Digital photograpy powerpoint




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My Best Photography MomentsBy: Trisha Connor

The Juiciest Apple you’ve ever seenThis is a picture from one of our first class photo assignments. This is one of my favorite pictures because of how much detail it contains. You can literally see every bubble and splash the water makes. The angle in which the picture was taken also helps you to clearly identify the different colors in the apple

Same apple, different circumstances…….This is the same picture, but from a different angle under a higher pressure of water. Whereas in the first picture the distribution of water is more subtle, in this picture the water is more scattered and displays a more rough look

Portrait of Evan

I chose this picture to go in my slide show because I felt like out of all the pictures I took of Evan that day in class, this was the only picture that I captured that came out exactly how I wanted it. For this pose, I told Evan to think about someone that makes him smile inside(preferably a girl), and I feel as though in this picture that is exactly what he looks like doing. This picture is really soft and you can easily read the expression on his face.

Spring Vacation HouseThis is the house I spent my spring break in. This is also the house that I based my photography spring assignment on. My idea was inspired by the quote “Nothing succeeds like the appearance of success,” by Christopher Lasch

Simple natureAlthough just a simple plant, you cant help but appreciate the beauty of its simplicity. The fact that I spot at least 3 different shades of green in this plant is one of the things that I think make this picture interesting. This too was a picture captured for my spring assignment.

ProfilingThis picture was taken as a class assignment. We were instructed to go outside and take portraits of people we don’t know from different angles. I chose this side angle as one of my favorite pictures because it not only brings out his facial features but it displays the texture and different tones of his skin as well as puts emphasis on his almost perfect grooming.

The significance of signsI know that this picture looks very simple, however it holds much value to me and the assignment. This picture was taken when I went to China Town to do my article assignment. The reason I took this picture was because as I walked from Canal St. to China Town I noticed how the signs slowly started to change from English to Chinese. Hence this Mc.Donalds sign as the perfect example. Part of adapting to one’s environment is accepting, learning, and adjusting to the cultural norms of that area. Therefore I found it very interesting when the English translation for this popular fast food place was no where in site. As a matter of fact, if it wasn’t for the big M I’m sure that many other than the Chinese would not have known that it was Mc. Donalds.