Digital Preservation Tools for Repository Managers A practical course in five parts Concluding the...


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Digital Preservation Tools for Repository ManagersA practical course in five parts

Concluding the course

Module 5University of Northampton, 30 March 2010

Twitter hashtag #dprc (digital preservation repository course)

Concluding the courseBy Steve Hitchcock

• Evaluation: with reference to original aims and objectives• Some final thoughts: where does preservation fit in the mission and priorities of digital repositories?• Course timings: time spent on each module vs group participation

Evaluating the course

• Did the course serve its purpose?• Did the course serve your purpose?• Did we achieve our goals?• Which tools introduced by the course will

prove most useful?• What next?

Who was the course was aimed at?• The course is aimed at institutional repository

managers and other members of repository management teams, and does not require prior knowledge of digital preservation or specific technical expertise. Only a working knowledge of repository content management is assumed.

• The course is structured to place repositories and their preservation needs within an organisational and financial framework, culminating in hands-on work with a ground-breaking series of tools to manage a repository preservation workflow.

KeepIt blog, 18 Dec. 2009

What did we want to achieve, and how were we going to achieve it?

From the original blog announcement:• Digital preservation is well served with training courses that

are strong on the foundations of the topic, and are aimed at a general audience. This KeepIt course, designed to create repository preservation exemplars in the UK, makes more specific assumptions about the working environment – digital institutional repositories – and will specialise in working with tools optimised for this environment.

• Each module will give extensive coverage of chosen topics and tools through presentation, practical exercises, group work and feedback.

What next?

More from the blog announcement:• Following the course there will be optional follow-up

sessions to assist and evaluate uptake of the tools within the repositories and to brief other members of repository teams.

Please let us know what you want to happen next by completing your course evaluation forms

What is EPrints For?

• EPrints offers a safe, open and useful place to

store, share and manage material in the pursuit

of research and educational agendas.

administrative reporting, collaboration, data sharing,

digital profile enhancement , e-learning, e-publishing, e-research, marketing, open access, preservation, publicity, research assessment, research management, scholarly collections

What are digital repositories for?

Digital repositories of an institution’s research output are important for two complementary reasons, as noted by SPARC. These are:1. As a natural extension of the academic institution’s responsibility

as a generator of primary research, seeking to preserve and leverage its constituents’ intellectual assets

2. As one major component in the evolving structure of scholarly communication

JISC Digital Repositories briefing paper, August 2005

What are institutional repositories for?

An Institutional Repository is an online locus for collecting, preserving, and disseminating -- in digital form -- the intellectual output of an institution, particularly a research institution.

Wikipedia, Institutional repository

Welcome to Loughborough University's Institutional Repository!This service, being maintained by the University Library, increases the visibility of Loughborough's research; can help with time-consuming research reporting exercises and begins the process of digitally preserving the University's intellectual output.

What is the mission of an institutional repository?

Scholarly Commons: RepositoryProject Mission and Background

An Institutional Repository ("IR") is a digital collection that captures and preserves a university’s intellectual output. A tangible indicator of a university’s quality and social impact, an IR demonstrates the scientific, social, and economic relevance of a university’s research activities. By making their results easily accessible, an IR increases the institution’s visibility, status, and public value.

Penn Libraries

A final thought• The preceding statements were found by Googling the questions

posed, but not including the term ‘preservation’ in the search, and then looking for highly ranked examples of repository statements that make reference to preservation.

• These selective results give an indication of the role and priority of preservation for repositories.

• Conclusion: preservation is important for repositories, but needs to be connected with the other roles and activities of a repository if it is to find clear articulation and obtain proper resources

KeepIt course time

Module 1 5h 20 mins group work 3h (56%)Module 2 5h 05 mins group 2h 30 mins (49%)Module 3 5h 20 mins group 3h (56%)Module 4 day 1 5h 15 mins group 3h (57%)Module 4 day 2 4h 30 mins group 3h 30 mins (inc. panel) (78%)Module 5 (projected) 5h 15 mins group 2h (38%)

Total 30h 45 mins group 17h (55%)

by Loren Javier
