DiagnosisofObstructiveJaundiceinInfants:Tc …jnm.snmjournals.org/content/25/3/360.full.pdf ·...


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All patients had their initial examinations after oralphenoborbital therapy (5 mg/kg-day) for at least 3 days

(3—15 days). The infants were given nothing by mouth

for 3 hr before the examination. Fluid was supplied intravenously. A radiopaque infant-size duodenal tube waspositioned between the second and third portions of theduodenum, as confirmed by brief fluoroscopy. Duodenaljuice was collected by aspiration through the duodenaltube. One millicurie of Tc-99m DISIDA was given intravenously after the initial collection of duodenal juice.Then 1 to 2 ml of duodenal juice was collected at 5, 15,30, and 45 mm after injection, and at 1, 2, 3, and 4 hr.After adequate mixing, paired samples of 100 jsl of duodenal juice were obtained from each collection. Allsamples were counted by gamma counter at 5 hr afterinjection. We recorded the average values of compatiblepaired data, sampling again if they were not compatible.The results were plotted into a time-activity curve foreach patient.

Sequential anterior scintigrams of the abdomen were

also obtained 1, 5, 15, and 30 mm after injection, and atI, 2, and 4 hr. Delayed images were obtained at 24 hr ifthere were still nonvisualization of gallbladder or bowelactivity by 4 hr.


Nineteen patients finally proved to have neonatalhepatitis, and four had biliary atresia. In the group ofneonatal hepatitis, the images showed the gallbladderactivity in only three cases, bowel activity in only eight

Neonates with prolonged obstructive jaundice pose

a diagnostic problem that may remain unsolved byroutine clinical and laboratory examinations, especiallyin the commonly encountered neonatal hepatitis and

biliary atresia. Reliable discrimination between these twoentities is ofgreat clinical importance. Infants with bil

iary atresia must be operated on as early as possible toavoid an otherwise fatal outcome (1—3).On the otherhand, neonatal hepatitis is a self-limited disease, andlaparotomy would increase morbidity and mortality(4,5). Technetium-99m cholescintigraphy was thought

to be the most sensitive way to separate these two entities,(6—JO)but the specificity is not fully satisfactory. In the

present study we attempted to establish a more reliablemethod by analyzing the radioactivity in duodenal juicein conjunction with di-isopropylphenylcarbamoyl

methylimidodiacetic acid (Tc-99m DISI DA) chole



Twenty-three infants with prolonged obstructivejaundice were studied prospectively. The patients rangedin age from 40 to 105 days. The sex, serum bilirubinlevels, and final diagnoses are summarized in Table I.The diagnoses were individually confirmed by laparotomy, liver biopsy, and/or by following the clinical

course.Received July 25, 1983@revision accepted Oct. 3, 1983.For reprints contact: Twci-Shiun Jaw, MD, Dept. of Radiology,

Kaohsiung Medical College Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Republicof China.


Diagnosisof ObstructiveJaundicein Infants:Tc-99mDISIDAinDuodenalJuice

Twei-ShiunJaw, Chung-ChiengWu, Yau-HuiHo,Bih-LiangHuang,and Chu-ChongLu

KaohsiungMedical College Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Republic of China

Technetlum-99m dl-Isopropylphenylcarbamoylmethylimldodlacetlc acid cholescintigraphy,togetherwith measurementsof radloactivftyIn duodenalJuice,wasused to evaluate 23 infants wIth prolongedobstructiveJaundice.Four patientsprovedto have biliary atresia. The remainderhad neonatalhepatitis.There wasdistinctdifferentiationof biliaryatresiafrom neonatalhepatitiswhenthe time-actlvity curves were analyzed. in neonatal hepatitis the radioactivityin duodenaljuice is obviously higher, peaking above 1500 cpm/100 0 per mCi dose. in biliaryatresia the paftern is flattened, with maximal activity below 500 cpm/100 j@ipermCi dose.

J NucI Med 25: 360—363,1984

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juiceFinalGallbladderTracerNo.Sex No.(days)total/directvisualized in boweljuice(cpm/mCi)diagnosis



1 F 1 402 F 1 72

3 M 1 852 91

4 M 1 105

13.2/8.415. 1/9.5



Biliary atresiaBiliary atresiaBiliary atresia

Biliary atresia

5 F 1 846 M 1 697 M 1 428 M 1 459 M 1 58

10 M 1 4111 M 1 59

2 6312 M 1 8113 M 1 44

14 M 1 4415 M 1 5816 M 1 4917 F 1 5218 M 1 7519 M 1 44

2 5620 F 1 75

2 8421 M 1 4922 M 1 6423 M 1 59


+ ++ ++ ++ +— +

— +

— +









NeonatalhepatitisNeonatalhepatitisNeonatal hepatitisNeonatalhepatitisNeonatalhepatitisNeonatal hepatitisNeonatalhepatitis






- +

++— +

— +

— +

— +


Neonatal hepatitisNeonatalhepatitisNeonatalhepatitisNeonatalhepatitisNeonatalhepatitisNeonatalhepatitisNeonatalhepatitisNeonatalhepatitis



cases, and both in four cases. The remaining four casesof neonatal hepatitis showed neither gallbladder norbowel activity by 24 hr. All of the patients with biliaryatresia failed to visualize either gallbladder or bowelactivity (Table I ). For the diagnosis of biliary atresia,the sensitivity is 100% but the specificity is only 78.9%.The accuracy is 82.6%, and the positive predictive valueis 50%.

None of four cases with biliary atresia had bile stainin the duodenal juice. On the other hand, I 2 out of I 9cases of neonatal hepatitis showed bile staining. Basedon the appearance of positive or negative bile staining,the sensitivity of diagnosis is 100%, the specificity is63.2%, the accuracy is 69.6%, and the positive predictivevalue is 36.4%.

With analysis of the time-activity curves from duodenal juice, cases of neonatal hepatitis had maximalactivities varying from I ,576 to I 1 1,040 cpm/ I00 sl ofduodenal juice per mCi dose, whereas cases of biliaryatresia had maximal activities varying from I51 to 484

cpm/ I00 @tl-mCi(Table I ). Biliary atresia gave a flattened pattern, but neonatal hepatitis showed obvious riseof activity after 30 mm (Fig. I ). The method thereforeprovides clear discrimination between neonatal hepatitisandbiliaryatresia.


About 75% of cholestasis in neonates fall into the twocategories of biliary atresia and neonatal hepatitis (II).Although Landing ( I974) proposed that neonatal hepatitis and biliary atresia represent different responses tosimilar perinatal insults, presumably infectious, (12) themanagement and prognosis of neonatal hepatitis andbiliary atresia differ. Neonatal hepatitis is a self-limiteddisease without specific therapy and with a cited mor

tality of 10% to 40% (11). Untreated biliary atresia isbound to be fatal, with 95% of the patients dying beforeage 2 (4,11,13). Portoenterostomy (Kasai procedure)has dramatically improved the survival of infants with

Volume 25, Number 3 361

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0 5 15 30 45 60 90Ti@ 120

—.—.— Normal infant

150 180 210 240 (mm.)

io6 Neonatal hepati ti s

——-——Biliary atresia

?.@—-@....—--- - °@

@-=z@t @:‘ o

@@ @====:io2

FIG. 1. Time-activitycurvesof duodenaljuice in 23 infantswithprolongedobstructivejaundice

biliary atresia, (/4) and there is now a 30% to 40% 4-yrsurvival rate (15). Kasai et al. report long-term survivalof more than 22 yr (/4,16). The age of the patient at thetime of surgery is crucial. Long-term follow-up studiesindicate that results are significantly better when surgeryis performed before 10 wk ofage (16). Although lapa

rotomy with operative cholangiography can provide adirect and definite diagnosis, (17,18) it increases the riskof cirrhosis and mortality in cases of neonatal hepatitis(5). Thus it is very important to differentiate these two

entities early and accurately by noninvasive methods.Routine clinical and laboratory studies pose a diag

nostic dilemma. Many tests have been used to evaluateprolonged obstructive jaundice in infants, includingclinical scoring, alpha-fetoprotein, lipoprotein-x, serumgamma glutamyl transpeptidase, liver aspiration biopsy,laparoscopy, and fecal excretion of I- I31 rose bengal(/9—24). No single test or combination of tests has

proven infallible. Recently Tc-99m cholescintigraphyhas been considered the most accurate method of diag

nosis (6—10).The sensitivity is good, but the specificityvaries with the Tc-99m labeled radiopharmaceutical

used. Studies in baboons have shown that agents similarto Tc-99m DISIDA are superior hepatobiliary radiopharmaceuticals (25,26). Clinical studies in a varietyof hepatobiliary diseases have also showed that Tc-99mDISIDA rapidly clears from the blood, yielding satisfactory to excellent images of the biliary system withminimal interference from renal activity (27,28). In the

present study, the sensitivity is 100% and specificity is

78.9%. Four of our 23 cases could not be differentiatedby observation of Tc-99m DISIDA cholescintigrams.

Greene et al. report that accurate differentiation between biliary atresia and neonatal hepatitis can beachieved by observing a 24-hr collection of duodenaljuice for the presence of bilirubin staining (29). In thepresent series, however, we failed to detect visible bilirubin staining of the duodenal juice in seven cases ofneonatal hepatitis.

Serial measurements of radioactivity in duodenal juiceoffer a time-activity curve, corresponding to the biliarydynamics. They separate biliary atresia from neonatalhepatitis without difficulty. Biliary atresia yields aflattened time-activity curve with the maximal activityin duodenaljuice below 500 cpm/l00 jsl per mCi of dose.In neonatal hepatitis the activity of duodenal juice increases progressively after administration of Tc-99mDISIDA, and after 30 mm it reaches a maximum thatis usually higher than 1,500 cpm/l00 id-mCi. There wasa clear-cut discrimination between the two entities.

Regarding the insertion of the duodenal tube, wefound that the procedure was safe and easily done. Thecommon practice of duodenal feeding in many neonatalunits attests to the ease with which duodenal tubeplacement can be achieved. Gastric insufflation of airand a right decubitus position of the infants greatly aidpassage of the tube into the duodenum (30,31 ). Theentire procedure usually requires less than 10 mm. Al

though morbidity associated with prolonged use of apolyvinyl feeding tube has been reported, (32) we have


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observed no major complication of duodenal intubationin the present series as well as elsewhere in our neonatalunit. Sneezing and rhinorrhea due to irritation by thetubes occurred only in some cases, and, these symptomsusually subsided promptly without therapy.

Brief fluoroscopy was performed to document theposition of the duodenal tube. It involves the risk of increased radiation dose to the infants, but the durationof exposure can be minimized by other ways of confirming the position of the tube in the duodenum beforefluroscopy, such as by determining the pH of the aspirateor by failure to aspirate air (31).

It is emphasized, therefore, that serial analysis of radioactivity in the duodenal juice after administration ofTc-99m DISIDA may offer a highly specific and sensitive method for differential diagnosis of biliary atresiafrom neonatal hepatitis. More cases will be studied toevaluate the accuracy of this examination.


WethankMr.Tyen-JanHwangand MissChing-ShwuHer fortheirtechnical assistance.


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Volume 25, Number 3 363

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1984;25:360-363.J Nucl Med.   Twei-Shiun Jaw, Chung-Chieng Wu, Yao-Hui Ho, Bih-Liang Huang and Chu-Chong Lu  Diagnosis of Obstructive Jaundice in Infants: Tc-99m DISIDA in Duodenal Juice

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