Dependence of combustion dynamics in a gasoline engine ...€¦ · upon the in-cylinder flow...


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Dependence of combustion dynamics in a gasoline engineupon the in-cylinder flow field, determined by high-speed PIV

M. Buschbeck • N. Bittner •

T. Halfmann • S. Arndt

Received: 16 May 2012 / Revised: 9 August 2012 / Accepted: 31 August 2012 / Published online: 26 September 2012

� Springer-Verlag 2012

Abstract We apply time-resolved high-speed particle

image velocimetry (PIV) in an optically accessible gasoline

engine to determine the effect of the in-cylinder flow field

upon combustion dynamics. Our PIV setup involves solid

particles as tracer, which enables also measurements at

firing top dead center and during the combustion process

itself. We analyze the flow field for the entire intake and

compression phase, as well as the decay of a prominent

large-scale tumble structure in the flow field. The data

indicate significant cycle-to-cycle flow field variations,

characterized by detection of kinetic energy and tumble

center. Measurements in fired engine operation demon-

strate the influence of the flow field on combustion

dynamics. At stoichiometric operation, we find that varia-

tions in the kinetic energy of the flow field are a major

cause of cycle-to-cycle variations. From simultaneous

imaging of the combustion flame and PIV at lean opera-

tion, we find that the velocity distribution in the flow field

induces a macroscopic motion of the flame kernel—which

significantly effects the combustion process.

1 Introduction

Spark ignition internal combustion engines show random

variations of the in-cylinder pressure from one cycle to the

next. This phenomenon is known as cycle-to-cycle varia-

tions. For an overview of the literature, see Ozdor et al.

(1994) and references therein. Cycle-to-cycle variations

occur in direct injection as well as in port fuel injection

engines. Moreover, the cyclic variability is especially

dominant at light loads (particularly at idle) or high dilu-

tion due to lean mixture or exhaust gas recirculation

(Heywood 1988).

The variations induce losses in terms of thermodynamic

efficiency and hence affect the specific fuel consumption.

As an example, fast burning cycles tend to knock and

therefore limit the engine compression ratio. One of the

main challenges in engine development is to gain a fun-

damental understanding of the origin of cycle-to-cycle

variations. Usually, the cyclic variability is attributed to

random fluctuations in equivalence ratio and in-cylinder

flow field. Therefore, the fluid mechanics of internal

combustion engines attracted scientific interest already for

many decades (Arcoumanis and Whitelaw 1987). Particle

image velocimetry (PIV) serves as a powerful tool to

determine such fluid mechanics. The flow under investi-

gation is seeded with small particles, which follow the

motion of the flow. Light pulses with sufficiently short time

delay illuminate the particles to generate images on a

camera. The displacement of the particles during the time

interval between the light pulses enables determination of

the velocity of the flow.

One of the first applications of PIV to an internal

combustion engine was carried out by Reuss et al. (1989).

Further PIV studies investigated the cyclic variation of the

in-cylinder flow field (Reuss 2000; Li et al. 2001). Recent

developments in camera and laser technology allow the

crank angle resolved acquisition of PIV images (Towers

and Towers 2004; Muller et al. 2010). This high-speed PIV

yields information on the evolution of the flow field for

M. Buschbeck (&) � N. Bittner � S. Arndt

Robert Bosch GmbH, Corporate Research,

Robert-Bosch-Platz 1, 70839 Gerlingen-Schillerhohe, Germany


T. Halfmann

Institute of Applied Physics, TU Darmstadt,

Hochschulstr. 6, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany



Exp Fluids (2012) 53:1701–1712

DOI 10.1007/s00348-012-1384-3

individual engine cycles. In most PIV studies, the engine

was operated under motored conditions, but there are also

some recent documentations on PIV in fired combustion

engines (Fajardo et al. 2006; Gajdeczko and Bracco 1999;

Fajardo and Sick 2007). In particular, Fajardo and Sick

(2007) performed high-speed UV PIV in stratified opera-

tion of a fired direct-injection transparent engine. The

authors analyzed the flow field just before fuel injection

and up to the early stages of flame propagation.

PIV may be implemented with different seeding parti-

cles or tracers (for an overview, see, for example, Reeder

et al. (2010)). Many studies applied liquid droplets as

tracers, for example, Muller et al. (2010) and Fajardo et al.

(2006) used oil droplets with a size of *1 lm. As an

advantage, liquid tracers are not abrasive in the engine. As

a drawback, liquid droplets evaporate at larger temperature.

This makes measurements at firing top dead center and

during the combustion process very difficult. Application

of solid particles avoids the latter problem. Towers and

Towers (2004) seeded the flow with micro balloons, which

exhibit a large light scatter efficiency compared to oil

droplets. However, these particles show an abrasive

behavior during engine operation and reduce the barrel

lifetime significantly. Also another typical solid tracer TiO2

shows an abrasive behavior. Solid lubricants, for example,

boron nitride and graphite, overcome this problem. They

are non-abrasive and suitable for in-cylinder applications

(Neubert et al. 2011).

In our work, presented in the following sections, we

apply graphite particles as tracers in high-speed PIV. This

enables PIV measurements during all phases of the engine

cycle in motored operation, as well as outside the flame

area in fired operation. Our aim is to analyze the evolution

and cycle-to-cycle variations of the in-cylinder flow field.

In particular, we perform measurements in fired operation

and investigate the effect of the flow field upon the com-

bustion process.

2 Experimental setup

Figure 1 depicts the experimental setup of the high-speed

PIV system applied to the optically accessible gasoline

engine. The single-cylinder engine includes 4 valves, an

82 mm bore and an 86 mm stroke, yielding a displacement

volume of 454 cm3. The compression ratio is 9.6. For the

experiments discussed in the following, the engine speed is

set to 1000 rpm, and the inlet manifold pressure is

450 mbar. The engine is equipped with a horizontally

dividable twin inlet manifold. By closing the lower half of

the inlet manifold, we induce a distinct tumble motion. The

engine offers optical access to the combustion chamber by

a cylindrical quartz glass ring below the cylinder head, two

pent roof windows, located at the front and back side of the

engine, as well as a quartz glass disk inserted into the

piston. Operation of the engine is possible either at mo-

tored or fired condition. For fired operation, we replace the

spark plug (located between the exhaust valves) by a

Nd:YAG laser ignition system operating at 1064 nm, pro-

viding laser pulses with nanosecond duration. The laser is

focused by a lens with a focal length of 15 mm and

propagates through an entrance window into the combus-

tion chamber. The laser-induced plasma is generated

approximately 6 mm behind the entrance window. There-

fore, the ignition location is identical to the spark plug

ignition. We note that the ignition location is highly

reproducible from cycle to cycle. The lifetime of the laser-

induced plasma is orders of magnitude shorter compared to

the spark plug ignition. Thus, the plasma is not signifi-

cantly deflected by the flow field. Moreover, the ignition

location is optically accessible and no shadowing effects

from the spark plug mass electrode perturb the measure-

ments. In order to collect data under realistic engine con-

ditions, we use ambient air and a reference fuel (CEC-RF

08-A-85) as cylinder charge. The fuel injector is located at

the inlet manifold 80 cm upstream of the intake valves.

Due to the rather long path toward the combustion cham-

ber, this setup yields an almost perfectly homogeneous

mixture—avoiding effects of an inhomogeneous fuel dis-

tribution on the combustion process. We monitor the

pressure variation in the engine during individual com-

bustion cycles by a pressure detector (Kistler, 6043Asp).

The high-speed PIV system consists of a frequency-

doubled, double-cavity Nd:YAG laser (Edgewave, IS6II-

DE) operating at 532 nm. The laser pulse duration is of the

order of 10 ns, with a maximum repetition rate of 10 kHz.

The pulse-to-pulse separation of the two cavities can be

matched to the engine speed between 15–60 ls. We focus

Fig. 1 Experimental setup of high-speed PIV in an optically

accessible engine. For better visibility in the two-dimensional sketch,

the camera is drawn parallel to the plane of the light sheet—though

indeed it is oriented perpendicular to the light sheet

1702 Exp Fluids (2012) 53:1701–1712


the laser beam by a cylindrical concave (f1 = -20 mm)

and a cylindrical convex (f2 = 750 mm) lens to generate a

light sheet with a thickness of 1 mm and width of 60 mm

in the combustion chamber. The light sheet is located in the

center of the combustion chamber (i.e., between the two

intake valves) and oriented perpendicular to the axis of the

tumble motion.

The graphite tracer particles (Thielmann, colloidal

graphite 43019/a) are provided by a powder disperser

(Palas, RBG1000 D) in the air flow at the inlet manifold.

The particles exhibit a mean diameter of approximately

3 lm and survive temperatures up to 900�C. Therefore, the

particles do not survive the flame itself. But outside the

flame and in motored conditions, we do not observe any

burn of the particles. Due to (graphite) particle deposition

on the inner cylinder surfaces, the combustion chamber is

cleaned after every second engine run.

The light scattered by the tracer particles is detected on a

high-speed CMOS camera (Photron, SA1.1), oriented

perpendicular to the laser beam direction. An optical

bandpass filter with center wavelength at 532 nm ± 10 nm

serves to suppress background radiation. The frame rate

of the camera is 6 kHz at a spatial resolution of

960 9 704 px. At an engine revolution speed of 1000 rpm,

the temporal resolution of the camera corresponds to an

image taken every 2� of the crank angle.

To process the PIV image data, we use a commercially

available software (LaVision, DaVis8). As an additional step

of pre-processing, we subtract a sliding background (spatial

average of the vicinity) with a length scale of 150 px from the

PIV raw images and carry out an intensity normalization. We

apply a multi-pass cross-correlation algorithm to obtain

velocity fields, resulting in final interrogation windows of

32 9 32 px with 50 % overlap. To obtain clearer data, we

remove inconsistent vectors (i.e., differing substantially

from the median of the adjacent four vectors). In this case, we

also check the next best (second, third or fourth) correlations

between the images. If one of these correlations leads to a

better agreement with the local flow field, we use the

velocities from this correlation peak instead. The velocity

field finally obtained after processing has a size of

60 9 42 mm with a resolution of 1.4 9 1.4 mm.

3 Results and discussion

For a first impression of the in-cylinder flow dynamics,

Fig. 2 shows a sequence of ensemble-averaged velocity

fields under motored conditions. We recorded the flow field

for the intake and compression stroke from 360� before top

dead center (BTDC) until firing top dead center (TDC),

with a resolution of 2� CA for 20 consecutive cycles. We

record an air flow into the cylinder, when the intake valves

open around 330� BTDC. At 284� BTDC, the flow reaches

largest velocities of up to 50 m/s. Since the lower half of

the inlet manifold is closed, the flow is guided above the

intake valves, leading to a strong tumble inside the com-

bustion chamber. Between 238� BTDC and 192� BTDC,

the piston moves further downwards, and the tumble center

moves below the field of view. The intake valves close now

and the velocity of the flow reduces to values around 20

m/s. At 146� BTDC, the intake valves are fully closed and

the piston moves upwards again. The flow field shows a

large tumble structure, which spans over the entire com-

bustion chamber and exhibits a tumble center slightly

below the field of view. In the later compression phase (i.e.,

from 100� BTDC to 54� BTDC), the tumble moves

upwards and is squeezed vertically, while the magnitude of

the velocity field stays rather constant around 15 m/s.

Finally at 8� BTDC (i.e., typical ignition timing), the

tumble structure of the flow field is still visible.

A common way to quantify the flow field utilizes the

kinetic energy per unit mass Ekin within the light-sheet

plane (Druault et al. 2005):

Ekin ¼Xnx






u21ðxi; yjÞ þ u2

2ðxi; yjÞnxny


with the numbers nx and ny of vectors in x and y-directions,

the velocities u1(xi, yj) and u2(xi, yj) in x and y-directions at

the point (xi, yj). We note that we consider only the

velocity components within the light-sheet plane and

neglect the out-of-plane velocity. Since we induce a dis-

tinct tumble motion, the out-of-plane velocity (i.e., swirl

motion) is much lower than the velocity within the plane.

This was also shown by Muller (2012) in an identical

optical engine by means of stereoscopic PIV. Therefore,

the contribution of the out-of-plane velocity to the kinetic

energy can be neglected.

Figure 3 shows the kinetic energy in the flow field vs.

the crank angle for data from Fig. 2. At the beginning of

the intake stoke (360� BTDC), the kinetic energy is close

to zero—as the flow field is at rest. When the intake valves

open (i.e., from 350� BTDC to 290� BTDC), the kinetic

energy increases to a maximal value of approximately 250

m2/s2. A specific ‘‘staircase’’ shape is visible between

330� BTDC and 310� BTDC. By looking at the vector

fields, it is noticeable that the tumble structure is formed

directly after the ‘‘staircase’’ (i.e., 310� BTDC). From

260� BTDC on the kinetic energy decreases until

160� BTDC, when it reaches values around 50 m2/s2.

During this time, the intake valves close. From 160� BTDC

until shortly before firing TDC (i.e., at 20� BTDC), the

energy stays on a constant level around 50 m2/s2. At the

end of the compression stroke, the kinetic energy decreases

Exp Fluids (2012) 53:1701–1712 1703


x position [mm]

-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30

















y po


n [m


y po


n [m


y po


n [m


y po


n [m


x position [mm]

















































330° BTDC


100° BTDC146° BTDC

238° BTDC 192° BTDC

284° BTDC




1704 Exp Fluids (2012) 53:1701–1712


slightly. Since the combustion process takes place around

TDC, this particular timing is of high interest for com-

bustion diagnostics. Therefore, we will analyze now the

flow field around TDC in more detail.

Figure 4 shows the evolution of the ensemble-averaged

flow field around firing TDC for motored engine operation.

We measure the flow field of 36 individual engine cycles

from 100� BTDC to 100� after TDC (ATDC) in intervals

of 2� CA. At the beginning of the sequence (i.e., at

20� BTDC), a strong tumble motion with velocities up to

15 m/s shows up. The tumble structure is still visible at the

end of compression (TDC). However, at this time,

the velocity decreases to 10 m/s. During the expansion, the

tumble motion decays completely. While at 10� ATDC, a

weak tumble structure is still visible, it disappears com-

pletely at 30� ATDC. We also note that the flow field slows

down significantly toward velocities of only 4 m/s at 30�ATDC.

The decay of the tumble structure can be quantified by

the kinetic energy and the vorticity x. The latter is defined

via the rotation of the velocity field x = r 9 u (Adrian

et al. 2000). Since we record the flow field in x and y-

directions, our analysis yields the z component of x. We

also average the vorticity over the entire vector field. Fig-

ure 5 shows the kinetic energy and the vorticity of the flow

field for the PIV data depicted in Fig. 4. From the data, the

decay of the tumble flow structure becomes very obvious.

Between 40� BTDC and 20� BTDC, the kinetic energy

decreases only slightly. From 20� BTDC, the kinetic energy

drops significantly to values around 20 m2/s2 at TDC. This

corresponds to 1/3 of the energy remaining in the flow field

compared to the compression phase. We assume that the

‘‘lost’’ energy dissipates into small-scale dynamics in the

flow field, which enhance turbulent flame propagation

(Arcoumanis and Whitelaw 1987; Towers and Towers

2004). The resolution of PIV is not sufficient to resolve such

small-scale dynamics. Moreover, the kinetic energy might

also move outside the light-sheet plane or to the z-compo-

nent of the velocity field. Around 20� ATDC, the kinetic

energy reaches values close to zero, concluding the decay of

the tumble structure. The evolution of the vorticity shows a

similar behavior (see Fig. 5b). The vorticity stays on a

constant level until 20� BTDC and drops afterward. At

TDC, it exhibits a value of x = 600 s-1, which corre-

sponds to more than half the value in the compression

phase. From TDC onwards, the vorticity decreases further,

until at 20� BTDC it reaches values close to zero. Our

analysis of the kinetic energy and vorticity confirms the first

impressions of the velocity field sequence (see Fig. 4). The

tumble structure, generated during the intake stroke, starts

to dissipate at 20� BTDC and is completely vanished at

20� ATDC. At TDC and typical ignition timings (i.e.,

5–15� BTDC), the large-scale tumble structure is still

present in the flow field.

3.1 Cycle-to-cycle fluctuations

The previous results dealt with ensemble-averaged data of

the flow field. However, the flow field also exhibits strong

variations from cycle to cycle. To analyze this effect, we

perform a further PIV measurement and increase the

number of recorded cycles to 75. In return, we shorten the

recording range to 100�BTDC—TDC. The recording

interval is kept constant at 2� CA. Figure 6 shows the

evolution of the flow field of three individual engine

cycles. We randomly choose the cycles (14, 25, 47) from

the set of data and depict the flow field in these cycles at

90�, 60� and 30� BTDC. All three cycles show a distinct

tumble structure. However, the single cycles vary strongly

in the specific shape of the tumble flow and the location of

the tumble center. In cycle 14, at 90� BTDC, the tumble

center and the center of the combustion chamber coincide.

During compression, the tumble shifts upwards toward the

pent roof. At 30� BTDC, the tumble shows a symmetric

shape centered to the combustion chamber. In cycle 25, at

90� BTDC, the tumble center is located in the lower left

corner of the combustion chamber. While the piston moves

upwards, the tumble moves toward the center. Finally, the

tumble is vertically squeezed and an elliptical shape of the

tumble occurs at 30� BTDC. In cycle 47, at 90� BTDC,

the tumble center is slightly left-shifted with respect to the

cylinder axis. During the compression phase, the center

moves to the upper right corner of the cylinder. At 30�








n [m2/s









e lif

t [m



valve lift

Fig. 3 Kinetic energy in the flow field vs. crank angle for intake and

compression stroke. The solid, blue line depicts ensemble-averaged

kinetic energy (20 cycles). The gray background indicates the range

of the standard deviation. The dashed, black line shows the lift of the

intake valves

Fig. 2 Temporal evolution of the ensemble-averaged flow field

during the intake and compression stroke, recorded by high-speed

PIV. To indicate the geometry, the figure also shows the regions of

the piston and intake valve. The velocity is color-coded (see legends

on the right side of the images). We note that the velocity scale

changes in the sequence from image to image


Exp Fluids (2012) 53:1701–1712 1705


BTDC, the center is located at the right side of the com-

bustion chamber. Beyond cycle-to-cycle variations of the

tumble structure, we also monitor variations in the mag-

nitudes of the velocity vectors. While cycle 14 indicates

maximal velocities in the range of 23 m/s at 30� BTDC, in

cycle 25, the maximal velocities are lower (i.e., around 18

m/s) at the same time.

In the following, we quantify the cycle-to-cycle varia-

tions of the flow field using the kinetic energy and the

spatial location of the tumble center. Figure 7 shows the

kinetic energy of the flow field for 75 individual engine

cycles (red circles) and the ensemble average (blue line) for

the same data set as depicted in Fig. 6. Since the three

cycles in Fig. 6 are chosen randomly, they show no

extreme behavior in kinetic energy and are rather close to

the ensemble-average, which reproduces the trend of the

data already illustrated in Fig. 5. The averaged kinetic

energy stays on a constant level (60 m2/s2) between 60�BTDC and 20� BTDC. Afterward, it decreases to values of

20 m2/s2 at TDC. The spread in kinetic energy of indi-

vidual cycles is indeed large. At 60� BTDC, the spread

ranges from 40 m2/s2 to 80 m2/s2, corresponding to a

standard deviation of ±14 % with regard to the ensemble

average. During the compression, the relative fluctuations

even increase. At TDC, the standard deviation is ±25 %.

The kinetic energy of individual cycles ranges from 7 m2/s2

up to 36 m2/s2.

We focus our attention now to the determination of the

tumble center—which can be used to quantify the cycle-to-

cycle variations of the large-scale tumble structure. We

determine the tumble center (as proposed by Jackson et al.

(1997)) by the position (x, y) in the flow field with a

maximal value of the rotation of the normalized velocity

field bx � r� ujuj.

Figure 8 depicts the position of the tumble center in the

engine for the data set of individual cycles, as already

introduced above. The tumble motion of the ensemble-

averaged flow field is shown as a black line, recorded from

100� BTDC to TDC. Additionally, we plot the tumble

center location of our 75 individual engine cycles for three

different crank angle positions (i.e., 90� (blue triangles),

60� (red squares) and 30� BTDC (green circles)). During

the period from 100� BTDC to 20� BTDC, the tumble

center of the ensemble-average moves diagonally from the

bottom left to upper right part of the engine. At 20�BTDC, the center moves slightly in upper left direction

toward the middle of the combustion chamber. The tumble

centers of individual cycles spread significantly around the






































y po


n [m





y po


n [m





y po


n [m


x position [mm]-20 -10 0 10 20 -20 -10 0 10 20

x position [mm]

30° ATDC20° ATDC


10° BTDC20° BTDC

Fig. 4 Temporal evolution of the ensemble-averaged flow field around firing TDC, recorded by high-speed PIV

1706 Exp Fluids (2012) 53:1701–1712


ensemble average. Inspecting the path of individual cycles

(not shown in the figure), it is noticeable that for most of

the cycles, the tumble centers proceed in parallel to each

other. However, also a crossing of the individual path can

be observed sometimes. At 90� and 60� BTDC the tumble

location of individual cycles is quite uniformly distributed

around the ensemble-average position. The scatter region

has a diameter of around 20 mm, corresponding to a

quarter of the combustion chamber diameter. At 30�BTDC, the distribution becomes elongated in horizontal

direction, yielding a displacement range of 34 mm hori-

zontally and 9 mm vertically. Thus, both the kinetic energy

in the flow field and the large-scale flow field structure (i.e.,

the tumble) vary substantially from cycle to cycle.

3.2 Fired engine operation

To analyze the effect of the cycle-to-cycle variations in the

flow field upon the combustion process, we operate the

engine now in fired condition. In the compression phase,

we record the flow field by high-speed PIV until ignition.

After ignition, we evaluate the combustion properties by

thermodynamic pressure analysis. The time when 50 % of

the mass fraction is burned (MFB50) is used as a parameter

to describe the time-scale of the combustion process. We

performed the measurement for 75 consecutive combustion

cycles with stoichiometric mixture (k = 1). The mean

effective pressure is IMEP = 2.7 bar, which corresponds to

lower partial load. The ignition timing is set to 6� BTDC

in order to achieve an optimal average MFB50 of

12.6� ATDC. To identify key parameters in our data set,

we consider the 10 cycles with lowest, middlemost and

highest MFB50 and average the flow fields from the cycles

in the sub-sets.

Figure 9 shows the kinetic energy of the flow field for

the averaged cycles with lowest, middlemost and highest

MFB50. In addition, the plot shows the kinetic energy

averaged over the complete ensemble (blue line). The

kinetic energy of the cycles with middlemost MFB50

(12.5�ATDC) coincides with the ensemble average. The

slow cycles (i.e., late MFB50 (15.1� ATDC)) hold for most

of the time a significantly lower kinetic energy compared to

the ensemble average. Beyond 20� BTDC, the energy

difference decreases, so that at ignition timing (6� BTDC),

the slowest cycles have almost the same energy as the

ensemble average. The fast burning cycles (i.e., early

MFB50 (10.7� ATDC)) hold the highest kinetic energy in

the flow field. Also here, at the end of the compression

phase, the difference in kinetic energy decreases toward the

value of the ensemble average. In summary, cycle-to-cycle

variations of the flow field significantly change the

dynamics of the combustion process. Fast burning cycles

show a considerably higher energy in the compression

phase. We assume that the energy is dissipated at the end of

compression toward small-scale dynamics in the flow field

(which are not resolvable by the PIV measurements). The

small-scale structures lead to enhanced flame propagation

velocities and therefore a faster combustion.

In order to confirm the effect of the flow field upon the

combustion process for individual cycles, we average the

kinetic energy of individual cycles in the time frame of

60�–20� BTDC and plot it vs. the corresponding MFB50

(Fig. 10). In addition, the figure shows a linear fit to the

data and the coefficient of determination. Figure 10a shows

the data for stoichiometric operation (k = 1). We observe a

distinct trend toward faster combustion (i.e., lower

MFB50) with increasing kinetic energy of the flow field.

The coefficient of determination is R2 = 0.59, which

confirms the effect of the flow field upon the combustion

dynamics. Thus, cycle-to-cycle variations of the kinetic

energy in the flow field are clearly a source of fluctuations

in the combustion process at stoichiometric operation.

Figure 10b shows the data for lean operation (k = 1.5).

The manifold pressure is kept constant at 450 mbar. Due to

the lean combustion, the mean effective pressure reduces to

IMEP = 2 bar. Moreover, the flame propagation is slower.

To compensate this, the ignition timing is shifted to

18� BTDC in order to maintain the optimal mean MFB50






kin [m










ω [1




Fig. 5 Evolution of the kinetic energy a and vorticity b around firing

top dead center. The solid, blue line depicts ensemble-averaged

kinetic energy. The gray background indicates the range of the

standard deviation

Exp Fluids (2012) 53:1701–1712 1707


of 11.9� ATDC. In this case, we observe a slight trend

toward faster combustion (i.e., lower MFB50) for cycles

with higher kinetic energy in the flow field. The scatter of








n [m2/s


Fig. 7 Evolution of the kinetic energy for individual combustion

cycles (red circles). The solid, blue line depicts ensemble-averaged

kinetic energy. The gray background indicates the range of the

standard deviation

cycle 14 cycle 25 cycle 4715

















x position [mm]x position [mm]x position [mm]

y po


n [m






y po


n [m


y po


n [m


90° BTDC 90° BTDC 90° BTDC

60° BTDC 60° BTDC 60° BTDC

30° BTDC 30° BTDC 30° BTDC

-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30


















piston piston piston

Fig. 6 Flow fields of three individual combustion cycles (labeled with numbers 14, 25, 47) from a set of 75 cycles, at timings 90�, 60� and

30� BTDC, recorded by high-speed PIV

−30 −20 −10 0 10 20 300





x position [mm]

y po


n [m


ensemble average90° BTDC60° BTDC30° BTDC

Fig. 8 Motion of the tumble center in an ensemble-average flow field

(black line). Position of the tumble center for individual cycles at 90�(blue triangles), 60� (red squares) and 30� BTDC (green circles).

Data determined from a set of 75 individual cycles, recorded by high-

speed PIV

1708 Exp Fluids (2012) 53:1701–1712


the data around the regression line is quite large, and the

coefficient of determination is lower (R2 = 0.26) compared

to the case of stoichiometric operation. Thus, we suspect

that the kinetic energy in the flow field has a smaller effect

on the combustion dynamics at lean operation. To deter-

mine the source of the larger fluctuations in lean operation,

we imaged the combustion flame simultaneously with PIV.

3.3 Simultaneous PIV and flame imaging

To image the flame propagation in parallel to PIV, we

slightly modified our experimental setup and replaced the

optical bandpass filter by a long-pass filter with cutoff

wavelength at 515 nm (Schott, OG515). The filter still

protects the camera from the bright flash of the ignition

plasma (i.e., mainly in the ultraviolet spectral region), but

transmits enough radiation from the flame to detect a

distinct flame contour. We reduce the field of view of the

camera to 32 9 16 mm and the spatial resolution to

704 9 368 px. This permits an increase of the frame rate to

16 kHz, corresponding to one image of the flow field taken

every 0.8� crank angle. The frame rate is sufficiently fast to

resolve the dynamics of the flame propagation. We record

the flow field and flame propagation in the time interval

from ignition to 20� ATDC for 75 individual combustion

cycles. For the calculation of the flow field, we mask the

flame area by application of an upper intensity threshold.

Figure 11 shows the evolution of the flow field in three

individual combustion cycles (18, 51, 58), which represent

examples for a slow, medium and fast combustion. The

measurement is performed at lean operation (k = 1.5). The

ignition timing is set to 22� BTDC and the mean MFB50 is

11.6� ATDC. In all cases, a clear vortex structure is vis-

ible. However, the local flow field (recorded at a timing of

20� BTDC) near the flame kernel varies strongly from

cycle to cycle. As the combustion process proceeds, the

flame kernel follows the motion of the in-cylinder flow

field. In cycle 18, the flow field pushes the flame kernel

leftwards to the chamber wall. Under these conditions, the

flame propagation is retarded due to heat losses at the wall

(i.e., quenching) and the fact that the flame front cannot

propagate isotropically in all directions. The characteristics

of this delayed combustion are visible in the pressure trace

and the late MFB50 of 24.0� ATDC. In cycle 51, the flame

kernel moves to the middle of the combustion chamber and

is afterward carried upwards by the tumble structure. At

this point, the flame can propagate isotropically in all

directions. Thus, we get a more regular flame propagation.

The MFB50 of 11.1� ATDC is close to the ensemble

average of 11.6� ATDC. Cycle 58 shows a flow field

pointing downwards at the ignition location. Therefore, the

flow field pushes the flame kernel straight toward the pis-

ton. On the piston surface, we get a stagnation point and the

flame kernel splits into two section. One part of the flame

kernel moves to the left and the second one to the right.











n [m2/s


ensemble averagelowest MFB50middlemost MFB50highest MFB50

Fig. 9 Kinetic energy for fired operation (k = 1). Combustion cycles

with lowest (green squares), middlemost (red triangles) and highest

(black diamonds) MFB50, as well as ensemble-averaged kinetic

energy (solid, blue line)

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100









[° A




[m2/s2] Ekin



30 40 50 60 70 80








[° A



(b)R2 = 0.59 R2 = 0.26

Fig. 10 MFB50 determined from pressure traces versus kinetic

energy of the flow field (averaged between 60–20� BTDC) deter-

mined by PIV, for a stoichiometric operation (k = 1) and b lean

operation (k = 1.5). The blue circles depict the data of individual

cycles. The dashed, black line shows a linear fit

Exp Fluids (2012) 53:1701–1712 1709


Afterward, both parts propagate independently from each

other. Due to this specific situation of two flame sections

(i.e., a large flame area), the combustion process becomes

very fast. This is also visible from thermodynamic pressure

analysis, which yields an early MFB50 of 8.9� ATDC.

However, we note that when using a glass piston as in the

experiments discussed here, the heat losses at the piston are

lower than with a standard metal piston. Higher heat losses

might retard the flame propagation, which would attenuate

the effect of the larger flame area.

Figure 12 shows the flame propagation and flow field for

stoichiometric operation. Also in this figure, three individual

combustion cycles (42, 54, 12), representing a slow, medium

and fast combustion, are shown. The ignition timing is set to

7� BTDC, which results in a mean MFB50 of 12.5� BTDC.

Due to the faster combustion at stoichiometric operation, the

time interval between the images is shortened. During the

combustion process, the influence of the macroscopic flow

field is much lower compared to lean operation (compare

Fig. 11). In none of the cycles, a significant motion of the

flame kernel can be observed. We only notice a minor

deformation of the flame by the flow field. In cycle 12 (fast

combustion, MFB50 = 9.1� BTDC), the flame is slightly

stretched by the rotation of the tumble vortex. In cycle 54

(medium combustion, MFB50 = 12.1� BTDC), this effect is

even weaken and in cycle 12 (slow combustion,

MFB50 = 15.5� BTDC), no deformation of the flame ker-

nel occurs. The deformation of the flame may lead to a faster

combustion due to larger flame area. For stoichiometric

operation, this effect seems to be secondary, since the kinetic

energy is the major source for cycle-to-cycle fluctuations in

the combustion process—as shown in Fig. 10a. Anyhow, the

macroscopic influence of the flow field might explain the

slight scatter of the data in Fig. 10a.

We conclude that for stoichiometric operation, the

macroscopic motion of the flame kernel is of minor

importance. Since the flame propagation is faster, the time

slot for macroscopic variations in the flame kernel is sig-

nificantly shorter. Moreover, the ignition timing is closer to

TDC, when the kinetic energy (and therefore also the

velocities) of the flow field is lower (see Fig. 5a). For lean

operation, the velocity distribution in the flow field clearly

determines macroscopic motion of the flame kernel. This

can either lead to advantages for flame propagation (e.g., a













30y po


n [m


x position [mm]x position [mm]x position [mm]

y po


n [m


y po


n [m


y po


n [m






cycle 18 “slow” cycle 51 “medium” cycle 58 “fast”

-20 -10 0 10 -20 -10 0 10 -20 -10 0 10













Fig. 11 Simultaneous imaging of flame propagation and flow fields of three individual combustion cycles (labeled with numbers 18, 51, 58)

from a set of 75 cycles, at timings 20�, 16�, 12�, and 8� BTDC, recorded by high-speed PIV, at lean operation (k = 1.5)

1710 Exp Fluids (2012) 53:1701–1712


large flame area due to fragmentation) or to disadvantages

(e.g., flame quenching near the walls). This effect seems to

be more important than the influence of the kinetic energy

upon the combustion process—and hence may explain the

large scatter of the data in Fig. 10b.

4 Conclusions

We investigated the effect of the in-cylinder flow field upon

combustion dynamics in an optically accessible gasoline

engine by high-speed PIV with solid particles (i.e., graphite)

as tracer. The solid tracer particles permit measurements at

firing top dead center and during the combustion process. In

particular, we monitored the in-cylinder flow field (i.e., the

velocity distribution) for the intake and compression strokes

of the engine. As a prominent feature in the flow field, we

observed and studied the dynamics of a large-scale tumble

structure—which is still present at typical ignition timings.

Moreover, we observed large cycle-to-cycle fluctuations of

the flow field, which we quantify by variations in the kinetic

energy and the location of the tumble center. We conducted

measurements in fired operation to determine the effect of

such fluctuations upon the combustion dynamics. As a small

extension of the PIV setup, we simultaneously imaged the

motion of the combustion flame. At stoichiometric operation

of the engine, cycle-to-cycle variations of the combustion

process are mainly due to variations in the kinetic energy of

the flow field. The macroscopic motion of the combustion

flame by the flow field is of minor importance at stoichi-

ometric operation—as the flame propagation is faster and the

time for macroscopic variations of the flame is shorter. At

lean operation, the flow field induces a considerable, mac-

roscopic motion of the flame kernel—which significantly

effects the combustion process. Thus, at lean operation, it is

mainly the large-scale flow structure, which leads to cycle-

to-cycle variations in the combustion process—while vari-

ations of the kinetic energy play a minor role in this case. In

summary, high-speed PIV of the in-cylinder flow field serves

as a valuable tool to determine and quantify sources for

cycle-to-cycle fluctuations in the combustion process of a

gasoline engine.


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x position [mm]x position [mm]x position [mm]

























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