Management Conference on Monday November 9th

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Drew Jaehnig, Chief, Services Delivery Division, DISA

Amy Speth, Executive Director, IT Service Management, Femme Comp, Inc.

IT Service Management in DISAIT Service Management in DISA

HDI Service Management HDI Service Management 2009 Conference and Expo2009 Conference and Expo

November 2009November 2009



Session Objectives

1. DISA Organization• DISA Mission & Vision• DISA Organization Structure• ITSM Mission & Vision• ITSM Governance

2. ITSM Process Reformation Approach• Processes Currently Under Reformation• 5-Phase Methodology• Templates• Progress Tracking

• Accomplishments and Next Steps• Goals• Findings / Challenges• Accomplishments• Critical Success Factors• Way-Ahead


Session 1

DISA Organization


DISA Mission & Vision

MISSIONThe Defense Information Systems Agency is a combat support agency responsible for planning, engineering, acquiring, fielding, and supporting global net-centric solutions to serve the needs of the President, Vice President, the Secretary of Defense, and other DoD Components, under all conditions of peace and war.

VISIONWe are the provider of global net-centric solutions for the Nation's warfighters and all those who support them in the defense of the nation.


DISA Lines of Operation

DISA accomplishes it’s mission through 3 lines of operation:

1. Enterprise Infrastructure

2. Command & Control and Information Sharing, and

3. Operate and Defend

Director LTG Carroll F. Pollett

Vice Director

Defense Information Systems Agency

Congressional Affairs

Small Business Programs

General Counsel

EEO & Cultural Diversity

NSA/CSS Representative to


Customer Contacts

Global NetOps Center GNC

(703) 607-4001


(703) 607-6496

NurseMs. Lillian Blome, RN

(703) 607-6996

Chief Information Officer(703) 607-6704

Test & Evaluation Management Center

Special Advisors

Inspector General


Defense Spectrum Organization

Mobilization Assistant to the


Customer Relations

(703) 681-5086

Public Affairs(703) 607-6900

Safety Office(703) 607-6460

Network Services Directorate



Foreign Affairs

White House Comm Agency

White House Situation Support

Special Missions

Senior Enlisted AdvisorChief of Staff

Customer Contacts

Global NetOps Center



Chief Information


Customer Relations

Public Affairs

Safety Office

GIG Enterprise Svcs Engineering Directorate

Component Acquisition Executive

Chief Financial Executive

Chief Information Assurance Executive

Chief Information Officer

Chief Technology Officer




GIG Enterprise Services PEO

Command & Control Capabilities PEO

SATCOM, Teleport & Services PEO

Component Acquisition Executive

Chief Financial Executive/


Manpower, Personnel, and

Security Directorate

Procurement Directorate/DITCO

Shared Services Units

Chief information Officer/ Strategic

Planning Directorate

GIG Operations Directorate

Computing Services Directorate


Enterprise Services

4 Strategic Business Units are focus of

ITSM Initiatives


DISA ITSM Vision and Strategy

• ‘One DISA to our Customers’ • Adopt a comprehensive ITSM framework based on best practices to continuously

improve and optimize Agency governance, organization, processes, and technologies



• To better align IT services with mission requirements, enabling improved War fighting capabilities

• To optimize streamlined and repeatable IT processes, enabling agility to respond to rapidly changing requirements

• To drive standardization and interoperability of data, systems and processes across DISA and with external customers

• To optimize resource utilization in the provisioning of IT services while delivering agreed quality of service levels

• To establish cost accountability and transparency related to the provisioning of IT services

• To minimize risk to DISA related to regulatory and information assurance compliance

• To provide visibility into IT service performance via meaningful process metrics

• To adopt a common IT terminology in accordance with industry common language, enabling enhanced communications both internally and externally to DISA


DISA Goal: ISO/IEC 20000

Become eligible for ISO/IEC 20000 IT Service Management certification

ISO/IEC 20000 is the first international standard for IT Service Management

The standard enables IT service providers to identify how to enhance the quality of service they deliver to their customers, both internal and external


Shift to Value

Less More

Technology Focus              Process and Value Focus

"Fire-Fighting“ MO              Preventative MO

Reactive Support              Proactive Support

End Users              Customers Who Derive Value

Fragmented Effort              Centrally Managed Effort

Isolated Activities, Silos              Integrated Activities, Enterprise-Wide

"One Off", Ad Hoc Processes              Repeatable, Accountable Processes

“Evolved” Processes of Multiple Adaptations              Formal and Structured Best Practices

IT Internal Perspective              External Facing Perspective

IT Operational Performance Focus              Service Level Performance Focus

Shift the focus to the value of IT services providedShift the focus to the value of IT services provided


Process Owner

Process Owner

Process Owner

ProposedIT Service Management Office

Principle ITSMO Director

DISA ITService Manager

CSD ITService


NS ITService


GO ITService





Levels of Authority



Authority and Accountability




ITSM Governance

Director (s) / Commander (s)

Board of Directors

Process Owner (s)

ProcessManager (s)

Chaired byITSMO Director




Chaired byChange


Chaired byFunctional Managers

Command Relationship

Functional Process Relationship


Session 2

IT Service Management

Process Reformation Approach


ITIL V3 Lifecycle Model


ITIL Processes Under Reformation

ITIL Service Lifecycle – Main Process Elements


ImprovementService Operation

Service Transition

Service DesignService Strategy

Access Management

Availability Management

Service Design Package

Supplier Management

Service Design Package

Event Management

Request Fulfillment

Problem Management

Knowledge Management

Service Catalog


Early Life Support

Service Level Package

Information Security


Service Asset


n Management

Service Reporting

Change Management

Service Validation &


Service Improvemen


Financial Management

Service Released

Service Analysis

Incident Management

Service Level


Service Reporting

Feedback throughout the


Business Strategy

Portfolio Management

Transition Planning &


Service Measuremen



Service Performance


IT Service Continuity


Capacity Management

Demand Management

Charter Service

Release & Deployment Management


5-Phased ApproachKey Milestone Tracking

Activity Dates


Previous Current

Phase I

Designate Process Owner Mar 1 09/TBD

Conduct kickoff with Core Team

Mar 20 09

Assess current & desired maturity levels

Jun 23 08

Publish Process Charter May 29 09 / Jun 24 09

Gather Existing As-Is Documentation

Apr 10 09

Baseline As-Is Process & Gap Analysis

May 11 09

Phase II

Publish Policy and Process Strategy

Apr 24 09

Publish Workflow Diagrams and process inter-dependencies

Jun 19 09

Map Functional Roles to

Current Organization

Jul 31 09

Publish RACI Matrix Apr 10 09

Select critical key performance indicators

Jun 9 09 / TBD

Publish phased implementation plan toward desired state

Apr 13 09

Schedule regular IPRs Mar 10 09/TBD

Activity Dates


Previous Current

Phase III

Complete phased data measurement plan

Jun 30 09

Publish communications plan

Jun 4 09 / TBD

Business Case Analysis Jul 20 09

Publish Process Documentation

Jun 26 09

Present Organizational recommendations

Jun 26 09

Phase IV

Complete training in functional roles

Sep 12 09

Initiate performance reporting

Jul 20 09

Implement Toolset Support Jun 19 09

Implement Process for Handling RFCs

Jul 11 09

Phase V

Publish Procedures Jul 11 09

Approve CSI initiatives Jun 29 09

Initiate Auditing & Compliance inspections

Dec 1 09

YOverall Indicator

Previous Current













































On Schedule Missed Original DateRG At Risk of DelayYCompletedB





Integrated Communications Plan

– DISA transformation articles in multiple venues– Process reformation program web page / newsletter– Weekly Quick Wins communications – Process training Road Shows– Presentations at DISA Customer Conference– Quarterly global process team IPRs (3 days)– Training in functional roles and tool usage– Director IPR– Global ITIL Foundations training


Process Maturity Assessments

Maturity is measured on the following scale:

– Level 1 – Initial

– Level 2 – Repeatable

– Level 3 – Defined

– Level 4 – Managed

– Level 5 – Optimizing

Process maturity is assessed in five dimensions:

1. Vision & Steering

2. Process

3. People

4. Technology

5. Culture

The in-cope processes were assessed to determine the current and target (2010) process maturity levels.

The combination of maturity level and dimension allowed the project team to focus on those aspects of the processes that most need improvement


Initiation (Level 1)

Area AttributesVision and Steering

Minimal funds and resources with little activityResults temporary, not retainedSporadic reports and reviews

Process Loosely defined processes and procedures, used reactively when problems occurTotally reactive processesIrregular, unplanned activities

People Loosely defined roles and responsibilities

Technology Manual processes or a few specific, discrete tools (pockets/islands)

Culture Tool and technology-based and driven with a strong activity focus


The process has been recognized but there is little or no process management activity and it is allocated no importance, resources or focus within the organization. This level can also be described as ‘ad hoc’ or occasionally even ‘chaotic’.


Awareness (Level 2)

Area Attributes

Vision and Steering

No clear objectives or formal targetsFunds and resources availableIrregular, unplanned activities, reporting and reviews

Process Defined processes and proceduresLargely reactive processesIrregular, unplanned activities

People Self-contained roles and responsibilities

Technology Many discrete tools , but a lack of controlData stored in separate locations

Culture Product and service-based and driven


The process has been recognized and is allocated little importance, resource or focus within the operation. Generally activities related to the process are uncoordinated, irregular, without direction and are directed towards process effectiveness.


Control (Level 3)

Area Attributes

Vision and Steering

Documented and agreed formal objectives and targetsFormally published, monitored and reviewed plansWell-funded and appropriately resourcedRegular, planned reporting and reviews

Process Clearly defined and well-publicized processes and proceduresRegular, planned activitiesGood documentationOccasionally proactive process

People Clearly defined and agreed roles and responsibilitiesFormal objectives and targetsFormalized process training plans

Technology Continuous data collection with alarm and threshold monitoringConsolidated data retained and used for formal planning, forecasting and trending

Culture Service and Customer-oriented with formalized approach


The process has been recognized and is documented but there is no formal agreement, acceptance or recognition of its role within the IT operation as a whole. However, the process has a process owner, formal objectives and targets with allocated resources, and is focused on the efficiency as well as the effectiveness of the process. Reports and results are stored for future reference.


Integration (Level 4)

Area AttributesVision and Steering

Clear direction with business goals, objectives and formal targets, measured progressEffective management reports actively usedIntegrated process plans linked to business and IT plansRegular improvements, planned and reviewed

Process Well-defined processes, procedures and standards, included in all IT staff job descriptionsClearly defined process interfaces and dependenciesIntegrated Service Management and systems development processMainly proactive process

People Inter- and intra-process team workingResponsibilities clearly defined in all IT job descriptions

Technology Continuous monitoring measurement, reporting and threshold altering to a centralized set of integrated toolsets, databases and processes

Culture Business focused with an understanding of the wider issues


The process has now been fully recognized and accepted throughout IT. It is service focused and has objectives and targets that are based on business objectives and goals. The process is fully defined, managed and has become proactive, with documented, established interfaces and dependencies with other IT process.


Optimization (Level 5)

Area AttributesVision and Steering Integrated strategic plans inextricably linked with

overall business plans, goals and objectivesContinuous monitoring, measurement, reporting alerting and reviews linked to a continual process of improvementRegular reviews and/or audits for effectiveness, efficiency and compliance

Process Well-defined processes and procedures part of corporate cultureProactive and pre-emptive process

People Business aligned objectives and formal targets actively monitored as part of the everyday activityRoles and responsibilities part of an overall corporate culture

Technology Well-documented overall tool architecture with complete integration in all areas of people, processes and technology

Culture A continual improvement attitude, together with a strategic business focus. An understanding of the value of IT to the business and its role within the business value chain


The process has now been fully recognized and has strategic objectives and goals aligned with overall strategic business and IT goals. These have now become ‘institutionalized’ as part of the everyday activity for everyone involved with the process. A self-contained continual process of improvement is established as part of the process, which is now developing a pre-emptive capability.


Example Case Maturity Levels

Level Maturity Description0 Absence The office does not supply the employees with coffee

ControlCoffee SOP posted over the coffee maker. - Who is brewing the coffee - Brewed at certain times

Employees have requested coffee for the office, but lacking supplies and support. - Employees have submitted comment cards - Discussions about the coffee issue

Coffee maker acquired and currently in break room. Coffee is made by whomever at whatever time. - Coffee timer set - Free-for-all mentality

Supplier has the additional task of acquiring and maintaining coffee supplies. - Coffee production is linked to start of large team meetings - Brewed to preference of majority


Coffee for the Office!

5 Optimization

Coffee making process is evaluated and improved. - Coffee measured out to ensure supplies is used appropriately - Consistant in strength - Brewed at certain times to ensure it is all consumed






Example Case Maturity Initiatives

Level Maturity Initiatives0 Absence The office does not supply the employees with coffee

1. Begin creating a plan to obtain the coffee

2. Have a discussion with other employees to see if support exists

1 Initiation Employees have requested coffee for the office, but lacking supplies and support

3. Gain support from appropriate leadership 4. Obtained funding for a coffee maker

5. Put in a request for a coffee maker

2 Awareness Coffee maker acquired and currently in break room. Coffee is made by whomever at whatever time

6. Have a meeting to obtain all personell inputs for how coffee should be made

7. Set rules for making coffee

8. Survey for employee feedback and preference of strength

3 Control Coffee SOP posted over the coffee maker

9. Monitor coffee brewing times and supply levels

10. Put in request for needed change

11. Add coffee supplies as a required need for the entire office

4 Integration Supplier has the additional task of acquiring and maintaining coffee supplies

12. Test and evaluate the strength of the coffee and use of the supplies

13. Update the SOP

14. Set up comment box next to coffee maker

5 Optimization Coffee making process is evaluated and improved


Process Maturity by ProcessExample: Service Transition



Process Maturity by Discipline


Process Maturity Level Tracking

Q3 09 Q4 09 Q1 10 Q2 10 Q3 10 Q4 10Initiatives

Vision and Steering1. Develop Strategic Vision2. Empower Process Owner3. Publish Process Policies4. Align reporting with Agency Goals5. Review for continual improvement

People1. ITIL Foundations Training2. Functional Role Training3. Formalize Roles & Responsibilities4. Develop inter-Process teams5. Strategic goals part of routine

Process1. Identify gaps in as-is relationships 2. Document necessary activities3. Procedures foster planned activities4. Emphasize proactive Processes5. Procedures part of the culture

Tools and Technology1. Document workflow requirements2. Evaluate and select tools3. Record & consolidate data4. Measure continuously & report5. Integrate people & technology

Culture1. Conduct road show2. Move toward Service focus3. Align Processes to Customer goals4. Focus Services on Business issues5. Continually improve, think strategically

2010 Target: 4

2010 Target: 4

2010 Target: 4

2010 Target: 4

2010 Target: 3



COPIS Review

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

ExamplesDataPartsApplicationRaw materials

ExamplesServicesProductsReportsMetricsRaw data

ExamplesInternalExternalVendorsProducersManagementUpstream Process

ExamplesInternalExternalVendorsEnd usersManagementDownstream Process


Process Workflow DiagramsExample: Release & Deployment


Roles & Responsibility MatrixExample: Change Management

Project Baseline Change Procedure 

Change Process Owner

Change Process Manager

Program Manager

Project Manager

Service Manager

IT Mgmt

Enter RFC into tracking system   I A R C  

Verify Basic Information is present A R C I

Review Impact Analysis   A R C I C

Review Test Plan/Results A R C I C

Review Resource Requirements A R C I C

Review Risk Analysis A R C I C

Review Backout/remediation Plan A R C I

Determine if Change is accepted or rejected   A/R I      

Legend:Responsible - do work to achieve an outcome from the process (one or more parties)

Accountable - ultimately accountable for the completion of the outcome (one party per outcome)

Consulted - opinions are sought throughout or at particular points in the process

Informed - kept up-to-date on progress and outcomes


RACI Matrix Guidelines

• Roles clearly defined

• Be clear what it is you are trying to chart

• Determine the activities inherent in that process

• Each activity should be short, concise and apply to a role or a need, rather than a specific person

• There can only be one accountable role for an activity

• Any role designated as an accountable role must have the authority within the organization to make the required decisions

• Place accountability and responsibility at the lowest possible level, within the functional roles of the business process - Promotes empowerment within the process

• Ensure that all of the roles understand the requirements of them and are capable of delivering the necessary items

• Minimize the number of consulted and informed roles in the business process

• Ensure there is no role which is only consulted or only informed


RACI Matrix Evaluation

• More then one A: only one role can be accountable

• No As: at least one A must be assigned to each activity

• More then one R: too many roles responsible often means that no one takes responsibility or that there is a duplication of efforts

– Responsibility may be shared, but only if roles are clear

• No Rs: at least one person must be responsible

• Many Cs: Is there a requirement to consult with so many roles? What are the benefits and can the extra time be justified?

• No Cs and Is: Are the communication channels open to enable people and departments to talk to each other and keep other up-to-date?


Methods & ProceduresExample: Request Fulfillment 1 of 2

Activities M&P Title Suspense

Menu Selection Select Service / Enter Purpose  May 30 09

Menu Selection Get Existing Circuit Info  May 30 09

Menu Selection Enter Order/Request Info  May 30 09

Menu Selection Enter Requester Status and Ordering Authority  June 8 09

Menu Selection Enter Top-level Order Requirements June 15 09 

Menu Selection Enter Required Authorizations and POCs June 15 09 

Financial Approval Obtain Financial Approval June 30 09 

Other Approvals Determine/Obtain Other Approvals June 30 09

Fulfillment Perform Pre-Fulfillment Request Quality Check June 11 09 

Fulfillment Review and validate Request/Order June 11 09 

Fulfillment Validate Request June 18 09 

Fulfillment Coordinate with Requester June 4 09 

Fulfillment Determine DISN and/or Non-Network Transport June 4 09

Fulfillment Determine Supportability and Transport Requirement June 4 09


Methods & ProceduresExample: Request Fulfillment 2 of 2

Activities M&P Title Suspense

Fulfillment Fulfill IP Service Requirements June 30 09

Fulfillment Fulfill Optical Service Requirements June 30 09

Fulfillment Fulfill Promina Requirements June 30 09

Fulfillment Fulfill ATM Requirements  June 30 09

Fulfillment Update, Finalize Engineering and Finalize Request/Order  June 11 09

Fulfillment Execute DITCO Actions June 30 09 

Fulfillment Coordinate CLASSIFIED / COMSEC Requirements June 4 09 

Fulfillment Oversee Fulfillment Completion June 15 09 

Fulfillment Oversee Installation June 15 09

Fulfillment Follow-up to RFU June 15 09

Closure Close Service Request  May 30 09

Closure Close Request/Order May 30 09 


What is SMART ?

• Specific: The metric is clear in what it is measuring, inclusive of ownership and accountability of the metric

• Measurable: Some metrics are not easy to measure (e.g. customer satisfaction)

• Actionable: Exercising an influence that can alter the outcome

• Relevant: Focus on metrics that have strategic significance

• Time-Bound: Data acquisition and reporting must be almost instantaneous to support critical decision-making

What you measure is what you get


Good Metrics vs Bad Metrics

No metrics are better than bad metrics which can drive dysfunctional behaviors

Metrics Characteristics

Characteristics Good Metric Bad Metric

Specific Help Desk call by hour by technician

Help Desk volume

Measurable Customer satisfaction survey score

Customer satisfaction

Actionable No. of Help Desk problems addressed

No. of calls received at Help Desk

Relevant Percent of projects delivered on time

Percent of projects begun

Time-Bound Present rate of closed tickets

Prior year rate of closed tickets


Process Metrics PlanExample: Request Fulfillment

No. KPI Metric Categories

1a Number of Request Fulfilled by service type

By Service Type (NIPRNet, SIPRNet, DSN, etc…) Customer, Service

1b Number of Request in Queue or in process by service type

By Service Type (NIPRNet, SIPRNet, DSN, etc…) Customer, Service

1c Number of Requests Fulfilled completed within 30 days of ordered service date

By Service Type (NIPRNet, SIPRNet, DSN, etc…) Customer, Service

2a Actual Delivery Times By Service Type NIPRNET, DVS, etc.

2b v. Customer Requested Time NIPRNET, DVS, etc.

2c v. Published Lead Time NIPRNET, DVS, etc.

3a Processing Time in Phase By Phase (process Step), Average and worst Customer, Theater, Service

4a Service Delivery Success Rate (SDSR)

By Range of Days Overdue NIPRNET, DVS, etc. AF, Navy, Army, etc.

4b Relative to phase threshold NIPRNET, DVS, etc. AF, Navy, Army, etc.

4c By Theatre of Operation CONUS, EUR, PAC

4d By Service NIPRNET, DVS, etc.

4e By Customer Group AF, Navy, Army, etc.

4f Relative to Customer Requested Time NIPRNET, DVS, etc. AF, Navy, Army, etc.

4g Relative to Published Lead Time NIPRNET, DVS, etc. AF, Navy, Army, etc.

5a Circuit Delays Reasons By Service NIPRNET, DVS, etc.

5b By Issue Certification & Accreditation

5c By Organization Customer, Vendor, DISA, B/P/C/S

6a Cost of Delays Aggregate by service  

7a Number of Crypto Units for SIPRNET

By Customer with Requirement AF, Army, Navy, etc.


Process TimelinesExample: Request Fulfillment

M ay 2009 April 20112011

April 2010June 2009

July August Septem ber O ctober Novem ber Decem ber January February M arch April



June 2009Select KeyPerform anceIndicators (KPIs)

Subm itG overnance P lan

July 2009Subm itO rganizationalRe-A lignm ent P lan

M arch 2010Process In itia lO peratingCapability (IO C )

Publish Policy &Docum entation

O ctober 2009Define Hand-O ffs

Begin Continual ServiceIm provem ent Activ ities

T ier II P roceduresTied to NCCM

O ctober 2009Define Hand -O ffs

Begin C ontinual ServiceIm provem ent Activ ities

T ier II P roceduresT ied to NC CM

M ay 2010Im plem entCentra lized P rovis ion ing &F inancia l Consolidation

April 2011Request Fulfillm entFull O perational Capability(FO C )

July 2009Subm itO rganizationalRe-A lignm entP lan

M arch 2010Com plete Process Docum entation

Com plete Process Policy :D ISADO DICJCSI

M arch 2010Request Fulfillm entIn itia l O perating Capability

(IO C)

June 2009M apFunctional Roles

Set Train ing P lan

M ay 2009Em powerProcess O w ner

Com pleteRACI Chart

August 2009Com m unicationP lan

August 2009Com m unicationP lan:- Custom er -

T ied to Phase II- Internal- Executive

January 2010Com m unicationP lan - Custom er -T ied to 1st Q TR 2010

August 2009Com plete the DataM easurem ent P lan

July 2009Training P lan- Roles- Phased Process- Custom ers

O ctober 2009Publish O ffic ialTerm s & Defin itions

Subm itKnow ledgeM anagem ent P lan

Major and Detail Milestones


Continual Service Improvement

The Deming Cycle


Quick Win opportunities


Session 3

Goals, Challenges,


and Next Steps


Process Goal: ITIL Workflow

Incident Mgt. Problem Mgt.

Change Mgt.

Release Mgt.

Deployment Mgt.

Capacity Mgt.

Availability Mgt.

Continuity Mgt.

Security Mgt.

Service Strategy

Service Catalog Mgt.

Service Validation

Transition Planning & Support Mgt.

Service Lvl Mgt.

Configuration & Asset Management / Knowledge Management / Work Flow

Event Mgt.

Request Fulfillment

Order EntryMenu Select

Monitoring & Control




Non-Standard Changes (FC)

Visibility of all


Toolset Goal: Rapid Agile Provisioning

RAP is a fully integrated and automated service delivery capability from initial service requests through fulfillment and provides continuous status updates.


Challenge: Lack of Integrated Workflow Tools


Limited validation for

manually entered data

Request Order Engineer Contract Install Operate Bill




Challenge: Currently Manual Data Flows


Data Flow is manually managed with opportunities for errors between work groups

CM tools aligned by technology; no

end-to-end ckt layout

Missing B/P/C/S inventory data

complicates last ½ mile engr/implement

Email, Vmail, phone/conference calls


NS “services – NS specific procedures” 310-130-1 (2002)

Today …. Functional silos

PLD “contracts – PLD specific procedures” 350-135-1 (2005) & FAR

GE “engineering – GE specific procedures” 350-135-1 (2005) & FAR Req



To be …. Standardized across all theaters, all directorates




Request Fulfillment 1. Menu selection2. Financial approval3. Other approvals4. Fulfillment5. Closure

NEW focus on the process rather than directorates (functional base)

Moving away from “Circular” concept towards standardized hierarchy based on ISO 9000 structure of policy, process, procedure all owned by the Process Owner. This will also help execute the change to a process based organization.

Existing 310-130 & 350-135-1 can be combined into standard document – subject to Change management and Configuration control.

Challenge: Barriers Between Functional Silos

CFE “financial – CFE specific procedures” 350-135-1 (2005) & FAR

GO “operations – GO specific procedures” 350-135-1 (2005) & FAR


Challenge: Delineation of Intertwined Processes

1. Buildout Required

2. Generate Initial IR

3. Staff DAD

4. Generate Final IR

5. Prepare TSIP

6. Install and Test Approved Infrastructure

7. TNC Verifies Availability

8. Continue TSO Processing

Action Steps Typically Crossing Process Boundaries

1 2

3 - 4

5 6 7



Proactive, streamlined, fast Reactive, Slow, Cumbersome

Current Goal

• No clear accountability

– No single lead and representative directly to the customer

– Call recipient varies based on type of customer project

• No documented process

• No clearly defined roles among stakeholders

• No integration of customer and network project management

• Funding expenditures not easily tracked

• Central registration of all projects

– Formal assignment of project leads

– Establish customer interface leads

– Consistent business rules for assignment of different types of projects

• CONOPs documents standard process

• CONOPs provides clearly defined roles and responsibilities

• Each project reviewed for potential impact on other projects

• Central information repository facilitates tracking schedule, status and costs

Challenge: Cumbersome Requirements Management Process


PROCEDURES Based on positioning 310-130 at this level

(Process Managers & Workers)

WORK INSTRUCTIONS / DETAILS Tool-specific content

Extracted from 310-130(Workers and Vendor Documentation)

Challenge: Excessive lead times for approvals to update documentation


with customized appendices(Process Owners & Process Managers)

POLICY Based on ISO 20000 and

CobiT with customized appendices(Executives and Process Owners)


DoD Directives

DISA Circulars

DoD Instructions


DISA Instructions








• No single accountable authority for end to end process performance; Processes cross organizational boundaries.

• Inadequate workflow integration between multiple data sources; Manual data entry and hand-offs are resource-intensive and error-prone

• Cumbersome 9-month routing process to modify a system or document

• Complex data entry and multiple contacts for customers

• Changes in requirements are poorly managed and cause significant confusion and delays for customers

• Inadequate documentation of end-to-end process and definition of roles

• No integration of customer and network project management

• Current controls are easily circumvented

• No actionable metrics; metrics only reflect a subset of the process; true customer experience is not captured



2007: Formed Tiger Team to resolve end-to-end process inefficiencies

Mar 2008: Formed Service Management Process Working Group (SMPWG) to coordinate process improvements

Jun 2008: DISN Strategic Vision and targeted initiatives approved

Jun 2008: Initiated 76 near-term tactical changes

Dec 2008: Formed the Executive ITSM Governance Board (EIGB)

Apr 2009: Process training in all theaters

May 2009: Began separation of policy, process, and procedural documentation to streamline approvals and updates

Jun 2009: First performance based, firm-fixed price contract

Aug 2009: Formalized structured Change Management


Accomplishment: Performance-Based Contracts

TREC1 (TO 36)Surveys and Planning

TREC2 (TO 36)Deployment and Verification

• Requirements definition• Engineering and surveys• TSR/TSO processing• Hardware acquisition

• Site implementation actions• Test and verification

• Utilizes CAB to control version/baseline • Clear metrics monitoring for performance assessment

• Theater NetOps Centers direct the execution of respective theater implementation actions• TREC resources established in CONUS; common pool of provisioners, engineers, project managers that support multi-theater operations

Performance Metrics:• 100% DPAS entry with < 15% rework• Install (large, medium & small) DISN-SDN within (30, 20 & 10)

of site prep with < (20,15, 10)% rework.• Perform Site Prep within 15/30 days with < 5% rework.• Completion report submit within 15 days < 15% rework.• Site Survey reports delivered < 15 days • Develop SDN TSIP < 15 days <10% errors• Submit TSR within 5 Days• Submit TSO within 5 Days• Installation of MSPP within 5 days < 5% rework• Site Surveys < 3 days per site < 20% rework


Critical Success Factors

• Unwavering, steadfast commitment from executive leadership

• Process Owners are empowered with authority and held accountable for success

• Process team members are held accountable for process performance via objective-based personnel measures tied to compensation and bonuses

• Sufficient resource allocation for re-engineering and implementation of enterprise-wide tool suites and data standards

• Enhanced governance and organizational realignment

• Clear definition of accountabilities, roles and responsibilities

• Enterprise-wide, customer-focused perspective on IT Service metrics

• Synchronized communications at all levels – vision, strategy, awareness, cultivating support

• Integrated implementation scheduling and coordination

• Relentless drive for Quick Wins daily and active communication of the results

• 100% ITIL training for everyone



• Establish and empower ITSM Office and full time, dedicated ITSMO Director and Process Owners

• Strengthen and streamline executive governance bodies

• Relentlessly pursue Wins and communicate results

• Enhance and extend DISN technology & data architectures, automated workflow tools, and Configuration and Change Management processes to DISA-wide

• Redefine DISA funding model to enable central ownership of architectures, policies, and governance

• Optimize DISA organizational structure to support process functional roles


Expected Benefits

• Reduction of service delivery cycle time by up to 28%, before workflow automation, more after automation

• Elimination of resource contention issues

• Ability to deliver Rapid Agile Provisioning

• New capability to track full process costs and to fully load costs of projects by budget restructuring

• Simplicity of management and cost efficiencies gained by contract consolidation

• New capability to measure true customer experience of end-to-end service delivery

• Improved customer satisfaction due to new proactive measurement and ability to resolve issues before customers are impacted

• Streamlined operations by standardization of polices, processes, and procedures

• Improved Change Management will enable agility to respond to changing requirements without restarting process from beginning


Useful Links

• DISA Home Page: http://www.disa.mil/

• itSMF USA: http://www.itsmfusa.org/

• itSMF International: http://www.itsmfi.org/

• UK Office of Government Commerce:


• COBIT: www.isaca.org/cobit/

• ISO20K: http://www.iso.org/iso


