Difference between SENuke and SENuke X




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Difference between SENuke and SENuke X

SENuke is really a piece of SEO automation software making you able to execute your

techniques for your site to compete with the most highly ranked websites that are running

in the many collecting many back links. It had been launched by Areeb Bajwa in the year

2008. Now it's more updated version has returned with increased power and under the

banner of SENuke X.So here's the primary differences between SENuke and this newbie

SENuke X:1. Easier and much more powerful - As SENuke X is new technology so it's

made to use more power and can be operated easily as compare to SENuke. It came into

existence following a long research. There was a time when people kept visualising about

such kind of software. It is extremely easy that you simply don't have to watch even a

single video or help file to get started. It's as if you have to answer few questions after

which press Finish. For this there are many video tutorials can be found.2. Organised in

better way plus better looking - As SENuke X is new version of SENuke ; So definitely

it's designed in more organised manner. Forget about copying and no more pasting from

module to module. The user interface has been completely re- designed. This software is

dependant on central data- base therefore it makes work more organised while you don't

have to move files around.3. Exact promotional strategy - Either you are able to select

from pre-loaded templates or you can find exactly according to your promotional strategy

in this new software. This software provides you various modules which you can use to

complete your promotional strategy.4. No more messy projects - within this new SENuke

X just drag and drop projects according to the appropriate campaign and it will stay there

unlike the old SENuke under which the work was little messy as it was not possible to

organise the work in a way.5. Profile assignment - SENuke X makes your projects easier

by making you save your all passwords and usernames in "profiles". There is no need to

possess various option screens. This will make easy to load these profiles in to the

projects by assigning an account to the appropriate projects. Which means this feature

will make it much easier to handle the usernames and passwords which was little tricky

within the SENuke.6. Simultaneous various module running - As the new multi threading

is built in SENuke X; you can run as many modules as you wish all at the same time.

This new SENuke X enables you to in a position to Nuke social bookmarking while also

nuking Web 2.0 profiles.7. Schedule submissions - SENuke X offers the facility of

scheduling your submissions. While you just set it up once and it'll do all the work

automatically by itself and if it crashes it will auto resume where it left off.

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