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American Revolution

The American Revolution was a war between England and its American Colonists

Thomas Jefferson

Wrote the Declaration of Independence


Propaganda is used by Government, Advertisers and Hate groups to get their message across


Type of government that consists of a leader who has total control over his people and country. Adolf Hitler is an example of a dictator.

Boston Tea Party

Demonstration in 1773 by citizens of Boston who disguised themselves as Indians and raided three British ships in Boston harbor. They dumped hundreds of chests of tea into the harbor.

Democratic Republic

Type of government the US has. The United States has a President elected by the citizens of the United States. The President has to answer to congress and he cannot act alone.

The Declaration of Independence

The document that best explains the colonists arguments with Great Britain.


• The sharing of powers between the state and national government. Federalism limits government by giving certain powers to both the national government and the states


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Leader of the Executive Branch

Executive Branch of Government

• Enforces laws


Head of the legislative branch

Judicial Branch of Government

• Decides if a law is unconstitutional

Supreme Court

Head of the Judicial Branch

Separation of Powers

The division of power among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government

Legislative Branch of Government

• Makes laws

Bill of Rights

• The first ten amendments to the Constitution


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First Amendment

• Freedom of speech, press, assembly, petition and religion

General Election

• Election in which voters choose their leaders for elected office


Party President Obama belongs to. Want more government.


Capital of NJ


One of the two parties in the US political system. Want less government


The county Seat of Monmouth

Voting age


Chris Christie

The current governor of NJ. Is a republican
