Diamond Dash Facebook Game


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Tips and Tricks


Romanian :

Te joci Diamond Dash pe Facebook, dar nu mai ai vieti? Nu esti pe primul loc? Uite cate sfaturi si trucuri pentru a ajunge in top!

1.  Intra in joc si joaca-te, insa daca scorul nu iti convine, poti sa apesi butonul Menu si sa dai restart! Astfel viata nu se pierde, s

poti sa o iei de la capat!

2.  Trebuie sa ai un scor mare, pentru a ajunge in top! Iti recomand sa cumperi Mystic Bomb si Time Bonus pentru a putea avea

scor mai mare. Odata cumparate si aplicata metoda de la pasul 1, poti sa reusesti sa obtii un scor cat mai mare! Daca nu-ti

convine scorul, apasa restart inainte ca jocul sa se termine! Astfel iti vei pastra si puterile magice!

3.  Diamantele de foc sunt bune. Cu cat mai multe cu atat mai bine! Un diamant de foc iti adduce 15 000 puncte.

English :

You play Diamond Dash on Facebook and you’re all out of lives? You’re not on the first place? Look at this Tips & Tricks to go t

the top

1.  Enter the game and play, but if the score doesn’t fit you, you can press the Menu button and click restart! Your life won’t go

waste and you can start over!

2.  You gotta have a great score to go to the top! I recommend that you buy Mystic Bomb and Time Bonus for a bigger score. O

bought and if you apply the first method you can obtain a higher score! If you you ’re not pleased with the score, you can alw

hit restart before the game ends! And so you’ll keep the magic powers!

3.  Fire Diamonds are good. The more the better! A fire diamant brings you 15 000 points!



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Good Luck ;)

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