Descrierea soiurilor columnare


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The Meaning of the Columnar Apple Tree System (CATS) for the Market in Future

Helmut B. Jacob

The Geisenheim Research Institute, Department of PomologyD-65366 Geisenheim, Germany

ph.: +49-(0)6722 - 502 561Fax.: +49-(0)6722 - 502 560Email:


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What is the meaning of CATS ?.............................................................. 3

Origin and Genetic Background ............................................................ 4

Why CATS ? Capabilities and Possibilities

Tree and Bloom ....................................................................................... 5Relations between fruit bearing wood, yield and quality of CATS .... 6Formation of fruit wood of CATS-varieties ........................................... 7Yield Potentials

Optimal fruit set of CATS ........................................................................ 8Yield Increase with CATS - Single Tree Yields ...................................... 9First Developments of CATS Varieties (2nd, 3rd and 4th year) .......... 10Yield Increase with CATS - Area Yield ................................................... 13Planting Systems for CATS Varieties -Single Row .............................. 15Planting Systems for CATS Varieties -Double Row ............................ 16Planting Systems for CATS Varieties -Double Row, V-System .......... 17Advantages in Plant Physiology of CATS ........................................... 18Advantages in Crop Production of CATS ............................................. 19Climatic Features of CATS ..................................................................... 20Phytopathological Aspects of CATS .................................................... 21CATS-Breeding Worldwide ..................................................................... 23Inheritance of the factor „Columnar Growth“ ...................................... 24CATS - The Look into the Future ........................................................... 25Special Applications for CATS - as Interstem ..................................... 26Special Applications for CATS - as Wind Protection/Pollinator ........ 29Propagation of CATS in the Nursery ..................................................... 30Previous Varieties from Geisenheim ..................................................... 31Summary ................................................................................................. 33


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What is the meaning of CATS ?

CATS means „Columnar Apple Tree System“ with an ecological and economically desirable combination of high-density-planting and the columnar growth form.

After developing and proving dwarfing rootstocks in fruit science, the detection and breeding advancement of columnar tree habit is the second epoch making jump in orchard efficiency.

With the introduction of the M9-rootstock the intensification potential increased yields from about 30 tons per hectare to 60 tons per hectare. The column apple varieties (CATS) will allow a yield leap up to 150 tons per hectare.

The breeding activities worldwide are using the positive starting-points of CATS for yield efficiency, productivity management as well as for frost- and drought-resistance.

In Central-Europe about 50 ha dessert apples and 50 ha cider apples will be planted as pilot and model orchards over the period 2005 to 2010. The varieties will come predominantly from the pomological breedings and developments of Geisenheim.



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OriginRandom mutation of the apple- variety ‘McIntosh‘ in 1960 in British Columbia, Canada.Discoverer: Mr. Wijcik.

This variety is known as ‘McIntosh Wijcik‘ and formed the genetic background for all following breeding work.

Genetic BackgroundThe dominant gene CO for columnar growth causes changes and interaction of the plant hormones:

+ Cytokinin

+ Auxin

- Gibberellic acid

- (Abscisic acid ?)



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• columnar growth

• maximum growth height 5-7 m >de-pending on the rootstock

• spurs and short shoots from the sec-ond year

• axial diameter maximum 30 cm

• high flower density from the 1st year, mid to late, good pollinators, diploid

• long shoots always have to be re-mo-ved as they can produce competing lateral leaders

• fruit regulation - thinning obligatory, otherwise biennial bearing

• suitable for all rootstocks, tes-ted so far without any problems:M 9, B 9, Supporter 4, M 26, MM 106, MM 111, M 4, M 7, A 2, Bittenfelder seedling. Underlined rootstocks have enough stability; no stakes necessary


Why CATS ?

Capabilities and Possibilities

Tree and bloom



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• ideal „super spindle“ without manipulative pruning effort

• bloom diploid, late and for a long time, thereby safe and high fruit set

• formation of short shoots and spurs, thus high flower density (thinning as early as possible preferable with pruning, thinning machine or chemically)

• axial fruit development, thus good unifor-mity in fruit size

• almost no shaded areas, thereby good fruit colouration

• formation of short shoots completed at the end of May, thus good nutrient and carbohydrate supply of fruits and flowers setting


Relations between fruit

bearing wood, yield and

quality of CATS



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Formation of Fruit Wood

of CATS Varieties

lateral leader

• formation of a lateral leader= competitor to the main leader

>> always has to be removed !

fruit bearing wood



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80 mm

210 g

0,30 m

1 m

2 m

3 m

shell of0.30 m Ø

(2 π r h)

= 2.826 m2

fruits have diffe-rent distribution in


- 50 %

= 1.4 m2

THECATS STORYYield Potential

maximum theoretical fruit load

100 % space utilization

220 fruits= 46 kg / 3 m

73 fruits= 15 kg / 1 m

optimal practical fruit load

40 % space utilization

76 fruits= 15 kg / 3 m

25 fruits= 5 kg / 1 m

optimal relationship between

leaf space and fruit space

60 : 40

Optimal Fruit Set of CATS-Single Tree



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0,30 m

1 m

2 m


Yield Increase with CATS

Single Tree Yields

planting year: fruit removed in year of establishment

1st yield: 1.00 m yielding zone = 2.50 kg apples / tree

2nd yield: 1.75 m yielding zone = 5.75 kg apples / tree

3rd yield: 2.50 m yielding zone = 10.50 kg apples / tree

4th yield: 3.00 m yielding zone = 15.00 kg apples / tree

(reached end height)

5th to 20th yield: 3.00 m yielding zone = 15.00 kg apples / tree

(full capacity)



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First Developments of

CATS Varieties

axis length about 1.25 m

2nd year

rootstock MM 106

optimum yield about 2.5 kg per tree



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First Developments of

CATS Varieties

axis length about 2.00 m

3rd year

rootstock MM 106

optimum yield about 5.75 kg per tree



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First Developments of

CATS Varieties

axis length about 3.00 m

4th year

rootstock MM 106

optimum yield about 10.5 kg per tree



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0,30 m

1 m

2 m


Yield Increase with CATS

Area Yield

Single-Row- Plantings (planting pattern 0.40 x 3.00 m)

maximum possible 8,333 trees / hanet 7,500 trees / ha (-10 %) tree height maximum 3.50 mfruiting zone 3.00 m7500 trees x 3 m x 5 kg apples= 112.5 tons / ha

Double-Row-Plantings (planting pattern 0.50 x 0.50 x 3.00 m)

maximum possible 11,430 trees / hanet 10,285 trees / ha (-10%) tree height 3.50 mfruiting zone 3.00 m10285 trees x 3 m x 5 kg= 155 tons / ha



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0,30 m

1 m

2 m

3 m

The simple, but real calculation

5 kg apples per meter yielding zone

allows many modified possibilities. The light and radiation critical moun-

tainous area of central and Northern Europe will have about 30,000 me-

ters yielding zone (axis meter). This means a real doubling to quadru-

pling of potential yields compared to previous intensive production

systems. Yields of more than 150 tons are possible.


Yield Increase with CATS



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Planting Systems for

CATS Varieties

planting pattern: 3.00 x 0.50 m = 6,000 trees/0.9 ha

Single Row

rootstock BU 9, 2nd year

full bearing prognosis 90 tons / year



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Planting Systems for

CATS Varieties

planting pattern: 3.00 + 1.00 x 0.50 m = 9,000 trees/0.9 ha

Double Row

rootstock MM 106, 2nd year

full bearing prognosis 135 tons / year



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Planting Systems for

CATS Varieties

planting pattern: 3.00 + 1.50 x 0.50 m = 8,000 trees/0.9 ha

Double Row, V-System

rootstock MM 106, 2nd year

full bearing prognosis 120 tons / year➥


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• (nearly) no formation of long shoots

• no „useless“ shoot-branch-production = improved energy balance for fruits, flower formation, reserve potential

• the leaves show more assimilative activity (clone specific and because of a better light exposure)

• early termination of short shoots


• no alternate bearing (if CATS are regulated)

• high winter frost hardiness

• high flower robustness

• high flower disposition

• high fruit uniformity

• less susceptible to climatic interferences (p. ex. sunburn) and nut-rition physiology troubles (p. ex. bitter pit)

Advantages in Plant Physiology of CATS



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Advantages in Crop Production of CATS

• good standability on rootstocks like B 9, Supporter 4, MM 106, M 4, M 25, MM 111, A 2 - thereby saving costs of a support system (about 5,000 to 8,000 Euro per ha)

• lower water requirements, from the 4th year full greening in areas with more than 600 mm rainfall per year possible

• less pruning, about 10 man-hour per year; cost saving: 800 Euro per year

• no investments for pruning; cost saving: 1,000 to 1,500 Euro per year and ha

• working very efficient on the tree (summer pruning, thinning by hand, harvest)



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Climatic Features of CATS

• High frost hardiness: Winterhardy to -40°C conditional on special wood and bark structures and physiology. Breeding activities in continental winterhardy areas like the Baltic, Scandinavia, Ukraine, Russia, North China

• Previous varieties with high coldness demand (more than 1400 degree hours below 7°C) at the source variety ‘McIntosh-Weijcik‘; thereby late bud break, late flowering and suitability for late areas.

• High drought tolerance: During the growing season the water require-ments are only half that of conventional apple trees.

• Less susceptibility to sunburn.

• Avoid too much shade with CATS >> it works bloom reducting. Adjust tree height or row width to the empirical formula: Optimal row

width = 1/2 aimed tree height + 1 m if planted in N-S-direction. (This ap-plies only for regions in the northern hemisphere with less radiation.)



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Phytopathological Aspects of CATS

S• Varieties of the first CATS-generation (Ballerina -varieties) are sus-

ceptible to apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) and mildew (Podosphaera leucotricha), partial or high susceptible to canker (Nectria galligena) and apple proliferation (phytoplasma disease).

• Varieties of the second CATS-generation are partly resistant to apple scab and mildew (‘Red River‘, ‘Arbat‘, ‘Pompink‘, ‘Pomforyou‘, ‘Pidi‘, ‘Macexel‘).

• Varieties of the third CATS-generation will be resistant to all main fun-gal diseases.

• Since spring 2003 infection trials with fire blight (Erwinia amylovora) confirm the total resistance of all tested CATS-clones. Although there were heavy flower infections, but the bacteria could not penetrate the stem and damage the tree. In Geisenheim we are trying to clear up the resistance principle.

• Lower susceptibility to pests, especial aphids and psyllids.



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Phytopathological Aspects of CATS

Experimental flower infection, variety ‘Pomgold‘ 20.06.2003

Defense reaction - barrier creation,

variety ‘Pomgold‘ 20.06.2003

Testing of fire blight resistance



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continent, country


breeding target


Europe, GB Watkins and Tobutt, East Malling - 1990 programme finished

varieties for home garde-ning

Ballerinas ®: Bolero, Polka, Waltz, Charlotte, Flamenco, Maypole

Europe, F Delbard-Pepinieresbreeder ?

fungal resis-tance, quality

Red River, Golden Gate

Europe, B Uni Loewen, Koele-mans

quality, resistance


Europe, LT Bronius, Babtai

frost hardiness, quality, fungal resistance

Arbat, clones

Europe, G Jacob, Geisenheim

quality, resistance

Pompink, Pomfor-you, Pomredrobust,Pomgold, clones

Europe, CZ Blazek, Holovousy

Tupy, Prag


Kordona, Pidi, clo-nesclones

Europe - Asia, RussiaUkraine


frost hardiness, resistance, quality, matu-rity


America, CN Khanizadeh, Summerland

frost hardiness, resistance, quality


Asia, China Fu Run Min, Shaanxi

frost hardiness,resistance,quality


there are other 15 to 20 breeding stations and private breeders worldwide

CATS-Breeding Worldwide




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Inheritance of the factor „Columnar Growth“ 1)

parental constitution CO x NOR ~ 2 % total columnar

~ 5 % partly columnar> 90 % normal growth

CO x NOR~ 15 % total columnar~ 10 % partly columnar~ 75 % normal growth

CO x CO ~ 40 % total columnar~ 15 % partly columnar~ 45 % normal growth


1)result out of 20 crossing lines with about 40,000 progenies in Geisenheim, no emasculation, only hand pollination at flowering



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CATS - The Look into the Future

Trials and breeding activities over ten years, and observations in

Germany and overseas affirm that CATS from the 2nd and 3rd generation

out of worldwide breeding in

• dessert apples and

• in processing apples, as well as

for some special uses like

- CATS for interstem trees and

- CATS as wind protection and pollinators

show new possibilities and prospects. A range of varieties is already in

development and require methodical evaluation for particular areas. The

argument that CATS will bring much more apples to the market and in-

tensify the already difficult marketing situation - can not be accepted.

The controlled-integrated or organic producing company who delivers

to the market or is doing self-marketing has to feel:

• I produce quality with high consumer acceptance.

• My production protects environment and the resources.

• My production system is ecologically and economically efficient,

effective and quality-focused.

• I have more fun in producing and selling apples and everybody

can see it.

There is a good opportunity to satisfy these intentions with the 2nd and 3rd CATS-generation.



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At present there are trials in Geisenheim in search of a well-anchored, (no support nee-ded) but efficient tree with CATS as interstock in combination with MM 106 and ‘Pinova‘ as the yielding variety. The combinated trees are now in the fourth year.The best performing combination is• rootstock: MM 106, planted deep

• interstem: CATS clone ’AK 9-58-93’ (Geisen-heim clone 7, resistant to apple scab and mil-dew); length of the interstem: 1 m

• variety: ‘Pinova‘

When compared with a conventional Pinova/M9 combination:

• The trees are well-anchored.

• The growth starts about 20 to 30 % more vi-gorous

• The first productivity increased about 40 %

(1st to 3rd yielding year).

• There is the same good colouring of the fruits.

• The internal fruit quality improves (fruit firm-ness, sugar content).

• There is a better nutrient availability (especial Mg + Ca)

• There is the same good fruit size.


Special Applications for CATS

CATS as Interstem



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Special Applications for CATS

CATS as Interstem


initial development (spurs and leaves have to

keep at the interstem)

top grafting 2000variety: ‘Pinova‘Interstem 1 m: CATS-clone AK 9-58-93rootstock: MM106, planted deepplanting pattern: 3.50 x 1 m

• The total tree-health improves.

• The plants and fruits tolerate heat and drought stress much better.

• There exist a less tendency for producing second flowering.

All criteria favour CATS-interstem-combinations compare with conventional M9-trees.



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Special Applications for CATS

CATS as Interstem

’Pinova’: first yields and proportion of the fruit size 75-85 mm

of interstem- and M9-combinations

2001 4.6 kg 2.3 kg64 % 72 %

2002 12.7 kg 6.8 kg70 % 76 %

2003 16.3 kg 12.4 kg65 % 69 %

grafting year 2000 equivalent to the plan-

ting year ’Pinova’ / M9, planting pattern

3.50 x 1.0 m

M9 trees chemical regulated

interstem trees not regulated



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In 4 to 6 years CATS with vigorous rootstocks

(like A 2, seedling, MM 111, M 25) and

distances of 0.5 m in rows form columns 6-7

m height with a nearly closed wall of leaves.

They are absolutely wind-resistant on these

mentioned rootstocks. Planted in a double or

triple row they have very good wind-breaking

and wind-lifting effect.

Provided with robust and disease-resistant

varieties as possible, they have pollinator

properties and can supply the processing

industry (for juice, pulp or drying) and even

table apples if necessary.


Special Applications for CATS

CATS as Wind Protection and Pollinator



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Propagation of CATS in the Nursery


• compatible with all current apple rootstocks

• the tendency to form side shoots on yielding trees increases with increasing vigour

• grafting method: spring and summer chip-budding, spring grafting or winter hand grafting; no stakes necessary; length of the annual shoot about 1 m (budded maidens)

1 year old maidens 2003 on the rootstock MM 106

budded rootstocks 2003



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Previous varieties from Geisenheim






more varieties from 2005 „the Professional-line“

* managed from ARTUS-Group

click on the names to get a brief description of the varieties








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red apple juice - naturally cloudy from ‘Pomfital‘

the apple juice with high bio-vitality-factorfruity- refreshing- revitalizing



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• After developing and proving dwarfing rootstocks in fruit science the detection and breeding advancement of columnar tree habits is the second epoch making jump in orchard efficiency.

• With introducing the M9-rootstock the intensification potential shows yields from about 30 to 60 tons per hectare, the columnar apple varieties (CATS) will allow a yield leap up to 150 tons per hectare.

• With reduced labour input, low relative orchard costs, a double to triple increase in cropping productivity and improved ecological compatibility, the CATS system emerges as a ‘forward looking’ system.

• The breeding activities worldwide are using the positive starting-points of CATS for yield efficiency, productivity management as well as for frost- and drought-resistance.

• Apple varieties with disease resistance properties and very good mar-ket quality will be available shortly.

• Cropping cultivars for high, moderate and low chilling requirements are in progress and will develop new geographic areas for apple culti-vation.

• It is only a question of time to transfer the CATS concept to other tree fruits.





'Pompink'AK 49-191-95

'Obelisk-Flamenco' x 'Topaz'

fruit weight 240 g14,5 % Brix14 ‰ total acidflavour: 4,5 * (* 5 points possible)

• columnar growth, steeply upright, short internodes• blossom mid-late, rich in blooming, very robust• high fertility and precocity also on mid-vigorous to vigorous growing rootstocks• very high, regular and early yield.

• fruit medium to big sized, flat to mid-high, mid-bellied, somewhat ribbed,stem mid-long

• primary color green-yellow, covered up to 60-80% plane and linguiform bright redto magenta, no russetting, firm and dry skin; very firm, juicy, fine sourly andaromatic cream-colored fruit flesh

• maturity end of September, storable in cold store till March, low storage loss• consistent maturity and coloration• very good, acid accentuated dessert and processing apple.

• very low susceptibility to apple scab, mildew, cancer, fruit rots and aphids• total plant is vital and climatic robust.

86 mm

Columnar apple

75 m


25 mm

Research Institute Geisenheim


'Pomforyou'AK 52-38-95

'Maypole' x 'Red Elstar'

fruit weight 160 g13 % Brix12 ‰ total acidflavour: 4,5 * (* 5 points possible)

• columnar growth, steeply upright, short internodes, slight compactly• blossom mid-late, rich in blooming, very robust, diploid, good pollen dispenser• high fertility and precocity also on mid-vigorous to vigorous rootstocks• very high, regular and very early yield

• fruit medium in size, plain to mid-high, mid-ventricose, somewhat ripped; stem mid-long• base color green-yellow, overcolor (60-80 %) plane bright to pink, no russetting;

firm and dry skin; fruit flesh firmly, juicy, fine sourly, aromatic and off-white• maturity mid of September, in cold-store storable till March, less storage deficit• very uniform in maturity and color• very good, acid accentuated table- and processing apple.

• very lowly susceptibility to apple scab, cancer, fruit rots and aphids• the total tree is vital and clmatic robust.

78 mm

Columnar apple71


18 mm

Research Institute Geisenheim




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'Pomfit'AKR 53-44-95

'Maypole' x 'Red Elstar'

fruit weight 210 g16 % Brix7,5 ‰ total acidflavour: 4,5 * (* 5 points possible)

• columnar growth, steeply upright, short internodes• late blossom, rich in blooming, very robust, intensively bright red, high ornamental

value, red leaves• high fertility and precocity also on mid-vigorous to vigorous rootstocks• high, regular and early yield.

• fruit medium in size and high, stemmed-ventricose, somewhat ribbed;stem mid-long, thin

• all around intensively vermilion, yellow-red at the shady side, no rust; thin, firm and dry skin; firmly, juicy, sweet, fine sourly and aromatic fruit-flesh which ispartly red and internal white

• maturity end of september, in cold store storable till march, no storage deficit• health apple with smooth acid and high anti-oxidative and bioactive potential• very good, sweet mild dessertapple; convenient and pink colored must

• very lowly susceptibility to powdery mildew, cancer, aphids, but susceptibleto apple scap

• even injured fruits are resistant to rots• the whole plant is vital and climatic robust

85 mm

The special apple with high ornamental-, quality- and health-value.

80 m


20 mm

Research Institute Geisenheim




'Pomfital'AKR 52-151-95

'Maypole' x 'Red Elstar'

• fruit small to medium, round, ribbed, 60 - 80g; stem mid-long• fruit color fully magenta to blue - dark red• fruit flesh intensive dark red and firm• maturity time: mid September• an apple with red fruit flesh for producing red juice, jam, jelly and other

products with an aromatic fruity flavour

• resistant to apple scab and mildew, less susceptible to cancer, fruit rotsand aphids

• total plant is vital and climatic robust.

Columnar apple

processing apple with red fleshand high biovital contents

value giving contents

13 Brix

21 ‰ total acid

vitamin C 83 mg / l

antioxidative potential:9 mmol Trolox / Liter

1200 mg / l total phenoles

characteristics of pressedmust

aromatic, fruity,acid accentuated, high inextract


Research Institute Geisenheim

• columnar growth, strongly upright, short internodes• blossom mid-late, dense blooming, very robust, bright red,

high ornamental value• high fertility and precocity also on mid-vigorous to vigorous growing rootstocks• very high, regular and early yield.

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