Development of health drink by blending of fruit and


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Development of health drink by blending of fruit and vegetables

Ranba D. Kharode*, A. K. Sahoo* and Yogita V. Chavan¥

¥ College of Food Technology, MIT-ADT University, Pune

*Department of Technology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur

(Maharashtra State), India – 416004

Abstract: India is the largest producer of fruits and vegetable but the processing and

utilization rate of it is very less. Apart from this fruits and vegetables are recognized as one of

the cornerstone of the healthy diet and contain benefiting component which provides essential

nutrition for promoting and maintaining healthy life. Therefore the investigation focused on

the blending of different ingredient for development of health drink to increase its utilization.

Screening of ingredients was done on the basis of taste and nutritional parameters. Bioactivity

of selected ingredients like beetroot, moringa leaves and pineapple were evaluated and

optimize the concentration ratio (25:15:60) of ingredient on the basis of sensory parameters.

Further the behavior of developed drink were studied at 28 ± 2°C and 4 ± 2°C temperatures

with different preservatives and found that drink can be stored satisfactorily for a period of 10

weeks at refrigeration temperature (4 ± 2°C) and 6 weeks at (28 ± 2°C) with addition of

sodium benzoate. Developed drink will open newer vistas to food processing industries and


Keywords: Antioxidant, Bioactivity, Health Drink, Pineapple, Beetroot and Moringa leaves


India is the world’s largest producer of many fresh fruits and vegetables. India’s vast

geographical area coupled with varied climate conditions facilitates to grow a variety of fruits

and vegetables. India produced around 81.285 MT fruits and 162.187 MTs of vegetables

which accounts for nearly 14.0% of country’s share in the world production of vegetables

(Rais and Sheoran, 2015). Although It has been found that 30 – 40 percent of fruits and

vegetables are wasted due to post harvest losses. Waste percentages in each step of the food

supply chain in India which is the cause of low availability of fruits and vegetables for

consumers and the need for import of them in spite of India being second largest producer.

India, the world’s second largest fruit and vegetable producer encounters a waste of close to

25% worth of produce (Rais and Sheoran, 2015).


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ISSN NO: 0776-3808 Page No: 288

The beetroot (Beta vulgaris) is the taproot portion of the beet plant, also known

as the table beet, garden beet, red or golden beet or informally simply as the beet. In

recent years increased attention has been focused on utilization of healthy foods. The

beetroot (Beta vulgaris) being an alkaline food with pH from 7.5 to 8.0 has been

acclaimed for its health benefits, in particular for its disease fighting antioxidant

potential, significant amount of vitamin C and vitamins B1, B2, niacin, B6, B12 and

excellent source of vitamin A . The claimed therapeutic use of beetroot includes its

antitumor, carminative, emmenagogue and hemostatic and renal protective properties

and is a potential herb used in cardiovascular conditions . Beetroot is known to be a

powerful antioxidant. Consumption of natural produce beetroot juice which is rich in

antioxidant compounds may help to redress the balance between RONS production and

endogenous protection when the body is under oxidative stress. Beetroot is an excellent

source of folate and a good source of manganese. Betaine has several noted effects

related to human health and function, including acting as an osmolyte (protecting cells

against dehydration), as an antioxidant agent (protecting cells against free radicals), as

a methyl group donor (lowering potentially harmful levels of homocysteine), and as a

vascular protectant . (Dambalkar V. S. et al.,2013).

Pineapple is one of the most popular tropical fruit that is well known for its juicy

sweet taste. This fruit is rich in nutrition and contains high amount of vitamins,

minerals, fibers and enzymes. Pineapples are a good source of vitamin-C and free from

cholesterol. This healthy nutritious fruit can be eaten raw as well as can be used in

preparing various tasty recipes. The sodium content of the fruit is also very low. The

micro nutrients content of this fruit helps to protect us from many diseases like cancer,

stroke and other heart problems. Pineapple juice also helps to kill intestinal worms and

helps to relieve intestinal disorders. The chemicals that this fruit contain stimulate the

kidneys and aids in removing toxic elements in the body (Petronella.2011).

Moringa oleifera belonging to the family of Moringaceae is an effective remedy for

malnutrition. Every part of Moringa oleifera is a store house of important nutrients and

antinutrients. The leaves of Moringa Oleifera are rich in minerals like calcium, potassium,

zinc, magnesium, iron and copper. Vitamins like beta-carotene of vitamin A, vitamin B such

as folic acid,pyridoxine and nicotinic acid, vitamin C, D and E; are present. In fact, moringa

is said to provide 7 times more vitamin C than oranges, 10 times more vitamin A than carrots,

17 times more calcium than milk, 9 times more protein than yoghurt, 15 times more


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potassium than bananas and 25 times more iron than spinach. Moringa is rich in phytosterols

like stigmasterol, sitosterol and kampesterol which are precursors for hormones. The

phytochemicals such as tannins, sterols, terpenoids, flavonoids, saponins, anthraquinones,

alkaloids and reducing sugar are present along with anti-cancerous agents like glucosinolates,

isothiocyanates. The fact that moringa is easily cultivable makes it a sustainable remedy for

malnutrition. Children It is used to treat malnutrition in children younger than 3 years. About

6 spoonfuls of leaf powder can meet a woman's daily iron and calcium requirements, during

pregnancy reported by Gopalakrishnan et al.,( 2016).


Raw material: Beetroot, Pineapple will be purchased from the local market and necessary

pre-treatments such as washing, grading, sorting etc., will be carried out. Moringa leaves will

be collected from department of botany Shivaji University Kolhapur and further Beetroot,

Pineapple and Moringa leaves would be use for preparation of juice for blending purpose.

Physicochemical analysis of raw material: Moringa leaves, Beetroot and Pineapple was

analyzed for their physical and physico-chemical analysis i.e. moisture, crude fat, ash, crude

fiber and crude protein, etc. contents following standard methods (Ranganna 1986).

Total Phenolic Content

TPC was determined using the calorimetric Folin–Ciocalteu method (Chavan et al.,

2013).0.2mL of diluted extracts were mixed with 1 mL of 1:10 diluted Folin–Ciocalteu

reagent and reacted for 5 min. 0.8 mL of 7.5% sodium carbonate was added to the mixture,

and incubated for 30 min in the dark at 27 ± 2 ◦ C. Absorbance was measured at 765 nm on

the spectrophotometer. Gallic acid was used as a standard. The standard graph was prepared

by using gallic acid in the range with different concentrations gave a regression equation Y

=0.002X + 0.039 (R2= 0.999).

Determination of % radical scavenging activity (Antioxidant Activity).

The beetroot powders and beetroot concentrate, amaranth extract was analyzed for

free radical scavenging activity. The total antioxidant property of beetroot powder was

determined by 2, 2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazil radical (DPPH) in terms of % radical

scavenging activity. DPPH solution (1 mg/ml) was made by dissolving DPPH in methanol.

DPPH solution (100 μl) was diluted to 5 ml and absorbance was taken at 535 in UV-

Spectrophotometer. The absorbance was taken as control absorbance. The extract (100μl) was

made by dissolving required beetroot powder in methanol; then it was added with 100μl of


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1mg/ml of DPPH solution. Then it was diluted to 5 ml by methanol then it was incubated at

room temperature for 30 min. Then absorbance was measured at 535 nm in UV

spectrophotometer. The absorbance was taken as sample absorbance. Following formula was

used to calculate the antioxidant activity.

% Antioxintant activity=


Determination of Total Betalain

The concentrated red beet was diluted with distilled water and measurement was

carried out at wavelength of 535 nm and the quantification was expressed as mg betalains/

100g using the following equation as determined by Castellar et al., (2003)

Total betalain content (mg/100g) = A×DF×MW×1000/€L


A : Absorption value at 535 nm density.

DF : Dilution volume.

L : Path length of cuvette.

MW : Molecular weight of betalain (550g/mol).

€ : The extinction coefficient for betalain 60000L/ mol

Ascorbic Acid

Ascorbic acid content was determined by the titration method using 2,6-

dichlorophenol endophenol dye (C12H7NCl2) as recommended by Ranganna (1986).

Determination of reducing sugar by DNSA method

The pipette out 0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8 and 1ml standard glucose solution in a clean dry test

tube. Adjust the volume by 1ml distilled water. Add 2.5ml DNSA reagent. keep the test tube

in a boiling water bath for 5min and cool under tap water. Read the optical density at 530nm.

Mineral determination

The minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium and sodium content of sample’s

determination by using the Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy in Common Facility Centre,

Shivaji University, Kolhapur.


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Preparation of Juice:

1) Beetroot was peeled out and sliced, crushed in a grinder, then juice extract by using

hydraulic press and the extracted juice was again filtered by using a four layer muslin cloth to

remove remaining pomace(Ashurst, 1995).

2) Pineapple was peeled out, remove feves and sliced crushed in a grinder, then juice

extract by using hydraulic press and the extracted juice was again filtered by using a four

layer muslin cloth to remove remaining pomace (Ashurst, 1995)

3) Moringa leaves was washed, blanched to remove flavour and bitterness, crushed in a

grinder, then juice extract by using hydraulic press and the extracted juice was again filtered

by using a four layer muslin cloth to remove remaining pomace(Ashurst, 1995).

Preparation of blended drink:

Blended drink were prepared using 15% of blended juice extracts of pineapple juice beetroot

juice, and moringa leaves juice, 15% of total soluble solid (TSS) and 0.3% of acidity at the time of

preparation in all the formulated blends. The blended juice of different ratio of pineapple, juice

beetroot juice, and moringa leaves juice 75:20:05(T1), 75:15:10(T2), 75:10:15(T3), 70:20:05(T4),

65:25:10(T5), 60:25:15(T6) and 55:25:20(T7) respectively with 15% of sugar, 0.3% of acidity as %

of anhydrous citric acid and 100 ppm of sodium benzoate one liter of treated water. The controlled

RTS beverage having 100 per cent pineapple juice without beetroot juice and moringa leaves


Beetroot Juice Pineapple Juice Moringa Leaves Juice

Mixing with strained syrup

(Sugar + Citric acid + Water as per requirement)

Homogenization(1800-2000psi at 65⁰C)



Crown corking



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Cooling at room temperature

Packing and Labelling


Fig.4: Preparation of blended health drink.

Standardization of Beetroot, Pineapple and Moringa leaves blended Health drink

In the present investigation samples were prepared, firstly optimized blended juice

prepared from pineapple juice and beetroot juice i.e. sample T1 using 100:00, sample T2

using 95:05 proportion, sample T3 using 90:10 proportion, sample T4 using 85:15

proportion, sample T5 using 80:25 proportion, sample T6 using 75:25 proportion, sample T7

using 70:30 proportion, sample T8 using 65:35 proportion (as shown in table no. 4)

respectively. Then secondly optimized blended juice prepared from pineapple juice, beetroot

juice juice and moringa leaves juice i.e. sample T1 using 75:25:00, sample T2 using 75:20:05

proportion, sample T3 using 75:15:10 proportion, sample T4 using 75:10:15 proportion,

sample T5 using 70:25:05 proportion, sample T6 using 65:25:10 proportion, sample T7 using

60:25:15 proportion, sample T8 using 55:25:20 proportion (as shown in table no. 5)


Sensory quality evaluation: The beverage samples were evaluated for their sensory

characteristics namely appearance colour, taste, flavor and overall acceptability by a trained

panels comprising of 20 panelists drawn from faculty members and post graduate students of

the Department. The panelists were asked to record their observations on the sensory sheet

based on a 9 point hedonic scale (9 and 1 points showing like extremely and dislike).

Storage studies: The blended health drink (RTS) beverage with best blending combination

and their ratio (on the basis of sensory evaluation) were packed in glass bottles and kept at

refrigerated temperature as well as room temperature and changes were determined during

storage at 8says intervals up to 2 months. TSS, pH, acidity,Vit.C, %total sugar,%reducing

sugar,%non reducing sugar,total phenolic compound,antioxidant activity during storage was


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measured by standard method and overall acceptability was measured on 9 Point Hedonic

Scale by 20 semi-trained panel members.


The results obtained during present investigation are presented and discussed under suitable

headings in view of available relevant scientific literature.

Physical and chemical properties analysis of Beetroot, pineapple and Moringa leaves

Table:1 Physical properties of Beetroot, pineapple and moringa leaves

Parameter Beetroot Pineapple Moringa leaves

Color ( exterior) Reddish purple Yellowish green Green

Weight of fruit (g) 250 1000 250

Height of fruit (cm) 9.0±0.40 19.0±0.80 1.0±0.20

Length of fruit (cm) 11.0±1.10 18.0±1.50 1.50±0.20

Juice obtained (ml) 156 278 36

*Each value represents the average of three determinations

A range of physical properties of Beetroot, pineapple and moringa leaves were

determined. The average color, weight, height, width and length of fruits were determined

and given in the table 1. Digital Vernier caliper with the sensitivity of 0.01 mm was used to

measure the axial dimensions of randomly selected beetroot, pineapple ; diameter, length etc

as given in the above table. The quantity of beetroot, pineapple and moringa leaves per kg

was measured using an electronic digital balance with 0.01 gm sensitivity. The results of the

physical analysis were resembled with values of Mccance and Widdowson’s (2002), Tejendra

Bhakta et al.(2012) Gopalakrishnan, L. et al.(2016) respectively.

Physicochemical Analysis of Beetroot, pineaaple and moringa leaves

Table 2 : Proximate Analysis of Beetrrot, pineapple and moringa leaves Parameter (%) beetroot Pineapple Moringa


1. Moisture (%) 89.2±0.45 87.1±0.55 72.26±1.67

2. Ash (%) 2.26±0.30 2.1±0.25 3.26±0.30

3. Protein (%) 1.56±0.06 0.39±0.03 8.1±0.12

4. Fat (%) 0.2±0.011 0.45±0.07 1.7±0.10


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5. Crude fiber (%) 1.87±0.02 1.37±0.24 7.05±0.32

Data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation of triplicate experiments (n=3)

The chemical composition of the red beetroot, revealed that it was a poor source of

crude fat (0.20 per cent) and protein (1.57per cent). Fiber and ash content was 1.37 and 2.1

percent respectively. The results obtained in present investigation are in close agreement with

the results reported in the scientific literature Mccance and Widdowson’s (2002), Ayyavoo

and Ramasamy D. (2013).

The chemical composition of the pineapple revealed that it was a poor source of crude

fat (0.45 per cent) and protein (0.39per cent). Fiber and ash content was 1.87 and 2.26 percent

respectively. The results obtained in present investigation are in close agreement with the

results reported in the scientific literature Tejendra Bhakta et al.2012.

The chemical composition of the moringa leaves revealed that it was a rich source of

crude protein (8.1 percent) and fiber (7.0 percent). Fat and ash content was 1.7 and 3.26

percent respectively. The results obtained in present investigation are in close agreement with

the results reported in the scientific literature of Gopalakrishnan, L. et al.(2016).

Physicochemical Analysis of Beetrrot juice, pineapple juice and moringa juice

Table 3: physicochemical Analysis of Beetrrot juice, pineapple juice and moringa leaves

juice Parameters beetroot




Moringa leaves


1. Moisture (%) 92.13±0.90 91.26±0.11 91.80±20

2. Ash (%) 0.53±0.11 0.83±0.03 1.2±0.20

3. Protein (%) 0.22±0.04 0.13±0.02 4.65±0.15

4. Fat (%) 0.11±0.01 0.02 0.5±0.11

5. Crude fiber (%) 0.48±0.017 0.50±0.04 1.29±0.05

6. Vit.c(mg/100gm) 4.20±0.60 17.60±0.69 88±0.85

7. Betalain(mg/100gm) 180±2.03 - -

8. T.S.S (Brix) 6.0±0.70 12.0±0.90 5.0±0.30

9. Acidity (%) 0.05±0.003 0.66±0.01 0.11±0.004

10. pH 6.50±0.32 4.50±0.50 0.50 5.50±0.42 .42

11. Total sugar(%) 7.20±0.23 13.0±0.38 2.62±0.13


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12. Non reducingsugar(%) 4.02±011 6.19±0.21 0.21 1.37±0.11

13. Reducing Sugar(%) 3.20±0.12 6.81±0.44 1.25±0.02

14. Total Phenolic

compound (mg/g) 1.38±0.016 0.208±0.02 41.07±0.23

15. Antioxidant (%RSA) 60 ±0.095 21.23±0.77 90.02±0.14

16. Calcium(mg/lt.) 85.2 1.78 145.80

17. Iron (mg/lt.) 2.73 63.20 0.54

Data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation of triplicate experiments (n=3)

Table 3 gives the summary of the analysis of the three juice samples such as Beetroot

juice, pineapple juice and moringa leaves juice. The percentages of crude protein in beetroot

juice pineapple juice and moringa leaves juice of values is 0.22%,0.13%,,4.65 respectively.

The protein content in moringa leaves higher than beetroot and pineapple juice. The presence

of ascorbic acid, phenolic compounds and antioxidant content in beetroot juice, pineapple

juice and moringa leaves juice is indicate of above table5.The moringa leaves juice

containing high amount of ascorbic acid,total phenolic compound and free radical scavenging

activity as compare to beetroot juice and pineapple juice is shown in above table 2. Beetroot

and pineapple juice contained less amount of vitamin C, total phenolic compound and free

radical scavenging activity as a result moringa leaf juice is been added which is a high source

of vitamin C, TPC and antioxidant.

Table 4: Sensory Evaluation of control drink by varying beetroot juice and pineapple content

Sample code Appearance Taste Flavor Texture\body Overall


T1 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 6.5

T2 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.5 7.0

T3 7.5 6.5 6.5 7.0 7.0

T4 7.0 6.5 7.0 6.5 7.5

T5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.0 7.0

T6 8.5 8.0 8.0 8.3 8.5

T7 8.0 7.5 7.6 7.7 8.0

T8 7.5 7.0 7.5 7.5 7.5


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Out of the above results obtained from table No.4 sample T6 i.e 75% Pineapple juice

and 25% beetroot juice gives good characteristics of drink and sample containing more than

25ml beetroot juice gives more flavour and dark colour of beetroot to drink and below 25ml

beetroot juice cannot give proper taste as well as proper colour. finally prepared drink with

pineapple juice i.e.sample T6 gives a good sensory parameter and over acceptability.

Therefore sample T6, containing 75% pineapple juice and 25% beetroot juice was selected as

a standard for further reference and will be comparing with prepared drink.

Table 5: . Sensory Evaluation of control drink by varying beetroot juice,pineapple and

moringa leaves juice

Sample code Appearance Taste Flavour Texture\body Overall


Control 8 8.5 8.0 8.0 8.5

T1 7.9 7.4 7.3 7.7 7.6

T2 7.5 7.4 7.3 7.6 7.9

T3 7.5 7.0 7.3 7.9 7.3

T4 7.8 7.4 7.6 7.9 7.8

T5 7.9 7.5 7.7 8.0 7.8

T6 8.5 8.0 8.2 9.0 8.5

T7 7.5 7.7 7.7 8.0 7.5

Out of the above results obtained from table No.5 sample T6 i.e 60% Pineapple juice,

25% beetroot juice and 15% moringa leaves juice gives good characteristics of drink and

sample containing more than 15ml of beetroot juice gives more flavour of moringa leaves to

drink and below 15ml moringa leaves juice cannot give proper taste as well as the overall

acceptability prepared drink. finally sample T6 gives a good sensory parameter and over

acceptability. Therefore sample T6, containing 60% pineapple juice, 25% beetroot juice and

15% of moringa leaves juice was selected as a standard for further reference and will be

comparing with prepared drink.

Table 6: physicochemical Analysis of blended health drink Parameter Health Drink


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1. Protein (%) 0.78±0.30

2. Ascorbic acid(mg/100ml) 24.0±1.20

3. Betalain(mg/100ml) 18.0±1.30

4. T.S.S (0

Brix) 12±0.60

5. Acidity (%) 0.33±0.30

6. PH 4.5±0.50

7. Total sugars (%) 9.80±0.60

8. Reducing Sugar(%) 2.13±0.11

9. Non-Reducing Sugar(%) 7.67±0.47

10. Total Phenolic compound (mg/ml) 1.04±0.03

11. Antioxidant (%RSA) 14.49±0.48

12. Calcium(mg/100ml.) 31.58±1.70

13. Iron (mg/100ml.) 0.1073

14. Manganese(mg/100ml) 0.144

15. Sodium(mg/100ml) 30.2±1.4

16. Magnesium(mg/100ml) 0.723

Nutrient Content of the Blended RTS Beverages

The nutrient content of the freshly processed blended fruits (pineapple) and

vegetable(beetroot and moringa leaves) blended health drink beverages were analyzed and

presented in Table 3. It was noticed that all the blended health drink beverages contained the

same TSS, acidity and pH of 15° Brix, 0.250 per cent and 3.95 respectively as per FPO

specification. The prepared mixed fruit and vegetables blended health drink from the blends

of pineapple, beetroot and moringa leaves(60:25:15). They reported that the chemical

constituents of the blended health drink was 12⁰Brix TSS, 0.35 per cent acidity, 4.5 pH, 2.13

per cent reducing sugar, 7.67 percent non reducing sugar, 13.00 per cent total sugar and 24

mg/100ml of ascorbic acid. It is also containing total phenolic compound and antioxidant

activity 104.1mg/100ml and 14.49% respectively and high amount of mineral such as

calcium, magnesium, iron and sodium in above table 3.

Shelf life study of blended health drink

The shelf life study of control and blended health drink were carried out for 75days in

refrigerated temperature and 45days in at room temperature.

Effect of storage on blended health drink at room temperature


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The effect of storage period on nutritional composition of blended health drink at

room temperature presented in table 7.The nutritional parameter such as acidity, TSS, total

sugar,Non reducing sugar,radival scavenging activity and polyphenolic compound decreases

day to day and pH, reducing sugar increases as shown in table 7.

Table 7: Effect of storage period on nutritional composition of blended health drink at room


Days %acidity TSS



(mg/ml) pH







sugar %RSA




0 0.35 12.00 24 4.20 9.80 7.67 2.13 14.49 104.01

8 0.33 12.09 21.60 4.31 9.87 7.52 2.35 12.38 95.70

15 0.32 12.20 19.20 4.37 9.98 7.46 2.52 11.00 87.22

22 0.30 12.28 16.80 4.41 10.06 7.32 2.67 10.39 81.22

30 0.29 12.35 14.40 4.45 10.13 7.27 2.86 9.65 77.36

37 0.28 12.44 10.80 4.50 10.24 7.15 3.09 8.60 71.82

45 0.27 12.70 8.40 4.57 10.37 6.97 3.40 7.42 67.35

Effect of storage on blended health drink at refrigerated temperature (4±2⁰C)

The effect of storage period on nutritional composition of blended health drink at

refrigerated temperature presented in table8.The nutritional parameter such as

acidity,TSS,total sugar, Non reducing sugar, radical scavenging activity and polyphenolic

compound decreases during storage and pH, reducing sugar increases as shown in table 8.

Table 8: Effect of storage period on nutritional composition of blended health drink at

refrigerated temp.(4±2⁰C)

Days % acidity TSS



(mg/ml) pH





g sugar

% Reducing

sugar %RSA




0 0.35 12.00 24.00 4.20 9.80 7.69 2.13 14.49 104.01

8 0.34 12.02 22.80 4.22 9.82 7.66 2.16 14.33 101.86


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15 0.33 12.07 21.60 4.25 9.85 7.59 2.26 13.94 99.08

22 0.32 12.09 20.40 4.27 9.89 7.51 2.38 13.63 97.54

30 0.32 12.12 19.20 4.29 9.95 7.41 2.48 13.45 95.08

37 0.31 12.13 18.00 4.31 9.98 7.33 2.65 12.96 93.69

45 0.31 12.15 17.50 4.32 10.01 7.28 2.73 12.13 91.38

53 0.30 12.17 16.80 4.33 10.05 7.22 2.83 11.86 89.53

60 0.30 12.18 16.20 4.34 10.09 7.17 2.92 11.34 84.60

67 0.29 12.20 15.60 4.37 10.12 7.08 3.04 10.86 81.99

75 0.29 12.21 14.40 4.40 10.17 6.98 3.19 10.18 77.67

Colour analysis of blended health drink during storage

Colour analysis of blended health drink during storage by using hunter colorimeter.

Effect on colour of blended health drink at room temperature during storage

The following table.20 shows the colour changes of blended health drink during

storage of room temperature. The lightness(L*),redness(a*),yellowness(b*) and

chromatocity(c*) value of blended health drink is decreases during storage and value h* is

increases shown in table 15.

Table 9: Effect on colour of blended health drink at room temperature during storage


Days L* a* b* c* h*

0 4.39 12.85 2.74 12.89 8.11

15 3.07 10.74 1.84 11.43 10.56

30 2.18 8.81 1.13 9.77 11.03

45 1.68 8.03 0.84 8.86 11.74


L* - Lightness


Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020

ISSN NO: 0776-3808 Page No: 300

a* - Redness

b* - Yellowness

c* - Chroma

h* - hue

Effect on colour of blended health drink at refrigerated temperature during storage


The following table 21.shows the colour changes of blended health drink during

storage of refrigerated temperature. The lightness(L*),redness(a*),yellowness(b*) and

chromatocity(c*) value of blended health drink is decreases during storage but slowly changes

as compare to room temperature and value h* is increases shown in table 21.

Table 10: Effect on colour of blended health drink at refrigerated temperature during

storage (4±2⁰C)

Days L* a* b* c* h*

0 4.39 12.85 2.74 12.89 8.11

15 3.82 11.82 2.08 12.01 10.17

30 3.03 10.91 1.82 11.58 10.78

45 2.47 9.86 1.24 10.78 11.16

60 2.15 8.95 1.09 9.86 11.48

75 1.86 8.21 0.78 9.11 11.77


It is possible to blend pineapple, beetroot and moringa leaves in different proportion

to prepare ready-to-serve beverage. The colour and flavour of any processed product plays an

important role while tasting the same. The processed RTS beverages was found to be highly

acceptable in taste and secured the organoleptically scores as 8.5. The blended pineapple,

beetroot and moringa leaves ready-to-serve beverages are having high potential for

commercialization and marketability. The introduction of new types of value added and

nutrient enriched fruit juice based beverages might improve socio-economic status of the

country by enhancing the export trades.This study suggest that beetroot, pineapple and


Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020

ISSN NO: 0776-3808 Page No: 301

moringa leaves drink has high amount of nutritive chemical constituents that can be

beneficial to human being.


A.O.A.C. 2000. Official Methods of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists,

Washington, D. C.USA.17th


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Volume 8, Issue 10, 2020

ISSN NO: 0776-3808 Page No: 302
