Desert Island Abs.pdf


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  • 7/27/2019 Desert Island Abs.pdf


    Desert Island Abs


    Desert Island Abs

    Jared DiCarmine & Coach Rahz

  • 7/27/2019 Desert Island Abs.pdf


    Desert Island Abs



    The exercise and nutritional programs in this book are intended to supplement, not replace, any

    exercise or dietary regimen prescribed by your health care professional. As with all exercise and dietaryprograms, you should get your doctors approval before beginning.

    Mention of specific companies, organizations or authorities in this book does not imply endorsement by

    the publisher, nor does mention of specific companies, organizations or authorities in this book imply

    that they endorse the book. Internet addresses, telephone numbers, and product information given in

    this book were accurate at the time this book went to press.

    2011 Ideal Fitness Trends

    First published 2011

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any

    means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any other information storage

    and retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher.

    Desert Island ABs is a registered trademark of Ideal Fitness Trends

    Printed in the United States of America

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    Desert Island Abs


    Desert Island ABs


    They are the most coveted and popular body part to have for everyone all over

    the world. Lets face it, you a want a flat, hard, set of abdominals. And you know

    what? I cant blame ya! Thats a great goal to have and one that you should have

    as well. Now maybe you are kind of far away from reaching this point. Thats

    okay. Youll soon realize that as you start losing the weight; this reality is going to

    become more real for you. Youll start to believe that you too can have a nice

    set of abdominals that youll be able to proudly show off at the beach!

    Now let me first start off by saying what this manual is not

    This manual is not a fat loss program.

    This manual is purely an abdominal training program designed to help you get a

    set of firm, flat abs that will do more than just look good, but actually give you a

    better quality of life by preventing lower back pain and increasing your strength in

    everyday activities.

    Now what this program is, as I stated before is a pure abdominal training program

    designed to get your abs strong, firmer, and your belly flatter; PERIOD!

    You wont find any sort of sit-ups in this program either.

    That is a very big common myth that is rampant throughout the fitness and fat

    loss industry. Sit-ups are very bad for your back, specifically your lower vertebrae.

    The reason for this is because they are not made for mobility which sit-ups incur

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    Desert Island Abs


    on your lumbar vertebrae. They are made for stability, as opposed to your

    thoracic vertebrae which are made for mobility and not stability.

    When there is extreme trunk flexion, meaning full range of motion sit ups, there is

    a ton of mechanical stress and torque on your lower back, which again is not

    made for this. Over time, if you continue doing these types of movements, you

    will weaken your lumbar region and increase your chances of a herniated disc.

    So all those mornings and nights before bed or when you woke up that you went

    and did 100 sit ups or whatever that may be, you were just wasting your time and

    increasing your chance of injury.

    Now what you can do are minimal crunches. There is some flexion, but nowhere

    near the same amount as a sit up. And you need some flexion to get a total

    training effect for your entire abdominal region.

    Now, not many people know this, but you DO have a six pack. Sometimes its just

    under a layer of flab. Everyone has a six pack, its called the Rectus Abdominus

    muscle. Check out the image below:

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    The Rectus Abdominus is the outermost muscle of the entire abdominal region.

    Its main responsibility is flexion of the trunk. Hence why you do sit ups and

    crunches etc

    But the abs are like an onion. They are many layers deep and contain a bunch of

    muscles with many different functions. Many people get caught up to think that

    the only ab muscles they have are the coveted six pack and that you should do

    hundreds of crunches and sit ups a day to get a flat stomach. Thats completely


    What you dont realize is the internal abdominal muscles are extremely important

    in not only lower back health, but also making your stomach firm and FLAT.

    The main muscle responsible for this is the Transverse Abdominus. It is the

    deepest muscle in the entire abdominal onion.

    The Transverse Abdominus will actually act as a girdle, pulling everything in and

    making your stomach nice and tight!

    This is the area you want to hit hard and you dont do it with crunches or sit ups.

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    You do it with mainly any type of exercise that involves holding yourself in place

    like a plank.

    Or any type of movement that challenges you to remain balanced while holdingyour hips and core in place.

    And if youre thinking about doing exercises on a BOSU ball, then that is not what

    Im talking about.

    Study after study shows that performing many movements on a BOSU Ball will not

    do a single thing in helping you get a firmer, flatter, stomach and developing your

    core. All it is a balance movement on an unstable surface. In actuality, it takes

    away from the muscle that youre trying to target. So its kind of pointless to even

    be doing it.

    Granted there are some great exercises for your core that you can on a BOSU ball,

    but none of them have to do with you standing on one foot and squatting down

    and looking like a clown.

    Wow that rhymed.

    Also doing any form of sit up or crunch on a BOSU ball can be more hazardous

    than a standard sit up or crunch on the floor or bench because of the extreme

    range of extension at the spine that you can use. No matter how good it feels for

    your absDONT DO THEM!

    The more extension you create in your lumbar region, the more potential for


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    Now if you look at athletes, specifically gymnasts and football players, they have

    some of the strongest cores out there. The reason is because they train for anti

    rotation. Meaning if someone went up and pushed them on one side of their

    body, their core is so strong that their body will naturally resist the twist.

    If you are naturally weak in your core, if someone came up and pushed you, most

    likely you would tumble, trip, fall to the floor, etc

    This is what you want!

    Well not to be weak, to be strong and to be able to resist any force that comes

    your way. Now Im not saying you need to go out and get in wrestling matches,

    but the more your core can resist torque and rotation, the stronger your abs will


    Plus, youll look good at the same. A strong core which looks good is the best of

    both worlds!

    Now lets get into your program.

    Its going to be very basic at first. This is to ensure you dont injure yourself and

    you gradually build up your abdominal strength while increasing the mind muscle

    connection to the deeper layers within your core.

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    Desert Island Abs


    Your Program

    Phase 1: Week 1

    Planks In Pushup Position

    Place your hands shoulder width apart and assume a pushup position. From this position hold it for as

    long as you can for 3 sets. This is your 1st

    week exercise.

    Day 1 Planks In Pushup Position 3 x ALAP

    Day 2 Planks In Pushups Position 3 x ALAP

    Day 3 Planks In Pushups Position 3 x ALAP

    Phase 1: Week 2

    Planks In Bottom Position

    This exercise is the same as the previous weeks except slightly harder. Place your elbows on a

    cushioned surface, keep your butt and back straight and hold it for as long as possible.

    Day 1 Planks In Bottom Position 3 x ALAP

    Day 2 - Planks In Bottom Position 3 x ALAP

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    Day 3 - Planks In Bottom Position 3 x ALAP

    Phase 1: Week 3

    Day 1 Planks In Bottom Position 4 x ALAP

    Day 2 - Planks In Bottom Position 4 x ALAP

    Day 3 - Planks In Bottom Position 4 x ALAP

    Phase 1: Week 4

    Day 1 Planks In Bottom Position 5 x ALAP

    Day 2 - Planks In Bottom Position 5 x ALAP

    Day 3 - Planks In Bottom Position 5 x ALAP

    Note* The number you see above equates to the number of sets to perform per workout. Do each

    workout 3 days a week. ALAP stands for as long as possible. Time yourself each set and try to match that

    for all sets. The next time you repeat the workout, try and beat that time by at least a few seconds for

    each workout.

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    Phase 2: Week 1

    Back and Forth Planks

    Assume a normal plank position like previous weeks. From the plank position, push forward on your

    elbows and come up on your toes so your center of gravity is forward. Try and keep your butt andlower back flat. Mine is up a bit in the picture because I was having some lower back pain that day. If

    you experience any lower back pain, try and hike your butt up slightly.

    Day 1 Back And Forth Planks 3 x 20

    Day 2 Back And Forth Planks 3 x 20

    Day 3 Back And Forth Planks 3 x 20

    Phase 2: Week 2

    Day 1 Back And Forth Planks 3 x 25

    Day 2 Back And Forth Planks 3 x 25

    Day 3 Back And Forth Planks 3 x 25

    Phase 2: Week 3

    Day 1 Back And Forth Planks 3 x 30

    Day 2 Back And Forth Planks 3 x 30

    Day 3 Back And Forth Planks 3 x 30

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    Phase 2: Week 4

    Same as above

    Day 1 Back And Forth Planks 3 x30

    Renegade Rows

    Assume a pushup position. From there, raise one arm up and drive your elbow back while keeping

    your hips as perfectly still as possible. Bring your hand down and repeat with the other side. Perform

    20 total reps.

    Pushups Rows 2 x 20

    Day 2 - Back And Forth Planks 3 x30

    Pushups Rows 2 x 20

    Day 3 - Back And Forth Planks 3 x30

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    Pushups Rows 2 x 20

    Phase 3: Week 1

    Renegade Rows

    Assume a pushup position. From there, raise one arm up and drive your elbow back while keeping

    your hips as perfectly still as possible. Bring your hand down and repeat with the other side.

    Day 1 Pushup Rows 3 x 24

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    Toe Touches

    Assume a plank position with elbows on ground. From there, raise one leg up an inch off of the

    ground and bring it out to the side. That is one rep. Bring your leg back and repeat with opposite leg.

    Plank Toe Touches 3 x20

    Day 2 - Pushup Rows 3 x 24

    Plank Toe Touches 3 x20

    Day 3 - Pushup Rows 3 x 24

    Plank Toe Touches 3 x20

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    Phase 3: Week 4

    Day 1 Plank Toe Touches 3 x30

    Plank L-Laterals 3 x 20

    Day 2 Plank Toe Touches 3 x30

    Plank L-Laterals 3 x 20

    Day 3 Plank Toe Touches 3 x30

    Plank L-Laterals 3 x 20

    Phase 4: Week 1

    Stability Ball Planks

    Just like a regular plank, except you are going to place your elbows on the stability ball instead of the

    ground. This is much harder than a regular plank because your core has to stabilize the ball the entire


    Day 1 - Stability Ball Planks 3 x ALAP

    Overhead Weighted Crunches

    Grab two dumbbells, one in each hand and raise them straight over your head while you are lying

    down. Perform a crunch trying to get your shoulder blades off the floor and contracting your

    abdominals the entire time.

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    Overhead Weighted Crunches 3 x 20

    Day 2 Stability Ball Planks 3 x ALAP

    Overhead Weighted Crunches 3 x 20

    Day 3 - Stability Ball Planks 3 x ALAP

    Overhead Weighted Crunches 3 x 20

    Phase 4: Week 2

    Day 1 - Stability Ball Planks 4 x ALAP

    Overhead Weighted Crunches 4 x 20

    Day 2 Stability Ball Planks 4 x ALAP

    Overhead Weighted Crunches 4 x 20

    Day 3 - Stability Ball Planks 4 x ALAP

    Overhead Weighted Crunches 4 x 20

    Phase 4: Week 3

    Stability Ball Push out Planks

    Assume a regular plank position on the stability ball. The only difference this time is that you are

    going to push out the stability ball with your elbows on the ball and hold it out away from you as long

    as possible.

    Day 1 - Stability Ball Push out Planks 4 x ALAP

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    Lay on your back with your hands behind your head. Crunch up and attempt to touch your right elbow

    to your left knee then immediately try and touch your left elbow to your right knee. Do this

    movement in a quick fashion back and forth without your back touching the ground and you

    remaining in the crunched position.

    Bicycles 3 x 50

    Day 2 Stability Ball Push out Planks 4 x ALAP

    Bicycles 3 x 50

    Day 3 - Stability Ball Push out Planks 4 x ALAP

    Bicycles 3 x 50

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    Phase 4: Week 4

    Day 1 - Stability Ball Push out Planks 4 x ALAP

    Bicycles 4 x 50

    Day 2 Stability Ball Push out Planks 4 x ALAP

    Bicycles 4 x 50

    Day 3 - Stability Ball Push out Planks 4 x ALAP

    Bicycles 4 x 50

    Phase 5: Week 1

    Around The Worlds

    Assume a regular plank position on the stability ball. From here, You want to push the ball out in a

    semi circular fashion in a counter clockwise motion to the opposite side. Then repeat this sequence

    the opposite way. Male believe you are making a semi circle with the ball.

    Day 1 - Around The Worlds 3 x 16

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    Desert Island Abs


    Stability Ball In And Outs

    Assume a regular plank position on the stability ball. From there, push the ball out with your elbows

    on the ball and bring it back in. Repeat this motion for the desired amount of reps.

    Stability Ball In & Outs 3 x 20

    Reverse Crunches

    Lay on your back with hands out to your sides. Feel free to hold on to something too if you need it.

    From there, contract your lower abdominal region and pull your bent legs into your chest. Really be

    sure to contract with your abs and not your hip flexors. Return to the starting position and repeat.

    Reverse Crunches 3 x 20

    Day 2 - Around The Worlds 3 x 16

    Stability Ball In & Outs 3 x 20

    Reverse Crunches 3 x 20

    Day 3 - Around The Worlds 3 x 16

    Stability Ball In & Outs 3 x 20

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    From a relaxed standing position, bend at the hip keeping your knees slightly bent and gradually walk

    your entire body out into a pushup position. From there, walk your body back, and extend up, keeping

    your knees slightly bent and pulling yourself up with your hamstrings. You should feel an intense

    stretch in the back of your legs.

    Day 1 - Walkouts 3 x 15

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    Lay flat on your stomach like so with arms out to your sides. From there, push your body up around 1-

    2 inches off the ground really tightening your stomach and keeping your body straight.

    Alligators 3 x 10 w/5 sec holds. (Hold up each rep for 5 seconds then back down. Repeat 10x which

    equals 1 set)


    You are to perform a regular crunch as described earlier, just minus the weights.

    Crunches 3 x 100 (You must get 100 total for each set. Stop if need be, rest then continue)

    Day 2 - Walkouts 3 x 15

    Alligators 3 x 10 w/5 sec holds. (Hold up each rep for 5 seconds then back down. Repeat 10x which

    equals 1 set)

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    Crunches 3 x 100 (You must get 100 total for each set. Stop if need be, rest then continue)

    Day 3 - Walkouts 3 x 15

    Alligators 3 x 10 w/5 sec holds. (Hold up each rep for 5 seconds then back down. Repeat 10x which

    equals 1 set)

    Crunches 3 x 100 (You must get 100 total for each set. Stop if need be, rest then continue)

    Phase 5: Week 4

    Day 1 Walkouts 4 x 15

    Alligators 4 x 10 w/5 sec holds. (Hold up each rep for 5 seconds then back down. Repeat 10x which

    equals 1 set)

    Crunches 3 x 100 (You must get 100 total for each set. Stop if need be, rest then continue)

    Day 2 Walkouts 4 x 15

    Alligators 4 x 10 w/5 sec holds. (Hold up each rep for 5 seconds then back down. Repeat 10x which

    equals 1 set)

    Crunches 3 x 100 (You must get 100 total for each set. Stop if need be, rest then continue)

    Day 3 - Walkouts 4 x 15

    Alligators 4 x 10 w/5 sec holds. (Hold up each rep for 5 seconds then back down. Repeat 10x which

    equals 1 set)

    Crunches 3 x 100 (You must get 100 total for each set. Stop if need be, rest then continue)

    Phase 6: Week 1

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    Knee Ups

    Grab the underside of a bench and move your body towards the end. Let your legs hang down in a

    semi bent position and from there, contract your lower abdominal region hard pulling your knees

    towards your chest.

    Back and Forth Planks

    Assume a normal plank position like previous weeks. From the plank position, push forward on your

    elbows and come up on your toes so your center of gravity is forward. Try and keep your butt and

    lower back flat. Mine is up a bit in the picture because I was having some lower back pain that day. If

    you experience any lower back pain, try and hike your butt up slightly.

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    Renegade Rows

    Assume a pushup position. From there, raise one arm up and drive your elbow back while keeping

    your hips as perfectly still as possible. Bring your hand down and repeat with the other side.

    Day 1 Knee Ups 3 x to Failure

    Back And Forth Planks 3 x 30

    Pushups Rows With Weights 3x 16

    Day 2 Knee Ups 3 x to Failure

    Back And Forth Planks 3 x 30

    Pushups Rows With Weights 3x 16

    Day 3 Knee Ups 3 x to Failure

    Back And Forth Planks 3 x 30

    Pushups Rows With Weights 3x 16

    Phase 6: Week 2

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    Eagle Planks

    From a pushup position, take your right arm while keeping it straight and bring it out to the side of

    your body holding it for a split second. Bring it back down and repeat with the other side.

    Plank L-Laters

    Assume a plank position and raise your right arm up while keeping your elbow bent at 45 degrees.

    Bring it back down and repeat with the other side. Try and keep your hips still the entire time.

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    Desert Island Abs


    Overhead Weighted Crunches

    Grab two dumbbells, one in each hand and raise them straight over your head while you are lying

    down. Perform a crunch trying to get your shoulder blades off the floor and contracting your

    abdominals the entire time.

    Reverse Crunches

    Lay on your back with hands out to your sides. Feel free to hold on to something too if you need it.

    From there, contract your lower abdominal region and pull your bent legs into your chest. Really be

    sure to contract with your abs and not your hip flexors. Return to the starting position and repeat.

    Day 1 - Eagle Planks 3 x 20

    Plank L-Laterals 3 x 20

    Weighted Overhead Crunches 3 x to failure

    Supersetted With

    Reverse Crunches 3 x to failure

    Day 2 - Eagle Planks 3 x 20

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    Desert Island Abs


    Plank L-Laterals 3 x 20

    Weighted Overhead Crunches 3 x to failure

    Supersetted With

    Reverse Crunches 3 x to failure

    Day 3 - Eagle Planks 3 x 20

    Plank L-Laterals 3 x 20

    Weighted Overhead Crunches 3 x to failure

    Supersetted With

    Reverse Crunches 3 x to failure

    Note ** Supersetted means to perform each exercise back to back

    Phase 6: Week 3

    Mountain Climbers

    Get in a pushup position with arms straight out and positioned underneath your body. From there, bring

    your right knee up to your chest and back out. Then bring your left knee up to your chest and back out.

    Repeat this motion back and forth until it becomes nice and quick and in rapid succession.

    Day 1 - Mountain Climbers 3 x ALAP

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    Lay on your back with your hands behind your head. Crunch up and attempt to touch your right elbow

    to your left knee then immediately try and touch your left elbow to your right knee. Do this

    movement in a quick fashion back and forth without your back touching the ground and you

    remaining in the crunched position.

    Bicycles 3 x100

    Forward Planks

    Get in a plank position with elbows on the floor. From there, push your body forward and come up on

    your toes. From this position, I want you to hold it as long as possible. This increases your center of

    gravity thus forcing your abs to work harder.

    Forward Planks 3 x ALAP

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    Day 2 Mountain Climbers 3 x ALAP

    Bicycles 3 x100

    Forward Planks 3 x ALAP

    Day 3 Mountain Climbers 3 x ALAP

    Bicycles 3 x100

    Forward Planks 3 x ALAP

    Phase 6: Week 4

    Day 1 Mountain Climbers 4 x ALAP

    Bicycles 3 x100

    Forward Planks 4 x ALAP

    Day 2 Mountain Climbers 4 x ALAP

    Bicycles 3 x100

    Forward Planks 4 x ALAP

    Day 3 Mountain Climbers 4 x ALAP

    Bicycles 3 x100

    Forward Planks 4 x ALAP

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    Desert Island Abs

    Bonus Section

    Heres a chart for you to record all of your workouts!

    Just enter the exercise on the left hand column and the amount of reps done per

    set under each day performed. Print this chart out to make copies for all of your

    workouts and to keep track. Also keep the day that you did each workout.

    Exercise Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day
