DG4Kids Activities: Paid In Full (April '11)


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  • 8/7/2019 DG4Kids Activities: Paid In Full (April '11)



    The goal for this activity is to illustrate the fact that when Christ paid the penalty for our sinsour debt was Paid in Full . The only question we must answer is: are we going to accept thepayment Christ made or not. The activity starts out on a low note because of our sin, but itends in celebration because we re forgiven! There are a number of ways to illustrate this. Thisis one option but you may come up with something that works better for your family, if so, wewould love to hear about it!

    Preparation: Gather the items below -1. A wooden cross. You can use 2 sticks (at least 1 inch in diameter is best) or 2 pieces of

    wood from the wood shop. Home improvement stores or wood working stores mayhave scraps. Nail the pieces together to create a cross.

    2. Supply one nail for each person.3. Hammer4. A blank piece of paper for each person. You can also use several squares of toilet paper

    per person. Each person will make a list of the sins they want to confess. Toilet paper ishard to write on but it does provide a powerful visual of the filth of our sin and yet whenconfessed it s washed away .

    5. Pencils or pens.6. Thick red marker or a Paid in Full stamp.7. Plan a special treat to have in celebration of Easter

    If you can t find materials for a wooden cross you can use the following:

    1. Draw a cross on a piece of poster board (or a large sheet of paper).2. Provide thumbtack for each person, or you can use scotch tape.3. Blank paper or a strip of toilet paper for each person.

    (Continue following steps 5-7 above)

    Let s get started!Easter is coming! Why do we celebrate Easter?Why did Jesus have to die on the cross?Listen to a story about what it might be like if Jesus didn t have to die for our sins:


    Family Night Activities April 15, 2011 Calendar:


  • 8/7/2019 DG4Kids Activities: Paid In Full (April '11)



    Go to the following link: http://dg4kids.com/bible-time/day-three-god-is-just/ and scroll down to the story: George's Encounter with an Unjust God - ( A n unbiblicalapproach to a Just God)

    Remember, this isn t a true story.

    Wouldn't it be frightening to have an all-powerful God who could be so cruel and unfair to haveHis own Son die for no reason?

    You might wonder what happens to the people who haven't heard about Jesus. Don't worry!God is Just, and He makes sure that every single person on earth has a chance to trust in Him!We can talk about that later if you'd like, but for now, aren't you thankful that Jesus' paymentfor our sins is the ONLY way to be made perfectly clean and the ONLY way to heaven? It is notbased on our actions or attitudes but ONLY in our acceptance of His payment!

    Read Galatians 2:21 I do not treat the grace of God as m eanin gl ess. F or if k eepin g the l aw cou l d m a k e us ri ght with God, then there was no need for C hrist to die.

    Would God be just and fair if He sent His Son to die on the cross for the payment of our sins andthen allow other ways to get to heaven? (No!)

    Let s make a list of as many sins people commit as we can think of in 3 minutes both the bigones and the small ones.

    Now take a piece of paper (or toilet paper) and write a list of the sins you ve committedrecently. (Younger kids can draw pictures or you can write for them if they re comfortable withit). No one is going to look at your list.

    In the Bible it says,H e (Jesus) gave H is l ife to free us fro m every k ind of sin, to cl eanse us, and to

    m a k e us H is very own peop l e, tota ll y co mm itted to doin g g ood deeds. - Titus 2:14 (NLT)

    For what kind of sin did Jesus pay the penalty? (Every kind of sin)

    Look at your list of sins. When Jesus died on the cross on the first Good Friday, He paid thepenalty for every one of our sins. It s as if our list of sins was nailed to the cross with Him.

    Have each person nail their list to the cross (or tape it to the poster board cross)

    The penalty was paid and we can be free and clean. The only question is: are we going toaccept it or not?

    Look at your list again. We re going to be quiet for one minute. Close your eyes if you want toand talk to God. Tell Him about the sins on your list and let Him know you re sorry for them.That s called, confession .

  • 8/7/2019 DG4Kids Activities: Paid In Full (April '11)



    Then you can thank Jesus for dying on the cross and paying the penalty for your sins. Ask Himto help you make better choices. That s called repentance .

    Take another moment of silence)

    Rip the lists from the cross . Now take the red marker and write Paid in Full over each list of sins.

    Read 1 John 1:9B ut if we confess our sins to H i m , H e is faithfu l and j ust to for give us our sins and to cl eanse us from a ll wick edness, (NLT).

    A just Judge never makes a person pay twice for the same crime. Our Just God only requiresone payment for sin and Jesus paid it. When we accept Him as our Savior our list of sins arewashed away.

    (Do something to destroy the lists. For example: burn them in a fireplace or fire pit, shredthem or if using toilet paper you can flush them!)

    B ringing it to a close:Thank Jesus for paying the penalty for your sins and that you are free and clean from sin!Celebrate with a special treat frozen yogurt, cookies or even chocolate eggs!!!Thank God for the fact that we can depend on Him to always be perfectly Just.
