Diary of A Snail By: Katie D Alyssa A Brendan W Isaac G Evan S


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Diary of A Snail

By: Katie DAlyssa A

Brendan WIsaac GEvan S

DECEMBER 25 3224

It's Christmas Day! Today Santa Snail came and gave us presents!!! I got a blue laser dune buggy. I decided to use it on the birds because they bother me so much. I shot one in the yard we ate him for dinner. He tasted weird. Maybe because of the laser.

DECEMBER 26 3224

Today I went back to school. I was bored listening to Mr. Lybra, my teacher, giving a lecture so I distracted him, tied him in slime rope ,and threw him in the closet. He was mad. I don't know when I should get him from the closet. Maybe I should tell the principal that Henry Slime did it. 

DECEMBER 27 3224

I did not go to school today. Mr. Lybra suspended me for a day. So I decided to go bomb an ant's nest. It was fun. They got so mad at me. If they were any more red they would be on fire. That cured me for the day. But I am so grounded.

DECEMBER 28 3224

A dentist came to our class today. He told us that even though we only eat buds, leaves, and vegetables, we still need to take care of our radula. He also told us a radula is like a tongue with tiny, sharp teeth inside a small, crescent shaped mouth- like we didn't know that already!

DECEMBER 29 3224

Today we had a doctor come to our class. He educated us on proper shell care. He was really excited about one of my favorite subjects- poop. When we poop, the wastes go through the front of our shell.

DECEMBER 30 3224

Today we had an exchange student come to our classroom. He lives in the water and eats clams and oysters. He was really stuck up. I went up in my trike after school. I almost bombed Mr. Lybra's house,but people were watching. Instead I ate a garden of flowers. Yum!

Works Cited Infobits. Web.


• Murray, Peter. "Snail Eating." Infobits.com. Gale. Web. 2009.


• Prezant, Robert S. World Book 2008. Vol. S-Sn. Print.

Story by:Kathryn D,

Josh R,Kyle S,

andClaire S

June 8,

Today I flew into a bottle of BBQ sause because I was flying backwards. Before I was poured onto some chicken I flew out covered in BBQ sause. I tasted good.

June 10,

On the way home I did a dance in the air to impress a mate. But she slaped me and flew away.

June 11,

My bee friend came over today. We played tag and failed miserably. I was flying at least 50 miles an hour and almost died. I ran into a crack and bee had to pull me out.

June 15,

Today I watched my little brother in the stream, and a fish was coming to bite me. My brother ate the fish! I was very suprised.

June 17,

Today I stoll some kids cheese and started flying away also eating the cheese. I almost chocked on it.

June 20,

Today I learned that my wing span is 6-7 cm long.

The End

Works Cited

McCormick, Rosemary. Insects and spiders. New York: Dorling Kindersley, 1993. Print.

Works Cited

Cupp, E.W. "Dragonfly." World book d 2005. 2008. Print

Diary of a LobsterBy: Brian B

Matt ALindsey C

Francisca F

April 26- I’m a lobster named Larry. I was walking in the ocean and I saw my buddy Spongebob. He was going to get me a job at the Krusty Krab. I walked in the Krusty

Krab and Mr.Krab handed me a hat and I scrubbed the toilets. I had a great time and the best thing is I earn 2 cents an hour.

January 18 - Today I was swimming of the coast of Florida and I saw a human. So I swam up to him because he’s in shallow water. He didn’t see me so I swam up to him and pinched his toe off.

October 9-Today at the rusty krab, I was working and a customer didn’t like her food so she put it in a trashcan. But she missed. So I ate her because she was a sardine and I like sardines.

November 2-Today I go in a fight with a customer. He said the food was disgusting. So I crushed him with my claws. He was also a sardine. So I ate him to.I was also went to the beach.

February 26-Today I saw Spongebob with a mustache. It was ugly so, I cut it of.

August 11-Today I got caught by a fisherman. So, I cut the net with my pincers and escaped.

Works Cited "The American Lobster." World Book

2002. Print. "Lobster." The Coulumbia Encyclapedia,

2000. Web. Friday Nov. 2009. <http://dbproxy.fh.farmlib.org.2060/servee

t/KidsInfo Bits>.

The End

Diary of a DragonflyBy: Lorraine F, Julia S, Theo R, and Timmy


June 1; Today was the last day of school. We also learned that a

dragonfly has three parts.

June 19;

Summer is going great, but when I was near the pond, a girl with a

butterfly net started to chase me. I flew away quickly.

July 4; I saw the fireworks amazingly well today. When I asked mom she said that Dragonflies have amazing compound eyes. 

July 15; Today my skin got too big for me so I tried to molt, but I forgot how. I

looked it up in a encyclopedia.

Aug 13; Today I ran into a tree, and broke my wing. I had to go to the doctor and get a cast.The doctor told me I couldn't

fly for a week. 

Aug 31; Today is my birthday. I got a book about dragonflies. I also learned that I

have four wings and six spiny legs.

The EndThe End

Works Cited

Berry, C.E. Insect World. Time Life. Print.

Jacobs, Lisa. "About Dragonflies." 2003. Web. <http://www.dhproxy.fh.farmlib.org>.

Jacobs, Lisa. "Many sizes and colors." Web.

Diary of a Japanese Beetle


Brandon KMichael GRicardo HHannah PAbbey G

.May 4th-A bully was picking on my friend. So me and my friend spider tied him up in a spider web.

May 9th-Today my mom almost got stepped on.She

flew away to safety. 

May 15th-Yesterday my grandpa lost his wing. He got

it stitched back on.

 May 20th- Today someone hit me with a fly swatter. Later I

came back and bit him. 

May 24th- My family and I went to my hometown in New Jersey. My Grandma got lost

on the way. But my mom found her eating on roots of


May 27- Today I went to my friends birthday party and it

was really windy and spiders hat flew away. So I flew and

got it.

Works Cited

"Japanese Beetle." Kids infobits. 2000. Web

Fetzer, Scott. World Book. 2008. Print.

Diary of a Crab


"It's so cold outside". Today I got my foot stuck in ice right after I molted when my new shell was still soft. So bullies decided to throw rocks at me. They put dents in my new, soft shell.

Jan 13 

Today I finally got out of the ice. Then I got back at the bullies. I tricked them into a fishing net by telling them that it was really good feeding ground. I don't have to worry about them anymore.

Jan 22

Today my best friend Carl got stuck in a fishing net. I tried to help him and I got stuck too. I escaped, he didn't though.

Jan 30


I found a new best friend. His name is Bob. He is a lot better than Carl. I wish I found him earlier. Carl was a Blue Crab and they are most commonly eaten.

Feb 29


I heard of a Chela. I think it is a girl. I looked everywhere, even on land. Were on break from school. I will have to wait until July to ask my teacher.

July 22


I asked my teacher what a Chela was. She told me it was the name of a claw.

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

• Works Cited

• Gale. "Crabs." Kids info bits. 2008. Web.

• Tankersley, Richard. "Crab." World book. 2008. Print.

Diary of a Butterfly

By: Maddy BArturo G

Brendan HCJ D


March 19- When I flew back from Mexico I got hit by an airplane. Luckily, I was alive and didn't

have to pay or get tired.The captain didn't notice me because I blended in.



June 8- Today when I came back from Mexico I saw thousands of different species of butterflies.

June 30- Today it was raining and my four wings got wet so, I walked into a sauna and dried off my wings.

September 18- Today my mom brought out the baby pictures and I saw me as a catipiller and in a cacoon.

December 25- Today was Christmas and it wasn't very good. Today I went over the border and forgot to pay, so I went to jail. While I was there I saw a fossil of a butterfly. I examined it and it was 140 million years old!

Works Cited • Butterflies." Web. Dec.-Jan. 2009.


• Whalley, Paul. Butterfly. New York: Dorling Kindersly, 1988. Print.