



Citation preview

  • 1. Kenley and Thomas |March 2010 whyDESIGN matters

2. art ist | desig ner 3. 4. 5. 6. We all need to be DESIGNmindful. 7.

  • unity
  • gestalt
  • space
  • color
  • dominance
  • hierarchy
  • balance

7 principles of DESIGN --Garr Reynolds 8. Non-NPT NWS?

    • India:45 to 95 nuclear warheads. The Pentagon projects that New Delhi has a relatively small stockpile of nuclear weapons components that could be assembled and deployed within a few days to a week.
    • Israel:Between 75 to 200 nuclear warheads.
    • Pakistan:30 to 50 nuclear warheads. The Pentagon believes Islamabad stores its weapons in component form and could assemble weapons fairly quickly.
    • North Korea:One to two nuclear weapons, according to CIA estimates. Pyongyang also possesses enough SNF that could be reprocessed into fissile material for as many as six nuclear weapons.
    • Iran? Syria?

9. 1/7/08 NUCLEAR WEAPONS ARE UNIQUESingle nuclear weapons have moredestructive power than all weapons used in all wars throughout human history 10. 1992: Russia rejects offensive efforts

    • March 1992: Yeltsin declared that Russia would give up its biological offensive programs and the 15th Directorate was disbanded
    • Russias position on the past MOD programs: were offensive part of the MOD program of adequate responsecreating offensive weapons, including delivery systems, in order to defend against them
    • Valentin Yevstigneyev (expert on various plague vaccines) named head ofBiological Defense Departmentwithin the Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defense Forces (1992)
      • department established on the authority of the 15th MOD Directorate, which in the Soviet era was in charge of developing a means of protection from BW and undertook projects to adequately respond to foreign BW development programs
    • term biological defense used for the first time (1992)

11. " Designis the fundamental soul of a man-made creation." --Steve Jobs 12. Image Credits

  • artist: Flickr/Michelle Brea -mute
  • Steve Jobs: Apple
  • Panasonic Green Sofa, Toto White Bathroom, Samsung laptop: Good Design Award website
  • Steve Jobs quote:
  • doctor: Flickr/dalboz17
  • teacher: Flickr/old shoe woman
  • Meg Whitman: Flickr/whitman2010
