Different types of photography001


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Photography Assignment

Fashion photography has changed over the years from being very formal to very experimental.

For example usage of more of the models skin, and technology such as Photoshop to create an unreachable beauty.

Now-a-days fashion is all about attitude and competition rather than advertising products, it’s more like ‘here’s a model, try and look like her’ kind of thing.

Fashion Photography

Vouge MagazineThen and Now

June 1934

August 2012

This type of Photography is everywhere, from posters to billboards and even in magazines. Half the time we hardly even realize it’s there.

Advertising Photography is also a huge part of the Fashion industry, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to get where they are today.

Advertising Photography

This type of photography is used in the newspaper industry more than other places. Basically an image which tells a story

It’s used to back up a story with, mostly, shocking graphic pictures which give a incredible impact to the viewer


Photojournalism Examples

Life Magazine, Vietnam 1968

Children play in the night time glow of the gas flare 2005

Portrait is used in homes, on ID’s and even on social networking profiles

It’s used to capture the likeliness of a character in either in-formal or formal

Usually sat down all neat and tidy, people may argue that non posed pictures captures the real likeliness of a character


Portrait Examples

1929 early ProtraitYousef Karsh

Ralph Lauren Portrait September 2012Annie Leibovits

Shows various places and open spaces around the world, most likely natural areas

No human activity and use wide and long shots

Used to show and preserve breathtaking areas of todays world


Landscape Examples

Mountain Pine, Mono Creek1930Ansel Adams

Kawishiwi FallsJim Brandenburg

Used to capture extreme detail, used a lot in nature shots and scientists use this as well in text books

It almost makes you believe that the small objects are huge and almost monster like

Not all of the shot is in focus, only a small area is in focus


Micro Examples