Differentiation in Listening Tasks



Differentiation in Listening Tasks. June 2013. The problem with listening…. . It is a skill which needs practice, not just testing Many pupils will be de-motivated by their lack of success Many will have learnt nothing to help them improve their performance next time - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Differentiation in Listening Tasks

Differentiation in Listening TasksJune 2013The problem with listening.

It is a skill which needs practice, not just testingMany pupils will be de-motivated by their lack of successMany will have learnt nothing to help them improve their performance next timePupils find the lack of context difficult, and the lack of visual clues. What difficulties do YOUR classes have?

Questions to ask when we plan for listening in class:

What is the aim of the task? To test pupils? To develop pupils confidence in listening? To get pupils to apply recently learned language in a new context? To use a listening as a source of language for manipulation? To develop other language skills such as inference?

How can we differentiate?

By taskBy outcomeBy responseHow do YOU differentiate?

Sometimes we DO need to test pupils, but the work we do with them in class will better prepare them for summative assessments. How can we build pupils confidence with listening?

Little and Often Variety of responsesPrepare pupils for listening activitiesVaried listening resourcesFocus on the key features of your language

5VARIETY OF RESPONSES to build pupils confidence in listening

Predict answers.

Put your hand up when you hear


Multiple choice

Underline correct answer

Pre key language

Put the pictures in order

Listening whole class activities to build pupils confidenceIn pairsAnswers firstOrdering cardRunning listening comprehensionVisual listening (YouTube, BBC online clips, adverts)SongsListening speakingProduce own listening assessmentAll speaking (when spontaneous) is listeningPre-teach key language Repeat listening tasks



Using real advertshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZKZSeWx-EYLe petit garon: Cest Maurice qui a _______ la mousse.Rpte Coco! Cest Maurice qui a ______ la mousse!Cest _________ Coco! Rpte! Cest Maurice qui a _______ la mousse.

La voix de femme:Si la mousse au ________ de Nestl est si ________, cest parce quelle est prpare avec ___ chocolat Nestl.

Le petit garon:Vas y! Rpte!

Coco:Vas y! Rpte!!

Le petit garon:Je te remercie Coco

La voix de femme:La mousse __ Nestl la _____ mousse au chocolat Nestl!

Cest Maurice qui a mang la mousseQuestions sur la publicit.Qui a mang toutes les mousses au chocolat?Comment est la mousse au chocolat?Coco est quelle sorte danimal?Maurice est un a) un poisson rouge b) un chat c)un lapin?Vrai ou faux? Le petit garon veut que sa mre pense que Maurice avait mang toutes les mousses?DiscussionAimes-tu les mousses au chocolat?Quels autres parfums de mousse aimes-tu?Les mousses sont bonnes pour la sant?Quand manges-tu les mousses?Les mousses sont croquantes?

VARIETY OF RESPONSES to build pupils confidence in listeningActive learning when you hear the word, do an actionTasks which involve listening with a purpose e.g. Give a focus for the task- e.g. listen out for certain information (who, what, when, where, why).Visuals are really helpful to support listening work - filling in blanks on a plan, a map, following directions, matching pictures with a statement. Listening for real information - treasure hunt - hide an objectUse the transcript before listening to concentrate on matching the sounds pupils hear with what they can actually seeUse the transcript after a listening comprehension exercise.Give pupils recordings via Fronter to practise at home - eliminate the element of stress.Isolate irrelevant elements - e.g. give the name of people speaking it is not essentially part of the learning-process, unless you are teaching the alphabet and spelling.


Misheard lyrics pupils rewrite the original lyric

Take your teeth out tickle my toes

Last night I dreamt of some bagels

Dont cry for me Im the cleaner

Conversations with the class, drama

Music videos and adverts

Clips of UK/US shows in the TL. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_hQYEd1Q6c - Friendshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbDI6uAEeNg - Ugly Betty in Italiano


Make up your own exercises to practise the skills required for Higher pupils the ability to draw conclusions from indicators such as conjunctions (mais, avant, aprs), use of tenses, expressions of agreement or disagreement

Dont rely on the recordings provided by the course-book, which are often there to test the content. Think about how you can use them in different ways.

Differentiated responses to one listening activity Some possible tasks in order of difficulty: Listen to the recording.a.Where do you think it takes place?b.What could you say about the people speaking?Look at the list of words below. Listen carefully to the recording and put a tick next to a word every time you think you hear it.Look at the list of statements below, then listen to the recording and tick the ones that are true.Listen to the recording and answer the questions below: Here is a transcript of a recording you are about to hear, with words omitted. Fill in the gaps. (In preparation, you could either omit from the transcript the word you want the learners to recognise, or miss out every 5th/15th/19th word according to levels. You could give them the first couple of letters of the word, or list the words underneath the passage out of order and put in some words which do not occur at all.)Listen to the recording and write a summary (in the taught language).

Differentiating listening activitiesDestination Departure timePlatform Additional information ABCDE16How do you assess listening? Targets for improvementWhich techniques help them They keep a log of their resultsKey words which they are going to revise for the next time. Using words from the listening in their writingUsing transcript from listening for another activity in class e.g. speakingPupils make a vocab list for revision from the listening activityPupils keep a log of completion of different kinds of listening activities, in preparation for listening assessmentsListening for gist Listening for detailWord families in advanceNegatives
