Design thinking action lab assignment 3 empathy and problem v2


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Design Thinking Action Lab

Stanford University

Design Challenge: redefining school-to-work transition

Assignment #3

Empathy Map and Problem Statement

Iman Kouvalis

August 5, 2013

Problem Statement Because there is so much competition in finding a teaching job in Ontario, Canada, graduates need a way

to set themselves apart to employers in how they make learning relevant and exciting for students.


1 Hardly anyone can find a job in Ontario as a full-time


1 You need to find a way to set yourself apart.

2 Getting a job is a big process. You have to first get

on a teachers’ list.

2 You need to wow the principal. You have to be

charismatic and to know how to articulate what

you want to say.

3 You can be on the teachers’ list for up to 10 years

before getting hired.

3 Teachers are not being flexible realizing there are

no jobs in Ontario. They can move to other areas

getting a 1-2 year contract just to get their foot in

the door.

4 People told her, “Oh, you are lucky, you are all set.

You are going back to the Middle East.”

4 The mandatory practicum was the most valuable

part of the degree. That’s where you get the real

experience and where you really learn how to

teach. It’s invaluable to get feedback from the

associate and your professor. I wish it was more

and I advise the university to have more of them, 3

or 4 instead of 2. But it depends on where you are

placed. It’s a hit or miss because some teacher

associates are good and others are horrible. They

get paid extra for it but it’s peanuts so there are not

enough of them.

5 Graduates don’t know how to set themselves apart.

They need to be original, creative in the way that

they teach and construct their lesson plans and be

ready for any situation with the children, parents or

issues at school.

5 The university is moving from a 1 year to 2 year

program and may possibly incorporate more

practical training and more practicums and more

field experience working with children directly.

6 Graduates need to be flexible to do anything to on

the teachers’ list first even if they have to move out

of Ontario or Canada for a 1-2 year contract.


1 How do I get my foot in the door?

1 Graduates need to set themselves apart in the way

they teach. You have to be special, original and


2 Students don’t realize how much competition there

is. After finishing an undergraduate in Psychology or

Art and don’t know what to do with it, they say,

“Let me try a Bachelors in Education. I love children

and it’s only a 9 month program.” Then they realize

there are no jobs and it’s then that it really hits.

2 You have to not only love children but know how to

teach children and get through to them and make

the curriculum relevant not in a useless way. Know

how to get to the kids.

3 Classes are too theoretical sometimes. Ex. We have

to do 10 page lesson plans and don’t get to practise

them while in the field they do 1 page lesson plans.

3 Sometimes we feel, “Wow, I’m paying for this

course?” Some courses had really good professors

where they give you real field experience and

others not. It’s 50-50.

4 Skills gap depends on the individuation and is more

for a newbie than a person who has 10 years

teaching experience.

4 You don’t have to get rid of theory in the courses

completely but show me how to practically use

that in the classroom tomorrow.

5 You really need to think on your feet as a teacher

because you are constantly in unexpected

situations. (e.g. In the middle of your lesson plan,

the students aren’t ‘getting it’ and you have to go to

plan B or make up a plan B.)

5 You need to wow the principal. Either you have it

(charismatic) or it comes with many years of

experience on how to handle the classroom.

6 The university should organize the symposium

practical workshop days better to really give

practical topics that are in demand. E.g. ‘How to

deal with parents’

6 Feels that the school should teacher practical skills

like “How to come up with plan B on your feet

when kids are not getting it.” No one tells you

about the realistic issues like at recess, parent-

teacher interviews or plan B lesson plans.