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Samford University Library


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Samford University Library

Directory 1929








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Samford University Library

Name T elephone


Birmingham and V :cin:ty

Residence Churches Aders, ] . L ... ________ S-1 273-J ·-------Springdale ---------------------Springdale Bealle, T. D .. ________ 6-140S --------318 Third St ., P . C------· --·- .. Pra tt City Dennett, L ew Cass ....... ·- --------18 10 Pearson, W . E . ·-------Berney Points B•·asher, R. R.- ------6-0862 ________ \932 Fourth Ave., West _______ . 27th Street Bridges, Claude ...... - 9-2963 ------904 43rd St., No. -----------------East Birmingham Cl.apman, ]as. H .--9-2926 ...... _ __ 7900 U nderwood ----------.. ---.. Acipco Dawson, L. O . _ ____ .;.ss t 4 -----------800 39 th St. , So. --------------.. --Edgewoocl D;ll::rd, J as. E .... _ ___ 4-4372- 3-318 1 _ 1924 16th A ve., So·-·------···-----South Side Dunn, Ben F. ______ .!-5857- 3-2087 _ 1228 12th Court, N. ····---·----- Calvary Dykes , Ben F , . _ ______ S-1 375-W _______ 805 F.fth Ave., T arrant.. ____ ,_Boylea

Gardner, David M ... _ IJ-2973-(i-6786 . 26 13 19th St., Ensley ---···------... Ensley Gat! in, E. D .. _________ 'J-5663- 6-8284 ... <:700 Carnega, Fa :rficld ------------- Fa;r! ield CJi:Jiland, N. L._ __ ........... ___ 7709 Underwood Ave . .......... ________ W 'lk<s Gregory, W. H. ____ ,_9-4414 ·--------- 7322 Third Ave., So . ......... _ .. _____ 85th St reet Ib .ris, Theo . ................ ->·i 8~9-6-8289 .... 2116 Pike A ve., Ens ley ........... _,_ Pike Avenue H endon, T. F ......... ____ .. J765-W ......... _ l 427 33rd St., So ........... -~---..... T russville H obbs, f!. H . ..... _ .. ,_ ... . .. ................. Brighton .............. _ ___________ Vinesville H obbs, ]as. R. .......... _ J-7959-3-53 12 .. II 00 30th &t., No. ______ , ____ first , Birmingham H ood, R. E ........... _ ______ , ______ H oward College, East Lake ......... Lakewood Lackey,]. H . ... _, _______________ Cor. 75 th St . & 4th Ave., N .. - ..... Cate City

MacDonald, Frank .. - .. 9-1907-9-4664 . 5300 S ixth Court, So. ··--·-·-------Woodla wn i\foye, ]. Luther ____ 6-0807-6-4585 .. ISIS F ifth Ave., West _______ H unter &treet .1->c ~on , ]. Raymond .... 5·1 364-W ....... 4138 41st Ave., No . ......... _______ Jne-Ienook P.1r t ridge, ]. W . ___ 9-3445 ______ 210 .;7th S t., No ... _________ \\-'est Woodla" n Re;d, A . Hamilton_ .. 9-592G-9-S005 .. t.022 F ourth Ave., So. ______ South A vondale Skinner, Rue! T. ___ 6-6769-6-0543 ... 1863 43:d St., C. P .. _____ .... Central Park Stewart, W. H .. _____ J-3181 ............. - ... Scuth Side Church ----------Giles :\Iemorial Stivender, ] . C .. ___ '>-1539-9-8771_ .7914 Underwood Ave. ______ Ruhama, East Lake Stuckey,]. R. (Gone) .. 3-8860 ·------1418 26th S t., No ....................... Norwood S tuckey, R. F, ___ i-1295-R . .. .. 21 6 \\"ha: ton A ve., Tarrant.. ............ Tarrant, Central Sutherland,]. A ... --6-2654-6-678? . 1529 Woodbnd Ave., W . E. - --- . W est End 'fulley, H. L-- - -6-8757 .. __ ____ _ H\2 lith Ave., W ylam ___________ Wyla rn W a:ker, Grover C._ ..... J -1808 ............... 2428 35th Ave., N o .... _, ______ ,35 th Ave. W eaver, A. C--------.9-8957 ................ _507 38th S t., No ... - .......................... Packer Memorial \\'caver, E. E---·- -3-2031_ .............. 837 l ith Court, W est ------·----East Thomas W illiams, Emmett- ... -9-2556 ................. 8 66th St., So ...................... _____ .. 66th Street W inter, C. H . ................ 7·1004 .................. 1016 Ninth- Ave., So .. _, ___________ \lth Street Wyatt, J. D, _____ , __ _ 9-2003 .................. Irondale ----- -------------....... Irondale Wyatt, Robt. L----- - 6-4476 .................. 1200 Graymont Ave ........... _, _____ Dush Hills W·"tt, T . C . .. . -----· 6-1059 ............... 121 Third Ave., Powderly .. _________ Powderly Gwaltney, L . L. 7-4783.. .. _______ Editor Ala. Bapt is t ILL!Idr:cks, ]. H, _ ___ 9-1785 ............... _ 8026 F irst Ave., So. --------------·-- New Prospec t Prewett, A. ] ....... _ ,_ _ ----------East L ake --------------------Green Springs Robinson, W. E ... _ ______________ Post Office .... ____________ Shades Mounta in

H cwett, A. D. ·-·-- __________ __ r,;ast Lake ---- -------------Shades Valley Crumpler, W. C-- ---· .. East L ake _____________ Fairfield Hie-hlands l\fayo Sam T, _____ ,, _______ E;ast L ake--· .. Whatley Mem'l Wood'. M. M ...... ----·---·--·-·----517 22nd St., N o. _______ , __ Qfltce. B'ham Bap. Ass'n Pucherilli, A ................................. _ .. _____ 404 Fourth S t. _____ , _______ Ita lian

B=selm'r and Vicinity

Cambron, James B ....... -·--------------- L ipscomb ______________ U nion Duucan, A. L, ____ 799-W ...... _ __233 Fairfax Ave. Second Jackson D. R, ______ 9259 ... , ... _ _ ___ 3707 Huntsville, Drighton ____ Adamsville Mills, F~ster ________ 8105 .. _ ............ Hueytown -·-·-----·--------------- Pl~asant Ridge Pries:, Roy ____ .... 6·5324._ .. _____ 4318 N :nth Ave., Wylam ....... _ ........ Bnghton . Stevens, C. H ........ - - 1548-560 ... _ _ __ 1810 Fifth Ave., No .. _, _____ , .... Dessemer, F trs t Thornton, M. K, ______ , \473-W ................. 411 Seventh St., Bessemer ...... --.. Seventh St ree t Parker, R. H, ____ __ -·---·- ·-- ·-·-- - Yinesville, R. L ......................... - ...... W est Side

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Pastor Te'•phone Residence Churches

Gnffin, Len -------- 3-3652 57th St., Wdt. ______________________ W oodlawn

:\I orris,]. Glover 6-7750 ------ .... 3024 Prince St . ........ ------------- .... Ensley Crossfirld, R. H . . 3-9572 . ___ 608 N. 21s t St.. .... ____________________ First E<lwards. Xohlc R . Dsmr. 214-J ..... 1516 Arl ington Ave . ..... _______ B cssemcr


Pastor Telephone Residtnce Churches

F.lhs, L . S. ---9-5770 ........... 801 N. 47th St .................................. Woodlawn F.ull. J R . ------.6-2981 . ___ .... 402 ~- Seventh St., SW . ................. Be~semtr

Gra\'CS, \V. C .. --- 6-9593 -----·--- 209 S. Seventh St., SW. P1rkv'ew T.ewis, John T. . ... . 6-3991 I 1>1)4 13th St...-.............................. - F.ns'ey Pruitt, ]. S. _ ..... 3-4334 ----------- 2511 35th Ave., N. .... . ............... ::hndu~ky Shcnhard. ]. W . ···---6·9595 ----· ..... ~08 N. Seventh St., SW . ......... : ..... W est End Thomas, L eslie G -----3-1340 ............ 2'-'!~ 36th Ave., N ............................ North n:·-m·ngh~m Turner, R. W·----~·85 tO ............. 610 Fulton Ave . ............................... T arrant City


Pastor T e!cphone Residence Churches

Clin<1man. Charles ....... 3·5938 . .. ........ 3.13.1 ("iff R oad ............... - ............... Advent r owcry, V. G--·--·-·'·8!.78 _______ 2515 Enslev Ave·---·-----·------·-·-St. Johns. All S•ints H enckel. Carl .. 0-2273 ·------------ 5901 S!one Ave. .. . .. ...................... Grace. \.noel Shepherd :O.!c :\!aster. Vernon ... 7-2717 ............... 1176 11th Ave. _ ----···-------.... .$•. Andrews :lt ~nowell, Wm. G ....... 3-5938 ·----·- .. 2015 Sixth Ave., N .. ______ Bishop '\'dl. Edgar .... _, ___ 4-1689 ........... .. 2015 Sixth Ave., N ............ __ . Arlvt'nt R hhle. G. Wallace ____ ................. 2014 Berkley Ave .............................. Trinity. Christ


Pastor Tt'1t phone Residence

C•rpentcr. S. N .. ____ J-6719 ) <! 11 N. 20th St.. ... - .................. --English Reuter, H . ---·--3-6514 -·- ...... 1553 ~orwood Blvd . ..... -----------·--· Zion


Pastor T e!cphone Residence Churche11

Bella my, C . V .. _____ 7-S677 1334 13th A ve., N., Birmingham .. S'mpson Bird. K. H. ------6-0906 ......... _._Box 1843, Birmingham .............. Fourth St. :lfurphrce, W. A .- ..... 4·1979-M ........... R. F. D. No. 4, Birmingham ... ... Canterbury J·;lliott , G. W , _____ .. 5-1401-J ............ 437 Sloan Ave., Tarrant ... E. J,ake Blvd. S·one. C. E ................ 5-1524-J ·-·--3318 38th Place, N., Birmingham F,. Lake Blvd. Adcock. W . W .... - ........ 5-1553-J .......... 544 E. Lake Blvd., Tarrant ......... District Supt.




Birmingham District

Residence Chu•ches

Xorto n, J . W. ·---6-5334 _______ 404 St. Char les A ve·--·--------·-Agcnt Superannuate Homes

Echols, W . G._ ...... 3-1981 .... - ........ 516 N. 22nd St ...... ·---------·-----A•st. tn Sec'y General Epworth I,eague Board

516 N. 22nd St. ________ _ .. _ \'.' igley, ] . ;\I. ----· . 3-6769 Asst. •o F.di•or and Bus. Mgr. Ala. Christian Advocate

Slaton. S . T. -----3-1981 ----------· 516 N. 22nd St... ________ _

\\'il 'iamso n, ] . L -.. --3-1981

Gamble, F. K . ___ J-5729 .\loorc, Allen W .--9-8493 Sparks, J. Fred ...... _ ... 3-0350 Dobbs, S. L. .. ....... 3-0366

Conf. Supt. of Sunday Schools 516 No. 22nd St ... ___________ _

Conf. Sunday School Ext. Sec'y 911 W. Seventh St .. ___________ Conf. Miss:onary Sec'y

603 S. 46th St. .. -------------------·-· Conference Evangelist ......... _816 W. Seventh St.·-----------Confcrcnce Evangelist ........ 731 Eighth Court, W .......... .

Supt. and AqC'nt Flat Rock High School

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Pastor T elephone Residence Churches

Lazenby, M. E -----3-6769 ....... - .... 516 N . 22nd St. ·--·--·------ Editor and Bus. Mgr. Ala. Christian Advoc;ue

Read, G. W ·-------5·0091 ............. _. 2836 20th St., E nsley . ____ -·-----Con£. Direc. of Golden Crose

Morris, W. E-- - --3·5020 ................ 700 Eighth Ave., W . _____ Presiding E lder Newton, P . L -------.3-7620 ............ 3117 N. 16th St._ .. _______ --J\cipco Pa t terson, L . D .. ____ 9-5241 ................ 3915 Fifth Ave., S, _____ _.A.vondale W olford, C ...... ·---·-9·2074 ................. 930 47th St., N·-·------East Birmingham Morris, J . E ..... _____ 9-4982 ................ 7759 F irst Ave., S-------- - East Lake L edford, H . F . J r.__ --.. ·-·--1103 lOth Ave., W·-------.. East Thomas Hunter, J , D . ___ .. 7-3819 --------1015 S. 12th St. _____ .. ___ F,leventh Avenue Gu:hrie, W. E . ·--.. 6-3918 _____ 2 11 6 Davis Ave. _________ Fairview Moore, Arthur J ....... _J-4002 ... ____ 3920 Su mmit Ave. __________ First Church· Ph fer, R. M. _______ .4·5290 ............. 1926 Avenue H --------- - St. John Arch'bald. R. L . ..... _. 9-8210 -----------508 N. 40th S t. ____________ forticth Street H owell, W. R. ......... 3·8354 ....... - ...... 1400 12th Ave., N .. __________ Fountain Heights Jlenclr ix, W . R .... --~-7560 .............. 2211 14th Ave., S .. ·----------H "ghlands Brock, J . A . J . ·-----·--9-5841 .............. I ronclale, Ala .... ___ ...... l rondale-Crestline O ' Rcar, Claude ....... __ J-0325 .................. 724 Eighth Ave., W . _________ McCoy Memorial Harris, W . M . ........ _ __ J-1787 .............. 2304 34th Ave., N. ___________ Mt. Vernon Gray, J. A . ..------- --....................... 1622 17th St., N .. ___________ North Highlands D avenport. G. M . ........ 3-6528 ......... _ .. 3115 N. 13th Ave .. ________ Norwood L ane, C. H . . --------9·5298 . ....... 6626 Division Ave .... -----·------Sixty·seventh Street Mc Kee, W . A ............. .4-1929-R ...... -_1426 r.-bnhatt:m Ave. ( H omcwood)Trinity T yndal. C. M, ____ 3-8078 _________ 2301 21st Ave., N . _________ Twenty-first Av~nue

S .urdivant, L. G-- -3·2958 ---·-·---216 Third St., W . E . _______ \\'alker Memorial !\abors , A. H. --·----- --6-89?5 ................ 207 S. F.lyton St. _________ \\'est End T u: ner, C. C . ......... _9-!,768 ............... t.724 N . Fourth Ave. _________ West Woodlawn Kimbrou- h, S. R. ...... - 9-3263 .......... 5357 N . T hird Ave ........... - ............... Wood!awn


Matthews. K . N. .. ...... Bessemer 1493 fi rssemer ____ ......... ---·------Bessemer, First Blackburn, A . C. . ...... ...... B<ssemer ----·-·-·------------- Bessemer, 16th Ave. Mc Donald, W. M. __ Bcssemer 42S-J 13essem~~- 432 O wen Ave .. ---.. --Bessemer, Jonesboro H amby, C. P . Rut:edge, Ensley ________ ............... Bethlehem Ct. Sumner, C. L ---- Hufiman, East Lake.- --------------Birmingham Ct. Wilson, P . D. .. ....... - ..... B'rm ngham. Route 8 - ----·--Biuff Park Guthrie, W. N .... ___ 5-1332-J .. .. _. Boyles, 612 Second Ave ........... - ....... Boylts Bentley, J . A ----- - - ___________________ Brighton .. .... ----------- ___________ Brighton Robertson, J , S------6-9695 ______________ Powderly, 100 B·H Ave .................... Brookhaven Blackburn, J . S. ____ 6-7186 ................... 42 11 Ave. R ___________ .. _____ .. ____ Central Park Moore, H arry, Asst.-.. 3-0997 ------~--.. 11(,0 12th Ave., N ._ ______________ Central Park D obbs, G. C... 9·14!!9 _______ ... 140 ~- 58th St. _______________ .. __ Docena-Edgewater P earson, J . W . ___ S-0235 .---------F.ns!~y , 2209 Ave. l ______ E;nsley, First Church Cooper, G r'--- --6-5572 _____ ........ l:;nslcy, 2610 19th St ................. _ .... E nsley H :ghlands G'l!)l'ea th, T. p ____ )-2788 .. .......... E nsley, 2334 21st St ....... -----------Ensley, Shady S ide Ce;avelo, S. G---- .. ----------Ensley._ .. __________ .. _________ £nsley, Italian

McCleskey. J. M .--6-5489 . ---------- Fairfie!d, 510 Parkway --------- F airfield ~};:ott, R . R. _______ ---------------Birmingham, Route 7 ___________ Fulton Springs Gann, J . A ----------------- Birmingham, Route 7 .. __________ Gardendale-Mt. Carmel P encock, W . M, _____ ______________ Hueytown -------------------------H ueytown H owell, R. M----------3-1 974 ................. I nglenook, 3117 N. 16th ................... lnglenook Floyd, J . N . .......... ___ ............... ____ _ Mulga ............ -----·--·--.. -·---Mulga M orris, W . L -------- --------·-----McCalla ----------------·----------·McCalla Gl~sgow, J . S, _ ______________ Besseme~. R. F . D _________ ............ Morgan Hall, J . 0 ..... ------------------·N ewcastle _______________ l\e\\ cast_le Cantrell, B. T ... ____ _________ Pratt City, R. F . D, ______ P ratt C~ty Ct. _ Baker, R. L ----- 6·1586 ___ .. P ratt City, 302 Third Avc. ____ P ratt Crty_ Statron lloho. C. H -------6-1269-l\L _____ T ::rrant City, 208 F ord Ave . .. _. __ Tarrant Crty Redus, E. B-- --- ____________ Bessemer, Route 8 ____________________ \Valnut Grove-L ipscomb Tingle, B. F .. _ .. ___ _ _____________ Wylam, 4121 E ighth Ave . ...... ___ \Vyl~~

Branscomb, L . C. ____ 6·087l ............ 1205 Bush Circle, Birmingham --- Presrdmg E lder

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(Cumberland, Southern and U. S. A.)

T c!cphone Residence Churches

F.dmonds, H . ;\!, ___ 4..()658 ·----3100 H 'g hl:md Ave. ·------ Independent Turnf'r, H . L. 4-0658 . ______ 3100 H ghland Ave. ····--·--·· Independent nro~dy, II. L. -3· 4136 ·-----615 N. 18th St. ·-·-·---- Sixth A venue Brubaker, L. E----6·4580 631 E:.sley Ave. ··-·--·-·---- Ensley H ighlands Harris, Gerrald _ __ ·------- Thomas S tation ·-------·· E ::st Thomas Akxander, G. C. --9-5270 ·----8308 Berney Ave. --··-------- East Lake Robtrt<on. M. W . --· ---------.. _ -----· ... --·· ·-·------------· East Lake Station Goodwin, L. E---- ---------- R. F . D . No. 3 _··----------------Edgewood X<'fi, C. K. ----5· 1136 ··--·-·-·· .. 3912 36th Ave .... ------·-----............. I nglenook \\'al ton, H. C. ____ J-2586 ... _ .. __ 1215 N. 27th St. .... ··-------···-----.First Cumber:and Parker, ] . E .. _____ . --------.. 571 1 Second Ave. ·-------.......... .. l.<"e, F.. C. ----- --------445 Burke St . ......... -·---------.. - ·-llarrell, Wade H . --9-~355 .................. 3910 F ifth Ave., S. ... ................... Avondale l rons, A. G . ..... ____ -· ................... 1205 N . 25 th St . .............................. __ Wharton, T. 1------Dsmr. 1032-W ... l612 Sixth Ave ..... __ ________ Tlcs~emcr, First .\1 onlccai, T revor ----4-3007 ..... ·--- I 037 So. 33rd St . ......................... _ .. First Smith, Wis tor R. .......... 7-3926 . ---- 1122 lOth Ave., So . ......................... s~cond 1\ n<lrrs'>n, ] . Allen --· 6-8483 ··-·-·---- 3706 Martin Ave. .. .................... - ... Central Park H iggins , A. A. --.. 6·1945 ... _____ 2012 Ave. G., Ens ley ...................... _ F,nslcy F irst Ckmmons, W. B . ...... 6-9666 ···----- 338 39th S t. ·----------·-·--- ........... Fairfield I! upper. W. H. 3-3396 -·-----...... 1326 N. 31st St ... ____________ Handley Memorial Park, David .---- ·- -----3024 T hird Ave. . .. ---·-·---··-Camphell, C. M. _____ ----· .... _____ ..201 Third Ave., P . C . ... ·-·----·---Pratt C ' ty Carlton, E . 11. ·-----·- ------· 7520 Second Ave., N ....... ·----- 76th S tceet J)uhyns , W . R. .... 4-1541 .... ·--·· 2033 H ighland Ave. -------------.... South Highlands !,illy, E . G. ---·· ... 6-2409 .... _____ 906 Cotton Ave. - ...................... V ne Street Perrin. T. 0 . --9-5426 -------5305 Sixth A ve., S. _____________ \Voodlawn Snmmerr, A. C. -- ........ ----.... \\"ylam ............. _________________________ Wylam

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