Destinys child cd analysis


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The main colours of this digipak are grey and white, which is seen as being calm and soft. This represents the fact that their music will be soft and calm. There is one image used throughout the entire digipak. It shows the group standing side by side in black dresses. ‘Notion of looking’ can be seen here because they are using their body to attract a certain audience, being males. They are also using direct address, whilst their facial expressions are happy, because they are smiling. This indicates the music will be happy and therefore

The font used is sans serif, being more feminine, often seen as being more personal and soft. The font throughout is consistent and it is clear to understand.

I find simple images against a white background to be very powerful because it makes the image aestically appealing. This is shown on the front panel.

The image motif of this band is themselves. By that I mean they sell themselves in their music. Sales and reputation depend on their own image. This creates a more personal relationship with their fans.

The design on the back panel is different due the circle shapes and the font following the circle, therefore being curved. There are also random coloured circles which add some vibrance to the album cover. This enables it to stand out from competition.

On the back panel, buyers can see a barcode, the record labels logo, therefore appealing to a certain fan base, being the target audience. The target audience are both male and female aged 16-24 yrs old. There is also a tracklist, providing the name and length of each track on

There is white space on the front panel, which is used effectively because the image of the group stands out. Black on white is eye catching, therefore drawing the attention of the buyer. The back panel uses white space and grey effectively because the foundation is grey, yet there are three circles that hold information within. The backgrounds of these are white. This is unique and different, which
