Desperation Desperate to be Heard or Noticed Introduction Welcome Definition of desperate: having an...


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Slide 2 Desperation Desperate to be Heard or Noticed Slide 3 Introduction Welcome Definition of desperate: having an urgent need or desire; leaving little or no hope Slide 4 Introduction (Cont) Definition of desperate: having an urgent need or desire; leaving little or no hope Many of us have struggled with wanting to be seen or heard at some point in our lives. Slide 5 Introduction (Cont) Many of us have struggled with wanting to be seen or heard at some point in our lives. Maybe you were in a situation where no one valued your opinion or ideas Slide 6 Introduction (Cont) Maybe you were in a situation where no one valued your opinion or ideas We all have a voice and desire to be heard Slide 7 Introduction (Cont) We all have a voice and desire to be heard Maybe you have been in a situation where you felt like you blended in with the crowd but longed to stand out. Slide 8 Introduction (Cont) Maybe you have been in a situation where you felt like you blended in with the crowd but longed to stand out. We all desire to be recognized Slide 9 Introduction (Cont) We all desire to be recognized God created you for this very moment in time and gave you gifts to be used. Slide 10 Introduction (Cont) God created you for this very moment in time and gave you gifts to be used. Today, we are going to listen to Brians struggle with being seen and heard. Slide 11 Introduction (Cont) Today, we are going to listen to Brians struggle with being seen and heard. Pray Discussion Slide 12 Discussion Question Think of a time in your life when you felt like you were not being heard or noticed. Share this with your group. Slide 13 Testimony (Cont) Natural ability/God given talents Technology Public speaking/Preaching Its great using your talents to serve Slide 14 Testimony (Cont) Its great using your talents to serve Running sound board/lighting board You can quickly fall into the background and feel taken advantage of Slide 15 Testimony (Cont) You can quickly fall into the background and feel like youre not heard or taken advantage of Couldnt work with teens on Wednesday nights because had to run sound Couldnt be a voice in drama or emcee because had to run sound You start to feel desperate to be noticed for something more than what youve been doing, or noticed at all Slide 16 Testimony (Cont) You start to feel desperate to be noticed for something more than what youve been doing, or noticed at all Late night conversations with a trusted friend (Our famous 1:00am solve the worlds problems conversations) Despondency and depression Slide 17 Testimony (Cont) Despondency and depression Changed churches Did not want to be involved at all Walked away from Gods calling Discussion Question: Slide 18 Discussion Question Discuss in your group how you relate to Brians story. Slide 19 Biblical Example 1 Corinthians 12:27-28 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. And God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and of different kinds of tongues. We are the body of Christ and we have a part and a purpose in Christ. Slide 20 Biblical Example (cont) We are the body of Christ and we have a part and a purpose in Christ. Everyone has a place where they fit, a place where they can be heard. For us it's just finding where it is. Slide 21 Biblical Example (Cont) Everyone has a place where they fit, a place where they can be heard. For us it's just finding where it is. 1Timothy 4:12-15 Slide 22 Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching. Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy when the body of elders laid their hands on you. Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. Slide 23 Biblical Example (cont) Stereotypes can sometimes be totally inaccurate and sometimes they can just be an oversimplified view of a person; just seeing one aspect of what a person is and not looking deeper to what else there is. Stereotypes- For Timothy it was being young, for Brian it was being good with technology Slide 24 Biblical Example (Cont) Stereotypes- For Timothy it was being young, for Brian it was being good with technology In 1 Timothy Paul is encouraging Timothy not to let other people's views discourage or prevent him from fulling God's call on his life Slide 25 Biblical Example (Cont) In 1 Timothy Paul is encouraging Timothy not to let other people's views discourage or prevent him from fulling God's call on his life. Timothy had a desperate desire to spread the Gospel; to be heard despite his youth. Slide 26 Biblical Example (Cont) Timothy had a desperate desire to spread the Gospel; to be heard despite his youth. Question Slide 27 Discussion Question How do these biblical truths relate to your own personal story of being heard or noticed? Slide 28 Fulfillment I didnt learn right away 2 more churches, I did the same thing Started ministerial credentialing process without the aid of my local church It was only in assisting Kelly with things she was doing did people realize and recognize this other talent and calling God had for me Slide 29 Fulfillment (Cont) It was only in assisting Kelly with things she was doing did people realize and recognize this other talent and calling God had for me Big Splash Youth group This lead to pastoring a church Slide 30 Fulfillment (Cont) This lead to pastoring a church Still called on for technical things, but that was okay Mark Gungor shared part of his story Slide 31 Fulfillment (Cont) Mark Gungor shared part of his story Pidgeon holed No joy Thats me!!! 1 Timothy 4:12 Slide 32 Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. Slide 33 Fulfillment (Cont) I wasnt young, per se, but I needed to not let anyone look down on me or pidgein hole me preventing me from being who God created me to be. This brought me, and still brings me, joy! Slide 34 Fulfillment (Cont) This brought me, and still brings me, joy! Quote from Holly Dreger Slide 35 Conclusion (Cont) There is a heavy grief associated with the disappointment that someone important to you cannot or will not empathize or understand you. It is like they have died to you, in a way, because the connection with the person you thought was there seems to have been broken or dissolved. It is such a deep need as a human to be heard-- to be understood-- that when we interact with someone who does not hear and understand us, the ability to fully describe this loss in words is impossible: it must be felt. Slide 36 Conclusion God created us for a reason with a purpose I found I needed to share with people how I was feeling and continue to move in the direction God was leading Keep our focus on Jesus and not on mans expectations or assumptions Pray Slide 37 Teaser Next time join us as we discuss being desperate for acceptance
