Did You Know the Weight of the World ? 1. So what are we going to do about this? 1/9/2014 2


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Did You Know the Weight of the World ?


So what are we going to do about this?

04/10/23 2

Showing Respect for Others

I’ve got your back!

04/10/23 3

Rev Up Your Heart!

Low Level—Hook Up

Medium Level- Walking

High Level—Jumping Jacks

04/10/23 4

Measuring your heart rate Put two fingers of one hand gently on

one side of your neck. Can you feel a beating rhythm?

That’s your pulse. We will measure our heart rate after

each activity. We will count our heart beats for 6

seconds then multiply by 10.

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Resting Heart Rate

04/10/23 6

Walking-medium HR

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Jumping Jacks High Level HR

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With your buddy…

• Draw a Tree Map • Using the Structure Rally Robin, brainstorm a list of activities at low, medium and high levels.• Keep working until you hear the chimes

04/10/23 9

Performance Task

• Read the information about exercise and the heart.

• Write a script for a Public Service Announcement to convince kids to have less sit-ness and more fitness.

• Use only the information provided to construct your PSA.

• Be ready to perform your PSA for the class.

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What is a Public Service Announcement?• A message in the public

interest• Broadcast by the media-• To raise awareness• To change public attitudes and

choices about a social problem.

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Listen for the script

04/10/23 12

Let’s Get Going

What is the title of your PSA? What are subtitles of your PSA? What will be your “catchphrase?” What emotion are you trying to

communicate? Gather your contents/facts.

04/10/23 13

Using Technology

Place posters around the school with your QR code so your Public Service Announcements can be accessed through your website.

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