Differences between the teenagers from the 21st century and the ones from 19th century



Differences between the teenagers from the 21st century and the ones from 19th century

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“Differences between the teenagers from the 21st

centuryand the ones from 19th

century”By Neacsu Teodor Duman Alex Dunose Mario


Family & Relationships


Education & Work


19th century VS 21st century

Family & Relationships

O Teens back then could get on with life and actually keep their first love for the rest of their lives. That is why the divorce rates were so much lower .

O  Families were big, strong, and stayed together, and things were fairly stable. 

O Today , you are not supposed to think about  marriage until after you get a college degree and have a career lined up, and even then you'd better not have kids and take time away from that precious career .

O That  "Freedom" is more like slavery to education and a system that expects you to be part of the workforce. 

Family & Relationships

Fashion19th century teenagers

Fashion19th century teenagers

Fashion21st century teenagers

Fashion21st century teenagers

Fashion19th century teenagers 21st century


Uncomfortable Stylish

Expensive Affordable

Few choices in buying clothes

A large variety of clothes

Few styles of clothing A large variety of styles

-- Provocative clothing (girls)




Do teenagers plan to go to college ?



O In the 19th century it was very common for teen girls to not even go to college and for boys to drop out to help with the family business or because they can’t afford the education.

BehaviorO Ask the public for the words that come

to mind when they think of teens, and three-quarters (71%) respond with negative descriptions, such as “rude,” “wild,” or “irresponsible.” More adults rate “not learning values like honesty, respect, and responsibility” as a serious problem for kids than drug and alcohol abuse .

O Only 16% have a positive opinion about teenagers .


O Teens back then were more respectful and more responsible . Hard working for the family business was the satisfaction.

The end O This generation have access to

technology and they have the freedom to search for answers ;

O This generation have access to information much more quickly;

O This generation are thinking more about environment and the impact of global Warming.

O Many teenagers are doing more volunteer and community services.