Directions: Select at least four (4) activities to …...Play it with your family. “I think we...


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SASD Activity Menu 5th GRADE

→Directions: Select at least four (4) activities to complete today. Share/review your choices with an adult. Each activity is labeled with one or more content area icons; complete activities from a variety of different content categories (see icons below). Check the box for each activity you complete. 

Note: Items in RED indicate an attachment contained in this booklet; items in BLUE indicate an online website or resource 

Write two lists: 1. What makes you happy?2. What are you good at


Map of Your Bedroom Use the attached grid paper to map your bedroom to scale. Then calculate the area of two items you mapped. (Length x Width = Area) Worksheet 1-1

Think of your favorite book you read this year. Write a short review convincing someone else why they should read this book, too. Worksheet 1-2

Head outside and go for a walk with your family.

Take pictures or draw signs of spring arriving. Create a slideshow out of them.

When outside on your walk with your family stop and do 10 jumping jacks every minute. Did you notice the beating of your heart? How did you feel?

“I think we should have school uniforms.” Find one piece of evidence to agree with that opinion or go against that opinion.

Place a Post-it or piece of paper every ten pages in your book. When you hit a Post-it or piece of paper, jot down your thoughts and ideas you are having at that time.

3-D Shapes Challenge: Look around your house. Can you find 5 rectangular prisms, 5 spheres, 5 cylinders, & 5 cubes?

You may use a calculator to help or check your work.

SASD Activity Menu 5th GRADE

Worksheet 1-1 Map of Your Bedroom 

Use the grid below to draw a map of your bedroom.  Make sure to complete the key. (Does 1 square = 1 ft?  Or maybe 1 square = ½ ft?) Then use the back of this paper to calculate the area of your room. 

= ____________ft.

You may use a calculator to help or check your work.

SASD Activity Menu 5th GRADE

Worksheet 1-2  

My Favorite Book from Fifth Grade Think back on all the reading you’ve done this year, at home and at school. Choose a favorite book. Write a paragraph as if you are a book critic. Select your words wisely so that you tell about the story elements (characters, setting, problem, plot, climax, & solution) and the author’s craft, all the while convincing other kids to read the book, too. 

My book choice:_______________________________________________________________ 















You may use a calculator to help or check your work.

SASD Activity Menu 5th GRADE

→Directions: Select at least four (4) activities to complete today. Share/review your choices with an adult. Each activity is labeled with one or more content area icons; complete activities from a variety of different content categories (see icons below). Check the box for each activity you complete. 

Note: Items in RED indicate an attachment contained in this booklet; items in BLUE indicate an online website or resource

Choose a favorite family recipe. Practice your math and

triple its ingredients. Then write a descriptive paragraph about how

yummy it is. See Worksheet 2-1

Write a short letter to your favorite book character asking them to go to lunch with you. Explain where you

would go,what you would eat, and 3 questions you have for him/her.

Find a cereal box, magazine or watch a commercial. Think “Is this an

arguement or trying to persuade me?” How do you know? How are they

trying to convince you of something? Who is the intended audience? Jot

down your thinking.

Either around your house, or on a walk outside, find at least 1 item that starts with each letter of the


Do a kind deed for each of your other family members in your house.

Call or FaceTime a grandparent or older relative who doesn’t live in your house. Ask them to describe what life

was like when they were 10 or 11. Use the attached paper for interview

questions if you’re stuck. See Worksheet 2-2

Read your independent book for 30 minutes.

Visit First in Math and get 100 stickers.

Build a mini terrarium. Find a soda bottle (cut off the top) or other

container, fill with dirt. Plant seeds or transfer a small bit of grass. Add rocks, twigs and other decorative


You may use a calculator to help or check your work.

SASD Activity Menu 5th GRADE

Activity Worksheet 2-1 

Favorite Recipe 

Choose a favorite recipe. Jot the ingredients with their measurements below. Then pretend you’re having a party & need to triple the ingredients. How much will you need of each item for your party? Show your math in the second column. 

The recipe I’ve chosen is______________________________________________________________ . 

It’s my favorite because________________________________________________________________ 

_________________________________________________________________________________________ . 

Ingredient with Original Amount Ingredient Amount once Tripled 

You may use a calculator to help or check your work.

SASD Activity Menu 5th GRADE

Activity Worksheet 2-2 

Interview a Relative 

These are just sample questions to interview an older relative who doesn’t live at your house. FaceTime or call them and ask them what life was like when they were 10 or 11. Feel free to come up with your own questions, too, or simply let the conversation feed your curiosity! 

● Where did you live?● What did you do in your free time?● What was your immediate family like?● Please tell me about some relatives who I never met.● What were your birthdays or holidays like when you were

growing up?● What chores did you have to do around the house?● Did you know what you wanted to be when you grew up?● Did you have any pets?● Can you tell me about your friends?● What was a favorite food your family used to eat?● What kind of things did you learn about in school?● What do you remember most about your own parents?

You may use a calculator to help or check your work.

SASD Activity Menu 5th GRADE

→Directions: Select at least four (4) activities to complete today. Share/review your choices with an adult. Each activity is labeled with one or more content area icons; complete activities from a variety of different content categories (see icons below). Check the box for each activity you complete.

Note: Items in RED indicate an attachment contained in this booklet; items in BLUE indicate an online website or resource

Create a game involving math skills you learned this year. Write clear

directions. Play it with your family.

“I think we should get rid of zoos.” Find one piece of evidence to agree with that opinion or go against it.

Read a book or watch a short film. Create a SAY/MEAN/MATTER chart to analyze the text. Write down important words or

actions in SAY. In your own words, describe what it means in the MEANS

(This means..). Lastly, think about why this matters and think BIG ideas and life lessons for the MATTERS (This matters


Practice your Fraction Skills using Worksheet 3-1

(Find common denominators to add and subtract)

Make rock candy. Follow these instructions.

Worksheet 3-2

Paper Airplane Experiment: Fold up two different styles of paper

airplanes. Test them to see which goes farther. Can you make improvements

and beat your record throw?

Visit First in Math and get 100 stickers.

Write a poem about your favorite season.

Mindfulness: Find a quiet spot to sit on the floor. Set a timer for 3 minutes. Concentrate on breathing slowly and

steadily with your eyes closed.

You may use a calculator to help or check your work.

SASD Activity Menu 5th GRADE

Activity Worksheet 3-1

You may use a calculator to help or check your work.

SASD Activity Menu 5th GRADE

Activity Worksheet 3-2

Making Rock Candy *parent supervision required!

What you will need:

● A narrow glass jar

● 2-3 cups of white sugar

● 1 cup water

● A wooden skewer/chopstick and a clothespin OR string and a pencil

● Food coloring (optional)

● Stove or microwave

1. Bring the water to a boil, and slowly add the sugar while stirring.

Make sure the sugar is dissolving. Stop adding sugar once no morewill dissolve (saturation!). Add food coloring and stir if desired.

2. Set aside the saturated sugar solution to cool for at least 20 minutes.

During this time, take your skewer (or string) and dip into thesaturated solution, then dredge in a bit of sugar. Set aside to dry.

3. Before pouring the solution, clip a clothespin to the top of the

skewer/chopstick and suspend into the jar. You could also tie thestring to a pencil and rest on top of the jar. Make sure the skewer orstring does not touch the bottom of the jar.

4. Pour the saturated solution into the jar leaving a little bit of space at

the top. Place in an area where the jar will not be disturbed for 1-2weeks. Once the crystals have reached your desired size, gentlycrack the surface and pull out the skewer/string and enjoy!

You may use a calculator to help or check your work.

SASD Activity Menu 5th GRADE

→Directions: Select at least four (4) activities to complete today. Share/review your choices with an adult. Each activity is labeled with one or more content area icons; complete activities from a variety of different content categories (see icons below). Check the box for each activity you complete. 

Note: Items in RED indicate an attachment contained in this booklet; items in BLUE indicate an online website or resource

Write a list of things you are grateful for. Pick one and write an

informational paragraph explaining why.

Choose a favorite song. Change the lyrics to tell about your day.

Sing it for a family member.

Get your blood pumping! Jog in place for 1 minute. Do 10 push-ups. Do 10 toe touches. Do 10 jumping

jacks. Then rest!

Visit First in Math and get 100 stickers.

Practice your Line Plot Skills using “Working with Line Plots”

See Worksheet 4-1

Build something! Find Legos or Play Doh, toilet paper rolls, or clean recycling materials from the bin and create an invention. Tell someone in

your family what it does.

Draw a picture of two animals combined. (An elephant and a

robin? A lion and a panda?) What would their special qualities be?

What would they eat?

Read for 30 minutes. What

conflicts are characters facing in your book? How are characters responding to these challenges?

Take a Challenge! Use three puzzles

to find the key vocabulary for Argumentative Writing and Reading.

See Worksheet 4-2

You may use a calculator to help or check your work.

SASD Activity Menu 5th GRADE

Activity Worksheet 4-1 

You may use a calculator to help or check your work.

SASD Activity Menu 5th GRADE

Activity Worksheet 4-2

You may use a calculator to help or check your work.

SASD Activity Menu 5th GRADE

1. Take a look at the work you have accomplished over the past four days. Usetoday to be sure you have completed the assigned number of activities and that they represent your best work.

2. Reflect on your work habits in the area below.

How did you do this week working independently and accomplishing the activities? Will you make any adjustments next week?

Set a goal for next week.

3. Read for 30 minutes. Create a mini summary below.

You may use a calculator to help or check your work.

Catch Up & Reflect
