DF News 2000 Summer



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An apology regarding a previous article inDF News

Rainbow Netr.vork - A notice to all


Annual (jathering rcport

Wclrker's Becr update- Glastonbury rcport

Dlr lroru nr reprtrtSurnnrer Madncss 2000

Summer Madncss 2000

DF Camp 2000

llooking firrm lor DF Ciamp

lnfb on a weekend 1br young co-operatorsat the Co-operative College

DF DiaryHow to write an articlc

DF Committee address







l t /12.






An apology regarding a previous article in DF News

All lhosc ol_us who al lcndcd Annrral ( i l lhcring rvi l l rcrncnrbcr a moving accounl o,ho$. r! iLh thc dispcrsiorr rr l asylrrrn scclcrs, thcfc 1o{, rs i l dr\pcrsion o,-cvi l thc c\r lol racisrn and intolcrancc as asvlum scckcrs arc nrct wrlh hosli l i lv. Wchavcall sccnlhc r l l-r l l i )rrrrcd altr ludc ol hlah blah hlr lr conrrng olct hcrc. slcal ing our iobs.slccpine r,vith our rmrncn- catrng our l i)od hlah hlah blah '

' Ihrskind l xcnophobia h:rs no part in lhe Woodcral i l olL: al l nal ions. raccs ctc arcacccpled wrthin thc Dro\!Drcnt \ l i lhoul hcsrlalror). Ns 1o rrs prt ludicc is rcpugni!.-.Swccping gcncral isal ions lnd chcap jokcs at socral {)r nalronal l l roups arc rro{ lo bcl lcccl) lcd. l (x)ol icn\ \cthrnkor lv() l othcr r i l l l i ( t )s or lhc opl) fosscd i rs thc rccrprcntsoflhis kind ol trcatrnent lhrs rs thc rnislakc l rnadc in thc ldsl cdit ion ol- l) l iNct\s.rvhcn I nrade a conrmcnl in bl ld l l lstc. usir iq the old. che;rp i lnrl Ir irccuratc rssoorAlronol ' lhc pcoplc ol Livcrlx)() l ("scouscfs"), wil lr orirnc l his is by no rrrcans thc \ 'rcw ol 'thc Worxicral l lo lk nal ional l \ - or I ) l ' l i ) t l r t l r i l t ! :c or lonl ln I l N s s i rn l ) lv i tn r l ' -conccivcd jokc and lol lcr my m()sl sin(:crc apoloqics 1o an!(tnc rvho l<xrk ol iencc

We rrustrcnrc bcr lhat w. jhN\cls l fof l 'n i r t ior l l l lnd rcgional idenl i t l ln lh iscoLrnlrv. dnd t l l t i r l l {r l-us. no morc or lcss thc pcoplc ol l .rvcfpool, havc cvcrr" nght k)be proud ol '(his l (x) ol icn pr. ludicc slarls tt hoore, brt so docs chari{v I would ask\otr to i lcccpl nrv afolol lcs

I wil l hrppily reply to rnv emails or lcl lrrs

Anlh()f iv Lyorrs (add|css on bxal ol i) l Ncws)

.9ow N E rb

.'= d ? o,A Notice to ALL

I t has becn brought to rhe al lcntio ol-Dli(bmmitlcc that somc pcoplc vrc\.v l tasunlair thal thcrcisa'ga) 'nctwork jn Woodcral l - but nol a. .s l r inqhl nclwor l .' l hc actual commclt l may nol havc hccn entirclv scrious. bul nevcrthcl( jss rt rs an rssuoto addrcss []\ ' idcn{l} sonrc inlbrmairorr rm whal Ratnbo\! \ct ts is nccdcd

'l hc Rainbow Network was sel up lo recortrise the ne(jd li)r supporl to bcollarcd 1{) woodies who \!crc lvanling lo c\prcss thcmsc'\ 'cs in rvavs which -.socictv_'dccmcd Inappropriatc, ilnd 10 dct as a poinl ol'contact lirr pcoplc who in anv rvav l_eltthc) \\ ' tnlcd t(, hirvc or otlcr supporl in rclal ion kr scxuali tv, lendcl. Llrcss ctc

l{cinbow Nct is not a gav nctwork l l is opcn to cvcrvonc. nd is lbr thoscwho $anl to bc part ol a l i icnclh. ncccssa, !. ! l lal. l i jnkt, ! .{)I l) ol ncol) lc $ho $,ant k)highlrrqht onc area rvhich t lro Woodcra{l lblk i ls wholc is cornmittcd 10

li) join l laitrbow Nc( vorr ntrehl hc gav. vou rnighl l ikc rvcaring sLrrts. voLrnrighl lravc ga! l i icnds Y<nr rnight bc slraighl" vou mighl r lant a l i tn ntghl oul wlthniec pcople- yorr nl lght wilnt lo sit oro!I ld irnd talL k) othcls i lbout t tcrcsttng th )u\You nrighl wanl k) pull , you l l l ighl rva0l k) letrn about othcr pcople, F:rh:rps yo..wil l l t to lcl l lhcrn rborrt vourscJl Yotr t Irghl lvarrl t{) ntakc rrerl l i rcnds. Dravhc voLronl] u,car purplc clolhcs or want 1o \ '"alk around nakcd al l lhctrr lrc youmjghlju\tbc an {)pcn rnindcd l)1, with nolhittq 10 do onc al ietnooll i l l ci l lnp. Whate!,er rc0sonyou lorn. I lainbow Ncl wclcomcs you

llarrrbo\ Ncl is ur)t a qity etr!ork l t isl i l lc( l ! t t lh pcoplc l iorn l l l spcclrrrntsol-the l i) lk

I i lhcrc,: j n0cd l in a tpcci i ic stfaighl nclrvorl, thc| thjs is so|)cthing thi| lshould be brought upatr f trrunxnd scriously proposcd l lowe\,cr. I lalnhowNcllcclsthotr1 worLldhcashanrctocrcl lcsrrchIdi \ ts ioo: _ 'sc\u l t tv bcgr l rs wi th. . rcr" .not "homo"- "hdcro", "bi ' c1c In anv casc i l l r inborv Net is concerned with more lhnnJttsl scxuallrt ' f

( )n a lcss qfrr frr f r nolc

l)lcase anJrbod!. I tncan absolutcly anvone rvilh any querics about IialnbowNct, or anvonc (thrs t imc I 'rrr bcgging) tvho \ lanis k) gcl inrr lved call mc (Cart\, , ol l0 1 6 1 1 3 1 303 5. ot c-mail tu|.1'(ti),ttgno1;,so1liutt'.i..rtn

I promise I aln acluallv a !cr! rtcc pcrson (l h{)pc), bu1 would dppreciate a lbwmcssages matnly because I need distraotions I have a very very sho( attention span.RaiDbow Network wil l havc a prescnce on the camp in Aust. ia and on DF CampHope to see vou (AI-Ll) therc

Caity RoeManchester D1;and Rainbo$'Net persodother on Dl: Committee.

M cr\MpArGN$ s.There are lots ofother caupaigns around lhe counlrv as rr.ell as Wooclcraft.s ou,rrcarnpaig s Ma-ybc you $anl to get invol!cd In rDore dircci campaisning. or perhaps)rou re ncaring 2l and qrordcrins what will lill thc hullc vacuum lcli when you lco,-cDFsl l icre is a l ist c)fcontacls l irr a rangc ol-carnparglrs lo rct in\rr lved wil ir Lontactthcm fbr more information

CamDaign Against thc Arms l rade (( A'I)l l ( ;oodrvin Slrcct . l ( )ndon. NJ t l l l )

Anti-Nrzi l casue, t 'O t lox 2566. Lorrdon. N,1 lW.t. t .cl: 020 792.,1 0l i l

I 'coolc and P|, lncf . .1A I i r l r r Avcnuc O\ l i ) rd.()X.t tXW- Ic l t ) |1165245671i.l irrNrl twlrr/)glt !pc org. http \\ ,rrw.0nc$orld orit , twl,r

i I Ibr iJrct l r r l \ \ .

( i)al i l ion to \bol ish thc |tur l r{( lc (( At, ' l ) . l ,O B(,\ t l t . lvl lnchcstcr M{ lNXlrrnail : cal l(zrlcal l dcrrron co.uk, hup ' ,rarrs urrr rrorrnr org arc

l laby iUilk tcf ion (Anli Ncsllcl. l- l SI \nd(\\ ' ! Slrcc(. (.' l cl: 0 I 22 1 4(r4r120. t jmait: babymailactia(rgn.apc org

.\mncstr Intcrnation:l l I K. r)(l l l9l loscbcrr 1\\. Ue. J


oDdon. I ( l1 l - l l ( l r .' lcl : 020 7lt l4 62(X). h(n /rw!v$, rmncstv org Lrk,

l ,olr lon ( jrcorrDcacc'/Nlcl ibcl Suptrorl ( ' lnr nl ign5 C aledonirn Road. l ,ondon,Nlel)X" tct :011) 77l j t .16()1'.nlarlt mcltbcl!r)gl(, l) i t lncl co uk. w$,\\ nlcspoll i !hl (ng

Ilunt Saboteurs ,tssociation ISr\). p( ) l : tor l7lt6. I lnghton. I lNl 2A X,' lcl 01,27i 6221127.l inai l : inlbnrhunlsabs org.uL- wNw huntsabs org.uk

Iarth l irst! Acl ion l jpdate, l ,O l lo\ | IA, Ncwcaslle Upon i.yne, Nfj99 I tA'Icl.0797.1791iJ,l1- l :rrai l nctionupdii lc(rr lgn ! i ' ( org. r!wt! cco-acl idr org/cl. i i l r

Stop I lupl ingaon Animrl ( lru€ttyl 'O l lo\ I3 I , Chellenharn. ( j loucestershirc. ( i t 5{) l l 'N. lcl 0l2l 612 6460.I:-mail. info(ashac. u-nct.com. tv\v!v. wclcome totshac

'J he above group is thc samc group rvho closcd rlonn llillgror e lianlt. which bred catsfor animal testing. So t'arlhis campaign. against lJuntington l.rf-e Scienccs. the largesltestiig laboratory in Iurope. has becn highly successlul; Co-opcrati\,c lnsurance andmany other companies have sold their shares. the Nat\ /est Bank won.t be rcncll,lngtheir t24 5 million loan thcv made ro I.ILS. and Hl,S-s stockbroker recenrlrabandoned them. Ring or lvritc to the campargn anLl vou \!rll recervc a frr,e monthlvncwslett€r. keeping you up to datd and telling ),ou ho,r\, to get involvcd rvith thecampaign.

@l 1e.1..I"sr....r. Po Box 426 e.ria;-;;d Bnt 22D

tahbr,ouk,,__ Wood crcci. LondoR


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DF Report

'I hr's ycar. rn order to get more pcople ac(ivclJ participatintr in dehatos. Annual(iathering adoplcd a nerv l irrrr i l l . whrch in(r lvcd several norc inl i)nnnl, \mtl lcrdiscussiorr groups. as w.ll as lhc (pcrhaps noro intimidating) standard pleraryconlcrencc

'I hc nrajor let dorvn al ( lalhcring this \car \\as tho l: tcl t l tdl lhc Inol ion to lo$cf thcvoling agc in woodcral ' t could nol bc discrrsscd. l his was bcclusc lhis vcar was notspccif ical lv dcsignatcd a col lslr lut ioi l changing ].cnr ' l hcrclorc. t \ lhc rnottoninvolvcd a consli tul i() lal chrnitc. this rulc nccdcd k) be ovcrriddcn hv sLrspcnsiotr ol 'slandirg ordcrs l |c proposcd suspcrsion \rrs l)ul to \1,1e. hLrl did nol l lol thenocesslry 213 rrt l jori(y. so t l iscLrssion rcgarcl ing thr: tnotiort could not conti0uo I hts$,as a l l l l ( ; i l drsal l)ointmonl Lo nrl lnr. cspceir l l \ thc Vonlrrrcrs who l lad preParcd lospcirk on lhc motion Manl ol us lclt thal thi\ l) [ .caucral ic proccdurc tvas no1cxplaincd sull icicntl l- lo lhost \!ho!n t l nrosl concetnccl ic l l te Vcnlrtrcts

I)o nol desp ir howcvel, lbr thcrc is l ight al thc end ol thc lunncl. as thc rals ol-sunshinc l iorn behr d lhc pinc t|ccs- brinorng $ith thcm thc hopc {r l-nc\t ycur Nconsli tul ional rcvision vcarrl We look krrward 1o t lrc dircussion both at ( iathenng

lnd frclbrc pcrhaps inlcrcslcLl Vcnturcrs' l) |s \, 'onld l ikc t() tr lk i lboul this l i lnhcl inthc ncxl l) l ' Ncrvs ( lhis cditron contains i I l i ) on wr i lrng/scndulg a(rclcs)

()thcr rDolions passc(l Inclrdcd sul) lx)rtrng crlnl) ir igns ^gernsl

chi ld soldicrs lxt)dcdlabour. and housc dcnrol i{ ions rn l 'alcsl inc, lhc disconlinualion oflho usc ol '_ho!\ .dccm{d to bc rn ol ' l_cnsivc r ircial i , lcroolvpe i i t i5 nolr t \ islcnl In l t l ]} Nali \c n.ner ierl llanguagc). and thc sctt ing up ol-rc{ro al councils. lrol lowrng thc ! 'xamplc scl b\, l) l \at wrntcr wonderland !r7- \\ ]rcrc Kalv I ir)wn rras thc l lrsl d(:sigrulcd Kccpcr ol theIlnvironmcnt, a motion was passcd stal ing that a KIi should bc prcscnt on al lWoodcrir l l evcnls A briel dcscrlpl ion oi lhc Kll s () lc (r c olgantstng rccYcltng.organic and local producc Lrsc. encrgy cllioiency. etc ) wts laid down

Somc pcoplc cxprosscd conccrn lhal somc rTtottons $erc suppoaled irt thc galhcrlngbut nol a lot w.ri done to lbllow them up lhcfcfdre, a notion was passed inslnrclinuNalional ( louncil to rcporl on the mcasurcs lakcn l i) l lo\vi lrg such motions beingpassed.

Any other comments/qLrcstions'rcsponses regarding Annudl Gathering are wclconre.

We areAlison Phil l ips f 'ron Brighton Rr'sk DFsLaura Wright from Brighron Risk DFsElla Sprung liorn Coventry.

Worker's Beer UpdateffiBBH\VBEY otAt7o 2000.,

The Woodcral i I ,rr lk was xgain rcpresenle(l at ( i lastonbIrY bv \ 'ol l lntccrsworking in thc chi ldrc 's f ield. wilh CNI), in the (;rccnpcacc l icld (with our ownslal l)and signil icanlly in the bccr tcnt.

'I'hc I I I)lis making our mark in thc bccr tcnls wcre subllv dillt.ent liom thercst of thc croFd.. rve r lcrc oir thc urong sidc ol thc bar. Wc had comc togcthcr toscc sornc bands, meet our Ir icnds and do a lew hours worl a day behind lhe bar. al l inthc nanrc ol Woodcral l . s parl ol lhc Worlcl 's l lcer ( i 'nrptrr l proiccl, rrcvoluntcercd our wascs hr l)l; lunds in cxchargc lbr licc cntrancc. sccurc carnping.nrcc t() i lcls and shorvcrs l ' l r is p(r1ect consistcntly nrakcs a l i l rgc rLrnount ofrnonev l i)rthc nlovcrncnt. ( jhstonbury alone nrade nearlv a thousand pounds to hclp l irndprryccts l i lc { irrth corrr ing l) | camp

l or thosc of us who had ncvcr krrown a r lrv ( i lasl(). lhc lcstival was a wclcomcbrcitk l ion) lhc Inuddv hcl l we krrorv al l lrxr well , i l rd r i(x)d t l l tc rvas had hv al l asthc sun bcat down.

In Anqtlsl thc c\porcncc rs lo bc rclc lcd. i l i rd lhcrc i \ thc ohrncc lbr nL:wI)|s to bc involved rvi lh thc Rcadi0g I 'cs(ival l l -vou a'c l l l or ovcr. and would l ikclhe opportunrtv ol-subsrdiscd lravcl i lnd lcsl i \ ,r l luxurl. thcn gcl in contacl \ \ '1h Inc aswc sti l l havc placcs to l l l l I l 'you arc gorrg scparatcly l ionr Lhc l i) lk, lr ' i lh a trck€l orothcr org{nisrl ion- gct in cor)lacl \ ! r lh rne anvrva} ard wc l l iLrft lngrj r nlcelrng placc,so *c crn al l nrccl ncw I) l :s lrorn trorurcl lhc courrtrv i |nd lcct up rvith old l ircnds

lbr dclai15 cotrtact Anlhony addrcss (rr bark ol ' l ) lr Ncws

Say What???(i igglcsomc (possibly stupid) ( 'onvcrsatk)nr Ovcrhctrd at

(J lastonbury

Sccurity (;uard: "Cr l sce )our pass plerse )'Puntrr (baffled): "l'ass? What pass?"Security (Ju:rrd: "()h, dor't \ 'ou nced oncl"Punter: "l)on't think so "Se(ority (;uard: "f i inc. carry on thcn."l Pcrhaps this is how ?r couple ol our team ma[agcd to "accidentl\"' find themsclvesbackstage during l lowic'i sctl)

Man with mobile phdnei "l lello. Da\,e, whcrc arc you? What, by the PyramidStage'l lhat's lunn). so am I. Oh . . hr. I)ave!"

Audience mcmbcr (by Pyramid Stage, 11.20 Fridsy): "Scusc mc. malc, do youknow rvhcn the Chemical Brothers are going to start?"Other audience membcr: "lhis is thcn. they started 20 minutes ago."(Uas! cnough nistake to makc - ifyou've been living in a care for the last 5 years)

/ Report on ForumRead about all the great stu.ff .vou missed, or if you were there

reminisce wer days gone by. Hmmm..,...

' f \4e lv or so DFs $,ent to the lastI) l Iorum on 7"'-r)" 'Jul,v in l .eiccster l-hcre was agood balancc betrveen socral ising in the cvcnrn!!s in thc YMCA- rvhich is rvherecveryone slcpt. and gctt iug do\\n to busincss {oh I say)during the day. lssuesdiscussed irtcludcci t) l i ( anrp. Althing. prolect l i rnding. Rainbow Ncl$ork and WlC.Wc also rcvicrvcd I) l i I i rrrrrns and considcrcd thcir sttuclure. I lnanctnq and locatron

Ilight new f'oces allsndcd ( lorlrnately thc rcst ol-their bodics wcrc allached ! | !). Wc,thc ven disl inguishcd arl iclc wri lers (\ 'cah righl). lhirrL lhrl this is grcdt wc l(x)kl irrward rvith cager anticiFrt ion k) lhc no\t l i )rnm (r srnall l i )rurn rs planncd l i)r l) [ ;Cdmp-sec somcwhcfc clsc In thrs issl lc l i)r Inorc r:arnp rrr l i))

Anothcr ho1 ( \1cl l cornl i ) i i r t ) l \ r r rD)1of ic at l i r r r rm \ !as thc dl Nl lW l) f Wtl l ls l l l ibcing scl rD bl ' Al ison and Srrnon Phil lrps erd ,.aura Wri: l l r t l l l r jghl(n). u, lx) arclrvlnq to inclLrdc lhc vrcws ol pcoplc lrorn r l l o!cr lhc coun( . i lnd would gr0{11..apprccl (c an! c()mmcnts Scc Woodcral i wcb pagc l i)r detai ls ()r c(rrtacl us on f./ / :7-l- l . t - j - |hcrr ' rvr l l bc N N{rrk\ l1() l ) i r t ( ' r thcr {} l ( 0| l rp or Al lh inL: i rboLr l thr \ .

Wflt lcn byAl isol l I 'h i l l jps ( tJr i !h lon I l is l I ) l ,s)l ,aura Wright ( lJrighlon ltrsk I) lrs)Ir l la Sprune 1(i)!cnlr!.)

Summer Madness'2OOO

' lhis ycar's Sumrncr Madncss. a nrusic lr l lcd 1-e.,t i,"al organrsccl b\' r learn ofl}ightonand l.cwcs I)l s, wil l run lrom Wcdnesday Joth Augusl - l ir iday lst Scptenrhef4tWrx cral_t ltark farm. I irrgashall Wc want 10 nri]Lc it ln{)re ofa national cvcnl:allI)l's arc wclcomc, and can bring non wooriic trrcnds (thosc not madc ol timbcr). solong as thev irrc ovcr l().

4<4{q buy your tickels in advance or at lcast lct us know you'rc comrng

As it is so close to l)l Carn p. rvc wr ll provide accommodation in llrighton fbr thosewho want to go straight f'rorn canrp Wewillblto help so.t out lravcl liom carnp ifthere is enough demand.

fel : { )1273 l t8 l881See llyer in this cdirion ol-DIr neyvs l'or more irrlbmation.





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-zglh of furqriit -

There uill be...An open drop-ih-one-day FO?OM campFirespre-school craft and fun reading corner Eraduation: balico-oPEr{ATWE sports day, iocluding a 75 legged race abd fnoreTheme nigbts 751n birrhday parry games

walks and su,imming lYeeting People craft, and on-going funA generator (of some Kind for some of'event) to play nassive tunes on...A job-shop rota-srdapAnd 50 ."* rn.rc!t{oFK5H0?5 inaluds:Anarrhi$t Drama


u)lrle gorDe experimental *anco


write a rough gulde Mcditation.Jdenlil.l R'ir,lu* {.t*u'l.

YogaM,l (t wltl i.()r\"aL watl?thlp

DT norKshop

Forum th€atre

Ulrilc o Df Dictloooryta ikg and discussions

drum'n'bao vort*ropwriting mueic

lnriron*rntnl ,,tlrl

Planning for lnternationaI Cafnp 2ooiD?aling xith a$grtssion/.rmmoni.-atroD r'rill+ rnassage

-. T4hirl mtxlng, lle{yfiU and palnling (all vrry cxciting)so jF you have allrays dreamed oF ,l t s^t)i)-t tndt sajd exactly lJhat you t antecl' orif you are looKing For peoplejust liKe you, or have aluavs beeD too shy to sayuJhat you think, then ue can help vou. come alonS and join in, or ofFer anotnerrJhich nould suit you more. We need vour input jnto this camp, it3 oothirtguithout youllll lf you have ideas' please 8et in touch.?lease send oFf the booKing form as soon as possible toAdam ?aven'@'Df C,6.MP, 11 DovdaleRoad, Stonevgate' Leicesner' LE2 2DNCheques made payable to DF C^MP 2ooo

f(t5 before 1st oF July{55 after then... bargain. (Tnis is th€ same price as DFcamp 9?Plrorre Adam on 0116 270 6939 or 01690 710 742 with any queriesIhc.e is an enrailaddr€ss *hichyoo cin virit, ro read whal is benLg plar ned and lvhal progress is being

made, ir is al r the-df-camp@YAHoo.@m alld lhe passlvord is wooDcRAfT, go lo it as if il is

yours, I'Ld don't deieG anythinSM


This year's camp fu near Colford, Glosteshire

BOOKING FORM DF CAMP 2000 *Confidentialt

You MUSTbe a member of ,Yoe&tgftla atlq4desmp:

Namo ..Mdrras

district/cil l .. ... ..

c-rnai l . . . . . . . .( 'ontact | thonc nrrnthcl . .Date of Birth and your agc olr canrp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(ifyou are undcr I ll pleasc get vour parcnt/guardiau to sign this)1, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (parcnVguardiat)givcpcrmissionlbr. . . . . . . . .to attend D| Carnp. Ifat anytinrc s,hc nocds urgant medical attentiort,providcd I am not availirblc, I givc conscnt lbr hcr,4lim to receive medicalattention by a rcgistercd colvcntirlIlal/homcopathio praotitioncr.s igned.. . . . .

Yorr Itrfo\re y(}u on irt l) n l ( i l l r

" r l l r r r l "

l)o you have inry spccial dictary t ctlu irenrctrts? cg L/egon .. . .Arr ' lot t a l l t ' rg i r ' l , ) . l r l \ t l r i l lJ ' 'Ncxt of Kin. . . . . .Addrcss ol rcrl {rl l. rr

contact phone number whilst vou are on camp. .. ... ..Is there anJthing clsc you think rvc shotrld knorv'/

My exciting Idea lirr l)| cunp is.

l wi l l need.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . .

Ieslstop badgo tgme/Jgivein. I azra nrenber ol Woodc.dft (SIgn here)... . . . . . \-(rt nol, rhen ger thT lur e! ptorlg uT'folk I lorrtc lJ RiLIr.rdt,n Road, Londorl 5 W | / EQ(Y

rel 0l 08 672 601 | to s(: i . l t , 'LiYr nrernhcf.hrf lbrm'cl5e \ou Wl.l .L betLrnedsw:lvl

I enclose a cheque for f ..... cheques payablc tollg.AlvfP2glq(lt3 oK to ju$ send a deposit, but you must pay /t /l.///beFore camp starts)

Id Adam Raven (cr) -DF CAI'{P", 11 Dovedale Road, Stone}'gate, Leices(er, LLl2 2DN&" w fl€asc- ntnht]n

" setf q{drnto{ r ttn",fld €4"d*.

Check tho College Websllewww co op ac.uK


l lv) t ) r ) , l r i r r I l r r r ( .br yolrnl t r r ) , i l t r r lo ' : i i t , l rYl

' ' ' ^ ' t

l l , r '1,

. t i l , , . . r rL . i t , . r . ) . r . , . '

, i ! l 11 l5 l i , r l ,1. t r ' t ) . '

1 l ! r t r r ( r t r i r r r r | ( i L: dr ' r , r l r r i ) ( l l , ) | , ' , ! ,1( ' yrrrrrr l

I r 'o l 'Lr , 1r) cxt) ( ) r ) lhroLr l r r i r 1,( i r r ) : i I r l

r . r ) r ) t ) r r , r l v . o l r r r ' r (1 i r ( i l rv I . : . 1 l ! r l l , r lLr t { i r ) l

, r ) o l ! , r . r1ron. l l rc l lv(rr : i ly ( ) l l l r l r ( ;o ( , l r r r , ' lv( l

l "4ovrr i | rn l . r r i i l l l ro i i t ) l ) l . r ;11|(nr ol r . r ' , , v i , iL" i ,

t or lur iher i r lormal ion contacl

t , . r ' vrr . r111.r . . ( j / ! I I , N4nf<q.trn, . r i i i r .p. , i i v t i F( l t r l r i r ( i ' r i r .

! rh. l ) n l i l l la155tt

t r :L i i pr lvr i l l . r ! t r5.e. hr l l ls l , , r . l f rE.r ' r i v . . , ; ! (


Highl ights

a I xt , or. l l rc ( lo,r i i r i t ) t ol (1.) op.:rr l ron

a V | , ' . r l i l r ' r " ' i , . ' l ' l '( in. t , , r i i l rv. fovcnr.nl

t t x l ) lor1r ! l ( 1) t ) , rLr l r l l r s ' r r r r ) (Jnd rr l t : i o l t l , l

cr l l . i tc i r i , l 1,rk( i a( lvaf l i r ( l { . (n l rc l r I r : i, ;Lr l r l r i r , l { r ' r r r l

' . ( ) l ] r ls . l r r l l r r ( t qre.n nr i (1

,rn i ) r r ( (n)r .$Lrrr t l r r r r l l rn) l

a I rL I i , ' r l n v, i r , ) r r : t j r ( )Lr l ) . r ( : l rv t . r , i lnn

t ( i i r ' , Otr . r r ( ; , i ( r r t ( , . Ncl lv( ] lk (OalN)

a ( : r ) r r I r r t ) L r I { r l , r 1 ' ) i r Y(r , r i ( l ( io opcraror.

r{ ! .1o.0rr rhr ( lo l l . !c wcbsi lc

For fur lh€r in iormat ion & bookings contact :

Ih. i , r . l l , r r | , , (1. ' . r '

Pf . re r) l i0! 857t2i

Fmai r la khalr O.o nf . . l . ! le zee web.. !k

( 'I'heco-opERAnvEI GOLLEGEE


Co operat ive organlsat ions banef i l by:

Pfomoting Co operalive Values to luturedecision-makers

Havrng i(nowlcdgeable youn! co opefatcfsas members or workers who understandthe essenlials ol co-operalton andco-operaltve placllce

Burlding !pon current educal ior iproqrammcs ior younq nrenlDers,employees. Vouth organi:rat ons and otherco-operalrve { l r . t rrps l l a l : io encoLrraqesyounq co oP{]rlror. 1(r (rlrn (lCNaccr€rdi lai i ( )r l ( )r lwr) urr ls ol ihc Ciol ' r . l .J: iCo-opcrrlrve Snrdrcri pfoqrarnntrl

ldent i ly i rrg t l rc mol ivairrra laobrs l l ' i r l wrLlact ivcly nvolv. yot ing lJ lx4to i f i lhr iCo'opcrat ivr) Movom(- 'nl

Part ic ipnntr, rr thc p(). l rarrxrrc b. inci 1by

)/ Llcv( i |ot) n( l l r f r l i r : ; r l th inkrrnl ( t i lht-- .1)rrcq) l(Jr c.) f ) ln, |ar on

)" I )ovclot, i r r . l rn.rarr inglul urrd,)rslandrrrq olLh.r ccnlral val tres and Ininc l lc: ; ol lh(rCo oper.r l iv. j Movenxinl and thc r k jcal arrd(tLobal ; rppl l . i l tbn

> I)evclopirrg awareness and | ]nderslandrrrqof lhc sc! lo ancl divcrsi ty oi th-a tsrtrsh arrdntcrnal onnl Oo operal ive I \4ovcmenls

Uevelopino a personal perspecttvc of lhepotenllai to assert the co opcraliveal ternal ive afd in so dorfg cns!ro a'A Co opcral ive Futur i )

Expcr ienci f { t i ' range ol co opcralrvc. i ro!pwofk;rdiv i l r ' : r lh i i are c i . i : j r (Jncd b bc botfr{--.lucaloni an(l .r r'loyilb k-'

l l : r r0 n vnr. i iy o l l r q lL ' r lh i fkrnq ski l l : lrx ludtrr( l Invost qal r rq anC r() . ; { - 'ar(1r nr lnc! t (n inhof t ) fd) lem solvrrrq. . l rcup. lL ' . isror i mal r ! {1, vorbal . wr111.)rr i r r rd v istrr lpros. i l l i l rorr ar ' ( l l l sk l t . '

I ) { iv .bf r iq i r r r awar{rrr)ss (n l ' r th{ j r| ( lucir l (nrn .n(1 rrc lworkrrrq oppot l ' r r ! ! csthal wr l l ( r I ) l l r 'm lo r(r lLrrr . r l r r r r rcctrssaryr,kr l l : r 1 l ) 1) ! r r ) rn. o l lcc i iv{) ckr.r i r on rrrakd5

ai i l f i r ! t lw( 1)f iN in i . r , r ( l l r ,d rrrrLl : r r rr - - ' :o( | r i { ' r Lr i l l rc i r adr l .vcnr(--nl : ;






fh{r t ) r r i l l ramrr i | 1, ( l )s i ( l r r i { l kr l l l 25 y.ar

; I r r l l or p i r r l I r r r r , r r r rp loy(r , ) t ( t

I I \4rnr l f l : ;01 '1)

op. i r i r l rv | !; r lo l i tvor; o l r r . : r f l r . r i : i r r f . l . rmt) loy.cs ol

t " 1: ic l lool and ' . l r lco{r

: lu( l { r | l : who rravcI) . rcn par l1,rpatrrrg Lrr ' : ( ) . ; ) r i r i l vc learrrrnq

; Mernbrx. oJ th. i Woodoral t to lk and olhcryoulh orqarr i !a l lons wirr) havc l ) . i . r r rt rppor l f i l by or are l inkc. j \ ! t i '

I lre terrn co operalivc is Llsed in ils widest sense tonciude ali sectors of the Co-operative Movemcnt

A birrsary scheme rs avai lable, coniact Rita Khatr lorPal Wai lers for iur lher r i iormalbn.


y-our guil? to u mosl excelbttt .t'ear (wttll what'e leli of it nntntot)

lSth-28th Aucust

25th-27th August

f,0th AUE- lst Scpt

I I th- l5th Scpt


271h-30th l)cc

I)F ( amp 2()00llook NOW with highly uscfll booking lbrnr

I lc i rdrrrg I cst i ra l

Sunrnrcr Madncss - lhird annual music llstivalrun by llrighlor & l-ovcs l)l is

Yourt[] C'o-r)l)eral or's ucckcrrd at thc( o-opcratir, e ( ollelc

l"llts I l:Vl-.lt I)l- AL l l IIN(j - l)at.c and vcnucto hc conlirnrcd

Wintcr Wondcrland - I)atc antl vcnue lo bccrxrlirnrcLl

E H ','nr"" simptc steps to writing \ Xyour very own articlc for DF News

'I hr wonder ol'thc world tvidc rveb has madc it cr.r'rr r'rrsrr,r lor Dls to wrilc ano scnoarticlcs fbf th.rt [rntal]Lrlous publir:ation I)l i Ncus Who males it so l irf l labulousl Allyou budding young jou rnalisls ol cours(i l)on'l r l lrush alonoc to cr! 'alc thosc l itcranmast.rpicces though. ilcrc irrc a ierv handv ltints.

l. Thrnk ol-sonrething to 1v.itc - f'anlastic, you'v$just oompleted the hardqst bitl2, l-rpe il out in Tincs Ncw Roman ptl2.J. Se]rd it via "emarl" to df_news.dyahoo.com

lfvou don't have acccss to that compute sed spidcn thingy, you can al!,,avs use thcgood olcl posly. Sand a.ticles to your DF rep. orifyou know who is putting the nextissuc of Dl. Ne\\'s tocether. send it to thcrD

Bronia l lu{man - (:hair,Yoare 57 Coleridge Road

I-ondon N8 SFll l020 8174 0103

Itfifiile 07946 459 631liadtl brhl ttukc.ac.uk

. Oll ie l larr is - Treasurcr//.)mc (lhcstnut Clottago

I{osenro!nl Llncttath BA2 . lNIi( ]1225 i l6 765

1,,ntutl O.ll larristli)aol co.rl7,:rnr - l i Sprrnghousc I loa<l

Shcl ' l icld S l0/ tntul pr',t\)I)<4hitshel llclcl ac uki.h$rltt)'196 8'/ 23 )81\Nroni l rylor sccrctxn/l ' , . , \ gl i$//orrr, 366 Chcrr_v IIinlon lbircl

( anrbridltc ( ' l ] | I tFJA0l22l , l l2 l l5

\ htt ' t Ic lJ77'/ t / : ]917IKslc Crccnl:rnd South Wcsll1olr, ' - lhc OId ( 'rnch lhusc

l5l la l)cnnsylvanra I iordIr \c lcr l lX4 6l)X0l r92 679 5 t9

l l l la Sprung Nl idlands//ornl i I Sl Oshtrrgs lload

Sk)kcCovcnlry CV2 4l i( i014 76.14155,1

/rftrll lUl72 e{)5(.tssctc ot!i ukI n Sudhrry North Lrsl//.)/rr Fllm Cotlagc

Wiservood Roadshell icld 56 4Wl:i0 | l . : l l l : l . t . l l1

/im.r/ i sudburt"lrllahoo cornEmma (lurt in - \orth WestI/r.;nrr' 9 Burfbrd Drivc

Whallcy RaogcManchcstcr M l6 8|Y0161 860 7162

f)mu roller5lind(lhot ailcomDavid .lackton - South [ast1102e, 25 lieners lload

l,cwesE.Sussex BN7 1PV41273 4',12 011

flllcn ivlartinez - South LondotrHonc 164 CarT Road

Shefiield 56 2WZ0114 233 9161

l: tuoil ellen martinezi4.r)'0hoo.comAnna Treadrvay - North l,ondoDl/,rn, .1(l Lssex Road

l,c!tonl .onddr l r l ( l 6 l l l l020 8539 178 |

/r)r,/1/ xnna/.rlcsscr-lo0d danrcn co uk/i /r/ 5l Victoria l load

t. .Js I \6/ , r . / / / nrnnvJf l , i r k( 'd( i l \ ' r r r , .

1 i , , / , / r . . ' r77t r1. l l07\

Katy Ilrown - Scotland Cll;, it/ / ,rr(, 2(l North l)ark l ioad ' t - l . , 4

Krrl ibv IMcrscvsiclc l , . l l IAS0l5l 5.111 45dJ

/)rr l / phunkvK l,r.r lholm i l conrAdam Rrvcn Walcs// 'rr, ' l l l )orcdale I. io&l

)j1()ncVgalcl.eicr 'slcl LIr l 2l )N0l l6 270 6919

/i, lrr l7 ,\ lcxandra Roadn bcrvstwvlh SY2301q71)6t759()

/r/rr1l/ li!rlasticshccprri)holmail com,r11,/,/ / ,r 07Ii0I :30 5l l8( aity Roc Rainbo$ Nct/()thcr//orrt ' l l l Sandtlctgh Arcnuc

WithingtonMan(:hcster hl20 j l .W

{)16 | ,1l l . l l0l5/r/r1rr l c0i1t i .4rlemassocri l tcs.conlAnth0ny Lyons - ()thcr

/1,rr.' l7 Rcclory RoadSolihul l lJ9l 3IU0I] I 705 128]

l,r,a// la lbot-(rhotmail.conri\lo h il t 0'7'7I 06"12 088lolk I lou$e

ll Ritherdon Roadl.ondon SW17 SQF1010 8672 6031


Feei ftee to conlacl any memb€r ofDF Conmittee but please use thc above details with respect
