“Differentiating Literacy Instruction for ELL” TCEA February 2, 2015 Presented by: Dr. Stephen...


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“Differentiating Literacy Instruction for ELL”

• TCEA• February 2, 2015• Presented by: Dr. Stephen A. White

- Assistant Professor- University of Houston Downtown


• On a piece of paper number down 1 – 4.• Draw the following:• 1. Triangle• 2. Square• 3. Circle• 4. Squiggly line


• An expert is someone who knows as much as

everyone else but has a lot of Power Point slides


• As an ESL instructor, what do feel are the problems that face our ELLs?

• Easy vs. Hard


• Keep your students enthusiastic about learning English. Discover fun, easy ways to get your class excited about learning. You’ll gather great tips to engage students in learning, motivate positive behavior and create connections with your students. You’ll even keep school fun while your students tackle new challenges.


• Shot for the moon even if you miss you’re among stars!

Hierarchy of Language Development

• Experience• Listening• Speaking• Reading • Writing• Refinement

Thought• If at first you don’t succeed, then skydiving

isn’t for you!

Building the Foundation

• Language Proficiencies

• First and Second Language Acquisition

• Language Variation

• Cognates

• Vocabulary Strategies

Levels of Proficiency

• Emergent Literacy• Limited Formal


• Listen• Point• Move• Mimi• Draw• Select• Circle

Levels of Proficiency

• Beginning Proficiency • Choose• Act out• Name• Label• Group• List

Levels of Proficiency

• Intermediate Level • Respond• Categorize• Tell/say• Answer• Recall• Retell

Levels of Proficiency

• Advanced Level • Define• Explain• Compare• Summarize• Describe• Role-play• Restate• Contrast

Levels of Proficiency

• Exit Level • Analyze• Create• Defend• Debate• Complete• Evaluation• Justify• Support• Example

Levels of Proficiency/Bloom’s Taxonomy (Handout)

• Knowledge (Remembering)

• Comprehension• Application• Analysis• Synthesis• Evaluation

• Beginning Level• Early Intermediate• Intermediate• Early Advanced• Advanced

ESL Categories

• Maria• Trung• Jaime• Xochitl• Luis• Clara• Rogelio

ESL Scenarios

• Maria – Maria has just arrived from Mexico. She is the oldest child in a family of six. Maria has attended school in Mexico and finished “la primaria”. Maria scored a 1 on her English language proficiency test and a 4 on the Spanish language


• proficiency test. Maria was not able to take an English achievement test because of her lack of English.


• Trung has lived in the States for two years. Trung has an older brother, Hai and a younger brother “Freddy”. His achievement test score is in the 26th percentile and his language proficiency score is 4 in English. No test available in Vietnamese.


• Jaime is a native born Texan and an only child. His mother does not speak Enlgish, while his father is fluent in the language. On his language proficiency tests, Jamie scored a 4 in English and a 3 in Spanish. Jamie scored in the 14th percentile.


• Xochitl comes from a family with ten children. Her family has just arrived in the United States. When she was given the language proficiency test she scored a 1 in English and a 1 in Spanish. Xochitl does not have enough language skills in English to take the achievement test.


• While you were giving her the test, you discovered that she had never been in school.


• Luis is from Puerto Rico. All members of his family are fluent in both Spanish and English. Luis scored a 5 on his English proficiency test and a 3 on his Spanish proficiency test. His achievement test score results were in the 22nd percentile.


• Clara is a recent immigrant. She lives with her aunt. Her oral language test scores were a 5 in Spanish and a 4 in English. Clara has scored in the 35th percentile on her achievement test.


• Rogelio is a monolingual Spanish speaker. His proficiency test score were a 1 in English and a 5 in Spanish. His lack of English skills prevented him from taking the achievement test. While looking in his permanent record folder, you noticed that a


• certificate for high academic achievement was given to him while he was in school in Mexico.


• Questions• What is …?• Where is …?• How did … happen?• Why did …?• When did …?• Who was …?• Can you recall …?


• Questions:• How would you classify the type of …?• How would you compare…? Contrast …?• Will you state or interpret in your own words …?• How would you rephrase the meaning …?• What facts or ideas show …?• What is the main idea of …?• Which statements support …?


• How would you use …?• What examples can you find to …?• How would you solve … using what you’ve

learned …?• How would you organize … to show …?• What approach would you use to …?• What would result if …?• Can you make use of facts to …?


• Questions:• What are the parts of features of …?• How is ___ related to …?• Why do you think …?• What motive is there …?• Can you list the parts …?• What inference can you make …?• How would categorize …?


• Questions:• What changes would you make to solve …?• How would you improve …?• What would happen if …?• Can you elaborate on the reason …?• Can you propose an alternative …?• Can you invent …?• How would you adapt ___ to create different …?


• Questions:• Do you agree with the action …? With the

outcomes …?• What is your opinion of …?• How would you prove …? Disapprove of …?• Would it be better if …?• What would you recommend …?• How would you rate the …?

Home Schooling the Old Fashioned Way

• My mother taught me religion.• “You better pray that will come out of the

carpet”My mother taught me REASON.• “Because I said so, that’s why”My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL.• If you don’t straighten up, I’m going to knock

you into the middle of next week!”


• A – Z (squares)- Check prior knowledge about a topic

* Color in the blanks- red (stop)- yellow (not sure)- green (it’s a go)

• A – Z (list)- Words from a topic & then categorize


• Word Diary- By creating a four-part personal diary

entry for a difficult word, a student can make the connections he needs to master vocabulary.

• Key- Color code for the different content


Word Splash

• Select key words or concepts and place them randomly on a sheet of paper.

• Students are asked to make guesses or predictions as to what words mean or why concepts are important.

• After completion of topic or unit, use as review.

Gallery Walk

• Post charts around the room with questions.• Divide students into groups and have them

write answer to the question on the chart.• Next, students rotate clockwise to the next

chart and write their answer to that question.• Continue until each group has answered.


• If you think nobody cares if you’re alive,

try missing a couple of car payments.


• Copy a paragraph from a text but white out some interesting words or phrases.

• Students will in with their own opinions and discuss.

Circle of Knowledge

• Group students – ask a question.• In group, go around in a circle to answer (only

one person answering can talk) non-verbal help is okay. Recorder writes down answers.

• At end of time, group by group (one at a time), go through answers – no duplicates allowed.

Clues and Questions

• Put one vocabulary word or concept on one side of an index card.

• Randomly pass out cards to students.• Students write questions whose answers are

the words on each card.• Students quiz other students.

Texting for Seniors

• ATD At the Doctors

• BTW Bring the Wheelchair

• CBM Covered by Medicare

• GGPBL Gotta Go, Pacemaker Battery Low

Texting for Seniors

• LOL Living on Lipitor

• WTP Where’s the Prunes

• WWNO Walker Wheels Need Oil

• FWIW Forgot Where I Was


• TIC – TAC – TOE• The Fewest Clues• Graph


• Multicultural Bingo• Elements of Surface Culture• Basketball Spelling• Circle Spelling

• Retell by drawing pictures

• Connect personal experiences

• Identify the main idea• Make predictions• Visualize• Generate questions

• Identify main idea & details

• Recognize sequence• Use background

knowledge• Compare & Contrast• Make & revise


Creative Ranking Activity

• Distinguish between fantasy & reality

• Identify cause & effect• Summarize• Identify author’s

purpose• Draw conclusions

• Evaluation & interpret meaning of figurative language

• Analyze story elements• Identify & analyze

problems & solutions• Evaluate & interpret

author’s style & technique

Creative Ranking (Continued)

30 Years Difference

• 1982 Going to a new, hip joint• 2012 Receiving a new hip joint

• 1982 Rolling Stones• 2012 Kidney Stones

• 1982 Disco• 2012 Costco

Basketball Spelling

• Set up the room by placing the two chairs side by side at the front of the room, facing the class, with a board and a marker. Place a four-foot length of masking tape on the floor of the two chairs. Divide the desks to separate the class into two teams, with an aisle down the middle. Place the wastebasket in the aisle, approximately ten to fifteen fee in front of the tape.

Circle Spelling

• Ask students to stand for review.• Designate a student to be the starter.• Call out one spelling word.• Ask the starter to give the first letter of that

word orally.• Have the student to the starter’s left give the

next letter of the word.

Story Pyramid

• 1. Name of main character• Two words describing main character• Three words describing setting• Four word stating the problem• Five words describing one event• Six words describing second event• Seven words describing third event• Eight words stating solution

Fill-in-the Squares

• Reading Comprehension• To develop categorization skills• To list items/names from a book/story within a

specific categories that begin with that letter.

Tricky Words

• To develop the ability to signal when one does nto understand a word.

• To learn new vocabulary.

Bumper Stickers

• How Many Roads Must a Man Travel Down Before He Admits He is Lost?

• Horn Broken – Watch for Finger!

• If We Quit Voting Will They Go Away?

• If You Can Read This, I’ve Lost My Trailer.

Bumper Stickers

• The Earth is full – Go Home.

• Politicians and Diapers Both Need to Be Changed, and for the Same Reason.

• I Refuse to have a Battle of Wits with an Unarmed Person.

• Caution – Driver Legally Blonde

Cultural Bag

A Short Course in Human Relations

• The six most important words:“ I admit I made a mistake”.• The five most important words:“ You did a good job”• The four most important words:“ What is your opinion”• The three most important words:“ If you please”!• The two most important words:“Thank you”


• The one most important word:“ We”

• The least important word:“I”