Detection of Hidden Transformer Tap Change Command Attacks ... · of threats to smart grids called...


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Detection of Hidden Transformer Tap ChangeCommand Attacks in Transmission Networks

Shantanu Chakrabarty and Biplab Sikdar

Abstract—Transformer taps are used extensively to regulatebus voltages in transmission networks. Tap change commandsrelayed through the SCADA network are attractive targets forfalsification by attackers in order to adversely affect the operationof the system. Such attacks can be hidden by selective measure-ment manipulations. In this paper, an algorithm is developed thatdetects the presence of a stealthy false tap change command.The development of the algorithm is based on the intuitionthat any attack involving injection of false data or commandscan only influence the measurement and estimation of certainselected variables, not all of them. The algorithm is based onthe ratios of injection or branch currents to the voltages of theterminal nodes of the tap changing transformers. This principleis proven analytically and validated using simulations, leading tothe establishment of an index which distinguishes stealthy attacksfrom normal operation scenarios. This lead to the development ofan algorithm which is simple to implement, computationally lightand shown to be extremely reliable when tested across variouscases on the IEEE 118-bus and 2383-bus Polish systems.

Index Terms—Cyber-security, OLTC, transmission networks.


z Measurement vector.x State vector.e Error vector.h(x) Function mapping x to z.ns Number of state variables.nm Number of measurements.σi Standard deviation of ith measurement error, ei.ykm Admittance of transformer/transmission line.gkm conductance of transformer/transmission line.bkm Susceptance of transformer/transmission line.Ykm Equivalent admittance between nodes k and m.tkm Transformer tap ratio.Skm Apparent power flow between nodes k and m.Vk Voltage at node k.|Vk| Magnitude of voltage at node k.δk Voltage angle at node k.Ikm Current flow from node k to node m.Pkm Real power flow from node k to node m.Qkm Reactive power flow from node k to node m.Sk Apparent power injection at node k.Pk Real power injection at node k.Qk Reactive power injection at node k.a Superscript to denote blatant attack.

Shantanu Chakrabarty is with the Department of Computer Science,National University of Singapore, Singapore. e-mail: Author)

Biplab Sikdar is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer-ing, National University of Singapore, Singapore. e-mail:

n Superscript to denote normal scenario.ref Superscript to denote reference values of quan-

tities.hid Superscript to denote stealthy or hidden attack.c Vector of control and controlled variables.X1 Set containing state variables whose true val-

ues are required to be hidden from the stateestimator.

X2 Set containing state variables whose true valuesare not required to be hidden from the stateestimator.


IN a power system, the controls can be broadly classifiedinto two categories: active power related controls (that

manipulate active power flows) and reactive power relatedcontrols (that manipulate reactive power flows). One of themost popular reactive power related controls is the transformertap control. Taps are usually employed as voltage controldevices [1], [2]. Since voltage magnitudes of the buses arestrongly coupled to the reactive power, taps significantly affectthe reactive power flows. In a transmission system, an operatormakes a choice of tap settings in a varied number of ways,depending on the requirements. They can be chosen using thesolution of the adjusted load flow formulation [3] or by usingthe solution of an optimal power flow (OPF) [4], [5], when acertain objective is of more importance than maintenance ofa scheduled voltage. The transformer tap change commands,as deemed appropriate by the Energy Management Systems(EMS), are relayed through SCADA communication channels.However, these channels are in general prone to cyber attacks,rendering this control action vulnerable [6], [7].

Any malicious exploitation of vulnerability in voltage con-trol can have severe consequences on the operation of a powergrid. Voltage control (by means of transformer taps) is oneof the most important types of control that exist in a powergrid [8], [3]. Voltage control is essential for secure operationof a power system [8]. According to [9], the allowable nodevoltage variation is very low, for instance, 400 − 420KV innormal operation and 380− 420KV in disturbed conditions,for 400KV rated voltage. Apart from secure operation, it isan obligation of an utility to ensure power quality to theircustomers [8], [9]. This is especially true in case of industrialloads which are sensitive to voltages (get damaged even due toslight voltage variations from the rated value). Another aspectto consider is voltage instability (due to disturbances), whichwas responsible for some major blackouts in the past [9]. Thus,


it is of paramount importance to detect any malicious voltagecontrol command (transformer tap command in this paper).The threat posed by improper use (malicious use by adversary)of transformers in general is covered in [10], where, the ideaof improper voltage levels due to manipulation of taps is alsodiscussed.

One of the most common forms of attack on power gridSCADA systems is False Data Injection (FDI) attacks [11],[12], [13]. In FDI attacks, false data that is injected is chosensuch that Bad Data Detection (BDD) [14] fails to recognize itas incorrect data. FDI is well studied in the case of transmis-sion systems [11], [12], [15], [16]. However, literature dealingwith the aspects of false control signal injection is sparse[17]. This is true for the voltage control measures. There issome existing work concerning voltage control in distributionsystems [18], [19]. However, these deal with FDI attacks thatresult in wrong control action. False control signal injectioncan be equally or more hazardous than FDI, especially if it isdone stealthily with the help of FDI. An example of a falsecontrol signal injection attack is the Ukrainian blackout eventof 2015 [17], there the attackers compromised the networkto launch a false control signal injection attack on the circuitbreakers to disconnect parts of the system.

This paper addresses the gap in existing literature by consid-ering the problem of detecting false command injection attackson power grids. In particular, this paper is concerned with thedetection of false transformer tap change command injectionattacks in transmission networks where the transformer tapsare changed frequently using on-load tap changers (OLTC) tomeet a set of specified voltages under an Automatic VoltageControl scheme. An adversary who compromises the SCADAsystem has access to control signals of several field devices.The adversary may thus modify other SCADA measurementsin order to hide the false command injection. This paperconsiders such hidden attacks where concepts of FDI attacksare used to mask the presence of a malicious control signaland its consequences [12]. As discussed before, stealthy falsecommand injection attacks on OLTCs can have severe con-sequences. Thus, detection schemes against such attacks arenecessary. This paper is the first to consider such attacks andprovide a scheme for their detection.

The main contributions of this paper are as follows:

1) An algorithm is developed that detects falsely injectedtap change commands in OLTCs even though the attackis hidden by suitable manipulation of measurements. Thisis the first paper to consider and address such attacks.

2) The developed algorithm has the following features:a) It is computationally light and easy to implement.b) It does not need any historical data of measurements

or state variations to aid detection.c) It works reliably well, when tested on IEEE 118-

bus and 2383-bus Polish systems, even when the tapmanipulation is close to the desired operational value.

The paper is organized as follows. A review of the relatedwork is presented in Section II and an overview of thebackground material is presented in Section III. An overviewof system model and threat model is discussed in Section

IV. The attack scenarios that can arise in the context of falsetransformer tap change commands are discussed in Section V.The detection algorithm is presented in Section VI, followedby its validation in Section VII, and conclusions in SectionVIII.


The most common attack on power systems that is consid-ered in literature is the FDI attack. This class of attacks wasintroduced in [11], where a vulnerability of the existing BDDtechniques was exposed in the context of state estimation withDC power flow model. The presence of the same vulnerabilityin BDD in the context of AC state estimation is discussedin [12]. In [12], the conditions to achieve a stealthy FDI isestablished in the context of AC state estimation. The work in[20] presents a vulnerability and an attack strategy where FDIattacks can be used to cause sequential outages and cascadedtripping. The implications for FDIs from the analysis of theUkraine blackout is given in [17].

The knowledge of these vulnerabilities subsequentlyprompted research in several detection and mitigation tech-niques. The methods in [13], [21], [22] are relevant only forDC state estimation. Several detection techniques have alsobeen proposed for the case of AC state estimation. The applica-tion of Kalman filtering to achieve FDI detection has been pro-posed in [15], [23]. The use of a clustering algorithm coupledwith particle swarm optimization to cluster vulnerable nodes(from the point of view of voltage stability) has been proposedin [24]. This method is overall computationally expensive asit has several computationally intensive algorithms embeddedin its detection process. Similar observations can be made for[15], [23]. A non iterative technique is proposed in [16], whichuses power measurements (injections and flows) from SCADAsystem and voltage measurements from Phasor MeasurementUnits (PMUs) to detect FDI attacks. In [25], the probabilitydistribution of the measurement deviation is compared withhistorical data to achieve detection. An emerging categoryof threats to smart grids called Coordinated Cyber-PhysicalAttacks (CCPA) have been considered in [26]. In [26], thebasic principle of CCPA is investigated where methods toconstruct a cyber attack vector is shown such that the physicalattack vector is neutralized and BDD is avoided. Countermeasures are proposed to detect CCPAs based on known-secure PMU measurement verification and online tracking ofpower system equivalent impedance. There have been fewnotable works prior to [26] on CCPA. In [27], the use ofPetri-nets for modelling CCPA is proposed with an exampleof attacks on smart meters. An overview of a smart gridsecurity test-bed is provided in [28] to accurately representa cyber physical environment. Several attack scenarios arethen demonstrated on this test-bed to study the cyber-physicalimpacts. A stochastic game-theoretic approach is developedin [29] to enable the power grid to defend against CCPA. In[30], CCPA that could cause undetectable transmission lineoutages are studied. In order to mitigate such attacks, “anefficient greedy search-based heuristic method” is proposedas a solution.


There are some literature on FDI attacks that instigate wrongVolt/VAR related control measures [18], [19], [31]. Thesemethods are designed exclusively for distribution systems. In[18], a distribution system with a centralized voltage controlscheme is assumed and an FDI attack is considered wheresensed voltages are manipulated to maliciously induce or sup-press tap changes. However, the attack does not consider thepresence of any state estimators with BDD. In the presence ofstate estimation with BDD, such attacks are easily filtered outas bad data due to the presence of redundant measurements. In[31], the Automatic Voltage Control measures undertaken bythe EMS in transmission networks are considered. However,the control measures are the active and reactive power genera-tion, not transformer taps. In contrast, this paper deals with thesecurity of voltage control measures undertaken by the EMS,by means of tap changing transformers under an AutomaticVoltage Control scheme. This is a practical method of voltagecontrol which has been in use for decades and is still in use[3]. Thus, its protection from cyber attacks is a necessity.

It is clear from the literature survey that most of theexisting work is primarily related to FDI attacks against thestate estimator. Even the work on voltage control systemsare FDI attacks which falsify the measurements to instigatewrong control actions. In contrast, this paper is concerned withthe detection of malicious transformer tap change commandinjection attacks through compromised SCADA channels, evenwhen the attack is hidden from the operator, using suitablemanipulation of measurements. One of the important featuresof this work is that it employs the dependencies betweensystem measurements (power flows and injections) and thestate variables in the development of the proposed detectionalgorithm. This line of approach shares some similarities withmodel-based fault detection techniques [32]-[35] used in widevariety of applications (predominantly by control community).


A. State estimationPower measurements (bus injections and line flows) are a

non-linear function of the state variables and modelled as [14]:

zi = hi(x) + ei, ∀ i = 1, · · · , nm. (1)

Here, zi is the ith measurement, hi(·) is the non-linearfunction mapping the measurement to the states and ei isthe measurement error. This error is assumed to have zeromean and a variance of σ2

i . x is the state variable, whichis a vector of length ns, and nm is the total number ofmeasurements. There is enough redundancy in place to ensurethat nm > ns. Thus, state estimation is the process of solvingan over-determined system of equations. Also, as the statevariables are mapped to the measurements non-linearly, thesolution process is iterative.

The weighted least square estimation can be formulated asan optimization problem as follows [14]:


J(x) =1



[zi − hi(x)


]2subject to ci(x) = 0, i = 1, · · · , nc

di(x) ≤ 0, i = 1, · · · , nd.

The tap settings are included as state variables in x. The tapmeasurements, when available, are a part of the measurementvector z [36]. The first order optimality condition of J(x) is


∂x= 0. (2)

The Gauss-Newton approach is usually employed to find theroots of (2). The Taylor series expansion is obtained for∂J(x)/∂x and higher order (second order and above) termsare neglected. This results in the iterative process given by

G(xu)∆xu = HTR−1(z− h(x)) (3)xu+1 = xu + ∆xu (4)

where, G = HTR−1H is the gain matrix, R is a nm × nmmatrix with the measurement variances on the diagonal, uis the iteration count and H is the Jacobian matrix, where(∂hk∂x

)Tis the kth row of H [14]. The state vector is updated

till the convergence criterion is met.

B. Bad Data Detection

In order to detect incorrect measurements and faulty equip-ment, there is a mechanism (bad data detection) in place afterthe convergence of the state estimation [14]. The first step inthe BDD process is the estimation of the normalized residualgiven by

r = R−0.5(z− h(x)). (5)

Then, ||r||2 is estimated. A threshold value, τ is obtained usingthe knowledge of error distribution and χ2 testing. If ||r||2 >τ , then the EMS is notified of the presence of bad data.

C. False Data Injection (FDI) and Hidden Tap Change (HTC)Attacks

1) FDI Attacks: When a measurement is manipulated, thevalue of one or more state variables changes. If the other mea-surements that are directly dependent on these state variablesare not manipulated accordingly, the bad data detector (SectionIII-B) detects the presence of manipulated measurement as abad data [12]. Thus, for an attacker to manipulate a measure-ment and remain undetected, all the measurements that aredirectly dependent on the changed state variables must alsobe manipulated. This bypasses the bad data detector since theset of manipulated measurements mimic a physically feasiblescenario.

2) HTC Attacks: An attack on transformer tap controlhas many differences when compared to the hidden falsedata injection attacks discussed in Section III-C1. In HTCattacks, the control parameter, i.e., the tap setting, is subject tomanipulation. In order to hide this manipulation, the adversaryhas to ensure that both the command (tap ratio) and thecontrolled parameter (regulated bus voltage magnitude) mustappear close (considering measurement noise) to the selectedor scheduled values, to avoid attention of the operator. Thisrequires that their estimated and measured values be close tothe selected values. To achieve this, malicious manipulation oftap settings must be accompanied by selective injection of false


data [12], to avoid bad data detection. Such attacks, which beatboth BDD and operators are referred to as Hidden Tap Change(HTC) or stealthy attacks in this paper. The mechanism ofcompletely masking a malicious tap change, based on theprinciples in [12], is discussed in Section V.

1 : t01

To DistributionSystem

n0 n1 n2




Figure 1: An illustration of a part of a transmission grid toexplain FDI and HTC attacks.

As an example of these two classes of attacks, considera part of transmission system or grid which wheels bulkpower at high voltage levels, shown using one-line diagram inFigure 1. If an adversary wants to falsify the reactive powerflow between nodes n0 and n1 (represented as Qn0n1

), thenthis falsification affects the estimation of variables on whichQn0n1

depends. In Figure 1, Qn0n1is a function of voltage

magnitude, |Vn0 | (and other variables of nodes n0 and n1).So, in order to hide the attack, all measurements which are afunction of |Vn0

| are chosen to be manipulated so that BDDis not triggered (FDI attack) [12]. Though BDD is avoided,the estimates of state variables at nodes like n1, n3 and n4still read the true values (even after FDI attack). Thus, theattack can affect the estimate of chosen variables (|Vn0 | inthis case), not all of them. This can also be seen in caseof a maliciously changed tap ratio from tn01 to ta01. All themeasurements which are a function of t01 are affected. Inorder to hide the change in t01, only these measurementsneed to be manipulated. However, the effect of change dueto malicious tap operation can still be observed at nodes liken2, n4 (where measurements are not directly dependent ont01). This is because a change in reactive power flow (alsoactive power) between nodes n0 and n1 has an effect on flowsbeyond node n1.


In this section, the cyber and physical model is discussedfirst in Section IV-A. A brief overview of the SCADA networkconnecting control centre and a substation (housing OLTCs)is given in Section IV-A1. Then, an overview of tap ratioselection is given in Section IV-A2. Subsequently, the threatis introduced in Section IV-B and an attack tree is drawn fromthe point of view of attacks on OLTCs.

A. Cyber and Physical Model

1) SCADA communication channels: In a smart grid, thecontrol is centralized at the control centre. Control centre


Dedicated Line




Control Center


EMSServers Database












× - Vulnerability

Figure 2: Network diagram showing connection between sub-station to control Center.

is connected to various parts of the grid by means of ded-icated communication channels, as shown in Figure 2 [37].Transformer taps are housed in one of the substations andare usually operated or controlled by the EMS through RTUs.The RTUs receive commands from the control centre throughdedicated lines of communication. Similarly, measurementdata from the substation is sent back to the control centrethrough the dedicated line of communication. The substation isalso accessible to site engineers and vendors for maintenanceor up-gradation. Similarly, corporate networks are also linkedto the control centre, as shown in Figure 2.

Thus, an adversary has possible access to the substationthrough one of the three channels, marked by “×” in Figure2. Though, the channels connecting substations to controlcentres, business networks and vendors/site engineers areconsidered, the details related to communication protocols anddata exchange mechanisms are not presented in this paper. Thisis because the detection method proposed is:

• based on– measurements used for state estimation,– system or grid model.

• and is independent of– the technology used in SCADA system,– the mode or delivery mechanisms of carrying out the

stealthy attack.


2) Overview of tap selection: Consider the one-line systemin Figure 3 where a tap setting (tkm) is used to enforce thevoltage magnitude of the chosen bus k (i.e., the regulated bus),to meet a certain value |Vk|sp. This voltage magnitude, |Vk|is monitored and any change in |Vk| indicates a change in thegeneration-load pattern or a topological change, prompting thepursuit of a new tap setting. Thus, there are two importantquantities here: the control variable, i.e., the tap setting tkm,and the controlled variable, i.e., the regulated bus voltagemagnitude, |Vk|.

Vk =|Vk|∠δk

k tkm : 1


Vm =|Vm|∠δm


Figure 3: A transformer tap connected between nodes k andm.

B. Threat Model

It is stated in [37] that “the highest impact an attackercan have is to gain access to the supervisory control access”.In the past, a blackout has happened because the lines weredisconnected using malicious commands [17]. In the context oftransformer taps too, an attacker gaining access to supervisorycontrol of tap change can have severe consequences. Theseconsequences have been discussed in Section I.

For an adversary to attack this mechanism of voltage controland remain undetected (by both BDD and system operator), itis necessary for the attacker to ensure that the estimated andmeasured values of tkm and |Vk| appear as values selectedby the EMS. To achieve this, malicious manipulation of tapsettings must be accompanied by selective injection of falsedata [12] to beat the operator and avoid bad data detection.The attack scenarios are explained in detail in Section V. Thus,a stealthy attack essentially involves two steps, the first istaking over the RTUs to launch a false command and thenmanipulating the measurement data sent to EMS such that theestimates show the selected values. This can be achieved byexploiting any of the three vulnerability points shown in Figure2.

Based on these concepts, an attack tree can be drawn asshown in Figure 4. The attack tree is from the point of view ofmalicious change in tap ratios (tkm in Figure 3) and its impacton power grid operation. In order to disrupt the operation ofgrid and power quality, an attacker can attack the control centreor the substation RTUs. As the control centres are recognizedto be highly secured with less likelihood of getting breached[37], substation RTUs are an easier target. The adversary hasa choice of launching a false command or data. As a falsecommand injection is highly impactful [37], the choice oflaunching stealthy malicious tap change commands can bemade by an adversary. The rest of the paper deals with theproposed detection scheme that detects the presence of suchstealthily injected malicious tap change commands.

Disrupt operationof grid and

power quality

Attack thecontrol centre

Attack thesubstation RTU

Inject falsecommands

Inject falsemeasurements

Affect realpower flows

Affect voltagesthrough taps



Malicioustap change

Adequate falsemeasurements


Figure 4: Attack tree highlighting the attacks on Transformertap controls


In this section, the mechanism of HTC attacks (introducedin Section III-C2) is discussed in detail. The aim of this paperis to develop an algorithm that can detect such stealthy attacks.

Before the discussion on various stealthy attack scenarios, itis necessary to consider the transformer tap equivalent circuitto understand the dependence of different measurements ontransformer tap values. Transformer taps are modeled as a π-network [38], like a transmission line. However, in case oftaps, the series and shunt admittances are a function of thetap ratios. The transformer tap in Figure 3 can be representedby a π-network as shown in Figure 5.

In the π-network, the equivalent admittances are

Ykm = tkmykm (6)Ykk = tkm(tkm − 1)ykm (7)Ymm = ykm(1− tkm) (8)

where, ykm is the admittance of the transformer, Ykm is theseries admittance and Ykk and Ymm are the shunt admittancesof the equivalent π-network.

When the tap setting tkm is changed from its selected orscheduled value tspkm, for the attack to be hidden, the tapmeasurement device must also be tampered so that it readsthe selected value tspkm. Otherwise, the operator is aware ofthe change in tap value and would instigate an investigation.However, it is worth noting that manipulation of tap settingmeasurements does not guarantee a stealthy attack. All othermeasurements which are a function of the tap setting must also




Ykk Ymm


Figure 5: Equivalent π-network representation of a tap chang-ing transformer.

be appropriately modified, otherwise the bad data detectionwill trigger an alarm.

The apparent power flowing from node k to m, Skm, inFigure 5 is given by

Skm = VkI∗km, (9)

where Vk is the voltage of node k and Ikm is the current flowbetween nodes k and m. Applying Kirchhoff’s current law(KCL) at node k and using (7) and (6), we get

S∗km = t2kmykm|Vk|2 − tkmykmVmV ∗k= Pkm − jQkm.


Thus, from (10), it can be seen that the measurement quantitiesPkm(= Re(S∗km)) and Qkm(= −Im(S∗km)) are dependent onthe tap ratio tkm. Similarly, the apparent power flow from nodem to k is given by

S∗mk = ykm|Vm|2 − tkmykmVkV ∗m= Pmk − jQmk.


From (11), it can be seen that the active and reactive powerflows from node m to k are dependent on tkm. Thus, for astealthy attack, the measurements pertaining to active and re-active power flows between nodes k and m must be modified.

The apparent power injections at nodes k and m can bewritten as

Sk = S′

k + Skm (12)

Sm = S′

m + Smk (13)

where S′

k is the sum of flows of all the lines incident at k,except Skm. Similarly, S

m is the sum of flows of all the linesincident at m, except Smk. From (12) and (13), it can beinferred that the injection measurements (both real and reactivepower) at nodes k and m must also be modified, for the attackto be hidden.

Thus, the modifications needed in this case to hide a falsechange in tap ratio tkm can be summarized as:

(i) The tap measurement.(ii) Active and reactive power injections at buses k and m.

(iii) Active and reactive power flows from k to m and alsofrom m to k.

It should be noted that the malicious change in tap setting,though hidden, would result in a change in the regulated busvoltage magnitude |Vk|. This in turn will result in a new tap









tkm : 1ykm

Figure 6: A tap changing transformer with other nodes in itsvicinity

setting or an investigation (by the operator) if this mismatchin selected tap setting and the observed |Vk| continues. Foran attack to stay completely hidden (beat BDD and operator),the measurements must be tampered in such a way that themeasured and estimated values of tkm and regulated busvoltage |Vk| must be very close (approximately, consideringnoise in measurements) to the selected or scheduled values.It is emphasized again that only changing measurements of|Vk| and tkm are not enough as it would not be consistentwith the estimates derived from the line flow and bus injectionmeasurements.

Apart from the measurement quantities mentioned before,there are few more quantities (which are functions of |Vk|)that must also be modified such that the estimated value ofvoltage of bus k turns out to be the selected value (or closeto it, taking measurement noise into account). Consider thebuses connected to node k apart from m, i.e., nodes k1 to kain Figure 6. Similar to (10), the expression for the flow fromk1 to k can be written as

Sk1k = Y′

k1k1 |Vk1 |2 − Yk1kVk (14)

where Y′

k1k1= Yk1k1 + Yk1k. It can be seen from (14) that

the active and reactive power flows between nodes k1 andk are a function of the voltage magnitude |Vk|. Thus, thesemeasurements must be modified so that the estimated value of|Vk| remains close to the regulated value. Similarly, the activeand reactive power injections of bus k1 must be modified aseven they are a function of |Vk| (similar to (12) and (13)).This idea can be extended to other buses connected to bus k.

The measurements that must be modified to ensure a com-pletely stealthy attack can be summarized as follows:

(i) The tap measurement.(ii) The voltage magnitude measurement at bus k. i.e., |Vk|.

(iii) The active and reactive power flows from k to m andfrom m to k.

(iv) The active and reactive power injections at buses k, mand k1, · · · , ka (all the buses connected to bus k).

(v) Additionally, the active and reactive power flows betweenk and buses connected to k must also be manipulated.

Usually, the number of buses connected to k is small [39],causing the admittance matrix (YBUS) to be sparse (withmore than 85% of entries having a value of zero [39]). Sopractically, the number of measurements listed in (iv) and (v)are usually small which makes the effort required to execute


such stealthy attacks very low. Thus, the detection of suchattacks is extremely important.

These modifications ensure that the attack beats both BDDand the EMS. These can be established mathematically usingthe following proposition.

Theorem 1. Let z =[z1 z2 · · · znm

]Tbe the vector of

measurements, x =[x1 x2 · · · xns

]Tbe the state vector

and c =[xi xi+1 · · · xi+k

]T ∀ i ≥ 1, k ≤ (ns − i) bethe vector that include the control and controlled variables.For an adversary to launch a stealthy attack (to beat BDD andthe operator), c and all the measurements which are dependenton c must be modified.

Proof. Under normal conditions when there is no attack, z isrelated to x as

zn = h(xn) + e (15)

where, e ∼ N (0, σ) is the error (following Normal distribu-tion) and the superscript n is used to denote under normalconditions.

When an adversary introduces a set of false commands, weget

za = h(xa) + e (16)

where, the superscript a is used to denote under a blatant ornon-stealthy attack. Based on relation between measurementsand state variables in power grids, it can be clearly inferredthat

||za − zn|| > 0. (17)

In order to hide the presence of malicious commandsfrom the EMS or the operator, the adversary has tohide the change in c from ca to cn (the values cho-sen by the operator/EMS). Then, the state vector inthe case of a stealthy attack must be of the form,xhid =

[xa1 xa2 · · · xni xni+1 · · · xni+k · · · xans


where the superscript, hid, is used to denote under stealthyattack.

In order to beat the BDD, it is established [12] that thefollowing quantity,

A = h(xhid)− h(xa), (18)

must be added to (16), to get

za + A = h(xhid) + e (19)

Thus, it is clear that BDD gets beaten as the power balancerelation between z and x is maintained, as seen in (19). Evenhere, based on the form of state vector (introduced by theadversary to mask the change in c), i.e., xhid, it can be seenthat

||za + A− zn|| > 0. (20)

From the expression of A in (18) and the forms of statevectors, xhid and xa, it is clear that it has non-zero entriescorresponding to measurements which are a function of vectorc. Thus, c and all measurements which are a function ofvariables in vector c must be modified to achieve stealthymalicious command injection attack. Thus, the information

regarding other state variables and its related measurementsare not a necessity.

Hence Proved.

The condition stated in Theorem 1 is a sufficient condition.This is because mathematically or theoretically, there is apossibility of an adversary with infinite capacity. This aspectand its practical infeasibility are discussed in detail in SectionVI-B.

In the context of transformer taps, c =[tkm |Vk|


Thus, measurements which are dependent on tkm and |Vk|must be modified to achieve a stealthy attack. The descriptionpreceding Theorem 1 (involving equations (9) to (14)) explainthe outcome of Theorem 1 using closed form expressionsdescribing the relation between measurements and state vari-ables.


A. The Quantity Used as the Classifier

The apparent power flowing from node k to node m can beexpressed as

Skm = VkI∗km. (21)

Rearranging (21), we get

Ikm =S∗kmV ∗k

=⇒ IkmVk


. (22)

Similarly, when the apparent power flowing from node m tonode k is considered, we get



. (23)

Let us denote the quantities in (22) and (23) as Y Ykm andY Ymk, respectively. This quantity Y Ykm is essentially theadmittance seen by the current flowing from node k towardsnode m. Y Ymk can be interpreted similarly.

This method of analysis can also be extended to the businjections. Performing similar mathematical operations on thebus injections of buses k and m, we get

Y Yk =IkVk


, (24)

Y Ym =ImVm


. (25)

The values of Y Ykm, Y Ymk, Y Yk and Y Ym are determinedwhen the tap is selected. These values can be used as areference to compare with the values obtained during thestate estimation to look for any significant deviations. Anysignificant deviation would be indicative of the presence of anattack. In order to validate the use of these indices towards thedevelopment of a detection algorithm, the following theoremis proposed and proven.

Theorem 2. Let the estimated value of Y Ykm correspondingto the tap selection of a tap ratio tspkm, in order to maintain aregulated voltage of V spk at bus k, be denoted by Y Y ref

km. Also,during any hidden tap change attack, let the estimated valueof Y Ykm be Y Y hid

km. Then, for any power system operation


with perfect measurements (noiseless), the following relationmust hold true: ∣∣∣|Y Y hid

km| − |Y Yrefkm|∣∣∣ > 0.

Proof. Let the regulated voltage of bus k be V spk and theselected tap value be tspkm. As the measurements relevant tothe index Y Ykm are the flows from k to m, the expression forthe apparent power flow between k and m can be written asin (10), as

S∗km(T ) = t2kmykm|Vk|2 − tkmykmVmV ∗k= Pkm − jQkm= hR(T )− jhI(T ).


In (26), T = {tkm, |Vk|, δk, |Vm|, δm} is the set of statevariables that affect the quantities Pkm and Qkm. The setof state variables T can be split into two sets, one with thevariables, whose changes are hidden, i.e., X1 = {tkm, |Vk|}and the other set with variables whose changes are not hidden(i.e., their true values brought about by the attack are nothidden), i.e., X2 = {|Vm|, δk, δm}. Thus, T = {X1, X2}. LetHH(X1, X2) = [hR(T ) hI(T )]T .

In a normal scenario, when there is no cyber attack, thevariables are represented by a superscript n (i.e, Tn ={tnkm, |Vk|n, δnk , |Vm|n, δnm}). Then, from (26), we can write

S∗km(Tn) = (tnkm)2ykm(|Vk|n)2

− tnkm|ykm||V nm||V nk |ej(δnm−δ

nk+θkm) (27)


(|Vk|n)2= (tnkm)2ykm−tnkm|ykm|






(28)Based on the definition in (23) and as there is no noise in themeasurements, we can express (28) as

Y Y refkm = (tnkm)2ykm − tnkm|ykm|






(29)where, ykm = gkm+ jbkm = |ykm|∠θkm is the admittance oftransformer. The absolute value of Y Y ref

km can thus be writtenas

|Y Y refkm| =

√A(Tn) +B(Tn) (30)

whereA(Tn) = (tnkm)4|ykm|2 (31)

B(Tn) = (tnkm)2|ykm|2(|Vm|n






nm − δnk + θkm) + bkmsin(δnm − δnk + θkm)). (32)

When there is a false tap selection command injection by anadversary, the tap ratio and all the other state variables of theset T change. Let the state variables under this scenario berepresented by adding a superscript a to them. Thus, T a ={takm, |Vk|a, δak , |Vm|a, δam}. Then, the measurement vector is

HH(T a) =

[hR(T a)hI(T


]. (33)

For the adversary to make this attack a hidden one, the valuesof elements of subset X1 of set T must remain the same as

the normal values (when there is no attack) as discussed inSection V, i.e., Xhid

1 = Xn1 (superscript, hid, is used to denote

the state variables in case of hidden attack). The subset X2 isnot changed, i.e, Xhid

2 = Xa2 . Thus, if T hid is used to denote

the set of state variables when there is a hidden attack, we getT hid = {Xn

1 , Xa2 } = {tnkm, |Vk|n, δak , |Vm|a, δam}.

The condition for hidden attacks [12] states that the follow-ing quantity must be added to the measurement vector H(T a),

AA = HH(T hid)−HH(T a). (34)

AA contains the necessary changes in measurements of Pkmand Qkm required to hide the attack from BDD and theoperator. Adding (33) and (34) results in the measurementvector HH(T hid). Thus, using derivations similar to (27)-(30),we can express Y Y hid

km as

|Y Y hidkm| =

√A(T hid) +B(T hid) (35)

whereA(T hid) = (tnkm)4|ykm|2 (36)

B(T hid) = (tnkm)2|ykm|2(|Vm|a



− 2|ykm|(tnkm)3(|Vm|a





It is worth noting that tap changes predominantly affectreactive power (Q) flows. Though reactive power (Q) isstrongly coupled to voltage magnitudes (|Vk| and |Vm|), itis not completely independent of voltage angles or phasedisplacement ((δk−δm)), which can also be seen in Equations(26) and (27) (as Qkm = −Im(S∗km)). Also, the overall flowprofile (around nodes k and m) changes due to any changein Skm (as can be inferred from KCL and KVL), eventuallyaffecting the voltage angles. Thus, a malicious tap changecommand changes the phase displacement from (δnk − δnm)to (δak − δam).

So, when B(Tn) and B(T hid) are compared, the followingobservations are made:


|Vk|n6= |Vm|



• (δam − δak) 6= (δnm − δnk ).Thus, it can be clearly inferred that

B(T hid) 6= B(Tn)

=⇒ |Y Y hidkm| 6= |Y Y ref


∣∣∣|Y Y hidkm| − |Y Y ref

km|∣∣∣ > 0.

Hence proved.

The main mathematical proposition in Theorem 1, whichforms the basis to develop a detection algorithm, can also besimilarly proven for other indices, viz. Y Ymk, Y Yk and Y Ym.

In Theorem 2, the basis for the detection algorithm isestablished mathematically using closed form expressions. Inpower system analysis, closed form expressions are used toestablish power balance or charge balance (based on Kirchoff’svoltage and current laws [40], as seen in equations (27)


and (28)). However, in state estimation analysis, in order toconsider the effect of noise, the most optimal estimates aresought, that fit the measurements by solving an optimizationproblem iteratively (weighted least square estimation) [14],[40], as described in Section III-A. So, in presence of noisein measurements, the proposition in Theorem 2 can be shownusing an analysis similar to the proof of Theorem 1. This ispresented as Corollary 2.1.

Corollary 2.1. In presence of noise in measurements, theproposition in Theorem 2 holds.

Proof. The proof is very similar to that of Theorem 1. How-ever, it involves measurements relevant to the index Y Ykm,i.e., Pkm and Qkm. Here, the same notations of Theorems 1and 2 are followed, unless otherwise stated.

In presence of noise, the measurements (as seen and esti-mated by the EMS during tap selection), can be representedas follows: [

P refkm








Here, |Vk| and tkm are at their specified values, the superscript,ref, is used to denote the reference values and

[ep eq

]T ∼N (0, σ) is the noise vector, following Normal distribution.

In case of an attack, (38) changes to[P akmQakm


[hR(T a)hI(T





Based on the principles of hidden attack (as discussed beforein proofs of Theorems 1 and 2), the following quantity is addedto (39):

AA =

[hR(T hid)hI(T


]−[hR(T a)hI(T



The addition of AA results in[P akmQakm

]+AA =

[hR(T hid)hI(T





As discussed before in the proof of Theorem 1 (equations(17) and (20)), the system state and measurements are nowchanged due to the modifications by the adversary. This resultsin ∣∣∣∣∣

∣∣∣∣∣[P akmQakm


[P refkm


] ∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣ > 0


∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣[P hidkm


]−[P refkm


] ∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣ > 0 (42)

where,[P hidkm



([P akmQakm

]+ AA

), contain the measure-

ments seen by the state estimator due to stealthy attack.Thus, based on the expressions of Y Ykm and S∗km ((22) and

(26)) and proved relation of (42), it can be easily inferred that∣∣∣|Y Y hidkm|−|Y Y ref

km|∣∣∣ > 0 holds good for a stealthy attack, even

in presence of noise.

The relation in Theorem 2 can also be validated byanalysing the current flowing between nodes k and m in Figure5, which can be expressed as

Ikm = YkkVk + Ykm(Vk − Vm). (43)

Using (6) and (7), (43) can be expressed as

Ikm = t2kmykmVk + ykmVm. (44)

Dividing both sides by Vk, we get

Y Ykm =IkmVk

= t2kmykm + ykm


). (45)

It can be seen that Y Ykm is a function of voltages Vk(= |Vk|∠δk) and Vm (=|Vm|∠δm). As discussed in Section V,for a stealthy attack, it is only necessary that the estimated tapvalue, tkm, and the voltage magnitude of the regulated bus,|Vk|, remain around the specified or selected value (takingmeasurement noise into account). However, the estimatedvalues of |Vm|, δk and δm remain unaffected by the attack (i.e.,their measurements and estimates show true values). The sameexplanation can be extended to Y Ymk, Y Yk and Y Ym. Theattack scenarios considered in this paper evade the existingdefence mechanisms (i.e., BDD and operator monitoring).However, as shown in Theorem 2, it is possible to detectthe presence of such attacks using the indices defined inSection VI-A. The result of Corollary 2.1 further establishesthis deduction, in presence of noisy measurements.

B. Practical Considerations

In case the attacker has unlimited capacity, then it ispossible for him/her to show a different snapshot (based onpast recorded data) of the system, effectively hiding anyintrusion. Due to large geographical spread of power grids,this is most likely achievable by means of attacks on thecontrol centre. As stated before, control centres are highlysecured and attacks are extremely unlikely [37], [11] (thoughpossible). So, attacks through substations are more likely.Based on Figure 6, using the same notations in Section VI-Aand Theorem 1, it can be seen that to beat the algorithm, cb =[|Vk1|···|Vka | δk1

···δka |Vm1 |···|Vmx | δm1 ···δmx |Vk| |Vm| δk δm tkm

]Tand all measurements which are a function of cb must bemodified for a single OLTC, as opposed to c =

[tkm |Vk|

]Tand measurements dependent on c, for a stealthy attack.

Practically, to achieve a stealthy attack against transformertap control, information regarding the substation containingtap changing transformer (meter measurements and commandsignals) and lines connected to regulated bus (which is usuallyknown at a substation) is sufficient (Theorem 1). Due toredundancy, other related measurements can also be estimated.On the other hand, to beat the proposed technique, a very largenumber of correlated measurements have to be modified. Inaddition to that, entire information pertaining to the system(including real time load variations) are required to beat themethod (as demonstrated using simulations of Case 4 inSection VII). This is highly unlikely in practice [11].

Remark. Based on Theorems 1, 2 and Corollary 2.1, inpractical power system operation,

∣∣∣|Y Y hidkm| − |Y Y

refkm|∣∣∣ >∣∣∣|Y Y nkm| − |Y Y ref


This can be easily explained as the difference in |Y Y nkm|and |Y Y ref

km| is only due to difference in noise seen in mea-surements. On the other hand, the difference in |Y Y hid

km| and


Algorithm 1: Proposed False Transformer Tap Com-mand Injection Attack Detector

Data: The reference values Y Y refkm, Y Y ref

mk, Y Y refk and

Y Y refm and the predefined Threshold Th

Output: Trig1 Calculate Y Y D using (46);2 if Y Y D > Th then3 Trig = 1;4 The presence of a false tap command is detected;5 else6 Trig = 0;7 go back to step 1;

|Y Y refkm| is due to change in the system brought about by the

adversary (as seen in Theorems 1 and 2 and Corollary 2.1).

C. Classifier Formulation and Detection Algorithm

In order to develop the attack detection algorithm, an indexis formulated. If this index exceeds a certain threshold value,then it is declared that the tap control is under attack. Thisindex is based on the comparison of the absolute values of thequantities (Y Ykm, Y Ymk, Y Yk and Y Ym) with the referencevalues (estimated during the tap selection process). Let thereference values of Y Ykm, Y Ymk, Y Yk and Y Ym be Y Y ref

km,Y Y ref

mk, Y Y refk and Y Y ref

m , respectively.Using the absolute values of the deviations of the indices

from their reference values and adding them results in thefollowing index denoted by Y Y D:

Y Y D =∣∣∣|Y Ykm| − |Y Y ref

km|∣∣∣+∣∣∣|Y Ymk| − |Y Y ref


+∣∣∣|Y Yk| − |Y Y ref

k |∣∣∣+∣∣∣|Y Ym| − |Y Y ref

m |∣∣∣. (46)

This classifier and the resulting detection algorithm are simpleto implement with few additional lines of code in the bad datadetection stage at the EMS, for each of the taps. The steps aregiven in Algorithm 1. In this algorithm, a predefined threshold,Th, is used to classify attacks from normal operating condi-tions. The selection of Th is discussed in Section VII-A. It isworth noting that the algorithm in its final form in Algorithm1 is neither iterative nor does it involve solving a large systemof equations. Thus, the computational burden of the proposeddetection scheme is low.


The algorithm developed to detect the presence of anattack on tap settings is tested on the IEEE 118-bus [41]and 2383-bus Polish system [42]. In both systems, six tapchanging transformers are placed for simulations pertaining tothe proposed detection scheme. The details of their locationand the regulated buses (whose voltages are being controlled)are given in Table I.

It is well-known that tap-changing transformers have tapsetting control in discrete steps. They also have tap-limits,typically from 0.9 to 1.1. Thus, each of the six tap-changingtransformers are considered to have tap settings between 0.9

Table I: Location and regulated buses of the transformer taps

System Tap number1 FB2 TB3 RB4

118-bus 1 11 13 112 30 17 303 38 37 384 64 61 645 96 97 966 114 115 114

2383-bus 1 354 2 3542 322 7 3223 617 35 6174 77 48 7175 1650 116 16506 143 145 143

1 Tap serial number (also referred to as tap no.)2 From Bus3 To Bus4 Regulated Bus

Table II: The specified voltages of the regulated buses and thetap settings required to achieve it

System Tap number RB1 V sp2 tspkm3

118-bus 1 11 0.9836 1.0252 30 0.9934 1.0253 38 0.9729 1.054 64 0.9875 1.0255 96 0.9882 1.0256 114 0.95 1.025

2383-bus 1 354 0.9753 1.0252 322 0.9926 1.003 617 1.0052 1.0254 717 0.9754 1.055 1650 0.9898 1.006 143 0.9860 1.025

1 Regulated Bus2 Specified Voltage3 Selected tap values

and 1.1 with every tap setting incrementing/decrementing thewinding by 2.5%, i.e., tap ratios increment/decrement in stepsof 0.025. To simulate the operation of the power grid, the tapvalues are selected to meet a set of regulated voltages. Thiscan be done using various tap selection algorithms based onpower flow analysis [3] or optimal power flow based methods[4], [5] representing the specifications of voltages of regulatedbuses as equality constraints while meeting certain objectivefunctions. In this work, as no objective function is of interest,the method based on power flow analysis is used to estimatetap values. The specified voltages (in pu) of the regulated busesand the tap settings required to meet these specified voltagesare given in Table II.

To test the developed algorithm, stealthy attacks were sim-ulated such that the measurements and estimated values of thetap settings and regulated bus voltages read values in closevicinity (due to measurement noise) to the ones given in TableII. The attacks were crafted using the principles established inSection V. Thus, measurements related to the tap values andregulated bus voltages were manipulated. There are four casesconsidered here, including the case when there is no attack.


The cases are listed as follows:

• Case 1: Normal Scenario when there is no attack• Case 2: When the adversary changes the tap settings by

two or more than two steps.• Case 3: When the tap settings are changed by just one

step.• Case 4: When the tap settings are manipulated by just

one step and the system load point changes stochastically(using standard normal distribution).

In cases 2, 3 and 4, the relevant measurements are manipu-lated so that the estimated and measured values of the taps andregulated bus voltages remain close (taking errors in estimationdue to measurement noise into account) to the ones in TableII. The measurement error or noise is considered to be 1% forpower measurements and 0.3% for voltage measurements [43],[44]. Thus, to study the accuracy of the developed method inpresence of noise, Cases 1, 2 and 3 are run for 200 times andCase 4 is run for 500 times.

It can be easily inferred from Theorem 2 and Corollary2.1 that the algorithm works effectively even if the load isdifferent from the one seen during tap selection. The aggregateload change or state change in a practical power grid is veryslow [45], [46]. Thus, different loading points are generatedusing a standard normal distribution (using MATLAB functionrand(n, 1) [47]), within 10% from the base values (systemload in normal scenario and Cases 1 and 2). There are 10load points considered with 50 simulation runs under eachloading point. This results in 500 runs on both the systems.This study is just an additional result to further establish theeffectiveness of the algorithm, as it is not practically feasiblefor an adversary to keep up (or have a definite knowledge)with the changes in system load over a period of time.

In normal scenarios, when there is no attack (Case 1), themaximum values of Y Y D are recorded. In cases 2, 3 and4, the minimum values are recorded. They are presented inTable III. The values of YYD recorded are pu values. Fromthe values in Table III, it can easily be seen that the minimumvalues of Y Y D observed in all the attacks are significantlyhigher than the maximum values of Y Y D observed whenthere is no attack. The sensitivities of

∣∣∣|Y Ykm| − |Y Y refkm|∣∣∣

and∣∣∣|Y Ymk| − |Y Y ref

mk|∣∣∣ to an attack can be inferred from

equations (32), (37) and (42) in Theorem 2 and Corollary2.1. However, their relative sensitivities are comparable, as themeasurements involved differ due to line losses (both activeand reactive power). On the other hand, the sensitivities of∣∣∣|Y Yk| − |Y Y ref

k |∣∣∣ and

∣∣∣|Y Ym| − |Y Y refm |∣∣∣ vary depending on

the number of lines connected to the nodes k and m (asinjections are sum of flows, as seen in (12) and (13)). Thus,the trends observed in Y Y D due to attacks basically reflectTheorem 2 and Corollary 2.1. It is worth noting that Y Y Dvalues observed in certain taps (tap no. 6 in 118-bus and tapnumbers 4 and 6 in 2383-bus system) are significantly moresensitive to an attack. This is because, based on the definitionsof |Y Ykm|, |Y Ymk|, |Y Yk| and |Y Ym|, it is clear that thesensitivity is mainly governed by the sensitivities of apparentpower flows and injections, i.e., Skm, Smk, Sk and Sm. The

sensitivities of these quantities (all quantities in general) toa change in system state vary significantly (both within thesame system and across systems). This is a normal and well-known phenomenon observed in power (or smart) grids. Evenanalysis involving sensitivities study sensitivities individually(at every node or line or device) [48], as they are known tovary significantly.

Table III: The specified voltages of the regulated buses andthe tap settings required to achieve it

System Tap no. Case 1 Attacks (Y Y Dmin2)(Y Y Dmax 1) Case 2 Case 3 Case 4

118-bus 1 0.0877 0.5670 0.4791 0.44202 0.0653 1.2303 0.3246 0.27233 0.07329 1.0475 0.2844 0.26254 0.07122 0.7123 0.3544 0.34725 0.0695 0.5600 0.1940 0.18826 0.0659 7.8972 3.5543 3.3833

2383-bus 1 0.0761 2.7846 1.3961 1.39542 0.0513 2.2801 1.0979 1.11053 0.0523 1.9341 0.9139 0.92114 0.0628 100.9603 53.54 29.465 0.0547 2.4284 1.2024 1.21656 0.0608 97.8884 49.814 3.1319

1 Maximum value of Y Y D recorded2 Minimum value of Y Y D recorded

Another important aspect to note is that the reference valuesof the indices in the calculation of index Y Y D can be proneto errors. However, if the reference values are significantlyerratic, then the selected tap ratio would not be able tomaintain the specified voltage. When there is no false tapselection command, the estimated and measured voltages ofthe regulated buses would indicate that. Thus, there is nopossibility of a false alarm. This would only prompt the EMSto select a new ratio if the deviation in voltages are significantenough (in the order of the voltage change that can be causedby at least one step increment/decrement of tap). In case of anattack, the adversary can only use the values selected by theEMS (irrespective of its aptness) as the basis to hide the attack.This attack would then be easily detected by the algorithm dueto a significant increase in the value of Y Y D.

A. Threshold Selection

Based on the observed values of the index Y Y D in all thecases, the threshold, Th, is chosen to be 0.15. This value canclassify the false command injections even when the malicioustap selection change command changes the tap ratio by onestep. Thus, the value of Th used in Algorithm 1 is 0.15.However, any value between 0.12-0.17 can facilitate a reliabledetection. A set of box-plots for the values of Y Y D arepresented for all the cases (when tested on IEEE 118-bussystem) in Figure 7. From the box plots, it is clear that athreshold of Th = 0.15 is capable of classifying attacks fromnormal operation. From the values in Table III, it can be seenthat this threshold is effective even in the 2383-bus system.The accuracy of the developed algorithm is tabulated in TableIV and it is found that the algorithm detects the attack in all


1 2 3 4 5 6






(a) Under Case 1 (no attack)

1 2 3 4 5 6Tap no.





(b) Under Case 2

1 2 3 4 5 6Tap no.








(c) Under Case 3

1 2 3 4 5 60





(d) Under Case 4

Figure 7: Box plots representing the variation of Y Y D forcases studied in 118-bus system

Table IV: Accuracy of the developed method across all cases

Percentage of cases of successful detection 100%Number of false positives 0Number of false negatives 0

the cases. This finding can also be validated using Table IIIand box-plots in Figure 7.


In this paper, the issue of false injection of transformertap change commands in transmission networks is discussed.The various attack scenarios that can arise, including the

most stealthy ones, are studied. Based on observations drawnfrom the attack scenarios, an algorithm is developed whichcompares several indices with the values that are obtainedduring the tap selection process in the EMS. The deviations areconsolidated into one single index that enables the detectionof HTC attacks. The developed algorithm is very simple toimplement and computationally light. Its performance wasfound to be good in every test case it was subjected to, onthe IEEE 118-bus and 2383-bus Polish systems. It is worthnoting that this is a first effort of its kind as it deals with falsecommand injection as well as the process of hiding the falsecommand by means of suitable false data injection. As a futureendeavour, various FACTS based controls can be explored inthe context of this work.


This work was supported in part by the National ResearchFoundation, Prime Ministers Office, Singapore under its Cor-porate Laboratory@University Scheme, National University ofSingapore, and in part by the Singapore TelecommunicationsLtd.


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Shantanu Chakrabarty received B.E degree inElectrical Engineering from University College ofEngineering (Autonomous), Osmania University, in2010, and, M.E in Electrical Engineering and Ph.Ddegrees from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore,in 2012 and 2018, respectively.

He is currently working as a Research Fellowin National University of Singapore, Singapore. Hisareas of interest include power system analysis,smart grid cyber-security and critical infrastructurecyber-security.

Biplab Sikdar (S’98-M’02-SM’09) received theB.Tech degree in Electronics and CommunicationEngineering from North Eastern Hill University,Shillong, India, in 1996, the M.Tech degree inElectrical Engineering from the Indian Institute ofTechnology, Kanpur, India, in 1998, and the Ph.Ddegree in Electrical Engineering from RensselaerPolytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA, in 2001. Hewas on the faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti-tute from 2001 to 2013, first as an Assistant and thenas an Associate Professor.

He is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Electricaland Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore. Hisresearch interests include wireless network, and security of IoT and cyber-physical systems. Dr. Sikdar is a member of Eta Kappa Nu and Tau Beta Pi. Heserved as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Communicationsfrom 2007 to 2012. He currently serves as an Associate Editor for the IEEETransactions on Mobile Computing.
