DIANA TORREZ – JULIE KARE – LAURA HURLBIRT OLIT 535: Theory & Practice of eLearning Dr....


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CNM and 2L

OLIT 535: Theory & Practice of eLearningDr. Rebecca Adams

The University of New Mexico

Plan for Presentation• Description of Complex Problem• Hypothesis• Concept Map• Executive Summary• Solution• Distance Education Today• The International Perspective• Theoretical Constructs• Distance Learners and Learner Support• Media and Technology• Faculty Development• Management, Administration, and Policy• Evaluation and Research

• Conclusion

Description of Complex Problem

CNM ‐ BA1131, Business Interpersonal Skills (Distance Learning Section) use a Virtual World

Overview of Complex Problem Situation and Objective:

BA1131, Business Interpersonal Skills (taught at CNM), will be utilizing Second Life to help achieve specific Student Learning Outcomes, including assessment of those outcomes. CNM is in the processes of purchasing and setting up a CNM island and wants to develop in to support courses such as this one.

Course Description

BA1131 is an interactive class that focuses on developing interpersonal skills appropriate for the business environment. Topics include (objectives): attitude, diversity, communication skills, teamwork/teambuilding, business etiquette, group problem solving, conflict resolution, and presentation skills.

The study group is asked to analyze the educational use approaches and environments and make recommendations how this course could benefit from using a virtual world, such as Second Life and a CNM Island in Second Life, to meet the objectives of the course.

HypothesisCNM’s Business Program Uses a Virtual World

 If Second Life can be proven to be an efficient

simulation tool for students to learn about real-world business situations, like those taught in CNM's BA1131 Course, and enhance the likelihood of successful accomplishment of course objectives, then we will recommend that the program be implemented. Second Life should be able to teach students business etiquette, principles, ethics, and proper mannerisms while remaining cost effective and time efficient for the students, the associated faculty and the institution.



Executive SummaryCNM has created an island in Second Life to

teach business students the tools and culture of business. Second Life offers the use of different media and communication techniques for instructors and students to learn and create a CNM business culture. Instructors will learn to use Second Life as a business tool and create real-life experiences for the students including tutorials, discussions, web conferencing, etcetera. The students will utilize the features of Second Life to experience real-life scenarios to learn business etiquette, mannerisms, have the opportunity to role play, participate in open discussions, and more. Second Life will benefit CNM's business school by utilizing new technologies and creating distance education that can be carried on in the future.

• CNM is a Dual Mode Institution

• Inception of Second Life will necessitate changes• Policies• Administration• Course Design• Teaching • Learning

• Distance Education is often about change!

Distance Education


Module 1:Chapters 1 & 2

Moore, M. & Kearsley, G. (2005). Distance Education: A Systems View, Third Edition, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth

• Consortium agreements

• International business experience without leaving the US

• Expand community beyond borders

• Increase in enrollment and diversity

The Internation

al Perspectiv


Module 2:Chapters 3 & 11

Moore, M. & Kearsley, G. (2005). Distance Education: A Systems View, Third Edition, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth

Theoretical ConstructsModule 3: Chapter 9

Moore, M. & Kearsley, G. (2005). Distance Education: A Systems View, Third Edition, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth


Successful & Knowledgea

ble students

• Adult Learning:•Second Life is easily accessible to CNM students

• Anxiety and Learning:•Learning how to navigate and use Second Life•New ways of communicating online

• Student Opinions of DE:•Unfamiliarity can cause negative feelings

Distance Learners

andLearner Support

Module 4:Chapter 7

Moore, M. & Kearsley, G. (2005). Distance Education: A Systems View, Third Edition, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth

• Media:•Second Life offers the use of a variety of different media to practice and learn business culture

• Social Presence Online:•Students create avatars to represent their social presence online

• Technology:•Second Life is available from home computers, pc’s, and mobile devices



Module 5:Chapters 4 & 5

Moore, M. & Kearsley, G. (2005). Distance Education: A Systems View, Third Edition, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth

• Distance Teaching:•Second Life requires instructors to alter their course designs and teaching styles

• Interaction: •Utilizing different types of interaction

• Role in Web Conferencing:• Humanizing: Information sharing• Participation: Activities in business culture•Message Style: Media tools for innovative communication.• Feedback: Evaluation of Students in Second Life



Module 6:Chapter 6

Moore, M. & Kearsley, G. (2005). Distance Education: A Systems View, Third Edition, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth

• Management and Administration:•2L supports CNM’s vision and mission•Show support for cutting edge teaching methods and technology

• Policy:•Create a training course for instructors•Provide a policy that rewards participation and allocates resources for training


n, and Policy

Module 7:Chapters 8 & 12

Moore, M. & Kearsley, G. (2005). Distance Education: A Systems View, Third Edition, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth

• Research:•Technology-effectiveness•Betts (2009) Study

• Evaluation:•Quality Matters• Course overview and introduction,• Learning objectives,• Assessment and measurement,• Instructional materials,• Learner interaction and

engagement,• Course technology,• Learner support, and• Accessibility

Research and


Module 8:Chapter 10

Moore, M. & Kearsley, G. (2005). Distance Education: A Systems View, Third Edition, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth

~~Diana, Julie, and Laura~~

Thank You!

References• Baker, S. C., Wentz, R. K., & Woods, M. M. (2009). Using virtual worlds in

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• Bell, D. (2009). Learning from second Life®. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40(3), doi: 10.1111/j.1467–8535.2009.00943.X

• Berge, Z. (2008). Multi-user virtual environments for education and training? a critical review of second life. Educational Technology, 48(3), Retrieved from http://it.coe.uga.edu/itforum/ETSecLife.pdf

• Harris, B., Ritzema, T. (2008). The Use of Second Life for Distance Education. Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges. University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.

• Johnson, L. F., & Levine, A. H. (2008). Virtual worlds: inherently immersive, highly social learning spaces. Theory Into Practice, 47(2), 161-170. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00405840801992397

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• Meadows, M. (2008). I, avatar: the culture and consequences of having a Second Life. Berkley: New Riders.

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• Ondrejka, C. (2008). Education Unleashed: Participatory Culture, Education, and Innovation in Second Life. In Salen, K. (Eds.), The ecology of games, connecting youth, games, and learning (pp. 229-252). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press

• Salt, B., Atkins, C., & Blackall, L. (2008). Engaging with second Life®: Real education in a virtual world Second Life® Education Commision of New Zealand. Retrieved from slenz.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/slliteraturereviewa1.pdf

• Second Life in Education. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_Second_Life

• Warburton, S. (2008b). MUVEs and Second Lives: exploring education in virtual worlds. Proceedings of the KILT Conference, March 2008. London: King’s College London.

References Continued• Warburton, S. (2008c). Six barriers to innovation in learning and

teaching with MUVEs. Liquid Learning. Retrieved October 4, 2011. From http://warburton.typepad.com/liquidlearning/2008/07/six-barriers-to.html

• Warburton, S. & Perez-Garcia, M. (2009). 3D design and collaboration in massively multi-user virtual environments. In D. Russel (Ed.), Cases on collaboration in virtual learning environments: processes and interactions. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Forthcoming April 2009.

• Warburton, S. (2009). Second Life® in the higher education: Assessing the potential for and the barriers to deploying virtual worlds in learning and teaching. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40(three).doi: 10.1111/j.1467 – 8535.2009.00952.x

• Wood, N. T., Solomon, M. R., & Allan, D. (2008). Welcome to the matrix: e-learning gets a second life. Marketing Education Review, 18(2), 47-53.
