DESIGNER BABIES. What? Definition: The term used to define the genetic engineering of an embryo’s...


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  • What? Definition: The term used to define the genetic engineering of an embryos genes and genome in order to specify the genes of the baby to result in a custom designed child.
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  • How? Made possible by new technology: InVitro Fertilization Human genome DNA manipulation / genetic engineering Process: Screen DNA of egg and sperm Knowledge of genome
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  • Use Pre-Implantation Diagnosis (PDG) Cosmetic and Characteristic Alterations Germline Therapy
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  • PDG - Screen embryo for risk of diseases from parents Example: Huntington's Disease - Able to screen for birth defects Example: Down Syndrome - Able to select the correct unaffected embryo and place in womb
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  • Down Syndrome Distorts facial features Heart problems Mental retardation Can develop cancer No current cure 1 in 800 children Extra copy of all or part of chromosome 21
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  • Huntingtons Disease Affects part of brain that controls movement Jerky movements Dementia loss of reason Personality changes, behavior problems, memory loss If parent has it, child has 50% chance of getting it Develop after age 40
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  • Cosmetic & Characteristic Alterations Sex Selection done today In the future selection of certain traits will be available: Eye color Hair color Beauty Intelligence Athleticism
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  • Germline Therapy Performed on egg, sperm, or embryo Replaces defected sections of DNA with healthy DNA
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  • Alternatives Traditional Methods to ensure gender: Conceive at correct time Dairy food for girl, salty food for boy Sperm Sorting Prenatal Diagnosis If wrong gender can have an abortion
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  • Current Laws Sperm sorting and prenatal testing is legal in most countries No laws against PDG in USA Depends on clinic: of US fertility banks allow gender choosing; 23% allows supplying blood to sick siblings Germany allows prenatal testing UK allows PGD to be used to find disease or sibling match
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  • + The Positives + + Prevents certain genetic diseases + avoid financial and emotional strains upon parents; have healthy kids + Avoid gender specific disease which run in the family + ex: color blindness + Its worth the cost + already paying for IVF, double check to make sure that the child is healthy + Its natural + Help with the wombs natural process of checking for defects + Its similar to whats being done today + Equal to replacing defective organ + Savior Child + Create specific child in order to be the donor for a very ill child + Balancing Families + Families who already have children of one gender able to pick the other
