Designing a Technology Enriched Environment Abigail Smith


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Designing a Technology Enriched Environment

Abigail Smith

State University of New York – College at Oneonta


Table of Contents

Technology Operations and Concepts .............................................................................. 3

Student Enrichment Project. .............................................................................................. 3

Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences................................ 4

Lesson Planning. ................................................................................................................. 5

Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum.......................................................................... 6

Lesson Implementation. ..................................................................................................... 7

Productivity and Professional Practice .............................................................................. 8

Reflection ............................................................................................................................. 10

Leadership and Vision ......................................................................................................... 10

Summation............................................................................................................................ 11

References ............................................................................................................................. 12

Appendices............................................................................................................................ A1

Appendix A: Student work sheet ........................................................................... A1

Appendix B: Student direction sheet .................................................................... B1

Appendix B: Lesson plan ....................................................................................... C1

Appendix C: Screen shot of SMART activity ...................................................... D1

Appendix D: Field Experience Timesheet ............................................................ E1


Field Experience Report

To meet the Technology Facilitation Standards (International Society for Technology in

Education, 2001) it is necessary for educators to work with a facilitator to develop an understanding of

technology concepts, how to plan and design an effective learning environment with technology, and to

experience leadership and vision. Technology is changing constantly and future technology educators

must be sure to stay up to date on technology and learn about how to implement technology from a

respected facilitator.

Technology Operations and Concepts

Standard I of the Technology Facilitation Standards states that educational technology facilitators

demonstrate an in-depth understanding of technology operations and concepts (International Society for

Technology in Education, 2001). In order to demonstrate an understanding of technology operations and

concepts, it is important for teachers to know about certain technology systems, resources, and services

that are available to them to help meet specific learning needs. Also, it is important for developing

teachers to stay up to date with technology and demonstrate a continual growth. Therefore, for the

project, the teacher met with a respected facilitator to work on understanding concepts relating to

technology and working on how to implement those concepts into the classroom.

Student Enrichment Project

For the purpose of this project, the teacher and mentor worked on developing lessons to

incorporate technology in the classroom setting. The teacher developed lesson plans and added to

previous lesson plans to include technology. Each student deserves the opportunity to perform with

technology. Technology is the key to increasing communication and collaboration in the classroom. No

student should ever be denied access to use technology to better their education and learning. Therefore,

the teacher and mentor truly focused on how technology can change a student’s learning environment. In

order to do this, the teacher created new materials, practiced professional development, and obtained a

clear leadership role to be a role model for other teachers on how to implement technology into the


classroom. The teacher also has a clear understanding on how to use technology for the future years and

how to help other teachers get involved.

Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences

Before a teacher can simply implement technology in the classroom, the teacher needs to think

about the environmental considerations. At Watertown City School District, there currently is no

wireless internet available for teachers or students. According to the mentor, Watertown does have plans

to incorporate Wi-Fi into the school district by summer of 2017. Since the school district currently has

no Wi-Fi, the teacher is restricted on how to use technology in the classroom. There are currently only

three computer labs in the High School and one laptop cart. Two of the computer labs contain PCs while

the third contains MACs. If a teacher wants students to use a computer, the teacher needs to be able to

either correctly use a PC or MAC. In each classroom, the teachers have their own computer and a

SMARTboard. If the teacher wants to use technology, the teacher could use the SMARTboard to

incorporate interactive lessons into the classroom.

Before creating lesson plans that include technology, the teacher also needs to think about the

experience the users have with technology. The users include both the teacher and the students.

According to Thiele, Mai, and Post (2014), “When faculty struggle with technology…faculty and student

alike can become unsatisfied with the teaching and learning process.” If a teacher is not well versed with

technology, then the students will become confused more quickly and become easily disengaged. Before

a teacher plans to include technology into lessons, the teacher has to plan time to teach students how to

use the computers, software, or application. The teacher may need even more time to experiment with

the specific technology to make sure the teacher knows how to navigate and use it. Teaching students on

how to use technology could be a full lesson. However, once a teacher demonstrates to students how to

use a specific technology, the teacher will not have to have a full depth explanation the next time the

students use it.


Lastly, an important piece of advice from the mentor was to look at old lesson plans and think

about how these lessons could incorporate technology. Then, the teacher will not be creating more work

by making entirely new lesson plans but instead, the teacher would be focusing on what the teacher

already knows and how to make it stronger by incorporating the use of technology into the lesson.

Lesson Planning

The teacher is familiar with how to use the SMARTboard to create interactive lessons in the

classroom but rarely has students go to the library to use the technology available to them. The teacher

and mentor spent time creating new lessons that encourage students to use a computer to find research,

create projects, or simply type essays. One of the major changes the teacher made is to include

webquests into the English curriculum. Before each book the students read, the teacher has the students

watch a documentary about the author, take notes on the video, and then take a quiz. The teacher and

mentor decided to use webquests to engage students in a hands on activity. The webquests allow students

to explore the internet, find information, and discuss their findings with the class or teacher. With the

time restraint, the teacher and mentor created a basic webquest, but the teacher would like to create a

website devoted to the webquest for the next year. After the students finish the webquest, instead of

taking a traditional quiz with pen and paper, the mentor and teacher brainstormed other ideas. For

example, the students could create a project based on their findings. To incorporate technology, the

students could learn how to use PowerPoint or Prezi to show their findings through a short presentation.

Through creating a presentation, the students are organizing their findings and thinking about how to

present the material to an audience. The students would be gaining the same skills if not even more skills

doing this project than simply taking a multiple choice quiz.

The teacher also created a lesson for a review game. The teacher searched the gallery on

SMARTnotebook and was able to find a template for jeopardy. The mentor and the teacher worked

together to develop the review game for the students. The review activity is designed to keep students


interested and engaged while still reviewing for a test. The mentor walked the teacher through the

process of finding templates in the gallery and how to develop those templates to fit instruction.

Another lesson created helps to use technology in a new and exciting way. Every Monday, the

teacher takes the first ten minutes of class to teach the sentence of the week. The sentence of the week

always deals with an activity on grammar. The mentor thought it would be a great way to have students

complete the sentence of the week all online. The mentor suggested putting the lesson on the teacher’s

website. The teacher would put up the sentences every Monday and a video for students to watch. Then,

the students will ideally complete the lesson at home and come in the next day with any questions for the

teacher to clarify. This activity would model a flipped classroom. To make sure that the students do their

work, they will need to hand in their answers to the questions on Thursday. If students do not have

internet access at home, they will have enough time to complete the activity during school hours.

Teaching Learning and Curriculum

There are many ways to incorporate technology into the classroom. According to Moreillion

(2015), “helping students interact with one another around meaning-making with course content should

be at the center of successful teaching and learning” (42). In order to make sure technology is being used

effectively, a teacher should look at the ISTE standards for students. When teachers implement

technology into lessons, the teachers need to make sure they are allowing students to be creative,

thinking critically, designing research, and have many opportunities to collaborate. According to

Lambrinidis (2014), “Lessons are more engaging when solving real-world problems…with the

emergence of web 2.0 tools…. students can be more engaged in authentic learning experiences” (401).

When a teacher allows students to do the following things with technology, the students will be experts

with their digital literacy skills. Simply playing a movie is not the best way to implement technology.

Instead, with technology, students should be able to use the devices hands on. The students should be

able to be creative, collaborate, and think critically about different topics. According to Thomas (2013),


“Increased engagement and motivation are often identified as potential benefits associated with using

technology in the classroom” (304). Thankfully with technology, there are many applications, devices,

and programs a teacher can use to keep students engaged and excited to learn.

Another reason why technology can be useful in the classroom is because it can help teachers

reach the needs of all students. Technology is powerful for students with disabilities because the students

can learn at their own pace. For example, if a teacher was to record a lesson and put the lesson online for

the students to review, students could watch the lesson, slow it down, fast forward it, and basically learn

how they are comfortable. According to Balmeo (2014), “Well-employed use of technology in the

classroom can allow teachers to tailor learning to student’s individual needs while freeing up classroom

time, leaving teachers more time for projects, one-on-one coaching, and more creative activities” (153).

Therefore, the use of technology can allow teachers to focus more on student’s needs and find

applications or software that helps the students learn.

Lesson implementation

During the teacher and mentor’s meetings, there were many applications and programs discussed

to assist with student learning and the implementation of technology. For example, one of the programs

worked with was SMARTrecord. SMARTrecord is a wonderful tool to use in the classroom because a

teacher can record their voice and anything on their computer screen. This tool could be used to record

lessons especially when there is a substitute in the classroom. For the following year, the teacher hopes

to record more lessons for the students and be able to put it on the teacher’s website. This will especially

help students with diverse needs because the students will be able to watch the lesson over, slow it down,

and learn in a comfortable environment.

The mentor also introduced a few more applications such as: remind, classdojo, educreations, and

grammaropolis. The mentor and teacher looked at the applications closely to see what is available for

teachers and students to use in the classroom. Remind is an easy way for teachers and students to stay

connected. The teacher can easily text students about upcoming assignments, tests, or homework. What


is great about remind is that the teacher does not need the student’s real numbers and the teacher does not

have to give out his or her number. Classdojo is an online community that helps motivate students to

learn and lets them know when something is done right in the classroom. The mentor figured this might

be used for students in middle school rather than high school. Educreations is a great tool for teachers

and students. On Educreations, teachers can record lessons and there is a basic whiteboard with tools.

The whiteboard is very interesting because a teacher can put different pictures on it and the students can

label the pictures. Although these applications are wonderful for the classroom, the teacher decided to

use Edmodo for the following school year. Edmodo is a virtual classroom that allows teachers and

students to stay connected after school hours. The mentor helped the teacher set up an Edmodo

classroom. The mentor helped the teacher design a letter for parents to read and sign about the use of

Edmodo and also lets the parents know that they can have their own code to login. According to Cole,

Shelley, and Swartz (2014), “Online education represents a major shift in how people learn and in turn,

how learners are taught.” Therefore, with the implementation of Edmodo, there will be a major shift in

student motivation. Hopefully, with the use of Edmodo, students will be more willing to turn

assignments in and care about their education. With all of these applications available, students should be

able to stay up to date on their assignments and stay engaged with their learning. The last application

discussed was grammaropolis. Unfortunately, this application is not free. However, if younger students

in Watertown School District are able to have iPads, this app is a must have. Grammaropolis has fun

videos about the different parts of speech and games to play to help with grammar. Since grammar is not

a strong suit for most students, this app would be a great way to get them engaged and interested in


Productivity and Professional Practice

In order for teachers to truly assess what will work and what does not work, the teacher needs to

implement the technology and take detailed notes. The teacher should examine what went well, what did

not go well, and what to improve for next time. A teacher should focus on using web 2.0 applications in


the classroom to help students reach their technology needs. According to Thiele (2014), “Web 2.0 refers

to websites that have the ability to allow users to interact through blogs, wikis, social media, and web

applications and is the largest growing internet activity of our students’ generation.” During the mentor

period, the teacher was able to implement one of the webquests. The teacher brought the webquest to the

lead English teacher and asked to use the lesson instead of watching the video. Although the lead teacher

was hesitant because the lead teacher wants all the 9th grade teachers to do the exact same thing, she

allowed the teacher to test how well the webquest would work. Before the teacher brought the students to

the library, the teacher explained some of the goals and expectations for the students. The teacher also

explained the webquest and what the students would be doing. During the webquest, the students were

engaged, interested, and seemed to be enjoying their time. The students were able to find all of the

information with very little problems. After the webquest was finished, the teacher asked the students

about the process and whether or not they felt the webquest was helpful. The students truly thought the

webquest helped them because they were the ones doing the work. The students expressed that the

webquest was more interesting than watching a documentary about an author. The teacher is going to

take the notes to the lead teacher and hope that the lead teacher will allow more implementation of

technology like this into the curriculum for next year.

Another idea of how to incorporate web 2.0 applications into the classroom is to have students

create movie posters or trailers for certain books. To begin, the teacher simply created a direction page

that explains the project to the student. The teacher would have students create a movie poster using

Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, or another application. The teacher would have to strictly remind and

review copyright laws with the students. Eventually, when the teacher becomes more familiar with

iMovie, the teacher would like to have students create trailers for books. These types of activities will not

only help students understand how to use different applications but it would help students be able to truly

demonstrate their understanding of certain books.

Lastly, the teacher would like to introduce Wikispaces into the classroom. The teacher will use


Wikispaces to allow students the opportunity to work together and demonstrate an understanding of a

book or play. The teacher would have students create a Wikispace focusing on different aspects of a

book. Then, at the end, the teacher would combine the student’s wiki to create one Wikispace of all their



Overall, the experiment of incorporating the webquest into the classroom was a huge success.

The students appreciated being able to use the web to find the research on their own. It was interesting to

see how the students reacted to the webquest. Throughout meeting with the mentor, not only was the

teacher able to learn about the future of Watertown and the technology, but the teacher learned many

helpful tips on how to implement technology into the classroom. Technology is important in the

classroom because it allows students to feel in control of their own learning. The students feel like they

have a voice and that their opinions matter. The best advice the teacher received is when implementing

technology in the classroom, it is important to take what lessons the teacher has and brainstorm ways to

use technology during the lessons. Then, the teacher will not have to recreate every lesson and activity.

Throughout the meetings, the teacher learned that technology is necessary for student success. There are

many different software programs and applications that allow students to stay connected, stay engaged,

and stay interested. Therefore, all teachers should want to implement technology in their classroom to

improve student engagement, motivation, and achievement.

Leadership and Vision

After meeting with the mentor, the teacher was able to begin changing many things about the 9th

grade curriculum for English. For example, the teacher realized not utilizing the computer lab was a

disgrace to students and their 21st century skills. Therefore, the teacher will incorporate more lessons for

the following year to help students meet their digital literacy needs and help them feel in control of their

learning. Also, the lead teacher agreed that there is not enough technology use in the curriculum.


Hopefully, when Watertown is able to receive Wi-Fi, there will be more opportunities to incorporate

technology in the classroom. For the future of Watertown, there is talk about having a laptop cart for

every classroom that wants one. In the younger grades, the school is planning to implement 1:1 device

such as an iPad. The teacher plans to continue incorporating technology into lessons for the years to

come. The teacher also joined the technology committee at Watertown and is dedicated to ensuring

technology is used appropriately in every classroom.


Overall, this experience helped the teacher improve in their knowledge of technology. The

teacher has a clear understanding of the importance of using technology in the classroom. For the next

years to come, the teacher will fight for technology in the classroom and encourage other teachers to use

technology as well. Today’s generation of students have grown up with the world at their fingertips.

Students today would rather type an essay on their phone than on the computer. These students are

digital natives and to deny them access to technology is only hurting the students and our society as a

whole. To use technology in the classroom will help students become college and career ready. Students

will be able to think critically, learn how to create projects, and know how to search the internet. The

future of these students can be extremely bright but only if the teachers take the time to teach students

the opportunities they have with technology.



Balmeo, M. L., Nimo, E. A., Pagal, A. M., Puga, S. C., Quiño, A. D., & Sanwen, J. L. (2014).

Integrating Technology in Teaching Students with Special Learning Needs in the SPED Schools

in Baguio City. IAFOR Journal Of Education, 1(2), 149-178.

Cole, M. T., Shelley, D. J., & Swartz, L. B. (2014). Online Instruction, E-Learning, and Student

Satisfaction: A Three Year Study. International Review Of Research In Open And Distance

Learning, 15(6), 111-131.

International Society for Technology in Education. (2001). ISTE Technology Facilitation Standards.

Retrieved from

Lambrinidis, G. (2014). Supporting online, non-traditional students through the introduction of effective

e-learning tools in a pre-university tertiary enabling programme. Journal Of Higher Education

Policy & Management, 36(3), 257-267.

Moreillon, J. (2015). Increasing Interactivity in the Online Learning Environment: Using Digital Tools to

Support Students in Socially Constructed Meaning-Making. Techtrends: Linking Research And

Practice To Improve Learning, 59(3), 41-47.

Thiele, A. K., Mai, J. A., & Post, S. (2014). The Student-Centered Classroom of the 21st Century:

Integrating Web 2.0 Applications and Other Technology to Actively Engage Students. Journal Of

Physical Therapy Education, 28(1), 80-93 14p.

Thomas, K. k., O’Bannon, B. W., & Bolton, N. (2013). Cell Phones in the Classroom: Teachers’ Perspectives of

Inclusion, Benefits, and Barriers. Computers In The Schools, 30(4), 295-308.



AI Name___________________________ Date:

Ela 9 Webquest

Your task: Before we begin reading Night by Elie Wiesel, you will research and explore various topics related to

the Jewish Holocaust and Night. You will be responsible for answering the following questions. All answers must

be in complete sentences.

About the author: Elie Wiesel

Use the following website to answer the questions below:

1. Where was Elie Wiesel born? What year?

2. When Wiesel was 15, what happened to him?

3. What happened in April 1945?

4. Wiesel received an appointment from President Jimmy Carter. For what was that?

5. Wiesel became a professor at what University?

6. What happened in 1986?


About the Jewish Holocaust.

1. Read the introduction to the Holocaust

2. Pick a year and a topic that interests you. Read about the topic and summarize what you read in a short







3. Using the website look through the identification cards. Pick two

people to read more about. Summarize what you read.










Name ______________________________ Date ___________________

ELA 9 Movie Poster Project/Critical Skills

Night is soon to be major motion pictures!

Your task, for the next few days, is to create a “life-like” movie

poster for the novel of your choice. While you have creative

freedom to depict the on-screen version anyway you choose, your

poster must include the following:

1. A “hook” sentence at the top of the poster that will draw in

the movie-goer’s attention! This is typically called the

“Movie Tag.” For example, the “Movie Tag” for Jurassic

Park was An adventure 65 million years in the making.

2. One direct quote, under your artwork, that will

accommodate/compliment your work.

3. You can also create a movie trailer using iMovie.

You may use the

following programs:

Microsoft Word



Your novel for reference

Other program in mind? Just ask!

You will have THREE (3) classes to complete this project.

You will be graded on the following criteria:

Participation _____________ / 50 points

Originality ______________/ 25 points

Presentation ______________/25 points

_________/100 total project points


CI Subject: English Grade level: 9th Title of Unit: Night


After reading Night, students will be able to

analyze and describe characters, themes, and

plot by working in groups and using Wikispaces.

Information/Content to be covered

Students will brainstorm ideas about Night

Students will work in groups to create a Wiki on Night. Each group will have a different topic.

Literacy Common Core Standards

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards

for Reading

1). Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusion drawn from the text.

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards

for Writing

2.) Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.

Materials Needed

Laptops (class set)

Pen and paper

Introductory Activity and Procedures

7:35-7:40 The students will walk into the classroom and take their seats. On the board, the teacher will have their warm up question. The question is: In your journal, brainstorm major characters in Night, the theme in Night, and the plot. The students will have five minutes to write in their journals. The question is guided to helping students be on the right task for the day as well as think about major ideas or topic that happened in Night.


Developmental Activity and Procedures


The teacher will break up students into four

groups. The class will eventually compile one

large wiki about Night at the end of the project.

The teacher already has students broken up into

groups and will display their groups on the

board for students to see.

The students will break off into their groups. The

teacher will then explain the directions.

Each group will be required for completing a wiki

on Night. Each group will be required to

complete different topics. The teacher will assign

the groups their topics.

The students will be required to log into their

wikispace. The teacher already has set students

up by their email addresses. The students have

used Wikispaces in the beginning of the year and

will not need a detailed explanation on how to

use the site.

The students will work together on their laptops

to create a page on wikispaces. The groups can

plan their work first or compile a list online at the

same time.

Group 1 will be responsible for creating and

describing all of the major characters in Night.

Group 2 will be responsible for creating a

bibliography about the author.

Group 3 will be responsible for creating an

outline and description of the plot. This should

be a summary and should not give too much


Group 4 will be responsible for completing a list

and explaining themes, motifs, and symbols.

The students will have two days in class to work

on their wiki page. After the second day, the

teacher will compile all of the pages together to

make one wiki for the students to view and study



Concluding Activity

8:10- 8:12

Exit Ticket

The teacher will ask students to take out a

separate sheet of paper. The teacher will ask the

students to individually write down what their

group accomplished for today, what the student

did, and what the goals are for tomorrow.

The teacher will use this as a check for

understanding to make sure all students are

working together, staying on task, and doing

their work.

Assessment Plan for Lesson

The teacher will use the exit ticket to check for

student understanding.

Rationale for Instructional/Assessment Adaptations and Plans for students with diverse needs

Include description

of and rationale for adaptations.

It is important for students to be able to explain

and describe major topic and themes of Night to

demonstrate their understanding of the book.

The student will visual impairment will contribute

to the group in the same way. The student will be

able to use the voice to text option to add to the

wiki. The aide will help read the text to the

student if the student needs it.

Copies of Prompts, Guides, Rubrics used for Assessment

The teacher will display the question on the board.


Integrates technology

indicate use of

technology in

instructional delivery

as well as student-

centered activities

The teacher will use the SMARTboard to project the question. Students will use laptops to create their wiki.

Subject: English Grade level: 9th Title of Unit: Night

Objectives After reading Night, students will be able to

analyze and describe characters, themes, and plot by working in groups and using Wikispaces.

Information/Content to be covered

Students will brainstorm ideas about Night

Students will work in groups to create a Wiki on Night. Each group will have a different topic.

Literacy Common Core Standards

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading

2). Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusion drawn from the text.

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing

3.) Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.

Materials Needed

Laptops (class set)

Pen and paper


Introductory Activity and Procedures

7:35-7:40 The students will walk into the classroom and take their seats. On the board, the teacher will have their warm up question. The question is: In your journal, brainstorm major characters in Night, the theme in Night, and the plot. The students will have five minutes to write in their journals. The question is guided to helping students be on the right task for the day as well as think about major ideas or topic that happened in Night.


Developmental Activity and Procedures


The teacher will break up students into four groups. The class will eventually compile one large wiki about Night at the end of the project. The teacher already has students broken up into groups and will display their groups on the board for students to see.

The students will break off into their groups. The teacher will then explain the directions.

Each group will be required for completing a wiki on Night. Each group will be required to complete different topics. The teacher will assign the groups their topics.

The students will be required to log into their wikispace. The teacher already has set students up by their email addresses. The students have used Wikispaces in the beginning of the year and will not need a detailed explanation on how to use the site.

The students will work together on their laptops to create a page on wikispaces. The groups can plan their work first or compile a list online at the same time.

Group 1 will be responsible for creating and describing all of the major characters in Night.

Group 2 will be responsible for creating a bibliography about the author.

Group 3 will be responsible for creating an outline and description of the plot. This should be a summary and should not give too much away.

Group 4 will be responsible for completing a list and explaining themes, motifs, and symbols.

The students will have two days in class to work on their wiki page. After the second day, the teacher will compile all of the pages together to make one wiki for the students to view and study from.


Concluding Activity

8:10- 8:12

Exit Ticket

The teacher will ask students to take out a separate sheet of paper. The teacher will ask the students to individually write down what their group accomplished for today, what the student did, and what the goals are for tomorrow.

The teacher will use this as a check for understanding to make sure all students are working together, staying on task, and doing their work.

Assessment Plan for Lesson

The teacher will use the exit ticket to check for student understanding.

Rationale for Instructional/Assessment Adaptations and Plans for students with diverse needs

Include description of

and rationale for adaptations.

It is important for students to be able to explain and describe major topic and themes of Night to demonstrate their understanding of the book. The student will visual impairment will contribute to the group in the same way. The student will be able to use the voice to text option to add to the wiki. The aide will help read the text to the student if the student needs it.


Copies of Prompts, Guides, Rubrics used for Assessment

The teacher will display the question on the board.

Integrates technology indicate use of technology in instructional delivery as well as student-centered activities

The teacher will use the SMARTboard to project the question. Students will use laptops to create their wiki.






Time Sheet for EDUC 581 Field Experience

Spring 2016

Candidate’s Name: Abigail Smith

DATE Total Time in Hours & Minutes

Description of Task Conducted

3/1 40 minutes Discussed goals for the meetings. What we both wanted to get out of the mentor program.

3/7 1 hour and 30 minutes

Thought about how to include technology without making more work. Looked at lesson plans and thought about how

to incorporate more technology.

3/9 40 minutes Discussed the technology available at Watertown and what is to come for the future. Joined the technology committee.

3/11 1 hour Worked on how to incorporate SMARTboard gallery into lessons

3/14 1 hour and 30 minutes

Practiced using SMARTrecord and learned how to upload it to website when finished.

3/17 40 minutes Experimented with newer PowerPoint and made videos and recordings

3/22 40 minutes Discussed using Edmodo and the pros and cons of Edmodo. Thought about what other forums we could use.

3/25 Two hours Met in library to update website. Learned how to put all student work online in pdf format. Organized website to

look professional.

3/29 Two hours Developed webquests for next year. Created a draft of webquest. Discussed pros and cons

3/30 40 minutes Discussed how to make trailers for books or posters. Using iMovie or PowerPoint.

3/31 1 hour and 30 minutes

Discussed Wikispaces. Discussed how to set up all students to have account. Created Lesson

4/5 40 minutes Read and replied to communications from lead teacher about using webquests instead of watching videos

4/7 40 minutes Discussed 3D printers and how we could use 3D printers in the classroom.

4/12 1 hour Discussed students with special needs and how technology can help them in the classroom. What tools and apps are

out there.

4/13 40 minutes Met in library to discuss the implementation of Edmodo for next year. Created a parent letter.

4/15 2 hours Searched for possible apps to use or to tell students about. Experimented with Remind, Classdojo, Educreations.

4/18 1 hour Designed more lesson plans to implement technology

4/20 1 hour Created review game using gallery on SMARTnotebook

4/22 40 minutes Discussed the future for Watertown. How can we get more teachers on board to implement more technology?

Total time on task: 20 hours and 30 minutes

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