Directorate Agriculture I /D - Goa...Directorate oI Agriculture, Goa. In the event of a member not...


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Department of Agricullure

Directorate ol Agriculture


312 / 7 /ClN I Agron /CF G /D . Agri 1447

Sub: Assistance for Community Farming

Oovernment is pleased to introduce thenew scheme "Assistance for CommunityFarming" to tackle ihe ploblem of lands beingkept fallow and promote group farming.

The details of the scheme and pattern of

assistance are given below:

7. Short title and commencement - (a) The

scheme shall be called "Assistance forCommunity Farming, 2018".

(b) tt shall come inlo force from the date of

its approval by the Government and shallremain in force till it is withdrawn.

(c) The scheme shall cover all Talukas of

the State of Goa.

2. Oblectives.- (a) To ensure a greener

Goa by reducing the trends of fields being

kept fallow.

(b) To make agricultural activity more

viable due to better economics of scale for

cultivation and more efficient marketing ofproduce.

(c) To ensule more effective nranage-ment through expertise of some of ihemembers of the grouP

(d) Overcome the fear of anotherindividual being giving right to cttltivateland staking his claim as tenaltt since a

farmers group ts considered a safer option'

(e) More effective use of infrastructurecreated with assistance of Government as

cost of creating multiple individualinfrastructures such as fencing, irrigation,machinery, etc. is much higher' This willlead to some savings for Government, e g'

Fencing on outer periphery of a block of

fields versus fencing indiviclual plots'


(f) Reduction in r.ruisance for movingmaterial and machinerY due toobstructions of individual fencing

3. igibility criteria for assistance.- (a)

Group claiming assistance from CommunityEarning may be of two types:-

(i')Joint Community Farming:- Here theentire area of all the members togethershall be cultivated as one block in thename of the group i.e. all expendittrre for

creating infrastructure i.e onetime costs

and cultivation costs (recurring expenses)

shall be in the name of the group.

The produce also shall be sold in thename of the group and the proceeds are

proportionately shated among f ar rr.rer

members as per terms and conditionsagreed at the time of group formation'

lii) Loosely Amalgamated CommunityFarming.- In this group, the permanent

costs on infrastructure such as fencing,wells pump sets, compost prepalationunits, etc. shatl be borne in the name of

the group. However. recurring expensesfor cultivation shall be borne by members

separately and the produce sold in each

individual member's name

(b) The Community Farming Group (CFG)

should have a Krishi Card in rts name'

(c) The Community Earming Group shall

furnish a copy of lts [lrst meeting gIVlnO

details of the qroup formation' its authorizedsignatodes and list of group members withdetarls of Iand held or ln theil possesslon in

the format given at Annexure-I.

(d) The Cornmunity Farming Group should

have a bank account in a scheduled bank inits own name jointly operated by minimumtwo members.

(e) A Community Farming Group shall have

a minimum of 10 members with totalcombined land holding exceeding one

hectare (1OOOO sq. mtrs.) in a compact block'

(0 Members comprising the group shouldpreferably have a Kdshi Card issued by the


SERIES I No. 28 11TH OCTOBER. 2018

Directorate oI Agriculture, Goa. In the eventof a member not having a Krishi Card, theChairman of the Community Farming Groupshall certify that the agricultural land inquestion is in the possession oflbeingcultivated by the member concerned througha self declaration in the format specified inNote No. 3 /s/Er.r /26 12075-16/D.Agri/1 59 dtd.06-07-2015 of the Directorate of Agriculturepreferably the said member shall also furnisha similar declaration as per sample atAnnexure II.

(g) The Community Farming Group shallbe registered with the Directorate ofAgriculture. There will be no objection forsuch a group to be also registered under theSocieties Act, 1860 or with the National Bankfor Agriculture and Rural Development(NABARD).

(}l) The Community Farming Group shallsubmit a proiect report listlng variousagriculiural infrastructure facilities proposedto be developed, croPs to be grown,marketing plans etc.

(i) A Community Farming Group wouldnormally be expected io engage in double oltrrple croppinq of field crops. However,groups proposing horticultural developmentin fallow lands shall also be considered.

U) The Community Farming Group wouldhave to submit an undertaking stating that itwould carry on agricultural activities in thearea under the project for atleast five years

from date of availing benefits underthis scheme failing which the entireassistance provided shall be refunded toGovernment.

4. Pattern of Assiscance;- AFarming Group shall be entitledbased assistance as ur-rder:

(A) Assistance of 100%

Communityto a project

in case ofCommunity Farming Group wherein 50%

or more of the area brought undercultivation has been fallow for more thanfive years or 90% in other cases on thestandard cost/relevant GSR as fixed by the

relevant Cost Estimation Committee of theDirectorate of Agriculture from time to timeon creatlon of following tnllastructure incommon for the entire group:-

a. Fencing of various types

ji. Digging of wells including borewells.

iir'. Construction of water storagetanks.

iv. Installation of PumP sets.

v. Installation of Miclo Irriqatiotrsystems.

vi. Construction of compost units ofvadous types.

v.ii. Construction of blogas unit

viii. Purchase oI machinerY forvarious agrtcultulal oPelationsincluding post harvest processing//value addition as per mlnlmun) drea

applicab)e for each type.

tx. Construction of PumP house withprovision for storage oI agricultulalinputs and produce, threshing/dryingyards, small warehouses etc.

x. Repairs/construclion of non-notified internal bunds' d r ainag e

channels, passages for transport ofmachinery and produce, conserve soiland water etc.

The assistance for infrastructure abovewill be limited based on area covered as

given below:

Area (Ha.) Maximum assistanco(Lakhs Rs./Ha.)









1.00-2.002.01-5.005.01-10.0010.01-20.00Above 20.00

A. Assistance as per scheme pattern of

assistance as under:-j. Purchase of quality seeds/seedlings/

/planting material grain of food crops,



vegetables, sugarcane and horticulturecrops.

ii. Assured Price for AgriculturalProduce, 2016.

rii. Area expansion on horticuitural cropsi.e. fruits, flowers and spices includingplantation crops.

iv. Purchase of agricultural machineryfor land preparation, planting intercultureand harvesting under State Sector Scheme"Agriculture".

B. The restnct:ons of mdxlmum areaelrgible per beneficiary will be relaxedsubject to limits on pro rata basis on totalarea cultivated in case of Joint CommunityFarming Group.

C. Preference as applicable rwill be givento Community Farming Group's in schemeswith 1000/" assistance such as desilting ofponds/tanks, assistance for cultivation ofvegetables by Self Help Group's (SHG);dlstnbutron of seed. mlnikits, trainings,demonstrations etc.

(A) Procedure:- a. A Community FarmingGroup desiring to avail benefit under thescheme shall apply to the Zonal AgriculturalOfficer under whose jurisdiction the area isIocated in the specified format given.

i. Krishi Card abstract of the qroup.

ii. List of all members with details ofagricultural land held/in their possessionand their individual Krishi card number.Copy of resolution selecting members tooperate bank account.

rt. Copy of first page of bank passbook.

iv. Certificate of registration ofCommunity Farming Group with theDirectorate of Agriculture/Registrar of Co--operative Societies.

v. A Project Report listing variousagricultural infrastructure fac ilitie sproposed to the developed, quotations/estimates for the same, cropping pattern,marketing plans, etc.


yj. An undertaking that the CommunrtyFarming Group will undertake agriculturalactivities in the area brought undercultivation for atleast 10 years and that incase of default agreeing to refund back tothe Government the entire amount ofassistance as decided by the Directorateof Agrlculture.

b, The Zonal Agricultural Officerconcerned will evaluate the proposal forfeasibility and forward it io the DistrictAgricultural Officer concerned to put it upfor decision of the High Power Committeealong with his detailed report oIrecommendation.

c. The District Agricultural Officerconcemed will evaluate the proiect includingIikely financial assistance admissible andforward it to concerned Section of theDirectorate of Agriculture to place before theHigh Power Committee.

d. A High Power Committee

Hon'ble Mrninister forAgricultureSecreiary (Agriculture )

Director of Agriculture

consisting of

- Chairman

- Member

- Member

Dy. Director of Agriculture - Member

shall examine the project for feasibility andaccordingly decide on approval.

e. The Commumty Farming Group shalltake up the project once approval is conveyecland subn:it completed project file withJnvoices/Receipts of payment for settlementto concerned Zonal Agriculturai Officer.

f. The Zonal Agricultural Officer shallforward completed cases after dueverification and scrutiny to the concernedDistrict Agriculture Officer for settlement.

(B) -Reiaxation: The Government shall beempowered to relax any or all clauses orconditions of the scheme in genuine cases.However for release of financial assistancein such case witl be considered onlv withthe approval of the Minister of Agriculture.

Res. No. G-2IRNP/GOA/ 32/ 2O1a-2O RNI No. GOAENG/2002I6410



Panali, 4th July, 2019 (Asadha 13, 1941) SERIES I No. 14


Botes, 2017 lrofi Dapatunent oI Flnance (Revenue & Control Division)

,t", S"t'"" f lV'- lS da'ed 27 6'2A19 narnely Ex'ra('dtnary



Department NotiLcation/Otdet .Subiec. Pages

1.a. AgricultureDir & ex oficio Jornt SecY.

b. ---dc-

2. HomeUnder Secretary

3. a. Law & JudiciaryJointSecretary

b. -do-c. -do-d. Law (Estl.) Division

Under Secretary

4.a. Public HealthUnder SecretarY

b. -do-c. -do-d. -do-

Not.- 3/2/1/Crop&PP/Agron/ICFG/D.Agtt/76Not.- 3/Crops & PP/67l/Communlly Farming GrouP/D.Agti/75Ord.- 6/18/2018'HD(G)/1783

Not.- 10/4/201g'LA-176

Not.- 10/4/201g-LA-177

Not.' 10/4/2019-LA-178

N ot. - 1,2 /29 / 2O13-LD lE sfi .) // 1183

Ord.- 7 /2 /2077 -t IPHD / lA) //1595ot d .' 7 /2 / 2017't /PHD / lB) /1596

Otd.'1 I 2 / 201'7 -t /PHD I lC)/ 159'7

Ot d. - ? I 2 / 20 17'1 I P HD I \C\ I 7594

Amendment to Assislance for CommunllyFarmrl1g Scheme.

Amendmen! to Assrstance Price forAgricultural Produce Scheme.

Floal sanctioned staff stlength.

The Appropriation (No- 6) Act, 2018.

The Appropriation Act, 2019.

The Appropriatlo[ (Vote ofAccount) Act, 2019.

The Bombay High Court (Fee Payable toArbitrators) Rules, 2018.

Creation/Revival of Posts.

Creatlon o( posts,

Final sanctloned stafl strength.

Re-designatlon of one Post.









DeParlment of Agriculture

Dtrectorate ol Agriculture


3/21 7 /Crop & PP/Agron/CFGlD Agri/76

Sub: Assistance for Community Farming.

-Ref. : No. 3 1 2 1 1 / clN / A$on/ CF G /D Agri / 447

dated 1-10-2018 published in Official

Gazette. Series I No 28 dated 11thOctober.2018

AmendmentThe above referred notlfication is amended

as below:-I. Clause 3 (i). Eiigibility criteria for

assrsrance.- The word "five" at clause

3(i) at page No. 1555 is replaced by "ten"'

IL Sr. No. 4. Pattern of Assr.stance (A), Polut

4 (A) at page 1555 shall be replaced withthe following:-

Suqqestrons are welcomed on e-mail: dir-gpps'goa@nic in


Sr. No. 4 (A) Pattern of Assistance:-Assistance of 907o shall be consideredfor Community Farming Proie ctsirrespective of category of the Group onthe standard cost/relevant GSR as fixedby the relevant Cost EstimationCommittee of the Directorate ofAgriculture from time to time on creationof following inrrastructures rn commonlor the entire group.

Ill. Sr. No. 4 Pattern of Assistance:- PointNo. 4 (viii) at page No. 1555 shall bereplaced as followsi-

Assistance towards purchase ofmachinery shall be provided to theGroup only after completion of 1st yearof cultivation based on the performanceof the group during 2/3 seasons of the1st year. The group can avail assistanceunder "Custom Service Support" during1st year to undertake cultivatioll withhired machinery. The Group of farmersmay purchase machinery for valueaddition/post har vest processlng unitduring lst yeal rf so desrres.

IV Sr. No. 4 Pattern of Assistance at pageNo. 1555, the Iast paragraph forinfrastructures shall be replaced by- Theassistance for infrastructure will belimited to Rs. 2.50 lakhs per ha.irrespective of area covered by theFarmers group.

V VA. Assistance as per scheme patternof assistance as under:- Para A (ry) atpage No. 1556 is deleted.

VL (A) Procedure:- Point c at page 1556 isreplaced as follows:-

The District Aqricultural Officerconcerned shall Iorward proiect proposalto the Concerned Section for evaluationof the Project including likely financialassistance admissible before seekingapproval of the High Power Committeeby the co-ordinaling section.

The Amendment shall come into force withimmediate effect.

By order and in the name of theGovernor of Goa.

Madhav KeLlrar, Director & ex officio JointSecretary (Aqriculture).

Tonca-Caranzalem, 24th June, 2019.


otification3/Crops & PP 7/Community Farning

Gr /D.Agn/75

The above referredas below:*

L Glause 3 (a). E

Sub: Scheme-Agricultural

Ref.: No. 3/3/Ho

ssistance Priceoduce.


of assistance forntioned below is

ion at page 731.follows:-

/129 dated 2Official G1 1-08-201 6.

Selection ofwords "or the Gat page 729.

Selection of {arwords "or the Grat page 730

paddy:- The paraadded in originalThe added para is

SS/2/2016-17 /D.Agtt/7-2016 published inSeries I No. 19 dated

tion is amended

gibility criteria forat clause 3(a). Theof Farmers" added

rs, Point 3(e) Thep of farmer" added

II. Sr. No. 3(e) Eli ibility criteria for

III. Sr. lVo. 4 (iv) Patte

In case of the Groquantity to bebasis with referenc

specified as above inquantity required to/Group of farmers tonot be less than 100

of farmers theed is on pro ratato the support

para. 1\4inimumsold by farmer/

benefit shall

provided to the in ividual f armer

The Amendment shallimmediate effect.

into force wrth

theame of

officio Joint


By order and ln theGovernor oI Goa-

Madhav Ke.lkaa Director &Secretary (Aqriculture).

Tonca-Caranzalem, 24th J_aoa_

Department ol H


Order6 /78/2078-HD(G)/ 1783

Readr Government order No.-HD(G)/1678 dared 24-6-2019.

