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Using slow releasing carbohydrates like oats help keep blood sugar

levels balanced

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STEP 1 .

Place the star anise,sultanas, 190g maple syrup, vinegar & cut plums into a saucepan and then cook until a light syrup has been achieved. Allow to cool and

then place into the fridge until required.

STEP 2 .

Mix the yoghurt, cinnamon, ginger, black pepper & tumeric together and place into the fridge overnight to infuse.

STEP 3 .

Mix the porridge oats,150g maple syrup, three colour quinoa, cashew & pecan nuts with warmed coconut oil together and spread onto a baking tray then cook for 10 – 15 minuites at 180°C until golden. Allow to cool and break into chunks.

STEP 4 .

To assemble, place equal amounts of the yoghurt mix into you packaging, top with equal amounts of sultana mix and finish with chunks of Quinoa granola.


1 World of Spice Whole Star Anise (94574)

250g Everyday Favourites Sultanas (19897)

340g Everyday Favourites Pure Canadian Maple Syrup (04389)

40ml Casa de Mare Red Wine Vinegar (90053)

3 Plums Fresh

1500g Greek Style Yoghurt (27083)

2g Everyday Favourites Ground Cinnamon (70371)

4g Everyday Favourites Ground Ginger (52245)

0.5g Everyday Favourites Ground Black Pepper (70279)

10g Everyday Favourites Ground Turmeric (70299)

270g Quaker Gluten Free Porridge (74742)

200g Three Colour Quinoa (33391)

150g Whole Cashew Nuts (19578)

150g Pecan Nuts (19581)

60g KTC Coconut Oil (31845)

G O L D E N S P I C E D Y O G H U R Twith sweet pickled sultanas
