Determinants of Unemployment: A social problem in ... · Keywords: individuals, unemployment,...


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Determinants of Unemployment: A social problem in Hyderabad

Region Sindh-Pakistan

Mukhtiar Hussain Ibupoto1, Abdul Jalil Mirjat

2, Sagheer Hussain Dahar

3, Shoukat Ali


1Masters student in social work, college of law and political scieence Zhejiang normal

university, china (E-mail. 2PhD Scholar, Department of sociology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan ( E-mail. ) 3Masters student in University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan ( Email. ) 4Teaching Assistant and Ph.D. Scholar in Department of Public Administration, Shah Abdul

Latif University, Khairpur Sindh Pakistan. (E-mail. )

*Corresponding Author:

Mukhtiar Hussain Ibupoto


Published online : 22 November, 2018

Abstract: This article is set out to investigate the determinants of unemployment in

Hyderabad region –Sindh Province –Pakistan. Unemployment as a social issue is

associated with the various factors such as overpopulation, low paid system, force work face,

financial crisis, job vacancy, mismatch of skills and education, migration, labor –market and

so forth. The quantitative method employed for the study, and focus group interviews

structured out among male and female respondents. Hence, the study revealed that

unemployment is the core social problem of Hyderabad region resulting in frustration and

upset within the social life of the individuals. A sample of 260 respondents was taken from

the targeted population, mainly focuses on the close-ended questionnaire. Further, the raw

data is analyzed through (SPSS) software, and other techniques used for analyzing the

statistical data Non-parametric tests, ANOVA, reliability, Linear Regression, and correlation

Chi-Square test based on the collected raw data from individuals.

Keywords: individuals, unemployment, education, population and migration

1. 1. Introduction

Pakistan -The Islamic republic country created on 14 August 1947, and Sindh as the province

of Pakistan is facing an unemployment issue for many decades especially Hyderabad region

has been confronting it for a long time. Presently, the ratio of unemployed individuals in

Pakistan is more than 12 percent inclusion of 113 million persons (Nizami.S; 2010). As per

pg. 27

the most recent labor survey for 2008-09, the unemployment rate inflated to 55% from 52%

unemployment rate as 15 percent. (Khalil; 1999). Hyderabad is richly industrial and

agricultural zone. Hence, the pleasures of Individual reply on the various items that ingrain in

health, income, social status, moral values, job characteristics, worldly leisure, security,

market status, working hours and liberty. In addition to them, the most effective factor in life

experience is unemployment in a social life. The overall, unemployment is social issue, and it

occurs when people are without jobs. Unemployment means people are able to work and

actively finding job but fail to get a job

(Ahn et al, 2004). Meanwhile the educated and less educated individuals seek work for

survival in a society. Meanwhile there is no work job for such the individuals then they are

recognized as unemployed figure of a civil society. (Ahsan khan 2012) such a study is related

to unemployment. In addition to this, unemployment is the outcomes of over population.

Each civil society has some jobless figures. “While some youths enter the labor force so as to

seek out a job right away; workers may leave their jobs to find out new works or stay at home

rearing offspring and other intend to go on the strike. Whereas some other reasoning from

illness for a long time. Besides to this, some figures are uneducated or lacking skills for any

task. In other words, unemployment is mainly related with such the individuals establishing

the labor potency of the realm, who are able-bodied and keen to labor, but are not

advantageously laboring. As stated by Beleva (1997), “Unemployment is a mainreason to

monetaryfeat in a market economy. Nevertheless, it carries out various negative social and

economic consequences. They are further most discernible in developing or inefficiently

operating labour markets. The larger and longer the unemployment, the deeper and more

intricate are the social and economic difficulties it reasons in society” As per Bureau of Labor

Statistics: “The unemployment rate signifies the figure of jobless as a per cent of the labor

force." Unemployment comprises individuals- are not engaged, the then enthusiastically

seeking for labor or waiting to return to work. Unemployment is the basic issue presenting

effectively within the entire nations all the globe.” According to IMF report (2008)

„unemployment is assessed yearly as ratio of that labor force that can‟t seek out work‟

International Labor Organization (1996) states that unemployment is the condition stated as

far away from labor or requiring an occupationincessantlyprobing into it in the preceding four

week or jobless(age 16 or above) however that is accessible to join task in the next two

weeks. Individuals willinglydo not need to do task whole period while the retiredpersons,

pupilsand youngsters are no encompassed with joblessgroup. In a brief, unemployment

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presents a position when individuals areenthusiastic and capable to perform a duty, but

cannot attain the preferred job. But the failures in achievement that give a birth so many

social problems such as criminality, poverty, suicide and others. Simultaneously, it affects

the workers, their families because they have no jobs, income and production for survival in a

human society despite the potential to work under any circumstance.

However, unemployment is social problem of human society, and unemployment persons

who have capabilities and the determination to do labor, but there is lack of occasions to gain

occupations that are in the kind of unemployedpersons. When unemployment high resources

are wasted, people‟s profits aredejected. Keeping in view that the individuals of Hyderabad

division being well-educated and skillful in every field of work, but there is less opportunity

to avail any sort of work. For better-understanding the determinants of unemployment as

mentioned below: -

Population growth

The overall world general population depends on agrarian society, and residing in exurban

regions of the countries of the world. The population can highly reply on cultivation of land

for survival in human society. Besides to this, agrarian society represents traditional strategies

as much ofthe population survive on such the strategy for decades. Hence, that lacks

alternative choice in the market. Therefore, unemployed people are at a great number in

Hyderabad that would be a big threat for the province. Irrespective to this, the populace of

Hyderabad is extremely raising at rate of 2.2% as per statistical survey currently. The

population rises, but the state regime cannotofferoccupations to all the inhabitants (Phulpotoe

at., 2012). The major reasons for increasing of populace like migration, dearth of

consciousness; illiteracy, earlymarriage,yearning for son, and so forth.

Poor education system

Since the education system of Hyderabad –Sindh remained as poor after the partition because

the most of educated class had been migrated to India. Unfortunately, none of the government

has yet taken any serious action for improvement and better education to the citizens of

Hyderabad. On account of it, many individuals left getting education owing to poor education

system in Hyderabad. Besides to this, technical and non-technical institutions have still been

imparting dull and poor quality of education and producing such category of the individuals

who roam for job that they lack skills and experiences.

pg. 29

Energy crisis

Broadly, natural resources and atomic power as other generating resources are availablein

Hyderabad division, but there remains an issue of energycrisis. This is because of improper

planning regarding energy issue in Hyderabad division. Meanwhile the government remained

the failure in providing energy and reducing crisis promptly for the public of the division.

Low rate of industrial growth

In Sindh especially in Hyderabad division, a low industrial rate as compared to other regions

of Pakistan. Henceforth, Hyderabad has a rare industry and showing less opportunities for

unemployed individuals.

Uses of advanced technology

An obsolete technology rather than an advanced technology has mostly been brought into use

in Hyderabad division. In addition to this, an advanced technology can render the enumerable

facilitiesthus;it produces a great loss for individuals who become jobless in a human society.

Mechanization of agriculture

Sindh is an agricultural rich, and has pre-partition agricultural system which is based on old

structural mechanization and producing a great ratio of unemployment in Hyderabad division.

Henceforth, such an old technology remains obsolete for the individuals of a civil society.

Reduction in foreign employment

Simply, the individuals of Hyderabad division confront with the various social issues such

illiteracy, ill-health, criminality and others, such the facts resulted the failures in capturing

foreign market for production of unemployment in human society. Hence the individuals do

not have any work for survival in society.

Literacy and Illiteracy ratioin Hyderabad division

Explicitly, literacy and illiteracy ratio is recognized as unsatisfactory and producing

unemployment owing to the failures in provision of jobs to the individuals in a civil society.

In addition to lacking skills and technical strategies for that reason the most of such persons

are unemployed in a civil society. Hence, the unemployed persons both illiterate or literate

being increased and the government failed to avail jobs to the individuals of Hyderabad


pg. 30

Rural and Urban migration

Migration is social problem of human beings in society. The majority of individuals migrate

from rural to urban regions for maintenance and survival strategies in society. As the

individuals resort to migration for employment instead of unemployment that is reason

affecting the lives of individuals in rural regions

Political instability

Political instability is a social factor in Hyderabaddivision producing no more interest and

attraction for foreign investment. Thus, instability weakens society, then, the investors avoid

investing the resources and bringing no more development. Hence, unemployment increases

in a civil society.

Lack of skill strategies

Individuals of Hyderabaddivision lack in skill strategies because of the different reasons,

some individuals are less-educated or illiterate figures and untrained in professional as well

technical work.

Nepotism and favoritism

Nepotism and favoritism are such components of human society that the individuals practice

since the birth of the social world for the benefits of survival in society. The most of

unemployed or under-employed persons confront with the factors meanwhile they fail to gain

job because they lack approaches and preferences. The preferenceand approaches given those

who have the components of nepotism and favoritism while skilled and educated as well

technical fit individuals remain the failures in gaining job, and resorting to frustration in

society Thus, the deserving individuals remain jobless in human society.

High age of retirement

Pakistani government has fixed the employees 60 years age of retirement. Thus, higher age

rate of retirement brought difficulty and closing the doors for services of a long period of

service; therefore, the individuals become unable to gain the suitable jobs in a society.

Types of unemployment

There are the different types of unemployment ingrained in seasonal

unemployment,agricultural unemployment, technological and frictional

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unemployment;industrial unemployment, cyclical unemployment; educational unemployment

and so on.

Seasonal unemployment

As many businesses who are seasonal and impacting upon unemployment. In peak season

companies hires more individuals while in off season many workers are laid off which creates

seasonal unemployment. (C.n Shankar Rao introduction to sociology), as stated that seasonal

unemployment is associated with agricultur esector during the off-season many laborers will

have to spend their times without any work. In some industries such as sugar, woolen and ice

factories, workers get jobs only for a certain period of the year or in a particular season.

When the season is over; they don‟t get work in the factories, and they will have to wait for

the next season to come so as to find the same work.

Agricultural unemployment

However, the two main constituents which yield unemployment in agrarian area. The first,

implementation of modern technology resulted in reduction the demand and prerequisite of

farm work. there are two main factors which produce unemployment in agriculture sector,

and second reply on the employment detached individuals cannot be re-employed by other

monetary regions owing to poverty –stricken, less education and lack of skills for working in

industries meanwhile they lack sufficient incomes to initiate own business setting up to break

the chain of unemployment. Agricultural unemployment is on account of the number of

factors like the very seasonal nature of agricultural work;the decay of cottage industries; lack

of demand for homemade production; insufficient of alternative work in the rural areas and

sub-division of land holdings.

Technological and frictional unemployment

Frictional unemployment is a type which will be present always as it covers only those who

are temporarily unemployed.

However, friction sometimes takes place in technological field on account of unemployment

owing to an imbalance between supply of labor and the demand for customers while there is

constantly shifting from one product to another; it becomes difficult for workers to catch up

with choices, tastes and nature of work as per own demand.

Structural Unemployment

pg. 32

This is a type of unemployment which occurs when enough jobs are not available to match

person skills

Such type of unemployment as stated in Hyderabad division because educated and less

educated individuals require jobs, but on such number the jobs are not available for the

individuals in region, despite of some extent information regarding such jobs.

Industrial unemployment

Hyderabad division has countable industries as compared to foreign industrial zones.

Thus,such industries provide less opportunities to the individuals owing to strange

infrastructures and policies that is why the most of time, workers go on strike for their rights.

Cyclical unemployment

This type of unemployment varies with economic conditions. Like when economy contracts

organizations lay off workers resulting in high unemployment. Hence, there is complexity in

the trade cycle within commercial universe meanwhile the changes of low and high in the

business set upfor that factor there takes place unemployment on the result of decreasing of

trade factor in commercial unemployment.

Educational unemployment

Generally,it is type of unemployment which is closely linked with job opportunities and the

system of Education in a civil society.

1. 2.Review of literature

Explicitly and implicitly much has been discussed about unemployment in Pakistan, as the

vast literature is available for such an issue, and remained a central focus of the public in the

country. Hence, the various studies related it indirectly or directly. Unemployment is a major

issue in Hyderabad division, and the rich in resources. Besides tot his, the different

determinants resort the individuals to such slots, and resulting frustration and violent

behaviors and so forth. Unemployed person is such an individual who possesses ability and

willing to perform any sort of task, but not being able to acquire job opportunity in a civil

society is recognized as unemployed person. However, In Pakistani society, study revealed

that more than 30 lac persons are stated asunemployed in the country(Malik et al., 2011).In

Pakistan, the educated individuals face higher rate of unemployment (Qayyum,

2007).Unemployment is a big challenge for the public of Sindh-Pakistan. Hence, the

pg. 33

migration resulted on loss of agricultural –based employment on account of paucity and

shortage ofWater facilities in Indus River. Similarity, water- logging and salinity of soil

increase the erosion anddegradation the capacity of the earth from the fertile perspectives

(Nasser Mammon et al. 2008).As the various reasons which have destroyed the entire

infrastructure of a system like poor water –distribution and management of water resources;

water –logging, salinity and erosions in the earth; unsatisfactory constructions; outdated

technologies and machines; obsolete policies and strategies for agricultural development for

survival perspectives(WaqqasQayyum et al. 2008, Hans F. Stenholm et al. 2004).Theobsolete

policies of the Government remained failure for development of human lives and provision of

employment to the individuals of Hyderabad division. Further,socio-sickness apparently

ruined the energy of human beings for survival and making miserable lives. In addition to

lacking the facilities of education and availability of jobopportunities statedas an issue for the

public; unemployment is increasing swiftly in the public (Hafiz zee Shan sub Hani

2008)(Hafiz Rahman 2009).Degradation of land and shortage of water exhorted the

individuals for the self-employed agriculture based employment (15Alina Baber et al.

2013).The failures in production and attainabletargets of agriculture work resulted

inappropriate benefits of individuals causing unemployment in society directly or indirectly

(Farooq 2010). Individuals remained unemployed instead of the various efforts for success

through national progress; and the rate of unemployment is determined as a high level in a

social life (ghanghro.N2012 ). Humanintegration in migration context of labourmarket

recognizedas an objective over all developing the unemployment in society (Bari, H.S 2014).

The serious economic problem faced by government and nation failing to provide

employment to citizens due to the heavy expenditure of government state. Individuals

confront with the unemployment issue in a civil society (Alam.A p no 67).Unemployment

rates become law at regional and national levels, meanwhile infrastructure of the different

companies sometimes downsize and producing less opportunities for jobs. In rare cases,

dispute of employees with owner of companies resulted as losing jobs and exhorting the

individual to seek jobs somewhere for survival in a society. The job is supposed to be a

specific reason for the basic strategies for survival on the earth, and the individuals acquire

money for survival in a civil society(Diana Kendal book sociology in our time), the defective

educational system and obsolete technology create unemployment among the individuals of

human society (William j. moran2014). The failures in application of resources properly

resulted as unemployment increasing vastly. Apart from this, the variousspeculative domains

are employed formeasuring the factors of unemployment such as the workpursuit patterns is

pg. 34

exposed by Mortensen (1970) and Lippman and McCall (1976). As per such the pattern, the

unemployment replies upon work offer and workrecognition. The work acceptance relies on

education, working experience, skills of labour, and the required situation of native placesof

respective regions. Acero (1993) stated few determinants of unemployment are interrelated

with definiteworkexploration and the job within the market continuing to change with respect

to nature of job of workers. Sometimes, it happens because of the heterogeneity of nature of

workers; other job opportunities, the cost of training, and lack of perfect information. Assaad

et al. (2000) studied the different elements of unemployment, and related with the work

within market. Unemployment is increasing with constant rate. The educated individuals

affected and the entry in the private sector. At the same time, focusing on good policies,

labour-intensive techniques; oriented industries for labour market. Other reasons of

unemployment based onthe impact of labour union;lawmaking and salary inflexibility Kalim

(2003) pointed out the determinantsof unemploymentand analyzing thenumericalassociation

between real growth rate of GDP, population inflation with unemployment as high rate of

unemployment is because of population factor, andconcluded the majority of labour force

remain jobless.Echebiri (2005), highlighted as the determinants of unemployment the fast

growth of population growth rate and labor force, education and job preference, poor social

and physical infrastructures. According toAkhtar and Shahnaz (2005), the factors of

unemployment are associated with investmentand lowGDP. Schoeman et al. (2008) statedthe

factors of unemployment are concerned with macro-economic variables, unionsation and real

exchange as theratio of recognized employment, crude oil values, banker‟sreceipt rate and

capital stock.Eita and( Eita and Ashipala (2010) examined the factors of unemployment

focused onmacro-economicvariables covering through unemployment model and employing

Engle and Granger approach to guesstimate the strategy in order to acquire the reality of

unemployment . Kingdon and Knight (2001) studied unemployment through probit model the

different factors. According toGarcia (2004) as stated the reasons of unemployment.

Valadkhani (2003) studied on unemployment through the various components. Monastiriotis

(2006) stated as unemployment on the basis of macroeconomic status and employing

Keynesian and monetarist domain.Ehrlich (1973) narrated as unemployment enhances crime

rate. Low income resorts the individuals to commit crime in society which is related with

unemployment due to relatively low.Ehrlich (1973), as explained that unemployment is

connected with crime rate and dearth of income opportunities in context of the legal labour

market and resorting the individuals tocriminal activities.Zaidi (2005) concluded that

unemployment problems owing to increasing economic development. (Jamshaid, et al, 2010)

pg. 35

unemployment is associated with workforce problem, labor class and professional aptitude

and uncertainty and economic problems. According to Benneth (2007) the relationship

between fiscal policies is associated with unemployment. Volker (2005) stated as the function

of unemployment in the financial development while it is the display of the monetarycollapse

or fiscalcatastrophe.(ILO, 2011), stated for an unemployment as fruitlessand drain on

society‟s incomes for unemployed individuals. (Rothiem, 2007) explained as unemployment

is concerned with monetarywell-being, misconduct, the destruction of socialwealth,

desolation and societaluncertainty (Kyei&Gyeke, 2011) explained as Unemployment is as

anoutcome of monetarycontraction, low degrees of financialdevelopment. (Ali, 2010)

elucidated that unemployment is concerned with the backwardness of agrarian parts and

deterioratingrule and directivecondition, high inflationratio of population, energy catastrophe,

bad governancedefective educational organization, and bottomlessingrainedbribery.

According to Noor et al., (2007) explored out theeffect of fiscaldevelopment on the

unemployment and negative impact of economic growth on the level of unemployment.

Ahmed at al. (2011) examined relationship of unemployment with economic growth. Square.

Subhan and Hayat (2009), pointed out unemployment is subordinated through instable prices

and economic growth.Berument et al. (2008) studied that unemployment is attached with

macroeconomicpolicy shocks. Osinubi (2005) investigated the impact of growth on the

unemployment and the poverty.Flaim(1990),examined the population changes and

unemployment rate. Alan Krueger and Lawrence Summers (1986a, b) and William Dickens

and Lawrence Katz (1986a, b) unemployment is related with wage-theory, and focusing on

low i–paid wage and high –paid wage the workers in organization.Peter Blau (1955),

explained unemployment is attached with social exchange theory. Kaufman (1984) and

Blinder and Choi (1990), pointed out the nature and sources of wage rigidity counted as

unemployment. Apart from this, unemployment imparts different negative affect to the state

economy in particular and economy in general. (Phulpotoet at., 2012). As Seer

(1969),produced a high level of poverty, and inequality. This shows the important role

unemployment plays in the process of economic growth. According to Bello (2003), the

problem of unemployment has often been an issue of great concern to policy makers, the

economists, and economic managers alike; given the overwhelming effect on individuals, the

society and the economy at large. Khan, Khattak and Hussain (2012) investigated the inter-

relationship of GDP growth and unemployment. Hussain, Siddiqi and Iqbal (2010) traced out

the relationship between unemployment and economic growth.Naqvi and Lubna (2002)

stated as unemployment is an outcome of women participation at large in economic activities.

pg. 36

(Aslam, 2009-10), examined unemployment is related with low growth rate and high rate of

population growth.Maqbool, that unemployment is associated with

inflation, high populace of foreign direct investment, gross domestic product, inflation, and

external debt.

Aim and objectives of the present study

To investigate the relationship between unemployment and overpopulationin

Hyderabad division.

To explore out the reasonable factors of unemployment in Hyderabad division

To examine the relationship between quality of education and unemployment in

Hyderabad division


Overpopulation is likely to be related with unemployment

Shortage of industries is likely to be related with unemployment

Quality of education is likely to be related with unemployment

2.1.Research Methodology

The hypothesis of the presented case study is based on three main parameters including 1.

The overpopulation is likely to be related with unemployment, 2. The shortage of industries is

likely to be related with unemployment, 3. The quality of education is likely to be related to

unemployment. Both independent and dependent variables are considered in the proposed

study these are included overpopulation, (independent variables). The dependent variables

include unemployment related to the overpopulation. Using hypothesis, the following

research methodology is developed for the collection of data and to know the determinants of

unemployment in the of Hyderabad district of Sindh province of Pakistan.

In this research, a stratified method of probability sampling is used for collecting the data.

The total sample size for this study was 300. A sample size of 300 samples for the different

areas of Hyderabad who involved in unemployment, around 260 collected data through the

questionnaire from unemployed and other 40 sample selected to social activist and non-

government organization who are involved in unemployment and those people who are

related to this type of research and also some data collected from people. From this

perspective, all knowledge is predicated on the values, ideas, and judgments of the individual,

pg. 37

and is locally and contextually defined. The reliability of this scale is 0.84. Data were

analyzed with the aid of SPSS Statistics 20.

Table -1 As the table no: 1, indicating that unemployment 50.0 percentages is on account of

less economic growth, 8.3 of advance technology while 41.7 numbered as illiteracy rate

among the individuals.

These are the Main Reason of Unemployment

Frequency %

Less Economic Growth 150 50.0

Advance in Technology 25 8.3

Illiteracy 125 41.7

Total 300 100.0

Table No- 2 This table showing that unemployment 50.0 percentages is on account of

leadership problem, 8.3 of lack of infrastructure and 25.0 numbered as educational policy

while 16.7 percentages because of favoritism among the individuals

These Factors are Responsible of Unemployment

Frequency %

Leadership problem 150 50.0

Lack of infrastructure 25 8.3

Educational policy 75 25.0

Favoritism 50 16.7

Total 300 100.0

Table no-3 This table resulting that 58.3 percentages accepted that unemployment is an

outcome of overpopulation whereas 41.7 percentages remained rejected in this regards

Overpopulation is the Cause of Unemployment

Frequency Percent

Yes 175 58.3

No 125 41.7

Total 300 100.0

pg. 38



Sum of

Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 496.961 2 248.480 616.500 .000b

Residual 119.706 297 .403

Total 616.667 299

a. Dependent Variable: which is the main reason of unemployment?

b. Predictors: (Constant), overpopulation is the specific factor of unemployment

and responsible of unemployment







t Sig. B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) -.629 .112 -5.636 .000

which factors are

responsible of


.794 .041 .658 19.493 .000

overpopulation is the

cause of unemployment

.924 .098 .318 9.413 .000

a. Dependent Variable: what are the main reasons of unemployment

2. 2. Results and discussions

Such the study resulted as the various determinants of unemployment resorting the

individuals to the different stages such as frustration, suicidal action, rude behavior and

Regression Analysis

Model Summary

Model R R Square

Adjusted R


Std. Error of

the Estimate

1 .898a .806 .805 .63486

a. Predictors: (Constant), overpopulation is the cause of

unemployment, which factors are responsible of


pg. 39

unsatisfactory life in a society. Besides to this, the individuals of Hyderabad division are

educated as well as less educated, but work or job which is available that does not match their

positions, and other jobs are given on the basis of nepotisms and favoritisms. Other factors

are explored out as less number of factories, overpopulation, and economic growth in

economy, poor education the public of human society, bad governance,and low paid practice

to workers, job vacancy problems, and obsolete infrastructural systems in Hyderabad Sindh


2. 3. Conclusion

Unemployment is associate with the determinants such as backwardness of agriculture sector,

nepotisms and favoritism; obsolete technology; loss in financial sectors, bribery and

corruption in job acquisition, mismatch in work and education; low paid system, constant

growth of economy, overpopulation, inflation, migration, job vacancy shortage, the nature of

job , the change of job, behavior of partner worker in organization; lack of proper training

and skill in the respect field of work, family issue, less production and low investment,

foreign market attraction, low labor work, force work face and other different determinants

which are responsible for unemployment of Hyderabad. As for promotion of such the facts,

the government and state take necessary action to improve and develop specific strategies to

remove such an issue and set up industries, vocational institutions, job oriented programs and

organizations for unemployed individuals of Hyderabad division Sindh Pakistan.


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