Description and sources of contamination by Campylobacter


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Pathologie Biologie 59 (2011) 256–263

Original article

Description and sources of contamination by Campylobacter spp. of river waterdestined for human consumption in Brittany, France

Description et origines de contamination par Campylobacter spp. d’eau de rivieres destineea la consommation humaine en Bretagne, France

M. Denis a,*, M.Tanguy a, B. Chidaine a, M.-J. Laisney a, F. Megraud b, P. Fravalo a

a Laboratoire d’etude et de recherche avicole, porcine et piscicole, Agence francaise de securite sanitaire des aliments (Afssa), BP 53, 22440 Ploufragan, Franceb Inserm U853, laboratoire de bacteriologie, Centre national de reference des campylobacters et helicobacters, CHU Pellegrin, place Amelie-Raba-Leon, 33076 Bordeaux cedex, France


Article history:

Received 28 September 2009

Accepted 15 October 2009

Available online 25 November 2009








Mots cles:








Presence or absence of Campylobacter spp. in water of five rivers upstream from an intake point for

drinking water production was investigated, and isolates genetically compared with human, pig and

poultry isolates in order to determine their source. River water and drinking water obtained from these

rivers were sampled one time per month, over a period of one year, and tested for Campylobacter. Isolates

were typed by PFGE. Campylobacter was not detected in treated drinking water, but 50% of the river

samples were contaminated. Contamination was observed on the four seasons. In total, 297

Campylobacter isolates were collected and generated 46 PFGE profiles. Campylobacter jejuni was the

most frequently detected species in samples (74.1% of the isolates), followed by Campylobacter coli

(17.8%) and Campylobacter lari (8.1%). Forty-two of the 46 PFGE profiles were unique. Only one genotype

was detected three times in a river during the year and four genotypes in two different rivers. When

compared to animal and human Campylobacter PFGE profiles, 14, 11 and one Campylobacter genotypes

from water were genetically closed to human, poultry, and pig Campylobacter genotypes, respectively.

The Campylobacter population displayed a high level of genetic diversity, suggesting that contamination

originated from various origins. Human, poultry and pig were sources of contamination of the river by

Campylobacter. Finally, no Campylobacter were detected in drinking water, indicating that the risk of

outbreaks due to consumption of drinking water is low.

� 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.R E S U M E

La presence ou l’absence de Campylobacter spp. dans l’eau de cinq rivieres en amont d’un point de

pompage pour la production d’eau potable a ete consideree, et les isolats genetiquement compares a des

isolats d’origine humaine, porcine et aviaire pour identifier leur origine. L’eau de riviere et l’eau de

consommation obtenue a partir de ces rivieres ont ete prelevees une fois par mois pendant un an en vue

de rechercher Campylobacter. Les isolats ont ete genotypes par PFGE. Campylobacter n’a pas ete detecte

dans l’eau de consommation, mais 50 % des echantillons d’eau de riviere etaient contamines. La

contamination a ete observee sur les quatre saisons. Au total, 297 isolats de Campylobacter ont ete

collectes et ont genere 46 profiles PFGE. Campylobacter jejuni etait l’espece la plus retrouvee (74,1 % des

isolats), suivi de Campylobacter coli (17,8 %) et Campylobacter lari (8,1 %). Quarante-deux des 46 profils

genetiques etaient uniques. Seul un genotype a ete detecte trois fois dans une riviere sur l’annee et quatre

genotypes dans deux rivieres differentes. Quand compares aux profils PFGE des isolats d’origine animale

et humaine, 14, 11 et un genotypes de Campylobacter de l’eau etaient genetiquement proches

respectivement des genotypes de Campylobacter humains, porcins et aviaires. La diversite genetique des

Campylobacters issus de l’eau est tres elevee, indiquant plusieurs sources de contamination. Les humains,

la volaille et les porcs sont sources de contamination des rivieres par Campylobacter. Aucun

Campylobacter n’a ete detecte dans l’eau traitee destinee a la consommation, indiquant que le risque

de campylobacterioses par cette voie est faible.

� 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits reserves.

* Corresponding author.

E-mail address : (M. Denis).

0369-8114/$ – see front matter � 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


M. Denis et al. / Pathologie Biologie 59 (2011) 256–263 257

1. Introduction

The main source of human Campylobacter infections, ashighlighted by several epidemiological studies, is the consumptionof contaminated food, particularly raw or insufficiently cookedpoultry products [1,2]. The consumption of untreated water [3–5],rain water [6], and water from wells, lakes and streams [7,8] hasalso been identified as a source of outbreaks of Campylobacter

infection in human. Outbreaks due to the consumption of treatedwater supplies are rare and generally linked to a lack ofchlorination [9–12] or to contamination of drinking water supplyby surface water or effluent or rainwater [13–18]. Several studieshave reported contamination of surface water such as lakes, riversand streams with Campylobacter [19–21], and have describedseasonal variation levels of Campylobacter contamination [14,20].

Brittany is a region of large-scale poultry and pig production inFrance (36% of the French poultry production and 58% of the Frenchpig production). Local stream water is the source of 75% of thewater destined for human consumption in this region. Our primaryobjective was to describe, monthly, Campylobacter contamination(1) of rivers before water treatment, and (2) of drinking water afterprocessing at water treatment plants. Our secondary objective wasto determine, by Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis typing (PFGE),whether poultry, pigs and humans contributed to the contamina-tion of river with Campylobacter.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Water samples

This study was carried out over a period of one year in 2006 in the

neighbourhoods of Saint-Brieuc in Brittany (Fig. 1). Water was sampled, on time

monthly, upstream from water treatment plants (R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5) from five

rivers, and from public drinking water taps from the five water treatment plants

(R1T, R2T, R3T, R4T and R5T). Taps were localized in the water treatment plants


The treatment of the water entailed the following steps in the WTP. These steps

were coagulation, flocculation, decantation, filtration, post-ozonization, denitrata-

tion, and chlorination in WTP1; nano-filtration and chlorination in WTP2;

chlorination, decantation, filtration, post-ozonization and chloration in WTP3;

ozonization, filtration and chlorination in WTP4; ozonization, decantation,

filtration, post-ozonization, and chloration in WTP5.

River water was collected in sterile flasks. Water samples from public taps were

collected in sterile flasks containing thiosulfate to neutralize free chlorinate. The

end of the tap was flamed and the water left to run for five minutes before collecting

the sample.

Fig. 1. Localization of the river sampling in the neighbourhoods of Saint-Brieuc in

Brittany, France. Rx: sample in river before water treatment plant.

2.2. Bacteriological analysis

Five hundred millilitres of river water samples were diluted in 500 ml of 2X

Bolton broth (Oxoid) supplemented with Bolton antibiotics (Oxoid). For water

samples from public taps, 1000 ml of water were filtered into sterile flasks using a

0.45 mm filter and the filter was then placed in 100 ml of Bolton Broth with Bolton

antibiotic supplement. Campylobacter was cultured at 37 8C in a microaerobic

atmosphere (5% O2, 10% CO2, 85% N2).

Broths were incubated for 48 hours and then streaked on mCCDA plates (Oxoid).

Campylobacter colonies (maximum of 20 per positive sample) were subcultured and

streaked onto blood agar. Blood agar plates were incubated at 37 8C for 24 hours.

For each isolate, a few colonies from the bacterial culture were suspended in

100 ml TE buffer (10 mmol/l Tris-HCl, 1 mmol/l EDTA, pH 7.6) for analysis by PCR.

The remaining colonies were used for genotyping by PFGE, as described below.

2.3. Identification of species

We used multiplex-PCR [22] to identify Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter

coli. The remaining unidentified strains were then analyzed by multiplex-PCR as

described by Wang et al. [23], using primers for the identification of Campylobacter

lari and Campylobacter fetus only.

2.4. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and electrophoretic pattern analysis

DNA preparation, restriction endonuclease digestion and PFGE were carried out

as described by Rivoal et al. [24]. We used two endonucleases in PFGE typing as

recommended by Eyles et al. [25]. Two profiles, corresponding to the restriction

profiles obtained with Sma1 and Kpn1, were obtained for each isolate.

Electrophoretic patterns were compared using BioNumerics1 (Applied Maths,

Sint-Martens-Latem, Belgium). Similarities between profiles, based on band

positions, were determined by calculating the Dice correlation coefficient, with a

maximum position tolerance of 1%. A dendrogram based on the combined results

for Kpn1- and Sma1-digested DNA (KS) was constructed, to reflect the similarities

between the strains in the matrix. Strains were clustered by the Unweighted Pair-

Group Method using the Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) [26].

The Simpson’s index (D) determined as follows [27], with a 95% confidence

interval, as described by Grundmann et al. [28], to assess the genetic diversity of the

Campylobacter populations:

D ¼ 1 � 1

NðN � 1ÞXs


n jðn j � 1Þ

N: number of isolates tested; S: number of different genotypes; nj: number of

isolates belonging to type j.

Isolates with high similarity levels were considered to be derived from the same

parental strain and were clustered using a threshold of 80% [29].

2.5. Campylobacter PFGE profile collection

The genotypes of Campylobacter isolates from water were compared with the

genotypes of strains from humans, poultry and pigs (363 from humans, 867 from

poultry, and 98 from pigs). These genotypes were obtained from Campylobacter

isolates collected in Brittany from the years 2003 to 2006 and typed by PFGE in our

laboratory. The PFGE profiles are stocked in our Campylobacter BioNumerics data

base. Our collection contained (1): 291 human and 550 poultry PFGE profiles for the

species C. jejuni; (2) 68 human, 317 poultry and 98 pig PFGE profiles for the species

C. coli, and (3) four human PFGE profile for the species C. lari. Human isolates were

obtained from the French National Reference Laboratory.

3. Results

3.1. Campylobacter in water

In total, 60 river samples upstream from the WTP and 60samples of drinking water were collected. Campylobacter was notdetected in drinking water but 30 of the river samples (50%) werepositive for Campylobacter. Over the 12 months of the study,Campylobacter was detected five, seven, seven, one and 10 timesduring the year in rivers R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5, respectively(Table 1). At least one sample over the five realised per month waspositive for Campylobacter. Fifteen samples were done per season,seven (46.6%) were positive for Campylobacter in winter and spring,and eight (53.3%) in summer and in fall (Table 2).

In total, 297 Campylobacter isolates were collected from riverwater over the year (Tables 1 and 2). C. jejuni was the most

Table 1Number of positive samples, Campylobacter isolates and Kpn1-Sma1 genotypes per river.

River No. of positive samples No. of isolates No. of isolates per species No. of genotypes

C. jejuni C. coli C. lari

R1 5/12 42 3 28 11 8

R2 7/12 63 62 1 – 8

R3 7/12 63 40 10 13 10

R4 1/12 15 15 – – 1

R5 10/12 114 100 14 – 23

Total 30/60 297 220 53 24 50*

Notes: *50 instead of 46 because four genotypes were found in different rivers.

Table 2Number of Campylobacter spp. and Kpn1-Sma1 profiles of the isolates per river and month.

River Month

Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

R1 K69S52-8l K6S3-2ja K10S7-11c K6S24-1j K18S14-16c

K71S57-1l K32S23-1c


R2 K1SND-16ja K29S1-1j K5SND-7ja K7S4-11j K44S30-1c K16S12-17j K19S15-9j


R3 K42S29-5ja K72S55-1l K2S1-8ja K69S52-12l K11S8-8c K14S10-17j K46S32-2c

K43S29-1j K3S1-4ja


R4 K4S2-15j

R5 K1SND-7ja K20S16-1c K1SND-20ja K23S18-17j K24S19-1j K1SND-1ja K13SND-2ja K15S4-10j K17S13-7c K51S41-2c

K50S40-2c K21S17-12j K25S20-5j K5SND-2ja K12S9-3j K15S11-3j

K26S21-1j K9S1-5j K12S1-6j K45S31-2ca

K27S20-1j K30SND-1j




KxSx: code of Kpn1-Sma1 profiles; ND: not digested; j, c, l: jejuni, coli, lari respectively.a PFGE profile from water isolate clustered with poultry C. jejuni genotypes or pig C. coli genotype.

M. Denis et al. / Pathologie Biologie 59 (2011) 256–263258

frequently detected species in samples (74.1% of the isolates),followed by C. Coli (17.8%) and C. lari (8.1%). C. jejuni, C. coli andC. lari were respectively detected in 20, 10 and three samplesover the 30 samples tested positives. The five rivers werecontaminated at least once during the year by C. jejuni; R1, R2, R3and R5 were contaminated at least once by C. coli, and R1 and R3were contaminated at least once by C. lari (Table 1). C. jejuni

was isolated in each of the four seasons. C. coli was not detectedin spring and C. lari was detected only in winter and spring(Table 2).

3.2. Genetic diversity of Campylobacter

Forty-six PFGE profiles were obtained from the 297 Campy-

lobacter isolates; 32 for C. jejuni, 11 for C. coli, and three for C. lari.C. jejuni was more diverse (D = 0.92 CI95% [0.91–0.94]) than C. coli

(D = 0.83 CI95% [0.82–0.85]). Kpn1-Sma1 profiles are indicatedby month and by river in Table 2. Four genotypes were codedSND (ND for not digested) because the genome of thecorresponding isolate was not successfully digested with theSma1.

The Campylobacter population in water samples was geneticallyhighly diverse. Forty-two genotypes were identified only onceduring the year in the rivers. Only one C. jejuni PFGE profile, K1SND,was detected three times in the year, in the same river (R5). TwoC. jejuni genotypes (K1SND, K5SND) were obtained from R2 and R5and two C. lari genotypes (K69S52, K72S55) were obtained from R1and R3.

The number of Kpn1-Sma1 profiles observed per river in theyear was variable: eight PFGE profiles in rivers R1 and R2, 10 inriver R3, 23 in river R5 and only one in river R4. Seventeen PFGEprofiles were obtained in summer, 12 in spring and, 11 in fall andalso in winter.

With a cut-off value of 80%, 39.1% of the water PFGE profiles(18/46) were grouped into eight clusters coded W on thedendrogram (Fig. 2). In five clusters (W1, W3, W4, W6 and W8),the genotypes were from the same river and, in three clusters (W2,W5, and W7), the genotypes were found in two different rivers.Clusters did not tend to represent one season but tended to includeisolates from most seasons.

3.3. Genetic relationship to animal and human Campylobacter


The 46 Campylobacter genotypes obtained from water wereanalyzed with 965 Campylobacter genotypes of animal origin and363 genotypes of human origin using Dice correlation coefficientand UPGMA method (dendrograms in Figs. 3 and 4). Nine C. jejuni

isolates obtained from river water (from R2 and R5) had a profile(K5SND) identical to those of human Campylobacter isolate andtwo poultry isolates. Over the 46 Campylobacter genotypes fromwater, 14, 11 and one genotypes were genetically closed to human,poultry, and pig Campylobacter genotypes, respectively (indicatedby * in dendrogram). Water C. lari PFGE profiles were geneticallydistant from those of humans, to which they were only 51.6%genetically similar (Fig. 5).

Fig. 2. Dendrogram of the Kpn1-Sma1 profiles of water Campylobacter spp. isolates.

M. Denis et al. / Pathologie Biologie 59 (2011) 256–263 259

4. Discussion

Surface water has been implicated in transmission of Campy-

lobacter [30,31]. In our year-long study, surface water appeared tobe an important reservoir of Campylobacter; with 50% of riverwater samples testing positive for Campylobacter. The prevalenceof Campylobacter in surface water is highly variable with reportedisolation rates of 0% [32], 12% [33], 17.1% [34], 17.3% [35], 53.3%[36], 70% [37], 82.1% [38,39] and 87.5% [19]. This difference

between these studies could be related to the method used fordetecting Campylobacter from water.

Several studies have indicated that the rate of Campylobacter

detection in surface water is variable and depends on samplingseason. Campylobacter isolation rates from surface water arehighest in the late fall and winter and lowest in spring and summer,according Carter et al. [40], Obiri-Danso and Jones [14] andDaczkowska-Kozon and Brzostek-Nowakowska [41]. Eyles et al.[20] reported larger number of positive samples during winter and

Fig. 3. Dendrogram of the Kpn1-Sma1 profiles of water Campylobacter spp. isolates clustered with poultry, pig and human Campylobacter isolates (*).

M. Denis et al. / Pathologie Biologie 59 (2011) 256–263260

summer, whereas Close et al. [33] reported smaller number ofpositive samples in winter. We observed no seasonal effects onCampylobacter isolation. For the five rivers considered together,46.6% to 53.3% of the samples collected during each season werecontaminated with Campylobacter.

One of the rivers tested positive for Campylobacter only once,possibly due to the location of the sampling site just after a barrage,resulting in the sedimentation of particles.

In this study, 66.6% of positive river water samples takenupstream from water treatment plants contained C. jejuni and33.3% contained C. coli. C. jejuni represented 76.1% of the isolates.C. jejuni was also the major species in the river samples analysed byDaczkowska-Kozon and Brzostek-Nowakowska [41]. Horman et al.[35] reported a higher percentage of C. jejuni (45.8%) than of C. coli

(4.2%) in populations from the surface water of lakes and rivers. Asimilar situation was reported by Close et al. [33] in their analysis

Fig. 4. Dendrogram of the Kpn1 profiles of water Campylobacter spp. isolates clustered with Kpn1 profiles of poultry and human Campylobacter isolates. These isolates had all a

non-digested genome by Sma1.

Fig. 5. Dendrogram of the Kpn1-Sma1 profiles of water and human C. lari isolates.

M. Denis et al. / Pathologie Biologie 59 (2011) 256–263 261

of groundwater samples. By contrast, C. coli was the major species(44%), closely followed by C. jejuni (34.6%) in a similar study byRosef et al. [36].

In this study, C. lari was detected in 10% of the positive watersamples and accounted for 8.1% of isolates. Other studies have alsoreported the presence of C. lari in surface water. Daczkowska-Kozon and Brzostek-Nowakowska [41] detected C. lari in 3.6% ofpositive surface water samples. This Campylobacter species wasalso detected in 4.2% and in 5% of the water samples analyzed byHorman et al. [35] and Brown et al. [42], respectively. C. lari

accounted for 14.7% of the Campylobacter isolates collected byRosef et al. [36] from groundwater.

Our results showed that the PFGE profiles of Campylobacter inriver were highly diverse, with most profiles (91.3%) unique. Onlyfour genotypes were detected on several occasions during the year,in the same or in different rivers. Moreover, only 39% of the waterCampylobacter PFGE profiles was grouped into clusters; so a few ofthe genetic profiles were genetically similar. Levesque et al. [43]described also an important genetic diversity for their C. jejuni

isolates collected from environmental water in Quebec, Canada.This variability in Campylobacter genotype during the year is

probably linked to the presence, at particular times, of animals andagricultural activities around the rivers, rather than to seasonaleffects. Thomas et al. [44] pointed out that reported variations inthe rate, type and seasonality of Campylobacter of surface watercontamination are not unexpected, given the multitude of factorspotentially influencing this contamination, including rainfall,temperature, the indigenous fauna, and flow rates. Close et al.

[33] reported a higher rate of Campylobacter detection during theirrigation season.

The sampling site R5 was the one with the highest number ofpositive samples and the highest number of genotypes. Theseresults are probably due to its geographical localization; after thejunction of several rivers coming from different valleys whichincreases the possibilities to be contaminated by Campylobacter

from multiple sources.Our study confirms that poultry may be a source of water

contamination by C. jejuni; indeed, 34.4% of the water genotypesclustered with poultry genotypes. C. jejuni is known to be thepredominant species in poultry production systems in Brittany,France [24,45,46]. Some of the C. jejuni isolates from water werealso closely related to human isolates suggesting than humancould be a source of contamination of river by Campylobacter. Butour findings cannot show unequivocally that cases of Campylo-

bacter infection in humans are due to contamination fromchickens or water, but they do show that isolates from boththese sources are indistinguishable from isolates capable ofproducing disease in humans. Only one C. coli genotype isolatedfrom R5 water in October could be associated with pig in thisstudy. No C. coli from water clustered with C. coli isolates frompoultry and/or humans. This result suggests that there must beother sources of C. coli.

Transmission from animals and birds to water may occurthrough direct contamination, or indirectly, through contamina-tion of the catchment area, with subsequent drainage into waterreservoirs [47,48]. Runoff from agricultural land, particularly

M. Denis et al. / Pathologie Biologie 59 (2011) 256–263262

during periods of heavy rainfall and flooding, may introduceCampylobacter into surface waters [41].

In our study, 73.9% of the C. jejuni and C. coli genotypes from waterwere not of poultry or pig or human origin. They may have comefrom strains infecting wild animals and birds, or from other farmsanimals. C. jejuni is the predominant species in birds [49,50],ruminants and poultries [42,45,48,49,51–53]. Thermophilic Cam-

pylobacter species were prevalent in all of the wild animals analyzedby Wahlstrom et al. [54]. Moreover, French et al. [55] indicate thatisolates from wildlife feces were of the same sequence types assurface water isolates. Kwan et al. [56] reported similar findings forisolates from birds, rabbits and water, and also showed restrictedexchange of C. jejuni between cattle and the environment.

The C. lari in water in our study here may result fromcontamination by birds. Brown et al. [42] detected C. lari in birdsand water from the same area. C. lari was also detected in migratingbirds by Waldestrom et al. [57]. Although C. lari has been isolatedfrom poultry in Belgium [53], this species has not been detected inpoultry flocks in Brittany, France [24,45,46].

In this study, Campylobacter was not detected in drinking watersampled after passage through the five WTP. The treatmentprocesses at all five treatment plants included a final chlorinationstep and Campylobacter is susceptible to chlorination [58]. Theconsumption of ground water without disinfection was identifiedas a source of outbreaks of waterborne Campylobacter infection inFinland [11,59], and failure of the chlorination system has beenidentified as a cause of waterborne outbreaks [10,12]. Our findingsindicate that the risk of outbreaks due to consumption of drinkingwater is low in the neighbourhoods of Saint-Brieuc, but may existin the absence of chlorination.

In conclusion, the rivers of Brittany, France, tested displayedalmost continual Campylobacter contamination and the Campylo-

bacter population was found to be highly genetically diverse duringthis study, consistent with multiple origins of contamination.Human, poultry and pig were implied in the contamination of riverby Campylobacter. Finally, no Campylobacter was detected indrinking water indicating that the risk of outbreaks due toconsumption of drinking water is low.


This work was financially supported by the ‘‘Region Bretagne’’and the ‘‘Syndicat Mixte du Zoopole’’ of Ploufragan. We thank AlexEdelman and associates for checking the English version of this text.


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