Design Of Air Conditioning System For Auditorium


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  • 8/18/2019 Design Of Air Conditioning System For Auditorium


  • 8/18/2019 Design Of Air Conditioning System For Auditorium



    Table Of Contents





    3.  Building Design & Floor Plan…………………………………………

    4. Heat Load Calculations ………………………………………….........

    5. System Selection based on Energy Efficiency and life Cycle



  • 8/18/2019 Design Of Air Conditioning System For Auditorium


  • 8/18/2019 Design Of Air Conditioning System For Auditorium




    Building energy can be saved and pollution decreasedwhile utility expenditures are minimized if energy

    conservation measures are incorporated into the design,

    maintenance and operation of a facility. Building cooling

    load components are; direct solar radiation, transmission

    load, ventilation/infiltration load and internal load.

    Calculating all these loads individually and adding them

    up gives the estimate of total cooling load. The load, thus

    calculated, constitutes total sensible load.

     Normal practice is that depending on the building type

    certain percent of it is added to take care of latent load.

    Applying the laws of heat transfer and solar radiation

    makes load estimations. Step by step calculation procedure has been adequately reported in the literature.

    Principles of solar energy calculation are applied to

    determine the direct and indirect solar heating component

    of the building. The requisite data of building material

     properties, climate conditions and ventilation standard are

    also established as per the ISHRAE standards.

    The one dimensional heat conduction equation in

    rectangular, spherical and cylindrical coordinates is

    solved using finite difference technique. The

    variation of auditorium building temperature with time is

    obtained in terms of wet bulb temperature of cooling air

    and initial building temperature. Factors directly affecting

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    thermal comfort of the human are air temperature,

    moisture content of the air, radiant exchange and air


     Location and Environmental Conditions

    Our College Auditorium building which is to be designed

    is located on the outskirts of Nagpur having coordinates

    21.094796N, 78.980848E . Being located in tropical

    region , Nagpur experiences harsh summers with

    temperature rising as high as 48°C and dry winters with

    temperature droping down to 4°C .

    The ambient design temperatures for Nagpur as per

    ISHRAE guidelines are tabulated below:


    (2% Accept.)


    (2% Accept.)


    (99% Accept.)

    Dry Bulb Temp. – 41.4 C Dry Bulb Temp – 26.2C Dry Bulb Temp. – 11.5C

    Mean wet bulb temp –23.6 C Mean Wet Bulb Temp - 31.9C Mean Wet Bulb Temp – 9.4C

    Design temperatures for summer and monsoon are

    selected for 2% acceptance conditions to achieve higher

    accuracy in calculations and that for winter are selected

    for 99% acceptance conditions.

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     Building Design & Floor Plan

    Our college auditorium building being constructed on ahilly contour poses a unique task in design of its HVAC

    system. It is somewhat covered by a hill from the North-

    West side which allow a very little or almost no solar

    radiation to enter from this direction.

    Being built on the first floor and located on a hillycontour, this building has been constructed by making the

    floors offset to each other. Most of the windows are

    located on the north-west wall so that almost no heat

    enters through these windows. Also, the area surrounding

    the auditorium especially on the north-west side is

    covered with trees which also entraps some of the


    The auditorium is built with a height of 4.572 meters or

    15 feet with concrete steps for seating from the inside

    which also adds to insulation. Our college auditorium

    encompasses a total of 800 people which is fairly justified

    with the NSDC guidelines. As the auditorium is built on a

     basement but due to hilly contour the complete area of basement roof covers only half of the area of the

    auditorium floor. This auditorium has a peaked roof with

    a false ceiling with attic ventilation. The walls of

    auditorium are cladded with plywood from inside.

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    Rest of the features can be seen from the floor plan shown


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     Heat Load Calculations

    The net heat load from a building is a combined effect ofthe following factors:-

     Solar heat gain through walls and roof (fabric heat

    gain); sensible in nature.

     Heat gain through fenestration (transmitted andradiated heat through glass windows); sensible in


     Load due to occupants inside the building; sensible

    and latent in nature.

     Load due to ventilation and infiltration; sensible and

    latent in nature.


    Load due to lighting; sensible in nature and due to

    electrical appliances; sensible as well as latent in


    Before beginning with the heat load calculations, we need

    to define the inside design conditions which are to be met

     by HVAC system. The inside dry bulb temperature of theunconditioned building can be predicted for the given

    ambient temperature using Humphrey’s Thermal

     Neutrality correlation for tropical regions:


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    This correlation gives the optimum temperature at which

    the occupants would feel comfortable or at least would

    not feel uncomfortable. The following table enlists inside

    temperature for different seasons obtained using abovecorrelation:

    Summer Monsoon Winter

    Dry Bulb Temp – 35.0076C Dry Bulb Temp – 26.8908C Dry Bulb Temp – 19.041C

    The inside design conditions for the building space by

    considering ASHRAE comfort chart , the most suitable

    conditions for the building have been selected as follows:-

    Dry Bulb Temperature = 24˚C

    Wet Bulb Temperature = 15.52˚C

    Relative Humidity = 40%

    Humidity Ratio = 0.00742 kg/kgDA

    Dew Point Temperature = 9.57˚C

    Specific Volume = 0.8510 m3 /kg

    Specific Enthalpy = 43 KJ/KgDA

    The detailed calculation procedure is elaborated below

    considering all the above parameters-

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    Considering the scope of this competition we are here

    adopting the ASHRAE recommended CLTD-CLF

    method, which gives considerably accurate results, for theestimation of the solar heat gain through walls, doors and


    1. Through walls

    Solar heat gain through walls is given by the equation-

    = × ×  

    Where, U is the overall heat transfer coefficient through

    the wall and is given as-

    = 1




    R is the thermal resistance of the wall

    hi is the inside film coefficient = 8.347 W/m2-K (still air)

    ho is the outside film coefficient = 23.3 W/m2-K(3.7 m/s)

    A is the cross-sectional area for the heat flow

    CLTD value for different walls facing a particular

    direction at different solar times is obtained from

    ISHRAE handbook. The maximum of these values is

    selected for calculations.

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    Thermal resistance of the wall is calculated for the

    composition of wall shown below:-

    For cement plaster , L=0.0127m and k = 56.782 W/m-K

    For face brick , L =0.1016m and k = 12.886 W/m-K

    For concrete block, L =0.1016m and k = 7.994 W/m-K

    For plywood, L =0.1363m and k = 6.018 W/m-K

     Note: Due to the presence of concrete steps to occupy the

    audience, the resistance due to the area of the wall with

    steps and the resistance due to rest of the wall area are to

     be considered in parallel combination with each other.

    This arrangement is represented by thermal circuit shown


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    Having known the values of thermal resistances, overall

    heat transfer coefficient following which corresponding

    heat load for different walls can be calculated.

    2. Through Doors

    The heat gain through the doors is calculated by taking

    into account the design temperature difference instead of

    cooling load temperature difference as no time lag in

    radiative heat transfer occurs though the doors.

    = × × ( − ) 

    The doors are made of wood of 1 inch thickness with

    conductivity k = 6.234 W/m-k and have area of 1.44m2 

    each. The no. of doors on each wall are tabulated below :

    Direction of Wall No. of Doors

     North-East 1 –  Double Door

    2 –  Single Doors

    South-West 1 –  Double Door

    2 –  Single Door

    South-East 2 –  Double Doors

    3. Through Roof

    As the auditorium has peaked roof which is attic

    ventilated with a false ceiling below it, the CLTD values

    from Table 10 of ISHRAE Handbook are reduced by 25%

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    and the roof area is taken as the projected area of the

     peaked roof.

    The calculations are performed based on this knowledge.


    FENESTRATION :- The transfer of heat is accounted by two modes viz.

    conduction and radiation. The governing equations for

    each of these mode are :-

     =  ×  × ×  

    = × × (0 − ) 


    SHGFmax = maximum solar heat gain factor through glass

     based on table 7 of ISHRAE Handbook

    SC = shading coefficient based on table 5 of ISHRAE

    Handbook (selecting double pane ordinary glass for

    horizontal window and regular plate glass for vertical

    window)CLF = cooling load factor for glass without interior

    shading (based on direction and solar time)

    U = Overall heat transfer coefficient based on Table 6 of

    ISHRAE Handbook = 3.12 W/m2-K

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    direction orientation SC SHGFmax  CLF

     NE horizontal 0.9 154 0.45

     NE vertical 0.94 154 0.45SW Horizontal 0.9 167 0.59

    SW Vertical 0.94 167 0.59

     LOAD DUE TO OCCUPANTSInternal heat load due to occupants consists of both

    sensible and latent components which can be calculatedas:-

    Qu = (No. of people) ×sensible heat gain

    person  × CLF 

     = (. ) ×


    Since the latent heat gain from the occupants is

    instantaneous, the CLF for latent heat gain is 1 and the

    value of CLF for sensible heat gain is taken as 0.5.



    The heat load due to infiltration is calculated using ACH

    method by taking ACH = 0.5 air changes/hr for a well-

    sealed building. This heat load is in the form of sensible

    as well as latent load which are given as:-

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     = ℎ( − ) 


    Vo  is the volumetric flow rate of the infiltrated air

    C pm is the average specific heat of moist air

    hfg is the latent heat of vaporization of water

    To and Ti are the outdoor and indoor dry bulb temperatures

    Wo and Wi are the outdoor and indoor humidity ratios.

      is the density of moist air at outsidetemperature(calculated using perfect gas equation)

     = ×

    3600 =0.64925 m3/sec

    Where gross volume = total volume of conditioned space

    = 4674.64m3 

    The heat load due to ventilation is calculated in similar

    fashion as :

     = ( − ) 

     = ℎ( − ) 


     is the volumetric flow rate for ventilated air which istaken as 15 cfm per person as per ASHRAE guidelines but

    to maintain the indoor air quality for comfort as per

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    ISHRAE standards this quantity is reduced to 5 cfm


    BPF is the bypass factor of the cooling coil which isselected based on the applicatons from table 14 of ISHRAE


     LOAD DUE TO LIGHTINGThe heat load for lighting is calculated for two types of

    lights viz. spotlights (incandescent) and fluorescent lights.

    Basically the heat load due to lighting is calculated usingthe following equation:

    Q = (installed wattage)(Usage Factor)(Ballast Factor)CLF 


    Installed wattage is the total input power to the lights in the

    conditioned space

    Usage Factor accounts for any lights that are installed but

    are not switched on at the time at which load calculations

    are performed

    Ballast factor takes into account the load imposed by

     ballasts used in fluorescent lights(ballast factor value of

    1.25 is taken for fluorescent lights, while it is equal to 1.0

    for incandescent lamps)

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    CLF is function of the number of hours after the lights are

    turned on, type of lighting fixtures and the hours of

    operation of the lights(CLF value of 0.73 is selected for

    fluorescent lights whereas CLF=0.1 is selected forspotlights)


    The only running appliances inside the auditorium are

    fans present on each of the columns which are 10 in

    number and the heat load consists of two parts viz.sensible and latent load which are calculated as:

     = ( ) × ( ) ×  

     = ( ) × ( ℎ ) 

    Each fan has an installed wattage of 100W and the usage

    factor is assumed to be 0.8 based on hours of operation

    while CLF is selected as 0.58 .

    Latent heat fraction of the fan is taken as 0.07.

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  • 8/18/2019 Design Of Air Conditioning System For Auditorium


    Job Name Design of HVAC System Estimated for Local Solar Peak

    Address Wanadongri,Nagpur Time Load

    Space Used for Auditorium Summer 3 P.M. 44.4 deg. C

    Size 24.830m × 43.09m = 1069.9247 sq. m × 4.572m = 4891.695cu. M

    Watts CONDITIONS DB(deg. C) WB(deg.C) %RH HUMIDITY RATI O(kg/kgDA)

    Item Area or Quantity Sun Gain or Temp. Diff. Factor Sensible Latent Total Outdoor 41.4 23.6 21.6 0.01075

    Indoor 35 19.44 21.6 0.00775

    SOLAR GLASS GAIN   Selected 24 15.52 40 0.00742

    Window(NE) 5.05 17.4 14.47 1271.84 Room Conditions

    Window(SW) 4.24 17.4 19.52 1440.61   VENTILATION

    1000 People .0023595 cu. m/sec/person= 2.3595 cu. m/sec


    Wall(NE) 174.96 17.95 5.0709 15925.32   INFILTRATION

    Wall(SW) 175.77 20.18 5.071 17987.03 Gross Air Changes

    Wall(SE) 99.45 19.07 5.576 10574.95 Volume 4674.64 cu. M per sec. 0.00013 .64925cu. m/sec

    Roof 1022.45 16.26 4.799 79783.55   SENSIBLE HEAT FACTOR &


    Floor 639.17 6 2.9 11121.55

    Door(NE) 11.52 17.4 5.994 1201.485 ESHF = 214986.4/274573.2 0.7829

    Door(SW) 11.52 17.4 5.994 1201.485

    Door(SE) 11.52 17.4 5.994 1201.485 Indicated adp = 4.44 deg. C Selected adp = 9.57 deg. C


    Volume Density Specific Heat (1‐.075)(24‐9.57)= 13.34 deg. C Dehumidified rise

    Infiltration 0.64925 1.0902 1021.6 17.4 12581.95

    Outside Air 2.3597 1 .0902 1 021.6 .075(BPF) 17.4 3429.68 195442.2/(1.0902*1021.6*13.34) =13.15 cu. m/sec Dehumidified flow rate


    People 1000 People 70.337W/person 0.5(CLF) 35168.5


    Fluorescent Lights 50 Nos. 0.7(Usage Factor) 60W/light 1.25(Ballast Factor) 0.73(CLF) 1916.25

    Sp ot li ght s 10 Nos . 0 .3 (U sag e Fac tor ) 5 75 W/ li ght 1(B al la st F ac tor ) 0 .1 (CL F) 17 2. 5

    Appliance (Fan) 10 Nos. 0.8(Usage Factor) 100W/fan 0.58(CLF) 464

    ROOM SENSIBLE HEAT   195442.2

    Supply Duct Supply Duct Fan Safety

    Heat Gain% 3% Leakage Loss% 2% H.P.% 5% Factor 1.1



    Volume Density Humidity Diff. Enthalpy

    Infiltration 0.64925 1.0902 0.00333 2403340 5664.7

    Outside Air 2.3597 1.0902 .075(BPF) 0.00333 2403340 1544.129

    People 1000People 46.891W/person 46891


    Appliance (Fan) 10 Nos. 100W/fan 0.07(Latent Heat Fraction) 70

    Room Latent Heat Subtotal 54169.83

    Supply Duct Safety

     Leakage Loss% 2% Factor% 8%




    Sensible 2.3597 1.0902 1021.6 0.05(BPF) 17.4(Temp. Diff.) 43442.68

    Latent 2.3597 1.0902 0.05(BPF) 0.00333 2403340 19558.97

    Grand Heat Sub‐total 337574.9

    Return Duct Return Duct Pump

    Heat Gain% 5% Leakage Loss% 2% H.P.% 5%

    Grand Heat Total 378083.8



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    System Selection based on Energy Efficiency

     And Life Cycle Analysis

    Selection of a suitable air conditioning system depends


    1. Capacity, performance and spatial requirements

    2. Initial and running costs3. Required system reliability and flexibility

    4. Maintainability

    5. Architectural constraints

    The relative importance of the above factors varies from building owner to owner and may vary from project to

     project. The typical space requirement for large air

    conditioning systems may vary from about 4 percent to

    about 9 percent of the gross building area, depending

    upon the type of the system.

    Considering a system capacity of 108 TR and a single

    zone system for auditorium, we provide a comparative

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    analysis of available HVAC systems known to us which

    are :-

     All Water Systems

     All Air Systems

     Unitary Refrigerant Systems

     Storage Cooling Systems

    1. All Water Systems

    In all water systems the fluid used in the thermaldistribution system is water, i.e., water transports energy

     between the conditioned space and the air conditioning

     plant. When cooling is required in the conditioned space

    then cold water is circulated between the conditioned

    space and the plant, while hot water is circulated through

    the distribution system when heating is required. Since

    only water is transported to the conditioned space, provision must be there for supplying required amount

    of treated, outdoor air to the conditioned space for

    ventilation purposes. Depending upon the number of

     pipes used, the all water systems can be classified into a

    2-pipe system or a 4-pipe system.

    A type of all water system which is generally

    commercially used is the Central Chilled Water

    System which consists of a chilled water plant which is

    remotely located with only AHUs being close to the

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    conditioned space.The chilled water system may be air

    cooled or water cooled .

    Advantages of All Water Systems

    1. The thermal distribution system requires very less

    space compared to all air systems. Thus there is no

     penalty in terms of conditioned floor space. Also the

     plant size will be small due to the absence of large

    supply air fans.

    2. Individual room control is possible, and at the sametime the system offers all the benefits of a large central


    3. Since the temperature of hot water required for space

    heating is small, it is possible to use solar or waste heat

    for winter heating.

    4. It can be used for new as well existing buildings


    5. Simultaneous cooling and heating is possible with 4-

     pipe systems.

    Disadvantages of All Water System

    1. Requires higher maintenance compared to all air

    systems, particularly in the conditioned space.

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    2. Draining of condensate water can be messy and may

    also create health problems if water stagnates in the

    drain tray. This problem can be eliminated, if

    dehumidification is provided by a central ventilation

    system, and the cooling coil is used only for sensible

    cooling of room air.

    3. Generally involves high initial costs.

    4. Control of humidity, particularly during summer is

    difficult using chilled water control valves.Prime candidates for using such systems would be large

    convention centres with less external walling when

    compared to internal floor space.Such structures have

    internal service cores which tend to use only small


    2.All Air Systems

    As the name implies, in an all air system air is used as

    the media that transports energy from the conditioned

    space to the A/C plant. In these systems air is processed

    in the A/C plant and this processed air is then conveyed

    to the conditioned space through insulated ducts using blowers and fans. This air extracts (or supplies in case

    of winter) the required amount of sensible and latent

    heat from the conditioned space. The return air from the

    conditioned space is conveyed back to the plant, where

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    it again undergoes the required processing thus

    completing the cycle. No additional processing of air is

    required in the conditioned space. All air systems can

     be further classified into:

    1. Single duct systems, or

    2. Dual duct systems

    One of the all air systems is the Central DX System

    which is well suited  for single zone applications by

    locating the equipment properly and providing for the

    usual acoustic attenuation, the noise of the plant can be

    kept within limits .Generally these systems may have to

     be water cooled so that the heat rejection equipment

    like cooling towers can be remote located from the


    Advantages of All Air Systems are:

    a) Relatively small space requirement

     b) Excellent temperature and humidity control over a

    wide range of zone loads

    c) Proper ventilation and air quality in each zone is

    maintained as the supply air amount is kept constant

    under all conditions

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    Disadvantages of All Air Systems are :

    a) High energy consumption for cooling, as the air is

    first cooled to a very low temperature and is then heated

    in the reheat coils. Thus energy is required first for

    cooling and then for reheating. The energy consumption

    can partly be reduced by increasing the supply air

    temperature, such that at least one reheat coil can be

    switched-off all the time. The energy consumption can

    also be reduced by using waste heat (such as heat

    rejected in the condensers) in the reheat coil.

     b) Simultaneous cooling and heating is not possible.

    Prime candidates for such applications are very large

    auditoriums, when built in exclusive buildings .Large

    indoor auditoriums calling for,say,1500 tons of cooling

    could be economically cooled with 10 × 150 ton plants

    3.Unitary Refrigerant Systems

    Unitary refrigerant based systems consist of several

    separate air conditioning units with individual

    refrigeration systems. These systems are factory

    assembled and tested as per standard specifications, and

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    are available in the form of package units of varying

    capacity and type. Each package consists of refrigeration

    and/or heating units with fans, filters, controls etc.

    Depending upon the requirement these are available in the

    form of window air conditioners, split air conditioners,

    heat pumps, ductable systems with air cooled or water

    cooled condensing units etc. The capacities may range

    from fraction of TR to about 100 TR for cooling.

    Depending upon the capacity, unitary refrigerant based

    systems are available as single units which cater to asingle conditioned space, or multiple units for several

    conditioned spaces. Figure 36.9 shows the schematic of a

    typical window type, room air conditioner, which is

    available in cooling capacities varying from about 0.3 TR

    to about 3.0 TR. As the name implies, these units are

    normally mounted either in the window sill or through thewall.

    One of the unitary refrigerant systems that is

    commercially used for conditioning is Packaged

    Equipment System . With large capacity ,reliable ,

    factory-made equipment being available at unmatchable

    costs , one can use such equipment also for auditoriums.

    Multiple package units/ duct able splits can be used well.

    Factory made comfort equipment with cooling coils whih

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    2. Power consumption per TR could be higher compared

    to central systems.

    3. Close control of space humidity is generally difficult.

    4. Noise level in the conditioned space could be higher.

    5. Limited ventilation capabilities.

    6. Systems are generally designed to meet the appliance

    standards, rather than the building standards.

    7. May not be appealing aesthetically.8. The space temperature may experience a swing if on-

    off control is used as in room air conditioners.

    9. Limited options for controlling room air distribution.

    Prime candidates for using such systems are smallcapacity halls used by educational institutions.This,of

    coure, gets stretched, to systems being used for large

    assembly areas like marriage halls,community centers


    4. Storage Cooling Systems 

    On specific applications,such as temple

    halls,churches,etc. where one needs cooling only for

    ,say,three hours a day and even that,only once a

    week,storage systems can be used.Thermal storage

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    systems can be as simple as the “ice storage ” ones, or as

    sophisticated as “eutectic salt in custom containers”.

    Costs will dictate the use of low end systems, but with ice

    systems using direct ice melt, one may need to have an

    AHU with a greater than normal coil bypass area.

    As we can see from above that storage cooling system is

    not a good choice for auditoriums as these systems can

    efficiently work if it is operated for only 3 or 4 years aweek as these systems primarily run on ice and are not

    capable to provide conditioning for long durations and

    also require a considerable maintenance cost if stretched

    for large capacities .So storage cooling systems are not

    used in air conditioning purpose primarily.

    From the economic as well as service point of view ,these

    systems are not efficient for large capacities even though

    the initial costs are low but the maintenance costs turn out

    to be considerably high enough

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    So, we have selected Packaged Equipment System out

    of other alternatives for air conditioning of auditoriums as

    this system being a compact alternative is quite efficient

    in operation. Though the installation cost being high

    comparative to other alternatives the maintenance cost islow for such systems with a fair enough service life.

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