Differentiated Supports Update Focus on Achievement Board ... · interventions to improve teaching...


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Differentiated Supports UpdateFocus on Achievement Board Session




• Tiered Supports Framework Review• 13-14 Tiered Supports Update

– Turnaround Tier– Intensive Support Tier

• Federal Grants Update: Tiered Intervention Grant and School Improvement Support Grant

• Turnaround Teacher Teams

– Strategic Support Tier– Universal Tier: Network Partners Structure


Differentiate Support to Schools: We will provide equitable and differentiated supports and interventions to all schools by sharing best practices and piloting new and exploratory ways to improve upon our core practice.

• We will ensure that all of our schools—whether district-run, charter, contract, or innovation—have equity of opportunity, of access and responsibility, and of accountability.

• We will diagnose gaps at all schools that are not meeting expectations (yellow and below on SPF) and provide targeted and differentiated interventions to create sustainable transformation.

• We will focus on the lowest performing schools, providing immediate and dramatic interventions to improve teaching and learning.

• We will focus on turnaround strategies in our lowest-performing schools and welcome high-quality new programs and schools.


Denver PlanInstructional Priority #4

Denver Plan: Instructional Priority 4

Tiered Support Framework

#1 ACADEMIC INDICATORS - Is the school meeting academic and enrollment expectations?

Academic Data: 3 year trends on SPF and anticipated growth trajectory

Enrollment data: 3 year enrollment trends, demand, re-enrollment

Intensive school supports,

interventions or enhanced


#3 BODY OF EVIDENCE - Does the body of evidence suggest redesign, turnaround, restart or non-renewal/closure?

Academic and School Quality Indicators + Additional Data: history of school and interventions/support, availability of higher performing options, community engagement

Yes Continuous quality improvementGood to great support, replication of

best practices**

**Schools meeting SPF expectations will still be monitored for leading indicators such as significant changes in demand, re-enrollment or declines in SPF growth or status



#2 SCHOOL QUALITY INDICATORS - Are the necessary conditions for school success present?

Interim and School Quality Data– interim academic data, SchoolChoice data, Leadership data, staff turnover, teacher perception data, and school’s capacity

to engage in significant, accelerated improvement


School on track to improve


Implement redesign, turnaround, restart or non- renewal/ closure



Tiered Schoolswith identified supports for 2013-14

Tier Schools Level of Support

Turnaround Bruce West GenerationsDCIS Ford TrevistaGilpin GreenleeLakeTrevista SOAR Oakland (closure)West Gen

• Turnaround network supports• Monthly site visits and feedback• TIG grant funds

Intensive Tier College View AmesseJohnson CheltenhamCastro ValverdeColumbine Fairview Munroe KepnerAshley MaxwellCentennial HenryWyatt Academy SOAR GVREscuela Colorado HSManual SWECSims-Fayola

District-managed Schools:• Development of UIP Plus• School Quality Review - SchoolWorks• UIP Plus Consultant• Implementation activity and support• SIS grants

Charters: Supports provided by OSRI: • Annual performance goals/contracts, • UIP Intensive Support, • Charter board engagement• School Quality Review – OSRI• ELA program review (if tiered for ELA)• Facilitated site visits to high performing schools

Strategic Tier MerrillGeorge WashingtonDCIS

• Brokering district supports and services• Data deep dive analysis support• Strategic planning and design

5Note: “Watch list” schools (yellow/green) flagged through tiering include: Eagleton, Harrington, Beach Court, Barnum, Schmitt, and Morey. The supports for these schools will be determined by the school’s IS.


Tiers of Support:Turnaround



Leadership (Five Foundational Indicators)

School Culture and Capacity for Significant Improvement (Teacher Perception Survey, Student Perception Survey, School Quality Review)

Quality of Instruction (LEAP)

Parent Satisfaction, Enrollment and School Demand

Academic Indicators

+ = Strategic Supports

Intensive Supports

School Quality Indicators

Framework forDifferentiated Supports

Universal Supports


Turnaround Tier Persistently Red on SPF

3+ yearsIdentified by state for


Intensive Tier Current Year Red or

Orange on SPFRed on Growth

Green or blue on SPF

Tier - StrategicDramatic drops in performance (10

percent or more into yellow)

Moving from red or orange into yellow

Tiered Supports

Strategic Supports

Intensive Supports

Universal Supports

Turnaround The Board was provided an update on our turnaround efforts on 9/16/13

Tier of Supports: TurnaroundSchools in “turnaround” were the first to receive specialized district supports, starting in spring 2010


Turnaround Supports:1. Set conditions for success via talent,

autonomies and innovation2. Targeted supports for leadership,

teachers, and community3. Data drives instruction, evaluation,

and improvement

Turnaround evolution: our newest initiative and strategies

• Enhanced supports– Partnership with Achievement Network– Training in Great Habits, Great Readers– Move to 90 minute blocks in middle schools– Six-step process for feedback/observation

• School Development Teams– New district initiative for 14-15 that provides significant stipends and enhanced roles

to attract and retain high-performing teachers in turnaround schools for a commitment of three years

– Implemented in 15 schools, including Castro, Cheltenham, Fairview and Columbine.– Teams will be comprised of 4-6 teachers with demonstrated effectiveness who take on

additional responsibilities to improve school culture and develop the capacity of the staff.


Federal Grants: Tiered Intervention Grant (TIG)

• Tiered Intervention Grant (TIG) 2014-15– Competitive grant for schools in lowest 5% of

performance statewide– Ability to secure significant funding for turnaround or

transformation effort (up to $1M)– School must implement one of four turnaround models

to be funded– District application due March 26, school applications due

April 30

• Applying for Ashley, Castro, Cheltenham, Columbine, Fairview for 2014-15 (transformation model)



Strategic Supports

Intensive Supports

Universal Supports

Turnaround Intensive Supports:1. Development of UIP Plus with

support of a consultant2. School Quality Review3. Progress Monitoring

Tier of Supports: IntensiveSchools receive either intensive supports on top of current universal level of improvement planning and implementation supports

The Board was provided an overview of our approach to intensive supports on 10/13/13

Overview of 13-14 Intensive Supports

School Quality Reviews – National Experts from SchoolWorks• Eleven reviews conducted Oct-Nov • Schools received individual reports to inform improvement planning efforts• Meta-analysis prepared to identify common themes and inform district


UIP Plus • Big picture strategic planning focused on whole-school high leverage school

improvement strategies and completion of UIP• Consultants were hired to support the schools throughout the process• Three review and feedback phases: DPS internal review, CDE review, then CDE

statewide review team formal review; document updated each step

Progress Monitoring • UIP Tracker completed to support ongoing progress monitoring of plan• Monthly, led by consultant and focus on progress of plan implementation


Federal Grants: School Improvement Support (SIS) Grant

• School Improvement School (SIS) Grant 2014-15– Less competitive grant for intensive tier schools

(red/orange)– Will now be available in multiple phases throughout

year– Small grants for implementation ($50K)– Schools must have had a school quality review since

Sept 1, 2012– School applications due May 1

• Applying for Amesse, Maxwell, Valverde, Oakland, Kepner, Henry, for 2014-15



Strategic Supports

Intensive Supports

Universal Supports

TurnaroundStrategic Supports:1. Focus on small group of schools2. Enhanced supports with data

disaggregation and managerial planning

3. Regular on-the-ground support in aligning UIP, budget and implementation

Tier of Supports: StrategicSchools receive either strategic supports on top of current universal level of improvement planning and implementation supports


Overview of 13-14 Strategic Supports

Enhanced supports including data disaggregation and managerial planning• Closely connected to a schools’ UIP• Data disaggregation and analytics designed to support

school in deep analysis of proficiency bands with ability to address specific student needs

• Focus on organizational approach, including goal setting, initiative mapping, and structuring the school to meet goals

Regular on-the-ground supporting in aligning UIP, budget, and implementation • Small ratio of schools to allow frequent, real-time course




Strategic Supports

Intensive Supports

Universal Supports

TurnaroundUniversal Supports Highlight:

Network Partner Structure1. Universal supports are available to all

schools (examples include: support for data driven instruction, supporting English language learners, teaching and learning, LEAP)

2. Network Partner Structure assigns specific ‘partners’ from Central Office to provide these academic and operational supports in a more targeted manner to each network

Tier of Supports: Universal


DPS Network Structure

Network structure lead by Instructional Superintendents and Executive Directors (IS/EDs)

– There are 11 networks of district-run schools; networks consist of 8-19 schools; span of control of each IS/ED is considerable

– Principals reported wanting and needing more time with and help from their supervisors

– As of 2013-14, each network has at least one Deputy and one School Improvement Partner (SIP), Data Assessment Partner (DAP), and/or Instructional Support Partner (ISP)


Role of Network Partners

Network Partner Structure concept originated in DPS with Human Resources Department

– HR partner role created 5 years ago– Result was dramatic increase in principal satisfaction with

respect to ability to access HR support– HR and Budget Partners have been effective in helping

streamline supports on operational mattersPurpose of Network Partners:

– Create efficiencies for school leaders and IS/ED teams– Assist leaders with navigating and accessing central office

supports– Streamlined communications– Customer service orientation


Wallace Foundation Highlights DPS Structure


“Now Boasberg is putting the rest of the central office on speed dial to better support school leaders – and,in turn, their supervisors. Starting this year, every instructional superintendent and deputy has a team of 10 partners in key departments of the central officeto assist the group of schools they oversee.”

Building on Success of Partner Structure

Enhancing the Network Partner Structure in 2013-14:

• The goal was to provide additional support in academic areas using a structure that has been successful for operational teams– CAO Partner supports added to directly support network level and

school improvement efforts– Partners bring best practices and subject matter expertise.– Partners provide support/PD for key district priorities– Special Education and Mental Health Partners aligned to one network

and not spread across multiple regions

Networks Differentiate Support to Schools Through Partner Structure





ECECollege &

Career Readiness




Mental Health

Senior CAO


SY13/14 Monday Meeting Schedule

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

8AM 10AM 11AM 12PM 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM





ILT w/ PCfocus

Joint IS/ED

Joint IS/ED

PSR Ldrshp Team

Elem Ed Team

Elem Ed Team

PSR Leadership

PSR Extended Team



k Pa


r M




Grow Educators PC (Opt)

Grow Educators PC (Opt)

Attendees required at each network meeting is to be determined and may vary by team or from week to week.

PSR Team

Elem Team

Elem Team

Network Partner Structure Successes in the 2013-14 School Year

• Network leadership determines how partners will be used in order to best differentiate support to schools

• More efficient utilization of central office expertise• Enhanced collective ownership across central office for

success of schools and student achievement• Feedback loops in place so that partners can elevate

issues and communicate with central office leadership• More coherence and alignment around key district




Tiered Intervention Grant (TIG) eligibility list 2014-15

Ashley Elementary SchoolCastro Elementary School Cheltenham Elementary SchoolColorado HS Columbine Elementary SchoolEscuela TlatelolcoFairview Elementary SchoolKepner Middle SchoolSummit AcademyValverde Elementary School(Gilpin and Montbello are also technically eligible)


School Improvement Support (SIS) Grant eligibility list 2014-15


Schools that participated in intensive supports/had a diagnostic and are not eligible for TIG:Amesse Elementary SchoolMaxwell Elementary SchoolManual High SchoolHenry World School Grades 6-8Valverde Elementary School(SOAR at) Oakland

Schools that participated in intensive supports AND received SIS this year:College View Elementary SchoolJohnson Elementary SchoolMunroe Elementary School

Schools that participated in intensive supports and on our list to apply for TIG:Ashley Elementary SchoolCheltenham Elementary SchoolColumbine Elementary SchoolCastro Elementary SchoolFairview Elementary SchoolKepner Middle School

If the following schools have a Blueprint walkthrough and report they can share, these, too, are eligible:Centennial K-8 SchoolGilpin Elementary SchoolLake International SchoolNorth High School Engagement CenterP.U.S.H AcademyWest Career AcademyWest Generations AcademyBruce Randolph School – only HS eligible

Other schools that are eligible if they’ve had a diagnostic:Escuela Tlatelolco SchoolRespect Academy at Lincoln SOAR at Green Valley Ranch Venture Prep Middle SchoolWyatt AcademyColorado High SchoolContemporary Learning Academy HighFlorence Crittenton High SchoolP.R.E.P. (Positive Refocus Education)Summit AcademyDenver Center For 21st Learning at WymanJustice High School DenverSims FayolaSouthwest Early College Charter School

Accountability and enrollment trends for grant eligible intensive support schools


School3 Year SPF Trend 1 Year

Enrollment Trend

SB 163 Clock Status

Notes2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

Ashley 38.3% 27.5% 43.8% No change Year 3 New principalPassed innovation plan

Castro 60.8% 44.6% 37.7% – 6.6% n/a New principal, TIG

Colorado HS 25.5% 28.2% 31.2% - 2% n/a AEC

Escuela 34.2% 17.2% 18.1% – 7.5% n/a Contract

Cheltenham 39.9% 43.2% 33.1% – 1.9% Year 1 New principal, TIG

Fairview 37.9% 39.9% 33.3% – 11.0% Year 1 New principal

Kepner 43.5% 28.3% 21.7% – 20.0% Year 1 Principal in 2nd year

Valverde 34.9% 43.4% 34.5% + 4.4% Year 2

Columbine 42.5% 24.7% 17.3% – 17.2% Year 2 Principal in 2nd year

Summit Academy 21.1% 17.7% 20.5% – 17.2% n/a AEC

Amesse 39.9% 44.6% 26.0% No change Year 1

Maxwell 33.3% 36.5% 34.4% – 1.7% Year 3

Oakland 34.9% 28.2% 8.6% + 18.2% Year 1 Need to maintain school code to be eligible for TIG 15-16

Four Turnaround Models and Considerations

Type of strategy Description of Required Strategy Elements for Grant: Considerations

Transformation Model

Replace principal (if principal hired to lead a reform effort and in second year, can provide a case to keep)Ensure teachers in school are right teachers to support effort through targeted evaluation, job-embedded PD, and rewardsImplement comprehensive instructional reform strategiesIncrease learning timeProvide operational flexibility and sustained support (for example, from external partners)

Turnaround Model (new leader, new staff, new program)

Replace principal (if principal hired to lead a reform effort and in second year, can provide a case to keepHire new team of teachers, ensuring no more than 50% taught in previous schoolProvide targeted evaluation, job-embedded PD, and rewards to teachersAdopt new governance structure including support from turnaround networkAdopt new instructional programIncrease learning timeProvide social-emotional and community-oriented services and supports for students

Restart Model (new school)

Replace school with a new school, such as a high-performing charter school

School Closure Model

Close school and ensure students enroll in a high performing schoolFunds can be used to support the expenses related to closure.
